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Comment choisir la meilleure TV ? OLED ? HDR ? 144Hz ? Conseils de @PPWorld



Comment choisir la meilleure TV ? OLED ? HDR ? 144Hz ? Conseils de @PPWorld

Envie d’une nouvelle TV mais vous ne savez pas quoi choisir ? LCD, OLED, QLED… Quelle différence ? Quels critères faut-il regarder pour faire le meilleur choix POUR VOUS ? ‪@PPWorld‬ a répondu à toutes nos questions et vous aide à choisir !

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00:00 On vous aide à choisir votre téléviseur !
01:24 Quelle différence entre LCD, OLED et WOLED ?
04:32 Que faut-il choisir entre l’OLED, le LCD et le WOLED ?
04:35 Le LCD est-il toujours d’actualité ?
07:50 Comment choisir la taille de son téléviseur ?
09:27 Est-ce qu’il faut choisir un téléviseur 4k ou 8k ?
10:34 Quels réglages dois-je regarder pour acheter un téléviseur ?
13:00 Quel est l’intérêt d’avoir un téléviseur 144 Hz ?
15:15 Dolby Vision ou HDR10+ ?
18:24 Un téléviseur ou un vidéoprojecteur ?
19:25 Quel prix mettre MINIMUM dans son téléviseur ?
20:21 À quoi sert l’IA dans un téléviseur ?
21:52 Quelles marques conseillent on pour un téléviseur ?
22:43 Conclusion


🚩 Guide d’achat des meilleurs TV 4K (QLED ou Oled) en 2024 ?

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  1. @JulioJ

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Panasonic cité qu'une seule fois vite fait à la fin !! 😱😢😢😢

  2. @dalx83

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Perso je n'acheterais plis jamais TCL, j'ai pris une 65c815 en 2021 et 3 ans après le retro eclairage est mort et personne ne veut le reparer car la dalle est trop fragile et risque de casser. 3 ans et c'est mort. Donc TCL c'est fini pour moi, c'est moins cher mais ça ne tient pas.

  3. @jean-danielbellaiche8335

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    La meilleur télé c'est celle que l'on t'offre lol. Moi je ne mettrais jamais trop d'argent dans une télé, j'attendrais que les technologie actuelles coûte moins cher à produire. Je crois me souvenir qu'une télé HD écran plat coûtait cher à l'époque où il y avait beaucoup de cathodique, et aujourd'hui c'est très accessible.

  4. @jean-danielbellaiche8335

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Au niveau des réglages de toute manières ont peut revenir à la configuration par défaut non?

  5. @jean-danielbellaiche8335

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Après avoir vu cette vidéo moi j'aurai bien aimé voir quelqu'un poser la question "Où acheter pour avoir le choix le plus large?" On aurait pu même séparer la réponse en deux pour les magasin uniquement en ligne et ceux qui ont des magasins physique, surtout que pour moi c'est comme les vêtements, j'aime l'avoir sous la main et sous les yeux pour me rendre compte de la qualité de l'écran et pas me fier juste à des avis ou à une image d'un écran vu sur un autre écran qui a peut être subis une compression vidéo.

  6. @guillaumep8594

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    C'est plus pp c'est pepete il l'a dit sortez la cb

  7. @smurrrrums2952

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    QD OLED = burn in donc joli oui, colorimetrie oui mais attention au burn in… Samsung a a toujours été bling bling. Quantum dot oui mais sur lcd car un téléviseur a 5000 euros avec un burn in …

  8. @davidpradelli9177

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Chaud de passer sur une C3 65" de chez LG mais j'ai tellement peur du burn-in, principalement pour film + jouer depuis mon PC. Votre avis ?

  9. @jeanpierremoulin1974

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    une bonne TV 32" wifi Bluetooth et lumineuse ? led oled ?

  10. @yarivmenchel7037

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    4K, 8K, mauvais débat… Pour un 65" à 2.5m l'oeil humain ne distingue pas entre 4K et 1080 !
    Je me souviens quand j'ai acheté un plasma 50" en 2008, à 3m l'oeil humain ne distingue pas entre 1080 et 720 !

