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Chess solutions



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Chess solution 2592
1 Bg6+ Kg8 2 Rf8+! Rxf8 3 Qxf8+! Kxf8 4 Re8 mate. Piece interpositions on the f file will only delay mate.

Chess solution 2591
1 Bxf7! Qxf7 2 Qd4! Nf6 3 Qd8+ Qe8 4 Qxc7 and White wins easily with rook and pawn for knight.

Chess solution 2590
1 h5! (threat 2 Rh8 mate) Kxh5 2 Rf6! and Black can only avoid Rh8 mate by giving up his rook with 2…Rxf3.

Chess solution 2589
1 R7e2! Qf6 2 Qxf8+! Kxf8 3 Re8 mate.


Chess solution 2588
1 g5+! Kxg5 2 Rg1+ Kh6 (if Kh4 3 Kf5 and 4 Rg4 mate) 3 Ng6! Bxb4 4 Kf5! (threat 5 Rh1 mate) Kh7 5 Rh1+ Kg8 6 Rh8 mate.

Chess solution 2587
1 Qxf4! Bxf4 2 Rxh5! gxh5 3 Rxh5 followed by Rh8 mate, which sacrificing Black’s bishop and queen will only delay.

Chess solution 2586
1 Bf1! Bxf1 2 Bd4! Rg8 3 Qxg7+! (3 Re8! also wins) Rxg7 4 Re8+ Qf8 5 Rxf8 mate.  If 1 . . . Qxa4 2 Bh6! Rg8 3 Bxa6 wins (Qa6 4 Re8!)

Chess solution 2585
1 . . . Qf3! 2 cxb7+ Kf5! 3 Bxf3 (else Black mates by Rh1+! ) gxf3 and Rh1 mate. Sacrificing White’s queen only delays mate.


Chess solution 2584
1 Qxh7+! Nxh7 2 Ng6+ Kg8 3 Bd5 mate.

Chess solution 2583
It’s mate in four by 1 Rxg6+! Kxg6 (if fxg6 2 Bf8+ Kh7 3 Qf7 mate) 2 Nxe5+ Kh7 3 Qxf7+ Kh6 4 Qg6 mate.

Chess solution 2582
1…Nf5! 2 Kd2 Kg1! 3 Ke1 Nh4 4 Ke2 Ng2! and wins. If instead 1…Kg1? 2 Ke1! Kxh1 3 Kf1 draws since the BK can never escape from h1. Black needs either to prevent Kf1 as a reply to Kxh1, or to capture on h1 with his knight.. Mishra at 12 was the youngest ever grandmaster.

Chess solution 2581
1 Bxf6+! Rxf6 2 Rxh7+! and Black resigned because of 2 . . . Qxh7 3 Qxh7+ Kxh7 4 Nxf6+ Kg7 5 Nxe8+ when White, with a rook and a pawn for a bishop, wins easily. 1 Nxf6 also leads to a win, but is more complicated.


Chess solution 2580
1 Qh6 Qxe5 2 Qxh7+! Kxh7 3 Kg2 mate

Chess solution 2579
1 Ba7! e4 2 Kd8! Kf8 3 Nd7 mate.  The subtle 1 Ba7! gives the black king a flight square at move two, thus avoiding a stalemate draw.

Chess solution 2578
1 Kf4 Kb7 2 c5! dxc5 3 Ke5 g3 4 Kd6 g2 5 a8=Q+! Kxa8 6 Kc7! g1=Q 7 b7+ Ka7 8 b8=Q+ Ka6 9 Qb6 mate.

Chess solution 2577
1 Nxh6! gxh6 2 g5! hxg5 3 h6 Ne7 4 h7 Ng6 5 Kg2. Now the black king is tied to watching the b6 pawn, while the white king advances up the board to capture Black’s g pawn, drive away the knight and queen the h pawn.


Chess solution 2576
It’s mate in three by 1…..f4+! 2 Kxf4 e5+! 3 dxe5 Rg4 mate.

Chess solution 2575
1 Rxh6+! Bxh6 2 g7+! when if Bxg7 3 Rh1+ Rh2 4 Rxh2+ gxh2 5 Qxh2+ Bh6 6 Qxh6 mate, or if Kxg7 3 Qg6+ Kh8 4 Qxh6 mate.

Chess solution 2574
Please note that there is no Chess solution this week as our column covers the Winton British Solving Championship

Chess solution 2573
1 Qxf6! gxf6 2 Nh7+ Ke8 3 Rg8 mate. 1 . . . Bf5 2 Nxf5 Bxf2+ 3 Kxf2 delays mate, but White wins easily.


Chess solution 2572
1 Nfe5! Qxe2 2 Qxh7+! Kxh7 3 Rh4+ Kg8 4 Ne7 mate. Black can avoid mate by 1..Qg5, but then 2 Kxh2 wins a knight ahead.

Chess solution 2571
1 Bf6! Qxf6 (fxg6 2 Qd5+ and 3 Qxa8+ wins) 2 Qh7+ Kf8 3 Rf1! e2 4 Rxf6 e1=Q+ 5 Kh2 soon mates. 

Chess solution 2570
1 Qf7! Be7 2 Qxe7+! Kxe7 3 Rxg7+ Ke6 (if Kd8 4 Rh8+ Qe8 5 Bf6 mate) 4 Rh6+ Kf5 (if Kd5 5 Rg5 mate) 5 Rf6 mate.

Chess solution 2569
1 Rxh6+! gxh6 2 Qh7+! Nxh7 3 Nf7 mate.


Chess solution 2568
It’s mate in four by 1…Bg2+! 2 Kxg2 h1=Q+! 3 Rxh1 Nf4+ 4 Kg1 Qxa1 mate.

Chess solution 2567
1 Rxe5! Rxe5 2 Nc4! dxc4 (otherwise White is a piece up after 3 Nxe5) 3 Bxh7+! Kxh7 4 Qxd6 wins.

Chess solution 2566
1 Qe8+!  If Rxe8 2 Nd7 mate, or Kxe8 2 Rg8 mate.

Chess 2565
1 Nb3! axb3 2 Kd2 Kc4 3 Kc1! sets up a fortress which cannot be breached. If Black advances his king to d3, then Kb1! and Ka1! creates an impenetrable defence. ff 1 Nb3! a3 2 bxa3 bxa3 3 Kd2 Kc4 4 Na1! draws.


Chess 2564
1 Qxd5! exd5 2 Nf6+! gxf6 3 exf6+ Be7 4 Rxe7+ Kf8 5 Re8+! Kxe8 6 Re1 mate. 1 Qxd5 Qxd5 2 Rxd5 Be7 delays mate, but Black is a knight down with a poor position.

Chess 2563
1 c3! d5 2 Kd2! d4 3 cxd4 Kxb4 4 Kd3 mate.

Chess 2562
1 Rh1! Kc4 2 Rb1! Kb4 3 Na5! Kxc5/a5 4 b4 mate.

Chess 2561
1 Rxh5! If Bxf1 2 Re2, or Bxh3 2 Rg4, or Bf3 2 Qxf3, or Bxe4 2 Bxe4.


Chess 2560
1 Nh6+ Kh8 2 Rf8+! Qxf8 3 Bxg7+! Qxg7 4 Qd8+ Re8 5 Qxe8+ Qg8 6 Qxg8 mate.

Chess 2559
1 Be1! g3 2 Be2! dxe2 3 Rb4! Kxb4 4 d4 mate.

Chess 2558
1 Rxf4! exf4 2 Qg6+ Kh8 3 Ng5! wins.  The threat is 4 Qh7 mate, and if hxg5 4 Qh5 mate, or fxg5 4 Qh6 mate (the g7 pawn is pinned by the b2 bishop)

Chess 2557
1 axb4! Qxa1+ 2 Kd2! Qxh1 3 Qxc6+! bxc6 4 Ba6 mate.


Chess 2556
1…Rxh3! and if 2 Kxh3 Qxg4+!  3 Kxg4 Bf5+ 4 Kh5 Rh8 mate. 2 Nh2 holds out longer, but 2…Rfh8 3 Rh1 Bxe4+ 4 dxe4 f3+ 5 Kf1 Qxg4! 6 hxg4 Rxh1+ 7 Kf2 R8h2+ wins.

Chess 2555
It’s mate in five by 1 Rxh7+! Kxh7 2 Qh5+ Kg7 3 Bh6+! Rxh6 4 Rf7+ Kh8 5 Qxh6 mate.

Chess 2554
1 Rxf8+! Kxf8 2 Qh8+ Qg8 3 Rxe8+! Kxe8 (if Rxe8 4 Qf6+ Qf7 5 Qxf7 mate) 4 Qxg8+ Kd7 5 Qd5+ Ke8 6 Qa8+ Kd7 7 Qa4+ and 8 Qxc2 wins.

Chess 2553
1 Rd2! c6 2 Kf2! Kxf4 3 Ne6 mate.


Chess 2552
1 Rxg7! Kxg7 2 Qf6+ Kg8 (if Kf8 3 Bg6! wins) 3 Qxh6 f5 4 exf6 and Black must give up rook and queen just to delay mate.

Chess 2551
1 f3+ Kh4 2 Ra4!! Rxa4+ 3 Kb5 traps the rook with an easy win in the resulting pawn endgame.

Chess 2550
1 Bg3! hxg3 2 Nf2! gxf2 3 Rdf1! and if gxf1=Q 4 Rg8 mate or fxg1=Q 4 Rf8 mate.

Chess 2549
It’s mate in four by 1 . . . Rxf1+! 2 Kxf1 Bxc4+ 3 Kg1 Qe1+! 4 Rxe1 Rxe1 mate.


Chess 2548
1 Kb2! a1=Q+ 2 Rxa1! h1=Q 3 Qxh1 mate.

Chess 2547
1 . . . Qe3+ 2 Rf2 gxf2+ 3 Qxf2 (if 3 Kf1 Qxd3+ 4 Kxf2 Qd2+ forces mate) Rxg2+! 4 Kxg2 Nf4+ 5 Kf1 Qxf2+ 6 Kxf2 Nxd3+ and 7 . . . Nxb2 when Black’s extra knight wins easily.

Chess 2546
1 Qd8! b6/g5  2 Rd7! g5/b6  3 Rd2! exd2 4 Qxb6 mate

Chess 2545
1 Bd4! g3 2 Bb6! axb6 3 Kc1! Kxc3 4 Ne2 mate.


Chess 2544
1 Be5! If 1 . . . Kxe5 2 g4 c3 3 d4 mate. If 1 . . . c3 2 Bf4 cxd2 3 g4 mate. If 1 . . . Kg5 2 Bf4+ Kh5 (Kf5 3 g4 mate) 3 Rh6 mate.

Chess 2543
1 Qc4! and if 1…Bg4 2 Qd5 mate, or 1…Bg2/f1 2 g4 mate.

Chess 2542
1 Qa2! bxa2 2 Bf5! Kxf5 3 Ng7 mate.

Chess 2541
1 Rg4 Be6 2 Bf7! and White emerges rook for pawn ahead.


Chess 2540
1 . . . Qxg5+! 2 fxg5 (even the hopeless 2 Qg4 Qxg4+ only delays the mate by two moves) Bxh2+ 3 Kh1 Ng3 mate.

Chess 2538
1 . . . Rxh3+! 2 Kxh3 Qh5 mate.

Chess 2537
1 Bd5! and if Kxd5 2 Qf5 mate, or fxe6 2 Qg5 mate, or f5 2 Qd4 mate, or f6 2 Qe4 mate.

Chess 2536
1 Qd1! If bxa3 2 Qxa4 and 3 Qd7. If 1 . . . b3 or 1…Kd6 2 Qg4 and 3 Qd7. If 1 . . . Kc6 2 Qg4 Kb7 3 Qc8.  If 1 . . . Ke6 2 Qxa4 Kf7 (bxa3 3 Qd7) 3 Qe8. Once you see 1 Qd1! the rest of the answer becomes a simple pattern.


