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What have Labour cabinet ministers said about assisted dying? | Assisted dying



MPs are to debate and vote on whether to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill people who have six months or less to live. Ministers will be allowed to follow their consciences in a free vote as the government is remaining neutral.

Here is what cabinet ministers have previously said and how they have voted on the contentious issue.

Keir Starmer

The prime minister voted in 2015 to allow assisted dying. Last December he confirmed this was still his view, saying: “I personally do think there are grounds for changing the law. Traditionally this has always been dealt with through a private member’s bill and a free vote, and that seems appropriate to me.”

Angela Rayner

The deputy prime minister voted against changing the law in 2015 and her view is not believed to have changed.


Rachel Reeves

The chancellor is undecided and has not previously voted on the issue. She told the Times earlier this year: “I haven’t made up my mind about assisted dying. I would need to give it more consideration. I can understand why people would want it … My worry would be that people would feel under pressure: ‘I’m no good for anybody; people would be better off without me.’ That would worry and scare me, so I’d want to make sure that the right safeguards were in place.

Ed Miliband

The energy secretary was one of the first cabinet ministers to confirm he would vote for assisted dying after it was confirmed that a bill would be brought forward. He told ITV: “I think the current situation is rather cruel, actually. I think people having control over their own life and their own death is something that is the right thing to do. Obviously there have to be proper safeguards and I understand the concerns of some people on these issues, but my personal view will to be vote in favour of this bill.”

Wes Streeting

Having voted for assisted dying in 2015, the health secretary is now undecided. He has said the time for a debate has come, but said in July this year: “Is palliative care in this country good enough so that that choice would be a real choice, or would people end their lives sooner than they wish because palliative care, end-of-life care, isn’t as good as it could be?”

David Lammy

The foreign secretary voted against the assisted dying bill in 2015. Last year he spoke on his LBC show about being “torn” because of his strong Christian faith. “I’m worried that we start somewhere and that it sort of ends up leading to legalised murder,” he said. “I’m just worried that certain types of people might find themselves encouraging others to help them go, not because they want to go or should go but more because of the financial burden.”


Shabana Mahmood

The justice secretary has expressed views against assisted dying and voted against it in 2015. She said earlier this year: “I don’t intend to support it in the future … I feel that once you cross that line you’ve crossed it for ever. If it just becomes the norm that at a certain age, or with certain diseases, you are now a bit of a burden … that’s a really dangerous position to be in.”

Pat McFadden

The Cabinet Office minister supported assisted dying in 2015 but has not been drawn on his position since.

Jonathan Reynolds

The business secretary said earlier this month that he was still against assisted dying, having voted against it in 2015. “I would really worry about how we would protect vulnerable people from that,” he said.

Liz Kendall

The work and pensions secretary spoke in favour of assisted dying legislation in 2015, when she voted for the bill, describing it as a “step forward as a country” and saying the safeguards were strong. “We don’t talk about what might make a good death and it’s something other countries, I believe, may be more open about,” she said at the time.


Louise Haigh

The transport secretary voted for assisted dying legislation in 2015.

Bridget Phillipson

The education secretary said last year there was an “argument for having a vote”, having voted against changing the law in 2015.

John Healey

The defence secretary was absent for the vote on assisted dying in 2015 but voted in favour of a different bill in 1997.

Hilary Benn

The Northern Ireland secretary voted for assisted dying in the past and still holds views in favour of changing the law.


Ian Murray

The Scottish secretary has previously voted in favour of changing the law, and in relation to Scotland’s legislation, he has said he is not against the principle of assisted dying.

Lucy Powell

The leader of the House of Commons voted for changing the law in 2015.

Jo Stevens

The Welsh secretary voted for changing the law in 2015.

Peter Kyle

The science secretary voted for assisted dying in 2015 and gave a strong speech in favour of changing the law. He said at the time: “In the most profound moment in everyone’s life, the moment of death, we have no control at all. For those in the knowledge of their imminent death, I think this is wrong.”


Not known: Yvette Cooper, the home secretary; Lisa Nandy, the culture secretary; Steve Reed, the environment secretary.

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Free school meals trial feeds 20,000 more children



Is Reform UK's plan to get Farage into No 10 mission impossible?
Durham County Council A young school girl is being handed a plate of food from a serving counter by three smiling dinner ladies. She is turned away from the camera but has long brown hair and a blue school jumper. Two of the three dinner ladies wear white overalls and hair nets, while the third has a black apron on.Durham County Council

In County Durham, the pilot scheme automatically enrolled more than 1,700 children who were previously unregistered for free school meals

Thousands more children from England’s poorest households are eating a free school meal because of a new trial scheme.

The pilot project, run by the Fix Our Food research programme and involving dozens of councils, is identifying previously unregistered eligible children and automatically enrolling them.

