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Why countries are in a race to build AI factories in the name of sovereign AI



Why countries are in a race to build AI factories in the name of sovereign AI

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Now that AI has become a fundamentally important technology, and the world has gravitated toward intense geopolitical battles, it’s no wonder that “sovereign AI” is becoming a national issue.

Think about it. Would the U.S. allow the data it generates for AI to be stored and processed in China? Would the European Union want its people’s data to be accessed by big U.S. tech giants? Would Russia trust NATO countries to manage its AI resources? Would Muslim nations entrust their data for AI to Israel?

Nvidia has earmarked $110 million to help countries foster AI startups to invest in sovereign AI infrastructure, and plenty of countries are investing in AI infrastructure on their own. That’s some real money aimed at jumpstarting the world when it comes to embracing AI. The question becomes whether this discussion is a lot of thought leadership to enable a sales pitch, or whether nations truly need to embrace sovereign AI to be competitive with the rest of the world. Is it a new kind of arms race that makes sense for nations to pursue?


A wake-up call

Nvidia's Jensen Huang
Digital rendering of Nvidia’s Jensen Huang

Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, pointed out the rise of “sovereign AI” during an earnings call in November 2023 as a reason for why demand is growing for Nvidia’s AI chips. The company noted that investment in national computer infrastructure was a new priority for governments around the world.

“The number of sovereign AI clouds is really quite significant,” Huang said in the earnings call. He said Nvidia wants to enable every company to build its own custom AI models.

The motivations weren’t just about keeping a country’s data in local tech infrastructure to protect it. Rather, they saw the need to invest in sovereign AI infrastructure to support economic growth and industrial innovation, said Colette Kress, CFO of Nvidia, in the earnings call.

That was around the time when the Biden administration was restricting sales of the most powerful AI chips to China, requiring a license from the U.S. government before shipments could happen. That licensing requirement is still in effect.

As a result, China reportedly began its own attempts to create AI chips to compete with Nvidia’s. But it wasn’t just China. Kress also said Nvidia was working with the Indian government and its large tech companies like Infosys, Reliance and Tata to boost their “sovereign AI infrastructure.”


Meanwhile, French private cloud provider Scaleway was investing in regional AI clouds to fuel AI advances in Europe as part of a “new economic imperative,” Kress said. The result was a “multi-billion dollar opportunity” over the next few years, she said.

Huang said Sweden and Japan have embarked on creating sovereign AI clouds.

“You’re seeing sovereign AI infrastructures, people, countries that now recognize that they have to utilize their own data, keep their own data, keep their own culture, process that data, and develop their own AI. You see that in India,” Huang said.

He added, “Sovereign AI clouds coming up from all over the world as people realize that they can’t afford to export their country’s knowledge, their country’s culture for somebody else to then resell AI back to them.”


Nvidia itself defines sovereign AI as “a nation’s capabilities to produce artificial intelligence using its own infrastructure, data, workforce and business networks.”

Keeping sovereign AI secure

Credit: VentureBeat using DALL-E
Credit: VentureBeat using DALL-E

In an interview with VentureBeat in February 2024, Huang doubled down on the concept, saying, “We now have a new type of data center that is about AI generation, an AI generation factory. And you’ve heard me describe it as AI factories. Basically, it takes raw material which is data, transforms it with these AI supercomputers and Nvidia builds and it turns them into incredibly valuable tokens. These tokens are what people experience on the amazing” generative AI platforms like Midjourney.

I asked Huang why, if data is kept secure regardless of its location in the world, does sovereign AI need to exist within the borders of any given country.

He replied, “There’s no reason to let somebody else come and scrape your internet, take your history, your data. And a lot of it is still locked up in libraries. In our case, it’s Library of Congress. In other cases, national libraries. And they’re digitized, but they haven’t been put on the internet.”

He added, “And so people are starting to realize that they had to use their own data to create their own AI, and transform their raw material into something of value for their own country, by their own country. And so you’re going to see a lot. Almost every country will do this. And they’re going to build the infrastructure. Of course, the infrastructure is hardware. But they don’t want to export their data using AI.”


The $110 million investment

Shilpa Kolhatkar (left) of Nvidia speaks with Jon Metzler of U.C. Berkeley.

Nvidia has earmarked $110 million to invest in AI startups helping with sovereign AI projects and other AI-related businesses.

Shilpa Kolhatkar, global head of AI Nations at Nvidia, gave a deeper dive on sovereign AI at the U.S.-Japan Innovation Symposium at Stanford University. The July event was staged by the Japan Society of Northern California and the Stanford US-Asia Technology Management Center.

Kolhatkar did the interview with Jon Metzler, a continuing lecturer at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. That conversation focused on how to achieve economic growth through investments in AI technology. Kolhatkar noted how Nvidia has transformed itself from a graphics company to a high-performance computing and AI company long before ChatGPT arrived.

“Lots of governments around the world are looking today at how can they capture this opportunity that AI has presented and they [have focused] on domestic production of AI,” Kolhatkar said. “We have the Arab nations program, which kind of matches the AI strategy that nations have in place today. About 60 to 70 nations have an AI strategy in place, built around the major pillars of creating the workforces and having the ecosystem. But it’s also around having already everything within the policy framework.”