Chess 2535
1 Rf4! If gxh6 or Kxh8 2 Rc8. If g5 2 Rc6. If g6 2 Rf7. If Kxh6 2 Rh4.

Chess 2534A
1…Qf1! leads to a decisive invasion by Black’s queen and rook: 2 Qd2 (2 Rxh6 Rxh6 3 Qxh6 Qe2+ wins the e5 bishop) Rg6 3 Rh2 (to cover the second rank) Rg1 4 Bb2 Qb1+  5 Kc3 Bf5! (threatening Rd1) 6 Qc2 Qe1+ 7 Qd2 Qe5+ 8 Kc2 Bxd3+! 9 Kxd3 (9 Qxd3 Qxh2+) Rg3+ 10 Kc2 Qe4+ 11 Kc1 Rg1+ winning White’s queen. Black would work out the detail as he went along after realising that 1…Qf1! and 2…Rg6! is winning. 

Chess 2534
White has to be careful to avoid a stalemate draw, so 1 Ba7! If 1..h6 2 b8=Q! h5 3 Qb6 h4 4 Qg1 mate. If 1…h5 2 b8=R! h4 3 Rb6 Kg1 4 Rb1 mate.

Chess 2533
1…b3! 2 Kd3 Ne3! wins because 3 Kc3 Nd5+! wins the bishop, 3 Kxe3 b2 queens, while other moves also lose.


Carlsen’s 1…Nd2+? allowed 2 Kd3 Nb3 (Nxf3 3 Bxc5 and Black’s remaining pawns will fall) 3 Kc4 a4 4 Bg5! Nd4 (4…Kxg5? 5 h7 queens) 5 Be3 a3 6 Bc1! and draws.

Chess 2532
1…Bg2! 2 Kxg2 Rxf2+! 3 Kxf2 Nxd3+ and Nxc5 wins.  The obvious 1…Nf3+? fails to 2 Nxf3 Qxf3 3 Qg5+! Kh8 4 Qxd8+ and White wins.

Chess 2531
1 Rf6! and mate next move.

Chess 2530
1 Nd6! (threat 2 Nb7 or 2 Nf7 mate) cxd6 2 Qxb6 mate, or exd6 2 Qxf6 mate. Backward knight moves can be among the hardest to visualise.


Chess 2529
1 Bf1! dxc4 2 Bg2! Kd5 3 Ke3 mate.

Chess 2528
1 Na7!  If Kxc7+ 2 bxa8=N mate If Kxa7+ 2 b8=N mate. If Rxa7 2 Rc8 mate.

Chess 2527
1 Ra2! bxa2 2 Bxa2 Kxg6 3 Bb1 mate.  The trap is  1 Ra8?? when the black king is stalemated.

Chess 2526
1 Rf7! and if Rxe4 2 Rgxf8 mate, or Kxf7 2 Qg6 mate, or Kd8/Kd7/Rxg8 2 Qxe7 mate.


Chess 2525
1 b5-b6! If Kxc6 2 Bd5, or Kc8 2 Nd6, or Ka6 2 Nc5, or Ka8 2 b7.

Chess 2524
2524: 1 Rf8+! Kxd8 2 b7 Rb4!  3 Kxb4 c5+! 4 Kb5! Kc7 5 Ka6 Kb8 6 Kb6 c4 7 a4 c3 8 a5 c2 8 a6 c1=Q 10 a7 mate. 

2524A:  1 Kg1! If 1…Rf4 2 Rb5! cxb5 3 b7. If 1…Rh6 2 Re8! Kxe8 3 b7. If 1…c5 2 Rf5! Rxf5 3 b7. If 1…Rd6 2 Re1! c5 3 Rb1 followed by c7.

2524B: 1 Kc8! b5 2 Kd7! Bf5+ 3 Kd6 b4 4 Ke5! Kg4 (if b3 5 Kxf5 b2 4 c8=Q) 5 Kd4 b3 6 Kc3 Be6 7 c8=Q Bxc8 8 Kxb3 draws.


Chess 2522
1 Kd2! and mate next move. If 1 . . . Rc7 2 Qf6 mate.  If 1…Bb7 or Ra8 2 Qb6

Chess 2521
1 Qh2+! Kxg5  2 Qf4+ Kh5 3 g4+ Kh4 4 Kf3! followed by 5 g5+ Kh3 (Kh5 6 Qg4 mate) 6 Qg3 mate, which Black can only delay by giving up his queen by 4…Qc7. If 4…Be5 5 Qh6 mate.

Chess 2520
1 Qb5! is the only legal checkmate.

Chess 2519
1 Kc1! Bh6 or f5  (if Bxf4+ 2 Bxf4 mate) 2 Rgd7! Bxf4+ 3 R7d2 mate.


Chess 2518
1 Re7+ Bf7 2 Rxf7+! Kxf7 3 Qxa7+ Kf8 4 Re6! Qf7 5 Qc5+ Kg7 6 Re7 and White emerges a bishop ahead.

Chess 2517
1 Rf1!  If Kd4 2 Qd3+ Ke5 3 f4 mate (the point of 1 Rf1).  If 1…e5 2 Rb1 and 3 Q mates. If 1…Kxb5 2 Rb1+ and 3 Q mates.

Chess 2516
1 Ra7! 2 Rdd7! and 3 Rac7 mates.  The black pawn is necessary, else there would be mate in two by 1 Kb4 Kb6 2 Rd6.  With the pawn, 1 Kb4 is met by b2 and queening with check.

Chess 2515
1 Ng6! fxg6+ 2 Qe7! g5 or Kxa7  3 Qxb7 mate.


Chess 2514
1 Bh1! Kf4 2 Kg2! Ke4 3 Kg3 mate.   

Chess 2513
1 . . . f4+! 2 Kxf4 e5+! 3 dxe5 Rg4 mate.

Chess 2512
1 . . . Bxf2+! 2 Kxf2 (if 2 Kf1 Qf4! followed by a discovered check) Qe3+ 3 Kf1 Rg4! followed by Rf4 and White has to give up her queen.

Chess 2511
1 Be5+! leads to mate after 1 . . . Bxe5 2 Qxe8+ or either Rxe5 2 Qf6+


Chess 2510
1 Rh8+! Kxh8 2 g6! followed by Rc8 mate.

Chess 2509
1 Qh4! Rg8 2 Rxf6! Qxf6 3 d6+! and Black loses his queen. In the game, White chose 1 Qg7?

Chess 2508
It’s mate in three by 1 . . . h5+!  If 2 Kf4 Re4+ 3 Kg5 Qh4 mate.  If 2 Kg5 Re5+ 3 Kf4 g5 or Rf5 mate. 

Chess 2507
1 Bxg7+! Kxg7 2 Nf5+! exf5 3 Rxe7 Nxe7 4 Qe2! forks Black’s knights and wins one of them leaving White queen against rook and bishop and an easy win. Karpov resigned a few moves  later.


Chess 2506
1 Qh6+ Kf7 2 Rf4! exf4 3 Re1! when the double threat of Qg7/h7 mate forces Black to give up his queen.

Chess 2505
1 Rb8+! Qxb8 (if Kf7 2 Qa7+ and Black is soon mated) 2 Qg1/g2+ Kf7 (Kh8 3 Qg7 mate) 3 Qg7+ Ke8 4 Qg8/h8+ and 5 Qxb8 wins easily with queen for rook.

Chess 2504
1 Na4! bxa4 2 Rf4! exf4 3 gxf4 Ne6 (the only defence to 4 Rg1+ and Qg7 mate) 4 Rg1+ Ng5 5 fxg5 and the g file mate follows. An immediate 1 Rf4?? fails to exf4 2 gxf4 dxc3 when 3 Rg1+ allows Bxg1 or 1 Rf4?? exf4 2 Na4 f3+! and the g file stays closed.

Chess 2503
1 Bc7! Rxc7 2 Re1! wins.  The threat is 3 Rh8 mate. If 2..f5 3 g6! Rcxd7 4 Rh8 mate. If 2 . . . Kg8 3 Re8+ Bf8 4 Rxd8 f6 5 g6 Rc6 6 Rh8+! Kxh8 7 Rxf8 mate.


Chess 2502
1 Rxf7! Kxf7 2 Bc4+! forces mate in three. The game ended 1…Nc5 2 Qxc5 Kxf7 3 Bc4+ Resigns. If Kg6 4 Qf5 mate. If Black declines the rook, then 1….Bb5 2 Qg6 and Black must give up his queen to avoid mate.

Chess 2501
1 Be4+! mates in three after 1 . . . g6 (if Bxe4 or dxe4 2 Qxh5 mate, or Kh6 2 Rh8 mate) 2 Qxh5+ Kg7 3 Qh8 mate.

Chess 2500
1 Bg8! and mate next move.  If 1 . . . a2 2 Qxb2, or if  bxc1=Q 2 Qb6, or if cxb1=Q 2 Rc6.

Chess 2499A
1 . . . Nh2! and White resigned. If 2 Kxh2 Be5 pins and wins the rook, and otherwise Black queens his f2 pawn.


Chess 2499
1 Rb6! Kxc4 2 Qd4 mate.

Chess 2498
1 Bxc5! Nxc5 (if Rxc5? 2 Qh8+ and 3 Qxd8) 2 Qh8+ Kf7 3 Be8+! Qxe8 (if Ke7 4 Qxg7+) 4 Nd6+ wins the queen.

Chess 2497
1 Nxf6+! Rxf6 2 Rxe7+ Kf8 3 Bh6+! Rxh6 4 Qxf7 mate. 1 dxe7 and 1 Qxd3 also win, but are slower.

Chess 2496
1 Rh8+ Kg6 2 Qg5+! hxg5 3 h5 mate.


Chess 2495
1 Rb3! Resigns. If Rxb3 2 Qh8+! Ng8 3 e7+ Ke8 4 Qxg8+
and wins. 
Royal v Koepke: 1 Qxh7+! Kxh7 2 Rh4+ Kg8 3 Rh8 mate.

Chess 2494
1…Rg4+! 2 Kxg4 Qg2+ 3 Kh5 Qf3 mate.

Chess 2493
1 Re8+! Rxe8 2 Qxg7+! Kxg7 3 Nh5+ and 4 Rxh3 puts White two pawns up with winning united passed e4 and f5 pawns.

Chess 2492
1 Bh5+! Kxh5 2 g4+! fxg4 3 Rh7+ Kg6 4 Qf7 mate.


Chess 2491
1 Rf3! f6 ( or f5+ 2 Kxf5) 2 Kf5! Kxd5 3 Nb6 mate.

Chess 2490
1 Nxe6! Rxe6 2 Nf7 mate.  If 1…Be7 2 Qxf6+! Bxf6 3 Nf7 mate.

Chess 2489
1…h7-h5!  2 Qf8+ Kh7 and White overstepped the time limit. He has no reasonable defence to the double threat of Qxh1 mate and Qf1+.

Chess 2488
1 Rh8+! Kxh8 2 Rh4+! (but not 2 Qh5+? Kg8 3 Rh4 f5!) Kg8 3 Rh8+! Kxh8 4 Qh5+ Kg8 5 Qh7 mate.


Chess 2487
(a) 1 f8=N! g6 2 Kh6! g5 3 Ng6 mate. (b) The diagram is an illegal position! Black has no possible last move.

Chess 2486
1 Rxf4! exf4 2 Qg6+ Kh8 3 Ng5! and White mates by Qh7, Nf7, Qh5, or after 3…fxg5 4 Qxh6.

Chess 2485
1 Qg6. If exf5 2 Qxa6, or N moves 2 Rc5, or Bb5 2 Rf4, or Kxd3 2 Rc5.

