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Here’s Where to Find Taylor Swift’s Viral Glitter Freckles |The Everygirl



Here's Where to Find Taylor Swift's Viral Glitter Freckles |The Everygirl

Last night at the Kansas City Chiefs game, Taylor Swift beat more than one allegation. First, she put the nasty Travis Kelce breakup rumors to rest. Second, she stepped out with a decidedly-not-boring makeup look thanks to a sparkly spray of faux freckles across her nose. Swifties across the internet immediately freaked for two major reasons: Not only is this look a bit different from Taylor’s usual vibe, but it also has a distinctly… cat-like appearance. And the best news of all, aside from the fact that it’s (maybe? hopefully?) an Easter egg of some kind? Her freckle patches are currently $15 on Amazon.

taylor swift

If you saw Taylor Swift’s glittery freckles on-screen last night and instantly thought “I need that to be me,” you’re in luck. Swift wore the Fazit makeup patches, which come in eight eye-catching colors, and, true to Taylor Swift form, are from a small, woman-owned business. Knowing the power of Taylor, these patches are bound to sell out quickly. Especially with the next leg of the Eras Tour coming up on October 18 and football season in full swing, they’re worth snagging right now.

taylor swift
Source: Getty

Channel your inner Taylor Swift at a Chief’s game with gold, silver, rose gold, or even blue or orange sparkly faux freckles. If we know anything about the Taylor Swift effect, we know that these are bound to be the it-girl makeup product of October.

taylor swift
Emma ginsberg


Emma Ginsberg, Associate Editor

Emma is a writer, editor, and podcast producer who has been creating at The Everygirl since 2021. She writes for all sections on the site, edits the Entertainment and Community sections, and helps produce The Everygirl Podcast. Emma loves covering a wide range of subjects, from mental wellbeing to dating to beauty trends.

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A Super Detailed Oura Ring Review



A Super Detailed Oura Ring Review

What’s good enough for Jennifer Aniston is good enough for us. So when word broke out that she’s obsessed with the health-tracking device Oura Ring, let’s just say we were pretty much sold right then and there. But being the wellness diehards that we are, we had to put the gadget to the test ourselves (it’s practically our job to weed out the fads from the legit trends, after all). Sure, it makes a solid fashion statement, but does it deliver on all its health metric promises? Could such a small piece of jewelry disguised as wearable technology really accurately measure our sleep patterns, predict our menstrual cycles, and monitor our physical activity? Read on for our editors’ honest reviews of the Oura Ring and whether it lives up to the hype. And since the viral tracker is never on sale, shop it now while it’s 20% off during Amazon Prime Day.

What Is the Oura Ring, and How Does It Work?

From Apple Watches to Fitbits and Whoops to Oura Rings, it seems there’s a tracker for every health-related need and type of health-curious individual out there. So what makes the Oura Ring stand out? For starters, it’s not worn around your wrists like most health-monitoring devices. Rather, it’s a ring that weighs in at just 0.1 pounds and comes in sizes 6-13, two styles, and four to six colors, like silver, black, and gold, depending on the style.

Advertised as inspiring “awareness of the intimate connection between mind and body,” it tracks sleep, activity, recovery, your cycle, and your pregnancy in real-time by measuring from the palm side of your finger (where the pulse signal is strong) and provides three daily scores: sleep, readiness, and activity. According to Oura Ring’s website, “Your scores tell you how your body feels and what your body needs, every second of every day.” In other words, the Oura Ring takes the guesswork out of when it’s time to push yourself, when you need rest and recovery, and when you might be getting sick by taking into consideration 20 different body signals—think: temperature, heart rate, heart rate variability, and sleep—using infrared light, body temperature, and 3D accelerometer sensors


Oura’s Infrared Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor sends light through LEDs into the skin and captures how much light is reflected back from your arteries to determine your heart’s activity, including resting heart rateheart rate variability (AKA the constant variation in time between your heartbeats), and respiration. Heart rate variability can indicate whether you’re in a relaxed or stressed state. When combined with body temperature, heart rate variability can be used to gather information about sleep. By monitoring your nighttime skin temperature, the Oura Ring takes note of your body temperature, which provides insights into the inner workings of the body, such as how well your body is recovering, if you’re coming down with an illness, or if hormones are hard at work. So that’s the science behind the Oura Ring, but does it actually work in practice? Before we get into our editors’ thoughts on it, let’s dive into its newest features.

Newest Features

Striving to be the ultimate body literacy tool for women at every stage of their lives, Oura unveiled new features and research to empower women to become their own experts and advocates:

  • Cycle Insights – The period tracking feature now provides members with more data about their cycles—cycle regularity, typical cycle length, and typical period length—so they can learn patterns and seek care if/when needed, especially those with irregular cycles and women in perimenopause. 
  • Cycle Aware Readiness – The algorithm behind Oura’s Readiness Score has been updated to take into account the natural physiological fluctuations that occur throughout the menstrual cycle, such as increased temperature and heart rate and decreased heart rate variability (HRV) during the luteal phase, making it a more accurate measurement of wellness.
  • Cycle Insights Share Report – The Cycle Insights Report includes cycle length, period length, temperature variation charts, cycle variability, and more that can be shared with a medical professional to equip women to drive the reproductive care they need. 

Our Editors’ Honest Reviews:

oura ring real review

I’ve been an Apple Watch apologist for as long as I can remember. Like everyone else, I got it to track my workouts. Kept it to use the “find my iPhone” function whenever I misplaced my phone five times a day. But I fell off the boat when I was tired of being shamed by my step count and calories burnt (or lack thereof). But the biggest grief I have about my Apple Watch is a pretty shallow one: That thing is tacky as hell and if it didn’t fit the vibes of my office getup, date night fit, or girl’s day uniform, it didn’t make the cut and fed directly into my lack of consistency.

Why I wanted the Oura Ring:

Last summer while on a hot girl walk with my best gal pal, I noticed a new, chunky gold ring sitting prettily on her middle finger. Naturally, because I’m nosy and easily influenced, I waited a mere 30 seconds before I asked where she got it. When I discovered it was a wellness tracker my jaw was on the floor. Before impulsively hitting add to cart, I did my research, weighed the pros and cons, and finally got one for myself almost a whole year later.

My initial attraction to the Oura Ring was the aesthetic. I loved the idea of being able to have consistent tracking, no matter my outfit. And that it didn’t look like an unsightly tracker at all. After learning more about Oura’s insights (particularly, how it tracked your sleep), I knew that was an untapped area of data that I wanted to improve. And that definitely sold me in the end.