AI readiness?

Examples of generative AI by Getty Images.
Examples of generative AI by Getty Images.

Nvidia plays a role in setting up the ecosystem and infrastructure, or supercomputers. The majority of Nvidia’s focus and its engineering efforts is in the software stack on top of the chips, she said. As a result, Nvidia has become more of a platform company, rather than a chip company. Metzler asked Kolhatkar to define how a country might develop “AI readiness.”

Kolhatkar said that one notion is to look at how much computing power a country has, in terms of raw AI compute, storage and the energy related to power such systems. Does it have a skilled workforce to operate the AI? Is the population ready to take advantage of AI’s great democratization so that the knowledge spreads well beyond data scientists?


When ChatGPT-3.5 emerged in Nov. 2022 and generative AI exploded, it signaled that AI was really finally working in a way that ordinary consumers could use to automate many tasks and find new information or create things like images on their own. If there were errors in the results, it could be because the data model wasn’t fed the correct information. Then it quickly followed that different regions had their own views on what was considered correct information.

“That model was trained primarily on a master data set and a certain set of languages in western [territories],” Kolhatkar said. “That is why the internationalization of having something which is sovereign, which is specific to a nation’s own language, culture and nuances, came to the forefront.”

Then countries started developing generative AI models that cater to the specificities of a particular region or particular nation, and, of course, the ownership of that data, she said.

“The ownership is every country’s data and proprietary data, which they realized should stay within the borders,” she said.


AI factories

Nvidia’s notion of AI factories.

Nvidia is now in the process of helping countries create such sovereign infrastructure in the form of “AI factories,” Kolhatkar said. That’s very similar to the drive that nations ignited with factories during the Industrial Revolution more than 100 years ago.

“Factories use raw materials that go in and then goods come out and that was tied to the domestic GDP. Now the paradigm is that your biggest asset is your data. Every nation has its own unique language and data. That’s the raw material that goes into the AI factory, which consists of algorithms, which consists of models and out comes intelligence,” she said.

Now countries like Japan have to consider whether they’re ahead or falling behind when it comes to being ready with AI factories. Kolhatkar said that Japan is leading the way when it comes to investments, collaborations and research to create a successful “AI nation.”

She said companies and nations are seriously considering how much of AI should be classified as “critical infrastructure” for the sake of economic or national security. Where industrial factories could create thousands of jobs in a given city, now data centers can create a lot of jobs in a given region as well. Are these AI factories like the dams and airports of decades ago?

“You’re kind of looking at past precedents from physical manufacturing as to what the multiplier might be for AI factories,” Metzler said. “The notion of AI factories as maybe civic infrastructure is super interesting.”


National AI strategies?

Cerebras Condor Galaxy at Colovore Data Center
Cerebras Condor Galaxy at Colovore Data Center

Metzler brought up the notion of the kind of strategies that can happen when it comes to the AI race. For instance, he noted that maybe smaller countries need to team up to create their own larger regional networks, to create some measure of sovereignty.

Kolhatkar said that can make sense if your country, for instance, doesn’t have the resources of any given tech giant like Samsung. She noted the Nordic nations are collaborating with each other, as are nations like the U.S. and Japan when it comes to AI research. Different industries or government ministries can also get together for collaboration on AI.

If Nvidia is taking a side on this, it’s in spreading the tech around so that everyone becomes AI literate. Nvidia has an online university dubbed the Deep Learning Institute for self-paced e-learning courses. It also has a virtual incubator Nvidia Inception, which has supported more than 19,000 AI startups.

“Nvidia really believes in democratization of AI because the full potential of AI can not be achieved unless everybody’s able to use it,” Kolhatkar said.

Energy consumption?

AI power consumption

As for dealing with the fallout of sovereign AI, Metzler noted that countries will have to deal with sustainability issues in terms of how much power is being consumed.

In May, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) released a whitepaper that quantified the exponential growth potential of AI power requirements. It projected that total data center power consumption by U.S. data centers alone could more than double to 166% by 2030.


It noted that each ChatGPT request can consume 2.9 watt-hours of power. That means AI queries are estimated to require 10 times the electricity of traditional Google queries, which use about 0.3 watt-hours each. That’s not counting emerging, computation-intensive capabilities such as image, audio and video generation, which don’t have a comparision precedent.

EPRI looked at four scenarios. Under the highest growth scenario, data center electricity usage could rise to 403.9 TWh/year by 2030, a 166% increase from 2023 levels. Meanwhile, the low growth scenario projected a 29% increase to 196.3 TWh/year.

“It’s about the energy efficiency, sustainability is pretty top of mind for everyone,” Kolhatkar said.

Nvidia is trying to make each generation of AI chip more power efficient even as it makes each one more performant. She also noted the industry is trying to create and use sources of renewable energy. Nvidia also uses its output from AI, in the form of Nvidia Omniverse software, to create digital twins of data centers. These buildings can be architected with energy consumption in mind and with the notion of minimizing duplicative effort.


Once they’re done, the virtual designs can be built in the physical world with a minimum of inefficiency. Nvidia is even creating a digital twin of the Earth to predict climate change for decades to come. And the AI tech can also be applied to making physical infrastructure more efficient, like making India’s infrastructure more resistant to monsoon weather. In these ways, Kolhatkar thinks AI can be used to “save the world.”