Chess 2484
1 Nc6! Bxc6 2 Qxh7+! Kxh7 3 Rh3+ Kg8 4 Rh8 mate.


Chess 2483
1 Rh8+ and Anand resigned.  The Indian and the all-time No1 woman both saw 1…Kg7 2 Qd4+! Bf6 3 Qxf6+! Rxf6 4 Rh7+! Kxh7 5 Nxf6+ Kg7 6 Nxd7 when White is a knight ahead in a simple endgame.

Chess 2482
The game ended  1 Nf6+! gxf6 2 exf6 (threat 3 Qg5+ and mate) h6 3 Qxf8+! Kxf8 4 Rd8 mate.

Chess 2481
1…Qxe4! and White resigned due to 2 Rxe4 Ra1+ and mates.

Chess 2480
1 Bf3! Resigns.  Black is lost however he replies.  If Ba8/b7 2 Bh5! gxh5 3 g6 hxg6 4 h7 queens.


If Be8 or Kd7 2 Bxd5 and more black pawns will fall. If Ke6 2 Kc5 and Black loses his Q-side pawns.

A classic case of zugzwang, where the obligation to make a move is fatal.

Chess 2479
1…Qc2! 2 Rxa5 (if 2 Ra2 Rxa4! 3 Rxc2 Rxa1) Qxe2+ 3 Kg1 Qe3+ 4 Kh1 Rf2 and White resigned. After 5 Qxe5+ Kh7 he will soon be mated.

Chess 2478
1 f7! Resigns. If Rxe6 2 a7! and a white pawn queens. Slower first moves would not spark immediate surrender, while 1 a7? Bxa7 2 f7 allows Rh1+ followed by Bc5, and Black draws.


Chess 2477
It’s mate in six at most by 1…Qxf1+! 2 Kxf1 d2+ 3 Kg2 Bc6+ 4 Qd5 Bxd5+ 5 e4 Bxe4+ 6 Kg1 d1=Q mate.

Chess 2476
1 b4! Kxc4 2 Nf4! g6/g5 3 Rc7 mate.

Chess 2475
1…Nxc3?? 2 Qxe6+! fxe6 3 Bg6 mate. An elegant double bishop mate.

Chess 2474
1 Qxa3+ Ra4 2 Qxa4+! bxa4 3 Rd5+ Kb4 (giving up the queen by Qc5 only delays mate) 4 Re4+ Ka3 5 Rxa4 mate.


Chess 2473
Anand resigned (see main text) because after playing 1 Qb5?? he noticed 1….Qxf3+! when 2 Kxf3 Nh4 is mate while 2 Kg1 Qxh3 is hopeless.

Chess 2472
1 Ba6! e5 2 Re2! e4 3 Kb5! Kd3 4 Kb4 mate.

Chess 2471
1 Qxe5! and mate next move.

Chess 2470
1 Rxc6+! Kxc6 2 Ne5+ Kd5
(if 2…Kc5? 3 Nd3+ forks king and queen) 3 Qb7+! and Black resigned.


If 3..Kd6 (or 3…Kd4 4 Nf3+ and 5 Nxe1 wins the queen) 4 Qd7+! and if 4…Kxe5 5 Qe7+ and 6 Qxe1 or 4…Kc5 5 Nd3+ and 6 Nxe1 both win the queen.

Chess 2469
1 Qc6+ Kb8  (if Ka7? 2 Nb5+ wins) 2 Kc2!!  Black is in zugzwang (compulsion to make a losing move) as his queen has no safe squares available to retain the guard against Qb7 mate.

Chess 2468
1….Qf2! wins on material for Black.  If then 2 Qxg6!? then not 2…hxg6?? 3 Nxg6 mate  but 2….Qf1+! and mates.

Chess 2467
1 Bb2! Rxb2 2 Rxf6+! Qxf6 3 Qd7+ Kf8 4 Re8 mate. The bishop sacrifice diverted the b8 rook from guarding the back rank.


Chess 2466
1 Rd6! with the decisive threats of 2 Rxd8  or of 2 Qxf8+! Qxf8 3 Ng6 mate.

Chess 2465
1…Rh5+! 2 Kxh5 Ng7+ 3 Kh4 (if 3 Kh6 Rh8 mate) Nf5+ 4 Kh5 Rh8+ 5 Kg4 Rh4 mate.

Chess 2464
1 Kc4! Ka7 2 Qc7 Ka6 3 b8=N mate.

Chess 2463
1 e3! d6 2 Qh5 Bg4 3 e4! Bd1! 4 Qxd1 and we have the diagram.


Chess 2462
1..Qh1+ 2 Kf2 g3+! 3 Ke1 (if 3 Kxg3 Qh4 mate) Qxf1+! 4 Kxf1 Rh1 mate.

Chess 2461
1 Rxf6! gxf6 2 Kb2 Rxa4 3 Nc5+ and 4 Nxa4 wins.

Chess 2460
1 Qd4! b6 2 Ra3 Qb4 3 c3 traps the queen.

Chess 2459
1 g5!  If now 1…fxg5 2 hxg5 and White, effectively a pawn up, will soon invade the black defences via the queen’s flank. The game ended 1…f5 2 exf5 gxf5  3 h5 Kxd5 4 g6! e4+ 5 Ke2 and Black resigned. If 5…hxg6 6 h6! and White’s h pawn queens.


Chess 2458
1 Bh1! Kf4 2 Kg2! Ke4 3 Kg3 mate.

Chess 2457
2457  1 Bb5! Resigns. If Bxb5 2 Qxd8 mate, or Qxb5 2 Nd6+ wins the queen, or 0-0 2 Bxd7 with a rook up.  2457A:  1..Qh2+! 2 Nxh2 Ng3 mate.

Chess 2456
1 Qh6! Qxf6 2 Rd8+! Bxd8 3 Qf8 mate.

Chess 2455
1 Kg2! If f3+ 2 Nxf3+! Kc6 3 Ne5 mate. If 1…N moves 2 Nf3+ with the same mate. If 1…Ka6 2 Nf3! and 3 Ra7 mate.


Chess 2454
1…Bd4+! and if 2 cxd4 Qb1+ 3 Ne1 Rxe1+ 4 Bxe1 Qxe1 mate. Black’s bishop check forced White to block the d1-d8 file, eliminating the defence Qd5-d1.

Chess 2453
1 Nd7+! and Timman resigned in view of the forced sequence 1…Rxd7 2 Rc8+ Rd8 3 Rxd8+ Qxd8 4 Nxe6+ winning the queen.

Chess 2452
1 f4! exf3 en passant  2 Bf2! wins. White captures Kxh5, then advances his g and h pawns.

Chess 2451
1…c5! 2 Rxc5 Rxc5 3 Qxc5 Qf3! 4 Nxf3 Rxd1+ 5 Ne1 Rxe1 mate.  The trap is 1…Qf3?? 2 Nxf3 Rxd1+ 3 Ne1! and White wins. Video solution: 46 Re5+! Kh4 47 Rg4 mate, then 47/48 Rg5+! hxg5 (Kh4 48/49 Re4 mate) 48/49 Rh7 mate.


Chess 2450
1 Qxd6! Resigns. If Bxd6 2 fxg7 mate. If Rxd6 2 fxg7+ Bxg7 3 Rf8 mate. If Qe8 2 Qxf8+! Qxf8 3 fxg7+ Qxg7 4 Rxd8+ Be8 5 Rxe8 mate.  The longest Black can hold out is by 1…Re5, when it is mate in nine from the diagram.

Chess 2449
1 . . . h5+! 2 Kxh5 Qe5+ 3 Kg4 f5+ 4 Kh5 f4+ 5 Kg4 Qf5 mate.

Chess 2448
1 Ne8+ Kg8 2 Qh8+! Kxh8 3 Rxf8 mate.

Chess 2447
1 c8=N+! Rxc8 2 bxc8=N+! followed by 3 Rxg1 and White wins with his extra rook.


Chess 2446
1 Nh5+! gxh5 (if Kh8 2 Qxf8+! mates or Kg8 2 Nf6+ and 3 Nxe8 wins) 2 Bh6+! and if Kxh6 3 Qf6 mate or Kg8 3 Qxf8+! mates.

Chess 2445
1 Re1! Rxe1 2 Bxe1 Bc8 3 a6! Bd7 (if Bxa6 4 d7) 4 a7 Bc6 5 d7! and a white pawn queens.

Chess 2444
1 Qh6+! Bxh6 2 Ng5++ Kh8 3 Rh7 mate.

Chess 2443
1 Bf8! is the only way. 1…Kxf8 2 Qxg6 d2 3 Qc2 Bh6 4 Kf2! (to stop Be3) followed by g3 and f4 after which the d2 pawn falls and the win is simple. Instead 1 Kf2?? d2! wins for Black.


Chess 2442
1 Bh6! with the double threat 2 Bxe6+ winning the queen and 2 Rxg7+ winning the bishop. Instead 1 Bxe6+? Qxe6 2 Rxg7+ Kxg7 3 Bh6+ fails to Kf7!

Chess 2441
1…Rh2+ 2 Kg1 Rh1+! 3 Kxh1 Qd5+ 4 Qf3 Qxf3+ 5 Kg1 Qg2 mate.

Chess 2440
“Yes, it is mate in two”.  1 Qxa7+! Kxa7 2 Ra3 mate.

Chess 2439
1 Bb3! Rgd8 (if c2 2 a7 Rbd8 3 Bxg8 Rxg8 4 Rc8 wins) 2 Rd6+! Kxe4 3 Bc2 mate.


Chess 2438
1 Rxb7! Rxb7 2 e7! wins after Rxe7 3 Bxd5+ Kh8 4 Rf8 mate.

Chess 2437
1 Rxd4! Rxd4 2 Rxd4 Rxd4 3 Nd5! cxd5 4 h7 and White’s pawn queens.

Chess 2436
1 Qd8+ Kh7 2 Be8! Resigns. 3 Bg6 mate is a winning threat.

Chess 2435
1 Nxg5+ Kh6 2 Nf7+! Kh7 (if Kg6/h5 3 Ne5+ and 4 Nxd3) 3 Qh8+! Kg6 4 Ne5+ and 5 Nxd3 wins.


Chess 2434
1 d4 2 d5 3 d6 4 dxc7 5 dxb8=R! 6 Rxb7 7 Rxd7 8 Rxd8 mate.

Chess 2433
1 h4! Bc1 (other bishop moves are no better) 2 Qxg6! fxg6 3 Nf6++ and 4 Nxe8 gains at least rook for knight with an easily won ending.

Chess 2432
1 . . . Re1+! wins.  If 2 Nxe1 Qxf2 mate or 2 Kxe1 Bxf2+! 3 Kxf2 Qxc4 wins the queen.

Chess 2431
1…Ne3+! 2 fxe3 Rc2+ 3 Kh3 Qf1+ 4 Kh4 Rxh2+ 5 Kg5 h6+ 6 Kg6 Qf7 mate.


Chess 2430
Black won in style by 1 . . . Qxb4! 2 cxb4 Nd2+! 3 Rxd2 and now both 3 . . . Ra1+! 4 Kxa1 Rc1 and 3 . . . Rc1+! 4 Kxc1 Ra1 deliver checkmate.

Chess 2429
1. . . cxb2+ 2 Bxb2 Rc1+! and Carlsen resigned because he loses his queen.

Chess 2428
1 Rd8! Qxd8 2 Ng6+! hxg6 3 Qh4 mate.

Chess 2427
7…d3 8 Ng5! with a triple attack on f7 is decisive. The best Black can do is 8…h6 9 Bxf7+ Kd8 10 Ne6+ Bxe6 11 Bxe6 Nbd7 12 Bxd7 Qxd7 13 Qxb7 Qd5 14 Qxd5 and White will soon win the d3 pawn with a winning endgame two pawns up.


