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How Big Media Facilitate Israeli War Crimes in Gaza



How Big Media Facilitate Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

By Robin Andersen

On October 6, 2023, Hamas broke out of Gaza, lobbed rockets, and sent fighters into Israeli territory. The attacks killed hundreds of Israeli soldiers and civilians. Images of violence and brutality were recorded and distributed widely over broadcast news over and over again, repeatedly showing abused, bloodied, and crying women and children. The violence was presented with voices of US and Israeli officials asserting that the attack was “unprecedented.” Israel retaliated immediately and bombed the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated places on the globe. Photographs of death and destruction ran side by side, each with only brief captions about location. Many news outlets reported that the violence came out of nowhere, offering no historical context. The attacks therefore were without motivation, attributed only to the pure evil of Hamas and Palestinian terrorists.

German media scholar Hektor Haarkötter, who partners with Project Censored for his work with the News Enlightenment Initiative, was recently in the US speaking on an international roundtable at a critical communication conference and said he was stunned by the coverage: “When I saw the images of such violence repeated many times, on rotation, I was shocked. This would not be considered news in Germany. It would have been seen as little more than sensationalism.”


On October 7, the AP reported that US President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the United States “stands with the people of Israel in the face of these terrorist assaults. Israel has the right to defend itself and its people, full stop.” On October 9, The Times of Israel quoted Defense Minister Yoav Gallant saying, “We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.” Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian directed his threat at all Gazans on October 10, declaring, “Kidnapping, abusing and murdering children, women and elderly people is not human.” He then announced, “There will be no electricity and no water. There will only be destruction. You wanted hell; you will get hell.”

In a piece published on October 8 titled “Media Calls The Attack On Israel Unprovoked: Experts Say That’s Historically Inaccurate,” the Huffington Post pointed to the Israeli government’s “apartheid against Palestinians” as a provocation. It quoted IfNotNow, an American Jewish group that opposes Israeli apartheid, expressing their dread for the loss of life and loved ones, Israelis and Palestinians alike. It continued, “Every day under Israel’s system of apartheid is a provocation. The strangling siege on Gaza is a provocation. Settlers terrorizing entire Palestinian villages, soldiers raiding and demolishing Palestinian homes, murdering Palestinians in the streets, Israeli ministers calling for genocide and expulsion” are all provocations.

Indeed, multiple international human rights groups have defined the long-term Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands as a system of apartheid. The death toll on each side exposes the false assertion that Israeli violence is always retaliatory and that of Palestinians is “unprecedented.” The UNOCHA documents 6,407 Palestinian deaths since 2008, compared to 308 Israeli fatalities. Gregory Shupak reported that since 2001, more than ten thousand Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces, with “nearly 9 out of 10 deaths this century have been on the Palestinian side.” In addition, the Israelis have made daily life in Gaza miserable. As UK journalist Jonathan Cook wrote, “[Gaza’s] inhabitants—one million of them children—are denied the most basic freedoms, such as the right to movement; access to proper health care, drinkable water, and the use of electricity because Israel keeps bombing Gaza’s power station.” But voices such as Shupak and Cook are virtually absent from US establishment news coverage of the violence.

The Hamas attacks were taken out of the context of ongoing violence, presented without cause, and in narratives that see only Hamas violence but have rarely featured or condemned equivalent Israeli violence against Palestinians. Establishment media’s one-sided pro-Israel coverage, established over many years, fed into the growing consensus that a major retaliation by Israelis would be forthcoming. Early corporate news reporting seemed to confirm its inevitability, with almost no voices of reason or caution allowed to enter the militarized revenge frame coalescing around a major attack.


The verbiage used by the New York Times on the Tribe of Nova music festival also illustrates Big Journalism’s sensationalized, inaccurate reporting. The Times wrote that the “massacre of its youth” and Israel’s “75-year-old quest for some carefree normalcy” met the “murderous fury of those long-oppressed Palestinians who deny the state’s right to exist.” The language of the Times’ report—using “murderous” and denial of Israel’s “right to exist,” with “long-oppressed Palestinians”—makes a mockery of what Gazans have experienced. Additionally, it is not true that Palestinians deny Israel’s right to exist. A quick look at the US State Department’s summation of the 1993 Oslo Accords states that the Palestinian Authority “renounced terrorism and recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace” and “Israel accepted the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians,” concessions that undergirded the two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. But Rashid Khalidi has called out the “empty words about a two-state solution while providing money, weapons and diplomatic support for systematic, calculated Israeli actions that have made that solution inconceivable.”

Most important among the systemic violence against Palestinians is the growing weaponization of Israeli settlers. As Israel was dropping bombs on Gaza, Common Dreams reported that the California-based Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) accused Israel’s far-right National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, of enabling settler attacks by handing out thousands of military assault rifles to settlement residents. “The extremist settlers Israel is arming have spent years attacking Palestinian cities in lynch mobs, with full backing from the Israeli government.” IMEU continued, “This year alone, they have killed Palestinian civilians and set fire to cars and homes with families inside.” Such stories are virtually absent from establishment media.