She added, “Data is the biggest asset that a nation has. It has your proprietary data with your language, your culture, your values, and you are the best person to own it and codify it into an intelligence that you want to use for your analysis. So that is what sovereignty is. That is at the domestic level. The local control of your assets, your biggest asset, [matters].”

A change in computing infrastructure

Nvidia Blackwell has 208 billion transistors.
Nvidia Blackwell has 208 billion transistors.

Computers, of course, don’t know national borders. If you string internet cables around the world, the information flows and a single data center could theoretically provide its information on a global basis. If that data center has layers of security built in, there should be no worry about where it’s located. This is the notion of the advantage of computers of creating a “virtual” infrastructure.

But these data centers need backups, as the world has learned that extreme centralization isn’t good for things like security and control. A volcanic eruption in Iceland, a tsunami in Japan, an earthquake in China, a terrorist attack on infrastructure or possible government spying in any given country — these are all reasons for having more than one data center to store data.

Besides disaster backup, national security is another reason driving each country to require their own computing infrastructure within their borders. Before the generative AI boom, there was a movement to ensure data sovereignty, in part because some tech giants overreached when it came to disintermediating users and their applications that developed personalized data. Data best practices resulted.


Roblox CEO Dave Baszucki said at the Roblox Developer Conference that his company operates a network of 27 data centers around the world to provide the performance needed to keep its game platform operating on different computing platforms around the world. Roblox has 79.5 million daily active users who are spread throughout the world.

Given that governments around the world are coming up with data security and privacy laws, Roblox might very well have to change its data center infrastructure so that it has many more data centers that are operating in given jurisdictions.

There are 195 nation states in the world, and if the policies become restrictive, a company might conceivably need to have 195 data centers. Not all of these divisions are parochial. For instance, some countries might want to deliberately reduce the “digital divide” between rich nations and poor ones, Kolhatkar said.

There’s another factor driving the decentralization of AI — the need for privacy. Not only for the governments of the world, but also for companies and people. The celebrated “AI PC” trend of 2024 offers consumers personal computers with powerful AI tech to ensure the privacy of operating AI inside their own homes. This way, it’s not so easy for the tech giants to learn what you’re searching for and the data that you’re using to train your own personal AI network.


Do we need sovereign AI?

Nvidia humanoid robots.
Nvidia humanoid robots.

Huang suggested that countries perceive it as needed so that a large language model (LLM) can be built with knowledge of local customs. As an example, Chernobyl is spelled with an “e” in Russian. But in Ukraine, it’s spelled “Chornobyl.” That’s just a small example of why local customs and culture need to be taken into account for systems used in particular countries.

Some people are concerned about the trend as it drives the world toward more geographic borders, which in the case of computing, really don’t or shouldn’t exist.

Kate Edwards, CEO of Geogrify and an expert on geopolitics in the gaming industry, said in a message, “I think it’s a dangerous term to leverage, as ‘sovereignty’ is a concept that typically implies a power dynamic that often forms a cornerstone of nationalism, and populism in more extreme forms. I get why the term is being used here but I think it’s the wrong direction for how we want to describe AI.”

She added, “‘Sovereign’ is the wrong direction for this nomenclature. It instantly polarizes what AI is for, and effectively puts it in the same societal tool category as nuclear weapons and other forms of mass disruption. I don’t believe this is how we really want to approach this resource, especially as it could imply that a national government essentially has an enslaved intelligence whose purpose is to reinforce and serve the goals of maintaining a specific nation’s sovereignty — which is the basis for the great majority of geopolitical conflict.”

Are countries taking Nvidia’s commentary seriously or do they view it as a sales pitch? Nvidia isn’t the only company succeeding with the pitch.


AMD competes with Nvidia in AI/graphics chips as well as CPUs. Like Nvidia, it is seeing an explosion in demand for AI chips. AMD also continues to expand its efforts in software, with the acquisition of AI software firms like Nod.AI and Silo AI. AI is consistently driving AMD’s revenues and demand for both its CPUs and GPUs/AI chips.

Cerebras WSE-3
Cerebras WSE-3

Cerebras Systems, for instance, announced in July 2023 that it was shipping its giant wafer-size CPUs to the technology holding group G42, which was building the world’s largest supercomputer for AI training, named Condor Galaxy, in the United Arab Emirates.

It started with a network of nine interconnected supercomputers aimed at reducing AI model training time significantly, with a total capacity of 36 exaFLOPs, thanks to the first AI supercomputer on the network, Condor Galaxy 1 (CG-1), which had 4 exaFLOPs and 54 million cores, said Andrew Feldman, CEO of Cerebras, in an interview with VentureBeat. Those computers were based in the U.S., but they are being operated by the firm in Abu Dhabi. (That raises the question, again, of whether sovereign AI tech has to be located in the country that uses the computing power).

Now Cerebras has broken ground on a new generation of Condor Galaxy supercomputers for G42.

