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The age you’re most likely to get fat revealed – as 80% of middle-aged blokes ‘overweight or obese’



The age you're most likely to get fat revealed - as 80% of middle-aged blokes 'overweight or obese'

EVER noticed your jeans shrink just as you blow out those birthday candles?

Turns out, it’s not just in your head – and your washing machine is probably fine.


Stark new figures reveal that with each passing decade, Brits are adding more ‘cushioning’ around their waistline – until they reach a certain age.


Eight in ten men in England aged 55 to 64 are now overweight or obese

By comparison, a third of men between the ages of 16 and 24 fall into the same category, according to the NHS. 

Carrying a lot of extra weight or being obese can increase the risk for all sorts of health problems, from diabetes to different types of cancer.

The newly published data, for 2022, covers the period in which Britain was plunged into a cost-of-living crisis and emerged from a series of lockdowns.


Both situations, experts have warned could trigger weight gain.

From 65 onwards, men appear to begin shifting the pounds, the data suggests. with just 78 per cent carrying a dangerous amount of weight.

And by the age of 75, just seven in ten men fall into the overweight or obese category.

Waistlines were also high among women, with more than two-thirds (69 per cent) of those aged 55 to 64.

NHS pays obese men £400 to lose weight

But weight gain for women peaks between the ages of 65 to 74, when 69 per cent are considered overweight or obese. 

Like with their male counterparts, weight gain drops when they reach 75, with just 64 per cent of women at that age overweight or obese.

Just over a third of women aged 16 to 24 (38 per cent) fall into this category, and that figure increases significantly to 57 per cent for those aged 35 to 44.

Dr Clare Hambling, NHS England’s director for diabetes and obesity, said: “Obesity is one of the biggest threats to health in the UK – it affects every human organ system and can have a major impact on people’s lives.


“Obesity increases people’s risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, mental ill health and many other illnesses which can lead to shorter lives, or affect quality of life, with greater need for healthcare.

“Today’s figures show the importance of supporting people who are overweight or living with obesity to reach a healthier weight.

“The NHS can play its part in that, alongside local councils, but we need to work with the rest of society to tackle the issues that contribute to obesity to help people remain as healthy as possible.”

Cost-of-living and lockdown weight

The average woman needs to eat around 2,000 calories a day to maintain a healthy weight, while the figure is 2,500 for men.


Weight gain occurs when a person, over time, consumes more calories than they burn.

How to lose weight safely

Losing weight should be a long-term commitment to healthier living, rather than any drastic measures.

The NHS tips – which can be adopted slowly – include:

  • Get active for 150 minutes a week – you can break this up into shorter sessions
  • Aim to get your 5 A Day – 80g of fresh, canned or frozen fruit or vegetables count as 1 portion
  • Aim to lose 1 to 2lbs, or 0.5 to 1kg, a week
  • Read food labels – products with more green colour coding than amber and red are often a healthier option
  • Swap sugary drinks for water – if you do not like the taste, add slices of lemon or lime for flavour
  • Cut down on food that’s high in sugar and fat – start by swapping sugary cereal for wholegrain alternatives
  • Share your weight loss plan with someone you trust – they can help motivate you when you have a bad day

Read about:

Research conducted in 2022, found that more than half of Brits believed the increased cost of living had made it harder for them to make healthy food and drink choices.


A poll of 2,000 adults found more than a fifth (23 per cent) weighed more in 2022 compared to a year before that, while 58 per cent of these believe the financial crisis has contributed to their weight gain.

Figures from 2021, suggested 40 per cent of British adults gained an average of 3kg during the pandemic.

They said this was because people tended to move less during prolonged periods of lockdown, with emotional eating and gym closures intensifying the trend.

Obesity has been well established as increasing the risk of serious health conditions that can damage the heart, such as high blood pressure, as well as cancers.


Being too fat has been estimated to cause one in 20 cancer cases in Britain, according to Cancer Research UK

Britain’s obesity crisis is also estimated to cost the nation nearly £100billion per year.

All the ways obesity can KILL you

Being overweight doesn’t mean you’ll automatically kill you.

But from having a “spare tyre” to being “apple-shaped”, carrying excess fat is associated with lots fo health problems.


Firstly, there’s heart disease.

Extra body fat can lead to high blood pressure and cholesterol, raising the chances of heart attacks.

Then we have type 2 diabetes.

Carrying excess weight makes your body resistant to insulin, resulting in high blood sugar levels and complications like kidney failure.


Obesity is also linked to 13 different cancers, which includes:

  • Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus
  • Breast cancer in postmenopausal women
  • Colon and rectum cancer
  • Uterus cancer
  • Gallbladder cancer
  • Upper stomach cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Ovaries cancer
  • Pancreas cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Meningioma, a type of brain cancer
  • Multiple myeloma

Sleep apnea, which disrupts breathing during sleep and can make people snore, is another risk.

Not being able to breathe properly can lead to a sudden drop in oxygen levels, which can be bad for the heart.

Moreover, obesity affects mental health, often leading to depression and anxiety due to stigma and discrimination.

