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Breakthrough cancer treatment ‘could be the cure’ after making ‘death sentence’ tumours ‘disappear’



Breakthrough cancer treatment 'could be the cure' after making 'death sentence' tumours 'disappear'

A BREAKTHROUGH cancer treatment “could be the cure” for a “death sentence” form of the disease after making tumours disappear.

The experimental approach has seen remarkable success in some brain cancer patients – with experts saying it could be available on the NHS within five years.

Sara Sjölund saw her aggressive brain tumour deactivated after trialling a  breakthrough new treatment


Sara Sjölund saw her aggressive brain tumour deactivated after trialling a breakthrough new treatment
Dr Paul Mulholland is behind the pioneering brain cancer treatment


Dr Paul Mulholland is behind the pioneering brain cancer treatmentCredit: Louis Hollingsbee – The Sun
Surgeons looking at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans during brain surgery.


Surgeons looking at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans during brain surgery.Credit: Getty

Over 12,000 people are diagnosed with brain tumours every year in the UK.

But just one in 10 patients are alive a decade after their diagnosis, according to Cancer Research UK.

Prognosis tends to be bleak due to how fast brain cancer spreads, as well as a lack of treatments able to successfully combat it.


But a new treatment plan that combines the drug ipilimumab with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy, could be a game-changer for many sufferers.

Read more on brain tumours

Ipilimumab – an immunotherapy drug given as a drip into the bloodstream that’s already used on the NHS to treat skin cancer – is first administered to shrink the tumour.

Experts behind the treatment say the drug helps patients’ own immune systems to seek out and destroy cancerous cells.

Patients are then offered surgery to remove what’s left of the tumour, or chemo and radiotherapy – in some cases both.


So far, only a handful of patients have been offered the innovative new treatment protocol pioneered by Dr Paul Mulholland, a brain cancer specialist at University College London (UCL).

Businesswoman Sara Sjölund became one of them after being diagnosed with brain cancer in 2018 at the age of 38, Mail Online reported.

Sara underwent radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery in an effort to halt the spread of her astrocytoma tumour, to no avail.

Sun Health Explainer: What is cancer?

Running out of options by the middle of 2023, Sara was offered the chance to trial the novel brain cancer treatment plan.


After six months on ipilimumab, Sara’s tumour is “inactive”, according to Dr Mulholland.

“Sara’s scans show remnants of the tumour. As long as it stays as it is she will be fine,” he said.

Sara described it in this way: “Like a dead tree, it is still there but at the moment it does not look like it will regrow.”

Ben Trotman, who was given months to live, saw his aggressive brain cancer effectively disappear


Ben Trotman, who was given months to live, saw his aggressive brain cancer effectively disappearCredit: Collect
Professor Richard Scolyer was diagnosed with a 'worst of the worst' brain cancer but saw his tumour disappear after treatment


Professor Richard Scolyer was diagnosed with a ‘worst of the worst’ brain cancer but saw his tumour disappear after treatmentCredit: twitter/@ProfRScolyerMIA

It’s too early to know the outcome of the businesswoman’s treatment, but Sara feels like she’s “been given [her] life back”.

She’s not the first to be offered – and see success from – the breakthrough treatment.

Ben Trotman, 41, who brought forward his own wedding after getting a shock glioblastoma diagnosis and being given “months to live” was left virtually disease-free after being enrolled in a world-first clinical trial for the treatment.


After “grappling with the fact he had gone from being apparently perfectly healthy to having months to live”, Ben saw his tumour recede in a way that was “previously unheard of”.

Cancer experts have suggested that the immunotherapy drug could in fact become a cure for brain cancer.

Dr Mathew Clement, from the Cancer Research Centre in Wales, told MailOnline: “It is not out of the question that it could be a cure.

“We know ipilimumab is effective for other cancers and we have shown that we can apply them to treat brain tumours.


“We could see this treatment offered on the NHS within five years.”

