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Living Room Layout Ideas to Make the Most of Your Space



Living Room Layout Ideas to Make the Most of Your Space

When it comes to designing a room, choosing furniture in the right sizes, styles, and finishes is only half the battle. You also have to determine how to arrange each piece so the room feels balanced and liveable. Because if there’s one design mistake that will make a room feel awkward and unwelcoming, it’s a wonky furniture arrangement. Unless you have a trained eye, it’s the kind of thing you might not notice right away, but after living in the room for a while, you might find yourself wondering why something feels off. Figuring out the right layout is always a bit of a puzzle, but luckily, there are a few simple rules that you can apply in any space to help you find the right fit. And if you’re really stuck, I also pulled together some no-fail living room layout ideas that you can easily replicate.

Whether you’re designing a room from scratch or itching to rearrange your current setup, keep scrolling for all the tips and ideas you need to find the best living room layout for your space.

Rules to Follow When Arranging Living Room Furniture

Every room is different, but a few basic design rules can apply to almost any space. Keep these guidelines in mind as you work out your living room arrangement:


Choose a focal point

Before you start playing around with the layout, you need to determine the room’s focal point. In some cases, this is obvious: The TV is the clear focus of many living rooms (mine included). The focal point could also be a fireplace, a wall of built-ins, or a window with a great view. Whatever it is that immediately draws your eye when you walk into the room, that’s what you’ll want to build your furniture arrangement around.

Work with (not against) the room’s orientation

To put it simply, the shape of your furniture arrangement should mimic the shape of the room. Generally, the easiest way to adhere to this rule is to arrange your largest furniture piece (often the sofa) so it runs parallel to the longest stretch of wall. That way, the shape of your furniture will align with the orientation of the room. If, instead, you placed the sofa perpendicular to the wall in a long, narrow room, the layout would look choppy and disrupt the flow of the room.

Account for traffic flow

You need to be able to comfortably move through your space without bumping into furniture or feeling like you’re just barely squeezing past. In general, you should plan to leave about 30 inches of space between furniture in areas that you often use as a walkway. If space is tight, you can cheat that distance a little bit—just make sure you’re not cutting it too close, or you’ll curse yourself later when you’re constantly banging into things as you walk past.

Make sure each seat has a table within reach

No matter where you’re sitting, you should have a surface within reach where you can set down a drink or a book without having to get up. This will make your everyday life easier and is crucial for entertaining, too. That may mean you simply need to pull your furniture in closer, or you may need to bring in some additional accent tables alongside your seating. Keep in mind that about 16-18 inches is the ideal distance between the sofa and coffee table—this allows you to easily reach your drink or put your feet up while still leaving enough space to move in between.


Living Room Layout Ideas for Any Size Space

1. Balanced Living Room Layout

living room layout ideas
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
living room layout ideas
Source: Emily Henderson Design | Photo by Ryan Liebe

This is the exact furniture arrangement you’ll find in my living room. This layout is a classic for a reason: It feels balanced, is simple to replicate, and can work for both lounging and entertaining. To make sure your arrangement looks proportional, make sure the width of your sofa is about equal to the width of the accent chairs and table on the other side. For an easy variation on this layout that feels more casual, angle the two chairs in toward each other instead of facing them straight toward the sofa. If you have a small living room, the backs of your sofa and chairs may be nearly touching the walls, and that’s OK! In a larger room, you can “float” your furniture away from the walls and use an area rug to anchor the arrangement.

2. TV-Focused Living Room Layout

living room layout ideas
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
living room layout ideas
Source: @ispydiy

If you primarily use your living room for plopping down on the couch and watching TV (no shame in that), this layout idea is for you. By placing the sofa directly across from the TV and arranging chairs on either side, you ensure that every seat has a good view of the screen. Be sure to place the chairs far enough away from the sofa that you can walk in between, and choose a rectangular or oval coffee table so each seat can comfortably reach it.

3. Small Living Room Layout

living room layout ideas
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
living room layout ideas
Source: @francois_et_moi

This asymmetrical layout works well in small living rooms where space is at a premium, but you still want to have a couple of different seating options. Here, the sofa will likely get the most use on a daily basis, and the accent chair acts as a sort of “bonus.” You could either treat it as an opportunity to bring in a fun style or color that adds to the design or consider it standby seating that you might utilize when you have guests over. If your living room opens to another area (like a kitchen or dining space), the chair can also serve to close off the living space a bit so it feels more defined. If you have the space, you could add something opposite the chair (a floor lamp, plant, or pouf are all great options) to make the room feel more balanced.

