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Toddler, 3, left fighting for life after ‘going off his food’ – as killer cocktail of common viruses attacked his heart



Toddler, 3, left fighting for life after 'going off his food' - as killer cocktail of common viruses attacked his heart

A THREE-year-old boy was left fighting for his life after a rare combination of common bugs attacked his heart.

Freddie Julian had come down with what his parents thought was a virus – but within days he was placed on life support and underwent emergency heart surgery.

Three-year-old Freddie needed emergency heart surgery at Bristol Children's Hospital in June


Three-year-old Freddie needed emergency heart surgery at Bristol Children’s Hospital in JuneCredit: SUPPLIED
Medics were forced to put Freddie on life support after his heart began to fill with blood


Medics were forced to put Freddie on life support after his heart began to fill with bloodCredit: SUPPLIED

“It was the worst experience of our lives,” Freddie’s mum, Vickie, from Powys, Wales said.

“The thought of losing your child is horrific.”

The lawyer first noticed that her youngster was unwell on June 16, when he developed a fever and she felt swollen glands at the back of his head.

That night, she rushed him to the out-of-hours doctors, who told her it was a virus.


Read more on common viruses

Over the next few days, Freddie just got sicker, vomiting and falling asleep around the house.

Concerned, Vickie took her son to see another GP on June 19, who reassured her that Freddie “only had a virus”.

However, the little boy continued to grow more unwell.

“By this point, he had stopped eating, his arms and legs were freezing, his lips were blue, and his eyes kept rolling to the back of his head,” Vickie told The Sun.


At a loss for what to do, Vickie and her husband Steven rushed their son to Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil on June 20, where a cardiac paediatrician scanned his heart.

Doctors soon discovered he had an enlarged liver and fluid around his heart.

Little girl, 4, died of virus ‘you’ve never heard of’ days after doctors told her parents she ‘just had a cold’

Within a few hours, medics were forced to put Freddie on life support after his heart began to fill with blood and failed to function properly.

“I had to kiss him goodbye, it was so scary”, Vickie recalls.


Freddie was then blue-lighted to Bristol Hospital – the nearest centre to have an ECMO machine, the medical equipment needed to keep Freddie alive.

“We were so lucky we only had to go to Bristol, any further and Freddie wouldn’t have made it,” the mum added.

You know your child best, if you think something is wrong make sure you believe in that

Vickie Julian Freddie’s mum

After arriving, little Freddie had a temporary pacing wire inserted into his extremely poor heart to ensure it continued beating.

Further tests revealed Freddie had slapped cheek syndromepneumonia, enterovirus and rhinovirus – which often cause the common cold.


“It was the slapped cheek that was making him the most unwell. because it was affecting his heart,” Vickie said.

Freddie was put on a kidney filter and an ECMO machine - similar to the heart-lung bypass machine used for open heart surgery


Freddie was put on a kidney filter and an ECMO machine – similar to the heart-lung bypass machine used for open heart surgeryCredit: SUPPLIED
Freddie is lucky to have survived, says his mum


Freddie is lucky to have survived, says his mumCredit: SUPPLIED
When he first came off life support, Freddie lost his speech, was extremely weak and could no longer walk, his mum says


When he first came off life support, Freddie lost his speech, was extremely weak and could no longer walk, his mum saysCredit: SUPPLIED

Finally, the only option was to put Freddie on a kidney filter and the new ECMO machine – similar to the heart-lung bypass machine used for open heart surgery.

The machine – which acts as an artificial heart and lungs – pumps blood out of the body, sends it through devices that add oxygen to the blood and remove carbon dioxide, before the blood is pumped back into the body.

Vickie, who had never heard of an ECMO machine, said the whole ordeal was “terrifying”.

“The medical teams explained all the risks that came with it, but also said it was his last chance,” she said.


After five days of ECMO support, doctors believed Freddie’s heart had rested enough, so they gradually reintroduced blood to it.

Freddie’s blood vessels were reconstructed and he was successfully taken off ECMO.

A few weeks later, he was taken off life support and transferred to HDU in Bristol Children’s Hospital.

Vickie said her son was “so unlucky to fall so poorly with the viruses attacking his heart” and that, if it was not for the ECMO machine, “he definitely wouldn’t be here”.



Freddie was moved to a hospital in Cardiff one month later, where he is closer to his family, including his five-year-old sister Millie.

