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🔴 'Magaly Tv, la firme' | EN VIVO 19 de setiembre del 2024



🔴 'Magaly Tv, la firme' |  EN VIVO 19 de setiembre del 2024

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  1. @gladysmendoza807

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Y Vulgares tbm. Para eso se juntan 😡Y la Magaly otra que decepción

  2. @LizetMI24

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Magali siempre te sigo, pero pf deja en paz a Milet, tal vez no sea ina Santa pero es una joven que como sea trtaa de salir adelante.

  3. @SusanaCruzValdivia-ef7ss

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Chismosa chismosa

  4. @krmn23760

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Se fué de paseo con sus hijas que estan sacando la mugre trabajando en USA pobrecitas

  5. @Valenro28

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Ya suelta a Millet tantoo quieres q la traten como cualquier cosa, pero más aferrada estará con Tinelli jaja . Lo q te arde es q existan mujeres como ella que tengan ese PODER q tu no tienes, q es la BELLEZA 😅😅, y pueden seducir a Hombres con fama y riqueza para llegar lejos por su belleza y físico. Eres envidiosa, como si ella fuera la única q hace eso, muchísimas mujeres lo hacen, aprovechan su FEMINEIDAD para casarse con millonarios o famosos. Deja tu cólera y pasa pagina xq no nos interesa farándula argentinaaaa!!

  6. @steverobinssonmedinasimon8878

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Pronosticaron una mujer mediatica de las noches estaria involucrada en la red del chivo… Huistes Magaly¡?? No t fuges tia 😂

  7. @Valenro28

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Magaly como periodista de política está en la calle, no puede, su cerebelo no le da😅😅 oh q casualidad invita a Augusto thornike q es director periodístico del noticiero de WILLAX dónde se están destapando TODAS LAS COCHINADAS DEL CHIBOLIN, acaso quiere franelearlo para q no saquen algo de su pingüino??? Uhmm a esta mujer doble discurso y doble moral siempre tira agua a su molino, ya no se le cree q QUIERA DESTAPAR LA VERDAD DE TANTA CORRUPCIÓN EN ESTE PAIS DE CIEGOS, SORDOS Y MUDOS. Ella siempre cuidará sus INTERESES PERSONALES, ya lo ha hecho desde 1998 q entró a ATV q tbn fue comprada su LINEA EDITORIAL POR MONTESINOS y ella siempre calladita, NUNCA RECLAMÓ NI SE APARTÓ, AL CONTRARIO FACTURÓ A MÁS NO PODER CON SUS CORTINAS DE HUMOO!!

  8. @maritzamendozacamarena-qp5mw

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Q bueno q Paloma Lopez se divierta,tiene q seguir adelante…no merece botar una lágrima x una basura q no se merece …pero q no se descuide de sus hijos

  9. @maritzamendozacamarena-qp5mw

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Claro !! q facture gratis Paloma Lopez

  10. @Tovalicantara

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Los Capuñay van a comprar Frecuencia Latina… CONFIRMO! X2 Aluuu…😂

  11. @estrelladelmar5718

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Esa Magaly ya fugó del país

  12. @maritagarcia5099

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am


  13. @deanda835

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Hola deverias hablar de todo lo malo que esta asiendo nicola y asta la mama de nicola con agustin y después de dos meses disiendo basura de agus ahora que sale agus del show ya se volvio santo nicola y anda asiendose la victima mucha gente en mexico ya no lo quieren ataca asta alas fans

  14. @maritagarcia5099

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am


  15. @luzmarinachaquireoncoy1671

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Parece que ellos quieren salvar a Chibolin!

  16. @vanessajesus6915

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    se junto el hambre y la necesidad jajajajja

  17. @margaretoropezadextre7255

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Magaly asi como te ensañas con Milet Figueroa hubieras cuestionado al papá de tu engreída (Chibolin]. Al menos tuviste la genial idea de entrevistar a alguien que diga lo que tú no quieres y debes decir, Augusto un periodista a carta cabal no más que trata de dejar hablar a tus invitados ya pareces la Oxenford.

