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Swamp Notes — Harris and Trump pitch their economic visions



This is an audio transcript of the FT News Briefing podcast episode: ‘Swamp Notes — Harris and Trump pitch their economic visions

Sonja Hutson
Every American political strategist knows, if there’s one thing voters care about above all else, it’s the economy. And this week, with less than 40 days until election day, the candidates criss-crossed the country to talk about it.

Kamala Harris voice clip
My vision for the economy, I call it an opportunity economy.

Donald Trump voice clip
On November 5th, we will save our economy.



Sonja Hutson
This is Swamp Notes, the weekly podcast from the FT News Briefing, where we talk about all of the things happening in the 2024 US presidential election. I’m Sonja Hutson, and this week we’re asking, what could Harris and Trump’s economic plans mean for the country? Here with me to discuss is James Politi. He’s the FT’s Washington bureau chief. Hi, James.

James Politi
Hi, Sonja.

Sonja Hutson
And we’ve also got Peter Spiegel, the FT’s US managing editor. Hi, Peter.


Peter Spiegel
Thanks for having me, Sonja.

Sonja Hutson
Glad to have you. So I want to start with Kamala Harris and her economic plans. She gave a big speech and released an economic policy document this week. James, what did we learn from the document and from the speech?

James Politi
Well, she’s pitched it very much as a kind of pragmatic, moderate approach to economic policy. There are no big changes, actually, compared to the Biden administration. But she does add a few more elements. She’s got new tax credits for first-time homebuyers. She’s promising to boost housing supply, promising an expansion of the child tax credit. There are a lot of incentives for starting small businesses. So she’s trying to target areas that interest her and that she thinks will be politically helpful to her in the final stretch of the campaign and are sort of popular parts of the Biden agenda.

Sonja Hutson
Yeah, no, I’m glad that you brought up that comparison with the Biden agenda, because she has kind of a tricky balancing act here, right? I mean, she is the second-highest-ranking member of a historically unpopular presidential administration, and it’s been particularly unpopular because of economic issues. And think about inflation here. So she can’t exactly discard everything that the administration has done. But she also wants to signal that she’s moving on from Biden. So, Peter, what do you think the political thinking is behind which of Biden’s policies she’s keeping and which she’s distancing herself from?


Peter Spiegel
Inflation, inflation, inflation — that is the biggest problem for her in particular, and what really, I think, was dragging Biden when he was still in the campaign. We have this monthly poll we do with the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. And we ask repeatedly, what is the biggest concern that you have going into election day? And by far it is high prices. It is inflation. And that has a lingering effect because, although inflation is coming down, it’s back in sort of the normal range, it’s that prices aren’t going down. They’re just going up at a less fast rate. So she needs to sort of, I would say, neutralise that. You know, James and I, before Biden pulled out, had a meeting with one of Biden’s leading political advisers. And we were pushing pretty hard on this issue. How can you win if you can’t advocate for your economic policies? And they’re . . . to summarise the response, it was, we’re not gonna win on this. We have to neutralise it. Right? We need to change the conversation.

Sonja Hutson
Is it kind of like she’s just rebranding something that is essentially the same policy? Like, you know, she keeps using the phrase opportunity economy, but do we have a sense of what that actually means?

James Politi
Well, when she talks about the opportunity economy, that’s not necessarily the way Biden spoke about it. It’s a slightly more business-friendly, more moderate approach to economic policy, I think. You know, one of the things she’s wanted people to know is that she’s in favour of, you know, a higher tax rate on capital gains, but lower than what Biden had proposed. So that gives you a sense that she might be a little more sort of business-friendly in her approach to economics.

Peter Spiegel
I think that’s a really important point. I just emphasise this because I think, again, if we’re talking about how to differentiate the two candidates, you know, by which I mean Biden and Harris, I think this is a key, key thing. I think it’s fair to say that the Biden administration is one of the most anti-business administrations we have seen in our modern politics. And I don’t necessarily say that being good or bad. I mean, look, he’s Scranton Joe. He’s very pro-labour. He goes on picket lines. That’s not something you would see Barack Obama or Bill Clinton do. They were not as overtly pro-labour as Joe Biden was.


You look at Lina Khan of the Federal Trade Commission breaking up companies. You look at Gary Gensler at the SEC. These are all very, you know, aggressive, regulatory and pro-labour kind of policies. Harris has less of that kind of record in the Senate. And certainly, you know, in her time in California, she’s from northern California, obviously the centre of the tech industry. And reputationally what we hear from the business community is she was, she may have done policies that they didn’t like necessarily, but they were open to conversations. So I think that is a, that’s a significant difference rhetorically but also stylistically, and I suspect going forward from a policy perspective.