4. Narrow Living Room Layout

living room layout ideas
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
living room layout ideas
Source: @amybartlam

This layout proves that big furniture can totally work in a small space, and sometimes, it’s actually the best option. For a narrow living room, one large seating option (like a sofa with a chaise) can be much more practical than trying to fit multiple pieces into a tight space. Place the sofa directly across from your focal point with accent tables on either side and a round coffee table or ottoman tucked in front. The round shape will help you easily maneuver around the table without worrying about banged knees. If you need additional seating for guests on occasion, keep a slim side chair or a pouf along one wall and pull it out when you have company.

5. Formal Living Room Arrangement

living room layout ideas
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
living room layout ideas
Source: Emily Henderson Design | Photo by Tessa Neustadt

This living room layout idea definitely requires a larger room, but if you have the space (and budget) for two sofas, it can be very chic. To make this work, you either want to use two identical sofas or choose ones that are similar in size. It’s totally OK to mix materials and styles between the two sofas for an eclectic look, but the scale should be similar to make it look balanced. Split up the two sofas with a rectangular or oval coffee table in the middle, and consider adding accent tables along the sides if you want more spots to set down a drink or a book.

6. U-Shaped Living Room Layout

living room layout ideas
Graphics by: Caitlin Schneider
living room layout ideas
Source: Studio McGee

For a large living room, a U-shaped arrangement is a great way to use up the available space while still making your seating area feel cozy and intimate. Start with a sofa facing straight toward your focal point, then add in a loveseat and chairs on either side to create a “U.” Again, make sure the two sides are balanced in scale. You could also replicate this arrangement with an L-shaped sectional in place of the sofa and loveseat. Either way, make sure to leave enough space between the pieces so you can enter into the arrangement without it feeling like a squeeze. A square coffee table or ottoman in the middle will make sure all sides have equal access to a surface.

Jessica friedhoff senior lifestyle editor


Jessica Friedhoff, Senior Lifestyle Editor

Jessica Friedhoff is the Senior Lifestyle Editor at The Everygirl, where she oversees the Home & Living category of the site. She has nearly seven years of experience reviewing products, covering trends, and creating inspiring content around all things home.

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I Ditched My Wellness Routine Entirely



I Ditched My Wellness Routine Entirely

I’ve always thrived on routine and found comfort in having every minute of my day planned. For a long time, I believed my strict routine was the secret to staying motivated and productive; I even credited it for allowing me to make time for self-care and wellness practices. But as I added step after step to my routine with each new wellness trend that flooded my social media feeds, eventually the weight of it began depleting me instead of supporting me like it once did. I pushed myself to exhaustion—forcing myself to work out when I needed rest and beating myself up when I skipped small rituals like dry brushing or journaling because I was too burned out. That’s when I realized my routine wasn’t serving me anymore. At what point does self-improvement turn into self-sabotage? Keep reading to find out. Plus, how I stepped back from my rigid schedule and what I learned in the process.

“At what point does self-improvement turn into self-sabotage?”

How I realized that my routine was doing more harm than good

Wellness often starts with the intention of striving to be your best self. I always thought there was no such thing as caring for myself too much. I didn’t see the little voice in my head pleading with me to slow down as a sign my body needed rest; I thought it was the devil on my shoulder, testing my discipline and dedication. So, I continued to obsessively complete everything on my wellness to-do list every night, even if it was the last thing I wanted to do.

While these habits were meant to add value to my life, even something as simple as ignoring my watch’s reminder to stand every hour felt like a personal failure. The ever-evolving benchmarks of “healthy” seemed to be slipping farther away. And when I didn’t hit every one of them, I felt like I was neglecting both my body and mind. My solution was to double down on my routine. I would get anxious about making plans that kept me “behind schedule,” worrying about missing the wellness rituals I should be doing. Would I remember to use my mouth tape after having a few glasses of wine while dining out? Will I have the energy to do my lymphatic drainage massage after getting home late from my friend’s house? Rather than being a fun break from monotony, spontaneity became a source of stress lurking around every corner. Ironically, I actually thought this mindset was healthy—that my rigid adherence to these practices meant I was truly dedicated to putting myself first.


The conversation that led me to take a step back was surprisingly simple. I was venting to my mom about how exhausted I felt and how my to-do list before bed still included working out, making a protein-packed dinner, and walking to hit 10,000 steps. In true mom fashion, she responded with a nugget of wisdom: “What if you just didn’t do all that?” It sounded so easy, but I hadn’t even considered what would happen if I let myself skip my routine for one night or cut out some of my rituals. When I finally did, I realized it wasn’t a big deal. Nothing catastrophic happened when I didn’t dry brush, and not closing the rings on my Apple Watch wasn’t a life-or-death situation. This small shift was the wake-up call my wellness routine needed.