Chess 2426
draws. If 2 exf3 Qxf1+! 3 Kxf1 stalemate draw. The game ended 2 Kg2 Qxe2+! 3 Bxe2 stalemate draw.  If 2 Kf2 Qe1+ and now 3 Kg2 Qxe2+! draws while 3 Kxf3?? loses to Qxf1 mate.

Instead 1…Nh3+? loses to 2 Kh2! Qxf1 3 Qh7+ Kg4 4 Qh4 mate.

Chess 2425
1 gxh5! Nxh5 (Rxd4 holds out longer) 2 Rxf7! Rxf7 3 Rxf7 Kxf7 4 Qxg6+ Kf8 5 Qh6+ Ng7 6 Bxg6 (threat 7 Qh8 mate) Bf6 (the only try) 7 exf6 Qxf6 8 Bc5+ Rd6 9 Bxd6+ Kg8 10 Qh7 mate.

Chess 2424
1 Nd7! and Black resigned.  If 1…Rxd7 2 Qf8+! and 3 Rxc5+ wins.  1…Nh3++ 2 Kg2 Nf4+ 3 Bxf4 is no improvement.


Chess 2423
1 Qxd5! exd5 2 Rdh1 followed by 3 Rh8+! Bxh8 4 Rxh8 mate.

Chess 2422
1 Nf7++ Kg8 2 Qh8+! Nxh8 3 Nh6 mate.

Chess 2421
1…Kd6! and White resigned due to 2 Kxg6 a4 3 f5 a3 4 f6 a2 5 f7 Ke7! 6 Kg7 a1=Q queening with check.  No better for White is 3 b6 a4 4 b7 Kc7!  and Black queens first.

Chess 2420
1…Qxh2+! 2 Kxh2 Rxh4+ 3 Kg3 (if 3 Kg1 Rh1 mate) Rh3+ 4 Kf4 Rf3+ 5 Ke5 Rg6! and White has no defence to Re6 mate or d7-d6 mate. 


Chess 2419
(by Heinrich Juhe, 1974). 1 Rf1! !f Kxe4 2 Qh1, or Kxe6 2 Qg8, or Kxc6 2 Qa8, or Kc4 2 Nf4.  

Chess 2418

1 Qa1! If Kg8 2 Nf8! Kxf8 3 Qh8 mate. If Kh6 2 Qh8+ Kg6 3 Nf8 mate. If Kg6 2 Nf8+ Kh6 3 Qh8 mate.

Chess 2417


1 c8=B! b3 2 Bg4! b2 3 Bd1! Kxb1 4 Bb3 mate. The trap is 1 c8=Q? b3 2 Qh3 b2 3 Rfc1 when not bxc1=Q?? 4 Qb3 mate but bxc1=N! and White has no mating reply.

Chess 2416

1 Ra7! axb3  2 Ra4! and if Kxa4 3 Nc3 mate or Kxc4 3 Nxa3 mate.

Chess 2415


1…Qd2! is a fatal cross-pin, so that if 2 Bxc5 Qxg5.  After 2 Rae1 in the game Rd3! won at least a piece, and White soon resigned.

Chess 2414

1….Rh2! and if 2 Qxh2 Rxc3+! mates or gains decisive material.

Chess 2413


1…Bf4!  2 Resigns. If 2 Qxf4 Nxh3+ and Nxf4, or 2 Qd3 Bxd2 3 Qxd2 Nf3+ and Nxd2, winning White’s queen in both cases. 

Chess 2412

1…Nf3+! and White resigned. If 2 exf3 Qb1+ 3 Qf1 Rh1+! wins.
If 2 Bxf3 gxf3 3 Qxf3 Qb1+ 4 Kg2 Qh1+ 5 Kg3 Qh2+ 6 Kg4 Qh4 mate.

* please note this is an updated version owing to a correction in the second variation. The original read:
1…Nf3+! and White resigned. If 2 exf3 Qb1+ 3 Qf1 Rh1+! wins. If 2 Bxf3 gxf3 3 Qxf3 Qa1+ 4 Kg2 Qh1+ 5 Kg3 Qh2+ 6 Kg4 Qh3+ 7 Kg5 Qh5 mate.


Chess 2411

1…Qxd1+! 2 Bxd1 Re1+ 3 Kg2 Bf1+! and if 4 Kg1 Bh3 mate or 4 Kf3 Ne5+! and 5…Nxd7 wins a rook and the game.

Chess 2410

1 Qg4+ Kh8 2 Qg7+! Bxg7 3 Rb8+ and mates.


Chess 2409

1…Qf5! Now 2 f4 is best. Instead White chose the plausible 2 Qh3?? Wesley So hoped for either a queen exchange or 2… Qf3 3 Qg2 with repeated moves but he missed 2…Rh1+! and wins.

Chess 2408

1…g4+! 2 Bxg4 Rh2+! 3 Kxh2 Qxh4+ 4 Kg2 Qxg3+ and Qh2 mate.


Chess 2407

1 Rf4! If Kxh1 2 Kf2! Kh2 3 Rh4 mate. If Kxg3 2 0-0! Kh3 3 R1f3 mate. Castling in a chess problem is allowed unless it can be proved illegal.

Chess 2406

1 . . . Ng8+! and White resigned. If 2 Kf5 Nh6+ forks White’s king and queen. If 2 Ke6 Qb3+! 3 K moves Qxf7 skewers White’s king and queen.


Chess 2405

1 e4! dxe4 2 Rd5++! Kxd5 3 Kb5! e3 4 Nf6 mate.

Chess 2404

1…Bb5! wins by zugzwang (compulsion to make a losing move).  Black’s bishop stays on the a6-f1 diagonal until White uses up all moves by his a3 pawn and K-side pawns (eg 2 h5 Kg7 3 h6+ Kh7 4 f6 Kg6) after which the WK must move and the c3 pawn queens.


Chess 2403

1…g4+! 2 Kxg4 Bh5+! 3 Kxh5 Qg5 mate.

Chess 2402

1 Qg5! and if Qxg5 2 Rxe8 mate. Better but insufficient is 1…g6 2 Qh6! gxf5 3 Rg4+! fxg4  4 Bxh7+ Kh8 5 Bg6+ Kg8 6 Qh7+ Kf8 6 Qxf7 mate.


Chess 2401

1 Ra4! with a different mate for each black reply. If Kf5 2 Bd3, or Kh5 2 Bf7,or Kh4 2 Rh7, or Kh3 2 Bf1, or Kf3 2 Bd5, or Kf4 2 Rf7.

Chess 2400

1 Kg1!  threatens 2 b7 and queens. If Rf4 2 Rb5! cxb5 3 b7. If Rh6 2 Re8! Kxe8 3 b7. If c5 2 Rf5! Rxf5 3 b7. If Rd6 2 Re1! c5 3 Rb1 and b7. Most other white first moves fail to Rh6-h8 or Rf1-b1 stopping the b pawn. (by Pal Benko, 1990).


Chess 2399

1 Bc3! h2 2 Ba5! Kxa7 3 Bc7 mate.

Chess 2398

1 Rh7!  The rook opens up two queen-bishop diagonal strikes ready for either black king move. If 1 … Kc1 2 Bh8! and if Kb1 3 Qg7 Ka2 4 Qb2 mate, or it Kd1 3 Qg7 Kc1/e1 4 Qa1 mate. If 1 … Ke1 2 Ba8!  and if Kd1 3 Qb7 Kc1/e1 4 Qh1 mate or if Kf1 3 Qb7 Kg1 4 Qh1 mate.


Chess 2397

1 Rh4! h6 2 Bh2! Kxd4 3 Ne5! fxe5 4 fxe5 mate.

Chess 2396

1 Kc5! draws.  The game ended 1 Kc4?? b5+ and White resigned because of 2 axb6 en passant Nxb6+ winning the rook. White overlooked until too late that Black’s final move gave check.


Chess 2395

The white king is at c3. The only legal route to create the position is from white king at b3, bishop at a4, pawn at c2 versus black king at d1, rook at b5, bishop at d5, pawn at b4. Black has just played Bd5+ and the game continues 1 c4 bxc3 en passant  double check 2 Kxc3 discovered check. The puzzle was created by Raymond Smullyan in 1957.

Chess 2394

1…Kh5 and 1…Kh3 both draw, but the game ended 1…Kf3?? 2 Nh4+! and Black resigned because of 2…Ke3 3 Rg3+! Ke2/f2 4 Rg2+ and 5 Rxa2.


Chess 2393

1…Nf3+! 2 gxf3 (if 2 Qxf3 Rxe1+ wins decisive material) Rg5+ 3 Kf1 Qh3+ 4 Ke2 Rg2 wins White’s queen.

Chess 2392

1 Qf4! and Kramnik resigned. If Nxf4 2 Rf8 mate, and otherwise 2 Rf8+ mates quickly.


Chess 2391

1 . . . Bxb3! wins. If (a) 2 axb3 a2+! 3 Kxa2 Ra6+ 4 Kb1 Ra1 mate. (b) 2 cxb3 Rc1+! 3 Nxc1 Qa1+! 4 Kxa1 Rxc1 mate.

Chess 2390

1 Bg8+! Kxg8 2 Rb8+ Kh7 3 Ng6 and Black can only delay mate for one move.


Chess 2389

 1 . . . h4+ 2 Kh3 Rf3+! 3 gxf3 Bf1 mate.

Chess 2388

1 . . . Bxa6! and White resigned. If 2 Qxa6 Rd1+! wins the queen.


Chess 2387

1 e6! Bxe6 (if Rh5+ 2 Qh3 Rxh3+ 3 Kxh3 wins a rook ahead) 2 Rxc5! bxc5 3 Rxc5 and mate is stopped so White wins easily on material.

Chess 2386

A draw.  At first glance White is hopelessly lost because if 1 Qxh7? Qxg2 mate, but instead White plays 1 Rb5! when if Rxg7? 2 Rxd5 wins on material while if Qxb5? 2 Qxg8+ wins.  Black then has his own resource 1 Rb5 Re8! so that if 2 Rxd5? Re1 mate. White stops the back row mate by 2 Rb1! and Black returns 2 . . . Rg8!  So 1 Rb5! Re8! 2 Rb1! Rg8! with a draw, as neither side can improve.


Chess 2385

1 Bxh7+! Kxh7 2 Rh3+ Kg8 3 Qh5 Qh6 4 Nf5! Qxh5 5 Ne7+! Kh7 6 Rxh5 mate. Black can only delay mate by giving up the queen.

Chess 2384

1 Nf7+ Kg8 2 Nh6+! draws since if 2 . . . gxh6 and Black’s two h pawns are no more effective than one, while if 2,,,Kg8 3 Nf5 Bf6 4 Nxg7! and again Black only has two wrong-coloured rook pawns.


Chess 2383

1 Qf8! Qxf2 2 Nf6+! gxf6 3 Qxf7+ Kh6 4 exf6 h4 5 Qg7+ Kh5 6 f7 and White queens and wins.

Chess 2382

1 . . . Rxf3! and White resigned. If 2 Nxf3 Qxe3 and Black wins easily on material. If 2 Qxg5 Rxf2! and Black mates at f1 or gains decisive material.


Chess 2381

1 . . . c5! and White resigned as his queen is forced away from indirect defence of f2. If 2 Qd3 Rxf2+ wins, while 2 Qxc5 Nxc5 3 Bxc5 Rh3! also leads to a speedy mate.

Chess 2380

2380 1 . . . Bxb2+! 2 Qxb2 (if 2 Kxb2 Qxd1 wins on material) Qxd1+! 3 Kxd1 Rad8+ 4 Kc1 (4 Qd4 Rxd4+ is hopeless) Re1 mate.