Families who qualify for free school meals usually have to register their children to get a meal, even if they meet the criteria.

The Department for Education has encouraged all eligible families who are not automatically enrolled to register.


The total number of children registered for free school meals in England is about 2.1 million, or 24.6% of the total pupil population.

Some families do not sign up for free school meals they are entitled to because of language barriers, not understanding the eligibility criteria or because of a stigma around sharing financial information.

In England, families are eligible to apply for free school meals if they are on universal credit and have a household income below £7,400 per year, after tax.

One estimate, by thinktank Policy in Practice, suggests there could be an additional 470,000 families who meet the free school meal criteria but are not registered.


Sixth former Mirzan, from north London, has been registered for free school meals since he started Year 7.

Nathan Standley / BBC Mirzan looks directly into the camera in a close-cropped shot of his head and shoulders. He is wearing glasses and has medium-length wavy brown hair. He is wearing a dark coloured hoodie and stands in front of a blurred brick wall.Nathan Standley / BBC

Mirzan, 18, says missing a meal can leave pupils distracted in class

Having previously missed meals himself, he says he worries about what unregistered children are eating at school.

“Someone I knew in school, the only meal they’d receive that day would be their free school meal. So I know what impact it has,” he says.

“Instead of sitting there looking at the board trying to solve the algebra problem, you’re sitting thinking, ‘when I get home, what am I going to eat?’.”


Researchers from Fix Our Food, a programme based in York, say they want the government to automatically enrol families who are missing out nationwide, by allowing them to opt out instead of having to opt in.

They say it saves families £500 per year in lunch costs.

Fix Our Food has helped about 20 local authorities implement the trial scheme so far.

About 20,000 eligible children who were previously missing out have been enrolled, according to surveys looking at the scheme’s impact, says Myles Bremner from the project.

Nathan Standley / BBC Myles Bremner smiles into the camera in a head and shoulders shot. He is wearing a navy suit jacket over an open-collared white shirt. He stands in front of a blurred office background with staff working on desktop computers.Nathan Standley / BBC

Myles Bremner says the government has all the data it needs to help councils automatically enrol eligible families more easily

An additional 40 councils are working with Fix Our Food to look at whether they could also implement the scheme, he says.

Councils already taking part include:

  • County Durham, registering an additional 1,700 children
  • Wakefield, registering an additional 1,200 children
  • Lambeth, registering an additional 900 children
  • North Yorkshire, registering an additional 700 children
  • Middlesbrough, registering an additional 600 children

The additional registrations have also brought in millions of pounds in vital extra funding for schools via pupil premium grants, according to Fix Our Food.

Schools get £1,455 per primary pupil on free school meals or £1,035 per secondary pupil on free school meals, per year, for at least six years.

Marvin Charles, head teacher at City Heights E-Act Secondary Academy in Lambeth, south London, says he uses the additional funding for residential trips or extra tuition and mentoring.


More than half of his pupils were already registered for free school meals – more than double the national average – but the automatic enrolment scheme found 15 more who met the criteria but had not been receiving them.

Nathan Standley / BBC Marvin Charles looks into the camera. He is stood in the canteen at his school, in front of the large serving hatch where his pupils have just been in for lunch. He is smiling and wearing a light green suit over a white shirt, with a yellow and brown tie.Nathan Standley / BBC

Marvin Charles says he’s pleased his students are now guaranteed the hot meal they are entitled to

But the scheme requires a lot of paperwork and digging through data for the councils who implement it to establish which families are eligible.

Fix Our Food says it wants the government to bring together datasets from different government departments to make the process quicker and easier.

MPs could soon be debating the issue in parliament, after it was introduced via a private members’ bill on 16 October.


The government says it is looking at long-term solutions to child poverty but has not committed to rolling out the scheme nationwide.

A spokesperson said one of the first priorities was providing free breakfast clubs in primary schools, which is expected to roll out to the first 750 schools in April 2025.

All children in England get a free school meal up to Year 2.

In Wales and in London, all primary school children automatically get a free school meal but eligible secondary pupils still have to apply.


In Scotland, all pupils up to P5, the equivalent of England’s Year 4, get a free school meal.

Families are eligible for free school meals after that point if they are on universal credit and earn less than £796 per month, or around £9,500 per year.

In Northern Ireland, the threshold is £15,000 per year, after tax.

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Suella Braverman sent government documents to private email 127 times



Suella Braverman sent government documents to private email 127 times

Suella Braverman forwarded government documents to her private email accounts at least 127 times while she was attorney general in a potential breach of the ministerial code, it has emerged.

The revelation came after a Freedom of Information campaign by the Times newspaper.

The Conservative, who was in the Cabinet role under Boris Johnson, and the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) did not respond to requests for comment.

For security reasons, ministers are banned from sending sensitive emails and documents to their private accounts.