  11. @yarivmenchel7037

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    J'ai un Sony 2021 XR65A90J.
    Et je mets le mode Expert.
    Je dois être un des seuls à préférer des couleurs fidèles à la réalité. Je m'arrache les cheveux qui me restent pour ne pas avoir des couleurs trop chaudes dans les scènes sombres sur Dolby Vision Plus, les personnes paraissent trop rouges, comme cramés après une journée à la plage 😂😂

  12. @another-13-79

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Merci pp de tous ses conseils 😊

  13. @garribooo416

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Incroyable vidéo 😊😊 merci PP!!

  14. @marechalcruchot4620

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am


  15. @Absolut_RKOV

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Pas d'accord avec PP sur le prix minimum pour acquérir un OLED : on trouve aujourd'hui de très bonnes TV OLED pour 1000 euros en période de soldes ou Black Friday sur des TV d'il y a un ou 2 ans. Perso je viens d'acheter le LG G4 en 55 pouces pour 1420 euros. Hâte de le recevoir.

  16. @stevebgl5272

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Moi ma question est pourquoi acheter un Samsung plutôt qu'un TCL ? Et qu'es ce qui peut justifier la différence de prix

  17. @Bibfive5

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    J’ai acheté un Samsung QD-OLED 65 pouces S95B en septembre 2022 sur le conseil de PP en commentaire de son test à l’époque et j’en suis ravi ! Même encore au jour d’aujourd’hui cette TV est une merveille !!! 🤩🙏
    Que ce soit pour jouer, regarder la TV, les applications, etc… il est absolument incroyable !!! Je n’ose imaginer la qualité de son petit frère le S95D, quand je vois encore aujourd’hui le rendu incroyable du S95B à tous les niveaux 😮👍

  18. @lebaronnoir3897

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    le probleme n'est la la tv mais les programmes !

  19. @alainpanz968

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Rapport qualité prix = TCL C55 C65 Tout à fait excellent en son et image.

  20. @alainpanz968

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    TCL 55 C845 ou 65 C89B

  21. @yannouclm9046

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    PP svp il faudrait arrêtez d’idéaliser cette dalle Mat Oled…
    C’est juste horrible !!!

  22. @Dr3aMIFreedom

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    OMG, comment c'est dégueulasse les images fluide quand tu regardes un film ou une série 🤢. Vive le 24 ❤

  23. @yacyac8288

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    quel est la meilleure TV la LG G4 ou la samsung s95D?

  24. @jeremlafond7191

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Je voudrais savoir si la télé Neo qld Samsung en 8k modèle 2023 et bien merci

  25. @fullfull

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Jai une 75 pouces de chez philips avec ambilight, pour 1100 euros, la version 2023 avec google TV. Aucun interet la version 2024 a 1600 euros, essayez l'Ambilight… c'est l'adopter ! Elle est genial 🎉

  26. @zireg22mohamed76

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Le t-shirt❤❤❤❤

  27. @jorera01

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Les gars 65 pouces pour le salon vous pensez pas aux personnes qui n’ont pas des grand séjours. Ce qui est important de regarder c’est la taille du séjour et la distance entre là où tu regardes la télé et là ou tu vas l’installer.

  28. @brahimboukil2040

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    je voudrai me donner une solution pour les traits horizontal qui s'affiche sur mon SONY BRAVIA LCD. 40 POUCES.
    COMMENT proceder s'il vous plait.
    Merci d'avance.

  29. @zaki1070

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Franchement PP au top comme toujours !

    Merci @PP

  30. @BaltoDaviid

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    C'est Philips qui reconnaît à la fois le HDR 10 Plus et Dolby Vision, vraiment tous les formats.
    Je préfère l'image de LG.
    J'ai eu en Oled, Sony, LG, Panasonic, j'ai une préférence pour le LG, je vais d'ailleurs remplacer mon LG77CX par le LG77G3 à 3000€…
    Philips est top avec son 77OLED908, mais seulement 2 entrées HDMI et une image moins typée cinéma que LG, Sony, Panasonic….

