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Vegan mum ‘obsessed with hygiene’ dies after horror E. coli infection as husband pays tribute to ‘powerhouse of a woman’



Vegan mum 'obsessed with hygiene' dies after horror E. coli infection as husband pays tribute to 'powerhouse of a woman'

THE husband of a vegan mum who was “obsessed with hygiene” and died from a horror E coli infection has paid tribute to her.

Laura Farmer, 46, died at a London hospital in April after being diagnosed with Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), caused by Shiga toxin-producing E coli (STEC).

Steve Farmer wrote about the 'powerhouse of a woman' and told the story of how they met, in a touching tribute following her tragic death


Steve Farmer wrote about the ‘powerhouse of a woman’ and told the story of how they met, in a touching tribute following her tragic deathCredit: FACEBOOK

Her husband of 14 years, Steve Farmer, wrote about the “powerhouse of a woman” and told the story of how they met, in a touching tribute following her tragic death.


In a post on April 30, he revealed how he sold her a bike, and then went on a run for their first date, before he proposed to her – with a ring that didn’t fit – a few months later.

He wrote: “We travelled the world, we bought a house, she taught me to scuba dive, we learned to ski.

“She gave birth to [our son], a daredevil of fun and kindness, and we began our next episode.

“I opened many a bottle of fizz for her, she called it attitude changer, sundowner, or just because!


“We made up parenting as we went. That’s a lie, she researched it, wrote lists and smashed it out the park.”

But he revealed how, the previous Friday, he lost “the most amazing woman way too soon”.

He added: “In honour of Laura, go watch the ducklings, write your affirmations, make healthy choices, break them!

“Have a sundowner and love every second of your journey.


“She would laugh, smile and nod at my picture choice… warm sea full of fish, sun on her back, sundowner consumed and taking the P out of me.”

E coli bacteria. The coroner listed matters of concern, saying there was a risk that future deaths would occur 'unless action is taken'


E coli bacteria. The coroner listed matters of concern, saying there was a risk that future deaths would occur ‘unless action is taken’Credit: Getty

Coroner for Inner North London, Mary Hassell, said Laura was conscious about food hygiene, and the family found the E coli diagnosis “difficult to understand”.

The coroner added: “She was a vegan who took great pains with food preparation.


“As a family they were extremely hygiene conscious.

“When Ms Farmer became ill, her family members wanted to understand what had happened and to keep themselves as safe as possible.”

A jury made a determination at inquest that Laura Farmer died from a stroke caused by an E coli infection.

What are the symptoms of STEC?


Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli can cause gastrointestinal illness that can become severe.

The most common type of STEC in the UK is O157, according to a 2017 report by Public Health England.

Some people who are exposed to STEC do not become ill. Others develop stomach cramps and bloody diarrhoea.

Symptoms can also include vomiting, fever, and chills.


In severe cases, the infection can damage organs, such as the kidneys.

Symptoms can appear anywhere from one to ten days after exposure but usually appear around three to four days after exposure.

Most of those affected by the bug will get better without treatment within a week. Sufferers are advised to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Are you at risk of getting it?


People can become infected by:

  • Eating contaminated food
  • Contact with infected animals either directly or through inadvertent contact with animal faeces, for example at farms, petting farms and campsites
  • Contact with other people who have the illness (through inadequate hand hygiene after using the toilet, before food handling – particularly in households, nurseries, infant schools, or both
  • Drinking water from inadequately treated water supplies
  • Swimming or playing in contaminated water such as ponds or streams

STEC are very infectious because very few bacteria are needed to cause illness.

This means that disease can spread easily within families and in other settings such as day nurseries, primary schools, nursing homes and hospitals where there are young children and others who might have difficulty keeping clean.

How can you protect yourself from STEC?

An STEC infection can be prevented by taking the following precautions:

  • Cook all minced meat products (burgers, meatloaf, meatballs) thoroughly, until the colour is the same all the way through, and no blood runs from them
  • Ensure refrigerators are working correctly – bacteria grow more quickly at temperatures over 4oC
  • Only leave cooked foods, meat and dairy products out at room temperature for a short time
  • Store uncooked meats below-cooked meats and salad vegetables to avoid dripping juices onto ready-to-eat food
  • Store uncooked and cooked meats on different plates, and avoid all contact between raw and cooked meats
  • Thoroughly wash all salad vegetables and do not prepare them with utensils that have also been used for raw meat
  • Children and the elderly who are particularly susceptible to the severe effects of STEC should avoid eating or drinking unpasteurised dairy products
  • People who have been ill should not prepare food for others for at least 48 hours after they have recovered
  • Boil any drinking water if you are unsure of its source
  • Do not swim in water that you think may be contaminated by cattle and sheep in nearby fields
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet (or helping others including changing nappies), handling raw meat, before meals and after contact with animals

Source: PHE

Ms Farmer was admitted to University College Hospital on 20 April and diagnosed with HUS caused by Shiga toxin producing E coli.