He has begun intensive neurological and occupational rehabilitation for speech, language, physio, play and music therapy.

“When he first came off life support Freddie had lost his speech, was extremely weak and could no longer walk,” Vickie said.

“But with the help of therapy teams in Bristol and Cardiff he is already beginning to babble and can sit up independently again.


“Freddie is a force of nature, his determination is contagious, just like his smile.”

Vickie said she wants her family’s experience to remind others to “trust their instincts” when it comes to their children’s health.

“You know your child best, if you think something is wrong make sure you believe in that,” she said.

The mum also urged others to take common viruses more seriously.


“Never in a million years did I think our healthy Freddie would be on death’s door,” she added.

Vickie and her husband are raising money for the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in Bristol, so the medical staff can “continue to save many more young lives”.

The ECMO machine works by removing blood from the patient and re-oxygenising it before pumping it back into the body


The ECMO machine works by removing blood from the patient and re-oxygenising it before pumping it back into the bodyCredit: SUPPLIED
'Freddie is a force of nature, his determination is contagious, just like his smile,' says Vickie


‘Freddie is a force of nature, his determination is contagious, just like his smile,’ says VickieCredit: SUPPLIED

Red flag signs your child needs urgent medical help

IT’S always stressful when your little one is unwell.

Do you need to take them to hospital? Or not?

Thankfully, doctors have compiled a list of ‘red flag’ symptoms for parents and caregivers to watch for, so they can seek help quickly if their children show any of them.


The symptoms to look out for are:

  • A worsening headache (becoming more frequent or severe) – especially if waking from sleep or associated with unsteadiness, change in behaviour or vomiting
  • Weight loss (unintended) – especially if associated with other symptoms such as increasing thirst, passing more urine, excessive tiredness
  • Excessive sleepiness / loss of energy or interest in their usual activities / things they enjoy
  • Unexplained bruising
  • Persistent pain in arms or legs without obvious injury
  • Fever lasting more than 5 days

If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms please contact your GP as soon as possible.

In addition, if your child has any of the following symptoms, please call NHS 111 for urgent advice:

  • Fever in child under 3 months of age
  • Persistent vomiting – especially if bile (spinach/green pesto coloured) or blood
  • Blood in poo
  • Blood in urine (red or cola-coloured)
  • Rash that looks like small bruises that do not fade with pressure
  • Testicular pain or severe lower abdominal pain

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How ‘magic mushrooms’ could transform medicine – from treating depression to gambling and addiction



How 'magic mushrooms' could transform medicine - from treating depression to gambling and addiction

PSYCHEDELIC drugs might still invoke images of The Beatles, Woodstock and flower power – but one day they could be prescribed by a doctor.

An emerging area of science is focusing on the idea that a “magic mushroom” trip can be beneficial for people with severe mental health issues.

Magic mushrooms could transform medicine  and be used to treat everything from depression to gambling and addiction


Magic mushrooms could transform medicine and be used to treat everything from depression to gambling and addictionCredit: Getty
Researchers at Imperial College London published findings of a study last month


Researchers at Imperial College London published findings of a study last monthCredit: Thomas Angus/Imperial College London

Psilocybin is the active ingredient in “shrooms”, which when taken recreationally, gives people the giggles, hallucinations and a sense of awe at their surroundings.

But evidence suggests it can help us confront our deepest fears and traumas, and get the brain firing in novel ways.

Psilocybin is an illegal Class A drug, which makes it difficult and expensive for the small number of research centres in the UK to study it.

And one of the biggest barriers to the drug being taken seriously is its reputation.


Sam Lawes of the Centre for Evidence Based Drug Policy, told Sun Health: “It’s seen as a recreational drug and a party drug for festivals, but in terms of research we should treat it like a medicine.

“If it’s not an effective medicine, studies will show that.

“But so far, studies are showing great promise.”

A quarter of Brits will experience some form of mental health problem each year.


For many, medicines don’t work, NHS therapy is hard to access and waiting lists are growing.

Sam says: “You can see we’ve got a burning need for an alternative solution.”

Magic mushrooms could ‘cure depression’ within three years, experts say

Researchers at Imperial College London published findings of a study last month that compared two doses of psilocybin to the SSRI antidepressant escitalopram.

Both treatments were effective at reducing depression at a six-month follow-up.


But, unlike antidepressants, psilocybin didn’t stall sex drive.