Sonja Hutson
All right. Well, let’s talk about Trumponomics now. James, you just wrote an FT Big Read about this. I’m wondering what you think that Trump thinks the big problem with the US economy is, and how does he hope to solve it?

James Politi
He hopes to solve it with a lot of tax cuts in a lot of areas and a lot of tariffs against imports from a lot of different countries and very high tariffs as well. So he’s promised to lower the corporate tax rate. He’s promised to extend his own tax cuts for individuals. And then on the campaign trail, he’s also said, you know, no taxes on tips, no taxes on overtime. Really, I mean, hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of revenue that he’s trying to kind of cut out. And then on tariffs, too. I mean, he’s got up to 20 per cent tariffs on all imports, from everywhere, and even higher tariffs on products coming in from China. He’s throwing around like tariff threats really left and right.

Peter Spiegel
For a non-traditional candidate, boy, is this kind of the traditional way politicians use to attract voters. You want a tax cut? You get a tax cut. You want a tax cut? It’s like Oprah. You have a tax cut. You get a tax cut. You know, I mean it’s getting a little bit silly now. Every week someone else gets a tax cut ‘cause he’s trying to win them over in swing states.


What is genuinely different about Trumponomics is the reliance on tariffs as an economic tool. And then by extension, it’s not really an economic policy but will have impact economically, which is the really hardcore anti-immigration bit. But I think the tariff thing is worth focusing on because this was, you know, on both Democrats and Republicans for a generation or three, was seen as anathema. And it has become now accepted policy, frankly, in a bipartisan manner, that makes me a little bit concerned that tariffs are legitimate tool of economic policy. There’s this assumption that there won’t be retaliatory tariffs. And that magically this will spur investment in the United States because you can’t import things domestically. Suddenly a revitalisation of the other manufacturing base, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But we have copious amounts of historical data that shows that doesn’t happen. And actually what happens is it’s a tax on US importers. They pass on those costs to consumers. Inflation goes up and global economic activity slows.

Sonja Hutson
So it sounds like these tariffs themselves could have a pretty big impact. but I’m curious what you two think the impact will be of not only the tariffs but those combined with renewed tax cuts under a second Trump administration and also his plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. I mean, what kind of impact could all of that together have?

Peter Spiegel
I mean, the obvious thing. I mean, if you just do economics 101, what immigration has done and done over the course of American history is provided a new labour force for American industry. And frankly, one of the things the Fed has looked at very, very closely as it’s trying to decide whether to bring down interest rates is labour costs. And if suddenly you suck out through deporting 10mn people or whatever the latest Trump number is, that’s 10mn people who are not in the labour force any more. And suddenly the demand for labour goes through the roof because there’s no supply left. And so there is a direct impact on inflation and on the labour force and on prices through a highly aggressive immigration policy.

Sonja Hutson
Well, just quickly on the tax cuts piece of that. Could those present any, I don’t know, fiscal problems?


Peter Spiegel
James cited, you know, I think, James, you said hundreds of billions of dollars of basically deficit financing. Because if you suddenly cut all these taxes on the Trump plans, you end up with lack of revenue. And, you know, no one cares about government debt until the markets care about government debt. And that’s what happened to Greece. That’s what happened to Italy. The markets at some point are gonna say, jeez, the US debt load is so high that we’re no longer gonna finance you at 2, 3, 4 per cent. We’ll finance you at 7, 8, 9 per cent. And that is bad for the US government. But that’s also bad for mortgage rates and credit card rates and all the stuff you and I pay on a daily basis, because everything is tied to that, the Treasury yields. So I am shocked that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats seem to care about the budget deficit any more.

James Politi
But also, I mean, Americans have gotten a flavour now of, you know, higher interest rates and higher inflation. And they haven’t liked it, so they’ve gotten a taste, you know, the taste for it that, you know, they hadn’t had for 40 years. And so maybe it will kind of raise some alarm bells at some point.

Sonja Hutson
All right. So we’ve been getting really into the nitty gritty about what Trump and Harris want to do with the economy if they’re elected. But I’m wondering, do voters actually respond to policy debates like this and like the one that we’re seeing play out on the campaign trail?

James Politi
I mean, I think the question now is, is it too late? Because I think a lot of economic perceptions are kind of sealed earlier in the election year. And over time, I think a lot of damage has been done by inflation and high prices. And so that’s, a lot of that is locked in. Now, the question is, can Harris kind of recover in the final stretch and will perceptions change? The environment is pretty benign. It’s probably the best that she could have hoped for. With, you know, easing inflation almost down to 2 per cent. It’s about 2.5 per cent at the moment, and job growth has slowed a bit. But you’re not seeing mass lay-offs. We’re not in a recessionary environment at this point. It’s sort of the best circumstances that I think Harris could have hoped for, but it may still have come too late to really save the Democrats.