The same treatment programme was also used successfully by Prof Richard Scolyer, who was diagnosed with incurable grade 4 glioblastoma cancer after suffering a seizure last year.


Brain cancer is particularly difficult to treat as many drugs can’t bypass the blood brain barrier – a protective wall of cells that acts as a filter and protects the brain from harmful substances and germs in the blood that could cause damage.

But immunotherapy drugs such as ipilimumab don’t encounter this issue, Dr Mulholland said, as they instead work by helping the body’s immune system T-cells to spot and attack tumours.


Researchers are planning an upcoming clinical trial that will focus on offering the drug as early as possible after patients are diagnosed.

While Sara only received the drug after standard treatment had failed, both Ben and Professor Scolyer were able to use it straight after diagnosis – leading their tumours to disappear.

The most common symptoms of a brain tumour

More than 12,000 Brits are diagnosed with a primary brain tumour every year — of which around half are cancerous — with 5,300 losing their lives.

The disease is the most deadly cancer in children and adults aged under 40, according to the Brain Tumour Charity.


Brain tumours reduce life expectancies by an average of 27 years, with just 12 per cent of adults surviving five years after diagnosis.

There are two main types, with non-cancerous benign tumours growing more slowly and being less likely to return after treatment.

Cancerous malignant brain tumours can either start in the brain or spread there from elsewhere in the body and are more likely to return.

Brain tumours can cause headachesseizuresnausea, vomiting and memory problems, according to the NHS.


They can also lead to changes in personality weakness or paralysis on one side of the problem and problems with speech or vision.

The nine most common symptoms are:

  1. Headaches
  2. Seizures
  3. Feeling sick
  4. Being sick
  5. Memory problems
  6. Change in personality
  7. Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body
  8. Vision problems
  9. Speech problems

If you are suffering any of these symptoms, particularly a headache that feels different from the ones you normally get, you should visit your GP.

Source: NHS

As such, giving patients ipilimumab as early as possible may be the key to curing brain cancer, Dr Mulholland claimed.


“What we want to do is get patients early on in the disease before the body is weakened by chemotherapy and radiotherapy,” he said.

“Essentially we’re saying, let’s protect the immune system so it has the best shot at fighting the cancer.”

Other experts have urged caution on touting the success of the treatment plan, as it’s only been used on a handful of patients.

Dr Matthew Williams, a clinical oncologist at Imperial College London, told MailOnline that we can’t at present know if the drugs could be rolled out at a large scale to treat brain cancer.


“There are exciting developments but it is very much a work in progress at this stage,” he stated.

It is hoped that the clinical trial set to start next year will provide the data required to see the treatment rolled out on the NHS.

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Womens Workouts

30 MIN HIIT CARDIO Workout – ALL STANDING – Full Body, No Equipment, No Repeats



30 MIN HIIT CARDIO Workout - ALL STANDING - Full Body, No Equipment, No Repeats

Get your body moving with this 30 MIN INTENSE & FUN HIIT Workout! Burn calories, sweat 💦 and have fun with all standing, no repeat exercises that you can do anywhere! It’s just YOU vs YOU Team! Are you ready to crush it? Let’s do it!

▸ Muscles Worked: Full Body Cardio & Toning
▸ Time: 30 Min
▸ Equipment: Bodyweight Only

♥︎ Workout ♥︎
▸ 00:00 – 04:20 Warm Up: 30 sec on, 0 sec off
Warm Up Hops
Sumo Squat + Reach
Sumo Side Step
Alternating Calf raises
Side Step Jacks
Squat + Knee Tap
Side to Side Squats
Big Arm Circles

▸ 04:20 – 20:25 Workout Round 1: 50 sec on, 10 sec off
Jumping Jack + Punch
Step Back + Kick Right
Step Back + Kick Left
Sumo In Out Jumps
Front Back Hops
Invisible Rope Jumps
Alternating Punch Up Jacks
Alternating Slams
Squat + Crunch
High Knees
Punch Up Jacks
Side Squat + Knee Tap Right
Side Squat + Knee Tap Left
Rainbow Thrusters


