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85인치 TV 이거 사시면 됩니다

오늘은 대형 티비에 대해서 이야기 해볼까 합니다.

제가 지금까지 TV 관련 영상을 많이 찍었는데요
댓글에 85인치 TV는 어떤 걸 사야하는지 문의가 많으시더라구요

저는 75인치 TV를 보고 있고 만족도가 상당하기 떄문에
그 이상 TV를 사실 생각해본 적은 없습니다.

그래서 왜 이렇게 대형 인치에 대한 니즈가 많을까 검색해 보니깐 납득이 되더라구요 .


가격이 진짜 엄청 저렴해졌어요
지금부터 제가 80인치 이상 대형TV는 어떤 걸 사면 좋을까
고민한 결과에 대해서 말씀드릴테니깐 잘 따라와보세요!

쿠팡 링크로 구입시 수수료를 받아 채널 운영에 도움이 됩니다.
*제품 특성상 빠르게 품절될 수 있습니다.

– 삼성

– LG


#티비 #TV #엘지 #삼성 #TCL #샤오미 #하이센스


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  1. @2cong2

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    안녕하십니까 형님 86인치 구매후 벽걸이설치예정입니다.
    86qned85tka 스탠드형과 벽걸이형 중
    스탠드형이 카드할인이되어 좀더 저렴하던데
    스탠드형을사서 벽걸이 설치하면 되는걸까요?ㅎ
    구독박고 갑니닷

  2. @뻥튀기스펙시러

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    여기저기 AI 갖다붙이는데

  3. @재즈감귤-d7e

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    같은 큐엘이디는 아닌거 같은데 그런 내용에 대한 설명이 부족하고 빛반사나 실제 체감 내용이라기보다 스펙 비교가 많은거 같아요

    미니 엘이디 대형 티비를 구입하고 싶은 입장에서 관련 리뷰가 있었으면 좋겠어요

  4. @달리는거북이-u8s

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    Tv 없다. 어느듯 16년차 .

  5. @gohnui78

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    LG가 젤 오레감

  6. @hangrand2585

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    구리 구리 멍텅구리들

  7. @신민재-d9n

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    안녕하세요. 최근에 lg매장에 들려 tv를 보거 왔는데 진열상품 83인치 올레드 tv 2900시간 진열되었고 가격은 거의 반값에 진열상품을 판매하고 있어 계약금만 걸었는데 가격에는 매력이 있지만 진열시간이 조금 긴거 같으 고민이 많은데ㅠ바로 구매각인가요??현재는 계약금만 걸었습니다

  8. @강전형-r3j

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    정말 좋은 영상입니다. 추천 넣고 질문을 좀 드려도 될런지요? 삼성 qled TV qn75q70ra 모델이 패널이 나가서 85인치 모델을 보고있는데 기존티비와 같거나 조금높은 스팩은 어떤걸 사야할지 감이 잡히질않아 문의를 드립니다. ㅜ ㅜ 5년을 못채우고 고장이나서 LG를 사야하나 쿠팡으로 TCL을 사야하나 고민이 많습니다.

  9. @규규규규-m7l

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    안녕하세요 lg티비구매하려고 보고 있습니다
    이번에 86QNED65TBA가 나와서 86QNED85TKA와 비교 해봤는데 화질 프로세서가 7세대 알파5, 알파8로 차이가 나더라구요 아무리 찾아도 안나와서 그러는데 이 프로세서의 차이가 화질에 큰 차이를 줄까요?😢

  10. @ashwinsah8889

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    c855 나왔는데 굳이 845 추천하시는 이유가 뭐죠?

  11. @user-daytrading

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    86인치 uhd로 사면 화질이 많이 떨어질까요?? Lg기준 qned보다 uhd가 훨씬 싸서요

  12. @다바디

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    Ps5 pro 로 게임하려면 삼성에서 어디까지 가야할까요? Neo qhed 80까지는 가야하려나요

  13. @사바스

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    가격차이는 뭔가 있어요~

  14. @user-loveyouloveyoulove

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    아무리 뭐래도 가성비 부분은 어쩔수없지만
    티비는 국내 lg 삼성이 최고입니다

  15. @wonjust8839

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    흠…엘지티비 7년만에 고장났는데 부품단종으로 수리가 불가하다네요 그어떤 보상도 없구요 오늘 매장에가서 각 브랜드 비교해보고 왔습니다 TCL이 왜 인기가 많은지 알겠더군요 가격은 엘지 삼성에 반가격에 마감도 더 우수합니다 같은 소스의 화면을 송출해서 비교했는데 화질 더나으면 나았지 떨어지지 않더군요 그리고 as도 쿠팡만 있는게 아닙니다 롯데손해보범 25000원이면 5년 보증기간도 주고 tcl자체 보증기간은 패널은2년 다른건 3년 기본으로 무상보증기간입니다 그리고 무엇보다 게이머들사이에서는 이미 삼성 엘지보다 tcl을 선호하고 있고 리뷰점수도 높더군요 물론 가격적인 측면이 가장 크겠지만 이미 성능도 판단이 끝난거 같습니다