Rather than make individual chips for its centralized processing units (CPUs), Cerebras takes entire silicon wafers and prints its cores on the wafers, which are the size of pizza. These wafers have the equivalent of hundreds of chips on a single wafer, with many cores on each wafer. And that’s how they get to 54 million cores in a single supercomputer.


Feldman said, “AI is not just eating the U.S. AI is eating the world. There’s an insatiable demand for compute. Models are proliferating. And data is the new gold. This is the foundation.”

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What voice assistants like Alexa know about you – and how they use it

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By simulating fake people while interacting with popular smart voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri, researchers have uncovered the different approaches each system takes to learning users’ personal preferences and habits.

“I don’t know that consumers have the intuition that when you’re talking out loud, that also could potentially be used to profile you and then target you with ads,” says David Choffnes at Northeastern University in Massachusetts.


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The 25 best YouTube videos for kids (September 2024)



The 25 best YouTube videos for kids (September 2024)
A woman in a blue jumpsuit doing a yoga pose with a Minecraft-themed background.
Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube

Kids love screen time, and parents appreciate the distraction from time to time. But it’s important to not only limit the amount of screen time kids get but also ensure they’re watching content that has value. YouTube is a huge source of videos, but not everything is appropriate for kids, nor does it all contain stimulating content. Kids want something engaging, while parents want something educational and worthwhile. Where’s the balance?

We have you covered with this list of the best YouTube videos for kids. There are options for kids of all ages, from babies and toddlers to tweens and teens. All these videos are ones that kids will enjoy, and parents will appreciate. Many are videos kids can watch again and again, and some are part of a larger series with other related videos from the same sources that you can explore.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood | Bathtime Bubbles

PBS Kids

Best for Ages 1-3


Bathtime is a fun time for toddlers, but sometimes they don’t want to get into that sudsy water and wash up. This adorable video, which runs just over three minutes long, helps get kids prepped for bathtime, reminding them how fun it can be. It begins with the toddlers being all sticky from the outside. They head indoors for mom to give them a wash. Their excitement is for the bubbles.

It’s the type of video you can play with toddlers before every bath that will encourage them to go in. There’s also a short lesson about enjoying “the wow that’s happening now” when kids get caught up in other distractions. It’s an adorable video in the extensive selection featuring the popular character.


‘5 Monkeys’ by The Snack Town All-Stars

The Snack Town All-Stars

Best for Ages 1-5

‘5 Monkeys’ by The Snack Town All-Stars

The song Five Monkeys is an all-time classic and this version presents it with an animated image of the quintet of monkeys in a child’s bedroom. As they jump and play, the song plays and the lyrics appear at the top of the screen. While younger kids won’t be able to read them just yet, it will help with word and letter recognition. The colorful images, meanwhile, will hold a toddler’s attention.

It’s great for sing-a-long time with little ones. This popular song is just one of many featured on the The Snack Town All-Stars YouTube channel. A tip while watching this one: pause the video and ask the child to identify different items, like books, balls, a lamp, a toy car, building blocks, a basket, and more.

Baby Shark Dance | 3babyshark Most Viewed Video | Animal Songs | PINKFONG Songs for Children


Best for Ages 0-4

Baby Shark Dance | Sing and Dance! | Animal Songs | PINKFONG Songs for Children


We all know the song. Maybe it has been played over and over again in your home. But it might also be the only thing to keep your baby or toddler soothed when they need something to distract and entertain them. The catchy tune has been viewed and heard on YouTube more than 14 billion times. Watch kids sing about mommy, daddy, and grandma shark (doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo) as they dance amid animated fish.

It’s just the right level of repetitiveness that, as little ones learn their words and sounds, they can replicate the tune with ease. Hearing the words over and over again will help with memory retention, and it’ll instantly put your kids in a good mood. Don’t forget to sing along, too!


Super Simple Songs

Best for Ages 1-3

BINGO | Super Simple Songs

Repetitive songs are the name of the game when it comes to babies and toddlers. Repeating lyrics, words, and tunes help kids learn and follow along, expanding their vocabulary from just a few words to many. Bingo is one of those classic kids’ songs, and with 432 million views, this video is a wonderful integration of both the song and visuals, as well as elements of interactivity as kids get older.


Along with a soothing male voice singing the tune are colorful images of the farmer and his dog, Bingo. The letters are highlighted on-screen as they are slowly sung. Kids are also encouraged to do things like pat their tummy or head in sync with the sounds. The video is under three minutes long and it repeats the sequence over and over with different actions each time. Kids will be singing along in no time and asking for the video to be played over and over again.

Classical Music for Toddlers — Symphony of Fun

Baby Einstein

Best for Ages 1-3

Classical Music for Toddlers | Symphony of Fun | Amazon Trailer | Baby Beethoven | Baby Einstein

As a parent or grandparent, you might be so tired of hearing the same nursery rhymes and cartoons over and over again. Plus, what parent doesn’t want their child to be intelligent and cultured? This video is fairly simplistic in nature but it will give adults a much needed break without forcing you to put in earplugs to get back some sanity. But most important, it will keep toddlers curious and engaged.