▸ 20:25 – 30:35 Workout Round 2: 50 sec on, 10 sec off
Butt Kicks
Knee Tap High Knees
Front Back Lunge Right
Front Back Lunge Left
Side to Side Split Jumps
Surfer Hops
Squat + Punch
Squat + Clap Jacks
Jumping Jack + Tuck Jump

▸ 30:35 – 34:20 Cool Down 30 sec on, 10 sec off
Inhale Exhale
Standing Calf Stretch Right
Standing Calf Stretch Left
Forward Fold
Upper Body Stretch

Please remember that we are all different and that you can make this your own workout ♡ Take a longer break when you need to.

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I’ve had a pain in my groin for six months and my friend say it could be serious. Help!



I’ve had a pain in my groin for six months and my friend say it could be serious. Help!

EIGHT in ten women in the UK aren’t checking their breasts regularly and a third admit they never check themselves for signs of breast cancer, research by Estée Lauder found in 2022.

This is shocking as two-thirds of cases are detected in this way.

Sun columnist Dr Zoe advises readers on their health


Sun columnist Dr Zoe advises readers on their healthCredit: Olivia West

I’m in my third year as an ambassador for its breast cancer campaign and we have been focusing on the groups that are least likely to check – including South Asian women, women under 40 and Black women.


Attending mammograms, women are invited between the ages of 50 and 71, is another way to spot breast cancer early. You can ask for mammograms after 71.

Aside from a lump in the breast, chest, collarbone or armpit, other signs to look and feel for are: changes to the skin or nipple, a rash, crusting or discharge around the nipple, or changes in size, shape or colour of the breasts.

See your GP for any changes so they can rule out cancer, or detect it as soon as possible.

Here is a selection of what readers have asked this week. . .   



Q) CAN you please tell me anything about desmin myopathy?

My 51-year-old son has this condition but we are not being told anything about it and I am worried. It is awful to see him suffer in this way.

A) Desmin is a protein that helps maintain the structure and strength of muscles.

Think of it as scaffolding that helps hold muscle fibres together, keeping them aligned and all working properly.

I’m a hair transplant surgeon – 4 unconventional DIY growth tricks, try crushing an ingredient packed with selenium

Desmin myopathy (also known as myofibrillar myopathy) is a rare genetic condition that causes muscle weakness, typically in the legs first.

It can slowly spread to the body, neck, face, respiratory muscles and sometimes the heart muscle, causing cardiomyopathy.

The severity and progression of symptoms can vary greatly between individuals.

While this can be a genetic disease, it is not always inherited.


Sometimes the genetic mutation is sporadic, meaning it can arise in people without a family history of the disease.

It is very difficult to watch a loved one suffer, especially with a rare condition that isn’t well understood – the first case of desmin myopathy wasn’t identified until the late Nineties.

Does he have someone to attend hospital appointments with, and share the worry with?

Sometimes when we receive a diagnosis we try to shield our loved ones from information that might upset them. Letting your son know that you want to know everything so that you can help support him may help get some honest conversations started.


Think of ways in which you can offer support in the meantime – cooking meals, supporting childcare, shopping or housework if that is relevant.

I strongly recommend asking your son to engage with specialist nurses or therapists who are part of his healthcare team as they can provide more detailed care and support.

Physiotherapy, mobility aids, and respiratory monitoring are often used to manage this condition, and psychological support can be extremely helpful.

Please don’t hesitate to contact patient groups or charities, such as Muscular Dystrophy UK. They can offer valuable information and emotional support.


The reader has had four knee replacements on his right leg and has just finished radiotherapy for prostate cancer


The reader has had four knee replacements on his right leg and has just finished radiotherapy for prostate cancerCredit: Getty

Q) I AM a male, 67 years old, and for the past six months I have had pain in my left groin, particularly when walking or standing for a long time.