Small studies have also shown the positive impact of psilocybin on eating disorders, anxiety, addictions, PTSD and OCD.

Psychiatrist Professor David Nutt, the leading expert in psychedelic research in the UK working at the Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College London, has seen lives transformed with psilocybin.

He tells Sun Health: “It is almost certainly the most promising development innovation in the treatment of mental illness and also some neurological illnesses for 50 years.”


Typically, a trial participant takes a dose comparable to that taken recreationally, closes their eyes and listens to music.

Afterwards, volunteers talk things through with a therapist.

Though science is only beginning to understand this compound’s effects, MRI brain imaging has been “remarkable”, Prof Nutt says.

Scans by the team at Imperial, published in the journal Nature Medicine, have shown that psilocybin boosts connectivity in brain regions that have become rigid in those with depression.


Essentially it cracks open unused networks of the mind in a way not seen with antidepressants and this was linked with improved depressive symptoms.


Columbia University has also shown that patients with body dysmorphic disorder had increased brain activity just one day after taking a 25mg dose of psilocybin.

Those with the greatest boost in neural connectivity had the most improvement in BDD symptoms a week later.

The effects of a single dose of pure psilocybin can last weeks, research suggests.


It is almost certainly the most promising development innovation in the treatment of mental illness and also some neurological illnesses for 50 years

Psychiatrist Professor David Nutt

A paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in August found 25mg of psilocybin plus psychological support had a “rapid and sustained antidepressant effect” over six weeks.

But the long-term effects, including comparison to traditional treatments, still needs studying.

Prof Nutt and colleagues will soon start trials to explore if psilocybin could treat opioid and gambling addictions.

He explains: “These are disorders in which people get locked into ways of thinking that they can’t escape from.


“Gamblers know they shouldn’t gamble, but they can’t stop.

“Depressed people know that they’re not worthless and guilty, but they can’t stop those thoughts.

Psychiatrist Professor David Nutt is the leading expert in psychedelic research in the UK


Psychiatrist Professor David Nutt is the leading expert in psychedelic research in the UKCredit: PA

“These ruminations in the brain can be broken by psychedelics.


“For most people in these studies, their lives have been ruined and they feel depressed or anxious.

“After taking the psychedelics, they can see they are not a worthless person, they can forgive themselves and that is a great release.”

The problem is that trial participants want more of what made them better.

Prof Nutt says: “Depression is deep-seated and after a few months, it creeps back and they plead to have psilocybin again.”


Regardless, taking magic mushrooms in a hospital setting with a therapist to hand is safer than doing so in your living room.

Now, experts want psilocybin to be medicalised as cannabis was in 2018.

This would speed up research, but more importantly, allow doctors to prescribe it in the real world, they argue.

While the UK is usually a world leader in health sciences, other countries have forged ahead with psilocybin.


Prescribing psilocybin and MDMA for treatment-resistant depression has been legalised in Australia, and Colorado and Oregon, in the US, have legalised some use of psychedelics.

The Home Office told Sun Health it is “considering advice from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs on how best to reduce barriers to research with controlled drugs, including psilocybin, while ensuring they are not misused or exploited by criminals”.

The UK is lagging behind, mired in outdated laws and stigma

Tara Austin, Psilocybin Access Rights

In 2022, it rejected a bid to reclassify psilocybin, arguing that even if an application for a product licence was made, it would be up to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to authorise it.

As psilocybin is a natural compound “it means drug companies won’t pay for the trials because they can’t reap financial reward afterwards,” says Prof Nutt.


Meanwhile, patients get caught in the middle. Labour MP Charlotte Nichols led a Commons debate on the topic last year.

She described her own PTSD as a “living hell” and said: “It feels like institutional cruelty to condemn us to our misery when there are proven, safe, and effective treatments if the Government would only let us access them.”

Steve Rolles, analyst at the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, added: “Politicians are very wary about being seen as soft on drugs.”

Tara Austin, of Psilocybin Access Rights, said: “The UK is lagging behind, mired in outdated laws and stigma.


“We’ve seen an alarming rise in antidepressant use in England, which is ineffective for many, with no innovative solutions in sight.

“Veterans with PTSD, and indeed all individuals facing mental health challenges, deserve better.”

While the future of magic mushrooms as medicine is uncertain, the advice for now is clear: “Don’t try this at home”.