Gregory Shupak examined the editorial pages of major US newspapers from October 7 to 9, concluding that none of them provided readers with “information necessary to comprehend what is happening and why, and they consistently mislead readers about key facts.” Some papers were openly ravenous in their demonization of Palestinians. For example, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed titled “The Moral Duty to Destroy Hamas,” telling its readers that “Israel is entitled to do whatever it takes to uproot this evil, depraved culture that resides next to it.” Calling for the destruction of Hamas and extending the call to exterminate the “culture” is a call for genocide. It mirrored and promoted Israeli announcements that they would turn Gaza into “hell,” “rubble,” and a “city of tents.”

Ironically, on October 8, the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz offered more explanation and context than most US papers when it criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempts to “annex the West Bank” and “to carry out ethnic cleansing in…the Hebron Hills and the Jordan Valley.” It pointed to the massive expansion of settlements and increasing Jewish presence on Temple Mount, near Al Aqsa Mosque. In April 2022, Mondoweiss reported that the Israeli military attacked Palestinians on their way to pray at the Al Aqsa Mosque seven times in eight days, injuring dozens of worshipers and arresting hundreds of Palestinians. Israeli forces used remote-controlled drones to drop teargas inside the mosque. Meanwhile, Israel facilitated the entrance of thousands of Jewish settlers for the Passover holiday.


War Propaganda: Babies were Decapitated and Women were Raped

Sensationalized repetition and media saturation of decontextualized Hamas violence quickly evolved into full-blown atrocity propaganda with horror stories claiming that Hamas had slit the throats of forty Israeli babies, decapitating many of them. Visceral baby slaughter is classic war propaganda, first used in World War I with false claims that German soldiers joyfully bayonetted babies. Similar stories convinced skeptical Americans to support the First Persian Gulf War, with the fake news story about Iraqi soldiers tossing over three hundred Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators. Roundly debunked after the war, journalists published the story uncritically, just as they eagerly circulated the unverified decapitation story.

Alan MacLeod investigated the story that Hamas had slaughtered Israeli babies, finding that it came from an anonymous Israeli military source and was originally reported by Israeli i24 News. Without verification, Fox NewsCNNMSNInsider, and the New York Post picked up and repeated the incendiary propaganda in the US. The UK’s largest newspapers screamed outrage as the salacious story was flung across the front pages of the Times of London, the Independent, the Financial Times, and the Scotsman (as documented by Mint Press News).

The key source for the false claim was an Israeli soldier, David Ben Zion, a fanatical settler who has incited riots against Palestinians, describing them as “animals” who need to be “wiped out.”


Another propaganda trope circulated to justify war is the rape of women, made more devious by its actual use as a military strategy. The Intercept noted that unverified claims that Hamas was raping women had gone viral online, and President Biden claimed that women were “raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies.” Caitlin Johnstone noted, “We’re seeing claims about mass rapes being uncritically pushed by the mass media, only to see them retracted as unverified after the narrative has taken hold.” Any legitimate journalist should recognize such war tropes, and if not, should at least track the stories’ origins and refrain from publication until those sources are verified. President Biden was forced to walk back his lie about seeing “confirmed pictures of terrorist beheading children,” while talking to leaders of US Jewish organizations at the White House.

What was the purpose of perpetrating such lurid fake news, the stuff of visceral propaganda? The Hamas attacks that killed civilians were met with outrage and widely condemned, even by those who advocate for Palestinian rights, express criticism of the “unprovoked” news frame, or have criticized Israel’s growing violence and worked to create humanitarian spaces amidst the cruelty. Certainly, the attacks alone could be considered justifications for Israeli retaliation. But as Caitlin Johnstone argued, that was not enough. Israel’s response was about to dwarf the initial Hamas offensive. Israel and its allies needed to frame the attack in “the most shocking and rage-inducing discourse in order to make Israel’s ongoing murder of civilians in Gaza look appropriate.”

War Crimes and Wiping Out Gaza

Writing for Declassified UK, Jonathan Cook detailed how Israel’s retaliatory attacks on Gaza violated numerous international laws and the Geneva Convention, pointing out that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were committing war crimes. “One of the fundamentals of international law—at the heart of the Geneva Conventions—is a prohibition on collective punishment: that is, retaliating against the enemy’s civilian population, making them pay the price for the acts of their leaders and armies.” He continued, “What Israel is doing to Gaza is the very definition of collective punishment.”


Two days earlier on October 11, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spread what can only be called “fake news” on Sky News when he claimed, “What separates Israel, the US and other democracies…is our respect for international law and the laws of war.” By October 14, Al Jazeera reported that in the first seven days of the conflict, an estimated one million Gazans had been displaced, according to the UN, and aid groups said the situation in the besieged enclave was “catastrophic,” as fourteen Palestinians were being killed every hour. Israel had dropped the equivalent of “a quarter of a nuclear bomb on Gaza,” according to the Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor. And by October 16, Euro-Med posted, “The Stench of Death Looms Everywhere in #Gaza, Immediate Halt to the Killing of Civilians Required.”