I have had four knee replacements on my right leg and have just finished radiotherapy for prostate cancer. I was previously very sporty. I am still playing golf regularly.

Many friends have mentioned this as a sign of needing a hip replacement.


Do you think it may be that, or could it be something else?

A) Osteoarthritis in the hip is a common cause of groin pain in men over 60 and could explain your symptoms.

For example, hip pain can sometimes worsen with walking or standing, and can even affect sleep when lying down.

The multiple knee surgeries may have chan-ged how you walk, putting extra strain on your hips, and potentially accelerating any wear and tear on the joint.


Radiotherapy itself is not linked to osteoarthritis, but the overall stress on your body from cancer treatments, such as hormonal therapy, could play a role in how you recover from or manage joint issues.

You mention having been sporty, and a lifetime of sports that involve high speeds, pivoting, kicking or high impact such as football, rugby, and running can increase the risk of hip osteoarthritis. Having said that, it is important to know that remaining active can help maintain the health of the joint now.

Furthermore, keeping the muscles strong can alleviate the pain.

In particular, lower-impact activities such as cycling, swimming and walking can be beneficial.


Being physically active has many other health benefits, so please do keep it up.

That said, the pain may not actually be coming from the hip joint at all.

Other causes should be considered, such as referred pain from the spine or pelvic region, or even lingering effects from radiotherapy.

An assessment by your GP or an orthopaedic specialist can help determine if this is a hip issue, or something else.


If surgery is a concern, non-surgical options like physiotherapy and pain management can help, and some lifestyle adjustments such as weight loss may also provide relief.


This reader is devastated after stopping medication saw most of her hair fall out


This reader is devastated after stopping medication saw most of her hair fall outCredit: Getty

Q) I USED to be on vitamin D and alendronic acid for osteoporosis but after about six years, my doctor advised me to stop them.

Within a few months, most of my hair (body and head) fell out and now my fingernails are so brittle. If I mention any of my worries to my doctors they make me feel like a hypochondriac.


I’m not accepting “old age” and my once thick, healthy, shiny hair and lovely nails are gone.

A) I’d be interested to know why you were told to stop taking your treatment.

Most likely it’s the alendronic acid that’s been stopped, due to side effects including heartburn, swallowing difficulty or other issues with the gullet. It may also be stopped if your kidney function goes below a certain threshold.

I would guess that the vitamin D is fine to continue and you should check if it’s OK to restart this. Vitamin D is something we should all be supplementing with from October to March anyway, and for someone with osteoporosis, I would advise supplementing all year round.


Vitamin D deficiency can affect both hair and nail health. Iron, B12, folate, zinc and magnesium deficiency should be ruled out too. If you wanted to have this assessed further and have the funds to do so, you could see a hair and scalp specialist (trichologist).

They will use a special camera to look at the hair follicles and give you bespoke advice about supplements, hair products and lifestyle to optimise your hair health.

I can understand you may feel fobbed off by your GP. It can be very difficult to give patients additional time when we are so limited if the issue is raised at the end of an appointment.

Our hair and nails do change as we age, but it should not be assumed to be all age-related, especially if there was a rapid change when you stopped taking the medication.


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Day 9/14 💕 Mary Braun‘s AB Workout #motivation #weightloss #workoutshorts



Day 9/14 💕 Mary Braun‘s AB Workout #motivation #weightloss #workoutshorts


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Health & fitness

Woman, 27, died after hospital ‘ran out of oxygen’ and ‘medics used the defibrillator wrong’



Woman, 27, died after hospital 'ran out of oxygen' and 'medics used the defibrillator wrong'

A YOUNG woman died after a hospital ran out of oxygen while trying to save her, an inquest heard.

Florence Stewart, 27, was admitted as a voluntary patient to a mental health unit, the Campbell Centre in Milton Keynes in January.