As attorney general, the chief legal adviser to the government, Braverman dealt with highly sensitive matters of state.

But between 2021 and 2022, she forwarded 127 emails to her private accounts, with the emails containing at least 290 documents.

The contents of the emails are not yet publicly known.

The information was revealed after an 18-month transparency battle by the Times and a ruling by a tribunal judge.


The AGO had refused to answer the Times’ Freedom of Information request about Braverman’s emails, saying it would be too costly to search her ministerial inbox.

In a ruling, Judge Simon Heald said “it appears to us that the AGO initially went about finding private email account details in a convoluted way”, which was “not a sensible way to start”.

He said the AGO could, “using the tools available in Outlook, answer the request with relative ease”.

During the period in question, Ms Braverman took the BBC to the High Court in a bid to stop the publication of a story about an abusive MI5 agent.


She was one of those formally investigated by a leak inquiry when secret details of the court case were passed to the Daily Telegraph in January 2022.

She was later appointed home secretary, but had to resign when it emerged she had sent an official document to a parliamentary colleague using her personal email.

She later admitted sending official correspondence to her private email account on six more occasions.

After becoming home secretary once again, she was sacked last year by then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for comments in a newspaper article accusing the Metropolitan Police of bias in the policing of protests.


She said police applied a “double standard” by being tougher with right-wing demonstrations than pro-Palestinian ones.

Ms Braverman remains an MP and influential figure in sections of the Conservative Party.

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Jokey reform ideas removed from NHS consultation website



Jokey reform ideas removed from NHS consultation website

Some members of the public have not taken Health Secretary Wes Streeting’s call for new ideas to improve the health service as seriously as he might have hoped.

Suggested ideas for NHS reform included putting beer on tap in hospitals, and placing Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta in charge.

The health department told the BBC officials were reviewing posts, and were removing or hiding material that was “clearly inappropriate or irrelevant”.

Ministers launched an online “national conversation” earlier, to inform a new 10-year plan to improve health services.


In a social media post, Mr Streeting sought to laugh off some of the more irreverent suggestions.

Writing on X, he quipped that a recommendation for a Wetherspoons pub in every hospital had been “sadly vetoed by the chancellor”.

He also rejected a call for him to be fired out of a cannon in a bid to raise funds for the service.

The health department has promised that the listening exercise will “help shape” its new NHS strategy, to be published in spring next year.


But some of the suggestions are less likely to be taken seriously than others.

Ideas that appear to have disappeared from the consultation website include putting lager Madrí on tap in all hospitals to “help patient morale”, and replacing Streeting as health secretary with a dog.

However suggestions to replace ambulance sirens with healthy eating advice, and install Thunderbird 2-style detachable patient compartments in ambulances, appear to still be online.

By late afternoon, the suggestions ranked most popular by users on the site included limits on sending out paper letters, and making it easier for GP surgeries to access digital records from hospitals.


Other highly-ranked ideas include making it easier for non-British nationals to pay for treatment, and fines for missed appointments, an idea suggested and then dropped by former prime minister Rishi Sunak.

The health department has not confirmed which posts it is removing, but a spokesperson said “clearly inappropriate or irrelevant” material was being removed or hidden by the moderation team.

Ideas suggested by ministers at the launch of the consultation include making full medical records, tests results and letters from doctors available in the NHS App.

Currently the NHS App is limited because patients records are held locally by a patient’s GP and any hospitals they visit – and not all parts of the health service interact with the app.


It is not the first time ministers have attempted to engage the public directly in matters of state.

The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition asked the public for suggested laws to abolish, and ran a Treasury-led public consultation on ideas to save money.

The most famous example of a listening exercise, however, remains the 2016 poll which saw the public vote to name a new polar research ship “Boaty McBoatface”.

The name, suggested by former BBC Radio Jersey presenter James Hand, achieved viral fame and became the runaway winner in a contest run by the Natural Environment Research Council.


In a blow to online democracy, the ship was later named after broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, although one of its remotely operated sub-sea vehicles was named “Boaty” in recognition of the vote.

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Serious Fraud Office probe £112m Unite union hotel



Serious Fraud Office probe £112m Unite union hotel

The Serious Fraud Office is investigating the construction of a hotel and conference centre owned by one of the UK’s biggest trade unions, the BBC can reveal.

Unite the Union spent a total of £112m of its members’ money on the project in Birmingham.

The building has since been valued at just £29m, suggesting £83m has been wasted.

A KC-led inquiry commissioned by Unite’s general secretary Sharon Graham also identified a missing £14m which has been described as a “mystery” and does not feature in the project’s final accounts.


Unite has told the BBC the case is “now with the Serious Fraud Office” and Ms Graham would “leave no stone unturned in finding out if there was any financial wrongdoing”.