Alongside the classical music that plays throughout the video is a selection of images to stimulate kids. These range from other kids playing instruments, to toys, colorful motion images like mosaics, and puppet animals generally acting silly. The video is just over six minutes, just enough time for you to empty the dishwasher. It features three timeless classical tunes that’ll help you de-stress, too. Combining calming music with visual sensory images, your toddler won’t be able to avert their eyes for the entire time, and you’ll enjoy the quick daily interlude, too.


Baby Learning with Ms Rachel

Ms Rachel — Toddler Learning Videos

Best for Ages 1-2

Baby Learning With Ms Rachel – First Words, Songs and Nursery Rhymes for Babies – Toddler Videos

Ms Rachel’s soft, welcoming tone will instantly please babies and small toddlers, and videos like this aim to help teach them valuable skills like speaking, interacting, and playing. As a teacher in the real world, Ms Rachel also knows how to approach young learners. This video is an hour long, so it will keep your little one occupied while you do chores or enjoy brunch with a friend. But it isn’t mindless viewing: They’ll learn plenty.

She begins with the basics, helping them say “mama” and “dada,” sing the words, clap them, and even sign them. Her segments are interspersed with songs and animated videos to tantalize all the senses.

Humpty Dumpty Grocery Store — CoComelon Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs


Best for Ages 1-4

Humpty Dumpty Grocery Store | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs


Any parent with a toddler is probably already familiar with CoComelon, one of the most popular YouTube channels with more than 168 million subscribers and frequently one of Netflix’s 10 most popular shows. The videos are musical, engaging, colorful, and fun. But most important, they are also educational. They’re a great way to keep your toddler occupied for a short time if you need to get something done or they’re being extra finicky.

This video, one of many on the channel, features a fun variation on the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. Nina is chasing down the plastic toy egg she got from the vending machine at the grocery store, but it keeps eluding her. The tune is catchy, and the fact that lyrics appear at the bottom, karaoke style, makes it easy for kids to learn the words and follow along with the cadence. The distinct sound effects as the egg soars through the air, bumps items, and bounces on the ground will have kids giggling as they watch it, likely over and over again.

Sesame Street: Elmo’s Bedtime Story

Best for Ages 1-3

Sure, giving your kids screen time right before bed is not recommended. But this video is an exception. Toddlers might not be excited about tucking in for the night. But with the help of Elmo in this short, under two-minute video, the cuddly Sesame Street character can help get them in the right frame of mind.

Elmo runs through everything he does as part of his bedtime routine, including having dinner, bathing, putting on his pajamas, brushing his teeth, and singing a lullaby. He sings the song, and kids and parents can join in. He’s yawning and getting sleepy by the end, hopefully having toddlers feeling just the same.


Minecraft | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Best for Ages 4-8

Minecraft | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! ⛏? – Minecraft Videos for Kids

What’s the best way to get overactive grade schoolers to relax and center themselves? Yoga, of course. But regular yoga programs are boring for young ones. Add something like Minecraft into the mix, and all of a sudden, they might pay attention. The host guides the kid with various poses and breathing techniques, all while situated within a Minecraft world to keep their attention fixed on the screen. They’ll get a giggle when her body transforms into a Minecraft character that is doing yoga poses.

There are other yoga adventures on the channel if your kid isn’t into Minecraft, ranging from Frozen to Trolls, Animal Crossing to The Little Mermaid. There are more generic ones, too, like desert, sea, and forest. It’s a great way to encourage your little ones to exercise, stretch, and enjoy a moment of calm. They might actually sit through the entire 20-minute session, and you might enjoy doing it with them, too.

Banana Banana Meatball Song | Songs For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle

Go Noodle | Get Moving

Best For Ages 4-8

Kids who love to dance will appreciate this catchy tune, presented with three men dancing along and doing some killer moves in the process. Kids can not only sing along about bananas and meatballs, both typically kid-favorite foods, but they can also copy the moves. Play the video again and again until they replicate the moves just right. Or let them do their own silly dancing along with the song because, why not?


The video is not only entertaining. It’s also designed to, as GoNoodle notes, encourage kids to get moving and engage in physical activity. The video also focuses on helping kids learn patterns and identify them. This is a video even older kids might enjoy, if for no other reason than inspiration for their next TikTok dance.

Playground Time! Mighty Little Bheem | Netflix Jr.

Netflix Jr.

Best for Ages 3-6

Playground Time! ? Mighty Little Bheem | Netflix Jr

Netflix Jr. offers a wealth of content for young kids, and one of the most popular series is Mighty Little Bheem, which helps introduce kids to cultural differences at a younger age. The show features short episodes, all non-verbal in an effort to make it universal. One of the most popular is this video where the characters Bheem and Vijay visit a playground and explore all the fun activities there.

While creator Rajiv Chilaka says the show itself is targeted at kids aged 6-11, this particular video arguably skews a little younger in its material and handling. For little ones who might be afraid of trying the slide or seesaw for the first time, this fun video presents these park staples as toys to enjoy, not fear. From the music to the gleeful squeals, kids will be itching to go to the neighborhood park after watching.


Saying Hello and Making New Friends — Read the Book Bonjou! — Circle Time with Khan Academy Kids

Khan Academy Kids

Best for Ages 2-8

Saying Hello And Making New Friends | Read The Book Bonjou! | Circle Time with Khan Academy Kids

Online learning platform Khan Academy has its own YouTube channel filled with great resources for kids and parents. One of the recurring segments is called Circle Time, where kids are encouraged to play with others, learn about new topics, and read. These lessons can be combined with ones offered in the free Khan Academy Kids app.