Chess 2379

1 . . . Kf1! and White resigned.  If 2 Rh3 Qg2 mate, or 2 Rg4 Qf3+ and Qxg4, or 2 Rg5/6/7/8  Qh4 mate.  Other black first moves are slower, and 1 . . . Qxg3?? is a stalemate draw. 2380 1 . . . Bxb2+! 2 Qxb2 (if 2 Kxb2 Qxd1 wins on material) Qxd1+! 3 Kxd1 Rad8+ 4 Kc1 (4 Qd4 Rxd4+ is hopeless) Re1 mate.

Chess 2378

1 Qb3?? Qd7+! and White will be checkmated.


Chess 2377

1 . . . Qc4+! 2 Bxc4 Rxh2 and White can only delay Rh1 mate.  Instead the immediate 1 . . . Rxh2?? loses to 2 Qxf8+! Kxf8 3 Re8 mate, so Black had to start by diverting White’s b5 bishop.

Chess: 2376

1 Qg3! and Black resigned. The threat is 2 Qxe5 Qxe5 3 Nf7 mate. If 1 . . . h62 Qxe5 wins a piece, while if N6d7 2 Nf7+ wins the queen. Black’s only try is 1 Qg3 Nfg4 2 Bc3 Bb8 but then 3 Bxe5 Nxe5 4 Qxe5! wins a piece as before.


Chess: 2375

1 e6¹ Qc1+ (if Qxg3? 2 Rxd8 mate) 2 Kh2 Rxd4 3 e7! Qc8 3 Qe5! Rh4+ 4 Kg3 and Black resigned faced with the double threat Qg7 mate and e8Q+. 1 Rc5 and 1 hxg6  are slower wins.

Chess: 2374

1 h5! Rb1 2 Kg2! (stops Rh1) g4 3 h6 Rb5 4 h7 and White’s queening pawn will cost Black his rook.


Chess: 2373

1 g6+! and if Kxg6 2 Bf5+! Kh6 3 Rh8 mate or Kh6 2 Bf5! and mates.

Chess: 2372

1 Qf6! Qxh6 2 Rxe6 and Black resigned. Mate follows by Qh8 or by 2 . . . Qg7 3 Qd8.


Chess: 2371

(Black moves first) 1 Kb2 Rd5 2 Kc3 Rc5+ 3 Kd4 Nb3 mate.

Chess: 2370

1 . . . Nxf3+ 2 exf3 Bg2! and White resigned. If 3 Kxg2 Qh3+ and Qh1 mate or 3 Bxh8 Qh3! and mates.


Chess: 2369

Please note that as our column covers the Winton British Solving Championship, there is no Chess solution this week.


Chess: 2368


1 . . . Bf3! (threat Rh1 mate) 2 Ke1 Rd4! (the follow-up Svidler overlooked) and Rd1 mate follows after White runs out of suicidal checks.


Chess: 2367

1 . . . Kh6! threatens g6-g5 mate. If 2 g3-g4 Qf2 mate.



Chess: 2366

1 Rxf6! gxf6 2 Qe3! and Carlsen resigned in the face of Qxh6+ and Qg7mate.



Chess: 2365

1 Ng5! wins. If Qxg5 2 Rxh7 mate. If 1 . . . h6 2 Rxh6+ Qxh6 3 Qxh6 mate. If Bxh2 2 Rxh7+! Qxh7 3 Nxf7 mate.


Chess: 2364


1 Rf8+! Kxf8 2 Qf1+! Rxf1, stalemate draw. Instead 2 Qf3+? Bxf3! or 2 Qf2+? Nf4! 3 Qxf4+ exf4 or gxf4 both allow White a pawn move so there is no stalemate.


Chess: 2363

1 Bxf7+! Kxf7 2 Rxg5 is best, with an easy draw. As played, White fell for the trap 1 Bb1?? h4+ 2 Kg4 f5+! 3 Rxf5 which unpins the black rook and allows 3 . . . Rg2 mate.



Chess: 2362

1 Rf7! g3 2 Be4! Ka2 3 Bh7! Ka1 4 Bg8! Ka2 5 Rf1 mate.



Chess: 2361

1 Qg3! If Kd2 2 Qf3 Ke1 3 Kc2 mate. If Ke2 2 Kc1 Kf1 3 Kd2 mate (composed by Otto Wutzburg).


Chess: 2360


1 a4! g4 2 Qa3! Bxb5+ 3 axb5 mate. The trap is 1 Qf5?? threatening 2 Qc8 mate, when Black’s Bxb5+ checks the white king.


Chess: 2359

1 Qf4+! gxf4 2 Bxf4+ Ka8 3 Nb6+! axb6 4 axb6+ Na6 5 Rxc8+! Rxc8 6 Rxa6+! bxa6 7 Bg2+ Rc6 8 Bxc6 mate.



Chess: 2358

1 a3 e5 2 Nc3 Bxa3 3 Ne4 Bf8 4 Ra5 Ke7 5 Rxe5 mate.



Chess: 2357

1 Nh5+! If gxh5 2 Qg3+ and 3 Qg8 mate. The game ended 1 . . . Kh8 2 Bh6! gxh5 3 Qg3 Bxe4 4 Bg7 mate. If 1 . . . Kf8 2 Nxf6, threatening 3 Bh6 mate, is quickly decisive.


Chess: 2356


1 . . . Rd7! If now 2 Be1 Rd1 3 Kf1 Bd3+ wins rook and bishop. The game ended 2 Bb4 Rd1+ 3 Kh2 Kg4! and White resigned since Rh1 mate can only be stopped by Rg5+ surrendering a rook.


Chess: 2355

(a) 1 Nf5+! (b) Any black king move allows Rd6 mate, Rd8 mate, or Ng7+ forking king and rook, so Black had to play Rxf5 2 Kxf5 a4 3 Re2+ Kd7 4 Rd2+ with a draw. (c) Where does the king go, Yasser?



Chess: 2354

1 R4xh5+ gxh5 2 Qc7+! (2 Rxh5+? Kg6! is only a draw) Kh8 3 Qe5+! Kh7 4 Rxh5+ Kg6 5 Qg5+ Kf7 6 Rh7+ Ke8/f8 7 Qe7 mate.



Chess: 2353

1 Rh4! h6 2 Bh2! Kxd4 3 Ne5! fxe5 4 fxe5 mate.


Chess: 2352


1 Rc7! wins a piece with the threat of Rxf7+ and Rxf6. Black’s dark squared bishop has to guard his d4 rook. The game ended 1 . . . Bh8 2 Rc8+! Ke7 3 Rxh8 and Black soon resigned.


Chess: 2351

1 Qxf6! If exf6 2 Re8, or gxf6 2 Ne6, or Rxf6 2 hxg7, or g6 2 Qh8, or Kg8 2 Qxg7, or Nc4 2 d8=Q, or Ne8 2 Qxf7. Traps include 1 Q or Bxd6? Kg8! or 1 d8=Q+? Ne8 or 1 h7? e5! or 1 d7? e5! when 2 d8=Q+?!? leaves White’s king in check (by Denys Bonner, 1960).



Chess: 2350

1 f3+ Kh4 2 Ra4!! Rxa4+ 3 Kb5. The black rook has no escape, so White has a trivially won pawn ending (composed by Josef Hasek, 1927).



Chess: 2349

1 . . . Qxh2+! 2 Kxh2 hxg3++ 3 Kg2 Nf4 or Rh2 mate.


Chess: 2348


1 Rf1! is the key. If Kxe4 2 Qh1, or Kxc6 2 Qa8, or Kxe6 2 Qg8, or Kc4 2 Nf4. The puzzle was composed by Heinrich Juhe.


Chess: 2347

1 Qxc5! Qxc5 2 Be4+ Kh5 3 Kh3! and g4 mate.



Chess: 2346

Solvers proposed 1 Ne3 ‘mate’ but this leaves the WK in check from the e4 rook. The real answer is 1 Qc8! (threat 2 Qg8 mate) when 1 . . . Nb4 2 Ne3 really is mate or 1 . . . Nd4 2 Nb6 mate (by John Rice and Michael Lipton).



Chess: 2345

1 Rxg7! Kxg7 (if Rb1 2 Rg1! Rxd1 3 Rxh6 mate) 2 Qg1+ Kf8 (if Kh7 3 Bf5+ Kh8 4 Rxh6 mate) 3 Bf5+ Nxf5 4 Qg8+ Ke7 5 Qf7 mate.

Chess: 2344

Four-time Australian champion Cecil Purdy composed this puzzle and gave the answer as one and three-quarter moves. The white king is off the board so must be in White’s hand en route to 1 0-0-0 Ke3 2 Re1 mate. Castling is half a king move, half a rook move, hence White is a quarter of the way through the process. But I prefer 1.51 moves, with the king on the point of touchdown at c1.


Chess: 2343

Black fell into his own trap.The game ended 1 . . . Qxf6?? 2 Bg5 Bxf3 3 Qc1! (but not 3 Qd2?? Bb4! with an edge for Black) Bb4+ 4 Kf1! and Black, an IM, lost his queen at Athens 2001.

Chess: 2342

1 Qh7+ Ke6 (if the king goes to the back row, 2 Qh8+ and 3 Qxa8) 2 f5+ Kd5 3 Qg8+!! Qxg8 4 Kd3! and 5 c4 mate.


Chess: 2341

1 Bd8+! and Black resigned.If 1 . . . Kxd8 2 gxh6 Nf6 3 Kxb6 and White will queen the a4 or h6 pawn. If the black king stays on the queen’s side, the white king goes to the other flank to capture the knight and/or queen the h6 pawn. Knights fear rook pawns.

Chess: 2340

1 Bb3! (threat 2 Qa4 mate) If 1 . . . Kxb3 2 Qc2+ Ka3 3 Qa2 mate. 1 . . . Bf5+ 2 e4 only delays the mate. The game ended 1 . . . Bd7 2 Qc1+ Kxb3 3 Qc2+ Ka3 4 Qa2 mate.


Chess: 2339

Because if 1 Rc2+ Kf3! 2 b6 Black replies 2 . . . Qh3+! 3 Kxh3 with a stalemate draw.

Chess: 2338

1 Qd8! b6/g5 2 Rd7! g5/b6 3 Rd2! exd2 4 Qxb6 mate (by Fritz Giegold).


Chess: 2337

The traps are 1 c8=Q? which is an immediate stalemate draw, 1 c8=R? Ke6! 1 c8=B? Kc6! and 1 c8=N? Kc4! Instead, mate in two is by the unlikely 1 Ne4! when if Ke6 or Kc4 2 Qf7, or Kxe4 2 Qf3, or Kc6 2 Qd6. (composed by Fadil Abdurahmanovic, 1957).

Chess: 2336

The non-checking 1 Rd1! is the only way to mate in two. If Ke5 2 d4 mate, or Kc3 2 f7 mate, or Kc5/e3 2 Qg1 mate.


Chess: 2335

1 Qa2! bxa2 2 Bf5! Kxf5 3 Ng7 mate.

Chess: 2334

1 Bd4! g3 2 Bb6! axb6 3 Kc1! Kxc3 4 Ne2 mate.


Chess: 2333

1 Ng7+! Bxg7 2 g4+! when if fxg4 3 Qh2 mate or Kh4 3 Qg3 mate or (the longest line) Kxg4 3 Bd1+ Bf3 4 Bxf3+ Kh4 5 Qg3 mate.

Chess: 2332

1 Bd8! (threat 2 e7+) Re3 2 Bf6! and a white pawn queens.


Chess: 2331

1 . . . Ne7! stops White’s Qf8 and threatens Rh1 mate, which White can only prevent by 2 Qxc6, surrendering his queen.

Chess: 2330

1 Kb2! a1=Q+ 2 Rxa1 h1=Q 3 Qxh1 mate.


Chess: 2329

No chess solution this week.