How it compares to other tracking I’ve tried:

I’ve had the Oura Ring for almost two months and I’ve been using both the Oura Ring and the Apple Watch simultaneously so that I could get a grasp on how they directly compared. While I prefer the Oura Ring by a decent amount, I will note that the biggest adjustment that I had when switching over was having to open my Oura Ring app instead of relying on a screen from the device itself. As far as actual analytics go, Oura Ring gives you so much more health data than the Apple Watch. I’m talking sleep insights, activity data, and temperature tracking (which is huge if you track your cycle). It pulls so much more data than just calories, steps, and heart rate. Plus, it’s easy on the eyes which makes me much more likely to use it.

My experience:

Before I picked out my Oura Ring size, I used their free ring sizing kit which I highly recommend. Since you’ll be wearing it nearly all day and it’s not adjustable. They note that it works best on your pointer finger. Though, I have seen some users wear them on their middle or ring fingers as well. I sat with the different ring sizes for about a week to be sure and landed on the size seven for my left pointer finger (a bit bigger than my usual size to account for swelling while sleeping and traveling). The app was super easy to navigate and after a few minutes of exploring the intro resources on the app and a quick 90-minute charge for the week, I had a great handle on how it worked to take it for a spin.

What I liked:

To me, the biggest selling point of the Oura Ring is the fact that your numbered goals adjust every day depending on how much your body is recovered. So many times with the Apple Watch I’d be discouraged that in order to feel the validation of closing my rings, I’d have to hit the same goals every day despite a horrible night of sleep, feeling like trash on my period, or being incredibly sore after a hard workout the day before. The Oura Ring adjusts your activity goal each day based on your other analytics. And I’ve found that this has allowed me to work with my body, rather than against it.

The sleep data that the Oura Ring pulls has also been a game-changer for me. Every morning, I click on my app to see my sleep score. If it’s low, I skip my workout for the morning. And use the extra time to snooze or I’ll schedule a nap for later. If it’s optimal, I’ll make the most of my morning and my activity plans for the day. The Oura Ring sleep score is based on your total sleep, time in bed, sleep efficiency (percentage of time spent awake vs. asleep in bed), your resting heart rate, and how long you were in different sleep stages—truly things I never thought about before using this wellness tracker.


I could talk about the pros of the Oura Ring all day: the user-friendly app, the ability to sync with the Natural Cycles app, how long the battery lasts in comparison to how long you have to charge it, the overall look and feel of it, and more. If I could go back and do it all over again, I 100 percent would. After two months of using it, I know I’ve just barely scratched the surface of all it can do like using tags to log my periods, track how I felt, note what I ate/drank, monitor symptoms I experienced on certain dates, keep a record of my emotions, track when I had sex, etc.

What I didn’t like:

The reality is that no tracking device is perfect. And while I love my Oura Ring, there are some things I wish I could change about it. The first is that, atop the lofty price, you do have to pay monthly for the app (after the free trial, it’s $5.99 per month). While you can take advantage of some functions without the app, in order to get the most out of your ring, you’ll definitely want the subscription.

This one is probably user error but I was super excited to link my Oura Ring to the Natural Cycles App. And I attempted to sign up, only to find out there was no way to track if you’re still currently on birth control (guilty as charged). So that perceived benefit is kind of out for me at this phase of my life. If you’re off birth control and in the market, you’re in luck. Just know that this (in addition to paying monthly for the Oura App) is another cost which I’m secretly glad to not have charged to my account at this given moment.

I’ve heard mixed reviews about Oura’s activity tracking and here’s my two cents on it: it’s a little clunky compared to the Apple Watch. Overall, it captures the correct amount of calories burned (compared to the numbers I’m seeing on my Apple Watch). But figuring out how to track my workouts isn’t as easy to figure out and seems to be done retroactively as opposed to in the moment. Once again, could be user error but as a pretty average person, I’d assume others may have trouble here as well.


Another note: Having my Oura Ring and Apple Watch both connected to my iPhone’s Bluetooth absolutely annihilates my phone battery. On an average day, I’m at 59 percent by 10 a.m. So I’m hoping this will get better once I part ways with my Apple Watch.

Final verdict:

Knowing I had 30 days to return what I consider to be a large investment, I was reviewing the Oura Ring super critically and it still passed all of my tests. This tracker is more intuitive than trackers I’ve used in the past and has motivated my wellness journey without making me obsess over it. I love how inconspicuous it is and how much it’s helped me to take accountability for my health beyond my activity tracking. And for those reasons and more, I’ll be an Oura Ring stan forevermore.

Wellness Editor oura ring review

I have to begin this honest review with full transparency: I am morally against activity trackers. Not to yuck anyone’s yum (because at the end of the day, I believe the most important health rule is you do you), but I have seen too many clients develop unhealthy relationships with their FitBits and Apple Watches: feeling bad about themselves if they didn’t “burn enough calories,” pushing through their body screaming at them to rest just to get the points, or feeling like a workout doesn’t “count” if you didn’t track it.

I also believe the wellness industry has taught us for so long that we are not the experts of our own bodies; we need to buy supplements, follow diets or workout programs, and track steps and calories to affirm if we are healthy or not healthy. I worry that all these devices and programs and products are deprogramming the ability to listen to our own bodies. A fact I know to be true: Our bodies are always communicating with us what they need to be healthy–no device needed. I totally get that people like numbers and measurable goals to get them motivated to move more or get to bed earlier. But my inner health coach really wants to ask, why aren’t you motivated for simply the reason that your body feels good? I digress. 

So that is why I also wanted Ashley to share her honest review, so you, dear reader, could hear multiple different angles to ultimately decide for yourself what does and does not deserve to be part of your healthiest life.


With that all being said, I am also a big believer in testing instead of guessing when it comes to your health. So I was intrigued by the Oura Ring’s claims to track a number of functions to get a more holistic view–a major upgrade from the step tracker and heart rate monitor predecessors. Since the Oura Ring has caught so much buzz (among our office and across the country), I wanted to try it out for myself to see if it is a beneficial tool for optimal health, or if it’s yet another expense that causes more stress than wellbeing. Ahead, my experience (as open-minded as possible, I swear!). 

Why I wanted the Oura Ring:

The main appeal to me was how it tracks temperature. Since going off of oral birth control a year ago, I’ve been using Natural Cycles to track my ovulation (for pregnancy prevention and cycle syncing purposes to know which phase I’m in) by taking my temperature with a thermometer under my tongue every morning and manually plug it into the app. But there was some user error (mostly since there were many mornings I forgot) so I was intrigued that the Oura Ring automatically tracked temperature–and probably with more accuracy. 

I also liked the idea of a “readiness score” since it acknowledges your body is different every day (something those other trackers don’t take into account), and I was curious about sleep tracking too. Plus, the app also has guided meditations, breathwork, and sleep sounds, which I knew I would definitely use. I’m down for anything that has a more well-rounded approach (AKA rest and stress relief is just as–if not more–important than activity) rather than the toxic productivity of fitness trackers past.