Peter Spiegel
The other point I’ll make on that, though, is the very changing of Biden to Harris, where Biden was identified as the president who presided over all this inflationary pressure. Even though she was vice-president, what we have seen a lot of public opinion polling, including, I would say once again, the FT-Michigan Ross poll, is that the very change in the candidate has changed the narrative. We’ve been asking every month who can handle the economy better, Trump or Biden, Biden or Trump? And throughout, since we start doing it a year ago, Trump was 7, 8 percentage points ahead of Biden. Suddenly, Harris is now ahead of Trump. Harris has jumped 7 or 8 percentage points higher than Biden. So just as James said, a lot was baked on, you baked in early and really, I think, unchangeable in terms of perceptions of economic competence. But the fact that you changed the candidate seems to have had an impact on perceptions, and that people are willing to give Harris the benefit of the doubt because she’s a relatively unknown figure, whereas Biden is known and they associate him with inflation.

Sonja Hutson
All right. We’re gonna take a quick break. And when we come back, we’ll do Exit Poll.


And we are back with Exit Poll, where we talk about something that did not happen on the campaign trail and apply rigorous political analysis to it. So last week, the FT marked 30 years since starting its Lunch with the FT series. And it’s basically where an FT journalist takes someone important out to lunch. It could be a politician, an inventor, a business exec and we have done 1,500 of them. So for both of you this week on Exit Poll, I want to ask if you could have lunch with any American political figure, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you take them?


James Politi
I’d like to do Barack Obama. Because I want to find out what exactly happened in July. How much pressure did he actually put on Joe Biden to leave the race? And, does he have any regrets about his time in office? And what would he do if he had a third term?

Sonja Hutson
Where would you take him to elicit these juicy answers?

James Politi
Well, I was just in Savannah, Georgia. There’s an old Greyhound station that’s been converted to a restaurant, and that seems like a good, good place to do it.

Sonja Hutson
Love it. All right, Peter, you’re up.


Peter Spiegel
I’ve gone, I’ve gone with John McCain.

James Politi
2008 all over again.

Sonja Hutson
I know. (Laughter)

Peter Spiegel
Once again, as James knows, I am from Arizona. I talk endlessly about Arizona.


Sonja Hutson
Really, Peter? I had no idea.

Peter Spiegel
Yeah, yeah, I know, but the reason I would love and obviously, firstly Senator McCain died a few years ago, but it is, he is, in my mind, the last of sort of the Reagan-era Republicans. And I just be curious about what he makes of his Republican party. And sticking to the Arizona theme, when I grew up, it’s very hard to find good Mexican food outside of the south-west United States, I would argue. So the family restaurant we would go to when I was a kid is called Garcia’s. So I would take John McCain to Garcia’s in east Phoenix.

Sonja Hutson
All right, order some tacos for me.

I want to thank our guest, James Politi, the FT’s Washington bureau chief. Thanks, James.


James Politi
Thanks for having me, Sonja.

Sonja Hutson
And Peter Spiegel, he’s our US managing editor. Thanks, Peter.

Peter Spiegel
Always a pleasure.



Sonja Hutson
This was Swamp Notes, the US politics show from the FT News Briefing. If you want to sign up for the Swamp Notes newsletter, we’ve got a link to that in the show notes.

Our show is mixed and produced by Ethan Plotkin. It’s also produced by Lauren Fedor and Marc Filippino. Special thanks as always to Pierre Nicholson. I’m your host, Sonja Hutson. Our executive producer is Topher Forhecz, and Cheryl Brumley is the FT’s global head of audio. Original music by Hannis Brown. Check back next week for more US political analysis from the Financial Times.

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UK economy grew less than thought in spring



UK economy grew less than thought in spring

UK economic growth between April and June was less than previously estimated, according to official figures.

Gross domestic product (GDP) – which measures all the economic activity of companies, governments and people in a country – rose by 0.5%, down from an initial reading of 0.6%.

The manufacturing and construction sectors fell by more than first thought.

The data has emerged as the Labour government, which has made economic growth one of its key policies, prepares to announce its first Budget in four weeks’ time.


The Office for National Statistics (ONS), which published the figures, said the production of transport and related equipment tumbled by 3.1% between April and June after a long period of growth.

It was first estimated to have fallen by 0.7%.