  18. @janetancco8034

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Donde pero donde estan ahora sus amigos

  19. @juliagladyscamprubiflores2457

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    La Magaly se encuentra con las hijas de Chibolin me contaron sera cierto?

  20. @anamorales290

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Que poca Magaly…siempre los programas con ayuda social han invitado a empresarios politicos apoyar alguna causa recuerdo el programa de Vale la pena Soñar cada semana un empresario y un politico pero ahora son todos corruptos creo q no debes mezclar la denuncia especifica q el tiene y enfocarte en eso y no en supuestos mejor investigación hace peluchin

  21. @gap2201

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Que aburrido Mostra, a cada rato con Milet, de verdad ya parece envidia . No la sueltas para nada. Ni que fuera Gisela

  22. @pablocajahuanca7680

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Augusto thorndike es un buen influencer pero periodista no parece por más que tenga título, quizá por eso la mascaly se lleva bien con otro dizque "periodista" jajjajajjajjaja pero el thorndike puras fake news escupe en su programa, bueno su canal en general siempre difunde noticias falsas, hasta demandas tiene el gringo por acusar demasiadas veces a otros sin pruebas, tantas veces se ha rectificado que hasta es risible creer lo que informa, como periodista un asco🤮🤮🤮pero como influencer no le va nada mal🤡😂😂😂

  23. @fiorellacampos3015

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am


  24. @mtrs4953

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    No me parece que Thorndike se haya juntado con Magaly. Indirectamente la apoya en su complicidad de ir en contra de sus colegas de willax. Bueno, si se unen con los HH, otro que se me cae.

  25. @荒木ドリス

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Saludos Magaly ❤

  26. @drbird3169

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Magaly tiene la misma enfermedad de ANDRES HURTADO

  27. @Guadalupe.Mirella

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Jajaja no era que Magaly no hacía política 😂?

  28. @Guadalupe.Mirella

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Jajaja no era que Magaly no hacía política 😂?

  29. @erickcubas5892

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am


  30. @maribel160880

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Todos comiendo de Millet, eso pasa cuando vas elevandote por buen rumbo 😅 la fila de envidiosos aumenta 🎉

  31. @JavintsDiaciraGuzmanLopez

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Se le nota nerviosa a Magaly hasta la voz se le cambia

  32. @DonnaEwing-u4d

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Ova Walk

  33. @cerestjk4445

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    La maga enojada con sus fans. Por q le dicen lo q no quiere escuchar.

  34. @pedritonocheto666

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Un 4sco de persona esta señora. Es un tema muy personal con Milett!! 🤌
    Sabiendo que la tiene dura en argentina tampoco se trata de hacer leña del arbol caído.
    Y bueno si a milet no la conocen, imagina que a magaly tampoco ni la conocen. Y solo busca que le salpique un poco de la "popularidad" que esta teniendo milett. Eso si es mas vergonzoso. Porque la que supuestamente no es nada para ella , ahora esa niña le va oh ya le esta dando contenido para su mediocre programa.

    Solo espero que como peruano a milett le vaya muy bien por tierra argentinas, Pais a quien queremos mucho los peruanos 🇵🇪🇦🇷
    No se dejen llevar por la envidia de esa señora amigos. Saquen uds sus propias conclusiones.👍

  35. @pedritonocheto666

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Magaly colgandose de milett para hacerse conocida en argentina. Eso si es vergonzoso!

  36. @rosarioocas1166

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Exacto no por el echo de ser amigo tienes que involucrarte en los negocios sucios de tu amigo aver tu vesino es un ladrón te hace su cómplice, hay gente que ya dice La Magaly que se valla presa que la investiguen, si son bien M para decir eso.

  37. @Gloria-ot1up

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    No sabía que tenían un programa "fuera de la tele" me encantan, los dos juntos ya me imagino ese programa 😊

  38. @jorgebarreto5093

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Que tal forma de parcharse la de Magaly, usando a un reportero con título. Si el invitado era Butters, él ya le habría preguntado porqué Magaly defiende tanto a las hijas de Hurtado. (35:46) En esa foto ella parece hija de Chibolín.