This video in the series is about helping kids make new friends. The hosts read from the book Bonjou about a boy named Leo. He speaks Creole to a new student in the school, helping him feel welcome. You can also opt to display subtitles along with the audio reading and illustrations from the book pages. With these visual and audible options, kids can follow along in the way that’s most comfortable for them.

Very First Piano Lesson (2010) — Free Piano Lessons for Kids

Hoffman Academy

Best for Ages 4+

Very First Piano Lesson (2010) – Free Piano Lessons for Kids


If you’re considering enrolling your child in lessons to learn how to play a musical instrument like piano, you might want to get a feel for how they like it before committing. There are tons of free online lessons, and this just under 8-minute video is perfect. Kids can follow along with the easy instruction provided by Joseph Hoffman. While the video quality is pretty rudimentary, it has the feel of having the teacher in your home with you. Prop the phone, tablet, or computer atop the piano and the child can follow along with his guidance.

He talks about patterns and groupings of keys, and then goes through reading basic sheet music and how to properly place your hands and fingers on the key sbefore starting with a simple tune, Hot Cross Buns. By the end, the child will feel accomplished and potentially ready to learn more. The YouTube channel has tons of other instructional videos, including some on how to play specific songs and even sight reading challenges to learn more about musical notes.

10 Interesting Insects — Insects for Kids — Bugs for Kids

Socratica Kids

Best for Ages 4-8

10 Interesting Insects || Insects for Kids || Bugs for Kids

Have a child who is obsessed with bugs and other insects? This short, seven-minute video will walk them through all types, from butterflies to creepy crawling spiders. Along with the enchanting video, the narrator provides interesting facts about each insect so kids learn more about them in the process. Younger kids will love acquiring all this knowledge about these common insects and then heading to the backyard to see which ones they can find and examine for themselves.


The video has a timeline underneath that guides you if you want to skip ahead to the proper time for each of the 10 bugs covered. This is ideal if your kids only want to know about ants, for example, or caterpillars. Or, they can watch all the way through, learning about each bug one at a time. This is the kind of video you can return to again and again to study all the key facts worth knowing. The video encourages outdoor exploration and might even help kids afraid of insects overcome their fear when they see how fascinating bugs can be.

‘Arnie the Doughnut’ read by Chris O’Dowd


Best for Ages 3-6

‘Arnie the Doughnut’ read by Chris O’Dowd

Part of a series of videos provided by SAG-AFTRA Foundation that feature actors reading kids’ stories, this one from Chris O’Dowd is the most popular one to date. Of course, little kids won’t know O’Dowd from projects like The IT Crowd and Bridesmaids. But they might recognize from Gulliver’s Travels and Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. In the 15-minute video, he reads the story Arnie the Doughnut in his Irish accent, even doing funny voices to accompany the illustrations of different characters as they appear on screen.

Kids will giggle as the cakey, iced and sprinkled sweet treat explores his surroundings and meets all the doughnuts nearby. Just like in a store, each one has its own unique look, from the cinnamon twist to the powdered doughnuts and even the tiny doughnut holes. Just be prepared that the next time you take the kids to the local doughnut shop, they’ll be eyeing everything behind the window and conjuring up their own stories as they make the difficult decision of which treat to devour.


Bill Nye the Science Guy on Outer Space Distances

Bill Nye

Best for Ages 6+

Bill Nye The Science Guy on Outer Space Distances

If your kids are fascinated with space exploration, this short video, which runs just over two minutes, provides useful visual context to help them understand just how expansive space really is. It’s presented by popular and quirky scientist Bill Nye, who has entertained kids for generations with his useful scientific facts presented in an easily digestible way. He uses miniature items to illustrate how far the planets are from one another, and how far the next star is. He does so in a way that will really bring the reality home to kids, and maybe inspire ideas of their own for the next school project.

It’s a simple video but one that uses humor, sped-up running, and even an extra-long car ride to help kids gain an understanding of the vastness of space in a way they can easily grasp and enjoy.

How To Draw a Cute Cupcake Monster Folding Surprise

Art for Kids Hub

Best for Ages 6-10

How To Draw A Cute Cupcake Monster Folding Surprise


Has your child ever Googled “how to draw” something? Plenty of kids are interested in the arts, and if yours falls into this space, the Art for Kids Hub YouTube channel is a great place to start. Not only does it feature step-by-step instructional videos of how to draw all types of objects, animals, and cute creations, but it also features kids themselves doing the work. Rob is a dad of four who walks viewers through the projects alongside his kids, making the channel a great one to promote family values as well.

One of the more popular videos on the channel is this one that involves drawing a cupcake creature and manipulating it to deliver a cool effect once folded. Rob is joined by his daughter as an overhead view shows his work side-by-side with hers. Seeing her draw alongside him shows how easy the process is for even young kids to follow. In just 15 minutes, your child will be mesmerized by what they just created.