The saturation bombing of Gaza, where entire apartment buildings filled with residents are destroyed, taking out entire families, amounts to horrific collective killings. Israelis are committing numerous violations of international law, as hospitals are on the verge of collapse, and food, water, and electricity are blocked along with humanitarian aid to Gaza. An Israeli air strike targeted a convoy, killing seventy-three Palestinians and injuring 130 others as they attempted to move south. Euro-Med Monitor condemned the deliberate targeting of civilians being forcibly displaced after Israel’s orders to leave. It was an open practice of forced transfer (transference) outside international law and a “blatant violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.” NBC News reported the airstrike on the convoy but failed to report it as a war crime. A PBS news brief softened the blow with a baseless speculation that it was not clear “whether militants were among the passengers.”

Just as President Biden left for Israel, a bomb hit the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, killing five hundred people, including patients and doctors: a war crime. Israel claimed that Hamas or Islamic Jihad was responsible for the precision strike and huge explosion. From the AP to the New York Times, establishment media framed the story as a dispute between Hamas and the IDF or as an exchange of air strikes between them. Jonathan Cook called it Western propaganda, saying, “If Hamas or Islamic Jihad could cause the kind of damage that happened last night, you would hear about it happening in Tel Aviv or Ashkelon too. You don’t, because they can’t.” Caitlin Johnstone included the text of a phone conversation presented by Israel and also argued the unlikely veracity of the evidence. Using altered or invented audio and video, Israel has succeeded in the past in delaying and planting doubt about their role in such violence, at least long enough to allow the story to do its damage. For example, an altered video was used to “prove” that an Israeli sniper did not assassinate Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh or the unprovoked Israeli violence perpetrated at her funeral. It took time for the dozens of investigations to counter the gaslighting, and the delay facilitated President Biden’s failure to hold the Israeli military accountable. For the time being, once again, the denial allowed Biden to re-confirm US support for Israel, this time allowing Israel to carry on with the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

Choosing Humanity Over Killing and Destruction


While condemning the Hamas attacks as a crime against humanity, the Center for Constitutional Rights also stated, “It is our commitment to human dignity and the preciousness of life that has long led our organization to stand with Palestinians as they resist Israeli colonization, occupation, and apartheid.” The Center’s statement expressed grief for “the many Israeli civilians killed in the assault on their communities on October 7,” while also decrying “Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, which is in danger of becoming a genocide.”

Common Dreams reported on protests calling for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza, organized by IfNotNow and Jewish Voices for Peace. IfNotNow has stated, “We absolutely condemn the killing of innocent civilians and mourn the loss of Palestinian and Israeli life, with numbers rising by the minute. Their blood is on the hands of the Israeli government, the US government which funds and excuses their recklessness, and every international leader who continues to turn a blind eye to decades of Palestinian oppression, endangering both Palestinians and Israelis.”

US establishment media should consider these humanitarian narratives, in contrast to their standard militarized revenge frames, which only fan the flames of genocide that imperil the Palestinian people.

Robin Andersen is a Project Censored judge and contributor to Project Censored’s forthcoming State of the Free Press 2024. She is an award-winning author, professor emerita of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University, and editor of the Routledge Focus Book Series on Media and Humanitarian Action. Her latest books include Investigating Death in ParadiseFinding New Meaning in the BBC Mystery Series, and the forthcoming Censorship, Digital Media, and the Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression. In addition, she writes regularly for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR).


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Why you should always leave the airport during a long layover – and how to fit in a second holiday



Travellers should go and see the city if they have a layover of several hours - picture shows Hong Kong International Airport

TRAVELLERS should always leave the airport during a long layover, according to travel experts.

Nipping out to see some of the sites can make you feel like you’re getting a two-for-one holiday.

Travellers should go and see the city if they have a layover of several hours - picture shows Hong Kong International Airport


Travellers should go and see the city if they have a layover of several hours – picture shows Hong Kong International AirportCredit: Alamy

Obviously, this does depend to some extent on just how long the gap between flights is.


If it’s just an hour or two it may just be worth mooching around the airport shops for a possible bargain.

But when the layover is three or four hours or possibly more, it might be worth leaving the airport to go and explore.

Anyone considering heading outside should always consider how long it will take you to get into the city and just how easy it is to get there.

At some airports you might only need a few hours to leave the airport, see a famous site and be back in good time to board.


Elsewhere though you might need a minimum of half a day to make it worthwhile going past the security checkpoints.

Katy Nastro, Going’s resident travel expert told the Thrillist: “Filling your time during a lengthy layover with an impromptu city jaunt can feel like two adventures for the price of one.

“For example, I actively search for long connections through Copenhagen so I can bakery hop via bicycle.”

However, Katy did warn that you can’t expect that sort of flexibility at all airports.


She added: “When it comes to domestic layovers, you can get by with less time than an international one, mainly because there is no immigration to navigate through.

New £1.1billion airport to open in overlooked holiday destination

“International flights, especially to smaller cities or in more remote areas are not to be played with because these flights usually don’t have endless options to fall back on if missed.”

But if you take account of all these factors ahead of time will help making the decision easier.

