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Who’s suing AI and who’s signing: Publisher deals vs lawsuits with generative AI companies



Who’s suing AI and who’s signing: Publisher deals vs lawsuits with generative AI companies

News publishers are increasingly deciding to sign deals with AI companies over the use of their content despite early doubts and a high-profile legal case from The New York Times.

The deals commonly include the use of news publishers’ content as reference points for user queries in tools like ChatGPT (with citation back to their websites currently promised) as well as giving them the use of the AI tech to build their own products.

This page will be updated when new deals are struck or legal actions are launched relating to news publishers and AI companies (latest: Hearst in the US signs deal with OpenAI while Mumsnet and The Center for Investigative Reporting instigate legal complaints against OpenAI).

OpenAI is reportedly offering news organisations between $1m and $5m per year to license their copyrighted content to train its models – although News Corp’s deal is reportedly worth more than $250m over five years.

Meanwhile Apple has reportedly been exploring AI deals with the likes of Conde Nast, NBC News and People and Daily Beast owner IAC to license their content archives, but nothing has yet been made public.


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Plenty of other news organisations are understood to be in negotiations with OpenAI while some, including the publisher of Mail Online, have suggested they are seriously considering their options legally.

But not all publishers want deals: Reach chief executive Jim Mullen told investors on 5 March that the UK’s largest commercial publisher is not in any “active discussions” with AI companies and suggested other publishers should hold off on deals to allow the industry to come at the issue with a position of solidarity.

He said: “We would prefer that we don’t get into a situation where we did with the referrers ten years ago and gave them access and we became hooked on this referral traffic and we would like it to be more structured. We produce content, which is really valuable, and we would like to license or agree how they use our base intelligence to actually inform the AI and the open markets. The challenge we have as an industry is that we need to be unified.

“I used to be the chairman of the NMA and if we stay together and work with it, then that’s a really strong position that we have, particularly with the Government to help us get to there. So I’m using this as a bit of a campaign, [it] only takes one publisher to break away and start doing deals and then it sort of disintegrates.”


Press Gazette analysis in February found that more than four in ten of the 100 biggest English-language news websites have decided not to block AI bots from the likes of OpenAI and Google.

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UK parenting forum and publisher Mumsnet has launched legal action via an initial letter against OpenAI over the scraping of its site and its more than six billion words – “presumably” for the training of large language model ChatGPT.

Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts told users: “Such scraping without permission is an explicit breach of our terms of use, which clearly state that no part of the site may be distributed, scraped or copied for any purpose without our express approval. So we approached Open AI and suggested they might like to licence our content.”


In particular, she said, Mumsnet’s content would be valuable because it could help to counter the misogyny “baked in” to many AI models.

But, she continued: “Their response was that they were more interested in datasets that are not easily accessible online.”

Roberts said what OpenAI differs from Google’s scraping of the web for search purposes because there is a “clear value exchange in allowing Google to access that data, namely the resulting search traffic… The LLMs are building models like ChatGPT to provide the answers to any and all prospective questions that will mean we’ll no longer need to go elsewhere for solutions. And they’re building those models with scraped content from the websites they are poised to replace.”

Roberts continued: “At Mumsnet we’re in a stronger position than most because much of our traffic comes to us direct and though it’s a piece of cake for an LLM to spit out a Mumsnet-style answer to a parenting question I doubt they’ll ever be as funny about parking wars or as honest about relationships and they’ll certainly never provide the emotional support that sees around a thousand women a year helped to leave abusive partners by other Mumsnet users.


“But if these trillion-dollar giants are simply allowed to pillage content from online publishers – and get away with it – they will destroy many of them.”

Roberts acknowledged it is “not an easy task” to go up against a big tech company like OpenAI but said “this is too important an issue to simply roll over”.

Responses from users on the forum contained a lot of “well done” and “good luck”.

The Center for Investigative Reporting

Non-profit news organisation The Center for Investigative Reporting, which produces Mother Jones (after a merger this year) and Reveal, is suing OpenAI and its largest shareholder Microsoft, it announced on 28 June.


It said the companies had used its content “without permission or offering compensation” and accused them of “exploitative practices” in a lawsuit filed in New York.

Chief executive Monika Bauerlein said: “OpenAI and Microsoft started vacuuming up our stories to make their product more powerful, but they never asked for permission or offered compensation, unlike other organizations that license our material.

“This free rider behavior is not only unfair, it is a violation of copyright. The work of journalists, at CIR and everywhere, is valuable, and OpenAI and Microsoft know it.”

She added: “For-profit corporations like OpenAI and Microsoft can’t simply treat the work of nonprofit and independent publishers as free raw material for their products.


“If this practice isn’t stopped, the public’s access to truthful information will be limited to AI-generated summaries of a disappearing news landscape.”

Eight Alden Global Capital daily newspapers

Eight daily newspapers in the US owned by Alden Global Capital are suing OpenAI and Microsoft, it was revealed on 30 April.

The newspapers involved in the lawsuit are: the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the Orlando Sentinel, the Sun-Sentinel in Florida, the Mercury News in San Jose, the Denver Post, the Orange County Register and the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

The lawsuit says the newspapers want recognition that they have a legal right over their content and compensation for the use of it in the training of AI tools so far.


Frank Pine, executive editor of Media News Group and Tribune Publishing Newspapers, the Alden subsidiaries that own the newspapers concerned, said: “We’ve spent billions of dollars gathering information and reporting news at our publications, and we can’t allow OpenAI and Microsoft to expand the Big Tech playbook of stealing our work to build their own businesses at our expense.

“They pay their engineers and programmers, they pay for servers and processors, they pay for electricity, and they definitely get paid from their astronomical valuations, but they don’t want to pay for the content without which they would have no product at all. That’s not fair use, and it’s not fair. It needs to stop.

“The misappropriation of news content by OpenAI and Microsoft undermines the business model for news. These companies are building AI products clearly intended to supplant news publishers by repurposing purloined content and delivering it to their users.

“Even worse, when they’re not delivering the actual verbatim reporting of our hard-working journalists, they misattribute bogus information to our news publications, damaging our credibility. We employ professional journalists who adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and fairness. They are real people who go out into the world to conduct first-hand interviews and engage in actual investigations to produce our journalism.


“Their work is vetted and checked by professional editors. The Mercury News has never recommended injecting disinfectants to treat COVID, and the Denver Post did not publish research that shows smoking cures asthma. These and other ChatGPT hallucinations are documented in our legal filings.”

The Intercept, Raw Story and Alter Net

Three US progressive news and politics digital outlets filed lawsuits against OpenAI on Wednesday 28 February.

The Intercept, Raw Story and Alter Net objected to the use of their articles to train ChatGPT. The Intercept also sued Microsoft, which has partnered with OpenAI to create a Bing chatbot.

Raw Story publisher Roxanne Cooper said: “Raw Story’s copyright-protected journalism is the result of significant efforts of human journalists who report the news. Rather than license that work, OpenAI taught ChatGPT to ignore journalists’ copyrights and hide its use of copyright-protected material.”


CEO and founder John Byrne added: “It is time that news organisations fight back against Big Tech’s continued attempts to monetise other people’s work.”

The New York Times

The most high-profile case against OpenAI and Microsoft from a news publisher so far, The New York Times made a surprise announcement in the days after Christmas that it would seek damages, restitution and costs as well as the destruction of all large language models (LLMs) trained on its content.

OpenAI and NYT had been in negotiations for nine months but the news organisation felt no resolution was forthcoming and decided instead to share its concerns over the use of its intellectual property publicly. The success of the lawsuit will depend on the US court’s interpretation of “fair use” in copyright law – assuming the companies don’t find their way to a settlement first.

OpenAI previously said a “high-value partnership around real-time display with attribution in ChatGPT” was on the cards with the NYT before the news organisation surprised it by launching the lawsuit.


The NYT said the two tech companies, which have a partnership centred around ChatGPT and Bing, have “reaped substantial savings by taking and using – at no cost” its content to create their models without paying for a licence. It added that the use of its content in chatbots “threatens to divert readers, including current and potential subscribers, away from The Times, thereby reducing the subscription, advertising, licensing, and affiliate revenues that fund The Times’s ability to continue producing its current level of groundbreaking journalism”.

In its response, filed on Monday 26 February, OpenAI argued: “In the real world, people do not use ChatGPT or any other OpenAI product” to substitute for a NYT subscription. “Nor could they. In the ordinary course, one cannot use ChatGPT to serve up Times articles at will.”

OpenAI accused the NYT of paying someone to hack its products and taking “tens of thousands of attempts to generate the highly anomalous results” in which verbatim paragraphs from articles were spat out by ChatGPT. “They were able to do so only by targeting and exploiting a bug (which OpenAI has committed to addressing) by using deceptive prompts that blatantly violate OpenAI’s terms of use,” it said.