  31. @tulfnulf3039

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Choix de ma mère : la moins chère !

  32. @lebaronnoir3897

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Attention ! les fabricants nomme 4K alors que cela est de UHD pour la plupart des référence.
    La confusion est d'afficher les 2 résolutions mais regarder bien les spec dans la fiche technique .

  33. @robertsanchez561

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Je donne un conseil personnel : OLED. Voilà j’ai fini. Aucun argument c’est parfait exposant 2

  34. @hmaxh33650

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Perso je me suis acheté un LG C1 il y a trois ans day one et franchement plus jamais j’achèterai de LCD je dis pas quelle a aucun défaut par exemple les reflets c’est insupportable webos franchement beauf j’ai tellement été frustré que j’ai une Apple TV 4K deux mois après sur un coup de tête le rendu sonore qui est correct mais sans plus mais surtout le prix qui est ultra cher à l’époque mon 48 pouces je l’avais payé 1500€

  35. @kotazad3115

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    J'ai commandé le philips oled+ 809 ambilight 65 pouces, hâte !!

  36. @johanbibouhou1680

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Bonjours quelqu'un peux m'aider, j'hésite en 163cm entre le samsung led TU65CU7025
    Et le TCL 65C69B Qled ….

  37. @moitoujours-x1s

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Comment choisir la meilleure TV ? prenez une PANASONIC OLED, fin ! (le meilleur software Panasonic, Sony, Lg, Samsung… mais lol) Le S95D comme le S90D ont une image plate sans relief malgré la dalle QD-OLED… Trop de clarté dans les zones sombres et trop faible luminosité dans les zones claires, la compensation de mouvement est tellement moins efficace que chez PANASONIC et encore aujourd'hui… Le LG C4 ou G4 qui au final, sont toujours moins bons que PANASONIC car l'électronique de PANASONIC change tout ! Quand on voit un C3 de 2023 sortir 800cd/m² et à côté un MZ1500 en sortir plus de 1100cd/m² avec la même dalle que le LG, on se rend compte que le plus important c'est bien la partie électronique Alors oui PANASONIC c'est très cher, mais il suffit de prendre justement le modèle 2023 et hop, super prix et image de folie… SONY Trop cher pour au final pas encore au niveau de PANASONIC… Bref, j'ai essayé de nombreuses TV avant de remplacer mon FZ800 pour au final revenir encore et encore chez PANASONIC malgré le fait que, visuellement, la barre de son et l'épaisseur de la TV ne soient pas trop au gout du jour… Quand on aime une belle image au final, l'écran peut être rose, vert, bleu, rond ovale, l'important c'est que le film qu'on regarde nous donne la chair de poule et, pour ma part, il n'y a que PANASONIC qui arrive à faire cela.

  38. @manel-wiwi

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    pp meme quand on hésite il nous dit s95d alalalala il explique tellement bien tout devient clair et on sait ce qu′on veut après ces explications

  39. @oexmelin8937

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Bonjour ,merci pour vos video tres inintéressantes je désir changer ma tv samsung curve qui est en train de rendre l’âme ,pour un samung ,lg,ou sony en oled ,j'ai regardé a la fnac et je trouve que lg tire sur les rouges , et le sony est plus fade je n'ai pas vu le samsung …merci

  40. @miklovelka2532

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Il n’existe qu’un seul film qui possede un master en 5k
    Et c’est pacific rim
    En europe pas de source 8k en toit cas en video
    Mais on paut trouver beaucoup de musique en 8k audio mais est ce ca merite achat tv 8k non
    4k c’est plus qu’assez 😇

  41. @aquamich129

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Ne jamais oublier de parler de connectique. Avoir un cable secteur fixé en dur à la carte mère des LG pour des fixations murales propres (donc dans le mur) est un cauchemard avec LG

  42. @hugohugo-qs7rr

    September 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    holala , je suis deja perdu au bout de 3 minute

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MAFS star Georges reveals secrets of the show including boozy 11am dinner parties and stars plied with ‘fake’ champers



MAFS star Georges reveals secrets of the show including boozy 11am dinner parties and stars plied with ‘fake’ champers

MARRIED At First Sight star Georges Berthonneau has revealed what really happens at the explosive dinner parties.