The founder and CEO of Points Path, Julian Kheel, has managed to forge a career out of maximising every single travel opportunity.


He makes sure to find out how far it is between the airport and the city centre and how easily accessible the airport is.

Also considering how likely it is to encounter a traffic jam to and from the airport is also important to factor in.

Julian said: “For instance, if you’re going to have to return to the airport in the middle of rush hour, you’ll need to factor in plenty of additional time for traffic.

“You can also consider whether using mass transit like a train or subway is a good backup option.”


He added that it was also important to determine if you will need to pass through customs as you exit and re-enter the airport.

Julian said: “In some cases when traveling overseas, you may not be able to explore a city without getting an entry visa.

“Each country has different rules, but leaving an airport during an international connection can require additional paperwork that simply connecting through doesn’t.”

Then when you have calculated a number in your head, Katy recommends then doubling that figure.


She said: “Everyone’s propensity for risk and waiting is to each their own, but erring on the side of caution when catching your next flight will never be a regret.”

So, if you work out that you need two hours to get to and from the airport and back again through all the security checks, actually allow four hours.

Then you also need to consider just how much time you will need to actually see the tourist attraction you have gone to visit.

Julian says you should really have at least 3-4 hours of time to go and explore.


For most places, you will need a minimum of six hours of layover time to get there, look around and head back in time to get your connecting flight.

Airlines can be of help too so you can make your decision.

A spokesperson for Delta Air Lines said: “Delta recommends travellers follow their posted recommendations for airport arrival time.

“Since you would have to go through security again if you leave the airport on a layover, this may not always work well for passengers.”


Anyone considering venturing outside of the airport should always check your tickets and plan to be at your gate within 45 minutes of the boarding time – not the departure time.

Travellers need to factor in various aspects to work out if heading out of the airport is feasible - picture show Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Fiumicino, near Rome


Travellers need to factor in various aspects to work out if heading out of the airport is feasible – picture show Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Fiumicino, near RomeCredit: Reuters

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Freebies and turmoil tarnish first 100 days of Starmer’s premiership



Keir Starmer enters 10 Downing Street on July 5

Sir Keir Starmer should on Saturday be celebrating a major milestone: he will have been UK prime minister for 100 days.

The Labour party, out of power for 14 years, triumphed in July’s election and routed the Conservatives in a once-in-a-generation political turnaround.

Yet Starmer has since seen his poll ratings plunge, is immersed in an unlikely “freebies” scandal, and has had to sack his own chief of staff to reset a misfiring Downing Street operation.

The mood at last month’s Labour conference in Liverpool was pensive rather than triumphant. 


But the prime minister remains convinced voters will forget these early teething problems if he manages to reform public services, achieve swift economic growth, and boost housebuilding and green energy. “He’s got over four years to get things right,” said one Tory ex-cabinet minister. 

Keir Starmer enters 10 Downing Street on July 5
Starmer enters 10 Downing Street on July 5 © Stefan Rousseau/PA

Starmer, a former director of public prosecutions, was always expected to be more technocrat than populist national leader.

However, it is his managerial skills and his grip on the centre of government that have been called into question, while his puritan image has been dented by revelations of free clothing, accommodation and football matches.

Ministers believe they have a good story to tell, if they can cut through to the general public. They say Starmer has made rapid strides on areas including green energy, planning reform, rail nationalisation and employment reforms. 

Elsewhere, there is less certainty. How exactly will Labour improve household finances? How will it relieve the overwhelmed National Health Service? 


More clarity should emerge — belatedly — on Budget day on October 30, in which chancellor Rachel Reeves will have to confront the administration’s severe fiscal challenges.

Labour optimists see this as a chance for the government to “reset the narrative” and enter a new delivery phase. 

Reeves is poised to tweak her fiscal rules, and introduce various wealth taxes that could allow her to pledge an increase in long-term capital spending and avoid a new bout of “austerity” in public services. But neither of those moves comes without political risk. 

Back in July Reeves claimed to have found a £22bn “black hole” in the public finances — a sum rejected by the Tories. As part of an attempt to address this, she slashed winter fuel payments for pensioners, prompting a backlash among Labour MPs and beyond. 

Rachel Reeves in the Commons
Labour optimists see Rachel Reeves’s October 30 Budget as a chance for the government to ‘reset the narrative’ and enter a new delivery phase © House of Commons

On Monday Starmer and Reeves will preside over an “investment summit” in London’s medieval Guildhall, telling global investors that Britain is “open for business” after a decade of political chaos and outlining a new industrial strategy. 

The timing of the gathering — two weeks before the Budget — is not ideal. 

Ministers are braced for endless questions about which taxes will rise. One Treasury figure said executives would be “happy” on Budget day: many will wait to see the small print. 

The public, for now, seem largely oblivious to Starmer’s five central “missions”: economic growth, clean energy, tackling crime, improving the NHS and removing “barriers to opportunity”. 

Inside government, officials say he is less of a “micromanager” than his predecessor Rishi Sunak — but some have raised questions about his grip on the tiller. 