“And even then, they had to feed the tool portions of the very articles they sought to elicit verbatim passages of, virtually all of which already appear on multiple public websites. Normal people do not use OpenAI’s products in this way.”


Getty Images

Getty Images began legal proceedings against Stability AI in the UK in January 2023, claiming that the AI image company “unlawfully copied and processed” millions of its copyrighted images without a licence through its text-to-image model Stable Diffusion.

In December, the High Court in London ruled that Getty’s case could go to trial after Stability AI failed to persuade a judge that two aspects of the claim – relating to training and development as well as copyright – should be struck out.

Mrs Justice Joanna Smith said Getty’s claim has a “real prospect of success” in relation to Stable Diffusion’s “image-to-image feature” which the photo agency claimed allows users to make “essentially identical copies of copyright works”.

Who’s signed news AI deals?


Newspaper and magazine giant Hearst has agreed a “content partnership” with OpenAI in the US, it announced on 8 October.


Hearst said OpenAI products including ChatGPT will incorporate content from its US brands including Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, Esquire, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Runner’s World and Women’s Health – more than 20 magazine titles and 40 newspapers in total. It does not include Hearst’s content in other countries like the UK.

Hearst said its content will “feature appropriate citations and direct links, providing transparency and easy access to the original Hearst sources” from ChatGPT.

Hearst Newspapers president Jeff Johnson said: “As generative AI matures, it’s critical that journalism created by professional journalists be at the heart of all AI products.

“This agreement allows the trustworthy and curated content created by Hearst Newspapers’ award-winning journalists to be part of OpenAI’s products like ChatGPT — creating more timely and relevant results.”


Hearst Magazines president Debi Chirichella added: “Our partnership with OpenAI will help us evolve the future of magazine content. This collaboration ensures that our high-quality writing and expertise, cultural and historical context and attribution and credibility are promoted as OpenAI’s products evolve.”

And OpenAI chief operating officer Brad Lightcap said the use of Hearst content “elevates our ability to provide engaging, reliable information to our users”.

Conde Nast

Vogue, Wired, Vanity Fair and GQ publisher Conde Nast has become the latest publisher to sign a “multi-year partnership” relating to the display of its content in OpenAI products, it announced on 20 August.

Conde Nast chief executive Roger Lynch has been outspoken about the risks generative AI poses to news businesses, telling US Congress “many” media companies could go out of business by the time any litigation passes through the courts and that “immediate action” should be taken through a clarification that content creators should be compensated for the use of their work in training.


In a memo to staff he has now said the OpenAI deal helps to make up for revenue being lost through declining search traffic.

He wrote: “It’s crucial that we meet audiences where they are and embrace new technologies while also ensuring proper attribution and compensation for use of our intellectual property. This is exactly what we have found with OpenAI.

“Over the last decade, news and digital media have faced steep challenges as many technology companies eroded publishers’ ability to monetize content, most recently with traditional search. Our partnership with OpenAI begins to make up for some of that revenue, allowing us to continue to protect and invest in our journalism and creative endeavours.”

The deal will allow OpenAI to display content from Conde Nast brands in its products, including ChatGPT and its SearchGPT AI-driven search engine prototype.


OpenAI explained what this means in a blog post: “With the introduction of our SearchGPT prototype, we’re testing new search features that make finding information and reliable content sources faster and more intuitive. We’re combining our conversational models with information from the web to give you fast and timely answers with clear and relevant sources. SearchGPT offers direct links to news stories, enabling users to easily explore more in-depth content directly from the source.

“We plan to integrate the best of these features directly into ChatGPT in the future.

“We’re collaborating with our news partners to collect feedback and insights on the design and performance of SearchGPT, ensuring that these integrations enhance user experiences and inform future updates to ChatGPT.”

Lynch praised OpenAI for being “transparent and willing to productively work with publishers like us so that the public can receive reliable information and news through their platforms”.


He continued: “This partnership recognises that the exceptional content produced by Condé Nast and our many titles cannot be replaced, and is a step toward making sure our technology-enabled future is one that is created responsibly.

“It is just the beginning and we will continue what we started in Washington earlier this year – the fight for fair deals and partnerships across the industry until all entities developing and deploying artificial intelligence take seriously, as OpenAI has, the rights of publishers.”

Financial Times, Axel Springer, The Atlantic, Fortune

Financial Times, Axel Springer, The Atlantic and Fortune (as well as Universal Music Group) have agreed to license their content to generative AI start-up

Prorata says it has a proprietary algorithm that can work out how much of various publishers’ content is used in an answer and share revenue accordingly. When it launches its own chatbot this autumn, it says, it will share 50% of the revenue from subscriptions with content creators.


Read our full story about Prorata’s plan here.

Time, Der Spiegel, Fortune, Entrepreneur, The Texas Tribune and WordPress owner Automattic

Time, Der Spiegel, Fortune, Entrepreneur, The Texas Tribune and owner Automattic have become the first publishers to sign up to a revenue-sharing deal launched by AI search chatbot Perplexity.

When Perplexity introduces advertising via sponsored related questions within the next few months, signed-up publishers will be able to share the revenue generated by interactions where their content is referenced.

The programme also gives them access to analytics platform to see which of their articles show up frequently in Perplexity answers that get monetised, access to Perplexity tech to create their own custom answer engines for their websites, and one year of Perplexity Enterprise Pro for all employees for a year.


Read our full story about the revenue-sharing programme, and Perplexity’s view on its relationship with publishers, here.


Time has signed a “multi-year content deal and strategic partnership” with OpenAI, it revealed on 27 June.

The deal will give the ChatGPT creator access to Time’s 101-year-old archive and its current reporting to give up-to-date answers to users (with a citation and a link back to the website).

Time will also have access to OpenAI tech to build its own products and provide feedback to the tech company on the delivery of journalism through its tools.


Time chief operating officer Mark Howard said: “Throughout our 101-year history, Time has embraced innovation to ensure that the delivery of our trusted journalism evolves alongside technology. This partnership with OpenAI advances our mission to expand access to trusted information globally as we continue to embrace innovative new ways of bringing Time’s journalism to audiences globally.”

OpenAI chief operating officer Brad Lightcap said the deal supports “reputable journalism by providing proper attribution to original sources.”

Vox Media

Vox Media has signed a “strategic content and product partnership” with OpenAI that means content – including archive journalism – from its brands including Vox, The Verge, Eater, New York Magazine, The Cut, Vulture and SB Nation will be surfaced on ChatGPT and also that it can use OpenAI’s tech to develop audience-facing and internal products.

The publisher said it will use OpenAI tech to create stronger creative optimisation and audience segment targeting on its first-party data platform Forte, which is used across all Vox Media sites and on its ad marketplace Concert.


It will also use OpenAI tools to match people with the right products on its search-based affiliate commerce tool The Strategist Gift Scout.

Vox Media co-founder, chair and chief executive Jim Bankoff said: “This agreement aligns with our goals of leveraging generative AI to innovate for our audiences and customers, protect and grow the value of our work and intellectual property, and boost productivity and discoverability to elevate the talent and creativity of our exceptional journalists and creators.”

The Atlantic

The Atlantic also announced on 29 May it has signed a “strategic content and product partnership” with OpenAI meaning its articles will be discoverable within ChatGPT and the AI giant’s other products, with these results providing attribution and links to its website.

The partnership also means The Atlantic “will help to shape how news is surfaced and presented in future real-time discovery products”.


The companies are also collaborating on product and tech, with The Atlantic’s product team given “privileged access” to OpenAI tech to give feedback and help shape the future of news in ChatGPT and other OpenAI products.

The Atlantic said it is currently developing an experimental microsite called Atlantic Labs “to figure out how AI can help in the development of new products and features to better serve its journalism and readers”. It will pilot OpenAI’s and other emerging tech in this work.

Nicholas Thompson, chief executive of The Atlantic, said: “We believe that people searching with AI models will be one of the fundamental ways that people navigate the web in the future.”

He added that the partnership will mean The Atlantic’s reporting is “more discoverable” to OpenAI’s millions of users and give the publisher “a voice in shaping how news is surfaced on their platforms”.


OpenAI chief operating officer Brad Lightcap said: “Enabling access to The Atlantic’s reporting in our products will allow users to more deeply interact with thought-provoking news. We are dedicated to supporting high-quality journalism and the publishing ecosystem.”

[Read more: What’s next for The Atlantic after reaching profitability and 1m subscribers]


The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has announced a partnership with OpenAI for a programme, Newsroom AI Catalyst, designed to “help newsrooms fast-track their AI adoption and implementation to bring efficiencies and create quality content”.

The project will work with 128 newsrooms in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and South Asia providing expert guidance with funding and technical assistance from OpenAI.


Each team will receive three months of learning modules, hands-on workshops, a mini hackathon, and a showcase. They will go back to their newsrooms with a clear plan on how to roll out AI.