How it compares to other tracking I’ve tried:

No surprise, I have limited personal experience with other activity trackers, besides a heart rate monitor I used for OrangeTheory and spinning workouts through college and my early 20s when I mistakenly believed the calorie-burn number it gave me dictated whether or not I worked hard enough (read: whether or not I could feel good about myself that day). I have also used the SleepCycle app in the past, which I started a few years ago when I was waking up from eight hours of sleep still feeling exhausted. The app would measure sleep cycles (light, REM, or deep) via vibes your body gives off..?? (IDK the science. But now that I think about it, I’m curious…)


So the Oura Ring is way more accurate since it’s on your body and tracking via heart rate, temperature, blood oxygen levels, etc. You also get a lot more insight into your sleep, like the exact time you spend in each sleep cycle, time asleep, average oxygen saturation, heart rate, breathing regularity, sleep efficiency, etc. 

My experience:

The fit and physical ring: There’s no denying that the Oura Ring is 10 times chicer and more practical than its competitors. I couldn’t keep on a watch or tracking bracelet every day even if I wanted to (and ruin a good outfit!?) but a chic ring that could easily pass for a piece of jewelry? Sold. I’m used to wearing rings, so I barely even noticed it was there after a couple of days. It is definitely worth using their free sizing kit because you want the ring to fit perfectly if it’s going to be on your finger 24/7. I went with a size 8 for my middle finger (my regular size).

Also, charging is NBD (I was worried about this part because I forget to charge things often). There’s a little stand (no plugging the device in, just place it over the holder) that I set the ring on while I brush my teeth every night. It says it takes about 20 minutes to fully charge and the battery lasts for about a week, so you could also just do one charging session per week. But I find it super easy to do a couple-minute spurts of charging daily. 

The app: I do not want to spend more time on my phone than I need to. But the app was pretty easy to figure out. I also loved how you could click on anything and it would explain in-depth (but in layman’s terms) what it means. I think this is super important since it’s teaching you to understand your body, rather than depending on a score to give you a thumbs up or thumbs down. Another factor I liked: When clicking on what different numbers mean, it often says “It is recommended that you follow your long-term regularity, rather than just one day’s data” which probably no one else reads beside me but I liked because it’s reminding you not to panic about one day’s “poor” score–the body is a holistic being and should be viewed as such. No fear-mongering here! 


What I liked:

The temperature tracking is certainly a game-changer. The Oura Ring connects to the Natural Cycles app. So I don’t need to remember to track my temperature–my temperature shows up every morning (and is probably more accurate than a thermometer). The Oura Ring app does have its own “Period Predictions Section” to predict when you get your period, and tells you which day of your cycle you’re on (I’m on day 22 right now–you’re welcome), but the Natural Cycles app itself is slightly more accurate when it comes to period predictions (but that may be because it has a year’s worth of data for my cycle, rather than a few months like Oura). So the Oura Ring wouldn’t replace other ovulation/period tracking apps for me, but it helps with the tracking and providing basic insights.

The sleep insight was also interesting. It could be very beneficial for people who think they’re getting enough sleep but still don’t feel well-rested because it may give you insight into why (i.e. is it taking a long time to fall asleep? Are you not spending enough time in deep sleep? Is your sleep time optimal, but your sleep efficiency is low?). Of course, it doesn’t actually fix the problem. But it does give you more insight to bring to your doctor to find a solution. Part of me still thinks, you already know if you get optimal sleep or not–your body tells you if you’re well rested or need more/better sleep, but I understand that having the specific insight into what exactly is off may be helpful when trying to identify next steps to solve a problem.

The “readiness” was also an interesting feature–it gives you insight into whether you can do a tough HIIT workout and tackle a difficult project, or if your body needs to take it slow and rest (again, something I think we can figure out on our own if we just listen to our bodies, but I get it–sometimes we don’t listen). Also if you consistently get low readiness days, it can serve as a good wakeup call to take better care of yourself, which is helpful too in a world where people regularly reach burnout like it’s NBD. 

What I didn’t like:

You knew this was coming: the activity tracking was not my fav. But let me tell you why. I walk a lot most days. I like to think I’m pretty good at getting in movement. Even on days when I would walk on my desk treadmill for 45 minutes, do a 60-minute workout class, take my dog out a few times, and get up and move around the apartment consistently to take work breaks (not to brag), it would still say I was at 7,000ish steps. Maybe it’s just me being overly confident, but I think it had to be way more than that, so I’m guessing the step count isn’t the most accurate. But also, let’s say it is accurate–I moved as much as I possibly could to feel good without feeling depleted. I don’t need an objective number telling me I needed to do more.


Also, the notification to get up and move around when I’ve been sitting for “too long?” I don’t need that kind of negativity. The truth is that yes, it’s important to live a less sedentary life and the reminder can be helpful here and there. But there are a lot of times when I know relaxing is actually the option that’s better for my body. Like when I’m on day one of my period, or am feeling depleted and rewatching Vanderpump Rules for the fifth time would make me feel better than getting up and moving my body.

Final verdict:

I’ll probably still wear the Oura Ring when I sleep (to keep an eye on my patterns to identify any issues as they come up in the future and to track my cycle). But I don’t know if I feel the need to wear it during the day to track fitness levels. I admit, I felt satisfaction when I hit the “activity goal” but I also had to check in with myself–if I didn’t have a score or an app telling me “good job!” would my body feel good about the amount of movement I did that day? Would it tell me it wanted more or less? To me, that gives me a better chance of reaching my optimal wellness than a number or score.

I know I sound like a broken record, but listening to my body will always come before listening to a device. If you can take the helpful parts (sleep insights, temperature tracking, etc.) and leave behind the negative parts (movement alerts when you don’t want to) then I believe the Oura Ring could be a useful tool in understanding your body more. However, be super honest with yourself, and make sure you’re not becoming so obsessed with getting “good scores” that you stop listening to your body, or worse, go against what your body is telling you. 


Classic, plateau design. Available in four colors.


20% off for Prime Day!


Sleek, uninterrupted design. Available in six colors.

20% off for Prime Day!

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Womens World

Little Green Machine Review: Our Editors’ Honest Thoughts



Little Green Machine Review: Our Editors' Honest Thoughts

Possibly the quickest way to ruin your day is waking up to find that your beloved pet left you a not-so-fun surprise on your living room rug. Not to be dramatic, but this is when panic mode sets in. A million thoughts are probably running through your head, “I knew I shouldn’t have bought that organic dog food. Where the hell is that cleaning spray? Am I seriously crying right now? There has to be an easier way to do this.” We’re sorry to break it to you mid-breakdown, but there actually is a better way to clean up pet accidents—and any other type of mess on your carpet or upholstery.