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Womens Workouts

The Perfect Beginner Workout (Machines only)



The Perfect Beginner Workout (Machines only)

Ready for transform your body? Sign up for a discover call:


Here’s a beginners workout routine in the gym. Remember to shoot for 4 sets of 10-12 reps for each exercise. Focus on form!
The exercises I show you in this video are: Leg press, leg extension, leg curl, seated chest press, seated overhead press, and seated row.

PS – Whenever you’re ready, here are the 2 best ways I can help you…


#fitness #weightloss #fatloss

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Health & fitness

From headaches to sweating and swollen ankles – the 5 symptoms you NEVER want to wake up to and when to see your doctor



From headaches to sweating and swollen ankles - the 5 symptoms you NEVER want to wake up to and when to see your doctor

AFTER a good night’s sleep, you’d expect to wake up refreshed and ready to hit the day running.

But you might be faced with a rude awakening if you’re emerging from your slumber with various aches and pains – not what you’d call a beauty sleep.


Often, waking up with a niggle or two is not necessarily something to worry about.


But if your mornings are not so good due to symptoms like headaches, wheezing and swollen ankles, it’s worth seeing a doctor about them, Dr Sarah Jarvis warned.

The GP and clinical consultant to shared five red flag signs to watch out for when you wake up.

1. You’re still exhausted

If you’ve spent the night tossing and turning, it stands to reason that you won’t wake up feeling amazing.

But if you’re consistently rolling out of bed feeling like you’ve got no sleep at all, there might be something more serious at play.


“Feeling exhausted or unrefreshed when you wake could be a sign of obstructive sleep apnoea,” Dr Jarvis told Sun Health.

Sleep apnoea is when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep.

It can be pretty hard to tell if this is happening to you, unless someone is snoozing next to you.

If your bedfellow complains that you’re making gasping, snorting and choking noises, snoring loudly or waking up a lot, it’s important you see a GP.


Without treatment, sleep apnoea can heighten your risk of other problems like high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes and depression.

Five best stretches to improve sleep

Not to mention, it’ll leave you feeling very tired throughout the day as you grapple with mood swings, concentration issues and clanging headaches as soon as you crack open your eyes.

Dr Jarvis added: “Extreme tiredness for no reason can also be a sign of cancer, although this is less closely linked to the time when you wake.”

According to Cancer Research UK, some 65 per cent of cancer patients are affected by fatigue.


2. You have a headache

Starting the day off with a searing headache can be especially miserable.

Sometimes your throbbing temples will simply be caused by having a few too many glasses of wine the night before.

And – as mentioned above – waking up with a headache can also be a sign of sleep apnoea.

But headaches that wake you from sleep can be a sign of something as serious as cancer.


“Although uncommon, it’s extremely important to get these checked out as they could be a sign of a brain tumour,” Dr Jarvis stressed.

The most common symptoms of a brain tumour

More than 12,000 Brits are diagnosed with a primary brain tumour every year — of which around half are cancerous — with 5,300 losing their lives.

The disease is the most deadly cancer in children and adults aged under 40, according to the Brain Tumour Charity.

Brain tumours reduce life expectancies by an average of 27 years, with just 12 per cent of adults surviving five years after diagnosis.


There are two main types, with non-cancerous benign tumours growing more slowly and being less likely to return after treatment.

Cancerous malignant brain tumours can either start in the brain or spread there from elsewhere in the body and are more likely to return.

Brain tumours can cause headachesseizuresnausea, vomiting and memory problems, according to the NHS.

They can also lead to changes in personality weakness or paralysis on one side of the problem and problems with speech or vision.


The nine most common symptoms are:

  1. Headaches
  2. Seizures
  3. Feeling sick
  4. Being sick
  5. Memory problems
  6. Change in personality
  7. Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body
  8. Vision problems
  9. Speech problems

If you are suffering any of these symptoms, particularly a headache that feels different from the ones you normally get, you should visit your GP.

Source: NHS

3. You’re drenched in sweat

Waking up drenched in sweat can be an everyday reality of those going through the menopause.

It’s up there with other well-known symptoms like hot flushes and brain fog.


But ‘coming to’ with your pyjamas and sheets stuck to your skin can in some cases be a sign of cancer, Dr Jarvis added.

She told Sun Health: “While this is a common symptom of menopause, it can also be a sign of cancer such as lymphoma.”

Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that affects the immune system.

Over 14,000 people are diagnosed with lymphoma each year in the UK, according to Blood Cancer UK.


A common symptom of the cancer is painless lumps in your neck, collarbone, armpit, or groin, as well as other parts of the body.

Aside from night sweats that soak your bedding, lymphoma can cause unexplained weight loss and a fever.

4. You’re wheezing

If you have asthma – a common lung condition causing breathing difficulties – wheezing won’t be a foreign concept to you.

But waking early in the morning with wheezing or shortness of breath if you have asthma could be something to worry about.


“This is often a red flag that your asthma is worsening,” Dr Jarvis said.