How I ditched my wellness routine

Adjusting my once strenuous wellness routine for the better wasn’t as complicated as it might seem. Once I realized I needed to step back, I took a few days for a full reset. I didn’t work out, cook anything from scratch, or meditate—I just focused on whatever felt good in the moment. After a few days of pure rest, I listened to what my body genuinely missed and only reintroduced those practices. I craved movement, so I signed up for a workout class. After a weekend of pasta and frozen pizza, I felt like I needed some veggies and protein to feel energized again. I now try to approach each day by tuning into my body and responding to its needs. I don’t look ahead to the week or let my subconscious convince me I must do any wellness practice. Instead, I build my routine day by day.

That said, I can’t say I’ve ditched routine altogether. Just because I had a wellness epiphany doesn’t mean I’ve abandoned time as a concept; I still need to be at work at a certain time, and if I want enough sleep, I have to schedule my day to some extent. However, I try to view my time within those mandatory commitments as flexible rather than having to stick to a specific plan (deadlines aside, of course). We’re always told the importance of having a consistent routine and how structure leads to productivity. But I encourage you to step back periodically and ask yourself, Is your routine serving you or working against you?

“I encourage you to step back periodically and ask yourself, Is your routine serving you or working against you?

What happened when I became flexible with my routine

I’m more in tune with my body than when on a set schedule

When I was deep into my routine obsession, I followed my schedule more than I ever listened to my body. When my body’s needs didn’t align with the regimen, like wanting to sleep when I had a workout class scheduled, it felt like it was somehow betraying my mind. Now, my body is in the driver’s seat. I’ve learned to tune into what it needs rather than following a list of tasks I “have to” or “should” do.


I experienced less wellness-induced guilt

Guilt used to be one of the biggest motivators in my wellness routine. Every time I skipped a part of it, I felt like I was failing my body and putting my health in danger, but by pushing myself too far, I was actually doing just that. I had lost sight of why I prioritized wellness in the first place: to feel good. Now that my mindset has shifted, I no longer feel guilty for allowing myself to rest.

I realized not every day needs to look the same

I used to believe the only way to honor my body was by completing every wellness ritual daily. Otherwise, it showed a lack of commitment to my health. I’ve accepted that what works one day might not work the next, and what I need today will likely look different than what I need tomorrow and other days, and that’s not only OK but normal. I take things one day at a time, allowing more flexibility in my daily life.

I finally accepted that rest is self-care too

I’ve heard people say that rest is self-care a countless number of times, but I don’t think I truly believed it until now. In my defense, I’m a product of a generation raised on the importance of productivity. I was conditioned to measure a day’s worth by its output. However, my current mindset allows me to see that when I need to rest and spend an evening on the couch watching TV (call it bed rotting), it’s just as worthwhile and essential as a jam-packed day checking off tasks, if not more.


Lauren Blue, Lifestyle Staff Writer

As a Lifestyle Staff Writer for The Everygirl, Lauren’s articles span the topics of home decor, delicious recipes, hobbies, travel itineraries—and everything in between. When she isn’t testing the latest TikTok trend, she can be found scouring Instagram for beautiful homes to feature on the site.


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What to Buy At World Market, From a Former Employee



What to Buy At World Market, From a Former Employee

Despite working many retail jobs in the past, I think my favorite one has to be World Market. I worked there part-time while in college, attending my Zoom classes during the day and heading to the store in the afternoon and on the weekends to clock in for my shifts. I was only there for a little bit shy of a year, but I still find myself romanticizing that time of my life to this day. Call me biased, but I mean, who wouldn’t want to work there? I was surrounded by a constantly rotating collection of fun products, worked with an all-women team, and the company’s playlist was literally perfect (Taylor Swift’s cardigan and Lana del Rey’s Love? It was like I plugged in my own phone to the store’s aux).

I saw every season change at World Market and was able to get very familiar with their top-selling items and popular furniture picks. I also picked up a lot of items with that sweet discount of mine, and they’re all still going strong four years later. Between my dining chairs, desk chair, throw pillows, utensils, rugs, and seasonal decor, I would say that half of my place is furnished by World Market to this day.

While it has been a while since I’ve worked there, every time I visit, I’m transported right back to the times I’d wander the aisles and happily organize products and help customers load furniture into their cars. If you’re not familiar with World Market, let this be your sign to start getting acquainted. As a former employee, I’ve got all my recommendations for their tried and true best-sellers below.