Vincent Peyregne, chief executive of WAN-IFRA, said: “News enterprises across the globe have come under pressure from declining advertising and print subscription revenues. The adversity confronting news leaves communities without access to a shared basis of facts and shared values and puts democracy itself at risk.

“AI technologies can positively influence news organisations’ sustainability as long as you quickly grasp the stakes and understand how to turn it to your advantage.”

He added that OpenAI’s support will “help the newsrooms through the adoption of AI technologies to provide high-quality journalism that is the cornerstone of the news business”.


OpenAI’s chief of intellectual property and content Tom Rubin said the programme is “designed to turbocharge the capabilities of 128 newsrooms” and he wants to help “cultivate a healthy, sustainable ecosystem that promotes quality journalism”.

News Corp

News Corp has signed a deal that includes the use of content from many of its major newsbrands in the UK, US and Australia in OpenAI’s large language models, it was announced on 22 May.

The partnership covers content from The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, MarketWatch, Investor’s Business Daily, FN, and the New York Post in the US; The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun in the UK; and The Australian,, The Daily Telegraph, The Courier Mail, The Advertiser, and the Herald Sun in Australia.

The Wall Street Journal put a value on the deal of more than $250m over five years.


News Corp chief executive Robert Thomson described OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman and his team as “principled partners… who understand the commercial and social significance of journalists and journalism.

“This landmark accord is not an end, but the beginning of a beautiful friendship in which we are jointly committed to creating and delivering insight and integrity instantaneously.”

Dotdash Meredith

Dotdash Meredith, which publishes more than 40 titles including People, Instyle and Investopedia, on 7 May signed a multi-year deal with OpenAI that will see its content and links surfaced in ChatGPT responses.

OpenAI will incorporate real-time information from Dotdash sites into ChatGPT’s responses to queries and will use the publisher’s content to train its large language models. Dotdash meanwhile will receive assistance from OpenAI in developing both consumer-facing AI products and its AI-powered contextual advertising tool, D/Cipher.


B2B giant Informa

Business information giant Informa announced a non-exclusive Partnership and Data Access Agreement with Microsoft (the main backer of OpenAI) in a trading update on 8 May. There has been an initial fee of $10m+ and then three more recurring annual payments.

Informa said the deal covers:

Improved Productivity: Explore how AI can enable more effective ways of working at Informa, streamlining operations, utilising Copilot for Microsoft 365 to enable Colleagues to work more efficiently, and enhancing the capabilities of Informa’s existing AI and data platforms (IIRIS);

Citation Engine: Collaborate to further develop automated citation referencing, using the latest technology to improve speed and accuracy;


Specialist Expert Agent: Explore the development of specialised expert agents for customers such as authors and librarians to assist with research, understanding and new knowledge creation/sharing;

Data Access: Provide non-exclusive access to Advanced Learning content and data to help improve relevance and performance of AI systems.”

Informa said the deal “protects intellectual property rights, including limits on verbatim text extracts and alignment on the importance of detailed citation references”.

Axel Springer (again)

Following its deal with OpenAI (see below) Axel Springer has announced an expanded partnership with Microsoft covering AI, advertising, content and cloud computing.


On AI, they will partner to develop new AI-driven chat experiences to inform users using Axel Springer’s journalism.

They added: “In addition, Axel Springer will leverage Microsoft Advertising’s Chat Ads API for generative AI monetisation.”

Their existing adtech collaboration will be expanded from Europe into the US to encompass Politico, while users of Microsoft’s aggregator Start-MSN will have access to more premium content from Axel Springer’s brands. Finally the publisher will migrate its SAP solutions to Microsoft Azure.

Axel Springer chief executive Mathias Dopfner said: “In this new era of AI, partnerships are critical to preserving and promoting independent journalism while ensuring a thriving media landscape.


“We’re optimistic about the future of journalism and the opportunities we can unlock through this expanded partnership with Microsoft.”

Microsoft chairman and chief executive Satya Nadella added: “Our expanded partnership with Axel Springer brings together their leadership in digital publishing with the full power of the Microsoft Cloud — including our ad solutions — to build innovative AI-driven experiences and create new opportunity for advertisers and users.”

Financial Times

On 29 April the Financial Times became the first major UK newsbrand to announce a deal with OpenAI.

The partnership involves up-to-date news content and journalism from the FT archive, meaning it is likely to assist with both real-time queries on ChatGPT and its continued training.


FT Group chief executive John Ridding said: “This is an important agreement in a number of respects.

“It recognises the value of our award-winning journalism and will give us early insights into how content is surfaced through AI… Apart from the benefits to the FT, there are broader implications for the industry. It’s right, of course, that AI platforms pay publishers for the use of their material.”

Le Monde and Prisa Media

OpenAI announced on 13 March it had signed deals with French newsbrand Le Monde and Spanish publisher Prisa Media, which publishes El País, Cinco Días, As and El Huffpost.

The deals will mean ChatGPT users can surface recent content from both publishers through “select summaries with attribution and enhanced links to the original articles”, while their content will be allowed to contribute to training OpenAI’s models.


Le Monde chief executive Louis Dreyfus said: “At the moment we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of Le Monde, this partnership with OpenAI allows us to expand our reach and uphold our commitment to providing accurate, verified, balanced news stories at scale.

“Collaborating with OpenAI ensures that our authoritative content can be accessed and appreciated by a broader, more diverse audience… Our partnership with OpenAI is a strategic move to ensure the dissemination of reliable information to AI users, safeguarding our journalistic integrity and revenue streams in the process.”

Carlos Nuñez, chairman and chief executive of Prisa Media added: “Joining forces with OpenAI opens new avenues for us to engage with our audience. Leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities allows us to present our in-depth, quality journalism in novel ways, reaching individuals who seek credible and independent content.

“This is a definite step towards the future of news, where technology and human expertise merge to enrich the reader’s experience.”



Thomson Reuters chief executive Steve Hasker told the Financial Times that the company had struck “a number” of deals with AI companies looking to use Reuters news content to train their models but he did not give any further details about who was involved in the deals or for how much.

He did say that “there appears to be a market price evolving”, adding: “These models need to be fed. And they may as well be fed by the highest-quality, independent fact-based content. We have done a number of those deals, and we’re exploring the potential there.”

However away from the Reuters news part of the business Thomson Reuters is suing Ross Intelligence for allegedly unlawfully copying content from its legal research platform Westlaw to train a rival AI-powered intelligence platform.

Unknown independent publishers

A handful of unnamed independent publishers are taking part in a private programme with Google, according to Adweek, which will see them paid a five-figure annual sum to take part in a trial of a new AI platform.


The publishers are reportedly expected to produce a certain number of stories for a year and provide analytics and feedback in exchange.


Social media platform Reddit has signed a deal allowing its content to be used by Google in the training of its AI tools. Reuters reported that the deal is worth around $60m per year.

Although not a news organisation, the Reddit deal is still a content licensing deal. There is also likely to be news media content copied within Reddit posts from users on the platform which could therefore fall within the remit of the deal.

Semafor (sort of)

Ben Smith and Justin B Smith’s start-up Semafor has secured “substantial” Microsoft sponsorship for an AI-driven news feed, although this was not built by the tech giant but by the newsroom itself.


The deal, announced in February, will see Microsoft help Semafor refine the tool and makes the digital outlet one of the first newsrooms to heavily involve ChatGPT in their workflow.

Although not a content deal as such, the agreement indicates a level of co-operation rather than acrimony.

Axel Springer

In December Politico, Business Insider, Bild and Welt owner Axel Springer agreed a partnership with OpenAI that would see its content summarised within ChatGPT around the world, including otherwise paywalled content, with links and attribution. Axel Springer’s content is permitted to be used to train OpenAI products going forward.

Axel Springer can also use OpenAI technology to continue building its own AI products.


Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner said: “We are excited to have shaped this global partnership between Axel Springer and OpenAI – the first of its kind. We want to explore the opportunities of AI empowered journalism – to bring quality, societal relevance and the business model of journalism to the next level.”

American Journalism Project

In July 2023 OpenAI committed $5m to the American Journalism Project, a philanthropic organisation working to support and rebuild local news organisations, to support the expansion of its work. It also pledged up to $5m in OpenAI API credits to help participating organisations try out emerging AI technologies.

American Journalism Project chief executive Sarabeth Berman said: “To ensure local journalism remains an essential pillar of our democracy, we need to be smart about the potential powers and pitfalls of new technology. In these early days of generative AI, we have the opportunity to ensure that local news organisations, and their communities, are involved in shaping its implications. With this partnership, we aim to promote ways for AI to enhance—rather than imperil—journalism.”

Associated Press

OpenAI and Associated Press signed a deal in July 2023 that allows the AI company to license the news agency’s content archive going back to 1985 for training purposes.