Your condition may be getting worse if you haven’t kept up with using your preventer inhaler or you’re dealing with stress or hormonal changes, according to Asthma + Lung UK.

Other symptoms that your asthma isn’t as well managed as it should be include:

  • Feeling breathless    
  • Coughing
  • Having a tight chest
  • Symptoms waking you up at night 
  • Finding it harder to do everyday things like housework, playing with children, or going to work
  • Having to use your reliever inhaler more than usual

5. Ankles are swollen

Swollen ankles after a long flight tends to be nothing to worry about.

But puffiness around your feet is certainly not a sight you want to behold when you wake up.


According to Dr Jarvis: “Swollen ankles when you wake in the morning can be a sign of kidney problems or heart failure.”

Swelling in the ankles, feet and legs is often caused by a build-up of fluid in these areas, called oedema.

Kidney disease – a long term condition where the organs don’t work as well they should – doesn’t tend to cause symptoms in the early stages.

But you may develop a number of symptoms if it isn’t spotted early or the disease gets worse.


Aside from swollen ankles, feet and hands, these can include unintentional weight loss and poor appetite, tiredness, shortness of breath, blood in your pee and an increased urge to go to the loo.

Heart failure occurs when the heart struggles to pump blood around the body properly.

Breathlessness, extreme tiredness and feeling lightheaded or fainting are among the main symptoms, on top of swelling.

When your partner’s snoring is a concern


Lots of people snore… So when is it really a concern?

Dr Verena Senn, sleep expert at Emma Sleep, told The Sun when snoring could indicate sleep apnoea – a sleep condition that causes breathing to repeatedly stop and re-start when you’re asleep.

The main symptoms are feeling very tired, finding it hard to concentrate and having mood swings, the NHS says.

Dr Senn said that sleep apnoea can often go undetected as it can happen without the patient’s knowing.


“Sleep partners can therefore play a crucial role in recognising this serious disease so it can be treated.”

You should tell your partner to visit their GP if:

  • Their snoring is really loud
  • They stop breathing while sleeping
  • They wake up gasping or choking through the night
  • They complain of sleepiness in the daytime or headaches in the morning

People with obstructive sleep apnoea will often also suffer with high blood pressure.

When you stop breathing during your sleep, your nervous system kicks in and releases stress hormones which may raise blood pressure over time.

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Womens Workouts

woman home practice out full breast program and #shorts #video #exercise #practice



woman home practice out full breast program and #shorts #video  #exercise #practice

Improve breast fullness for 10min every day

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#lift #practical


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Womens Workouts

30 MIN LOW IMPACT Full Body Workout – No Equipment – No Jumping – No Repeat



30 MIN LOW IMPACT Full Body Workout - No Equipment - No Jumping - No Repeat

A 30 MINUTE APARTMENT FRIENDLY Workout – No Jumping, No Equipment, No Repeat! Low Impact does not mean low Intensity – This Workout will burn calories and fat + strengthen and tone your Muscles ♥︎ I hope you enjoy working out with me and the TEAM and most importantly HAVE FUN!

Please remember that we are all different and that you can make this your own workout ♥︎ Take a longer break when you need to.

▸ Workout Focus: Cardio, Muscle Toning
▸ Time: 30 Min + 5 Min Warm Up
▸ Equipment: NO EQUIPMENT

▸ Workout Instructions: Follow along and complete as many reps as possible in 50 Seconds. After 10 Seconds of Rest continue to the next move.


▸ Join the OFFICIAL TEAM GROW Community Group:

Please remember that we are all different and that you can make this your own workout ♡ Take a longer break when you need to.

▸ The Workout:
1. Warm Up 0:00 – 05:20
2. Workout 05:21 – 35:08

♡ Music:​


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♡ My @foodspring Supplements:

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If you are a newbie start with a simple and easy exercise before attempting all advanced exercises. Performing exercises out of your capability might strain your muscles and you may get injured.

This channel offers health, fitness and nutritional information. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Growingannanas will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.


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Womens Workouts

Latina version workout 🔥🍓 #fitness #crossfit #workout #gym #gymlover #gymstatus #glutes #legday



Latina version workout 🔥🍓 #fitness #crossfit #workout #gym #gymlover #gymstatus #glutes #legday

This is a place where I post REAL TIME, AT HOME workouts.
My goal is to help inspire everyone at all fitness levels to get up, get moving and reach their goals

#shorts #gymlover #fitness #workout #gym #crossfit #transformation #yoga #motivation #gymstatus #fitnessvalley

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#fitness #crossfit #workout #gym #gymlover #gymstatus #glutes #legday


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Womens Workouts

15 Minute Beginner Full Body Dumbbell Workout



15 Minute Beginner Full Body Dumbbell Workout


This 15 minute workout uses a set of dumbbells and bodyweight moves to strengthen and tone your body. Keeping all moves lower impact and lower intensity, you’ll still get your heart pumping to burn fat and calories, moving at a beginner’s pace to learn form and function.

Check out the 4 Week Beginner Program Here:


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