Personal Hygiene


Best for Ages 8+

It’s advisable to continue to help young kids, or at least monitor them, while they engage in personal hygiene tasks like brushing their teeth. But it’s also crucial for kids to understand the importance of personal hygiene, setting them up for their independence in this respect. This goes for not only teeth but also skin and hair, too. This short five-minute video incorporates something all kids love — robots — to help get its point across.

A young man helps the robots learn why keeping your body clean and maintaining a tidy appearance relates to your overall health, and is just as important as proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise. Viruses, bacteria, and germs are also discussed, giving kids all the tools and knowledge they need to stop skipping that hand-wash session after going to the bathroom or moaning and groaning when they’re told to hop in the shower. This quick refresher video and its educational material might just help your child avoid the dreaded cavity at the next dentist’s appointment, too.


Nerdy Nummies — Geeky Cooking Show

Rosanna Pansino

Best for Ages 8+


Younger kids will need a little parental help with this one, but if they love to cook and play around in the kitchen, they’ll feel accomplished after making this incredible Minecraft-themed cake. Rosanna Pansino and her friend Jordan Maron walk you through all the steps of making this layered cake, complete with icing. The steps are simple enough for a child to follow while the piping can be done freehand without extra accessories beyond a piping bag.

Pansino is engaging and her step-by-step directions are easy to follow for kids. If it’s going too quickly, kids can pause the video to catch up as needed and ask parents for help with using the oven and in the cake assembly stage. The best part? You have a sweet treat to enjoy at the end of it! At just 21 minutes long, the video is one to bookmark so you can make this cake again and again.

How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain — Mia Nacamulli


Best for Ages 8-10

How the food you eat affects your brain – Mia Nacamulli


You are probably familiar with TED Talks conference sessions, which feature influential and inspiring people from all types of industries discussing topics about life, career, science, and more. TED-Ed is an extension of that, geared towards kids. The YouTube channel itself has content designed for kids from K-12, with a wide variety of videos designed to inspire curiosity and educate children about things that are valuable to them.

This video, suitable for older kids, including teens and tweens, is great to inform kids about how their food impacts them. Kids who love sugar and junk food will learn why good nutrition is important. It will hit differently when it isn’t mom and dad telling them to eat their veggies, but it’s coming from a trusted, scientific perspective. Sure, younger kids might get bored after a minute or two (the video is under five minutes long). But for older kids, this video could be a game-changer. Maybe they’ll even ask for another helping of vegetables at dinner (they’ll probably still want that cookie after, too, though!)

The Nervous System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #8


Best for Ages 10+

The Nervous System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #8

Follow along with this crash course on anatomy and the nervous system with Hank, whose voice bears a striking similarity to comedian John Mulaney. It feels like kids are sitting in science class, but they’ll be more engaged thanks to the video component. Users have the ability to pause, rewind, and re-watch as needed.


Running just over 10 minutes long, Hank outlines the fundamentals of the nervous system and how our bodies operate, including sensory input, integration, and motor output. Kids can pause, take notes, and supplement their education to help with upcoming school projects and tests. Offering relatable analogies with text and visuals on screen throughout, it’s like having a favorite teacher at home.

An Experiment in Gratitude | The Science of Happiness


Best for Ages 10+

An Experiment in Gratitude | The Science of Happiness

Participant is a YouTube channel that focuses on storytelling using real-world themes that can help build awareness about important societal issues. The production company has produced dozens of documentaries and series and earned many Academy Awards for everything from Lincoln and Roma to Food, Inc. and RBG. There are many videos on the channel, but this one is great to watch with teens and tweens as it highlights an experiment about gratitude.

The seven-minute video begins by explaining what one of the biggest driving factors in happiness is, and it just so happens to be gratitude, according to psychologists, says the video. The video then goes on to prove this with a group of random participants asked to do something gracious. It’s a truly heartwarming video you’ll want to watch with your kids, and maybe have a box of tissues handy when you do.


How Things Work | Submarines, 3D Printers, Popcorn & MORE | Nat Geo Kids Compilation | @NatGeoKids

Nat Geo Kids

Best for Ages 12+

How Things Work | Submarines, 3D Printers, Popcorn & MORE | Nat Geo Kids Compilation | @NatGeoKids

Curious kids are the best kinds of kids, soaking up knowledge any time they can. For those questions to which you don’t know the answers, Nat Geo Kids is a wonderful resource. There are cool videos about animals, insects, national parks, and more. This particular video is led by the young Kamri Noel, who speaks with four experts to learn how a handful of items work.

Learn how submarines dive and navigate, how and why popcorn kernels pop like they do, how fitness trackers track your movements, and how a 3D printer shapes items it makes. It’s useful information kids can apply to their studies, even provide inspiration for the next science or research project. The information is delivered in a fun, engaging, and easy-to-follow way with simple terminology, succinct explanations, and analogies to help provide clarity.

Math Antics — Long Division with 2-Digit Divisors


Best for Ages 12+

Math Antics – Long Division with 2-Digit Divisors


Any kid in school panics at the thought of the dreaded math class that introduces long division. It’s complicated, confusing, and a lot of kids have trouble grasping the concept. This video aims to explain how to do division problems by breaking them up into smaller steps. Before you resort to a tutor or get frustrated trying to help them solve the complex equations themselves, check out this 13-minute video.