When she was “thought to be in the recovery phase”, she suffered an unexpected stroke and, despite best efforts, died as a consequence, according to the Prevention of Future Deaths Report.

The coroner listed matters of concern, saying there was a risk that future deaths would occur “unless action is taken”.

She wrote: “After his wife’s diagnosis, Mr Farmer was given no advice about how to keep himself and their child safe.


“He cleaned the bathroom in anticipation of his wife’s return home, but did not use any personal protective equipment.

“When he later became unwell, he did not know whether he had put himself at risk.

“Having heard his description in court, I think it is not an exaggeration to say that he was then terrified that his own actions might leave his child an orphan.

“The clinicians treating Ms Farmer gave evidence at inquest that they did not know if the source of the infection that killed her had ever been identified.”


In her matters of concern, the coroner wrote that someone from “what was described to me as public health (I assume the UKHSA)” spoke to Laura the day before her death.

They asked for information, but she was in intensive care and not able to give a full, detailed picture.

“There was apparently no exploration of potential contact with animals or water sports and I was told that only scant details of a recent restaurant visit were obtained,” she wrote.

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Nine ways to feel full without eating more that will help you lose weight and live longer



Nine ways to feel full without eating more that will help you lose weight and live longer

EATING less can help you lose weight and maybe live longer.

A study published last week found that mice eating restricted diets lived the longest – 34 months compared to 25 for those scoffing whatever they pleased.

Luckily, there are ways you can feel full without having to eat more


Luckily, there are ways you can feel full without having to eat moreCredit: Getty
Dr Aileen Alexander, founder of online coaching firm Nourish, reveals how to fill up while consuming fewer calories


Dr Aileen Alexander, founder of online coaching firm Nourish, reveals how to fill up while consuming fewer caloriesCredit: Instagram/doctoraileen__

And it’s not just rodents – National Institutes of Health scientists found in 2023 that when 200 people cut their calories by 12 per cent for two years, they showed DNA changes that suggested they were ageing more slowly, and their risk of early death was slashed by up to 15 per cent.

But it’s tricky to keep calories down if your belly never feels full. A croissant for breakfast and a bowl of lettuce or soup for lunch is likely to leave you hungry.

Luckily, there are ways you can feel full without having to eat more. Dr Aileen Alexander, founder of online coaching firm Nourish, tells Lucy Gornall how to fill up while consuming fewer calories . . . 


OPT for a smaller plate than usual — research has found it’s associated with higher satiety and a smaller intake of food.

Choose a smaller plate than usual — studies show doing this is linked to feeling fuller and eating less overall


Choose a smaller plate than usual — studies show doing this is linked to feeling fuller and eating less overallCredit: Getty

Dr Alexander says: “When the same portion size is placed on a small plate instead of large, it appears larger, making you feel satisfied without the sense of restriction or deprivation.”

When looking at your plate, around one-quarter should be protein, which is the most satiating macronutrient.

Dr Alexander says: “Protein slows digestion and reduces hunger hormones while increasing the hormones that make us feel full.


“Chicken, white fish and tofu are highly satiating.”

A quarter of the plate should be complex carbohydrates, such as quinoa, brown rice, or sweet potato, and the last half non-starchy vegetables. Add a small amount of fat such as avocado, olive oil or cheese.


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10-Minute Full Body Plank Routine with Chloe (1)

“Tapas-style dining often involves small portions of highly palatable fat-rich foods,” Dr Alexander explains.


The small, frequent servings can trick the brain into thinking you’re not eating as much as you are. This makes it easy to consume more calories without feeling full.

“It’s also difficult to know how much you’ve eaten because you’re sharing from a plate whilst chatting with others, instead of being able to visualise your full meal on a single dish at the beginning.”


BEFORE sitting down to eat, or looking in the fridge for a snack, drink a glass of water.

Dr Alexander says: 'Often we will mistake thirst for hunger, so drinking water before or with a meal will help'


Dr Alexander says: ‘Often we will mistake thirst for hunger, so drinking water before or with a meal will help’Credit: Getty

Research has found that drinking water before a meal could help you feel fuller and therefore cause you to eat less during that meal.

Dr Alexander says: “Often we will mistake thirst for hunger, so drinking water before or with a meal will help.

“It also distends the stomach, creating feelings of fullness.” You could add chia seeds to your water ­— a trend which is seen on TikTok.