A KC-led inquiry commissioned by Ms Graham, who took over as Unite’s general secretary in 2021, also identified a missing £14m which has been described as a “mystery” and does not feature in the project’s final accounts.

An SFO spokesperson said: “In line with long established practice to avoid prejudice to law enforcement activity, we can neither confirm nor deny any investigation into this matter.”

The Birmingham project was intended to be an investment for Unite as well as saving the union money with hotel and conference costs.


Construction was completed in 2020 and development includes a four star 195 bedroom hotel, a 1,000 person capacity conference centre, as well as Unite’s regional offices.

Employment tribunal documents reveal the union believes its ruling executive council had been misled as to the true value of the project.

In 2022 South Wales Police searched the union’s London headquarters as part of a separate bribery, money-laundering and fraud investigation.

The force has told the BBC that the investigation is ongoing.


A Unite spokesperson said: “It is important to note that Sharon Graham has had to endure repeated attacks by those with much to lose since she launched these inquiries, from both inside and outside the union.

“These have been sickening and horrendous but she has remained determined to get to the truth.

“We are also pursuing legal claims to recover money lost to the union and the general secretary has put safeguards in place to ensure that such things can never happen again.”

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English smacking ban being considered by government



English smacking ban being considered by government

Government ministers are considering a smacking ban for England, the Department for Education has confirmed.

Smacking bans have already been brought in by devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Jersey, outlawing the use of physical violence to punish children.

Plans for similar laws in England were rejected by the previous Conservative government as recently as last year – but Labour ministers are now “looking carefully” at whether more can be done on the issue.

The move comes following fresh calls for a ban by the Children’s Commissioner for England Dame Rachel de Souza, after the death of 10-year-old Sara Sharif.


A court heard Sara was hooded, burned and beaten over a two-year period as her father, stepmother and uncle stand trial for her murder, which they deny.

Dame Rachel said a ban on any type of corporal punishment, including smacking, hitting, slapping, and shaking, could stop lower level violence from escalating.

“If we are serious about keeping every child safe, it’s time England takes this necessary step,” she posted on X.

“Too many children have been harmed or killed at the hands of the people who should love and care for them most.”


In England and Northern Ireland it is legal for a carer or parent to discipline their child physically if it is a “reasonable” punishment – but the Children Act 2004 made it illegal to assault a child causing actual or grievous bodily harm.

Dame Rachel said the experience of Scotland and Wales ” has taught us we need to take that step in England too” and “now is the time to go further”.

The NSPCC and Barnardo’s have long called for an English smacking ban and two-thirds of English people polled by YouGov in March last year said physically disciplining a child is not acceptable.

The previous government argued parents should be trusted to discipline their children.


However, a Department for Education spokesperson told the BBC that stance has changed.

“Any form of violence towards a child is completely unacceptable, and we are looking closely at the legal changes made in Wales and Scotland as we consider whether there is any more we could do in this area,” they said.

“We are already supporting teachers, social workers and all safeguarding professionals to spot the signs of abuse or neglect more quickly, including with our mandatory framework for safeguarding children.”

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Angela Rayner given security council seat after Starmer U-turn



Angela Rayner given security council seat after Starmer U-turn

Angela Rayner has been made a full member of the UK’s national security council (NSC), following a U-turn by Sir Keir Starmer.

The deputy prime minister’s name did not appear on a list of ministers attending the committee published by the government last week.

But the document has now been re-published to include her as a member, confirming a move first reported by the Guardian.

The newspaper reported the new No 10 chief of staff, Morgan McSweeney, had pushed for the change in a bid to shore up her position.


Downing Street said she had previously attended NSC meetings, claiming the change merely “formalises” an expectation she would do so regularly.

First established under former prime minister David Cameron, the NSC brings together senior ministers and defence and intelligence chiefs for meetings on security issues. Its members are appointed by the prime minister.

It membership has fluctuated over the years and varies by issue discussed, but has typically included previous deputy prime ministers as standing members.

The only exception was Therese Coffey, who held the post during the 49-day premiership of Liz Truss.


Ms Truss who effectively put an end to the NSC by merging its functions with two other foreign policy committees, before it was later reinstated by Rishi Sunak.

Topics discussed at the NSC include foreign policy, defence, economic security, and resilience to security threats.

Its membership was slimmed down in July 2021under Boris Johnson, in a bid to keep discussions “focused and strategic”.

Alongside Ms Rayner, the committee is will be attended by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Cabinet Office minister Pat McFadden, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, Foreign Secretary David Lammy, Defence Secretary John Healey and the Attorney General Lord Hermer, and will be chaired by Sir Keir.


Mr Rayner, who is also the housing secretary, also holds seats on cabinet sub-committees discussing constitutional matters, home and economic affairs, and changes to employment law.

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