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Storio is helping other businesses unlock more value from solar energy



Storio Energy installation outside of an industrial building

Meet Storio, a French startup that’s focused on providing smart energy storage for commercial and industrial customers. Founded in 2023, the startup raised a €5 million seed round earlier this year (around $5.5 million at current exchange rates) and has signed its first client.

Storio believes solar panels have a bright future. But the company also wants every solar panel to come with a battery to optimize production. Its target customers are other businesses who may not feel they have the time or expertise to join all these technical pieces themselves.

Instead of building or selling standalone batteries, Storio has a more interesting distribution strategy: after performing a technical and revenue simulation, it partners with battery suppliers and civil engineering companies to turn a project into an energy storage installation.

Over the past few years, many commercial and industrial companies have built large solar panel installations to lower their electricity bills. Storio wants to complement (and tap into) these existing installations by offering an energy storage solution that can enable its customers to optimize their consumption of solar energy — thanks to Storio’s battery management software.


Once batteries are live, Storio remotely manages them to optimize consumption, as well as energy storage and release in general.

Typically, batteries are charged during the day and energy is released in the morning and evening — but Storio’s software allows for smarter stuff like price-conscious energy management.

“That’s the starting point. You have solar panels. Solar panels produce a lot of energy in the middle of the day. Let’s store it, so you can use it yourself and save money,” co-founder and CEO Jean-Yves Stephan told TechCrunch.

Storio’s founders (from L to R: Caroline Le Floch, Jean-Yves Stephan, Gautier Maigret, Julien Dumazert)Image Credits:Storio

For example, Storio can charge batteries from the grid during off-peak hours so that a client doesn’t need to use as much electricity during peak times. As many industrial companies have suffered from expensive energy contracts over the past few years, partnering with Storio is a way to reduce the risks associated with fluctuations in the energy markets.

“The core of our value proposition is to optimize energy flows, either to create savings on our customer’s bill, or to generate additional income from the power grid,” Stephan said.


Storio batteries are also certified in France by Enedis and RTE to contribute to the stabilization of the grid. This means Storio can elect to release energy from the fleet of batteries it manages into the grid for a short period of time when there’s a demand peak — enabling it to generate revenue as a result of this contribution to the grid.

In this case it can even be more lucrative for a Storio customer to release energy from their batteries instead of consuming the energy themselves for their core business purpose.

“Stabilizing the network involves fairly technical mechanisms, such as stabilizing the network frequency. The grid frequency must be 50Hz [in Europe]. As it rises a little above or falls a little below, the battery reacts. It can also be used to buy and sell energy, like an ‘energy trader,’” Stephan added.

The energy trading part is an essential component of the startup’s proposition as it can greatly reduce the time it takes to amortize a Storio installation.


The company estimates a customer can get a return on investment after five or six years — but batteries can last for up to 15 years (when they end up with roughly 70% of their initial capacity).

Storio and each industrial partner that hosts its battery management installation will have a profit-sharing agreement. “It’s very important to align interests because, as you say, we have to make some tradeoffs. If we were saying ‘savings are for you, network revenues are for Storio,’ that would be unfair,” Stephan said.

Lowercarbon Capital is leading Storio’s seed funding round with Bpifrance’s Large Venture fund also acquiring an equity stake in the startup. Kima Ventures and several business angels are also investing in the startup, including the founders of Bump, Electra, Elum Energy, Enspired and Greenly.

Several other companies that have been working on on-site battery management include GridBeyond in the U.K., Stabl in Germany and Stem in the U.S. As regulation varies from one region to another, Storio seems well positioned to tackle the French market and potentially other European countries in the future.


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Mistral AI’s new language models bring AI power to your phone and laptop



Mistral AI's new language models bring AI power to your phone and laptop

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Mistral AI, a rising star in the artificial intelligence arena, launched two new language models on Wednesday, potentially reshaping how businesses and developers deploy AI technology.

The Paris-based startup’s new offerings, Ministral 3B and Ministral 8B, are designed to bring powerful AI capabilities to edge devices, marking a significant shift from the cloud-centric approach that has dominated the industry.

These compact models, collectively dubbed “les Ministraux,” are surprisingly capable despite their small size. Ministral 3B, with just 3 billion parameters, outperforms Mistral’s original 7 billion parameter model on most benchmarks. Its larger sibling, Ministral 8B, boasts performance rivaling models several times its size.

Performance comparison of AI language models across various benchmarks. Mistral AI’s new Ministral 3B and 8B models (highlighted in bold) show competitive results against larger models from Google (Gemma) and Meta (Llama), particularly in knowledge, commonsense, and multilingual tasks. Higher scores indicate better performance. (Credit: Mistral)

Edge AI: Bringing intelligence closer to users

The significance of this release extends far beyond technical specifications. By enabling AI to run efficiently on smartphones, laptops, and IoT devices, Mistral is opening doors to applications previously considered impractical due to connectivity or privacy constraints.

This shift towards edge computing could make advanced AI capabilities more accessible, bringing them closer to end-users and addressing privacy concerns associated with cloud-based solutions.