“They are high in fibre which also promotes satiety,” Dr Alexander says.



STILL hungry despite snacking on sweets, cakes, crisps and biscuits?

These foods tend to be made from a combination of saturated fats and simple carbs — the type that are broken down and absorbed quickly.

This leads to a blood sugar spike followed by a crash, leaving you feeling hungry again shortly after.

Dr Alexander says: “These foods are ultra-processed and provide instant gratification. Yet they are low in protein, fibre, and healthy fats, which are the components that help to signal fullness.”


So, go for complex carbs, proteins and healthy fats, such as a quarter of an avocado spread on two oat cakes.


MOST of us know we should eat more slowly, although this is painstaking.

But it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signals that you are full, says Dr Alexander.

Going for strong-smelling food may be the answer, after a Dutch study found you’re more likely to take smaller bites of food that has a strong aroma.


The study suggested that each bite could contain between five and ten per cent less food than usual.

Even strong but pleasant smells, such as from desserts, had the same effect.

So, make sure to stock up on plenty of smelly foods such as hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, a mackerel salad or stinky cheese for lunch and salmon for your evening meal.


THE average Brit is eating below the recommended 30g of fibre per day, according to the British Heart Foundation.


Yet as Dr Alexander explains, “fibre is a critical component of feeling full”.

She adds: “Fibre is the indigestible part of plant foods, slowing digestion.”

Slower digestion makes us feel fuller for longer — and your bowels will be more regular. Up your intake with fruits and vegetables at each meal, as well as whole grains.

Dr Alexander suggests swapping white rice and pasta for their brown counterparts, white bread for wholegrain bread and sugary cereals for oats or wholegrain granola.



MUCH of the time, it’s your emotions driving hunger, when really your stomach is full.

Try brushing your teeth after eating a meal, to prevent sweet-tooth cravings from kicking in


Try brushing your teeth after eating a meal, to prevent sweet-tooth cravings from kicking inCredit: Getty

To distract your brain, try chewing on sugar-free gum.

A small study published in the journal Appetite found that when people chewed gum after breakfast they felt less hungry at lunch.


As a result, scientists found they ate less pasta (41g, 68 calories).

You could also try brushing your teeth after eating a meal, to prevent sweet-tooth cravings from kicking in.

But it’s advised to brush teeth 30 minutes after eating to avoid damaging tooth enamel.


HAVE a starter before your main meal, whether at a restaurant or home.


Dr Alexander advises: “Start off with a salad or a broth-based soup. These are high in volume but low in calories, helping to fill your stomach before the main meal arrives.”

Miso soup sachets sold in the supermarket are quick to make and low-calorie.

Or, you could make a ratatouille or a big bowl of salad to take servings from throughout the week.


VEGETABLES are a must for filling your stomach without the hit of lots of extra unnecessary calories.

Vegetables are essential for filling you up without adding a lot of extra, unnecessary calories


Vegetables are essential for filling you up without adding a lot of extra, unnecessary caloriesCredit: Getty

Dr Alexander says: “They are packed with fibre and water, which stretch the stomach and activate stretch receptors, signalling fullness to your brain. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals which are essential for a healthy diet.”

Vegetables that are easy to throw into almost anything include mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach and courgette.

Or buy a frozen bag of mixed vegetables to keep costs low, and mix it up each week.


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my morning routine in Cyprus ☀️🫶🏽 #gymgirl #morningroutine #fitnessgirl



my morning routine in Cyprus ☀️🫶🏽 #gymgirl #morningroutine #fitnessgirl


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I’ve been suffering from a dry throat for over a year – how do I get rid of it?



I've been suffering from a dry throat for over a year - how do I get rid of it?

DR Zoe Williams, our resident specialist and NHS GP, shares her expert advice with our readers.

Here she helps a reader who has been suffering with a dry throat for a year.

Dr Zoe helps a reader who has been suffering from a dry throat for a year


Dr Zoe helps a reader who has been suffering from a dry throat for a yearCredit: Olivia West
Dr Zoe explains that ­a dry throat can be caused by several factors


Dr Zoe explains that ­a dry throat can be caused by several factorsCredit: Getty

Q) I HAVE had a dry throat for over a year and a half and nothing will shake it off.

A) A dry throat lasting over a year can be caused by several factors.

Saliva, which lubricates the mouth and throat, is produced less when you haven’t sufficiently hydrated yourself by taking in enough fluids.

Dry air, especially when the central heating is on in winter, can contribute to throat dryness, as can allergies.


Have you tried using antihistamines or a steroid nasal spray?

If not, then a trial of these from the pharmacist may be worth a try.