The World Market Products I’ll Always Recommend

Kitchen Essentials

world market

World Market

Icon glasses are all the rage right now, and World Market’s version of them are luckily always in stock. Our editors love to collect them throughout the different seasons for a fun way to spice up their afternoon iced coffees. Read our review of them here!

Bathroom Decor

world market

World Market

I would always recommend this Bamboo Bath Mat to customers looking to add something different to their bathroom. It’s a chic way to catch water after a shower, easier to maintain than a bath rug, and brings a natural touch to your bathroom.


World Market

If there’s one item that stands out against all World Market products, it’s the Papasan Chair. The base and cushions are sold separately, so you can easily replace one or the other when needed. It’s an incredibly comfortable chair and adds the perfect spot to curl up and read a book to any room.

2 colors available


Shop the cushions here

Home Accents and Decor

world market

World Market

Whenever we’d get seasonal shipments in, the faux flower selections would be one of the first to sell out. World Market’s faux flowers are high quality (I’ve had mine for years!) and add the perfect little accessory to any room with no effort at all.


world market

World Market

World Market’s clothing selection is small, but boy does it have some eye-catching pieces. I particularly loved the different robes offered in fun floral patterns. They make for a great gift or a little treat-yourself moment.

Seasonal Items

world market

World Market

World Market’s Icon Glasses also come in fun seasonal patterns. From ghosts to pumpkins to skulls, your Halloween parties just got 10 times better.




Bella Gil, Associate Commerce Editor

Because shopping is quite literally her full-time job, Bella is dedicated to making sure you spend your hard-earned money on products you’ll fall in love with. She spends her days testing, researching, and writing about a wide range of topics, from beauty products to rug cleaners and everything in between.

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Shopbop’s Fall Sale is Here—These Are Our Fashion Editor’s Favorite Picks



Shopbop’s Fall Sale is Here—These Are Our Fashion Editor’s Favorite Picks

Sometimes, life calls for you to treat yourself. Be it with a sweet treat after running errands or a latte on the way to the office, you deserve to indulge once in a while. And sometimes, the universe’s sign to do so is flashing in neon lights, like it happens to be right now with Shopbop’s biggest sale of the year.

With the season in full swing, Shopbop’s Style Event is allowing us to snag the pieces we’ve been dreaming of for our cold-weather wardrobes at the lowest prices of the year. That suede purse you’ve been eyeing? A new pair of boots you know you’ll live in? They’re all on sale. I scoured the entirety of the sale to bring you the most worthwhile splurges—these are the ones I wouldn’t pass up.

From now through October 3, shop 15% off orders of $200+, 20% off orders of $500+, and 25% off orders of $800+ at Shopbop with the code STYLE.


Shop Shopbop’s Style Event

shopbop sale - button down

The Deep End Button Down

2 colors available

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Line & Dot

Benni Striped Cardigan
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Perfect Western Shirt
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Striped Cardigan
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Striped Pullover
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English Factory

Knit Stripe Cardigan
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Ribbed Cardigan
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Line & Dot

Zip-Up Sweater
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Good American

V-Neck Sweater

Plus size options available

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Rain Shower Shirt
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Z Supply

Milan Stripe Sweater
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California Sweatshirt
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Line & Dot

Mayfair Sweater
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ASTR the Label

Padded Blazer
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Line & Dot

Melody Jacket
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Oversized Fluff Jacket
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Trench Coat
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Line & Dot

Ares Bomber
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Woven Bomber Jacket
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Hooded Sweatshirt
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Oversized Leather Bomber
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Pinch Waist Jeans
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Mid-Rise Jeans
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High-Waisted Jeans
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Good American

Good Skate Jeans
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The Perfect Vintage Wide Leg Jeans
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Ribcage Straight Ankle Jeans
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Le Specs

Oval Sunglasses
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Brinker + Eliza

Heart Stones Necklace
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B-Low The Belt

Suede Belt
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St. Agni

Woven Mini Tote
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Round Moon Bag
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Florian London

Anya Brown Clutch
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8 Other Reasons

Leopard Shoulder Bag

2 colors available

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New Balance

990v6 Sneakers
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Freda Salvador

Woven Flats
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Loeffler Randall

Woven Leather Loafers
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Mary Jane Flats
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shopbop sale

Buckle Flats
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shopbop sale

Suede Ankle Boots
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Loeffler Randall

Knee-High Boots
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shopbop sale

Wally Boots
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shopbop sale

Knee-High Boots
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Shop Shopbop’s Style Event

The post Shopbop’s Fall Sale is Here—These Are Our Fashion Editor’s Favorite Picks appeared first on The Everygirl.