Florence Stewart, 27, was a patient at the Campbell Centre


Florence Stewart, 27, was a patient at the Campbell CentreCredit: Google

She attempted to take her own life and died in hospital three days later.


Tom Osborne, a senior coroner for Milton Keynes, wrote she had not been monitored by staff properly, which meant she was not discovered quickly after her attempt.

Once she was found, defibrillator pads used to resuscitate her were placed on her incorrectly.

She was also given oxygen but the bottle ran out of oxygen while they tried to save her.

The Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the site, offered its condolences to Ms Stewart’s family and said it was reviewing the case.


In a written conclusion to the inquest, which took place last week, the coroner said Ms Stewart died from “suicide whilst suffering from mental illness”.

She was detained under the Mental Health Act following an incident on January 18 when she was assaulted, the coroner said.

She attempted to take her life on January 20 and died three days later at Milton Keynes University Hospital.

She had suffered an hypoxic brain injury, which is when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen.


Following the inquest, Mr Osborne wrote a prevention of future deaths report to the NHS trust, outlining “matters giving rise to concern”.

His concerns were: “Firstly that the system of high level intermittent observations failed to prevent Florence’s suicide and needs a fundamental review.

“Secondly, that the oxygen bottle used during resuscitation ran out of oxygen.”

He said: “In my opinion action should be taken to prevent future deaths.”


The trust has until December 5 to respond to the report, detailing what action it is taking.

A spokesperson for the trust said: “While we are reviewing all aspects of this particular case, the findings of the inquest and the coroner’s comments will help us learn and make improvements to our service.

“The safety and wellbeing of our patients will always be our top priority.”

What is hypoxia?


Hypoxic brain injury happens when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, leading to damage or death of brain cells.

This can be caused by things like heart attacks, drowning, or breathing problems.

When the brain is starved of oxygen, the symptoms can range from mild confusion and memory problems to serious conditions like coma.

Long-term effects can include difficulties with thinking, movement, and mood, and some people may need long-term care.


Treatment focuses on getting oxygen back to the brain as quickly as possible to limit damage.

Preventing this type of injury involves managing health conditions like heart disease and practicing safety in situations where oxygen flow could be interrupted.

Source: NHS & the Cleveland Clinic

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Womens Workouts

30 Min ALL STANDING CARDIO ABS Workout🔥 | Lose Belly Fat, High Intensity, No Repeat



30 Min ALL STANDING CARDIO ABS Workout🔥 | Lose Belly Fat, High Intensity, No Repeat

This is a really effective standing abs workout to burn lots of calories and define yous abs. Remember to squeeze your muscle while exercising! Let’s do this! #nojumpingworkout #allstanding

❀Full Body Workout
❀Time: 40 sec on/ 10 sec rest

Calorie Burn 250 – 350 Cal
Warm Up 00:00 – 03:12
Workout 03:12 – 31:35
Cool Down 31:35 – 34:58

*The number of calories you burn will vary from person to person depending on your body composition, workout intensity and also fitness level but this might serve as a guideline.


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If you are new to exercise, you should understand that there is the possibility of physical injury. Please notice that if you performing any exercise or program, you agree that you do so at your own risk. This channel offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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Children at greater risk of silent killer after catching Covid, scientists warn – as cases of XEC strain rise



Children at greater risk of silent killer after catching Covid, scientists warn - as cases of XEC strain rise

KIDS are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes after Covid-19, more so than any other common cold bug.

The findings come as the UK faces a rise in Covid cases, with one in 10 in England and Wales caused by the new XEC strain.

Covid posed a higher risk to children than any other bug when it came to type 2 diabetes developing


Covid posed a higher risk to children than any other bug when it came to type 2 diabetes developingCredit: Getty

There is no evidence so far the strain is more deadly, but data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows Covid hospital admissions are rising in England.