“People expected him to be more of a chief executive and less of a chair, but at the moment he seems rather more of the latter — when frankly he needs to be more of the former,” said Tim Bale, politics professor at Queen Mary University of London. “What seems to be lacking is an overall framework for what the Labour government is doing. What’s the vision behind it?”

In some areas Starmer has won support from the public, according to research from polling group YouGov: new pay deals with striking doctors, suspending some arms sales to Israel, lifting the ban on onshore wind farms and maintaining the two-child cap on welfare benefits despite MPs’ unease. 

Winter fuel protest
Anger at winter fuel cuts spread beyond parliament © Stephen Chung/Alamy
Prisoner releases
Prisoner releases were an attempt to ease strain on overcrowded prison capacity © Jeff More/PA

By contrast the prime minister has angered voters on two fronts with the winter fuel payments cuts and the early release of some prisoners, YouGov found.

Asked about the government’s general performance, Labour voters seem underwhelmed, with 47 per cent saying they “feel let down so far”.

This will disappoint a government that had hit the ground running. July saw a King’s Speech packed with legislation ranging from rail nationalisation to employment reforms. The following month Starmer’s response to the far-right riots, condemning the racism and accelerating court hearings, was praised.


But his puritan image has been dented by a freebies scandal, while tumult inside Number 10 has coloured perceptions of the new regime.

Starmer took £32,000 of free clothing and £20,000 of accommodation from Lord Waheed Alli, a Labour peer and entrepreneur who also showered freebies over several other senior ministers. The premier has taken a legalistic approach to the scandal, repeatedly saying he never broke any rules. But the public seem unimpressed. 

Sir Keir Starmer and his wife attend a Taylor Swift concert at Wembley Stadium in June
Starmer and his wife attend a Taylor Swift concert at Wembley Stadium in June © Keir Starmer/X

Meanwhile, a power struggle within Downing Street led to the shock departure last weekend of Sue Gray, who as chief of staff was Starmer’s closest aide.

She was hired in 2023 to prepare Labour for government; her demotion less than 100 days after the general election was the clearest sign yet that something had gone badly wrong.

Some Whitehall officials who had worked with Gray were unsurprised. “Sue was great in many ways but she had never run anything,” said one ex-permanent secretary. 


Gray had never been in charge of a department yet now she was seen as the linchpin of Starmer’s entire operation, from vetting ministerial appointments to liaising with English city mayors and clearing policies. Sitting outside Starmer’s study, she also controlled access to the prime minister.

The signs of dysfunction were manifest, not least the snail’s pace at which ministerial appointments were made after the July 4 election: junior appointments dragged for days, while investment minister Poppy Gustafsson was only appointed this week.

Likewise no one could clarify whether Gray had been in charge of “the grid” — the crucial programme of announcements that set the rhythm of government.

Sue Gray
Sue Gray left Number 10 to be replaced by Morgan McSweeney as chief of staff © Leon Neal/AFP via Getty Images

Morgan McSweeney, the new chief of staff, has told colleagues that his first priority is to “make Number 10 boring again”, although his restless energy and briefings that he favours a “radical shake-up” suggest otherwise.

Although the start of the new government has been rocky, and opinion polls have narrowed, Starmer still has a strong hand to play. With the Conservative party reduced to a rump in July’s election, Labour remains virtually unchallenged in the House of Commons. 


Tom Baldwin, author of Keir Starmer, The Biography, said the prime minister had time to turn things around. 

“The most eye-catching features of this government’s first 100 days are mistakes which too often have been unnecessary, unforced and about relatively trivial matters,” he said. 

“But Starmer has a certain relentlessness and resilience which can — maybe should — mean that he’s a two-term prime minister.”

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Deaths soar in Gaza refugee camp after Israel encircles Jabalia



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Israeli strikes have killed more than 150 Palestinians in an operation focusing on the Jabalia refugee camp this week, with thousands more trapped in the ruins of the settlement in northern Gaza after a year of war with Hamas.

The camp has been the scene of several pitched battles between Israeli forces and Hamas, as the militant group attempts to regroup in areas from which the Israel Defense Forces had retreated.


This week’s offensive started with the encirclement of Jabalia, leaving a single street for its civilians to exit from. The IDF said it had “eliminated” at least 50 Hamas fighters this week, including several it said had taken part in the October 7 cross-border raid that sparked the conflict. Local health officials said at least 150 people had been killed in and around Jabalia in the past week.

“It’s more than scary — the situation is critical,” said Mustafa, who managed to escape from Jabalia before the offensive began. “It seems that the Jabalia camp will be deleted from Gaza’s geography.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to endorse a political solution for Gaza, leaving the military fighting an intermittent insurgency as international aid groups struggle to provide a population of nearly 2.3mn civilians with enough food, medicine and shelter to survive.

Some 300,000 civilians, the UN and others said, are living in the ruins of their neighbourhoods and homes in northern Gaza, separated from the rest of the population by an Israeli military corridor that divides the besieged enclave into two sectors.


In the past few days, the IDF has demanded that thousands of civilians evacuate the northern sector and run a gauntlet of checkpoints to reach al-Mawasi, a fetid and crowded “humanitarian zone” alongside the Mediterranean. Many are too scared by the violence outside their homes to flee.