  16. @진희-j5c

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    안녕하세요 신혼 가전 준비하는데 너무 막막해서 유튜브 찾아보던 중 유익한 영상이 있어서 구독 누르고 잠도 안자고 새벽까지 보는 중입니다.
    둘중에 고민이 있어서 댓글 달아요😢
    엘지로 86인치 중 QNED70TEA+사운드바랑 QNED80KRA 중에 어떤 걸 사야 만족할까요..?ㅠㅠㅠ
    게임은 안하고 ott, 공중파, 유튜브 정도?!! 예능 영화 주로 봅니당
    둘이 화질차이 많이 나나영??
    티비때문에 3주동안 가전 계약을 미루고있어요 2주뒤 입주라서 더 이상 미룰 수 없어오ㅠㅠㅠ 아 결정장애.. 가격이 100만원 이상 차이라서..ㅜㅜㅜ 도와주세요..

  17. @c1soju78

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    가전은 LG, 그 중에서도 TV, 에어컨, 냉장고는 LG라는 말이 있을 정도인데도 2위라니 납득이 가질 않는군요. 우리나라 인지도만 그런가봐요 ㅎㅎ

  18. @dragonk478

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    와~ 정말 정리 잘 하셨네요 ^^ 제경우에는 86인치 사면서 5년정도 쓸 가전이라면 100만원정도는 더 쓸거고
    그정도라면 120hz대에서는 굳이 40만원정도 싸다고 기술의 삼성을 두고 중국산을 사진 않을듯 하네요
    이런거 보면 삼성이 참 대단하네요

  19. @박해갑-v7v

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am


  20. @펙트폭행-b5u

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    궁금해서 그러는데요
    LG티비 중에서요
    MINI LED 들어간 91TKA와
    그냥 LED 들어간 85TAK간의 차이가 클까요?

  21. @aap-shorts

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    구축 21평, 거실벽면까지의 거리가 3100mm 입니다.
    TV는 거거익선이라고 알고는 있고, 86인치도 설치 가능하다고는 알고 있지만..
    화질을 포기 할 수가 없네요 ㅠ

    TV 예산은 200 정도이고 선택지가 2가지 정도 되네요

    1. 86인치 uhd
    2. 65인치 oled

    선택 좀 해 주시고 이유도 알려주심 감사해요 ~!

  22. @kiwiiikiiiddd90

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    5월 어버이날때 QC67 구매했는데 너무 만족하시더라구요 ㅎㅎㅎ 혹시나 잘못샀을까봐 두근두근하면서 봣는데 그래도 나름 잘 조사하고 산것같아서 만족하고갑니다

  23. @cse278

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    주사율의 중요성을 고작 게임얘기로.. 대형일수록 주사율이 어마무시하게 중요해지는데 60hz는 그냥 큰 쓰레기라 생각하면 됩니다.

  24. @배디터-IT제품리뷰

    October 6, 2024 at 11:38 am

    쿠팡 링크로 구입시 수수료를 받아 채널 운영에 도움이 됩니다.
    *제품 특성상 빠르게 품절될 수 있습니다.
    – TCL

    – 삼성

    – LG

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তেলআবিবে বিমানবন্দরে ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র হামলা চালালো হুতিরা | Houthi Attack | Jamuna TV



তেলআবিবে বিমানবন্দরে ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র হামলা চালালো হুতিরা | Houthi Attack | Jamuna TV

#houthiattack #telabib #netanyahu

তেলআবিবের বেন গুরিয়ন বিমান বন্দরে মিসাইল হামলা চালিয়েছে হুতি বিদ্রোহীরা। শনিবার, এ হামলা চালানো হয় বলে এক বিবৃতিতে জানিয়েছেন গোষ্ঠীটির মুখপাত্র ইয়াহিয়া সারিয়া। বেন গুরিয়ন বিমানবন্দর দিয়েই শনিবার দেশে ফেরেন ইসরায়েলি প্রধানমন্ত্রী বেনিয়ামিন নেতানিয়াহু। গোষ্ঠীটির দাবি, নেতানিয়াহুর জন্য এটি একটি সতর্কবার্তা।

The Houthi rebels launched a missile attack on Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport. The attack was carried out on Saturday, the group’s spokesman, Yahya Saria, said in a statement. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned home Saturday through Ben Gurion Airport. The group claims this is a warning to Netanyahu.