If you’ve been on any corner of the internet, you’ve probably heard the endless buzz about Bissell’s Little Green Machine. It’s a small, portable cleaning machine specifically made to clean up messes on carpet, upholstery, and other soft surfaces. Though your pet may be looking at you so innocently as you ferociously spray their blowout and pray it doesn’t stain, the truth is, this will probably happen again. With the Little Green Machine, cleaning up accidents becomes a breeze and honestly quite satisfying. Everygirl editors Garri and Ashley have been devout Little Green Machine users for some time now, and they’ve got a lot to say about this powerful cleaning machine. And since it’s currently on sale for Prime Day, there’s no better time to buy.

Here are our honest thoughts on the super-popular carpet and upholstery cleaner, including whether it’s really worth your money.


Garri Chaverst, Senior Managing Editor

Pets: Two dogs, Olive and Otis

Uses the Little Green Machine on: Everything! Carpets, couches—my husband has used it to clean out our car and it works so well.

Where does it go when not in use? Our cleaning supply closet.

Ashley Selleke, Branded Content Managing Editor

Pets: Three cats (I don’t know how I ended up here either): Gizmo, Gus, and Ruby


Uses the Little Green Machine on: Carpet and couches

Where does it go when not in use? Under the sink. It’s pretty bulky, but I’d get rid of other items before this—it has SECURED its spot.

What does the Little Green Machine do?

little green machine review

Amazon | Bissell

Sale price: $81 After sale: $123

This powerful little machine suctions up messes and cleans stains on any kind of upholstery. That includes (but isn’t limited to) carpeting, area rugs, upholstered furniture, and car interiors. It has a tank that holds your cleaning solution and an attached hose with a brush that you use to spray and scrub. To get started, you fill the tank with a cleaning solution and hot water, attach it back to the machine, turn it on, and voilà, it’s time to get to work. To clean, you use the trigger on the handle of the brush to spray the solution, scrub it with the brush, and then use the vacuum head attachment to suction the cleaning solution and any residue back into the machine. It’s almost like the stain was never even there.

little green machine
Source: Ashley Selleke

What is the best part about the Little Green Machine?

Both Garri and Ashley say that the Little Green Machine’s best feature is its ease and function when tackling a stain. “The vacuum feature is everything to me because I don’t have to risk touching any poo or vomit,” Ashley said. Plus, you don’t have to worry about keeping multiple products or tools on hand for different surfaces. “It’s really a one-and-done solution for spills,” Garri said.

Believe it or not, both say it’s so satisfying to clean up spills with this machine that they almost look forward to using it. “It turned something that used to make me cry into something I can tackle with a bit of zest,” Ashley said. “It’s satisfying and kind of fun to use!”

When not in use, it can fit comfortably under the sink or in a closet, which is ideal for keeping it nearby in case anything goes awry. Both Ashley and Garri use their Little Green Machine a couple of times a month, so the cost-per-use has already paid for itself tenfold.

little green machine
Source: Ashley Selleke

What solution goes in the Little Green Machine?

Bissell sells their own cleaning solution for this machine, which they recommend using so you don’t damage it. Garri specifically uses their Spot & Stain with Febreze Freshness because it not only removes stains but eliminates odors as well.

Can it be used on rugs and couches?

The Little Green Machine can be used on anything that is upholstered. From rugs to couches to chairs, hell, even a dog bed or your mattress can benefit from a once-over with this bad boy every so often.

little green machine
Source: Ashley Selleke

Who should buy the Little Green Machine?

To put it simply, anyone with a pet. Pet accidents are bound to happen, especially if you’re going through a transition with a new pet. Garri purchased hers after her dog, Otis, started having frequent accidents in the house, causing her to scrub away at her carpet, rugs, and couch one too many times, as did Ashley when she went through the same thing with her cat, Gus. While you may get through the potty-training stage with ease (and hopefully not too many accidents), having this machine on hand is great for any messes that slip through the cracks.

If you’re inclined to spill or have kids, it’s also a handy little tool to have on hand so you don’t have to stress about potentially ruining every upholstered surface in your house.


Amazon | Bissell

Sale price: $81 After sale: $123

bella gil


Bella Gil, Associate Commerce Editor

Because shopping is quite literally her full-time job, Bella is dedicated to making sure you spend your hard-earned money on products you’ll fall in love with. She spends her days testing, researching, and writing about a wide range of topics, from beauty products to rug cleaners and everything in between.

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What Our Editors Are Buying During Amazon Prime Day



What Our Editors Are Buying During Amazon Prime Day

Amazon Prime Day is officially upon us, and if you’re anything like me, you’re overwhelmed already. There are literally thousands of items on sale across every category you could imagine. Apparel and accessories, electronics, home essentials, beauty products, and more—it’s literally all on sale. Oh, and you have less than 48 hours to shop it. With so many deals in such a short time, figuring out what’s worth buying can be tough. But as with most things, our editors have a recommendation for that.

From practical items for our homes and apartments to little treats for our closets and makeup bags, here’s what our editors are buying from this year’s Amazon Prime Day sale

amazon kindle paperwhite

Kindle Paperwhite

The day has finally arrived. After a lifetime of commitment to the hardcover life, I am currently at a place in my life where reading only makes sense if it is also affordable and space-saving…so I’m investing in a Kindle. I have some lofty reading goals for 2025, and high hopes that this is going to get me there. Knowing me, I’m probably going to end up getting some cute Kindle accessories, too.

– Emma Ginsberg, Associate Editor

Sale price: $124 After sale: $149

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amazon prime day beats headphones

Beats Noise-Canceling Headphones

My last pair of Beats Studio Pro headphones lasted me over 4 years of daily use, but they’re looking ROUGH these days. So, I’m finally grabbing a shiny new pair while they’re more than 50% off for Prime Day. I’m obsessed with both the Deep Brown and Dune color.

— Paige Cushman, Branded Content Editor

Sale price: $189 After sale: $349

8 colors available

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amazon prime day vase

Ribbed Glass Vase

Amazon Prime Day is when I, yes, get all of the splurge items I’ve been needing, but also when I stock up on accessories and pieces to update my home. I’ve been obsessing over ribbed vases for flowers (so chic!), and the large size is 40% off for Prime Day (basically a steal). Weekly fresh flowers are my self-care; they’re how I romantizie my life. And now, thanks to this stylish vase (at an amazing price), they’ll look extra beautiful on my coffee table or kitchen counter.

— Josie Santi, Senior Wellness Editor & Podcast Host

Sale price: $29 After sale: $49

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amazon prime day crz yoga leggings

CRZ Yoga High-Waisted Leggings

This year, I’m determined to upgrade my workout wardrobe from the stretched-out, worn tanks I’ve had since high school to pieces that actually motivate me to get moving. As research for my mission, every time I see someone in a cute workout set, I always ask where it’s from, and I swear, 99% of the time, the answer is Amazon. I shouldn’t be surprised at this point, but I’m still shocked it’s not a splurge from Lululemon—it literally looks exactly like it! So, I’m finally pulling the trigger this prime day to see if CRZ Yoga lives up to the hype. The fabric is said to feel just like Lululemon’s Align but for a fraction of the price. And since it’s on sale, I have no reason not to purchase.