The ONS said there was evidence to suggest that factories had reduced manufacturing as they prepared for the shift to making electric cars.

Construction also dropped due to a continuing decline in building new homes. However, the ONS said there were some signs this was beginning to ease.


Paul Dales, chief UK economist at Capital Economics, said the downward revision “shouldn’t make the Bank of England worry too much about the economy running out of momentum”.

However, he added: “It may add to the Bank’s view that interest rates need to be reduced further.”

The Bank of England cut interest rates for the first time in nearly four years in August, to 5% from 5.25%.

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Calton brings in industry heavyweight Bruce Hendry to run Edinburgh office



Calton brings in industry heavyweight Bruce Hendry to run Edinburgh office

Financial planning firm Calton has appointed Bruce Hendry as executive director to lead its head office in Edinburgh

He will take up the role from today (30 September).

The appointment is the capstone of a year of growth and consolidation and is key to Calton’s strategy for UK growth.

Bruce Hendry and Tom Ham. Photo credit: Euan Myles

Hendry is a chartered fellow of both the Personal Finance Society and the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment.

He holds an Executive MBA from Edinburgh University Business School and has previously lectured at Dundee and Edinburgh Universities.


He has held previous roles at Thomson Cooper Accountants, Charles Stanley and Co and Barclays Wealth and Investment Management.

He will join Tom Ham, Laura Bruce, Gary Dale and Mark Polson on the company’s board of directors.

Commenting on his appointment, Hendry said: “I have been watching Calton’s development closely. The firm’s vision aligns with mine – to build client confidence through delivering exceptional outcomes and service.

“Much of that is about values, but Calton is also breaking new ground in developing systems that will help make that vision a reality. I look forward to showcasing this to the profession.”


Calton Wealth uses AI to cut out ‘menial tasks’ for advisers

Calton founder and group chief executive Tom Ham said: “Bruce choosing Calton is a vote of confidence in our mission and ambition.

“He has already built a distinguished senior career in advising and investment management across the UK and has a proven track record of building and growing departments.

“His expertise and dynamism is second to none. He will be an essential force in taking Calton and our talented team to new heights in the service we offer our clients.”


Over the past 12 months, Calton has moved to a new flagship office in Rutland Square in the heart of Edinburgh’s financial district.

Calton Wealth makes first acquisition in ‘key step’ for growth plans

It has increased its client-facing and support staff and launched a new digital presence. A groundbreaking new management system will launch later this autumn.

Ham added: “We are focused firmly on a future in which technological solutions will ease friction in our day-to-day processes while ensuring that we adhere to the highest professional standards.


“Our bespoke management system will be an essential tool across our team, from advisers to paraplanners, to marketing, monitoring and reporting.”

Calton is a financial planning and investment management firm founded in Edinburgh by Tom Ham in 2021.

With offices in London and the Scottish Borders, it has clients across the UK.


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ITA Airways looks to its heritage with “Inspired by Alitalia” tagline



ITA Airways looks to its heritage with “Inspired by Alitalia” tagline

The carrier will also display the Alitalia logo at “select strategic touchpoints”

Continue reading ITA Airways looks to its heritage with “Inspired by Alitalia” tagline at Business Traveller.

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UK house prices rise at fastest pace in two years



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UK house prices rose at their fastest annual pace for two years in September, in a sign of the impact of falling mortgage rates on the property market.

The average property price rose by an annual rate of 3.2 per cent, up from 2.4 per cent in August and the fastest rate since November 2022, according to new figures from mortgage lender Nationwide.


Economists polled by Reuters had expected a rise of 2.7 per cent.

Line chart of Average house price, £ '000 showing House prices rise at fastest pace for 2 years

On a monthly basis, the rise was 0.7 per cent, bringing the UK’s average house price to £266,094, about 2 per cent below the all-time highs recorded in the summer of 2022.

Robert Gardner, chief economist at Nationwide, said increases in incomes had continued to outstrip the rise in house prices in recent months, while borrowing costs had edged lower amid expectations that the Bank of England would continue to lower interest rates.

“These trends have helped to improve affordability for prospective buyers and underpinned a modest increase in activity and house prices, though both remain subdued by historic standards,” he said.

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UK economy grew less than first thought GDP figures show – what it means for your money



UK economy grew less than first thought GDP figures show - what it means for your money

THE UK economy grew less than first thought, revised GDP figures show.

Gross Domestic Product went up by 0.5%, not 0.6%, in the second quarter of this year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said.