তেলআবিবে বিমানবন্দরে ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র হামলা চালালো হুতিরা | Houthi Attack | Jamuna TV


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Inside MAFS intruder bride Amy Kenyon’s jetsetter life as she celebrates show debut with Ibiza trip



Inside MAFS intruder bride Amy Kenyon’s jetsetter life as she celebrates show debut with Ibiza trip

MARRIED at First Sight’s Amy Kenyon has wowed fans with her jetsetting luxury lifestyle and show-stopping figure.

The tanned bride, 29, was introduced as part of two new couples midway through the series and has already left her mark on the prolific TV show.

MAFS star Amy Kenyon in Ibiza


MAFS star Amy Kenyon in IbizaCredit: INSTAGRAM
MAFS star Amy showed off her pins in Ibiza


MAFS star Amy showed off her pins in IbizaCredit: INSTAGRAM
Amy and a friend posed up a storm on holiday


Amy and a friend posed up a storm on holidayCredit: INSTAGRAM

Viewers watched the Blackburn beauty marry prison worker Luke from Kent this week — but he soon gave her the ‘ick‘.

During their photo shoot on their wedding day, he kissed her on the hand and said: “Hello baby.”


But speaking to camera, Amy said: “It’s giving me the ick a little bit.”

Posting holiday snaps on social media, the TV star stunned in a dark brown bikini and a gold floral-laced sarong with oversized shades.

Channel 4 newbie Amy accessorised with gold jewellery including a tummy chain, chunky bangles, rings, earrings and a necklace, with her her long hair tumbling over her shoulders.

Sharing a trio of pictures, she captioned them: “I come in threes.”


Other holiday photos showed her posing alongside a friend on a night out wearing a tight T-shirt with strategically-placed cherries and red mini skirt with red PVC high heels.

The pair were perched on a balcony in front of the swimming pool with their legs entangled together seductively in the fun Spanish snaps.

Amy wrote: “A whole lotta leg.” Fans commented on the fruity pics: “Angel.” A second added: “Stunning.” A third agreed: “Wow, unreal.”

The wedding coordinator is looking for the “man of her dreams” and a “tall man who’s a gentleman”.

Meet MAFS UK bride Amy Kenyon who reveals her perfect groom

The island-hopper is hoping that relationship experts Paul Carrick Brunson, Charlene Douglas and Australian star Mel Schilling will help her find her happily ever after.

A source told us that she previously “enjoyed a string of dates” with former MAFS UK 2023 groom Arthur Poremba.

“Amy and Arthur had been messaging each other for a little while.

“She then disappeared for three months to go on the show and then all of a sudden reappeared one day and he went ‘where the f*** did you go?’

Amy enjoyed a summer break in the Balearics


Amy enjoyed a summer break in the BalearicsCredit: INSTAGRAM
The reality star looked dressed to impress at dinner


The reality star looked dressed to impress at dinnerCredit: INSTAGRAM
The MAFS UK 2024 star caused waves abroad


The MAFS UK 2024 star caused waves abroadCredit: INSTAGRAM

“She said she couldn’t tell him so he asked her if she’d been on Married At First Sight and she confirmed she had.”


The insider explained: “They ended up meeting up and going to a rave together after that, but didn’t get on romantically so decided not to pursue things.”

The reality star has enjoyed numerous holidays this year to Spain


The reality star has enjoyed numerous holidays this year to SpainCredit: INSTAGRAM
The Blackburn lass looked red-hot in shorts and heels


The Blackburn lass looked red-hot in shorts and heelsCredit: INSTAGRAM
Amy has been paired up on MAFS with prison worker Luke


Amy has been paired up on MAFS with prison worker LukeCredit: INSTAGRAM

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Unboxing Samsung's HUGE New 8K Flagship TV



Unboxing Samsung's HUGE New 8K Flagship TV

The New Samsung Neo QLED 8k TV with its advanced AI features makes it one of the best AI TV’s on the market.

Check out the link to learn more –

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Poldark’s Eleanor Tomlinson reveals she’s pregnant with first child two years after marrying rugby ace husband Will Owen



Poldark's Eleanor Tomlinson reveals she's pregnant with first child two years after marrying rugby ace husband Will Owen

POLDARK star Eleanor Tomlinson has revealed she’s pregnant with her first child.

The actress, who married rugby star husband Will Owen two years ago, announced their happy news on Instagram today.

Eleanor Tomlinson has announced she's pregnant


Eleanor Tomlinson has announced she’s pregnantCredit: Getty
She married rugby player Will Owen in 2022


She married rugby player Will Owen in 2022Credit: NIGEL ISKANDER

Eleanor, 32, posted a picture of a baby vest with ‘baby Owen’ emblazoned on the front and wrote: “Can’t wait to meet you, little one.”