The online coach, who wed Peggy Lawrence in last year’s series, said the boozy group gatherings start at 11am in the morning and can go on for several hours.

Married At First Sight star Georges reveals boozy dinner parties start at 11am


Married At First Sight star Georges reveals boozy dinner parties start at 11amCredit: Channel 4
The online coach said champagne is replaced for prosecco during filming


The online coach said champagne is replaced for prosecco during filmingCredit: Rex

Georges claimed that producers give them “fake champagne” which is actually prosecco – saying “it’s all a facade, it’s all smoke and mirrors”.

Speaking exclusively to The Sun, Georges said: “They want it to kind of get out of control, but they don’t want people to get too drunk.

“They used to have a tally chart, so we’d have our pictures, you know the cast sheet, and everyone would have a line by their name
and as one person gets a little bit too drunk, they start to decrease the alcohol on the table.


“So they do regulate it, like fair play to them.

“But then you’ve got to remember we’re up at 6am, and we’re home by one in the morning, so it’s like a full day of filming.

“The mixers start as early as 11 o’clock.

“You’re drinking fake champagne, you know.


“They’re labeling it champagne, and it’s prosecco. It’s all a facade. It’s all smoke and mirrors. There’s no truth to it.

“And again, you don’t know who’s playing a game.”

Georges explained that there were some two-faced contestants on his series – who would try and steal the limelight.

MAFS UK star Georges Berthonneau reveals he’s in ‘dream’ new relationship after ‘conveyor belt’ of dating offers after show

“Normally, the ones that are trying to play a game because they’re trying to take the heat off themselves,” he continued.


“You know, we used to have a few people do that.

“They used to try and diffuse situations before you went on camera and stuff, which in my eyes is the right way to do it, but then, why are you trying to hide?”

It comes after Georges told The Sun that the show is “pantomime” and its producers are “magicians” due to the way the show is edited.

He claimed claims there are four different edits per couple on the programme enabling bosses to manipulate storylines.


It means a bride or groom can be painted in one light in an episode, before undergoing a dramatic change in the next, something which was evident with Georges last year.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, he said: “There is not one edit of the show. There are four potential edits depending on the crowd’s reaction at the time.

“These people are absolutely magicians and wizards when it comes to editing footage.”

In the current series, groom Caspar Todd came under fire on his wedding day and honeymoon for ‘body-shaming’ wife Emma Barnes.


He stunned viewers when he remarked he didn’t find her sexy and “doesn’t usually go for curvy women”.

Georges predicts there’s likely a different side to Caspar that viewers have yet to see, which might pave the way for a redemption arc.

He said: “What happens is Caspar might have actually said some really lovely things about Emma on the day, but they just edited them out.”

Georges’ narrative changed dramatically over the course of his series. He began the series as a bit of a jester who was fixated on fake boobs, before his more mature, sensitive side was introduced.


“It’s a pantomime, we already they already know the ending,” he said. “I think if you’d solely looked at my wedding day you’d go this guy doesn’t make it past week two.

“But then you watch episode two of me and my honeymoon, and all of a sudden everyone’s like, ‘Oh, this guy’s not actually so bad. He’s just a bit immature at times. He’s a bit laughy jokey. He’s a bit say it, think it, catch it, kill it, bin it,’ and the table’s turned.”

A side effect of this selective editing is overzealous viewers sometimes develop an irrational hatred for cast members.

As a result social media inboxes can quickly fill up with vitriolic messages.


Georges took the fallout from his series in his stride, but warned trolls that they’re likely to end up with egg on their face if they act without knowing the full story.