Ibrahim al-Kharabishy, a lawyer and the father of four children including a baby, said they constantly hear explosions from artillery and warplanes. His family is safer indoors, rather than out on the streets, where Palestinian looters add to the risk from the military’s operation.

“[The army] called us this morning and ordered us to evacuate, but we are staying at home because it is the only refuge we have left,” he told the Financial Times over the phone. “I am not being obstinate with the army, but we are unable to go. We need a safe place to go to.”

All they have at home is flour, and he said Israel was using hunger to “empty out the north.” Israel has denied the accusation repeatedly.


Food has all but run out in northern Gaza, the World Food Programme said, since the main crossings closed on October 1.

“WFP distributed its last remaining food stocks in northern Gaza to partners and kitchens sheltering newly displaced families — but these are barely enough to last two weeks,” WFP said.

At least 42,000 Palestinians, local health officials estimate, have been killed since the war began on October 7 when Hamas killed 1,200 people within Israel, the Israeli government said, and took 250 or so hostage. More than 100 hostages are still being held.

The renewed fighting in the Jabalia camp has been overshadowed by Israel’s offensive against Hizbollah in Lebanon, where nearly a quarter of the country’s territory is under an evacuation order from the Israeli military, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights estimates.

On Saturday, Israel warned 20 more Lebanese villages that they too could face harm as the IDF’s ground invasion spread.

According to an FT count, since it began its ground invasion to combat Hizbollah on October 1, Israel has warned about 140 communities in south Lebanon to flee their homes. The IDF has commanded residents to move north of the Awali river, which runs at least 80km north of the southern tip of Lebanon.

Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Iran’s parliamentary speaker, arrived in Beirut on Saturday as fighting flared across the southern Lebanese-northern Israeli border. Hizbollah said it had targeted an explosives factory south of Haifa as well as an Israeli bulldozer in the south Lebanese village of Ramia.


Two drones from Lebanon made it as far south as Herzliya, a prosperous Tel Aviv suburb, before one was shot down and the other hit a nursing home. No casualties were reported.

A soldier in the UN international peacekeeping mission Unifil, which patrols the Lebanese-Israeli border, was shot and hospitalised on Friday night. Unifil said that the peacekeeper had been hit by gunfire that came from fighting near its headquarters in Naqoura, southern Lebanon. The UN force said it did not know which side fired the bullet. 

Hours earlier, two Unifil peacekeepers were hurt by unattributed explosions near an observation tower. Israel’s military said it was looking into the incidents, and accused Hizbollah of operating near Unifil positions. 

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Three reasons why you could be asked to pay back Winter Fuel Payment by DWP – and how to avoid falling foul of rules



Three reasons why you could be asked to pay back Winter Fuel Payment by DWP - and how to avoid falling foul of rules

HOUSEHOLDS eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment may have to pay some or all of it back for three particular reasons.

The up to £300 payment is being made to those on certain benefits this winter to cover the extra cost of energy over the colder months.

The Winter Fuel Payment is worth up to £300 this financial year


The Winter Fuel Payment is worth up to £300 this financial yearCredit: Getty

It was previously available to all state pensioners but the Government has now made the annual payment means-tested.


The changes by Chancellor Rachel Reeves mean that around 10million aged 66 or over will no longer receive the benefit.

But there may be other circumstances where you receive the Winter Fuel Payment this financial year and have to repay some or all of it back to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

The Government’s guidance states that you have to pay it back if you did not report a change of circumstances straight away.

For example, if you moved address or stopped receiving a benefit that qualified you for the payment.


You could also be docked the payment if you gave the wrong information out in your application such as the incorrect age.

Or, you may have to pay it back if you were overpaid by the DWP by mistake.

It’s crucial that you tell the DWP of any changes in your personal circumstances and make sure you enter your personal details correctly as it can impact your eligibility for the Winter Fuel Payment.

You can do this by contacting the Winter Fuel Payment Centre on 0800 731 0160 or +44 (0)191 218 7777 if you’re outside the UK.


Who is eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment?

It is worth taking note of the eligibility criteria for this year’s Winter Fuel Payment as if a change in circumstances means you fall outside of it, you will need to contact the Winter Fuel Payment Centre.

Martin Lewis slams cabinet minister over Winter Fuel Payments

You qualify for a Winter Fuel Payment for Winter 24/25 if you were born before September 23, 1958.

If you live alone and were born between September 23, 1944, and September 22, 1958 you will get £200.

You will receive £300 if you were born before September 23, 1944.


If you and your partner jointly claim any of the benefits, one of you will get a payment of either:

  • £200 if one or both of you were born between September 23 1944 and September 22 1958
  • £300 if one or both of you were born before September 23 1944

You must also live in England or Wales and get one of the following:

  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income Support
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit

You’ll also need to have been getting a benefit during the qualifying week of September 16 to 22, 2024.

In some circumstances, you might be eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment if you live abroad, for example if you live in:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland

You aren’t eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment if you live in Scotland or have been in hospital getting free treatment for more than a year.