— Lauren Blue, Lifestyle Staff Writer

Sale price: $25 After sale: $32

9 colors available

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Amazon Prime Day Instax Mini Camera

Fujifilm Instax Mini Polaroid Camera

I’m a 2025 bride so this Instax Mini Instant Camera found its way into my cart in record time. As someone who has attended countless weddings and bachelorettes over the years, I’ve seen these in action and they’re essential in my eyes. It’s one of those cameras that you can pass off to someone else without a tutorial and it prints out the most stunning, vibey polaroids for people to take home (or, selfishly, for my scrapbook).

— Ashley Selleke, Branded Content Managing Editor

Sale price: $59 After sale: $76


5 colors available

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amazon prime day air purifier

LEVOIT Air Purifier

I have this air purifier in my bedroom and in my baby’s nursery, and as someone with pets AND a dust mite allergy, it makes such a big difference in how my room feels. I’ll be snagging another one while it’s on sale to add to my living room downstairs!

— Meagan McCormick, Marketing Director


Sale price: $79 After sale: $99

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amazon prime day bike shorts

High-Waisted Bike Shorts

These are the only bike shorts I’ve found that can compete with my Lululemon Aligns. Since I WFH, bike shorts and a sweatshirt are my go-to uniform, so I’ll be snagging another pair of these perfect black bike shorts while they’re under $15 (!).

— Meagan McCormick, Marketing Director


Sale price: $14 After sale: $18

10+ colors available

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amazon prime day webcam

Webcam with Microphone

My WFH setup is functional, but is it optimized for success? No chance. The camera I use for meetings is the one built into my laptop, and while it works, it’s not ideal considering I primarily look at a monitor for work tasks. I have been wanting a webcam that I can attach to my monitor for months, so my first order of business in my office upgrade is adding this one to my cart.

— Hailey Bouche, Associate Editor

Sale price: $27 After sale: $39

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amazon prime day

Long Sleeve T-Shirts, Set of 3

I never, ever buy clothes from Amazon, but at the moment, I’m in dire need of some solid basics to layer under my thrifted sweaters and button-ups as winter arrives in Chicago. This ribbed long-sleeve may be labeled a “going out” top, but I’ll personally be wearing it to WFH with a pair of cute sweats.

– Emma Ginsberg, Associate Editor

Sale price: $27 After sale: $39

10+ colors available

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amazon prime day hatch restore

Hatch Restore Alarm Clock

If there’s one thing my close friends know about me, it’s that I am not a morning person. I’ve had my eye on the Hatch alarm clock for a while now, in hopes that it can finally save me from the dreadful iPhone alarm sound and groggy mornings. I have no more excuses with the Hatch being on sale, and I’m finally doing it, with better sleep ahead.

— Jenna Piotrowicz, Editorial Assistant

Sale price: $144 After sale: $169

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amazon prime day humidifier

Cool Mist Humidifier

The last thing I need during Q4 is to get sick or just feel icky in general, so I’m taking every measure possible to feel my best—and this humidifier is part of the plan. It helps alleviate allergies, cold symptoms, and dry skin, and if I can get all of that for just $40, you better believe I’ll be purchasing and keeping it on in my bedroom 24/7.

— McKenna Pringle, Branded Content Editorial Assistant

Sale price: $27 After sale: $50

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buying on amazon prime day

Moon Juice Magnesi-Om Supplement

I love this magnesium powder for my sleepy girl mocktails before bed, and even though I’m not technically in need of a refill just yet, I’m using Prime Day to stock up so that when that time comes, I’m prepared. Paired with tart cherry juice and some sparkling water, this is the best way to wind down after a long day, and I’ve found that my sleep game has been on point since introducing it into my routine.

– Ashley Selleke, Branded Content Managing Editor

Sale price: $30 After sale: $44


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buying on amazon prime day

Shark Robot Vacuum

I’ve owned and loved a robot vacuum for years now, but given that I just adopted a sweet little kitten, I’ve been looking to upgrade it to a newer model. This is the one I’ve had my eye on due to its ability to map your home, pick up pet hair, and spot clean if you tell it to. At 40% off, it’s the gift to myself that’ll keep on giving.

– Madeline Galassi, Senior Fashion & Beauty Editor

Sale price: $249 After sale: $299

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buying on amazon prime day

Vintage Gold Framed Wall Art

I bought one of these gold-framed pieces of art a couple of weeks ago, and I was so impressed with the quality and authentic vintage feel. It 100% looks like something you’d pick up at a flea market, and I’m obsessed with all the different designs. The price was already affordable, but now that it’s 30% for Prime Day, I will definitely be snagging a few more to place around the house.

– Jessica Friedhoff, Senior Lifestyle Editor

Sale price: $35 After sale: $44


10+ colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Heated Round Brush

I’m a sucker for a bouncy blowout, but I’m not a fan of the effort it takes to achieve one. Whenever I want to style my hair, I have to go through my entire shower routine to get it wet and ready for a Dyson transformation. It takes so much time, and in the summer, I end up sweating profusely in my bathroom for 45 minutes as I dry my hair. I’ve been thinking about getting a heated round brush to make my blowouts easier (and less sweaty), and now that this one is on sale, I’m finally going for it.

– Lauren Blue, Editorial Intern


Sale price: $29 After sale: $36

3 colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Recess Pickleball Paddle

Yeah, I could use Prime Day to buy something actually useful… or I could use it to finally buy a pickleball paddle instead of constantly borrowing from my friends when I hit the courts. I’m well aware that I could get a similar paddle for cheaper, but I’m just obsessed with the cute designs on the Recess paddles, and this is quite literally the best deal I have ever seen on these paddles in the year and a half that I’ve been aware of them. Consider me sold.

– Emma Ginsberg, Associate Editor & Podcast Assistant

Sale price: $51 After sale: $86

5 colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Fire TV Stick

I am a Fire Stick enthusiast and have been using one for years and years. After using my 2021 model to death, I decided it was finally time to upgrade to the newest version. This 4K Max model promises higher resolution, more storage, and faster streaming. And for $25 off? I’m here for it. Binge-watching, here I come.

– Jenna Piotrowicz, Editorial Assistant

Sale price: $34 After sale: $59

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buying on amazon prime day

Half-Zip Lounge Set

I live in matching sweat sets almost year-round, and I’ve heard good things about the quality of this Amazon brand. For 20% off, it’s worth a try!