Chess: 2328

1 Rh4! Rxb4+ 2 Kc5! when Rxh4 is a stalemate draw, Rc4+ 3 Rxc4 bxc4 4 Kxc4 is a drawn pawn endgame, and Rb2 3 Rh7+ Kb8 4 Kxc6 is a drawn rook ending. This tactical trick has occurred several times, and is worth remembering.


Chess: 2327

1 Bd7! Ke3 (if Kg2 2 h4 and queens or Kf3 2 Kd4! Kf4 3 h4) 2 h4 Ke4 (if Kf4 3 Kd4) 3 h5 Ke5 4 h6 Kf6 5 Be8! (the point of playing Bd7 earlier) when the black king cannot reach g7 so the pawn queens.

Chess: 2326

(by Florencio Mendes de Moraes) 1 Qa4 (or Qa3) Kg8 2 Qa1! Kf8 3 Q1a2 Ke8 4 Q2a3 Kd8 5 Q6a4! Kc8 6 Qa8+ Kc7 7 Q4a7 mate.


Chess: 2325

1 Qa3! threatening 2 Nc5 mate. If Black guards c5 by Qf8 then 2 Nxd2 mate, or if Qe3 2 Qxa8 mate. Traps are 1 Qg1? Qf4! (2 Nc5+ Kf3) and 1 Qf2? Qe3!

Chess: 2324

1 Rh5! Qxd7 2 Ng5+ Kh8 3 Rxh6 mate.


Chess: 2323

1 Qc3! (stops Black’s queen checks) Qb7 (Black has to guard against both Qg7 mate and Qc8+) 2 Qa1! wins. Black’s queen has to stay put to stop both Qg7 mate and Qa8+, while if 2 . . . Kf8 3 Qh8+ and 4 Qh7+ wins the queen.

Chess: 2322

White wins by 1 Rxe6! fxe6 2 Nd4! cxd4 3 d7 and the pawn queens.


Chess: 2321

1 Qe3-a3 is the only legal checkmate.

Chess: 2320

1 Nf5! Qd2+ (if Kg6 2 Rg7+ Kh5 3 Rh1 mate) 2 Kf3! (not 2 Kh3? Qxe1 3 Rxh6+ Kg5) Qxe1 (if Qh3+ 4 Kf2 Qd2+ 3 Re2 wins) 3 g4+ Kg6/g5 4 Rg7 mate.


Chess: 2319

1 Qe5!! wins with the threats 2 Qb8+ mating, 2 Qxd5 winning the queen and 2 c4+ winning the rook. If 1… Rxe5 2 c4+ wins the queen, or 1 . . . Qxe5 2 c4+ Rxc4 3 bxc4+ Kxc4 4 fxe5..

Chess: 2318

No solution published this week as the problem is the first stage of the national solving championship.


Chess: 2317

1 Bh2! Bxh2 2 g3 Bxg3 3 Rf4 Bxf4 4 d6 Bxd6 5 Qh2! Bxh2 6 Re5 Bxe5 7 Nb5 Bf4! 8 f6 Bxc7+ 9 Nxc7, draw by stalemate.

Chess: 2316

1 . . . h5+! 2 Kxh5 Ra8? 3 Kg3 Rh8 (Ne5+? 4 Kxf4) g3 avoids mate although White loses his h3 bishop. Instead 2 . . . Ne5! 3 Rxb2 Ra8! forces mate.


Chess: 2315

Surprisingly, it’s a draw: by 1 axb7 Re6+! 2 Kxe6 (if 2 Kd5 Re8 and captures the new queen) Kc6! when 3 b8=Q or 2 b8=R draw by stalemate, 3 b8=B cannot win with two dark-squared bishops, and 3 b8=N+ Kb7 draws.

Chess: 2314

1 Kd3! If Kf5 2 Kd4 mate, or Kd5 2 Qd4 mate.


Chess: 2313

1 Rd6 Kc8 2 Ka7! Kc7 3 Rac6 mate.

Chess: 2312

Yes, because if 1 Kg2! Rf2+ 2 Kh1! Rxe2 White has 3 Bd3+! Kxd3, draw by stalemate. After 1 Kg2 Black takes around 40 moves to checkmate even with optimum play, so in practice White might well have drawn by the 50-move rule.


Chess: 2311

1 . . . Ra4! and White resigned. He loses at least a rook after 2 Qxa3 Rxb1+ or 2 Rxb3 Qxa1+.

Chess: 2310

1 Rxe6! Kxe6 2 Qxd5+! Kxd5 3 Bc4 mate. Black saw it coming, so declined the rook, but after: 1 . . . Nb8 2 Re7+ Kg8 3 Bg2 Bf8 4 Qxd5+ he resigned faced with heavy material losses.


Chess: 2309

1 . . . Bxg3+! 2 Kxg3 Qc7+ 3 Kg4 Be6+ and White resigned because of 4 Kh5 Qf7+ 5 Kg5 h6 mate or 4 Kg5 Qg3+ 5 Kh5 Bf7 mate.

Chess: 2308

1 Rxf8+! Kxf8 2 Bxd6+! Resigns since Qxd6 3 Qa8+ leads to mate and 2 . . . K moves 3 Bxc7 puts White a piece ahead.


Chess: 2307

1 Qe4? f5! 2 Qxe5 Bf6 traps the white queen.

Chess: 2306

1 Kd4! Nc2+ 2 Ke5! Nxa1 (if f6+ 3 Ke6 Nxa1 4 Ke7 wins) 3 Kf6! c2 4 Rg8+! Rxg8 5 Nxf7 mate.


Chess: 2305

1 . . . Qe2! and White resigned,.If 2 Rxe2 Rf1 mate or 2 Rxf4 Qg2 mate or 2 Qd2 Qf1+! 3 Rxf1 Rxf1 mate.

Chess: 2304

1 Ke4! b4 2 Bh8! c3 3 Ke5! c2 4 Kf6! c1Q 5 Bg7 mate.


Chess: 2303

1 . . . Rb8+ 2 Rg8 Ne8! 3 Rf8 Kg6 and if 4 Kg8 Nf6+ and mates or 4 Rg8+ Kf7 5 Kh7 Nf6+ wins.

Chess: 2302

1 Rhe8! g5 2 Rd2! Kxd2 3 Bb4 mate.


Chess: 2301

1 Rf1! (not 1 Rxe6?? Rf2+ and Black wins) when if Rxe3 2 Rxf8 mate (the Bg7 is pinned). If 1… Rxf1 2 Qxf1 (threat 3 Qf8 mate) Qc8 3 Rxe6 Qxe6 4 Qf8+ Qg8 5 Bxg7 mate.

Chess: 2300

1 Bd6! Ncd4 (other moves also lose) 2 Qg7+! Nxg7 3 Nh6 mate.


Chess: 2299

1 f7+! If Kxf7 2 Rxh7+ wins. If Rxf7 2 Rh8+ wins. But the real point is Qxf7 2 Qc2! with the winning double threat of 3 Qxc8 mate and 3 Qxh7+.

Chess: 2298

White wins by sacrificing both rooks: 1 Rf8+! Rxf8 2 Ra8+! Kxa8 3 Qa3+ Kb8 4 Qxf8+ Qe8 5 Qxe8 mate.


Chess: 2297

1 Kxc4! d3 2 Kxd5 d2 3 g4+! Kf4 or Kxg4 4 Rc4+ and Rd4 and captures on d1 or d2.

Chess: 2296

1 Bxe8+ Kxe8 2 Qb5+! Rxb5, draw by stalemate.


Chess: 2295

1 Rh1! (here and next move Bd1! is also strong) Qe6 2 Rgh3! a4 3 Rxh5! gxh5 4 Rxh5 with the decisive threat 5 Qxh7+! Nxh7 6 Rxh7 mate.

Chess: 2294

1 Qe2! when if exf2 2 Qxh5+ Kg7 3 Rxg3+ wins. If 1 . . . Rg1+ 2 Rxg1 Rxg1+ 3 Kxg1 exf2+ 4 Kg2 keeps the Qxh5+ threat. The actual game ended 1 Ne4?? Qxe4+! 2 Bxe4 Rh3 mate.


Chess: 2293

(a)1 Rf7+! Kg5 2 h4+! Kxh4 (Kh6 3 Bxg7 mate) with 3 Rh1+ Kg5 4 Rh5 mate or 3 Rxg7 and 4 Rh1 mate. (b) 1 g4+! Kg5 (if Kxf4 2 Be3 mate) 2 h4+! and mates as previously.

Chess: 2292

1 Qxd3! If 1 . . . b2 2 Qb1! wins all the pawns. If 1 . . . c2 2 Qc3! a2 3 Qb2! with the same result.


Chess: 2291

The obvious answer is black king at d3 and White mates by 1 0-0-0, but this is invalid because the position with White to play has no legal black previous move. Correct is that there are two solutions: c6, when White mates in one by 1 Qb5, or d3, when Black, not White, delivers mate by Qg1.

Chess: 2290

(by Fritz Giegold, 1974) 1 Qxd5+! Kxd5 2 Ne6! and if Kxe6 2 Bxc4 mate, or Ke4 3 Bc6 mate.


Chess: 2289

(by Julien Guisle, Le Figaro 1956) 1 Rh7! The rook opens up two queen-bishop diagonal strikes.

If Kc1 2 Bh8! and if Kb1 3 Qg7 Ka2 4 Qb2 mate, or if 2… Kd1 3 Qg7 Kc1/e1 4 Qa1 mate. If 1 . . . Ke1 2 Ba8! and if Kd1 3 Qb7 Kc1/e1 4 Qh1 mate or if 2 . . . Kf1 3 Qb7 Kg1 4 Qh1 mate.

Chess: 2288


(by Pal Benko, 1990).1 Kg1! If Rf4 2 Rb5! cxb5 3 b7. If Rh6 2 Re8! Kxe8 3 b7. If c5 2 Rf5! Rxf5 3 b7. If 1 . . . Rd6 2 Re1! c5 3 Rb1. Most other white first moves fail to Rh6+-h8 or Rf1+-b1 stopping White’s b pawn.

Chess: 2287

(a) e3 (b) h1 (c) a8 and mate by 1 Qc8 (d) g7. However White arranges his three pieces, the BK always has a flight square at g8 or h7

Chess: 2286


(a) 1 . . . Kg3! and h5-h4-h3-h2 mate. (b) 1 f6! gxf6 2 Kxg2 Kg5 3 a4 bxa3 en passant 4 bxa3 Kf5 5 a4 Ke5 6 d6! cxd6 7 c6! dxc6 8 a5 and White queens..

Chess: 2285

1 . . . d1=N!! 2 Nxd1 Qe1 and White soon runs out of queen checks after which Qg1 mates. Instead 1 . . . d1=Q? allows 3 Nxg4+! fxg4 3 Qh7+! Kxh7 with a stalemate draw. In the actual game, which went differently, White could have drawn but blundered into defeat.

Chess: 2284


1 Bxe6! fxe6 (other moves also lose quickly) 2 Rh8+! Kxh8 3 Rh1+ Kg8 4 Rh8+! Kxh8 5 Qh1+ Kg8 6 Qh7 mate.

Chess: 2283

1 Nf6+ was the move-but it was White who resigned after 1 . . . exf6 2 gxf6 (threat 3 Qg7 mate) Qxf2+! because of 3 Kxf2 Ng4+ and Nxh6 or 3 Kh1 Qxf6.

Chess: 2282


(by A von Schmidt, 1900).1 Nb4! (threat 2 Nc6 mate) If Kxf4 or Kd6 2 Nd3 mate. Kasparov solution: 1 Bh5! with 2 Bxg6! hxg6 3 h7 and queens or 1,,,gxh5 2 g6!

Chess: 2281

1 . . . f4+! and Topalov resigned. If 2 Kxf4 Kd3! (threat Qg4 mate) 3 Qg5 Qf2 mate.