  39. @Ren-vr6lx

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am


  40. @leonorcastrovilela6649

    September 26, 2024 at 2:39 am

    Peluchín tiene un cargo bien alto es el Director General y produccion.😮❤

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দিল্লিতে কেমন আছেন শেখ হাসিনা? | Where is Sheikh Hasina | Independent TV

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Maggie Smith: Oscar-winning Harry Potter and Downton Abbey star dies, aged 89



Maggie Smith: Oscar-winning Harry Potter and Downton Abbey star dies, aged 89

The celebrated actor Maggie Smith, who won two Oscars and eight Baftas, has died aged 89. The star of stage and screen, known for her prominent roles in Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, as well as her performance in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, died in hospital on Friday morning, her sons Chris Larkin and Toby Stephens said.

Stephens and Larkin said in a statement: “It is with great sadness we have to announce the death of Dame Maggie Smith. She passed away peacefully in hospital early this morning.

“An intensely private person, she was with friends and family at the end. She leaves two sons and five loving grandchildren who are devastated by the loss of their extraordinary mother and grandmother.”


In a stellar career spanning 60 years, Smith gave life to a host of memorable characters, from Muriel Spark’s passionate Edinburgh girls’ school teacher Jean Brodie, to Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter series and Violet Crawley in the ITV drama Downton Abbey.

Her other film hits include the Sister Act franchise and Steven Spielberg’s Hook.

Over her career, Smith worked with theatrical greats including Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir John Gielgud, Alan Bennett and Dame Judi Dench, while maintaining a prolific film and television presence from the 1960s onwards.

Tributes have poured in since her death was announced. The King and Queen said: “As the curtain comes down on a national treasure, we join all those around the world in remembering with the fondest admiration and affection her many great performances, and her warmth and wit that shone through both off and on the stage.’’


Sir Keir Starmer called her a “true national treasure”; theatre producer Sir Cameron Mackintosh said she was the “master of the zinger”, while the National Theatre’s Rufus Norris said her “sublime craft and sharp wit were simply legendary”.

The actor was born Margaret Natalie Smith on 28 December 1934 in Ilford, Essex, the youngest child of Nathaniel Smith, a pathologist from Newcastle upon Tyne, and Margaret Hutton, a Glaswegian secretary, who had fallen in love after meeting on a train to London.

Smith as Lady Violet Crawley in ‘Downton Abbey’

Smith as Lady Violet Crawley in ‘Downton Abbey’ (ITV)

The family relocated to Oxford when their daughter was four. She soon won a scholarship to Oxford High School and, despite a frustrating failure to win parts in school plays – because she was considered “too common”, Smith later alleged – quickly resolved to become an actress, just as her elder twin brothers Alistair and Ian had decided equally emphatically to dedicate themselves to careers in architecture.

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In 1952, when she was 17, she took a job as an assistant stage manager at the Oxford Playhouse, which she later complained had amounted to little more than “making endless cups of tea and playing maids” but which had also seen her make her debut as Viola in Twelfth Night before appearing in such plays as Cinderella, Rookery Nook, Housemaster, W Somerset Maugham’s Cakes and Ale and The Letter and Nikolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector.

In 1956, she went to New York City to make her Broadway debut playing several parts in the revue New Faces of ’56 at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre before returning to London the following year to star in the musical comedy Share My Lettuce.

Here she played opposite Kenneth Williams, who would remain a lifelong friend with whom she would appear again, to award-winning effect, in the Peter Shaffer two-parter The Private Ear and the Public Eye at The Globe in 1962.

“She is so singular, a unique actress,” Williams would later say of his co-star, praising her hard work in rehearsals and remembering with particular relish a sketch in which she had played a hostess encouraging her guests to join in a round of party games while artfully swinging a string of beads around her neck and midriff and back again without losing them, a trick only mastered through hours of practice.


Her real stage breakthrough arrived that same year when she was invited by Lord Olivier to join his company at the National Theatre, Sir Laurence having been impressed after seeing her in William Congreve’s The Double-Dealer at The Old Vic, where she had also completed a trio of Shakespeare plays.

She would stay at the National for eight years, enjoying a remarkable run from 1963 to 1965 in particular when she starred in George Farquhar’s The Recruiting Officer, played Desdemona in Othello and appeared in Henrik Ibsen’s Master Builder, Noel Coward’s Hay Fever and Much Ado About Nothing.