The companies said they are also looking at “potential use cases for generative AI in news products and services” but did not share specifics.

Kristin Heitmann, AP senior vice president and chief revenue officer, said: “We are pleased that OpenAI recognises that fact-based, nonpartisan news content is essential to this evolving technology, and that they respect the value of our intellectual property. AP firmly supports a framework that will ensure intellectual property is protected and content creators are fairly compensated for their work.”

One professor told AP the deal could be particularly beneficial to OpenAI because it would mean they can still use a wealth of trusted content even if they lose other lawsuits and are forced to delete training data as a result, from The New York Times for example.


In July 2023 Shutterstock expanded its partnership with OpenAI with a six-year agreement allowing access to a wealth of training data including images, videos, music and associated metadata.


For its part, Shutterstock gets “priority access” to new OpenAI technology and can offer DALL-E’s text-to-image capabilities directly within its platform.

The post Who’s suing AI and who’s signing: Publisher deals vs lawsuits with generative AI companies appeared first on Press Gazette.

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Gaza, the War on Terror, and America’s crisis of democracy



Gaza, the War on Terror, and America's crisis of democracy
YouTube video

War is a daily fixture of American life—the US military occupies at least 750 overseas bases, and it has executed military operations in nations around the globe over the past 20 years. But most Americans have remained unaware of this, thanks to a coordinated effort by politicians, corporate media, and the military-industrial complex to make the realities of American militarism invisible to the public. As author Norman Solomon writes in his new book War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of the Military Machine, “America has been conditioned to accept ongoing wars without ever really knowing what they’re doing to people we’ll never see.” TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez speaks with Solomon about his book, the political crisis that decades of invisible war have generated in US domestic politics, and how images of the ongoing carnage in Gaza have exposed the horrors of war that the US worked to make invisible in the post-9/11 era.

Norman Solomon is the cofounder of, executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, and the author of numerous books, including War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death and War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of the Military Machine.

Studio Production: David Hebden
Post-Production: Adam Coley


Maximillian Alvarez:  In his 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language”, George Orwell famously observed, “In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. Things like the continuance of British rule in India, the Russian purges and deportations, the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan, can indeed be defended, but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face.

“Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question begging, and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers. People are imprisoned for years without trial, or shot in the back of the neck, or sent to die of scurvy in Arctic lumber camps: this is called elimination of unreliable elements.

“Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.”


Now, Orwell never could have imagined the ways the 21st century media ecosystem would enable powers narrators to deploy the thought-corrupting and reality-skewing force of language to instigate, justify, muddle or invisibilize the horrors perpetrated in our name.

But what he understood nearly a century ago about the relationship between power, language, and the visibility of atrocity has proven to be grimly timeless. Defending the indefensible is the proven modus operandi of the same consent manufacturing machine that propelled us into an unwinnable, illegal, and globally destabilizing war on terror over 20 years ago.

And, “Euphemism, question begging, and sheer cloudy vagueness,” have been the tried and tested tools of first resort, employed by corporate media and US political and military officials looking to justify Israel’s US-backed genocidal assault on Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, its invasion of Lebanon, and its reckless, nihilistic campaign to embroil the Middle East in an all-out regional war.

In his latest book, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine, the great Norman Solomon, co-founder of and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy writes, “America has been conditioned to accept ongoing wars without ever really knowing what they’re doing to people we’ll never see. Patterns of convenient silence and deceptive messaging are as necessary for perpetual war as the Pentagon’s bombs and missiles. Patterns so familiar that they’re apt to seem normal, even natural.


“But the uninformed consent of the governed is a perverse and hollow kind of consent. While short on genuine democracy, the process is long on fueling a constant state of war. To activate a more democratic process will require lifting the fog that obscures the actual dynamics of militarism far away and close at home.”

As we commemorate the grim anniversary of Oct. 7 and reflect on a year of what has been called the most documented genocide in history, as working people around the world struggle to get by and live their lives while bombs and guns obliterate our fellow human beings in Palestine, Ukraine, Lebanon, Sudan, and beyond. When it feels for many of us, like we’ve already seen too much: too much war, too much death, too much carnage, it is important to stop and ask ourselves, how much are we still not seeing? And has the increased visibility of war over the past year changed who we are and how we act to stop it?

To help us break this all down and to discuss his vital book, War Made Invisible, I’m honored to be joined by Norman Solomon himself.

Brother Norman, thank you so much for joining me today on The Real News Network. I really appreciate it.


Norman Solomon:  Well, thank you, Max, and you posed such a key question: What are we still not seeing? And we’re encouraged to have this sort of conceit that if we look at the mainline mainstream news and we pay attention to that, that somehow, for instance, we have a grasp, an understanding, intellectually and emotionally, what’s going on in Gaza. And that is basically preposterous, but the conceit that is encouraged compounds the deception. And the whole idea that we understand a war because we watch the news, we listen to it, we read it, is part of the propaganda system itself.

Maximillian Alvarez:  I already have explosions of thoughts in my head just hearing that opening salvo from you, and I really can’t recommend Norman’s book enough to everyone watching. Please, go read it, it is vital in these times.

And Norman, I want to build on that, because the paperback version of your book begins in the post-9/11 moment, a little over 20 years ago, and it concludes with an afterword on Gaza. I want those two points to frame our discussion today.

And I was wondering if you could take us there in those immediate months and years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and talk us through what you were seeing and would then write about in War Made Easy. The ways that the carnage was being invisibilized, the ways the public was being manipulated, and the relationship that we had to the war that was being perpetrated in our name.


Norman Solomon:  What’s going on now is really a continuation in various permutations of what began after 9/11. We had, essentially, a preemptive absolution for the US government because of the crime against humanity on 9/11, that whatever the United States did after that, in ostensible response, which was really just displaced rage and nationalism and militarism, that that was okay, that it was justified. And we’ve seen that echo today in terms of what the US and Israeli government are saying about the ongoing slaughter in Gaza, and now, increasingly, in Lebanon as well.

So for instance, at the end of 2001, you had then Defense Secretary — And it’s uppercase D, I wouldn’t say it’s about defense — But Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, he said, every death in Afghanistan, whether it is American, whether it is Afghan civilians, every single death is the result of and the culpability of Al-Qaeda. So that was like a blank, bloody check for whatever the US was to do was justified by citing the initial crime.

And I think this is a paradigm from that day to this. When you look at the numbers — And of course people are not numbers, but they are ways for us to understand magnitude — 3,000 deaths from the atrocity on 9/11. And then, according to the Brown University Cost of War project, the direct deaths as a result of the ensuing US so-called war on terror, 950,000 deaths, about half of them civilians. And then you go to the indirect deaths, and the Brown University study says 4.5 million deaths as a result of the US-led so-called war on terror.

So you look at 3,000 deaths, and then you look at direct close to one million, indirect adding up to more than four million. What is that about? What kind of culture, what kind of political system will engage in collective punishment of people who are guilty of breathing while Afghan, breathing while Iraqi? Or fast-forward more than two decades, what kind of political culture in the United States will continue to arm an Israeli government that is killing people for the transgression of breathing while Palestinian?


So this is a culture of mass murder that has emanated from or certainly got a huge boost from the response to 9/11. And here we are, what, more than two decades later, and the baseline continues to drop, so the standards continue to be degraded.

I recently saw an excerpt from a film by the wonderful folks at the Media Education Foundation from their film The Occupation of the American Mind, it’s been recirculated now online. And they chronicle the coverage of the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 1982, making possible the Israeli-backed right-wing massacre into the thousands of refugees at Sabra and Shatila refugee camp in Beirut.

And to see the footage of the US networks in 1982 and compare it to what generally we have seen in 2024 in terms of the coverage of the current Israeli slaughter going on, it is shocking because, as inadequate as the coverage was in 1982 on the US networks, it was much better, it was more candid, it was more willing to call out Israel than what we’re getting now.

So I think a challenge as independent journalists, as progressive media institutions that The Real News Network and others are stepping onto to really step up to the challenge is to say, we don’t put up with this. We don’t accept a propaganda system that is consistent with what Martin Luther King Jr. called the madness of militarism. And Max, you referred to the consequences of the warfare state at home domestically, and it’s really what we know, what goes around comes around.


Dr. King referred to it, and these were his words, he said it was, “A demonic, destructive suction tube,” that was taking billions of dollars worth of resources for healthcare, education, housing, elderly care, neonatal care, you name it, and it was siphoning those resources to kill people in Vietnam.

And we’re talking now towards the end of 2024, and that dynamic is in full force, is ripping off. It is literally depriving lives of existence here at home while that funding, including most recently $20 billion with a B, dollars green-lighted by the White House, more weapons to Israel, that money, our tax dollars courtesy of US taxpayers, is paying to slaughter Palestinian people.