The UK economy grew less than first thought, revised GDP figures show


The UK economy grew less than first thought, revised GDP figures showCredit: Alamy

Growth was mainly driven by a rise in the services sector, but the manufacturing and construction industries industry dragged down the headline figure, according to the ONS.


It comes following GDP growth of 0.7% from January to March, which was revised up from 0.6% previously.

GDP measures the value of goods and services produced in the UK.

It also estimates the size and growth of the economy.

The fresh figures published this morning show that the UK economy continued its recovery from recession at the end of last year, just at a slightly slower pace than previously thought.


Compared with the same quarter a year ago, real GDP is estimated to have increased by 0.7% between April to June this year.

The latest figures still mean that GDP has grown for two consecutive quarters and will come as a boost to the Government despite inflation sticking to 2.2% in August.

Liz McKeown, director of economic statistics, ONS said: “Today’s updated GDP figures for 2023 and 2024 include new annual survey data, VAT returns and updated information about the relative size of each industry for the first time.

“However, after taking on these improvements, the quarterly growth path across the last 18 months is virtually unchanged.”


Ms McKeown also added that according to the latest data show that household savings continue to increase and are now at their highest rate since the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Economists had previously predicted the UK economy would continue to grow across the second quarter of this year, with higher growth expected in the second part of 2024 and into 2025.

It came following inflation slowing to 2.2% from a record high of 11.1% in October 2022.

The UK economy shrank by 0.3% in the last three months of 2023 meaning it tipped into a technical recession, defined as two or more quarters in a row of falling Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


But, the recession was considered “mild” compared to others in recent history.

However, experts say that today’s revised figures show the pace of economic recovery may have been “slightly overstated”.

Professor Sarwar Khawaja FRSA, chairman, executive board, Oxford Business College, said: “The downward revision of quarterly growth from 0.6% to 0.5% sounds like a minor book-keeping change, but it is more significant than it might appear at first glance.

“It suggests that the initial optimism about the pace of economic recovery may have been slightly overstated.


“The revision primarily stems from a less robust performance in the services sector than initially thought, with growth adjusted from 0.8% to 0.6%.”

He added that due to services accounting for around 80% of the UK economy, this morning’s adjustment has “considerable implications”.

“While the sector is still growing, it is facing more headwinds than previously estimated,” he said.

What it means for your money

GDP is a measure of the economic output of companies, individuals and governments and how healthy an economy is.


A healthy economy is one where GDP is growing but if it stalls or is falling, it’s bad news for businesses and consumers.

Most economists, politicians and businesses want to see GDP rising steadily.

This is because it usually means people are spending more, more tax is paid to the government and workers get better pay rises.

A healthy economy usually means lower inflation, rising employment, less poverty, and more money in your pocket.


Lower inflation is good because it means prices don’t rise as fast, putting less financial pressure on households.

The consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation stood at 2.2% in August, stalling from July following a slight rise from 2% the previous month.

However, this is still significantly lower than October 2022, when it peaked at 11.1% following soaring wholesale energy prices.

It’s important to note when inflation falls that doesn’t mean prices have stopped rising, they are just increasing at a slower pace.


The BoE will be watching the latest GDP figures closely as it decides whether to lower its base rate further in the second half of the year.

The central bank cut the base rate from 5.25% to 5% earlier this month, with expectations it could be dropped further this year.

High street banks and lenders use the BoE base rate to set their own interest rates on mortgagesloans and savings accounts.

If it comes down, interest rates on mortgages, loans and savings accounts tend to fall too.


Mortgage lenders also tend to bring down rates in anticipation of the base rate falling.

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House price growth at near two-year high, says Nationwide



House price growth at near two-year high, says Nationwide

UK house prices in September rose by 3.2% compared with a year ago – the fastest rate for nearly two years, according to the Nationwide.

The building society said that annual growth was highest since November 2022, with terraced homes driving the increase.

It said rising incomes and the expectation of falls in interest rates were improving affordability for buyers.

The average UK house price in September was £266,094, it said.


The latest survey comes as competition has intensified between lenders in recent months.

Brokers say that providers have been offering the best deals to new, house-purchasing customers, rather than those who are remortgaging.

Nationwide, which is the UK’s largest building society, recently announced new borrowers could request a mortgage up to six times of their total income with a 5% deposit, but it would only be available for those taking out a five or 10-year fixed-rate deal.

Other lenders have also been lowering the rates of interest they charge.


However, the cost of a mortgage deposit, as well as the monthly repayments, remain major hurdles for potential first-time buyers trying to buy a home.

House prices have been relatively stagnant in the last year, as activity in the UK housing market has been limited.

But many commentators suggest, with interest rates expected to fall, demand from buyers could now pick up.

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