However, her relationship with Sir Laurence was often tense and in danger of boiling over into outright rivalry. She later revealed that he had once slapped her in a rehearsal for Othello and criticised her diction, to which she pointedly replied in perfectly crisp vowels, having waited until he was in makeup to play the Moor: “How now, brown cow?”

Nevertheless, the 1965 film version, which gave screen debuts to future knights Michael Gambon and Derek Jacobi, secured Oscar nominations for both of its stars.

Olivier and Smith as the Moor and Desdemona in John Dexter’s 1964 production of ‘Othello’

Olivier and Smith as the Moor and Desdemona in John Dexter’s 1964 production of ‘Othello’ (Shutterstock)

Prior to that, Smith had made her uncredited movie debut in Child in the House (1956) but was Bafta-nominated for her first screen role proper, Nowhere to Go (1958), an atypical Ealing crime drama.

Her other screen appearances in the 1960s included roles in the comedy Go to Blazes and Jack Clayton’s adaptation of Penelope Mortimer’s The Pumpkin-Eater (both 1962), the Terence Rattigan-penned The VIPs (1963), Jack Cardiff’s Sean O’Casey biopic Young Cassidy and the American capers The Honey Pot (1967) and Hot Millions (1968), the former directed by Joseph L Mankiewicz and starring Rex Harrison.

She was part of the impressive ensemble cast of Richard Attenborough’s satirical musical O What a Lovely War! in 1969, the same year in which she played the title role in Ronald Neame’s film of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, a part that would define her in the public imagination forever afterwards.


Smith was perfectly cast as Spark’s imperious, influential teacher, whose pupils idolise her, not always wisely, and may have taken inspiration from her own mother, at least in accent. She was rewarded with the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance and would appear in another Spark adaptation, Memento Mori, in 1992.

Smith married during this period, wedding fellow actor Robert Stephens on 29 June 1967, with whom she would go on to have two sons: Chris Larkin (born 1967) and Toby Stephens (1969). They too would grow up to join the family business.

After starring in Farquhar’s The Beaux’ Stratagem and the great Swedish director Ingmar Bergman’s London production of Ibsen’s Hedda Gabbler in 1970, she picked up another Academy Award nomination for her work in the veteran George Cukor’s Travels with My Aunt (1972) and appeared in Alan J Pakula’s Love and Pain and the Whole Damn Thing (1973).

Smith subsequently played Peter Pan at the London Coliseum before returning to Broadway in 1975 to play opposite her husband in Coward’s Private Lives, directed by Sir John Gielgud. The stormy relationship between the central characters all too closely echoed that between Smith and Stephens and they would separate that same year.


She was quickly remarried to the playwright Beverley Cross on 23 June 1975. The pair moved to Canada, collaborating on a string of productions at Ontario’s Stratford Shakespeare Festival (1976-80) and remained together until his death in 1998.

Smith in 1975, a pivotal year in her personal life

Smith in 1975, a pivotal year in her personal life (Keystone/Getty)

Her other films of the 1970s included two by Neil Simon, the ensemble whodunit spoof Murder By Death (1976) and California Suite (1978), for which she won her second and final Oscar, this time named Best Supporting Actress. She also appeared in the Agatha Christie adaptation Death on the Nile (1978) and returned for a follow-up four years later, Evil Under the Sun (1982), both of which starred Peter Ustinov as Hercule Poirot.

In between, she made Quartet (1981), inspired by Jean Rhys’s novel of the same name, and played Thetis in Clash of the Titans (1981), remembered for Ray Harryhausen’s celebrated stop-motion effects.


The mid-1980s brought Smith’s first screen collaborations with her friends Alan Bennett and Dame Judi Dench: she appeared in A Private Function (1984) scripted by the former and starred with the latter in the Merchant Ivory production of EM Forster’s A Room with a View (1985), securing a fifth Oscar nomination for her turn as Charlotte Bartlett.