– Meagan McCormick,  Director of Marketing

Sale price: $23 After sale: $29

9 colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Youth To The People Superfood Cleanser

There’s no better feeling than seeing your tried-and-true favorite products on sale for Prime Day. The Youth To The People Superfood Cleanser is an all-time favorite for me; it’s gentle on sensitive skin and doesn’t strip moisture like others do. Since it is expensive for a face wash, I, of course, have to take advantage of $10 off and stock up on my next backup bottle.

– Jenna Piotrowicz, Editorial Assistant

Sale price: $29 After sale: $39

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buying on amazon prime day

Weighted Lap Blanket

I am shamelessly that person who has to sleep with a weighted blanket every night, so much so that now when I travel, I get absolutely terrible sleep without it. This lap-size weighted blanket works perfectly when I need that extra comfort for local vacations or road trips, and it doesn’t weigh too much, so it’s easy to pack or store away when not in use.

– Bella Gil, Associate Commerce Editor

Sale price: $25 After sale: $29


10+ colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Beekeeper’s Naturals Immune Support Spray

Beekeeper’s Naturals is my secret to never getting sick and warding off colds before they even start. I’m stocking up (literally buying five) of the throat sprays because it’s currently 30% off and I take a spray of this daily (extra sprays while I’m traveling) to support my immune system and help fight any cold. It’s made with powerful all-natural ingredients like propolis, which is a bee product that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Stock up while it’s on sale and trust me, this stuff works.

– Josie Santi, Podcast Host & Senior Wellness Editor


Sale price: $9 After sale: $13

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buying on amazon prime day

Nodpod Weighted Eye Mask

Sometimes you just need a nice, gentle hug on your head, and that’s exactly what the Nodpod is—a weighted blanket you lay across your eyes to help calm an overactive mind, soothe headaches, and finally get some quality sleep. I’ve never been the been the best sleeper, and I’ve been eyeing this for months wondering if it could be just the thing I’ve been looking for. Now that it’s on sale, I’m snatching one up.

– Garri Chaverst, Senior Managing Editor


Sale price: $27 After sale: $34

6 colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Moroccanoil Hydrating Hair Mask

I have been looking for the right hair mask for a while! I like using Moroccanoil shampoo and conditioner, but I have never tried a hair mask by this brand. I am obsessed with the smell and results after using it. Since all hair masks are more expensive than shampoo and conditioner combined, I am happy that I found the Prime Day deal for this product. I’m SO excited to try it!

– Marta Taras, Jr. Graphic Designer

Sale price: $34 After sale: $45


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buying on amazon prime day

Apple AirPods Pro

If you’re anything like me, your AirPods are in a shameful condition and one has been floating around the house without its mate for quite some time (come to think of it, you haven’t seen it in a few days). If you’re not like me, feel free to judge me. This fantastic price point is enough for me to start my AirPod journey again without feeling any more guilty than I already do. I’ll be better this time, I swear!

– Allyson Trammel, Editor-in-Chief

Sale price: $168 After sale: $249

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buying on amazon prime day

Mini Faux Snakeskin Bag

I’m all about matching my accessories together in my outfits, and since I’ve recently obtained a pair of croc-embossed chocolate-brown booties, my hunt for a purse in a similar shade has yet to be successful. That was until I came across this handbag from The Drop. I can’t pass up a good deal, especially if it’s something that benefits my wardrobe in the long run.

– Bella Gil, Associate Commerce Editor

Sale price: $30 After sale: $42

10+ colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Foldable Treadmill with Desk

The time has finally come. I am investing in a walking pad—but not just any walking pad. I have been eying this specific model because it has its own foldable desk (which is crucial since I don’t have a standing desk and don’t want one of those weird convertible desk contraptions). It also has a wider belt if I feel so inclined to run, and it stores easily under my bed. 10k steps a day, here I come.

– Hailey Bouche, Associate Editor

Sale price: $399 After sale: $499

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buying on amazon prime day

Vital Proteins Collagen Powder

Trying to get in enough protein can be hard, but the Vital Proteins Unflavored Collagen is my secret weapon. I love adding a scoop to my coffee in the morning for an extra 10g of protein that you won’t even notice is there. It’s also great in smoothies!

– Meagan McCormick, Director of Marketing

Sale price: $37 After sale: $46

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Apple Watch SE

I take tracking my steps very seriously, and I am ready to upgrade from carrying my bulky phone everywhere while logging my 10,000 steps to a more efficient Apple Watch. I’ve had my eye on the Apple Watch for a while, solely because of its fitness and sleep tracking capabilities. The best part is that the small device will stay on my wrist all day, and I won’t have to give it a second thought until I’m ready to check my steps.

– Cassie McCook, Social Media Editor

Sale price: $169 After sale: $249


6 colors available

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buying on amazon prime day

Lumineux Teeth Whitening Strips

These are my go-to whitening strips because they don’t cause sensitivity or pain, actually work, and are completely non-toxic (using natural ingredients like coconut oil and lemon peel). I use these at least once a week, or more if I have an event or vacation coming up I want my smile to look *extra* sparkly for, so you know I stock up on Prime Day when they’re 40% off.

– Josie Santi, Podcast Host and Senior Wellness Editor


Sale price: $29 After sale: $49

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amazon prime day deals olive tree

Artificial Olive Tree

I can’t keep a plant alive to save my life, but the cost of fake plants is robbery, IMO. I’ve been eying this one from Amazon for months now but could never justify the $130 price tag. Luckily, it’s almost half off right now, which means it was immediately added to my cart.

– Hailey Bouche, Associate Editor


Sale price: $66 After sale: $129

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buying on amazon prime day

Dyson Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

I needed a new vacuum awhile ago, but I knew I would get a good discount if I waited for Amazon Prime Day deals, so now is my time! I have been eyeing this one forever, and it will be my big purchase from the sales. I love how compact, lightweight, and convenient it is to use and store, especially living in a small apartment. I’m ordering this ASAP!

– Keely Geist, Senior Social Media Editor


Sale price: $399 After sale: $569

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buying on amazon prime day

Stasher Reusable Silicone Storage Bags

I’m slowly but surely building a collection of reusable silicone bags to replace my plastic food storage bags. These ones from Stasher are my favorite! They’re great for travel snacks and storing leftovers in the fridge. They aren’t cheap, so Prime Day is the perfect time to stock up!

– Meagan McCormick, Director of Marketing


Sale price: $43 After sale: $54

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amazon prime day

Samsung The Frame TV

After years of trying to convince my husband we need a Frame TV, he’s finally been convinced. Thankfully, in the extensive time it took me to sell him on the idea, the prices have continued to go down—but Prime Day is the deepest discount of the year. This is my massive splurge and I cannot wait for it to arrive!