“I think people are too quick to judge, but then they’re entitled to do what they want,” he said. “If Doris wants to go on Facebook and and smash up the forums and be like, ‘Georges is a d**khead.

“He spoke about boobies, and he spoke about this, he spoke about that’, whatever, that’s fine. You’re entitled to have your life in your opinion.”

Georges said he's dinner parties are a 'facade'


Georges said he’s dinner parties are a ‘facade’Credit: Getty

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We Play with Dolphins on a Tropical Island! Kids Fun TV



We Play with Dolphins on a Tropical Island! Kids Fun TV

We Play with Dolphins on a Tropical Island! Kids Fun TV
The Fun Squad love dolphins and had the best adventure with them at the Dolphin Academy! We loved learning about their fun and friendly personalities and getting to meet them up close. We danced, and splashed, sang, played with these beautiful and amazing dolphins! Jazzy Skye, Jack Skye and Kade Skye had an amazing adventure with our dolphin friends on a tropical island during our family vacation in the Caribbean!

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Alison Steadman reveals the scene that convinced her to do Gavin and Stacey



Alison Steadman reveals the scene that convinced her to do Gavin and Stacey

Alison Steadman has revealed the scene that convinced her to sign on to the hit sitcom Gavin and Stacey, in which she starred as Gavin’s neurotic mum Pamela.

The 78-year-old actor has reflected on receiving the script for the hit sitcom in 2006 and immediately hearing Pam’s Essex accent when she read the lines.

Steadman revealed it was Pam’s first-ever scene when she’s lounging on the sofa with cucumber slices over her eyes, as she recovers from watching a tear-jerking wildlife programme, that made her fall for the character.


“I could hear the voice, and it just clicked with me,” Steadman toldThe Sunday Times. “She’s lying on the couch with cucumbers on her eyes. Gavin comes in and says, ‘You all right, Mum?’ and she says, ‘I’m not actually. I’ve been crying all afternoon, I’ve been watching this programme, this mother badger was crying because her babies had died.’ ‘Mum, badgers don’t cry.’ ‘Gavin, I know what I saw.’”

Steadman said that scene made her think: “I’ve got to do this.”

The Life is Sweet actor went on to portray Pam, known lovingly as “Three Steaks Pam” to avid viewers, alongside her on-screen husband Mick (Larry Lamb) until the series ended in 2010.

Pam tells Gavin she’s been ‘crying all afternoon’ over a nature programme

Pam tells Gavin she’s been ‘crying all afternoon’ over a nature programme (BBC)

Writing about Gavin and Stacey in her new memoir, Out of Character, Steadman wrote that “Pam, aka Pammalarr, was a gift of a part for me”.

“It wasn’t until I did a chemistry test with Larry Lamb that I knew who’d be playing her husband, Mick. The scene that we had to do together is one of my favourites from the first episode, let’s just call it the Three Steaks Pam scene.”

In the scene, Pam has three steaks on her plate as part of her Atkins diet plan and explains to a perplexed Mick and Gavin that one is the actual steak and the other two are substitutes for chips and peas.

“Larry and I had such a laugh, we were easy company with each other and all of us knew this was a relationship that would work on and off screen. We had worked together years before and had become friends.”

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Stacey confronts Pam about her meat-eating habits in her ‘vegetarian’ era

Stacey confronts Pam about her meat-eating habits in her ‘vegetarian’ era (BBC)

Steadman also listed some of her favourite silly one-liners that Pam says in the series, such as “What you said then was really boring, I switched off after banana” to Stacey; “You’re a leek-munching sheep sh*****” to Stacey’s mum Gwen and, “My little prince, you’re the victim of a victimisation” to Gavin.

She added: “Then there’s the phrases that are in her DNA such as ‘Oh, my Christ’ and ‘You and me are going to fall out today, Mick, Michael.’”

Created by James Corden and Ruth Jones, the series stars Mathew Horne and Joanna Page as Gavin and Stacey, an Essex boy from Billericay and a Welsh girl from Barry Island, who fall in love from afar, and tracks how their families unite as their romance develops.