Fans flocked to send their congratulatory posts, with one writing: “Wonderful news for the pair of you!!”

Another said: “Congratulations guys this is amazing news.”


A third wrote: “Oh my god. Congrats congrats congrats to you both – how exciting!!”

The couple tied the knot at a picturesque setting in the Cotswolds in 2022.

Eleanor looked elegant on the day in a white Provonias wedding dress which she teamed with Christian Laboutin heels.

The actress, who played Demelza – the wife of Aidan Turner’s titular hero – in BBC drama Poldark, kissed her real life husband on the steps of Euridge Manor.


She shared a trio of wedding photographs on Instagram and wrote: “When a Miss becomes a Mrs.

“I love you.

“The best weekend of our lives. The biggest thank you to all our family and friends…”

Eleanor Tomlinson and Keira Knightley kiss in new movie Colette

The Manor’s official social media account congratulated the couple after their special day.


It said: “An incredible weekend with this gorgeous couple and their family.

“Eleanor and Will once again huge congratulations! You’re the most kind and loving human beings. Can’t wait to share more from this gorgeous wedding.”

The Sun exclusively revealed Eleanor and Will – who has played for Leicester Tigers, Doncaster Knights and Nottingham Rugby Club – were dating in 2020.

The couple isolated during the first coronavirus lockdown with Will’s family in Coventry.


A source said at the time: “The pair have been seeing each other for quite a few months and are absolutely ­smitten.

“She gets on really well with his family and they decided to be together with them during quarantine.

“It’s been a while since her last boyfriend. She took her time, didn’t rush into anything and she really thinks things can go far with Will who is a proper man’s man.”

Eleanor said she 'can't wait to meet the little one'


Eleanor said she ‘can’t wait to meet the little one’Credit: Getty

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Acer Super Series TV Unboxing & Review | QLED 4K Ultra HD, 80W Speaker & Android 14



Acer Super Series TV Unboxing & Review | QLED 4K Ultra HD, 80W Speaker & Android 14

Acer Super Series TV is here, With Android 14 and amazing dual processor technology this is one of the best TV rightnow. Also, the 80W speaker and 4K Ultra HD MEMC Display is killer. Grab this amazing deal

Buy Now: (Offer price is live, ₹35,000 Amazingggg)

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Jenna Coleman welcomes first child as she’s pictured with her newborn on family day out



Jenna Coleman welcomes first child as she's pictured with her newborn on family day out

JENNA Coleman has given birth to her first child.

The actress was pictured with her newborn and partner Jamie Childs in North London this weekend.

Jenna Coleman has welcomed her first child


Jenna Coleman has welcomed her first child
She was pictured walking in London with the baby and partner Jamie Childs


She was pictured walking in London with the baby and partner Jamie Childs

Doctor Who favourite Jenna looked healthy in a bright red top underneath a chocolate cardigan, which she paired with baggy blue jeans and trainers.

The new mum pushed a black pram while Jamie walked beside her with their baby strapped to his chest in a carrier.

It was only revealed back in June that the 38-year-old star and Jamie, 35, were expecting their first child.


Jenna hasn’t posted about the birth on social media, but last month she stripped completely naked to show off her growing bump.


The actress, who played companion Clara Oswald in the popular BBC show, left little to the imagination in the daring snap.

She captioned the post: “Summer spent cookin’.”

In another picture, she looked incredible in a floral white maxi dress while sitting on some steps.


The star posed for another snap in a white off the shoulder dress with a stunning scenic background.

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Fans rushed to the comments section to share their best wishes for the rest of her pregnancy.

One said: “Hope the rest of pregnancy goes well for you.”

Another added: “Congratulations Jenna! I wish you and your little one lots of health and happiness.”


“Wow, you look wonderful! How exciting for you and your partner,” a third chimed in.

A fourth added: “I’m so happy for you! You’re gonna be the best Mum in the world.”

The former Emmerdale star announced her news by posing for a picture cradling her baby bump at a special event to celebrate the opening of a new exhibition.

She previously opened up about starting a family, admitting that she didn’t feel any “pressure” to do so.


She told Harper’s Bazaar magazine: “Half of my friends have babies, and half don’t, so it doesn’t feel like a pressure.

“I want to take my time.

“There’s a whole lot more of the world for me to see first.”

Jenna and Chris met on the set of US fantasy drama series The Sandman.

Jenna posed naked in a mirror selfie showing off her baby bump


Jenna posed naked in a mirror selfie showing off her baby bumpCredit: Instagram
Jenna announced her pregnancy by showing off her bump at an event in June


Jenna announced her pregnancy by showing off her bump at an event in JuneCredit: Getty
Jenna pictured in Doctor Who


Jenna pictured in Doctor Who

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