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The Wellness Supplements I Add to My Routine in the Fall



The Wellness Supplements I Add to My Routine in the Fall

With a new season comes changes in what your body needs to function optimally—whether it’s switching up your workout routine, eating more in-season foods, or taking up a new hobby. And the same goes for the supplements you reach for to support your body through the transition. I’ve spent many years working with my doctors to find the wellness supplements that are right for my body, and they change seasonally. As someone who lives in the Pacific Northwest, I deal with many days of rain, wind, and less sunlight (AKA cold and flu weather). But no matter where you live, there are certain supplements that can help address the typical health woes this time of year—immunity, mood, allergies, and dry skin—so you can feel your best. Keep reading for must-have wellness supplements to consider adding to your regimen.

cvs wellness sale


Obviously, there’s never a good time to be sick, but it’s especially inconvenient when the holiday season is right around the corner. So, adding some extra vitamin C into your daily line up is a must. These Airborne Vitamin C Tablets are the perfect go-to for a quick immunity boost when you’re feeling a bit rundown (or just want to be extra proactive). Just drop one in water, let it fizz, and bam—you’re sipping on a tangy little drink that’ll keep you in tip top shape. Plus, they’re perfect for keeping in your bag or desk drawer, especially when you’re on-the-go on a hectic Q4 day.


Come fall, the days get shorter and you get less sunlight exposure, causing the body to produce less vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and a weakened immunity. This liquid supplement can step in to help maintain neuroprotective agents that support immune health, mood regulation, and muscle function, as well as bone health. (The vitamin K component helps the body better absorb the vitamin D.)



This (vegan) Omega-3 fatty acid supplement features a science-backed dose of DHA & EPA in a 2:1 ratio (which is found in a healthy Mediterranean diet). DHA is a predominant fatty acid in the brain, and Omega-3 DHA & EPA support brain health and may play a role in reducing symptoms for depression. Plus, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, these natural citrus-infused capsules (read: they’re tasty!) can help combat dry skin and joint stiffness.

Beekeeper’s Naturals

Propolis is a natural mixture produced by bees from substances collected from parts of plants, buds, and exudates. While bees use it to line the walls of their hives and preserve honey, propolis delivers over 300 beneficial compounds and antioxidants that combat oxidative stress, build the immune system, soothe a dry, scratchy throat, combat free radical damage in the body, and feed the good bacteria in the gut. TL;DR: It’s the reason why I instantly start to feel better every time I use this spray.

New Roots

These liquid drops, made from the purest and most potent wild oregano oil, deliver  antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory benefits. In other words, they fight bacteria that commonly cause infections, can be an effective treatment for common Candida fungal infections, and may help protect the body from damage caused by oxidative stress and free radicals. When I add three to five drops of this tincture to water or juice a couple of times a day while sick, I’ve noticed my symptoms go away faster. But even when I’m not under the weather, it’s my go-to for daily immune support.

Calissa Kirilenko


Calissa Kirilenko

Calissa is a contributing wellness writer for The Everygirl who specializes in covering subjects surrounding mental health, meditation, and self-care. She is also a certified breathwork facilitator and works with clients to heal through the power of their breath.


 This post is sponsored by CVS Pharmacy but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.


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Womens World

The Best At-Home Pilates Equipment



The Best At-Home Pilates Equipment

If you’ve been anywhere on the internet within the past couple of years, chances are, you’ve come across a fitness or wellness girly raving about her Pilates class. From GRWM videos to studio tours, the Pilates lifestyle screams That Girl. And yes, the hype got to me. However, as I researched different Pilates studios near me, I realized that those memberships come at a steep price—and that’s only the start of it. Along with the membership, it can be easy to get sucked into the idea that you need the numerous matching outfits, the Stanley cup, and the special grip socks for every day of the week.

So, yeah, I won’t be joining the glamorous ranks of studio Pilates girlies. However, Pilates is a great workout, and it’s easy to get a similar experience at home. Enter mat Pilates. Mat Pilates eliminates the reformer machine typically used in studios and replaces it with a mat, simple Pilates equipment, and your body weight. All things you probably already have lying around the apartment or are just a simple two-day shipping window away.

If you’re ready to make the jump from in-studio classes to at-home sessions, first of all, welcome to the club! Secondly, start here. Below, I’ve rounded up the best Pilates equipment you can add to your at-home studio that’ll help you look forward to your mat session every day.


How to do Pilates at home

Between free and paid apps, short TikTok routines, and free YouTube videos, there is no shortage of options for at-home Pilates workouts. Below, I’ve outlined a few editor-favorite at-home Pilates resources to help you get started.