Gavin and Stacey will be returning for one final episode on Christmas Day, which will mark the official finale for the series.

It will pick up after the 2019 Christmas finale, which saw Nessa and Smithy’s long-running love-hate relationship hit its climax as Nessa declared her love for Smithy, before proposing to him.

Fans have been waiting nearly five years for Smithy’s response, since the episode ended before he had the chance to reply.

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Strictly fans spot secret ‘feud’ between Shirley Ballas and fellow judge as they slam her annoying habit



Strictly fans spot secret ‘feud’ between Shirley Ballas and fellow judge as they slam her annoying habit

STRICTLY fans are convinced they’ve spotted a secret feud between two judges after last night’s show.

Some have called head judge Shirley Ballas, 64, out for constantly interrupting fellow judge Craig Revel Horwood, 59.

Strictly fans have begged bosses to step in after spotting Shirley Ballas' annoying habit


Strictly fans have begged bosses to step in after spotting Shirley Ballas’ annoying habitCredit: Eroteme
Some BBC viewers are not happy with Shirley interrupting a fellow judge


Some BBC viewers are not happy with Shirley interrupting a fellow judgeCredit: Eroteme
The head judge kept jumping in while Craig Revel Horwood was critiquing


The head judge kept jumping in while Craig Revel Horwood was critiquingCredit: Eroteme

BBC viewers branded the habit “annoying” and begged producers to step in.

One fan pointed out: “Shirley is getting irritating, some producer needs to tell her to stop interrupting Craig…the drama should be on the dancefloor not on the judges panel.”


A second echoed: “There’s banter and there’s shouting down. I know the difference even if you don’t.”

“The petty bickering is really annoying,” a third said.

Another fumed: “Can Shirley pls stop interrupting Craig (especially when he’s right) just let the man speak.”



During last night’s second live, Shirley was spotted cutting off Craig while he gave the contestants his feedback.

She quickly interjected when Craig told Welsh opera singer that there weren’t many “heel leads” during his routine.

Shirley fired back and said: “That is not true,” to which Craig told her: “You can’t deny it, you’re sugar coating it.”

But Shirley replied: ” I am denying it. That’s not true.”

Strictly’s Craig makes booze joke while judging Paul Merson

The pair were taking swipes at each other throughout the show and again clashed over Jamie Borthwick’s dance.

Craig told the EastEnders star: “I felt it lacked connection, I felt it lacked an emotional connection between both of you.

“It felt like you were dancing by numbers. OK, you’re thinking about the dance and every move you are doing but actually didn’t lift from the space at all.

“I felt like you didn’t lift from the space at all. I felt like we lost story and everything about what a rumba is about.”


Craig’s feedback was met by a sea of boos from the audience.

Shirley was quick to jump in and said: “He needs to start somewhere with a good fundamental,” to which Craig replied: “I get that.”

She went on: “It had emotion, I like it when it is really calm.”

The other judges struggled to get a word in, with Motsi Mabuse screaming: “May I speak now?”


Elsewhere in the competition, Love Island‘s Tasha Ghouri added fuel to the ‘fix’ claims as she broke show record.

The reality star wowed the judges with her Viennese waltz on week two of the competition.

The former ITV2 personality has previously come under fire due to claims she had previous “professional training”.

Shirley and Motsi gave Tasha and her partner Aljaž Škorjanec a standing ovation after their routine.


Three of the judges – including Craig Revel Horwood – called her routine the “dance of the night and scored a total of 35.

Claudia Winkleman also revealed that it was the highest ever score of a Viennese waltz in week two in Strictly Come Dancing history.

Viewers couldn’t help but take to X – formerly known as Twitter – as they declared that she had already earned her spot in the final.

“Three 9’s in week 2???? tasha is a force to be reckoned with,” wrote one fan.


A second user posted: “Tasha’s cinched her way to the final. Like give her the 10’s right now.”

Tasha Ghouri added fuel to the fire of previous fix claims


Tasha Ghouri added fuel to the fire of previous fix claimsCredit: BBC

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