Chess: 2280


1 Bf3! bxa6 2 Ne2! a5 3 Re1! axb4 4 Nxd4! exd4 5 e5 mate.

Chess: 2279

1 Rc1! g4 2 Rc2! dxc2 3 Bc1! a3 4 Rf4! Kxf4 5 d4 mate.

Chess: 2278


1 Rd2! c6 2 Kf2! Kxf4 3 Ne6 mate.

Chess: 2277

1 Rf1! (the only way). If Bh6 2 Rf4! Bxf4 3 0-0 mate. If e4 2 Rf6! Bxf6 3 0-0 mate. If Rf8 2 Rxf8, or Bg8 2 Rf7! or Re6 2 Rf3! with the same mate. If Be4 2 Rf3 dxe2 3 Kxe2 mate.

Chess: 2276


(by Aleksandr and Kirill Sarychev, 1928) 1 Kc8! b5 2 Kd7! Bf5+ 3 Kd6 b4 4 Ke5! (gains a move by attacking the bishop) Kg4 5 Kd4 b3 6 Kc3 Be6 7 c8=Q Bxc8 8 Kxb3 draws.

Chess: 2275

1 Be2! h6 2 Rh4! h5 3 Kg5! Ke4 4 Bf3 mate.

Chess: 2274


1 Nc7! If Kxc7 2 Bh2 mate, or Kxe7 2 Bc5 mate, or Bxc7 2 Nc8 mate, or Bxe7 2 Ne8 mate. Near misses include 1 NChess: 2275f6? Bxa5!

Chess: 2273

1 Ra3! b4 2 Ra4! b3 3 Rh4! Kxh4 4 Nf3 mate.

Chess: 2272


1 Ra8! gxh4 2 Rg7! Kxg7 3 Be5 mate.

Chess: 2271

1 Be1! g3 2 Be2! dxe2 3 Rb4! Kxb4 4 d4 mate.

Chess: 2270


1 Rxa6! If Kxa6 2 Rc5! Ka7 3 Ra5 mate. If Kxc4 2 Rb6! Kd4 3 Rb4 mate.

Chess: 2269

1 Qg3! fxg3 2 Bc4! Kxc4 3 Rc2 mate.

Chess: 2268


The drawing move is 1 . . . Rd2! (threat Rh2+) 2 hxg4 hxg4 (threat Qh8+ and mate) 3 Qg2 (forced) Qh8+ 4 Kg1 Rxg2+ 5 Kxg2 Qh3+ 6 Kg1 Qg3+ with perpetual check.

Chess: 2267

1 Rf2! If d3 2 Be4 and if Kh3 3 Bf5 mate or Rxg7+ 3 Rxg7 or Rh8 4 gxh8Q. If 1 . . . d5 2 Bxd5 with similar mates. 1 Rf1? fails due to d3 2 Be4 Kh3 3 Bf5+ Kg2, so the rook must guard the second rank

Chess: 2256


1 Rh2! If Bxg3 2 Bxg3 and if Ke4 3 Re1 mate or Kd2 3 Bf4 mate. If 1 . . . B elsewhere 2 Bd2+! Kxd2 3 Nf1 mate.

Chess: 2254

1 Nf1! exf1Q 2 Qf8+! Kxf8 3 Nd7 mate. Instead 1 Nd1? fails to exd1Q and the new queen guards the key d7 square.

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Tiny Victorian seaside town with award-winning holiday resort, incredible sunsets and one of the UK’s best parks



Sillouth in Cumbria has won several awards over the years, including the Coastal Resort Trophy and Best Sustainable Development Town in 2016

A SEASIDE town in Cumbria that’s won multiple awards is a well-kept holiday secret among travellers in the know, thanks to its unspoiled surroundings and spectacular sunsets.

Silloth in Allerdale, Cumbria, has been known since Victorian times for the quality of its air, the abundance of rare wildlife and its spectacular sunsets. And not much has changed since then.

Sillouth in Cumbria has won several awards over the years, including the Coastal Resort Trophy and Best Sustainable Development Town in 2016


Sillouth in Cumbria has won several awards over the years, including the Coastal Resort Trophy and Best Sustainable Development Town in 2016Credit: Alamy
Many of the beaches in Sillouth look across to Scotland, to the hills of Southern Galloway


Many of the beaches in Sillouth look across to Scotland, to the hills of Southern GallowayCredit: Alamy

It has several beaches, two of the most famous ones being West Beach and Grune Point.

West Beach is a large, sandy beach with dunes and views of the Solway Firth and the Scottish landscape, including the hills of Southern Galloway and the Lake District Fells.

Grune Point is a long, sandy shingle beach that sticks out into the Moricambe estuary and is a great spot for bird watching.

The beaches are some of the best places to watch Silloth’s famous sunsets, which are considered so good because of the town’s location and views.


Read more on seaside towns

If you don’t make it to the beach, another popular spot to catch one is Silloth Promenade – a traffic-free walkway which also has views of Solway Firth and Scotland.

The town’s Green is one of the largest and longest greens in the country, dating back to the 1860s.

 It’s located in the Silloth conservation area and close to the Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site, and has been awarded the Green Flag Award several years in a row for its high environmental standards, excellent visitor facilities, and beautiful maintenance.

It’s now recognised as one of the best parks in the country.


Among the things to do there is a water play area, which is a big hit during the summer months with children of all ages.

Silloth has won several awards over the years, including the Coastal Resort Trophy and Best Sustainable Development Town in 2016.

Quaint seaside town is named one of the UK’s worst

The town has also played host to lots of big events. For 21 years it held a music and beer festival, with Allerdale beers and local acts.

But the organises announced this year they’d made the “difficult decision” for it to come to an end.


The Silloth Vintage Rally however, still takes place across two days every year.

It’s a free, family-friendly event that takes place on Silloth Green, showcasing hundreds of vintage vehicles, including steam engines, stationary engines, commercial and military vehicles, classic cars, vintage tractors, and classic motorbikes.

If you can’t wait for the rally to come around, Silloth has its very own Motorcycle Museum.

The museum displays a range of production and Grand Prix bikes that have been raced by Jim Snaith at iconic circuits including the Isle of Man TT and Daytona. 


The museum is run by Snaith, and he shares his first-hand knowledge with visitors. 

Entry is free and donations are welcome.

Silloth’s location is also ideal for exploring the Lake District.

Drive around 45 minutes south east and you’ll find yourself in Keswick.


Lesser known seaside towns and villages in the UK

Broadstairs, Kent – has a retro feel, a mild maritime climate, and many attractions, including seven sandy bays.

Bamburgh, Northumberland – the coastal village is known for its castle, beaches and rich history. Bamburgh Castle is a medieval fortress on a 180-foot basalt crag that’s one of the most important Anglo-Saxon archaeological sites in the world. Bamburgh Beach is a popular spot for surfing, kite surfing, dog walking, and horse riding.

Hunstanton, Norfolk – the town is renowned for its stripes cliffs, and it’s one of the only towns on England’s east coast that faces west, allowing for spectacular sunsets across the sea.


Portscatho, Cornwall – is a charming fishing village in the Roseland Peninsula that’s known for its scenic beauty, beaches, and activities. Portscatho Beach is a small, east-facing beach that’s mostly rocky with sandy patches. It’s sheltered within Gerrans Bay, which is great for rock-pooling at low tide.

Robin Hoods Bay, North Yorkshire – Robin Hood’s Bay is a picturesque fishing village on the North York Moors Heritage Coast that’s known for its fishing heritage, smuggling, and fossils.

Mersea Island, Essex – There are many reasons to visit Mersea Island in Essex, including its beaches, wildlife, and outdoor activities. You can explore the island by bike using the Mersea E-Bikes.

Beer, Devon – The beautiful picturesque village of Beer is located on the UNESCO World Heritage Jurassic Coast in Devon. Surrounded by white chalk cliffs, the shingle beach is lined with fishing boats still bringing in their daily catches and is famous for its mackerel.

Silloth Green has been awarded the Green Flag Award several years in a row for its high environmental standards, excellent visitor facilities, and beautiful maintenance


Silloth Green has been awarded the Green Flag Award several years in a row for its high environmental standards, excellent visitor facilities, and beautiful maintenanceCredit: Alamy
The town is also known for its beautiful sunsets, which are best seen from the beaches or promenade


The town is also known for its beautiful sunsets, which are best seen from the beaches or promenadeCredit: Alamy

The UK’s best seaside town was revealed in July this year by Which?

Banburgh in Northumberland topped the list, making it four years in a row that the north east town has claimed the title.


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Mark Carney warns net zero will mean ‘significant’ stranded property assets



Former central banker Mark Carney has warned there will be “significant stranded assets” in commercial real estate as governments push to reach net zero, highlighting the risks to property owners and lenders from older buildings that cannot adapt.

Property investors are facing a double whammy from the sharp fall in asset values caused by higher interest rates, and increasingly urgent demands to invest in energy efficiency.

Stranded assets are often associated with fossil fuels that will be phased out through the green transition, but Carney underscored that there are also older buildings that “aren’t going to make it” as countries regulate to cut greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors.

“There will be a tail of stranded assets . . . which are going to have to turn over and be refurbished if possible or knocked down and repurposed,” he said.


European real estate investors need to increase their annual capital spending by 30 per cent to get on top of upgrading buildings, according to a report this week by investment manager AEW. It found that the energy performance of European buildings was significantly behind the progress needed under the Paris agreement, where countries across the world agreed to limit the global temperature rises.

At the COP28 climate conference in Dubai last year, countries agreed to double the rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030.

But in some cases, such as older, poorly located office buildings, the upfront cost may be uneconomic due to a lack of demand or low rents for the space.

Trying to knock down buildings that are deemed obsolete — such as the Marks and Spencer Oxford Street flagship or the former Museum of London — can also cause controversy, since preserving existing structures saves carbon from building materials such as steel and concrete.


Operating buildings account for 26 per cent of global energy-related emissions, according to the International Energy Agency, which has warned that faster progress is needed to put the property sector on track to net zero by 2050.

Commercial buildings in the UK face a tough series of deadlines to upgrade their energy efficiency ratings by 2030. About 12 per cent of commercial properties missed an energy rating deadline last year, according to the Centre for Cities.

Carney warned investors about banking on these deadlines slipping. “There will be people . . . who either implicitly or explicitly think that these timelines are going to shift, or that somehow or another it is not going to become a binding constraint. But that is a big risk to take,” he said.

Carney, who is chair of Brookfield Asset Management, was speaking in London for the opening of Eden Dock, a new waterside garden at Canary Wharf, which is co-owned by the Canadian asset manager. He said adding biodiversity to urban settings was another key challenge for landlords, alongside reducing emissions.


Dutch bank ING last month warned 2,000 of its biggest clients, including commercial real estate developers and owners, that it would stop providing them with financing if they failed to make sufficient progress on tackling their climate impacts. It found that commercial real estate was a laggard compared with other sectors when it came to disclosing climate impacts.

But despite climate risks for the sector, Carney said he was not concerned about risks to financial stability from the property sector.

“I am very sanguine about commercial real estate risks in the financial sector as a whole, because the risk is more broadly spread, there is less liquidity pressures than would have come in a bank-based commercial real estate sector,” he said. “And I think that the work out process is proceeding for those assets that need to be worked out.”

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Standard Life launches free pension-finding tool



Putting off advice until decade before retirement could have ‘serious consequences’

Standard Life has partnered with Raindrop and launched a free-to-all pension-finding tool to help Britons track down their missing pensions.

This comes as Standard Life research has shown that 19% of people with multiple pensions believe they have lost track of at least one pension pot.

Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group, said that despite the benefits of consolidating pensions, such as a greater ability to track performance and boost understanding of how much is being saved for the future, 73% of those with more than one workplace pension said they have not consolidated.