Researchers studied more than 600,000 children in the US aged between 10 and 19 years old who had either had Covid-19 or another respiratory infection in the first three years of the pandemic. 

The risk of a new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes was significantly higher in the Covid-19 group from one month after infection.

They had around a 50 per cent higher chance of diagnosis one to three months after infection, jumping to 58 per cent at six months.

Read more on Covid and bugs

The risk doubled in children classed as overweight or obese, according to the findings published in the journal JAMA Network Open. 


Whether the odds of a new diagnosis persist for longer than six months was not studied by the team at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Ohio.

The researchers said type 2 diabetes was already reported as increasing among children – largely due to the obesity epidemic.

Parents have also anecdotally talked of their suspicions that their children’s brush with Covid let to their type 2 diabetes developing.

Type 2 diabetes is often referred to as a ‘silent killer’ because symptoms – such as going to the toilet more often or feeling tired – can often be assumed as common ailments.


It does not directly kill those who have it but can lead to conditions such as heart disease and stroke, as well as problems with vision, kidneys, and nerve damage.

Mum with ‘smelling superpower’ sniffed out son’s diabetes after noticing strange stench

More often than not, the condition is triggered by poor lifestyle habits like eating too much unhealthy food or not exercising.

Several research teams have shown that adults face an increased risk of diabetes diagnosis after contracting Covid-19.

For example, Canadian scientists said that those who have had Covid are more likely to develop new-onset type 2 diabetes.


However, a study of Brits by King’s College London suggested that after three months, the risk declined back to baseline levels. 

Diabetes diagnoses were increased by 81 per cent in acute Covid-19 and remained elevated by 27 per cent from four to 12 weeks after infection, according to findings published in PLOS Medicine.

The researchers couldn’t say whether the short-term increase in risk is directly because of Covid infection or if there were undiagnosed cases among those who had Covid.

It comes as research last week suggested Covid “doubles risk of heart attack, stroke or dying up to three years later”.


Data from more than 10,000 Brits aged over 50 years revealed the danger is even higher among people with blood types A, B or AB compared to those with type O.

None of the participants were vaccinated at the time of infection because Covid-19 jabs were not yet available.

How can you prevent your child developing type 2 diabetes?

Factors such as ethnicity can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.


But living with obesity and overweight is thought to be behind the rising number of children with type 2., says Diabetes UK.

If your child is very overweight, the NHS says there are things you can to help them get to a healthy weight.

This includes upping exercise, keeping portions to child-sized, and eating healthier foods.

Exercise doesn’t need to be any more than playing “it”, riding a bike, swimming or using a playground, so long as they are happy and moving.


“All children need about 60 minutes of physical activity a day for good health, but it doesn’t need to be all at once,” the NHS says.

Food wise, children should avoid eating too much of the same things that cause weight gain in adults – sweets, chocolate, crisps and cakes.

It’s important that as a parent, you also act as a good role model and try and get the whole family involved, so it doesn’t feel like your child is targeted.

It can be a scary time if your child is diagnosed with diabetes, but doctors will be there to support you.


Your child will get a treatment plan that you as a parent will be involved with administering – including insulin injections.

You will also have to keep a close eye on your child’s glucose levels to make sure they don’t become dangerously low or high.

On top of this, children with diabetes will need to eat a healthy diet and exercise is considered “incredibly important”, Diabetes UK says.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes in children


The most common symptoms of type 1 and 2 diabetes in children are:

  • Toilet — Going to the toilet a lot to pass urine, bed wetting by a previously dry child or heavier nappies in babies. Getting up in the night to go to the toilet.  
  • Thirsty — Being really thirsty and not being able to quench the thirst. Your child may ask for a drink more often, finish drinks very quickly or you may notice they generally drink more. 
  • Tired — Feeling more tired than usual. Having less energy than normal, not playing as often, less energy for sports  
  • Thinner — Losing weight or looking thinner than usual.

You may also notice your child getting more infections than usual.

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