  • If you want a guided schedule: FORM by Sami Clark (read our review of the app here!), $28/month or $120/year
  • If you want a huge library of on-demand workouts to choose from: Obé Fitness, $24.99/month or $169.99/year
  • If you’ve never tried Pilates before and just want to check it out: @MoveWithNicole on YouTube

Everything you need for at-home Pilates

pilates equipment


In addition to all of the typical yoga mat benefits (supportive cushion to soften the impact from working out on the floor and a grippy material to help keep you in place), this foldable yoga mat from Stakt provides even more support throughout your workout, allowing you to easily customize your experience, whether you’re in a plank or need more cushion under your knees or wrists.

7 colors available

pilates equipment

Target | All In Motion

If you want to level up your at home Pilates routine, add in a set of light weights to make it more challenging. This set from Target comes with three, five, and eight pound weights, so you can use the heavier weights for glute workouts and the lighter weights for your arms. You can also start light and work your way up as you get stronger.


pilates equipment

Amazon | Bala

Take your at-home workout to the next level by incorporating these one-pound wrist weights from Bala. They’re comfortable to wear and easy to take on and off when changing moves. You don’t have to worry about holding weights and can wear them on your wrists for arm workouts or ankles for your lower body. They act as a built-in extra push you’ll actually look forward to using.

3 colors available

pilates equipment

Amazon | HOME GYM

This 10-pound weighted exercise ring is high quality, easy to hold, and has a balanced weight that’ll aid you in moves like crunches, chest presses, or core workouts. Using this weighted ring during your mat Pilates session will increase your balance and endurance.

Amazon | Bala

As you build your flexibility, holding certain stretches or moves can be trickier at first. One of the best ways to aid your body during those moves is to bring the floor to you with supportive yoga blocks.


4 colors available

pilates equipment


You can get a similar effect of a reformer by using a foam roller under your feet when doing a mat Pilates move on your back or hands. When using the foam roller, it requires you to focus on balance, mimicking the movement of a reformer. This option from Lululemon comes with two rollers: one that is meant to massage your arms and legs, and another that is meant to release tension from your back.

3 colors available

pilates equipment


Placing sliders under your feet while in plank moves mimics the experience of a reformer and levels up your core exercises. Bala’s sliding discs are made from a dense, supportive foam, so you’re also still totally supported while using them.


3 colors available

Amazon | ALTA

Resistance bands are a simple way to add a challenge to Pilates moves like leg lifts or raises. These resistance bands from Amazon are durable, won’t slide up or down, and come with three different difficulty levels.

pilates equipment

Amazon | Pafal

If you’re used to a reformer and are intimidated by the prospect of going without one, this Pilates ab board is basically the closest you can get to that experience at home. It’s compact and allows you to do traditional Pilates moves like lunges, planks, and arm extensions. You can read our Wellness Editor’s review of it here. 

2 colors available


pilates equipment

Amazon | GAIAM

If you haven’t caught on by now, there are a ton of ways to get a reformer-like experience with at-home equipment. If nothing’s spoken to you yet, this Pilates bar is designed to help you recreate reformer moves wherever you are. While holding the bar above your chest, you place your feet in the stirrups at the end of the two resistance bands to guide your body through different movements.

pilates equipment

Amazon | IUGA

I like placing a yoga towel on my mat when I’m anticipating an extra-sweaty workout session. This yoga towel grips to your mat, is extra absorbent, and gives you a non-slip surface to work out on so you always stay in place. This set also comes with a hand towel if you need to do a quick wipe down between moves and an empty spray bottle you can fill with water to spritz your towel if you need more traction.

5 colors available

at-home pilates

Move Active

Grip socks are required when using a Pilates reformer, but I like to still wear mine when I’m doing any workout on a yoga mat. They keep me in place so I’m not worried about slipping or losing my footing mid-stretch. As a bonus, Move Active’s grip socks are moisture-wicking (shoutout to my fellow sweaty girls!) and come in a bunch of on-trend styles, which is always a win in my book.

hydrating lip balm


Bella Gil, Associate Commerce Editor

Because shopping is quite literally her full-time job, Bella is dedicated to making sure you spend your hard-earned money on products you’ll fall in love with. She spends her days testing, researching, and writing about a wide range of topics, from beauty products to rug cleaners and everything in between.