Consider a scenario where a factory robot needs to make split-second decisions based on visual input. Traditionally, this would require sending data to a cloud server for processing, introducing latency and potential security risks. With Ministral models, the AI can run directly on the robot, enabling real-time decision-making without external dependencies.

This edge-first approach also has profound implications for personal privacy. Running AI models locally on devices means sensitive data never leaves the user’s possession.

This could significantly impact applications in healthcare, finance, and other sectors where data privacy is paramount. It represents a fundamental shift in how we think about AI deployment, potentially alleviating concerns about data breaches and unauthorized access that have plagued cloud-based systems.

Comparative performance of AI language models across key benchmarks. Mistral AI’s new Ministral 3B and 8B models (in orange) demonstrate competitive or superior accuracy compared to larger models from Google (Gemma) and Meta (Llama), particularly in multilingual capabilities and knowledge tasks. The chart illustrates the potential of more compact models to rival their larger counterparts. (Credit: Mistral)

Balancing efficiency and environmental impact

Mistral’s timing aligns with growing concerns about AI’s environmental impact. Large language models typically require significant computational resources, contributing to increased energy consumption.

By offering more efficient alternatives, Mistral is positioning itself as an environmentally conscious choice in the AI market. This move aligns with a broader industry trend towards sustainable computing, potentially influencing how companies approach their AI strategies in the face of growing climate concerns.

The company’s business model is equally noteworthy. While making Ministral 8B available for research purposes, Mistral is offering both models through its cloud platform for commercial use.

This hybrid approach mirrors successful strategies in the open-source software world, fostering community engagement while maintaining revenue streams.

By nurturing a developer ecosystem around their models, Mistral is creating a robust foundation against larger competitors, a strategy that has proven effective for companies like Red Hat in the Linux space.


Navigating challenges in a competitive landscape

The AI landscape is becoming increasingly crowded. Tech giants like Google and Meta have released their own compact models, while OpenAI continues to dominate headlines with its GPT series.

Mistral’s focus on edge computing could carve out a distinct niche in this competitive field. The company’s approach suggests a future where AI is not just a cloud-based service, but an integral part of every device, fundamentally changing how we interact with technology.

However, challenges remain. Deploying AI at the edge introduces new complexities in model management, version control, and security. Enterprises will need robust tooling and support to effectively manage a fleet of edge AI devices.

This shift could spawn an entirely new industry focused on edge AI management and security, similar to how the rise of cloud computing gave birth to a plethora of cloud management startups.


Mistral seems aware of these challenges. The company is positioning its new models as complementary to larger, cloud-based systems. This approach allows for flexible architectures where edge devices handle routine tasks, while more complex queries are routed to more powerful models in the cloud. It’s a pragmatic strategy that acknowledges the current limitations of edge computing while still pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

The technical innovations behind les Ministraux are equally impressive. Ministral 8B employs a novel “interleaved sliding-window attention” mechanism, allowing it to process long sequences of text more efficiently than traditional models.

Both models support context lengths of up to 128,000 tokens, translating to about 100 pages of text—a feature that could be particularly useful for document analysis and summarization tasks. These advancements represent a leap forward in making large language models more accessible and practical for everyday use.

As businesses grapple with the implications of this technology, several key questions emerge. How will edge AI impact existing cloud infrastructure investments? What new applications will become possible with always-available, privacy-preserving AI? How will regulatory frameworks adapt to a world where AI processing is decentralized? The answers to these questions will likely shape the trajectory of the AI industry in the coming years.


Mistral’s release of compact, high-performing AI models signals more than just a technical evolution—it’s a bold reimagining of how AI will function in the very near future.

This move could disrupt traditional cloud-based AI infrastructures, forcing tech giants to rethink their dependence on centralized systems. The real question is: in a world where AI is everywhere, will the cloud still matter?

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Glovo adds a side of social stickiness to its food delivery app



Glovo food videos

Do you want a side of socials with your fast food? Spain’s Glovo, a food delivery and quick commerce service where the bulk of orders are for ready-to-eat food, is experimenting with adding a bundle of social features to drive more in-app activity.

It’s also letting restaurant partners upload food preparation videos to spice up the user experience by being able to push a feed of rich media at its users.

Glovo says the new social features will let users find and connect with friends who are also using the app. This is powered by matching a user’s phone contacts to existing Glovo users and sending permission requests to connect. It enables users who opt in to be able to share recommendations and discover restaurants their friends have liked.

Another new feature called “Picks” lets Glovo users save and organize their favorite restaurants by creating and managing lists. These picks/lists can be private or shareable with friends.


For the food videos feature, the app is replicating the vertical feed that’s popular on social media apps like TikTok to give restaurants a new marketing opportunity — letting them display a showreel of stuff on their menu.

Glovo is not producing any of the food videos itself but does apply guidelines to submissions from restaurants, which it says are intended to ensure high quality (it says it’s had close to 400 submissions so far). “The content is strictly focused on the food offered, and other types of promotions are not allowed,” it noted.