– Allyson Trammel, Editor-in-Chief


Sale price: $977 After sale: $1,497

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Jessica friedhoff senior lifestyle editor

Jessica Friedhoff, Senior Lifestyle Editor

Jessica has been at The Everygirl since 2022, covering all things home, travel, food, hobbies, and more. She edits all lifestyle content, writes in-depth features, and curates the direction of the living section. Jessica’s true passion—and much of her expertise—lies in interior design and decorating. Before joining The Everygirl, she worked as the digital assistant home editor for Better Homes & Gardens.

The post What Our Editors Are Buying During Amazon Prime Day appeared first on The Everygirl.

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Womens World

The Best Amazon Prime Day Fashion Deals to Shop



The Best Amazon Prime Day Fashion Deals to Shop

Madeline Galassi, Senior Fashion & Beauty Editor

Madeline Galassi is the Fashion & Beauty Editor at The Everygirl, where she oversees the fashion and beauty categories of the site. She brainstorms, writes, and edits stories across a broad range of topics including trend reports, product reviews, celebrity style, and more. She’s always keeping a pulse on the latest trends to create timely, exciting content for our readers.

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The Affordable Area Rugs Our Editors Love



The Affordable Area Rugs Our Editors Love

Repeat after me: An area rug is not an afterthought. Rather, rugs can add major wow factor to any space and are truly an essential in every room. A well-designed rug will instantly breathe new life into your bedroom, living room, or dining room, all while making the space look well-curated and cohesive. But if you’re hesitant to purchase a new rug because you’re under the impression that a beautiful piece will run you an entire week’s paycheck, think again. I’m here to clue you in on our editors’ all-time favorite source for rugs that are affordable, gorgeous, and high quality: Loloi. And since Loloi rugs are currently on major sale for Amazon Prime Day (we’re talking upwards of 70% off), there’s never been a better time to invest in one.

Read on for all the reasons why we think Loloi rugs are truly the best, plus some of our favorite designs.

Source: @jennasuedesign

What Is Loloi?

Unfamiliar with Loloi? Let me give you the Lo-down (ha—I had to). Loloi is a popular rug brand that offers a vast mix of styles, ranging from soft wool pieces to woven jute ones. Many are designed to have a vintage look, but they’re made with modern materials that make them extra durable and comfy underfoot. Some of their rugs are made with a special construction they call CloudPile™, which offers an ultra-plush softness I can only describe as feeling like you’re walking on a faux fur blanket.

Loloi has also collaborated with tons of big-name influencers and brands including Amber Lewis, Chris Loves Julia, Joanna Gaines, Rifle Paper Co., and more. Their rugs feature unique designs at an affordable price point, and many of our editors turn to Loloi exclusively when we’re shopping for rugs.


Why We Love Loloi Rugs

Source: @prettyrealblog

They’re ultra-affordable

One of the reasons I’ve fallen head over heels for the Loloi brand is that the pieces are stylish yet so affordable. Given that I’ve spent my 20s and early 30s living in various rental apartments, investing in a rug that’s $$$$ just doesn’t make sense, since I can’t guarantee it’ll work for me as I move from one space to another. I like that while Loloi rugs hold up well after years of use, parting with them down the line won’t cause me any major anxiety because I’ll know I’ve gotten my money’s worth.

You can find them at tons of retailers

Though only wholesale customers can purchase rugs directly from the Loloi site, you can order one of these babies practically anywhere you shop for home goods. Major online retailers including Amazon, Walmart, Wayfair, and The Home Depot carry Loloi rugs, as do boutique home decor stores including Lulu and Georgia and McGee & Co.—just note that exact product names and pricing will vary from retailer to retailer. As someone who is all about efficiency, I love that Loloi rugs often ship out within just a couple of days and are easily returnable.

They have a vintage look without the hassle

The thing I appreciate the most about these rugs? Loloi rugs are the easiest way to get a weathered, vintage-inspired look without the hassle and cost of tracking down an antique rug. I’ve shopped for actual vintage rugs in the past, and they often come with lots of wear and tear, damaged edges, weird smells or stains—not to mention a sky-high price tag. But with Loloi, you can get a brand-new rug that has the same rich colors, classic patterns, and distressed look of an authentic vintage version.

So what are you waiting for? Loloi rugs are on-trend, affordable, durable, and a designer fave—and we all know it’s not often you can check off all those boxes at once! Keep scrolling for some of our favorite Loloi rugs that’ll work in any room:

amazon prime day loloi rugs

Amber Lewis x Loloi

Sale price: $138 After sale: $389


Amber Lewis x Loloi

Sale price: $131 After sale: $389

Amber Lewis x Loloi

Sale price: $133 After sale: $389

Amber Lewis x Loloi

Sale price: $147 After sale: $589

loloi rugs amazon prime day

Angela Rose x Loloi

Sale price: $167 After sale: $211


Magnolia Home by Joanna Gaines x Loloi

Sale price: $170 After sale: $260


Sale price: $163 After sale: $589

Chris Loves Julia x Loloi

Sale price: $134 After sale: $409

amazon prime day loloi rugs

Chris Loves Julia x Loloi

Sale price: $253 After sale: $659


amazon prime day loloi rugs

Chris Loves Julia x Loloi

Sale price: $281 After sale: $659

Chris Loves Julia x Loloi

Sale price: $123 After sale: $409

Chris Loves Julia x Loloi

Sale price: $122 After sale: $409

Magnolia Home by Joanna Gaines x Loloi

Sale price: $144 After sale: $194


amazon prime day loloi rugs

Loloi Rugs

Sale price: $168 After sale: $198


Sarah Lyon, Contributing Beauty & Lifestyle Writer

Sarah Lyon is a freelance writer and interior design enthusiast who currently lives in New York City. Her work focuses primarily on design and lifestyle topics ranging from decorating tips to beauty advice to travel guides.

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The Acorns App Helps Me Save $100+ Every Month—Here’s How



The Acorns App Helps Me Save $100+ Every Month—Here's How

As a 25-year-old girlie who has A) moved states every year since college and B) works a job that is a total dream in every aspect except for salary, balancing how to save money versus spend money has felt downright impossible the past three years. I’ve hustled for promotions with salary increases (and succeeded) all in the effort to make just a tiny bit more money to stash away in my savings account. The problem, however, hasn’t necessarily been about how little or how much money I earn. My problem has historically been finding a tool that takes the guesswork out of saving, whether that be for emergencies or big life events like friends’ weddings.

In the past, I spent a long time just… not saving for them. Adulting is hard enough so far, and quite honestly, sometimes I’m so strapped for cash that the idea of saving any of it for big events is unrealistic. Once I discovered the Acorns app, though, my mindset changed, and so did my savings account. This app helps me save a stash of cash with zero thought or effort required—over $100 a month—and I hardly even notice the changes in my account. Naturally, I’m obsessed with it and need to share how it has singlehandedly changed how I save for the future.