A pharmacist may help with a congested nose, which could also be causing you to breathe through your mouth and make your throat dry.

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is when acid reflux from the stomach can irritate the oesophageal, causing throat dryness.


Meanwhile, conditions such as Sjögren’s syndrome or thyroid issues and medications, especially antihistamines or blood pressure drugs, can lead to persistent dryness.

So as you can see, it’s important to consult your GP for a thorough evaluation and review.

I’m a GP and here’s why your doctor might have to stroke your thigh in check-ups

In the meantime, stay hydrated, try using a humidifier, and avoid irritants like smoke.



I understand readers’ frustrations trying to get GP appointments.

Please persist, as your problem is important.

If you are willing to give information to receptionists, they can triage you to the best member of the care team, which might not be a GP.

You can order repeat prescriptions via the NHS app or your GP surgery’s website.


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Womens Workouts

30-Minute No-Equipment Cardio & HIIT Workout



30-Minute No-Equipment Cardio & HIIT Workout

Get ready to torch calories with Le Sweat founder Charlee Atkins! This no-equipment workout includes three circuits that are going to get your heart rate up and have you feeling the burn. If you love this workout, you can find more than 40 workouts from Charlee on Le Sweat TV: From HIIT to strength training to stretching, the library of exercises on Le Sweat TV are organized by body part (abs, booty, arms, legs, etc.) and duration (5-30 minutes) so you can pick the workout that best suits your mood. You’ll also get access to challenges and a weekly workout schedule curated by Charlee to make sure you feel “le burn.”

Find more from Charlee on:

On Anna: Koral leggings and bra, Define Your Inspiration tank, and APL shoes.
On Charlee: Athleta outfit and Adidas shoes.
On Christina: LNDR leggings, Cotton on Body tank, and APL shoes.

POPSUGAR Fitness offers fresh fitness tutorials, workouts, and exercises that will help you on your road to healthy living, weight loss, and stress relief. Check out Class FitSugar, our do-it-along-with-us, real-time workout show hosted by Anna Renderer, who will inspire you to sweat alongside fitness experts and Hollywood’s hottest celebrity trainers. Class FitSugar regularly covers the most buzzed-about workout classes and trends, including the Victoria’s Secret workout, Tabata, P90X, Bar Method, and more.


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Navy SEAL BUD/S training: ‘Hell Week’ explained



Navy SEAL BUD/S training:  ‘Hell Week’ explained

The Navy’s training for SEALS, called BUD/S, is known as one of the most arduous trials in the military, testing the physical and mental strength of SEAL candidates. Three weeks into the first phase of training, “Hell Week” is an exhaustive test of someone’s commitment to becoming a Navy SEAL.

“I call it a gut check to see who really wants to be there and is not going to quit regardless of how miserable they are,” said former Navy SEAL Paul Anderson, who retired from the Navy in 2012. “It’s very, very difficult during ‘Hell Week.’ You get 4 hours of sleep. You’re not allowed to have any caffeine. Throughout the entire week, you’re hungry, you’re cold, you’re sandy, you’re wet, just the lack of sleep. Constantly getting pushed harder and harder.”

In this grueling 5-day stretch, each candidate runs more than 200 miles and sleeps only a total of four hours during the entire time.

Full story at


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Womens Workouts

20 Minute Full Body Standing Strength & Cardio Workout for Beginners



20 Minute Full Body Standing Strength & Cardio Workout for Beginners

Get ready to boost your strength and endurance with this 20 minute full body strength and cardio workout designed specifically for beginners. In this energizing session, we’ll incorporate weights to help you build muscle while getting your heart rate up. Perfect for those new to fitness or anyone looking to refresh their routine, this workout can be done at home with minimal equipment.

What to expect:
– A mix of strength training and cardio exercises targeting all major muscle groups
– Modifications and tips for beginners to ensure proper form and safety

Whether you’re looking to tone up, lose weight, or simply get moving, this workout is designed to provide results. Grab your weights and join me for an effective full body workout! Don’t forget to hydrate and listen to your body throughout the exercises.

👉 If you enjoyed this workout, make sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more beginner-friendly fitness videos! Let’s get moving together!


#FullBodyWorkout #StrengthTraining #CardioWorkout #BeginnersFitness #HomeWorkout #WeightsWorkout #FitnessJourney

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00:00 Intro
00:35 Warm-up Cardio
05:40 Strength
15:30 Cardio Cool-down
20:35 Stretching

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Disclaimer: You should always consult your physician before starting any ‘Improved Health’ fitness program or any other fitness program. You should understand when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge ‘Improved Health’ from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of participating in these exercise videos.


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