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Womens World

13 Cozy Books to Get Wrapped Up in This Fall



13 Cozy Books to Get Wrapped Up in This Fall

While October is the spookiest season of them all—and the perfect time to indulge in everything that goes bump in the night—sometimes a thriller book or horror movie simply isn’t what I’m looking for. Something about the beginning of fall makes me want to dive into cozier, more comforting content—endless Gilmore Girls rewatches, a really good fall playlist, and, of course, cozy books. There’s just something about settling in on a crisp October Sunday post-farmer’s market with a comforting read that is peak fall in my mind.

These cozy books will give you all of the fall vibes you know and love—and even a hint of spookiness, minus the nightmares. Heat a cup of your favorite tea, find the comfiest spot in your home, and get lost in one of these cozy low-stakes stories that will give you your fall fix and leave you able to sleep at night.

fall cozy books

T.J. Klune

The highly-anticipated sequel to TJ Klune’s beloved novel, The House in the Cerulean Sea, is finally here. Arthur Parnassus has worked hard to build a stable, safe, and loving home for the six magical orphans in his care. But when Arthur’s called to make a public statement about his dark past, he finds himself at the helm of a fight for the future that his family, and all magical people, deserve.


And when a new magical child hopes to join them on their island home—Arthur soon realizes they’re at a breaking point: their family will either grow stronger than ever or fall apart.

fall cozy books

Lucy Jane Wood

Belladonna Blackthorn hasn’t lost her magical spark, but she hasn’t seen it in a while, either. Balancing work at her beloved Lunar Books with protecting it from her toxic boss, who’s running it into the ground, and all the while concealing her witchcraft from the non-witches around her—Belle is burnt out. Perfecting the potential of her magic is the last thing on her mind.

But when her 30th birthday brings a summons from her coven, and a trial that tests her worthiness as a witch, Belle risks losing her magic forever. With the month of October to fix things, and signs that dark forces may be working against her, Belle will need all the help she can get.

fall cozy books

Laurie Gilmore

When a secret message turns up hidden in a book in the Cinnamon Bun Bookstore, Hazel can’t understand it. But as more secret codes appear between the pages, she decides to follow the trail of clues, enlisting the help of gorgeous and outgoing fisherman, Noah. Luckily for Noah, who is always up for adventure, it’s the cute bookseller he’s been crushing on for months who needs his help.


Hazel didn’t go looking for romance, but as the treasure hunt leads her and Noah around Dream Harbor, their undeniable chemistry might be just as hot as the fresh-out-of-the-oven cinnamon buns the bookstore sells.

fall cozy books

Richard Osman

Steve Wheeler is enjoying retired life. He does the odd bit of investigation work, but he prefers his familiar habits and routines: the pub quiz, his favorite bench, his cat waiting for him when he comes home. His days of adventure are over: adrenaline is daughter-in-law Amy’s business now.

Amy Wheeler thinks adrenaline is good for the soul. As a private security officer, she doesn’t stay still long enough for habits or routines. Then, a dead body, a bag of money, and a killer with their sights on Amy have her sending an SOS to the only person she trusts. A breakneck race around the world begins, but can Amy and Steve stay one step ahead of a lethal enemy?

fall cozy books

Lindsay Wicked

Holly Celeste and her sisters make the best apple cider in Maine—courtesy of a magical secret ingredient—but even that hasn’t been enough to keep their orchard afloat. To save the family business, Holly accepts a proposal to let a ghost-hunting series film an episode on her farm. Connor Grimm may be the sexy and down-to-earth TV host the nation loves, but to Holly he represents her greatest fear: exposure.


Intent on keeping Connor in the dark, Holly joins him as he interviews eyewitnesses, hunts for old records, and unearths a story even she didn’t know existed. Despite her resolution to dislike him, she begins to fall for the only man who’s ever made her feel like strange could be normal.

fall cozy books

Tarah DeWitt

Stand-up comedian Farley Jones is on her way to stardom. The only thing she loves more than the rush of telling jokes in front of a revved-up audience is her manager, single dad Meyer Harrigan, who doesn’t have a clue. When the biggest opportunity of Farley’s career comes along and forces the pair to fake date in order to stir up publicity, it doesn’t take long for their act to bring all those other funny feelings out into the open. Like most matters of the heart, it quickly begins to feel like anything but a joke.

fall cozy books

Sophie Sullivan

Lexi Danby is looking for some no-strings, fall fun. Once a college track star, she was forced to drop out when her father passed away. When her comically bad waitressing lands her directly in the path of a handsome, charming, mega-wealthy stranger named Will, Lexi may just have found the distraction she’s been looking for. Their first date looks promising until a misunderstanding at a party thrusts Lexi and Will into a fake engagement they can’t talk themselves out of. Amid apple picking in comfy flannels, outdoor breweries in the crisp air, and fun Halloween preparations, Lexi starts to realize the scariest part of the season might just be taking a chance on love.

fall cozy books

Sarah Beth Durst

As a librarian at the Great Library of Alyssium, Kiela and her assistant, Caz—a magically sentient spider plant—have spent the last decade sequestered among the empire’s most precious spellbooks. That is, until a revolution begins and the library goes up in flames, forcing Kiela and Caz to flee to Kiela’s childhood home.