‘Some more hazardous than others’


PSYCHEDELICS are powerful and that comes with risks.

Dr Paul Keedwell, fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, says: “The most common risk of taking psychedelics recreationally is experiencing a ‘bad trip’ which can result in overwhelming fear, paranoia and hallucinations.

“Such experiences can lead to panic attacks, accidents and lasting trauma.

“Psilocybin can trigger acute psychosis in those with a history of psychotic episodes or family history of schizophrenia.”


Doctors in Austria reported a case last month of a man who had amputated his penis with an axe after taking magic mushrooms.

Fortunately for the man surgeons were able to perform a successful reconstruction operation.

Dr Keedwell said someone would need “a great many mushrooms to get into trouble”.

Common side effects also include dizziness, nausea, confusion, paranoia and anxiety.


It was concerns about psychological distress and potential harm of psychedelics, including LSD, that led to their Class A classification in 1971.

Dr Keedwell says: “In reality, some drugs like LSD are much more potent and hazardous than others.

“Relatively, psilocybin is less powerful.”

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30 MIN KILLER HIIT Workout – No Equipment – No repeats, Full Body Cardio Home Workout



30 MIN KILLER HIIT Workout - No Equipment - No repeats, Full Body Cardio Home Workout

Bring on another KILLER Workout – Are you ready Team?! 30 min Killer HIIT with No Equipment that will make your body SWEAT! Burn fat, improve your cardio fitness, and sweat it out! It’s the best way to work your full body in just 30 minutes, that’s all you need! Let’s do it ❤️

♡ Sign up to my Grow with Anna APP:

▸ Muscles Worked: Full Body
▸ Time: 30 Min + cool down
▸ Equipment: No Equipment, Bodyweight Only

▸ Warm Up 30 sec on, no rest
▸ Workout 50 sec on, 10 sec off
▸ Final Challenge 🔥 60 sec on, no rest
▸ Cool Down 30 sec on, 10 sec off


Please remember that we are all different and that you can make this your own workout ♡ Take a longer break when you need to.

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Get PSYCHO by Anne-Marie, Aitch and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: ZYAj7W3p2dg


Get Can’t Get You out of My Head by Kylie Minogue and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: 2RwXBbgxobB

Get The Business (SWACQ Remix) by Tiësto and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: 7ypXd7JMpwY

Get My Bills (feat. FEYI) by Riton, FEYI and over 1M + mainstream tracks here License ID: weO704PA5R4


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If you are a newbie start with a simple and easy exercise before attempting all advanced exercises. Performing exercises out of your capability might strain your muscles and you may get injured.

This channel offers health, fitness and nutritional information. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Growingannanas will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.


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🤣🤣Josey Dêh 😂😂C'est pas BBL Naturel qui est làaa🤣 #sports #bienêtre #lifestyle #viralshort #josey



🤣🤣Josey Dêh 😂😂C'est pas BBL Naturel qui est làaa🤣 #sports #bienêtre #lifestyle #viralshort #josey


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Womens Workouts

30 MIN Full Body HIIT Workout



30 MIN Full Body HIIT Workout

Today’s 30 minute full body HIIT Workout is quick, intense and super sweaty! Using dumbbells for added resistance combined with body-weight exercises for a total body HIIT session that will have you feeling strong and energized. Let’s do it!!! #HIITWorkout #HomeWorkout #HR12WEEK

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Equipment Needed:
Dumbbells: I used
Exercise mat or other soft surface. The Mat I use:

Workout Breakdown:
0:00 Intro
0:23 Warm Up
2:43 HIIT Circuit One (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Push Press + Twist
Lunge + Curl
Deadlift Jack
Side Lunges
High Knees


12:56 HIIT Circuit Two (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
T-Push Ups
Tricep Extension
Lunge + Press (R)
Lunge + Press (L)
Pivot Hops

23:08 HIIT Circuit Three (40s work + 20s rest x2 rounds)
Front + Sumo Squats
Walking Plank
Front Swing
Curtsey + Raise
Jump Squat + Pulse

33:08 Cool Down & Stretch

Outfit Details:
Matching Set:


Where I download my Music *Try it FREE for 30 days*

Shop My Amazon Picks:





This is my own personal workout and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk.


Thanks for watching!