The host helps kids work through problems in a simple-to-follow way with easy-to-read graphics. There’s even a downloadable transcript you can print for kids to use as reference while finishing up their homework. With 22 million views and counting along with close to 300,000 likes, it’s clear that parents and kids alike find this video tremendously helpful.

Teen Voices: Oversharing and Your Digital Footprint

Common Sense Education

Best for Ages 12+

Teen Voices: Oversharing and Your Digital Footprint

Parents of tweens and teens are often faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to let them have their own social media profiles. Technically, most social media sites don’t allow kids to join until they are at least 13. But some parents give permission for kids to set up accounts using their credentials. There is some value in giving trustworthy kids the autonomy to go online. But in the end, they are still kids, and it’s important that they understand the risks along with the benefits, and how best to manage their time online and, most importantly, what they post.


This three-and-a-half-minute informational video helps kids understand the dangers of oversharing by using kids themselves to explain them in a relatable fashion. Kids will learn things they might not realize about how permanent things are on the internet. They’ll be informed about how people can screenshot their photos or even edit them, and how what they post could be forever accessible to anyone. The relatable selection of kids also provide advice about why you shouldn’t overshare, warning about things like false attention. This video should be mandatory viewing for any parent before handing their child a smartphone.

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Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 series is official, will go on sale ‘soon’



Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 series is official, will go on sale ‘soon’

Xiaomi has unveiled the Redmi Note 14 series smartphones. The latest mid-range 5G-enabled Android smartphone series includes the Redmi Note 14, the Redmi Note 14 Pro, and the Note 14 Pro Plus.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 series smartphones launched

Xiaomi has announced the Note 14 series smartphones in China. As the names indicate, they succeed the Redmi Note 13, the Redmi Note 13 Pro, and the Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus.

The Redmi Note 14 5G model is the entry-level model but it packs at least 6GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. Xiaomi has embedded MediaTek Dimensity 7025-Ultra SoC in the smartphone.

The Note 14 Pro is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 7300-Ultra SoC. The entry-level model of this middle variant packs 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. The top-end Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus phone is powered by Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 SoC. This capable midrange chipset is paired with a Xiaomi Pascal T1 signal enhancement chip.


Besides the SoC (System on a Chip), the Note 14 series smartphones also have varying capacities of batteries. The entry-level model has a 5110mAh battery, which supports 45W fast charging. The middle variant packs a 5500mAh battery, while the top model has a significantly larger 6200mAh battery that supports 90W fast charging.

All the Note 14 series smartphones feature a 6.67-inch display. However, the entry-level variant has a Full HD+ Super AMOLED screen, while the Redmi Note 14 Pro and the Pro Plus variants feature a 1.5K OLED display.

The latest Xiaomi smartphones are running Android 14 with Xiaomi Hyper OS. They feature an under-display fingerprint sensor and an Infrared sensor. The middle and top-end models lack a 3.5mm headphone jack. They have USB Type-C audio with Dolby Atmos.

When will the latest Redmi smartphones be available?

Xiaomi has announced the Redmi Note 14 series in China. The company hasn’t yet confirmed when these smartphones will go on sale. Although Xiaomi is silent about international availability, the Redmi series is quite popular in several countries. In other words, Xiaomi should launch these smartphones outside China in the next few months.


The Redmi Note 14 5G will ship in Starry White, Phantom Blue, and Midnight Black colors. The Note 14 Pro will be available in Twilight Purple, Phantom Blue, Mirror Porcelain White, and Midnight Black colors. The Note 14 Pro Plus will have Star Sand Green, Mirror Porcelain White, and Midnight Black color options.

The base model of the Note 14 5G starts at just 1199 yuan (approx. USD 171). Similarly, the Note 14 Pro starts at 1499 yuan (approx. USD 213). The top-end model of the Note 14 Pro Plus, featuring 16GB RAM and 512GB internal storage is priced at 2399 yuan (approx. USD 342). Needless to say, the international pricing of these smartphones would be higher than the Chinese pricing.

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Dell PowerEdge R930 Rack Server – Overview, Specifications & Benefits



Dell PowerEdge R930 Rack Server - Overview, Specifications & Benefits

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Zillow is adding climate risk data to all US for-sale listings




As extreme weather events become ever more common, climate risks are playing a role in many people’s long-term decision-making. And few things are more long-term than buying real estate. In response, Zillow has a new partnership to bring climate risk information to its for-sale listings.

Property listing pages in the US will include data about flood, wildfire, wind, heat and air quality risks at that location. This section will also list any climate-related insurance requirements for that property. The information is being provided by , a specialist in climate risk financial modeling. The climate data is rolling out this year to the Zillow website and iOS app, while Android is expected to get the update early next year. Some locations have already been updated to show climate data on the web.

Those five risk categories are also being applied to Zillow’s interactive map search view. Each of the different climate concerns has a color-coded visualization to show the risk levels across the country or in a smaller region. It’s valuable information for anybody in a position to make that big homebuying leap. For everybody else, it may add simply a touch of gloomy reality to the gleeful experience of scrolling through absurd and/or overpriced houses.

Zillow also introduced to its AI search feature earlier this month.


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