Maximillian Alvarez:  Yeah, man. I mean, the marquee out in front of The Real News Network building currently reads the bar from Tupac Shakur, “They got money for wars but can’t feed the poor.” And I dream of the day when we can change the marquee and that slogan will no longer be relevant, but I feel we’re going to be waiting for a long time.

But Vietnam feels like a great example to bring up, not only because visibility and truth telling did play a critical role in public opinion on the war, the protest movement, so on and so forth, with images of My Lai Massacre and so on and so forth. Those images are burned into people’s minds. And there was also, of course, a draft. There were more tangible connections that people had to the machinery of war that, as you said, in the 21st century, those tangible connections have been severed, invisibilized, buried underground.


So, what was it about the 21st century US approach to war that made it so much easier to not only perpetrate but to do so at industrial scale the way that we have? What changed in the 21st century that enabled the US and other countries to make war so much easier?

Norman Solomon:  Well, really, the disconnection has increased over time. It’s been an evolution of distancing people in the United States from the wars that are perpetrated with their tax dollars in their names. It is so much easier for elites to start wars than for people then to stop them. And, certainly, during escalation of the Vietnam War, it was considered by those in power to be, per se, fairly easy to do.

And contrary to myth, it wasn’t the US media, the TV networks that stirred up the protests. It was the protests that changed the political climate that compelled, along with the longevity of the war and the failure to “win” that brought, kicking and screaming, reluctantly, the networks to show, actually, not very much of the carnage. But it was part of a tone that changed that ultimately had some political effect.

There’s much ballyhoo about when Walter Cronkite in 1968 said the war was in a stalemate and could not be won. What is often forgotten is that Cronkite never made a principled objection to the war. His objection was that it wasn’t being won.


And if you look at the paradigms of the last several decades, when there has been a war that the United States can wage routinely, I have to say, and my books have documented and many others have documented, based on falsehoods, if the wars can be “won quickly”, they remain popular.

And so in 1991 when the first President Bush launched a war on Iraq, and that war included the notorious, so-called horrible word, horrible phrase, “turkey shoot” of retreating Iraqi soldiers from Kuwait, literally gunned down in huge quantities from the air.

Bush had tremendous popularity. He had been in the low 50, 60% approval rating right before that because of the economy. Right after this triumph of the US war, what’s called the Gulf War in 1991, Bush’s popularity rating went up to 91%. Why? Because the war just took six weeks.

And this is embedded in US media and politics, and, unfortunately, to a large extent, in the public perception, if the war can be a triumph, it can be done early, not a lot of Americans die, then that’s considered to be a good thing. So the underlying militarism can vary in terms of how it plays out.


I think in also another aspect of the answer to your question, in this century, the immediate aftermath of 9/11, within a couple of years, the invasions of Afghanistan and then Iraq. First, it was a lot of cheerleading. The bombing of Afghanistan that was launched in October of 2001 in the aftermath of 9/11, it’s stunning when you look at the Gallup polls.

90% of the US public supported the US attack on Afghanistan, 5% opposed, the other five said they weren’t sure. Well, that’s Soviet Union-style approval. That is like dictatorship, propaganda system approval levels, sky high.

And then in 2003, the US invasion and then war on Iraq essentially… Well, at least at that stage, we had media coverage. It didn’t mean it told us much about war at all, but there were US troops who were on TV, there were photographs, there were countless stories about them. They were fighting, they were doing a lot of killing, especially from the air, and some of them were dying. And the invisibility of US wars has been escalating as the number of US troops directly involved has been drastically decreasing.

And now more than ever, these are push button wars. The US is still engaged in dozens and dozens of different countries under the rubric of war on terror, counterinsurgency, a lot of it is secret, special ops going on.


And so we’re in a warfare state but, to a large extent, there’s virtually no media coverage of it except from independent, progressive, anti-war oriented media outlets. And the net result is that we have a huge military budget and it goes virtually unchallenged. I mean, the official, so-called Defense Department budget is now around $900 billion with a B a year, heading very close to $1 trillion with a T. That doesn’t include nuclear weapons, some veterans benefits as a result of trying to mitigate these terrible results of these wars.

Some of the invisibility layers include, for instance, I had to triple check this number because I was working on War Made Invisible, and I saw, oh, US soldiers who were involved in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, when they came home to the US, how many of them had traumatic brain injury? 300,000. Can you imagine, 300,000 men and some women walking around the United States with traumatic brain injury? That’s an invisibility. All kinds of trauma.

In War Made Invisible, I talk about the much higher rates of spousal abuse and violence from veterans, especially those who have seen combat. The moral corrosion, what’s been called moral injury, involved.

And also, I would say in the current context — And I tried to get into this in the afterword of the paperback of War Made Invisible — The moral corrosion to live in a country that is subsidizing mass murder and genocide and not calling it that at all.


Max, when you were quoting that powerful excerpt from George Orwell, it made me remember as well, I think it was him that said that telling the truth can be, is actually, a subversive act.

And so our challenge now living in a warfare state based on lies, approving of and even glorifying slaughter by the US military and its allies. Now, in the Middle East most of all, of course, Israel, we have this challenge to subvert the warfare state. And we’re very much swimming upstream, but at the same time, while the mainstream is trying to cascade to tell us to be quiet, we know that, in history, we have been and are part of a tradition of Cassandras.

We’re linked to, in the last many decades, people, organizations, and movements who said the escalation of the Vietnam War is wrong. The response to 9/11 to create the so-called war on terror was insanity. What has now been done to Afghanistan because of the US war, what was done to Iraq, we tried to warn the elites.

And I think it’s important for us to augment our mission from we want to speak truth to power, which is, that’s okay, but power knows what they’re doing. It’s not a revelation to them, in most cases, what they’re doing. We also need to speak truth about power. So it’s not a vertical, it’s a horizontal, because that’s about education, agitation, organizing, and building movements.


Maximillian Alvarez:  I want to talk about the process of invisibilization and the role that the Obama years played in that. Because I think this, what you write so brilliantly about in your book, when I was reading it, I was thinking, this could apply to a lot of different political subjects that did not go away during the Obama era, but in many ways were just pushed under the radar. 

So I feel like the Obama years, in terms of the political sentiments that were fomenting in this country, the underlying economic processes that were creating an even vaster gulf of inequality between the haves and have-nots, and also the reality of militarism, US-perpetrated militarism.

To say nothing of Obama being called the deporter -in-chief, not because he was doing the more visible workplace raids and home raids of the Bush era and previous eras, but because he was using “paper deportations”, the unseen methods, which were proved to be much more efficient at expelling undocumented people from this country.

So in so many ways, the Obama era was characterized by its ability, its deft ability to invisibilize so many of these nefarious forces.


And I wanted to ask if you could talk a bit about what that looked like on the side of the military-industrial complex. Because like I said, there was a visibility component to the war on terror. There was the shock and awe, there were boots on the ground, there were displays of military pride. Again, I remember, I was there. I was one of the guys who didn’t know shit from shit and was cheering it on at that time.

But then we really, in a few short years, really transition to drone warfare, like you said, the warfare of button clicking, and the invisibilization of the carnage. Talk us through a little more what was happening in that first decade of the 21st century that was creating a war machine that could make itself so thoroughly invisible to a public that was back here at home, none the wiser, seemingly?

Norman Solomon:  In foreign policy, President Obama made the so-called war on terror bipartisan. And there had been a negative energy from a lot of people who identified as Democrats, and certainly as progressives, that President George W. Bush had taken the country off the rails, that the invasion of Iraq, again, what so many anti-war progressive people had warned against, actually turned out to be a horrific disaster on virtually any level.

And so when Obama came in in early 2009, it was an opportunity to truly turn the page. Instead, he actually sent more troops into Afghanistan. He kept the war going in Iraq, and, ideologically and culturally, really pushed to say that militarism should be not only bipartisan, but considered to be identical with patriotism and standing with your country.


And he was part of a trend that is so sad. I’m old enough to remember when the Congressional Black Caucus was just inspiring. They had an annual alternative budget. We had Ron Dellums, we had Shirley Chisholm, we had John Conyers. These were visionaries who were in step with what Martin Luther King Jr. talked about. They were drum majors for peace. They really made the connections explicit between the militarism and spending for killing overseas, and the deprivation and oppression of poor people, the rainbow, and especially people of color disproportionately in this country.

There cropped up posters during the Obama presidency. And there’s a picture of him and Dr. King, and over Dr. King’s picture was, “I have a dream”, and over Barack Obama’s picture, “I have a drone”.

And I document in War Made Invisible how he just talked the usual nonsense. You would talk to the troops in Afghanistan, and gratuitously, it was unnecessarily politically or anywhere else. It normalized the idea that the best thing you can do is die for your country. It became some oratory, that I mentioned, that was macabre.