In need of income, Kiela identifies something that even the bakery in town doesn’t have: jam. With the help of an old recipe book her parents left her and a bit of illegal magic, her cottage garden is soon covered in ripe berries. But magic can do more than make life a little sweeter, so Kiela risks the consequences of using unsanctioned spells and opens the island’s first-ever and much-needed secret spellshop.

Julia Seales

Beatrice Steele has never fit the definition of what her small English township considers a “true lady.” Her needlework is terrible, she has no affinity for music, and her art is so bad it frightens people. To make matters worse, she has an embarrassing obsession with true crime. But when eligible bachelor Edmund Croaksworth comes to town, Beatrice promises her family she’ll be on her best behavior so that her sister may win Croaksworth’s heart. However, Croaksworth drops dead at the autumnal ball, and all bets are off. As the party descends into chaos, Beatrice partners with an alluring detective to find the killer before someone else gets hurt. This mystery is perfect for fans of Bridgerton and Pride & Prejudice.

fall cozy books

Kate Goldbeck

When Ari and Josh first meet, the wrong kind of sparks fly. They hate each other instantly. Ari is the free-spirited kind of girl who takes gigs and never sleeps over after a hookup, and Josh dreams of cooking meals for The One in his spotless kitchen while he takes the culinary world by storm. They really only have one thing in common: they’re sleeping with the same woman.

Years later, Ari and Josh are both reeling from ego-bruising breakups and a chance encounter leads to a surprising connection: friendship. As friends-without-benefits, they find comfort in late-night Netflix binges, swiping through each other’s online dating profiles, and bickering across boroughs. It’s better than romance. Until one night, the unspoken boundaries of their platonic relationship begin to blur.


fall cozy books

Ashley Poston

Florence Day is the ghostwriter for one of the most prolific romance authors in the industry. She just has one problem: after a terrible breakup, she no longer believes in love. Her handsome new editor refuses to give her an extension on her deadline, and Florence fears she may have to kiss her career goodbye. Things take another turn when she receives a devastating call beckoning her back to the small town she left behind and has no desire to return to. When she eventually does return to the funeral parlor her family runs, she’s greeted by a literal ghost. And not just any ghost— it’s the ghost of her infuriatingly-handsome editor who’s just as confused about why he’s there as she is.

fall cozy books

Sangu Mandanna

Mika Moon is one of the few remaining witches in Britain. In order to keep her identity a secret, she keeps her head down and stays away from other witches so as not to draw attention. She does a pretty good job of this, save for the silly little online account she uses to post videos of herself pretending to be a witch. It’s a harmless joke, right? Wrong. Mika receives a mysterious message asking her to come to the Nowhere House to take over the teaching of three young witches. Despite this being a bad idea and going against the rules she (mostly) followed, Mika decides to go. Once there, Mika begins to view her new charges and the other residents of Nowhere House as a family of sorts. If only she didn’t have to deal with the librarian, Jamie, who can’t find it in himself to trust a newcomer.

fall cozy books

Veronica Henry

Nightingale Books, nestled on the main street in an idyllic little village, is a dream come true for book lovers, but Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open. She’s thinking of selling, but that would mean breaking the hearts of her most loyal customers.

There’s Sarah, who has used the bookshop as an escape in the past few years, but it now seems there’s a very specific reason for all those frequent visits. Next is roguish Jackson, who, after making a complete mess of his marriage, now looks to Emilia for advice on books for the son he misses so much. And the forever shy Thomasina, who has a crush on a man she met in the cookbook section, but can hardly dream of working up the courage to admit her true feelings. How to Find Love in a Bookshop is the delightful story of Emilia, the unforgettable cast of customers whose lives she has touched, and the books they all cherish.

garri chaverst


Garri Chaverst, Senior Managing Editor

As Senior Managing Editor of The Everygirl, Garri oversees the pitching, planning, and creation of all content. You might also find her name pop up as a contributor throughout the site, though she mostly works behind the scenes. Though comfortable writing a story on any topic at the drop of a hat, Garri shines in the pop culture sphere. If you’re looking for in-depth coverage of entertainment properties or book recommendations, she’s your girl.



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