She would later triumph in a celebrated 1988 instalment of Bennett’s television monologues Talking Heads (“A Bed Among the Lentils”) and on both stage and screen as Miss Shepherd in his The Lady in the Van . She would appear with Dench in Tea with Mussolini (1999), David Hare’s play The Breath of Life (2002), Ladies in Lavender (2004) and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012) and its 2015 sequel.

The early 1990s saw Smith make a number of memorable appearances in hit American films, from playing the older Wendy Darling in Steven Spielberg’s Hook (1991) to her role as a disapproving Mother Superior opposite Whoopi Goldberg’s undercover lounge singer in Sister Act (1992).

Further literary adaptations followed, including roles in The Secret Garden (1993), Richard Loncraine’s Second World War-set Richard III (1995) opposite Ian McKellen and films of Henry James’s Washington Square (1997) and Elizabeth Bowen’s The Last September (1999), as well as altogether camper fare such as The First Wives Club (1996) supporting Diane Keaton, Bette Midler and Goldie Hawn.


Television provided an additional showcase for her talents in her later years and she appeared in a famed American broadcast of Tennessee Williams’s Suddenly, Last Summer (1993) a BBC dramatisation of Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield (1999) and the TV films My House in Umbria (2003) and Capturing Mary (2007).

The turn of the new millennium saw Smith step into another role with which she would be closely associated thereafter and which would introduce her to a younger generation of filmgoers.

She first donned a witches’ hat to play Minerva McGonagall, the strict but kindly transfiguration instructor and deputy headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in Chris Columbus’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 2001 and would reprise the role in six more films in that blockbuster franchise, based on JK Rowling’s best-selling novels.

She would later recount meetings with young fans, who would inquire suspiciously whether she had really turned into a cat.

Smith as Minerva McGonagall in ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’

Smith as Minerva McGonagall in ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’ (Warner Brothers)

That same year, she was in scene-stealing form in Robert Altman’s English country house drama Gosford Park, picking up her final Academy Award nod and finding another important collaborator in Julian Fellowes, who would soon write her another plum part as the vinegary Lady Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham, in the popular television series Downton Abbey (2010-15).

Asked by chat show host Graham Norton whether she was glad the series was coming to an end in 2015, Smith answered, without a moment’s hesitation: “Oh yeah! No, I really am. Honestly, by the time we finished she must have been 110 so I couldn’t go on and on!”

Asked whether she had ever actually seen an episode of Downton, she replied, rather more guiltily: “I’ve got the box set…”


A giant of theatre and a deft character player on film, extremely committed and rarely out of work, Smith was nevertheless something of a perennial outsider, despite the adulation she received throughout her career, having acquired a reputation as rather spiky and acid-tongued, disinclined to suffer fools gladly.

On whether she had ever felt inclined to try to correct this perception, she told an audience at London’s Tricycle Theatre in March 2017: “It’s gone too far now to take back. If I suddenly came on like Pollyanna, it wouldn’t work – it would frighten people more if I were nice. They’d be paralysed with fear. And wonder what I was up to. But perhaps I should try it… ‘Hello! What fun! We’re going to be here all day! And then filming all night too! Goodie! And it’s so lovely and cold!’”

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Unboxing TV LED TCL 32A7 32 Inch Smart Android 11 HDR Dolby Audio



Unboxing TV LED TCL 32A7 32 Inch Smart Android 11 HDR Dolby Audio



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Phillip Schofield says he will be ‘forever sorry’ on primetime TV return | Phillip Schofield



Phillip Schofield has said he will be “forever sorry” in his first television appearance in more than a year since his shock downfall.

Schofield, now 62, quit ITV and admitted to having lied about an “unwise, but not illegal” affair with a younger male colleague at This Morning last May. His agent parted ways with him and he has stayed out of the spotlight since.

On Monday, he will appear on primetime screens for the first time in 16 months, fronting Channel 5’s latest iteration of Cast Away. The three-part programme will follow Schofield as he battles to survive on an island off the coast of Madagascar for nearly two weeks. The show has been largely self-shot by Schofield.


In a screening of the first episode shown to press, Schofield said he had been “cancelled” after his exit from ITV and the ensuing public backlash over the affair. Describing the period afterwards, he said: “It is like the biggest grenade going off in your life and you know you let people down, you know you’ve let yourself down, it was an unwise and unprofessional thing to do.