❤ Heather


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‘Longest-living Benjamin Button disease sufferer’, 28, who spent his life trying to find a cure for rare condition dies



‘Longest-living Benjamin Button disease sufferer’, 28, who spent his life trying to find a cure for rare condition dies

THE world’s longest-living survivor of ‘Benjamin Button disease’ who spent his life searching for a cure has died.

Sammy Basso, aged just 28, was diagnosed with the rare genetic disease progeria.

Sammy Basso, 28, was the longest living progeria sufferer who spent his life trying to find cure for the disease


Sammy Basso, 28, was the longest living progeria sufferer who spent his life trying to find cure for the diseaseCredit: Jam Press
He passed way on October 5


He passed way on October 5Credit: Jam Press
Sammy dedicated his life to raising awareness around the rare disease


Sammy dedicated his life to raising awareness around the rare diseaseCredit: Jam Press

The condition causes sufferers to age rapidly and appear older than they are.

People with progeria generally appear healthy at birth, but symptoms such as slowed growth, loss of fat tissue, and hair loss begin to appear in their first year.

The average life expectancy for an individual with progeria is about 15 years.


Sammy, from the northern Italian region of Veneto, is believed to be the longest-living survivor of the rare genetic disease.

He was diagnosed with the disease aged just over two years old and founded the Italian Progeria Sammy Basso Association with the help of his parents aged 10.

He dedicated his life to raising awareness about the disease, appearing in the the National Geographic documentary “Sammy’s Journey”.

He even wrote his graduate thesis on the possibility of curing progeria through genetic engineering.


Sammy was having dinner with family and friends on the evening of October 5 when he suddenly felt unwell.

Emergency medics were dispatched to the restaurant and tried to resuscitate the young biologist, but their efforts were in vain.

Just a few weeks before his death in Asolo, north-eastern Italy, he had returned from a trip to China.

Siblings Michiel and Amber Vandeweert who have ‘Benjamin Button disease’ progeria tell of their heartbreaking battle against bullies

And the evening before his passing, he was awarded the Paolo Rizzi Journalism Prize in the “Environment and Society” category in Venice.


The organisers cited “his willpower, spirit of sacrifice, and the courage that sustains him”.

Sammy was born in Thiene on 1 December 1995 and lived in Tezze sul Brenta.

In 2005, he founded the Italian Progeria Association to spread knowledge about his condition and to encourage research into it.

He graduated from the University of Padua with a degree in Natural Sciences in 2018.


In 2019, he was made a Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by President Sergio Mattarella.

He graduated again from the University of Padua in 2021 with a master’s degree in Molecular Biology.

What is progeria?

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria is a very rare genetic disease that affects one in every 8 million people born.


It’s caused by a mutation in one of the two copies of the LMNA gene.

The mutation causes every cell in the body to malfunction.

People with progeria undergo rapid ageing and have distinct physical characteristics, including:

  • Hair loss 
  • Prominent eyes
  • Aged, wrinkled skin
  • A thin, beaked nose
  • Disproportionately small face compared to head size
  • Loss of fat under the skin

There are currently only 130 cases of progeria recognised worldwide, of which four in Italy.

However, this number is underestimated as cases of progeria are often difficult to trace.


Progeria is always fatal.

On average, people with the condition survive 14.5 years, although some adults with progeria will live into their early 20s.

A drug called lonafarnib has been shown to slow down the progression of the disease.

Source: Italian Progeria Sammy Basso Association, Cleveland Clinic


His thesis explored the correlation between progeria and inflammation.

His dream was to work at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.

Progeria is not hereditary and is instead caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene.

The mutation likely occurs in a single sperm or egg immediately before conception.


There are about 70 children with the disorder worldwide, most of whom will die from heart problems or strokes.

Basso is survived by his parents, who said: “We are deeply grateful for the privilege of having shared part of our journey with him.

“He taught all of us that, even though life’s obstacles may sometimes seem insurmountable, it’s worth living it fully.”

Sammy was having dinner with family and friends when he suddenly felt unwell


Sammy was having dinner with family and friends when he suddenly felt unwellCredit: Jam Press
Rita Ora and Sammy Basso attend the BoF VOICES Gala Dinner and Party at Soho Farmhouse in November 2023


Rita Ora and Sammy Basso attend the BoF VOICES Gala Dinner and Party at Soho Farmhouse in November 2023Credit: Getty

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Women´s Training vs Men´s Training



Women´s Training vs Men´s  Training


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