You also don’t qualify if were in prison for the whole of the week of September 16 to 22, 2024, or you were living in a care home for the from June 24 to September 22, 2024.

You will qualify for a Winter Fuel Payment if you have lived in a care home for less than 13 weeks including the week of September 16 to 22, 2024, though.


Hundreds of thousands of households are not claiming Pension Credit which could qualify them for this year’s Winter Fuel Payment.

You can use this benefits checker made in partnership with poverty charity Turn2Us to see if you’re eligible.

Are you missing out on benefits?

YOU can use a benefits calculator to help check that you are not missing out on money you are entitled to


Charity Turn2Us’ benefits calculator works out what you could get.

Entitledto’s free calculator determines whether you qualify for various benefits, tax credit and Universal Credit. and charity StepChange both have benefits tools powered by Entitledto’s data.

You can use Policy in Practice’s calculator to determine which benefits you could receive and how much cash you’ll have left over each month after paying for housing costs.


Your exact entitlement will only be clear when you make a claim, but calculators can indicate what you might be eligible for.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing

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Nike tries to get back in the race as sneaker sales gather pace



A pair of Nike Vaporfly

As Nike tries to lift itself out of a sales slump with a new chief executive on Monday, the rest of the athletic footwear industry is booming.

Retailers are expanding their reliance on brands beyond the famed swoosh.

Foot Locker, one of the largest global sneaker retailers, posted a return to comparable store sales growth in its most recent quarter, due in part to the chain diversifying its assortment of products to brands beyond Nike.

Designer Brands Inc, which operates DSW shoe stores across North America, is also expanding its sneaker offerings, while Fleet Feet, a US-based chain of running speciality stores, said it “has never seen product this strong” from trainer brands.


Designer Brands chief executive Doug Howe told investors last month the company is in the midst of a “pivot” to offering more athletic footwear — up to 42 per cent of its assortment this year, from 32 per cent in 2017. While overall sales at US DSW stores fell 3 per cent in the most recent quarter, sales of athletic footwear, including Nike, rose 16 per cent.

A pair of Nike Vaporfly
The release of Nike’s Vaporfly in 2017 kicked off an innovation arms race in trainers © The Washington Post via Getty Images

The positive momentum at sneaker chains across consumer categories — from fashion, to family, to speciality — underscores the optimism for athletic footwear writ large, if not for Nike. Earlier this month, the swoosh withdrew its financial guidance for the year and reported a 10 per cent drop in sales over the three-month period ended in August.

“Footwear is interesting because it can be recession-proof in a sense,” said Matt Priest, chief executive of the Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America, a US trade association.

Even in adverse economic conditions with interest rates high, albeit coming down, “people still buy shoes in lieu of a new car or a washing machine”, he said.

Global retail sales of sports footwear totalled $165bn in 2023, up 23 per cent from 2018, according to Euromonitor. Growth occurred in every geographic region, led by Latin America, up 38 per cent, while Asia Pacific and North America remained the top two largest markets.


In the US, where 99 per cent of footwear is imported, sneakers are on the rise. Imports of athletic shoes are up more than 10 per cent year over year through August, Priest said, compared to a rise of just 1 per cent for all footwear.

Woman’s legs seen crossing a road
Sneakers have become increasingly popular as standards of dress have become more casual © Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

Industry experts and retailers say the segment is performing well in part because of the broader “casualisation” of society, in which trainers are increasingly acceptable footwear in the workplace and for going out. 

“Once you discover that you can wear sneakers for almost everything, you hardly ever go back to heels”, Foot Locker chief executive Mary Dillon said last month. 

The fortunes of Foot Locker were once so closely tied to Nike that both companies cited one another for years in regulatory filings as their sole significant customer.

The proportion of Foot Locker’s inventory from Nike and its subsidiary Jordan brand peaked at 75 per cent in 2020, falling to 65 per cent last year.


At an investor conference last month, Dillon said Nike would “always” be an important partner, but emphasised the chain’s expanded offering of other brands, including Hoka, New Balance and On.

“Customers are voting. People want choice in this category. It’s very clear. They’re buying multiple brands and . . . using them for lots of different occasions,” Dillon said.

Some of the increased competitiveness in athletic footwear can be attributed to factors precipitated by Nike.

In 2017, the industry leader announced an aggressive plan to shift its sales strategy towards a direct-to-consumer model, moving away from what it called “mediocre retail”. This opened up shelf space at chains like Foot Locker for other brands.

People outside a branch of Foot Locker
Foot Locker has reported a return to sales growth © Zuma Press/Alamy

That same year, Nike debuted its transformational Vaporfly 4% running shoe with improved foam and a carbon fibre plate in the sole, setting off an innovation arms race across the industry.

But Nike executives acknowledged the company pushed too hard into direct and online sales and failed to catch up with consumers who returned to shopping in stores as pandemic lockdowns eased. It is now working to win back retail partners.

“Our teams have been closely engaging with our partners since we acknowledged some of the mis-steps related to over-centring on direct [sales]”, said Matthew Friend, Nike’s chief financial officer, this month.