“I will be forever sorry. You know, I screwed up. I made a mistake and I hurt the people around me.”

His wife, Stephanie Lowe, and daughters, Molly, 31, and Ruby, 28, also appear in the show. In a scene during a family barbecue, Lowe says: “What people don’t realise is that they batter [Phillip] but then there are other people affected.” Molly said the scandal had made the family closer and called her father “just amazing”.

The actor Joanna Lumley appears in a video message with survival tips for Schofield. The Absolutely Fabulous star fronted a BBC reality show called Girl Friday in 1994 when she had to survive nine days on the island of Nosy Tsarabanjina, near Madagascar. At the end of the message, she says: “I shall be thinking of you all the time Phil, and actually I’m a little bit jealous, lots of love.”


Later in the episode, Schofield suggests he was “so, so close” to killing himself. He said: “I had everything in place, everything was set up and everything was ready.

“Molly said: ‘Do you imagine what this would do to us if you actually managed to pull this off? Can you imagine what would happen and can you imagine what it would do to me if you did this on my watch?’ And that was just enough to take a step back from the edge.”

His return to primetime TV has met a mixed response. Mark Borkowski, a crisis PR consultant and author, rebutted Schofield’s claim that he is a victim of cancel culture. Writing in the Guardian, he said: “This was a spectacular career collapse sparked by a serious HR violation, an abuse of power and a betrayal of his inner circle, not to mention millions of viewers who saw one man and realised he was another.”

Borkowski said the show was “clearly designed to propel Schofield into a redemption arc” and that he must “put in the performance of a lifetime” to pull it off.


The journalist Siobhan Synnot told Times Radio this was a safe option for Schofield. She said: “He’s going to be in control of the narrative, he’s going to be able to talk to the camera. He’s the man who does the filming, it’s prerecorded. He can ask the questions that he’d love to answer, he doesn’t have to ask himself the awkward questions.”

The Loose Women co-host Nadia Sawalha said she “cringed” when the teaser for the show was released earlier this week. Speaking on her Coffee Moaning podcast, she said Schofield was “very clever” and “knows how to speak to an audience”.

“I have always stood up and against people in positions of power and money and status. I will always stick up for the young person that was swayed by that,” she added.

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【MV】爆弾戦隊ボンボンレンジャー♪ – ボンボンTV ミュージックビデオ(Official Music Video)



【MV】爆弾戦隊ボンボンレンジャー♪ - ボンボンTV  ミュージックビデオ(Official Music Video)



Music : イーゼル芸術工房
Words : よっち
Arrangement : 西本佳那(イーゼル芸術工房)、
All Instruments & Programming:白石祐士 (イーゼル芸術工房)、山下ユウヘイ(イーゼル芸術工房)
Recording Engineer : 竹下壽晃(イーゼル芸術工房)
Mix Engineer : 竹下壽晃(イーゼル芸術工房)
Vocal : よっち、りっちゃん、どみちゃん、みーみ、しゅんしゅん、おかゆ

Executive Produce : UUUM co.,ltd.
Sound Producer : 竹下壽晃(イーゼル芸術工房)
Producer : 渡邉 美優



爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
仲間を信じて 突き進め
爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
正義の力で 強くなる


DOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)


BOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)

DOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)


正義のヒーローは 普段は学生
平和を脅かす 黒い影 (ドクロメット!!!)


授業中でもトイレ中でも 呼び出される(へんしーーーーん!!!!)

爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
明日の自分を 越えてゆけ
爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
当たって砕けて 立ち上がれ!


DOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)


BOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)

DOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)


移動手段は バスを使うのさ
敵も怒って 帰宅する (おつかれさまでーす!!!)


夢だけは絶対に 諦めない (へんしーーーーん!!!!)

爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
ピンチをチャンスに 変えてやれ
爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
燃える魂を 解き放て


熱き魂 燃え上がれ
何度でも 立ち上がれ
信じた道 突き進め
自分はもう ひとりじゃない


出来ないなんて 決めつけんな(そうだ!そうだ!)
失敗なんて 恐れるな(GO!GO!)
一緒に行こう 肩並べ
見たことのない 景色を見ようZEーーーー!!!

爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
仲間を信じて 突き進め
爆発 DOKKAN BOM BOM レンジャー!
正義の力で 強くなる


DOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)


BOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)

DOKKAN レンジャー!(ハイハイ!)


#ボンボンTV #ボンボンレンジャー #mv


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Joey Essex sparks Towie return rumours as he reunited with show star at a wedding



Joey Essex sparks Towie return rumours as he reunited with show star at a wedding

NEWLY-SINGLE Joey Essex fuelled rumors of returning to TOWIE after reuniting with his former co-star.

Joey, 34, left hit reality show The Only Way is Essex back in 2013 – but could he be making a return?

Joey is reunited with TOWIE star and friend Diags at a wedding


Joey is reunited with TOWIE star and friend Diags at a weddingCredit: Instagram
He was last seen on TOWIE in 2013 after breaking up with Sam Faiers


He was last seen on TOWIE in 2013 after breaking up with Sam FaiersCredit: ITV2
Could he be making a return to the hit reality show 11 years later?


Could he be making a return to the hit reality show 11 years later?Credit: Handout

The star rose to fame after appearing on the popular Essex-based reality show between 2011 and 2013.

During his stint on TOWIE, fans saw him date Sam Faiers.


The couple had an on and off relationship for a few years and were even engaged.

Their engagement ended during a dramatic TOWIE trip to Marbella in 2014. 

In 2013, Joey took a huge risk and quit TOWIE to pursue a career in entertainment.

Shortly after, he was approached to take part in the 2013 series of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here.


However, fans think Joey might return to TOWIE after attending a friend’s wedding with his former co-star James Bennewith (aka Diags).

The pair looked dapper wearing suave black suits and dark shades.

Could Joey be rejoining his friends on the ITVBe reality show?

Since his departure from TOWIE, Joey has appeared on many reality shows, such as Splash (2013), I’m A Celeb (2013), The Jump (2015), Celebs Go Dating (2016–2019, 2021), Celebrity Ex on the Beach (2020), Dancing on Ice (2023), Love Island (2024).


Joey has also made money from investing in property over the years.

And is rumoured to appear on the Netflix real estate show Selling Sunset in a new series. 

Joey is in talks to tour Hollywood homes with his cousin, Chloe Sims, a fellow TOWIE star, to find a place to buy in the US.

This comes after blonde bombshell Joey’s ex girlfriend Jessy Potts, 25, was seen cosying up to fellow Islander Ronnie Vint, 28, in the back of a taxi as they made their way to a White Fox Event.


The reality beauty was all glammed up in a stunning ivory dress as she sat next to a dapper looking Ronnie.

The pair were also joined by ex islander Lucinda Strafford, 24, however, the reality beauty was left third wheeling as eagle-eyed fans noticed how close Jessy and Ronnie looked.

Fans took to social media to comment on the potential new relationship, one user said: “Umm Ronnie and Jessy.”

“Jessy and Ronnie new couple???” another penned.


“Ngl Ronnie and Jessy would be something” added a third.

Joey and Jessy split just seven weeks after leaving the villa.

The Love Island stars confirming the news exclusively to The Sun, with Towie legend Joey, 34, insisting he hopes to stay friends with Jessy.

Speaking about the breakup, he said: “Unfortunately, we have decided to call an end to the relationship but I hope we can continue to be friends.


“I truly wish Jessy the very best with whatever she does in the future.”

And Jessy added: “I appreciate the Love Island experience I had with Joey, we tried to make it work but it wasn’t to be.

“I’m so grateful to everyone who supported us and look forward to all of the exciting opportunities ahead.”

Jessy and Joey split just seven weeks after leaving the villa


Jessy and Joey split just seven weeks after leaving the villaCredit: Getty
Fans are convinced that the Blonde Bombshell has moved on from ex Joey


Fans are convinced that the Blonde Bombshell has moved on from ex JoeyCredit: Getty
Jessy and Ronnie looked cosy as they made their way to an event


Jessy and Ronnie looked cosy as they made their way to an eventCredit: Snapchat / @jessymaypotts

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