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Israel’s twin fears collide on a Jaffa street



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On a quiet Jaffa backstreet, Israel’s twin fears intersected on Tuesday, seemingly by pure chance, set in motion by the unnerving crackle of gunshots.

“Hey — do you know what’s going on? I think I hear a lot of shooting,” the voice note, sent at 7:01pm on Tuesday, said. Two Palestinian assailants had just stepped off the light rail on to a leafy boulevard in the Tel Aviv neighbourhood, and opened fire.


Exactly 30 minutes later, as police swarmed the scene and ambulances raced away with the wounded, the eerie sound of air raid sirens rang across Israel — Iranian missiles had pierced the air space, streaking across the night sky, many to targets just a few kilometres north.

In that coincidental but fateful moment, Israelis confronted the anxieties that have consumed them for most of their lives — a chance encounter with death from a determined gunman, and an attack by a powerful enemy, aiming its resources at their territory.

In the hour that followed, Israeli air defences boomed as they fired interceptor after interceptor, chasing some 180 missiles in a spectacle broadcast live on television screens and social media feeds.

Families huddled in their safe rooms, trying to keep their children’s spirits up — the latest reminder of danger after nearly a year of war with Israel’s neighbours to the south and the north.


In the end, the Palestinian gunmen caused more pain than the Iranian missiles — six civilians were killed and nine were injured — before they were “neutralised” by bystanders in that south Tel Aviv neighbourhood.

First responders were forced to work through the howling of the air raid sirens as they tended the wounded.

Unlike in April, when Iran launched 300 missiles in a well-telegraphed retaliation for Israel’s killing of Iranian personnel in a bombing at its Damascus consulate, there was much less time for Israelis to prepare.

As the missiles tore across the nearly 1,000 miles between Iran and Israel, they also frightened the citizens of the countries beneath their trajectory, many of them already anxious that a regional war was on the verge of breaking out.


In Amman, the Jordanian capital, people reported seeing multiple missiles intercepted over the city, some near the US embassy, and said their houses violently shook from the impact.

“It was super intense, I’ve never witnessed such a thing before,” said Ibraheem Shaheen, a 32-year-old news producer living in the city.

Shaheen said this attack felt different from April’s because it came without warning. “Things are back to normal. But we lived a terrifying hour,” he said.

Unlike those under the missiles’ flight path, the Israeli army was prepared — US intelligence had caught wind of Iran’s preparations and warned Israel earlier in the day. The country’s famed Iron Dome and other air defences swung into action, knocking all but a handful of the missiles out of the sky before they found their targets.


At a hotel in East Jerusalem, the sirens sounded in the middle of a wedding party. Guests and relatives descended into the basement of a hotel in the predominantly Palestinian neighbourhood as wave after wave of air raid warnings interrupted the festivities.

Photographers idled away the time and the bride kept her cool as the party waited for the regular, booming sounds to subside. For close to an hour, the explosions — the sound of Israeli air defences shooting down volleys of rockets — reverberated overhead, and across the country.

But the guests, initially gripped by the missile alerts chorusing from their phones, soon grew tired of the enforced waiting. In the basement singing and ululating briefly broke out, and once the all-clear was issued, the group headed upstairs en masse to continue the party.


In Jaffa, the tense silence that followed the attack and the missile barrages was also broken by singing, this time by a group of Israelis gathered in the street while residents of the neighbourhood tentatively came outside to shop for groceries and walk their dogs.

Four streets from where the shooting attack unfolded, an ice-cream shop raised its shutters and flipped on its neon lights, its name both coincidental and fateful for an evening such as this — Victory.

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How to avoid a flood of claims from renters’ bill



Banker all-nighters create productivity paradox

Greg Simms (“Striving for a new balance for renters and landlords”, Letters, September 27) explains how the UK’s proposed renters’ rights bill now going through parliament may flood the court system with claims.

However, this could be avoided if the bill is amended to give the parties to tenancies a right to have the matter resolved by a privately appointed expert who would normally be a solicitor or surveyor or both.

When in legal practise, I had a hand in setting up a scheme to facilitate a similar right in commercial tenancies. As far as I know the scheme, called Pact, is still available. “Professional Arbitration on Court Terms” is an initiative jointly set up by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Law Society. It provides a form of alternative dispute resolution for lease renewal disputes. This facility could be applied to residential tenancies.

Even if landlords undertook to pay the fees in most cases, it would be cheaper than suffering delay, avoid draining court time and spare a mounting expense for the taxpayer.


Steven Fogel
London NW11, UK

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Letter: Perhaps what the UK needs is a reboot?



Banker all-nighters create productivity paradox

From Raj Parkash, London W4, UK

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Farmers’ climate insights deserve more attention



Another well-researched article about global agriculture (“The global power of Big Agriculture”, The Big Read, August 22). Yet when it comes to the actual farming and farmers there is a woeful lack of understanding and knowledge.

Yes, the well-funded lobbies (just as in Brussels) are all-powerful. But they are the commodity suppliers and traders and international actors with shareholders to satisfy. Farmers are subject to uncertain weather, volatile prices, byzantine regulatory systems and greedy interfering national governments.

As with coverage of climate, FT journalists seem to be only half informed. Farmers themselves are mainly poorly represented. Farming is an absolute necessity for life and the net zero-related emissions quoted for agriculture are always wildly wrong and remain scientifically unproven.

Geordie Burnett Stuart
Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, UK


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Talk of windfalls from Fed rate rises is misleading



The FT analysis “US banks gain $1tn windfall from Fed’s era of high rates” (September 23) and, its assertion that the two and a half year era of Federal Reserve rate rises produced a “windfall” for US banks, falls short of what readers expect from the FT.