Foot Locker has said it expects a “return to growth” with Nike this year. Victor Ornelas, senior director of vendor management at Fleet Feet, a speciality chain for runners with 280 locations across the US, told the FT that “we have experienced an increase in energy and connections” from Nike beginning this year.

To be sure, there are weak spots in the global athletic shoe marketplace. UK athletic shoe chain JD Sports posted falling profits for the half-year through August, in large part due to operational changes and the closure of a distribution centre. 


Still, brands other than Nike have stepped up. At Foot Locker’s flagship store in New York City, autumn displays this month featured Timberland boots and Ugg slides, as well as prominent showcases for New Balance and Hoka.

Ornelas of Fleet Feet said brands are distinguishing themselves with footwear that can be used for various purposes — fusing the latest technology of performance foam soles, useful for running, with an upper part of the shoe in neutral colours that can be worn with a range of outfits.

“We are heavy into booking season right now for [shoes that will arrive in spring] 2025, and we’ve never seen product this strong,” said Ornelas.

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Spanish hotel that feels ‘more like Thailand’ is 10 minutes from Benidorm – with adult-only pools and Asian-style spa



A hotel in Spain makes guests feel more like they are "in Thailand"

A HOTEL resort in Spain is said to be more like Thailand – despite being right by Benidorm.

Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa has the “serenity, peace and quiet of South-East Asia” according to the website.

A hotel in Spain makes guests feel more like they are "in Thailand"


A hotel in Spain makes guests feel more like they are “in Thailand”Credit: Jet2holidays
Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa is 10 minutes from Benidorm


Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa is 10 minutes from BenidormCredit: wellnessholidayboutique
It is surrounded by jungle and Asian gardens


It is surrounded by jungle and Asian gardensCredit: Jet2holidays

It was named Spain‘s Leading Hotel in the this year’s Wold Travel Awards.

A number of famous celebrities have stayed too, including Wayne Rooney and Bruce Willis.

Surrounded by 370,000sqm of pine forest, the hotel itself has its own lush tropical gardens with 3,000 Asian species.


This includes a 200-year-old bonsai tree as well as bonsai and palm trees.

And on-site are seven swimming pool surrounded by the jungle, with four heated.

The adult-only Faces of Angkor pool is a Balinese style pool, heated and surrounded by huge stone statues.

Thailand is also known for its massages – and the hotel has its own Thai spa onsite.


There are nine restaurants too, ranging from Asia cuisine at Koh Samui as well as a range of Mediterranean options.

Taking your entire family? There is a kids play area, a Teens Club and a mini-dinner service for young guests, as well as a nanny service.

Rooms start from around £200 a night, or you can book a package holiday.

The Thailand bucket list jungle experience where you can feed baby elephants

TUI has seven-night stays for as little as £1,077pp, including return flights.


Or book with Loveholidays for seven night stays from £819pp, with return flights.

Each of the rooms could with king-size beds, as well as huge TVs complimentary WiFi and amenity kids.

The hotel is only open until the end of the month before it closes for the season, although it will reopen again by May 2025.

Its easy to get to, as its around 40 minutes from Alicante Airport, or 24 minutes from the train station.


Another famous guest, Joan Collins, said: “Elegant and beautiful, the service and food GREAT!”

There are a range of pools to choose from, including heated ones and adult-only ones


There are a range of pools to choose from, including heated ones and adult-only onesCredit: Jet2holidays
The zen spa is a must-visit too, with authentic massages


The zen spa is a must-visit too, with authentic massagesCredit: Jet2holidays

Football player Zinedine Zidane said: “Thank you very much for your hospitality and friendliness. A beautiful place in Spain!”


Other guests have raved about it on Tripadvisor.

One wrote: “We really liked it, feeling like we were vacationing in Asia.”

A second agreed: “A taste of heaven amongst beautiful gardens a feeling of being whisked away to Thailand without the long haul flight.

“You’d think you were in Thailand not Benidorm.”


TUI has recently launched new hotels in Thailand, Vietnam and China.

What is it like to visit Thailand?

The Sun’s Travel Reporter Hope Brotherton recently revealed what a holiday to Phuket is like.

“Earlier this year, I visited Phuket after boarding a direct flight from London Gatwick with TUI – the only airline to offer direct flights between the UK and the Thai holiday destination.


“When I touched down in Phuket, I was immediately greeted by the vibrancy of the island and my senses were somewhat overwhelmed by the sounds and sights.

“The mountainous island is framed by magnificent beaches like Rawai Beach, Patong Beach, Karon Beach, Kamala Beach, Kata Yai Beach, Kata Noi Beach and Mai Khao Beach.

“Phuket Town itself is animated by early-morning markets and tuk tuks.

“Beers are cheap too with pints costing £2.13.”


A hidden bay in eastern Europe is said to be just like Thailand too.

We’ve also found some Maldives-style rooms that are actually at a hotel resort in Greece.

Stays can be found for less than £1000pp, including return flights


Stays can be found for less than £1000pp, including return flightsCredit: Jet2holidays

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