What is the Acorns app?

Acorns is a finance app that allows you to save spare change via round-ups. The app links your checking account and/or credit cards and, you guessed it, rounds up the spare change on purchases, such as saving $0.75 from a $5.25 coffee. Round-ups are customizable, and you can choose to save double, triple, or 10x more of the spare change amount. This means if you select round-ups to be double the spare change, Acorns pulls $1.50 from that coffee, making your purchases work smarter, not harder.


In addition to this, you can make weekly contributions, such as saving $5 every Monday or $20 every payday. These contributions pull automatically from your checking account on a schedule that you set, which helps to add to your savings quickly.

An even larger benefit of this app is the ability to invest your round-ups in stock and bond ETFs. While I didn’t start doing this until recently, and I primarily use the app just for the round-up savings feature, this is one of the easiest ways I’ve seen to dip your toe in investing. Acorns holds your hand the whole way—you can choose to customize your investments with their suggestions or have the app select the exact stock and bond ETFs to invest your money in.

acorns app
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson

Whether you choose to just use the round-up feature like I did for a long time or take it an extra mile with weekly contributions or investments, the longer you save with Acorns, the greater the opportunity for your money to multiply.

What I love about the Acorns app

It’s easy to setup

Setting up the Acorns app is simpler than setting up a bank account. Simply enter your details as you would for any other app: email address, phone number, and date of birth. Next, it asks you to link as many checking accounts as you wish. I connected all of mine! Once at least one checking account is linked, you can customize the Acorns app by turning on round-ups and selecting a weekly contribution amount (mine is $5 every Monday). From there, you can turn on investing mode or leave it as is to round up in the background.

I don’t notice small withdrawals

When I say the app helps me save an extra $100 every month without even trying, I mean it. The round-ups are so unnoticeable. Acorns tracks your purchases via your accounts, and once you’ve made enough purchases for the spare change to hit $5, it deposits it out of your checking account into your Acorn account. This way, the app isn’t taking pennies out of your checking account every. single. time. you purchase something.


“I’m saving at least $100 per month, but since it is completely automated and saved in small increments, it doesn’t feel unrealistic with my tight budget.”

Because it’s only around $5-$20 being withdrawn from my checking account and deposited into Acorns, it feels like way less of a blow than depositing $100 into my savings account once a month. I’m saving at least $100 per month, but since it is completely automated and saved in small increments, it doesn’t feel unrealistic with my tight budget. As it compounds over time, it turns into a decent stash of cash to put toward random events that have in the past put me in credit card debt. Plus, every time I buy myself a little treat, I feel a little bit better knowing Acorns is saving the spare change from that purchase.

Contributions add up quickly

One of the best feelings is forgetting I have the app and then jumping for joy the moment I remember it exists and seeing what has added up. In the past 30 days, I have saved $173.58. As someone who only saves via round-ups and one weekly contribution of $5, I’m proud of the money I’m able to save each month. Below is a breakdown of my exact Acorns contributions and a timeline to show exactly how I’ve saved $100+ in the past 30 days.

  • Round-up settings: automatic, 2x spare change
  • Weekly contribution: $5 every Monday
  • Account Balance as of August 1, 2024: $0
  • Account Balance as of September 16, 2024: $173.58

You can withdraw your money at any time

One of my biggest concerns before signing up for Acorns was knowing how often I’d be able to withdraw my money. Do I have to contribute money for a set number of months before accessing my cash? Or would I be hit with a fee for withdrawing too early or too often? Luckily, the app lets you withdraw whenever you want. This is an extremely important feature for anyone using Acorns for their emergency savings or, if you’re like me, anyone who might want to pull extra cash to pay expensive bills.

“One of the best feelings is forgetting I have the app and then jumping for joy the moment I remember it exists and seeing what has added up. In the past 30 days, I have saved $173.58.”

It makes saving money feel possible

Between high living costs and only being four years into my career, saving each month is extremely difficult. The way my app is set up to save for me right now is extremely minimal! With that said, while saving money is difficult for me, it doesn’t feel so hopeless anymore. I didn’t think saving any amount of money was possible for me, so I feel at peace and extremely excited knowing I’ve been able to save an extra $100 each month. I’m attending at least five weddings next summer and know exactly how I’m paying to travel to them thanks to Acorns.

You can be as aggressive as you want to be

When I want to be more aggressive with my savings, I will start multiplying round-ups and making a larger weekly contribution. For example, I might increase my weekly contributions to $10 per week instead of $5 to save double what I am saving now. I could also choose to double my spare change round-up. And if I’m ever in a pinch? I’ll scale it back. This is one of the greatest things about Acorns. It is totally customizable!


It can be used as a short-term and long-term savings solution

I love using Acorns as a short- or long-term savings solution. By “short-term,” I mean events like friends’ weddings and bachelorette trips, moving, pet costs, or holiday gift-giving season. Before Acorns, I had a really difficult time setting money aside on my own for these events that I knew were coming up. When they came along, I would throw big purchases on a credit card and feel uneasy about how I was going to pay it off. With Acorns, however, I don’t have that panic anymore. As my restaurant dates and errand runs add up throughout the month, the spare change from those outings, plus my weekly contributions, support my savings goals. And in the long term, I can choose to let my account keep growing without withdrawing or investing it for potential gains within the app.

“As my restaurant dates and errand runs add up throughout the month, the spare change from those outings, plus my weekly contributions, support my savings goals.”

Is the Acorns app worth it?

At just $3 per month, Acorns is more than worth it. It has helped me take control of my finances. When I used to think about saving $100 from my paycheck every month, something else always took precedence, like car repairs or someone’s birthday. I was holding myself back from being able to save valuable money, not because I wasn’t making enough money, but because I didn’t have the right tools.

As someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, I know how impossible saving money can feel. Take it from me: Acorns makes saving money feel realistic even to those who don’t feel like they have any excess spare change to begin with. I like that Acorns is helping me become more knowledgeable and comfortable with investing, too, but that’s not the reason I signed up. I wanted a tool to simplify and automate the way I save money, and Acorns became my solution. Now, I keep a flat $50 in my checking account just so Acorns can pull round-up change and my weekly contribution.

Do yourself a favor and sign up for the app, turn on roundups, and forget about the app. Once you remember you have an Acorns account in about a month, you’ll have money waiting for you as a sweet reward.

Madi koetting


Madi Koetting, Contributing Beauty & Lifestyle Writer

Madi is a Denver-based freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in magazine journalism from Drake University. She’s currently a Commerce Editor for Us Weekly where she covers all things shopping from celeb-loved beauty and fashion products to the best home and kitchen wares. Beyond The Everygirl, Madi’s work has appeared in Stylecaster, Taste of Home, Reader’s Digest, and Better Homes & Gardens.

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