Just under a third (32%) are unsure of how to start consolidating and 12% find the process too difficult.


It has been estimated that 2.8 million pension pots in the UK, valued at over £26.6bn, remain unclaimed. Additionally, the average person has at least 11 employers in their working lifetime.

In order to find a lost pension, a user just needs to provide their former employer’s name and the time period they worked for the company. This is in contrast to supplying details of the pension provider “as is often the case when consolidating pension pots”.

Raindrop’s technology then begins the tracing process, which on average takes just 4-6 weeks. During this time, a dedicated case manager is on-hand to provide updates on the process.

Once a person’s lost pensions have been traced, they will be better informed about their income prospects and able to take the necessary steps to prepare for their retirement.


Standard Life managing director of retail direct Dean Butler said: “We know that people who actively plan for their retirement are more confident and financially secure but if you don’t know where all your savings are, you can’t begin to calculate their value, making planning unnecessarily difficult.

“Sometimes people have a vague idea of having a pension with a previous employer, but just don’t know how to go about finding it. Our new pension-finding service removes the major hurdles that people face and allows them to regain control of their pensions savings. We want to help them trace any missing pensions, so they don’t ever lose them again and are better prepared to organise their retirement savings.”

Raindrop co-founder Vivan Shridharani added: “Millions of UK savers have lost pensions, often unsure of how to begin their search. As each new generation has more jobs than the last, the number of lost pensions continues to grow. We’re committed to helping savers, with a simple solution to easily find their lost pensions and help them better prepare for their financial future.

“By partnering with Standard Life, one of the UK’s largest pensions providers, we hope to empower savers to locate lost pots and take control of their long-term financial planning.”


Since the launch of Raindrop, a pension-finding platform, in 2021, it has located over £325m in lost pension savings across more than 27,000 pots.

In order to obtain these results, Standard Life commissioned Opinium to conduct research among 2,000 UK adults between 6 and 10 September 2024.

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Carl Icahn’s cone of silence



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Star corporate raider Carl Icahn has offered his longtime chief financial officer, Ted Papapostolou, a juicy new contract extension to 2028. But it comes with some onerous strings attached.

There’s no doubt Papapostolou deserves a payday, having spent a lot of time extinguishing fires recently. First came last year’s short attack by Hindenburg Research, which sent the shares of Icahn Enterprises LP (IEP) tumbling. More recently, Papapostolou had to settle SEC charges over pledging company securities as collateral for personal loans.


So, Icahn is paying up. He’s granted Papapostolou a $2.2mn salary package, plus an incentive-based package worth up to $17mn that rewards him if IEP recovers some of its value. Unfortunately for us, Papapostolou has offered his omertà in exchange. 

According to the offer letter (FTAV’s emphasis below):

You further agree not to write a book or article about the Designated Entities, Mr. Icahn, his family members, or any of the respective affiliates of any of the foregoing, in any media and not to publish or cause to be published in any media, any Confidential Information, and further agree to keep confidential and not to disclose to any third party, including, but not limited to, newspapers, authors, publicists, journalists, bloggers, gossip columnists, producers, directors, script writers, media personalities, and the like, in any and all media or communication methods, any Confidential Information.

It’s a shame Papapostolou is barred from sharing the internal workings of Icahn’s empire with gossip columnists, authors and publicists. Even his friends and family seemingly won’t hear a peep, except the fact that, yes, he once served as chief financial officer of IEP. 

In furtherance of the foregoing, you agree that following the cessation of your employment hereunder, the sole and only statements you will make about or concerning any or all of: Mr. Icahn, his family members, and the Designated Entities . . . is to acknowledge that you are or were employed by the Company, and were its Chief Financial Officer.

But seems Papapostolou missed out on some of the more restrictive provisions affecting Icahn employees, like onetime chief financial officer of Icahn-owned refinery CVR Energy, Tracy Jackson. She agreed to keep the terms of the 2021 separation between herself, a spouse and a tax attorney (and a government agency, in the event of a subpoena). 


We’d also love to know what Aris Kekedjian, a former General Electric executive who worked as IEP’s chief executive for just seven months before resigning, has to say. The same goes for David Willetts, who moved over to run Icahn-owned car mechanic Pep Boys after a brief stint at the top (his stint at Pep Boys proved equally brief, with the company announcing last week that Willetts has already left). 

The circle running IEP is small, with under 50 employees at the Sunny Isles Beach, Florida-based conglomerate according to LinkedIn. 

Hopefully a few escape the no-book no-blog agreement so a lucky reporter can package the tale of IEP into a warts-and-all bestseller, rather than a bland, hagiographic HBO series.

Further reading:


Icahn seen clearly now the gains have gone (FTAV)

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Map reveals how much energy bills will rise in your area from today – and why you could pay MORE than the price cap



Map reveals how much energy bills will rise in your area from today - and why you could pay MORE than the price cap

MILLIONS will see their energy bill rise by £149 as Ofgem’s new price cap comes into force today, Tuesday, October 1.

Households previously paid £1,568 a year but the figure is now set to rise by nearly £150 to £1,717.

Around 29million customers on their energy providers’ standard variable tariff (SVT) are expected to see their bills rise.


Ofgem updates its price cap every three months, setting a ceiling on how much suppliers can charge for each unit of gas or electricity.

It was created five years ago to protect customers from being overcharged by suppliers.

This includes your standing charge which is a daily fixed amount you have to pay no matter how much electricity you use.

But it is worth bearing in mind that the £1,717 figure is just an estimation given by the energy regulator.


It is calculated assuming that a typical household uses 2,700 kWh of electricity and 11,500 kWh of gas over a 12-month period.

Those who use less electricity will pay less, while those who use more will have to pay more.

The exact amount you pay is based on several factors, including where you live, your supplier and how you pay for your gas and electricity.

There are 14 different “Distribution Network Operators” across Britain, who can dictate your energy costs.


For example, those in Northern Scotland will see their bills rise to £1724.47 up from £1577.66 starting today.

Martin Lewis says ‘fix now’ as energy price cap set to rise in days

While households in North West of England will see their bills increase to £1,689 up from £1,533.

Those in the South West will pay the most, with the average annual bill costing £100 more at £1,766 a year.

These varying prices occur because generating gas or energy is cheaper in some areas than others.


Your regional standing charge, which is how much you pay to stay connected to the grid, also varies depending on where you live.

For example, those living in the northern region (North East England) pay the highest standing charge in the country.

A typical household here will now be charged £379 as of today.


While prices are expected to be high for the next three months, experts are predicting a fall come January.

Cornwall Insight has published a new forecast predicting a £20 drop in the new year to £1,697.

Dr Craig Lowrey, principal consultant at Cornwall Insight said October’s rise is a “temporary blip”.

He said: “Typically some of the coldest months of the year, often bring with them the biggest energy bills, and – while our latest forecast is welcome news – it remains subject to the volatile wholesale gas and electricity markets.”


Why you could be charged more

If you are worried about the price of the regional standing charge in your area, it is worth being aware of these tips.

For example, taking regular meter readings can let you update your supplier on your energy usage so you are not overcharged.

It is important to take a meter reading around the time of the price cap change to make sure all your energy usage up until that point is charged at the lower rate.

If you are confused about how to take a meter reading you can read our article here.


How do I calculate my energy bill?

BELOW we reveal how you can calculate your own energy bill.

To calculate how much you pay for your energy bill, you must find out your unit rate for gas and electricity and the standing charge for each fuel type.

The unit rate will usually be shown on your bill in p/kWh.The standing charge is a daily charge that is paid 365 days of the year – irrespective of whether or not you use any gas or electricity.


You will then need to note down your own annual energy usage from a previous bill.

Once you have these details, you can work out your gas and electricity costs separately.

Multiply your usage in kWh by the unit rate cost in p/kWh for the corresponding fuel type – this will give you your usage costs.

You’ll then need to multiply each standing charge by 365 and add this figure to the totals for your usage – this will then give you your annual costs.


Divide this figure by 12, and you’ll be able to determine how much you should expect to pay each month from April 1.

If you have a smart meter then you do not need to take a reading as this does it automatically.

You should contact your supplier if you are keen to install one as it is usually done free of charge.

There are also a number of government support packages available to those who are struggling financially.


The Sun recently published an article on all the bill help worth over £5,000 which you can check out here.

Make sure you pay the lowest rates

There are two types of rates that you can pay on your energy bill, fixed or a standard variable rate.

A fix is when you lock in a set price for a certain period which is usually 12 months.

That is different to a standard variable rate which can go up or down depending on Ofgem’s price cap, which changes every three months.


A number of energy suppliers have reduced the rate of their fixed deals, meaning customers have a chance to save if they switch.

For example, EDF has launched a 1,568-a-year fixed deal for a typical energy user paying by direct debit.

This deal is £149 cheaper than the upcoming cap.

It is worth bearing in mind that you will still be charged more if you use more energy.


You check out the best fix rate deals below:

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Iran preparing to launch missile attack against Israel, says US official



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Washington believes that Iran is “preparing to imminently launch a ballistic missile attack against Israel”, a US official said on Tuesday, threatening “severe consequences” if the attack were carried out.

The warning came as Israel launched a ground offensive in Lebanon on Tuesday, intensifying its campaign against Hizbollah after launching waves of devastating air strikes against the Tehran-backed militant group.


The official added that the US would support Israel in defending itself against such an attack.

“The United States has indications that Iran is preparing to imminently launch a ballistic missile attack against Israel,” the official said. “We are actively supporting defensive preparations to defend Israel against this attack. A direct military attack from Iran against Israel will carry severe consequences for Iran.”

The US embassy in Jerusalem has ordered all of its employees to shelter in place.

Daniel Hagari, Israel’s military spokesperson, confirmed that Israel had been warned by Washington but added that the country had not identified any aerial threat from Iran at present. He said Israel was prepared for all scenarios.


The comments follow a dramatic two-week period, during which Israel assassinated Hizbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah and launched a bombing campaign that has killed more than 1,000 people in Lebanon and displaced as many as 1mn.

The regional escalation has been accompanied by a ratcheting up of Israel’s rhetoric, with officials talking about “defeating” Hizbollah and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledging last week to “change the balance of power in the region for years”.

In April, Iran fired more than 300 missiles and drones at Israel after a suspected Israeli strike hit its embassy compound in Damascus, killing several senior Iranian commanders.

The Iranian barrage was clearly telegraphed and caused limited damage since Israel’s air defences, supported by the US, the UK and France, intercepted most of the projectiles before they reached Israeli air space.


Israel responded with a missile attack on an air base near the Iranian city of Isfahan, but the tit-for-tat exchange was contained, with neither side wanting a further escalation.

But, as Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza has lowered in intensity, Israeli forces have stepped up strikes on Iranian proxies in the region.

The US’s latest warning will heighten fears that Israel’s escalating offensive against Hizbollah will trigger an all-out regional war.

Following the first reports of the missile warning, Brent crude, the international benchmark oil price, rose 2.9 per cent to $73.75 a barrel on Tuesday, after having previously traded down on the day. Gold prices also rose.

Iranian leaders have repeatedly said they do not want to be drawn into a broader Middle East war, adding that the Islamic republic would not fall into what they have described as Israel’s “trap”.

Analysts say the regime’s priority is ensuring the republic’s survival and that it is wary of being dragged into a direct conflict with Israel that would also pull in the US.

But the republic arms and supports militant groups across the region that have attacked Israel.


Iran’s foreign minister Abbas Araghchi said on Tuesday that Tehran wanted political “collective action” by countries that seek “stability and calm in the region”. He called on the international community to stop Israel’s escalation in the region.

The US has been deploying additional forces to the region since Israel assassinated Nasrallah on Friday and ramped up its bombing campaign on Lebanon. It has about 40,000 troops in the region.

Additional reporting by Raya Jalabi and Rafe Uddin

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