Imagine going to Bagram Air Base and telling the troops there that you may join the others who are buried in the special plot at Arlington Cemetery. You really have an opportunity to give for your country. This is a sort of a, dare I say necrophilia. It’s a worship of death in the ostensible service of your country when, actually, it’s in service of the military contractors.


And I talk about in the book, we have gotten so propagandized that often even those of us who oppose the militarism of the US government, we call it a defense budget. We talk about defense spending, a lowercase d, and that is part of the triumph. We’re giving ground to the militarism culture. Very little of the Pentagon budget has anything to do with defense. They can capitalize D, Defense Department, that doesn’t make it real in terms of it’s about defending this country.

And meanwhile, we have this tremendous climate emergency, and we have, as you’ve been referring to Max, this tremendous range of deprivation in our own country. It’s been said that the federal budget is a moral document, or could be, and right now we have a very immoral budget.

And so, as we speak, we have a crossroads of this election. In foreign policy, it’s hard to see very specific differences between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. But with domestic policy, there are huge differences because if Trump is elected and his coterie is brought in with fascistic politics, then the left, then progressives, then anti-war forces, we’ll be back on our heels. We’ll be defending the meager gains that have been achieved by progressives — Important gains, but definitely insufficient gains that have been achieved in the last 10, 20 years.

So I think we’re facing this paradox. No matter what, we should speak truthfully, and that means not pulling our verbal punches, that means challenging those in power, whoever they might be.


Maximillian Alvarez:  But over the past year, the visibility of carnage has been one of the most profound forces shaping people’s understanding of what’s happening right now. The social media images of Palestinian men, women, children, elderly people blown apart. Body parts, visceral carnage on people’s social media feeds.

I wanted to ask how the visibility of Israel’s war on Palestine over the past year, how, if at all, that has changed the political dynamics that you were writing about in 2006?

Norman Solomon:  Well, the fact that younger people, say under 40, are much more opposed to what Israel is doing than the older demographics speaks, in part, to just less years being propagandized about Israel and more willingness to just look at human rights as human rights, to be consistent about it. And of course, more orientation towards what they see in social media rather than in so-called legacy media.

I think that, ultimately, and this sort of connects to your previous point, is that if we’re going to face a fascist or neo-fascist regime, and I think it’s fair to say that’s what a Trump regime would look like if it comes in, then the capacity to respond to the horrors that we do know about, that we have seen through video and narratives and accounts, that capacity is to hit a brick wall. That’s one of, I think, the most worrying, to put mildly, specters ahead, that fork in the road.


Whereas if we flip it over, yes, the greater awareness — And this is a big change — The awareness of the need to support Palestinian rights and to challenge the terrible joint militarism of the US and the Israeli governments, that has begun to chip away at the foundation of automatic support of US for Israel.

We got a long way to go. I am absolutely, fully aware that that’s true. But if you’re dealing with a wall, which is the Republican Party, then you’re going to just keep hitting the wall. If you’re dealing with a wall that has some cracks in it and there’s a possibility to utilize what we have learned about the murderous qualities of the Israeli government vis-a-vis Palestinian people, the apartheid, the exclusionary policies, the ethnic cleansing, then are we going to have some space to work in, to organize in?

And as you know, Max, from reading War Made Invisible, I have no sparing of words for Joe Biden. I think his policies have been outrageous. I think he’s an accomplice to mass murder. There’s no question about that in terms of his role vis-a-vis Israel.

We don’t know what’s coming up, but we do know that we have to organize and we need to and want to organize in the best possible conditions to build further momentum for the movements that are really necessary.


Maximillian Alvarez:  In many ways, I remember looking one time when I was cleaning my kitchen, I found one of those potatoes that had been sitting there for a long time, and it had the sprouts grown out of it. And the sprouts had grown long, the potato had shriveled. And I stared at it thinking, that’s America, basically. We are an international war machine with a domestic government attached to it at this point, but it is increasingly a vestigial domestic body politic, it feels like.

And people feel that. The people I interview, working people, red states, blue states union, non-union. People are not stupid, they know and feel and see that, as we already mentioned. People devastated by Hurricane Helene in the same week that we’re learning about more military aid being sent to Israel. So that is creating a political rage that has nowhere to go.

And that’s where I wanted to end up with, which is where does this go if it is not channeled into a grassroots, coalitional movement, a people-led movement to bend power to our will? If people don’t have that outlet, then that rage turns sideways, it festers or it turns to nihilism.

And therein lies the question about the efficacy of visibility here in fighting the war machine. People have seen more of Israel’s war on Palestine and the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians than many had… It’s been more carnage that people have seen over the past year than they have perhaps in their whole lives that has propelled so many people to protest on the streets. Largest Palestine solidarity protests in the history of our country in DC multiple times in the past year. And yet, power persists with its current program under a Democratic administration. Republican administration is not going to change that, just look at their past policies.


So when people are both made aware by the increased visibility, their hearts are opened up to the human toll of this war because of the visibility of the carnage they’re seeing, but they are left a year later feeling like we’ve made no progress in changing the dynamics of power and influencing the people in power to stop this, then you have people who just give up. You have people who turn to figures like Trump in the hopes that he could be a big enough battering ram to shake something loose.

So I ask you, brother Norman Solomon, I want to give you the final word here. Has the increased visibility of war brought us closer to doing something to stop this suicidal path that we are currently on? And if it hasn’t, what else needs to happen to get us there?

Norman Solomon:  As you referred to, there’s tremendous rage, anger, and pain that a lot of people are feeling in a lot of dimensions. And that certainly applies to the Israeli war on Gaza. That pain, that rage that people feel, whether it’s their own economic situations or about US foreign policy, it can be a seedbed for all sorts of responses. It can be one for the fascistic approach and analysis such as it is from the Trump people, or it can be a genuine progressive response.

And I often think of a saying I heard from a musician, “You might feel like you’re getting lost, but you won’t if you know the blues.” And I think that applies to having a single standard of human rights and empathy for all people and holding to principles that are not just affirming for me and my loved ones, but people I don’t even know.


The phrase human rights, it might be sometimes abused, but I think it’s a very profound one, whether it’s access to housing and healthcare and education down the block or across the United States, or whether it’s people on other continents that we should hold to those principles. And I think that’s a pathway forward to invoke that, to talk about.

I was very impressed by the book The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi, and he ends up talking about that the messaging about the Middle East should definitely include emphasis on equality, that we oppose apartheid, that we oppose discrimination and relegation of people to second or third or fourth class citizenship, that we believe in a single standard of equality and human rights for everybody. And that’s sort of like, you might say, a Swiss Army knife. It applies in a lot of situations, home and abroad, many different places.

In terms of war, the visibility of war is not sufficient, but it’s necessary. And as I mentioned in the book, it’s possible for people to see on their TV screens or they’re scrolling images and video of war and horrors of war and conclude, well, that’s the way war is, or we gotta get it done quickly. Or, as Donald Trump said, we should help Israel “finish the job.”

That’s one conclusion because it doesn’t have a grounding in human rights, and it doesn’t have a context provided as to the suppression of some people over decades and centuries, even, in many cases.


So I would sum up a single standard of human rights, when we hold to it, when we insist on it, and we put a context — Not only insist that the suffering from war be made explicitly visible, but we put a historical context around it so that we don’t have the situation of simply empathy human rights stories, which, again, are necessary but insufficient to show the suffering, for instance, in Gaza.

Yes, it’s necessary, but it’s not sufficient because we don’t want to go with victims without victimizers. They are victims, they’re human beings, just as precious as the people you’re going to see at the shopping center near where you live. That has to be made crystal clear.

What also has to be crystal clear is that they are not victims of an act of God or a hurricane or a flood that came as an act of nature. They are victims with victimizers. And in the case of Gaza, the victimizers are at the top of the governments of Israel and the United States.

Maximillian Alvarez:  So that is the great Norman Solomon, co-founder of, and the executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, and the author of the vital new book War Made Invisible. Norm, thank you so much for joining us today on The Real News Network, brother. I really, really appreciate it.


Norman Solomon:  Hey, thanks a lot, Max.

Maximillian Alvarez:  And to all of you watching, please, before you go, head on over to, support our work so we can bring you more important coverage and conversations just like this, as well as all the vital on-the-ground documentary reporting that we have been publishing from Gaza, the West Bank, and around the world. Please support our work. Take care of yourselves, take care of each other, solidarity forever.


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Spain looks to immigrants to drive economy



Spain looks to immigrants to drive economy
BBC Smiling asylum seekers playing the game bingo at a hotel in northern SpainBBC

Asylum seekers such as these can find work in Spain six months after they have arrived

A group of Sub-Saharan African men are playing bingo in a conference room of a hotel near the northern Spanish city of León.

They laugh and celebrate when their numbers are called out, but many of these asylum seekers have harrowing stories.