Banks’ core business is taking in deposits that are subject to changes in short-term interest rates and then lending to consumers and businesses at terms that ­are customised to serve their funding needs. How this calculation applies bank by bank depends on whether a bank is asset-sensitive or liability-sensitive, and the FT’s analysis (which was never fully shared with readers) completely misses this critical aspect of banks’ business decision-making and consumer choice.

Depositors — both consumers and businesses — have a variety of investment vehicles, and they do not exclusively choose banks for high rates. For example, investors can buy Treasuries at rates closer to the federal funds rate, but this may require them to lock their funds in without the flexibility of withdrawal upon demand. Banks provide security, convenience and accessibility of deposits, and depositors who value these elements over the rate make their decisions accordingly.

Ultimately, using the loaded language of “windfalls” obscures the choices businesses, consumers and banks make in a market environment. For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic and the two-year period of zero interest rate policy, the FT’s flawed methodology reveals that depositors received approximately $56bn in “excess” interest on savings.


We didn’t see the FT reporting on that “windfall” for consumers because it would have painted an inaccurate picture. The same is true here.

Sayee Srinivasan
Chief Economist, American Bankers Association, Washington, DC, US

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Starmer’s task is to fix the government machine



Robert Shrimsley (“The state isn’t fit for Starmer’s purpose”, Opinion, September 27) is correct in his analysis.

The failings of the machinery of government have surprised prime ministers before — as Tony Blair’s chief of staff said: “When you arrive in No 10 and pull on the levers of power, you discover they are not connected to anything.”

The expertise of experienced professional management, in the delivery functions of government, is not recognised by politicians. Yet delivery is carried out by huge organisations: the Department for Work and Pensions employs 94,000 people and the National Health Service 1.3mn.

This lack of experienced management is the cause of low labour productivity in the public sector. It decreased by 8 per cent between 1997 and 2022 while it increased by 27 per cent across the whole economy, and it is the reason why the 17 major efforts to reform government since the Fulton Report in 1968, and the 25 initiatives to reform the NHS since 1990, have all failed.


The Thatcher and Blair governments both realised the importance of management expertise across government — but only late in their terms, so their reforms did not gain traction. If the current prime minister can put a focus on effective management first, he will find that much good will follow.

Patrick Barbour
Director, Effective Governance Forum, London W4, UK

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Connected cars pose real risks



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When you are driving in your car, are you in a public or private space? As carmakers race to make electric cars into smartphones on wheels, the lines have started blurring. 

Internet-connected intelligent cars are on the roads in many countries, with remote car access an increasingly common feature. In some cities in China, driverless taxis are already available. But with convenience follows concerns over who has access to our driving data — and ultimately our cars.


The Biden administration sees Chinese cars and technology as a national security threat that could spy on drivers and as an economic threat, and has moved to ban Chinese connected-car software. Beijing has previously accused the US of using “national security” concerns as an excuse to act against Chinese companies. Indeed, the economic implications of such a ban on software are clear: it would in effect keep Chinese EVs out of the US. Current tariffs on Chinese EVs are easy enough to circumvent by shifting production bases. But given the scale of personal data that is expected to be gathered from connected cars — not just those made in China, but by automakers globally — the latest proposed ban should not be brushed off as just another trade spat. It raises important questions about privacy and safety for drivers around the world. 

As EV sales grow, cars are increasingly becoming software-defined vehicles — that is, any car that uses software to operate and add upgraded functionality. Around 97 per cent of all EVs are internet-connected.

Connected intelligent cars offer many benefits. Safety features such as anti-collision systems, real-time data analysis and advanced sensors mean faster reaction times and fewer accidents. Autonomous driving functions help provide mobility for elderly drivers. Carmakers upgrade cars using over-the-air updates. Connected cars using better routes can mean fewer traffic jams, reducing emissions.

Chinese EV makers are leading the race. Development times for new models have been about 30 per cent quicker than legacy peers. More than 60 per cent of new energy vehicles sold in China this year had advanced driving-assist features, according to industry data


Take Apollo Go, the robotaxi arm of Chinese internet group Baidu. Its cars can handle most driving situations independently without a driver. More importantly, Baidu has brought costs down significantly, with its latest sixth-generation robotaxi costing less than half its previous model at about $28,500.

Getting to this point, however, has been costly. Baidu started investing billions from its autonomous driving fund in 2017. Its self-driving project has required years of testing and is still lossmaking. Chinese EV maker BYD is set to invest $14bn in areas related to autonomous driving to catch up. Local peer Nio, a leader in autonomous driving software, also remains lossmaking despite growing sales.

That means some global automakers in a rush to catch up on intelligent driving software, or lack the funds to develop their own, may start to turn to software that includes Chinese technology. Without that option, carmakers risk falling behind on innovation and a lucrative market — the market for robotaxis alone is expected to exceed $25bn globally by 2030, according to Goldman Sachs. By 2027, it forecasts partially autonomous cars, which require driver supervision, are expected to be about 30 per cent of global new car sales. For buyers, affordable EVs may become further from reach as development costs rise.

As cars are such an integral part of life for many of us, the potential risks are amplified — perhaps more so than with any other product. For carmakers to provide remote assistance and upgrades after the sale, and for self-driving functions using cameras and sensors, cars must be connected in real-time. Improving software also requires extensive data collection. That means that there will be a risk — however small — that a connected car could be affected by a cyber attack or data breach. Functions could be accessed remotely, affecting driver safety. Sensors can be manipulated to detect false objects on the road. A hacked self-driving car could even be turned into a weapon. 


The race towards smarter, self-driving cars is starting to outpace discussions on privacy, cyber security risks and regulation. Closing trade borders might mean depriving some countries of the latest innovations. But until governments find the balance of risk and reward it may be worth taking the slow road.

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