Among them is Michael, who fled Ghana to escape a violent feud that saw his sister and father killed. After travelling by land to Morocco, he paid a trafficker who put him on an inflatable boat crammed with people which took him to the Canary Islands.

“I was so happy, because I knew all my troubles, and the people trying to kill me, were behind me,” he says. “Because once you are in Spain you are safe.”


In Ghana he worked as a petrol pump attendant and a storekeeper. He also started studying human resource management, which he hopes to be able to continue in Spain once he has settled.

“Spain is one of the most respected countries in the world,” he says. “Being here is an opportunity for me.”

Getty Images Migrants and refugees wearing blankets to stay warm are standing on a boat, operated by Spain's Maritime Rescue ServiceGetty Images

Migrants and refugees who try to take small boats to Spain often have to be rescued

Around 170 asylum seekers are staying in this hotel, in the town of Villaquilambre, which has been converted into a migrant centre.

They are among the many thousands of people who take the maritime route between the African coast and Spain each year.


So far this year, more than 42,000 undocumented migrants have arrived in Spain, an increase of 59% on 2023, the vast majority having undertaken the perilous crossing to the Canary Islands.

The archipelago’s difficulties in managing these large numbers have contributed to a fierce political debate about immigration, mirroring that in many other European countries. In Spain the controversy is driven in great part by the far-right Vox party, which frequently describes the trend as an “invasion”.

However, the arrivals have also underlined a major potential source of manpower for an economy which faces stiff demographic challenges.

Javier Díaz-Giménez, a professor of economics at the IESE business school and an expert in pensions, says that a baby boom which lasted from the mid-50 to the late-70s has created a generation of Spaniards who are heading for pension age, and the “baby crash” that followed means there are not enough workers to replace them.


“The next 20 years are going to be critical, because more and more people are going to retire,” he says. “According to the most recent demographic scenario, 14.1 million people will retire during that time.”

One way of tackling the workforce deficit, he says, is to ape the kind of economic model implemented by Japan, which has a similarly low birth rate, by investing heavily in algorithms and machines. The obvious alternative to that is immigration.

“If you want to grow GDP, if you want to pay pensions for all the retiring baby boomers, you need to grow GDP in a different way to how we’re growing it now, because there will not be as many people, unless we bring them in through immigration,” adds Prof Díaz-Giménez.

Getty Images Elderly women in Mallorca walking with sticksGetty Images

Spain has an aging population

Spain’s central bank has put a figure on the projected labour shortfall. In a report published in April, it said that the country will need around 25 million immigrants over the next 30 years.


The left-wing Spanish government has also made the economic case for immigrants, with Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez describing them as representing “wealth, development and prosperity” for his country, while on a recent tour of Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal.

“The contribution of migrant workers to our economy is fundamental, as is the sustainability of our social security system and pensions,” he said.

Mr Sánchez’s coalition is hoping that a proposal to legalise the status of up to 500,000 undocumented migrants, mainly from Latin America, will get through parliament. Spain has seen nine such mass regularisations in its democratic era, most recently in 2005 under a previous government led by the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party.

However, the country’s economic needs contrast with ordinary Spaniards’ perception of immigration. A new poll shows that 41% of people are “very worried” by the phenomenon, making it their fifth-biggest concern after inflation, housing, inequality and unemployment.


While only 9% of Spaniards associate immigrants with economic progress, 30% link them to insecurity, and 57% believe that there are too many of them.

Villaquilambre, meanwhile, is an example of how undocumented new arrivals can integrate into the workforce.

The asylum seekers here are allowed to work six months after their arrival in Spain.

“Before they receive the authorisation to start working we place great emphasis on them learning Spanish, as well as offering them training courses and classes on risk avoidance,” says Dolores Queiro, of the San Juan de Dios Foundation, the non-governmental organisation that manages the migrant centre in Villaquilambre.


“When the date for them being able to start working approaches we get in touch with different companies – and they contact us as well – and we start looking for jobs for them.”

Companies get in touch, she says, “because they know that we have people here who want to work.”

Migrant worker Makan, from Mali, looks into the camera in his work uniform at the Spanish firm he works for

Makan, from Mali, now works for a local Spanish business

Makan, from Mali, has just started working for a local business, GraMaLeon, which makes walls, bathrooms and kitchen counters out of marble and granite. He commutes the short distance from the hotel to the factory each day on an electric scooter.

“I’m happy to be working,” he says, in halting Spanish, after completing a shift hauling slabs of marble around the factory.


Ramiro Rodríguez Alaez, co-owner of the business, which employs around 20 people, says that finding workers is not easy.

“We need a lot of manpower in this profession. But it’s tough, it gets cold, you have to lift heavy weight, so it’s not a job that many young people here want to do.

“There aren’t a lot of companies in this industry around here, but those that do exist all need people. We’re all looking for people locally and we can’t find them.”

He adds: “Immigrants provide an important source of manpower for us.”

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Major supermarket is offering unlimited free refills on hot drinks this winter – how to get them



Major supermarket is offering unlimited free refills on hot drinks this winter - how to get them

HERE’S how you could get unlimited free refills on hot drinks this winter at a major supermarket.

The chain is offering a Winter Refills Allowance which provides unlimited free refills across all self-serve hot drinks at its cafés.

Morrisons has said it will provide unlimited free refills on hot drinks throughout winter


Morrisons has said it will provide unlimited free refills on hot drinks throughout winterCredit: Alamy

Morrisons made the announcement in order to “help customers stay warm throughout the colder months.”


Unlimited free refills will be available across all its self-serve hot drinks including fruit teas, lattes, cappuccinos and hot chocolates.

The supermarket giant has a wide range of beverages available to warm the body and soul starting from just £1.85.

Those looking to complement their hot drink with a sweet treat can also do so for just £4.

Morrisons offers a range of desserts including Victoria sponge cake and Sicilian lemon muffins.


The chain’s cafés also offer affordable breakfast, lunch and dinner options.

For example, breakfast sandwiches and a hot drink cost just £4.25 while an adult sandwich meal deal is £6.50.

Plus, kids eat free every day, seven days a week when customers purchase an adult meal costing £5 or over, available for any child aged under 16 in Morrisons Cafés nationwide.

Main meals can be found on the menu under ‘The Breakfasts’, ‘The Classics’ or the ’Chippy’ – ‘Extras’ are not included.


Customers can receive one free kids meal from the kids menu that includes favourites like Chicken Nuggets, Chips and Beans, Bangers and Mash or Mac ‘n’ Cheese – which would usually be £3.50 each.

Top things to buy at Morrisons

The offer is also available on the Kids Pick n Mix meal deal from the fridge.

Children must be under the age of 16 and with an adult at the time of purchase.

Becky Wilson, Morrisons Café Buyer, said: “We are always looking for ways to give our customers more reasons to visit our Cafés – and the Winter Refills Allowance does just that.


“As well as the quality food at affordable prices, our Cafés are a space for communities to connect, work or relax, and they can now do so over a warm mug of their choosing.”

Morrisons is not alone in providing unlimited free refills on its hot drinks, however.

Pub chain Wetherspoons, for example, provides bottomless top ups on its wide range of hot drinks, starting at just £1.56.

List of cakes available in Morrisons deal


HERE’S the full list of sweet treats available in Morrisons’ £4 offer.

  • Blueberry Muffin
  • Lemon Muffin
  • Chocolate Muffin
  • Chocolate Fudge Cake
  • Carrot Loaf Cake
  • Victoria Sponge
  • Lemon Drizzle Loaf Cake
  • Childrens Cupcakes
  • Salted Caramel Brownie
  • Rocky Road
  • Caramel Shortbread
  • Raspberry & Almond Slice
  • Rainbow Cookie
  • Toffee & Pecan Yum Yum
  • Biscoff Cheesecake
  • Lemon Cheesecake
  • Gingerbread Biscuit
  • Carrot and Walnut Cake
  • Seasonal Muffin
  • Doughnut
  • Scone
  • Croissant
  • Cookie
  • McGhees Empire Biscuit (Scotland)
  • McGhees Pineapple Tart (Scotland)
  • Tunnocks Tea Cakes (Scotland)
  • Lemon Meringue Pie
  • Chocolate Lumpy Bumpy
  • Egg Custard Slice
  • Victoria Sponge Cake
  • Salted Caramel Chocolate Brownie
  • Childrens Cupcakes
  • Sicilian Lemon Muffin
  • Wild Blueberry Muffin
  • Croissant
  • Walker’s Giant Shortbread Fingers
  • Caramel Shortbread
  • Mrs Crimbles Macaroon
  • Shortbread Fingers
  • Giant Jammie Dodger
  • Carrot and Walnut Cake
  • Chocolate Fudge Cake

Other ways to get free hot drinks

There are also other ways to nab free hot drinks this winter.

Greggs: Download the bakery chain’s app and sign up to its loyalty scheme for the first time to get a free hot drink.

The offer includes tea, coffee and hot chocolate.

You’ll be able to collect loyalty stamps through the app, too, which add up to freebies.


Octopus energy customers can also get a complimentary hot drink every week at Greggs by signing up to the Octoplus section on the power provider’s app.

Group deals: Last winter, select Asda cafes provided a “community cuppa” initiative which gave community groups a space to meet and have a free hot drink.

If the scheme starts up again this year, you could grab yourself a free cup of warmth.

Similarly, Hungry Horse hosted “Communi-tea Cuppas” events at pubs across the country throughout last winter to combat loneliness in adults.


Each guest attending could get a free cup of Yorkshire Tea.

Keep an eye out in case these resume this year.

IKEA: Pop into the homeware giant ­during the week to get a free cup of tea or filter coffee with one of the store’s loyalty card.

It costs nothing to sign up to Ikea Family and you can join at or in store.


As well as free drinks, you will get discounts and access to events.

Waitrose: You can also bag a free hot drink at Waitrose if you’re a MyWaitrose member when you make a purchase instore and if you bring your own reusable cup.

Get a tea, coffee, cappuccino or latte with the deal.

And the purchase need not cost a lot – buy a piece of fruit or a cheap chocolate bar.


However, the free drink can only be redeemed from self serve machines located in store, not from the café. Sign up at

Loyalty pays: If you’re a ­regular customer at big drinks chains StarbucksCosta Coffee and Caffe Nero, sign up to their respective loyalty scheme.

They give a free drink after a certain number of purchases — usually around nine or ten.

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Hospitals move patients as Israeli tanks encircle Jabalia camp



Hospitals move patients as Israeli tanks encircle Jabalia camp

Amid gunfire and Israeli artillery shelling, Palestinian medics say that they have begun moving premature babies and other patients away from Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabalia refugee camp, as troops and tanks encircle it.

The Israeli military has been carrying out its third ground offensive in the area since the war in Gaza began, saying it is targeting regrouping Hamas fighters who aim to launch attacks.

Two other local hospitals are virtually inaccessible and face evacuation orders, Gazan health officials say.

Dozens of people are reported to have been killed and wounded in the north in recent days.


The Hamas-run Civil Defence agency said on Monday that its first responders had recovered the bodies of 15 people following an Israeli strike on a tented camp for displaced people next to the al-Yemen al-Saeed Hospital.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it had “struck terrorists operating within a command-and-control centre embedded in an area in Jabalia that previously served as a medical compound”, and that it had taken steps to mitigate harm to civilians.

The Civil Defence also said five people were killed in a strike on a family home in the camp, which had more than 110,000 registered residents before the war.

Meanwhile, the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa) warned that its own shelters and services were being forced to shut.


“With almost no basic supplies available, hunger is spreading and deepening again,” Philippe Lazzarini said, adding that the second phase of the polio vaccination campaign for children in Gaza was also threatened.

Residents have been speaking to the BBC about their fear and desperation.

“I have been displaced more than 10 times. I’ve moved from house to house, from school to school, under shelling, and from street to street,” said Ahmed Leki, a 50-year-old father from the Falluja area of Jabalia.

“We are exhausted, completely worn out. There’s nothing left. Where can we go? We have small children, and there’s no safe place in Gaza, not a single safe inch,” he added.


“We left our homes with shells raining down on us, with bombing, destruction, and dismemberment all around us. Enough is enough.”

In recent days, new evacuation orders have been issued by the Israeli military covering a wide area in the north of the enclave, including Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia and parts of Gaza City.

All those remaining in the north – estimated at 400,000 people – have been told to head to the south.

“Displacement is extremely difficult, a tragedy. There is no transportation, no necessities for survival. Men, women, and children ask, ‘Where do we go?’ and the answer is, ‘I don’t know,’” said Bilal al-Amreeti, a local man.


“The sound of Israeli warplanes is above us, there is bombing, and the shelling continues everywhere.”

Despite Israel’s assurances, many Gazans fear that it aims to depopulate the north of the strip and turn it into a closed military zone or a Jewish settlement.

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US Treasury yields remain higher after release of Fed minutes



Wall Street’s benchmark equities index closed at a record high, with investors turning their attention to the release of important inflation data on Thursday.

The S&P 500 gained 0.7 per cent to finish at 5,792.04, surpassing its September 30 peak of 5,762.48.

The technology-dominated Nasdaq Composite ticked up 0.6 per cent, but remained shy of its mid-July record high.

The S&P 500 is now up 21.4 per cent so far in 2024, while the Nasdaq has gained 21.9 per cent.


Wednesday’s stock moves came after the release of the minutes from the Federal Reserve’s September policy meeting and ahead of inflation data on Thursday that could have an impact on the central bank’s November rate decision.

The yield on the policy-sensitive two-year Treasury climbed 0.04 percentage points to 4.02 per cent.

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Five tips for cleaning your oven this autumn



Five tips for cleaning your oven this autumn

AUTUMN weather calls for lots of cosy nights in with warming homemade grub.

But over time, grease and food debris builds up in your oven, leaving it needing a good clean.

We have five tips for cleaning your oven this autumn


We have five tips for cleaning your oven this autumnCredit: Getty

You can call in professionals, or save yourself some money by doing the job yourself with these tips.


LEMON BAKE: Fill a heatproof dish with water and squeeze the juice from half a lemon into it.

Bake on a medium heat for half an hour or until the water starts to boil.

Once the oven is cool enough to touch, the acid in the lemon should have helped cut through the grease and grime, making it easier to wipe off.

SODA SAVIOUR: Heavy duty cleaning products can contain lots of hazardous chemicals.


So before reaching for these, try creating a paste with baking soda and warm water, then apply it all over the inside of the oven.

Leave to work for about an hour and the paste should neutralise acids and break down grease.

SHELF SOAK: If your grill shelves are coated with stuck-on grease, give them a good soak in hot water and soda crystals.

You can use scrunch up kitchen foil to scrub the wires and help get the metal sparkling again.


STAY IN THE LINES: One way of making cleaning super-easy in the future is by lining the bottom of your oven to catch drips and spills.

Queen of Clean Lynsey Crombie’s 5 seasonal cleaning tips

You can get heavy-duty oven liner, £4, from Dunelm.

SAFE EATING: A clean oven doesn’t just look good, it will also help the appliance heat evenly and work as efficiently as possible, according to Zimbini Nkonjera, cooking category manager at appliance firm Hotpoint.

She said: “Although it may seem tedious, cleaning your oven is crucial in preventing bacteria growth and ensuring safe and healthy cooking.


“The average oven has three components that require regular cleaning.”

  • All prices on page correct at time of going to press. Deals and offers subject to availability.

Deal of the day

This padded jacket down from £79.99 to £49.99 at Mountain Warehouse


This padded jacket down from £79.99 to £49.99 at Mountain WarehouseCredit: Supplied

WRAP up from the elements with this snow padded jacket down from £79.99 to £49.99 at Mountain Warehouse.

SAVE: £30


Cheap treat

Butterkist limited-edition Wicked popcorn is £2.40 from Morrisons


Butterkist limited-edition Wicked popcorn is £2.40 from MorrisonsCredit: Supplied

PUT on a movie and grab a bowl of Butterkist limited-edition Wicked amazafying sweet popcorn, £2.40 from Morrisons.

What’s new?

FEELING peckish? KFC’s tasty new limited-edition original wrap is coated with black pepper mayo and available for £2.49, until November 10.

Top swap

Dr Jart cicapair tiger grass treatment is £40


Dr Jart cicapair tiger grass treatment is £40Credit: Supplied
Lacura’s colour-correcting treatment is just £4.99 from Aldi


Lacura’s colour-correcting treatment is just £4.99 from AldiCredit: Supplied

COVER skin blemishes with Dr Jart cicapair tiger grass treatment, above, £40 from

Or say goodbye to redness with Lacura’s colour-correcting treatment, £4.99 from Aldi.

SAVE: £35.01


Little helper

GET 20 per cent off kids Halloween costumes at Wilko.

It takes this Day Of The Dead outfit down from £6.99 to £5.59.

Shop & save

This Habitat salt and pepper set is down from £18 to £12 at Argos


This Habitat salt and pepper set is down from £18 to £12 at ArgosCredit: Supplied

ADD some seasoning to dishes with this Habitat salt and pepper set, down from £18 to £12 at Argos.


SAVE: £6

Hot right now

WICKES paint sale runs until November 6. Get a third off own-label products and brands including Dulux and Crown.


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Join thousands of readers taking part in The Sun Raffle

JOIN thousands of readers taking part in The Sun Raffle.


Every month we’re giving away £100 to 250 lucky readers – whether you’re saving up or just in need of some extra cash, The Sun could have you covered.

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The more codes you enter, the more tickets you’ll earn and the more chance you will have of winning!

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