The app updates, which Glovo previewed at a new annual product event called Glovo Next, will go live in its home city of Barcelona first before being rolled out to other cities in Spain this month. If all goes to plan, the company says it will keep expanding the rollout to reach the other 22 countries where it operates.

Food decisions made even easier?

While the quick commerce category in general has been through a bumpy ride over the last few years, undergoing something of a post-pandemic correction, Glovo — which is owned by Germany’s Delivery Hero — denies the new updates are a response to any flagging consumer interest in its delivery app.


“Glovo shows an outstanding GMV [Gross Merchandise Volume] growth trajectory (+44% FY2022 versus FY2024) with strong performance across all countries,” Daniel Alonso, Glovo’s vice president product, told TechCrunch.

Adjusted EBITDA is expected to improve by around 10 percentage points compared to how the company was operating before its late 2021 acquisition by Delivery Hero, he also said — crediting this to continued growth in profitable markets and to “less mature markets” scaling up.

Glovo is expected to reach positive adjusted EBITDA in the second half of this year, Alonso added.

The company also told us its quick commerce division — which offers speedy deliveries of grocery items, flowers, books, pet supplies, toiletries, and electronics picked out of stock ranged at its city center-located dark stores — is growing at over 50% year-over-year.


So if growth on its straightforward, transactional app is strong why has it decided to experiment with layering social media stickiness on top? Alonso says this is about Glovo continuing its brand building efforts and looking for ways to help users with the tricky decision of what meal to order in tonight.

The company said it hopes the features will boost food discoverability, including by tapping into the pull of friend-based recommendations. “We believe that building a social network inside Glovo will help users to make food ordering decisions and more,” said Alonso. “We have built an MVP to see whether this is the case, and time will tell if this is going to be successful.”

“Deciding what to order can be overwhelming with so many options,” he added. “The video discovery wall adds a dynamic, visual element to food exploration, making the process easier and more engaging. These videos, created by local restaurants, allow users to see how dishes are prepared and what they look like, helping them make more informed choices.”

Image Credits:Glovo

On the permissions and privacy side, Alonso claimed: “Glovo does not share or upload any data without explicit consent.”

He said a user must actively grant access to their contact list in order to add friends — who must themselves provide express consent to connecting with the requested user before any information about their food delivery habits gets shared with friends.


“In order to see which of your friends have rated positively or have placed an order, you need to ensure that they have become your Glovo friends,” he noted, adding: “The shared data includes restaurants the user’s friends have ordered from in the last three months.”

Glovo users are able to revoke consent previously given to accessing their contacts, per Alonso, and can remove friends from their social list at any time after they’ve been added.

Additionally, Alonso confirmed that only contacts who are already Glovo users can receive an invitation to connect, so this isn’t that particular (notorious) growth hacking trick.

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How to Configure iDRAC9 at Initial Setup of Your Dell PowerEdge Server



How to Configure iDRAC9 at Initial Setup of Your Dell PowerEdge Server

For more information on the configuration of an iDRAC 9 please visit our knowledge base:

During the initial startup of your new Dell Server, you have to configure the iDRAC to be able to manage your Dell PowerEdge server remotely. In this video you will learn how to configure the iDRAC9 of your Server for the first time.
The iDRAC 9 is configured with a default IP which you can change during the initial setup.
You can access the iDRAC via a dedicated Network Card or the LAN on Motherboard after it is configured.

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Now Available in Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645 Rack Servers



Now Available in Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645 Rack Servers

Lenovo is excited to deliver AMD EPYC™ processors with AMD 3D V-Cache™ technology in its ThinkSystem SR645 rack servers. These new systems feature expanded L3 cache designed for technical computing workloads—helping customers get new products to market faster than ever before.  

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Best Public Bedrock SMP Server to Join!



Best Public Bedrock SMP Server to Join!

Best Public Bedrock SMP Server to Join!
Come join this Minecraft Valatic SMP on Java or Bedrock on any device! Join this active server with your friends or by yourself for completely free!

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SMP Discord Server ►

To join the Public Minecraft Valatic SMP, watch the ENTIRE VIDEO for the server ip and port. Also, leave all your questions in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer!

The Public Minecraft Valatic SMP is just like the Dream smp and Lifesteal smp and you can join on Minecraft java, bedrock, or pocket edition. You can join anytime for completely free with your friends, or make some on the SMP! The server has an active, growing player base, exciting events, awesome server features, professional staff, and the world map is always expanding so you can explore! You can make friends with other players on the server at the spawn, or smp clubhouse too! There is even a server shop to get awesome items that support the Valatic SMP so it can keep the server running! On the Valatic SMP you can travel to many server locations, build cities, explore land, and even start governments or massive server wars! There are even different game modes on the server like Minecraft Lifesteal SMP, Earth SMP, and One Block! The possibilities on the Public Minecraft Valatic SMP are endless so join now and get started!

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Computer Security | Types of Computer Security | Cybersecurity Course | Edureka



Computer Security | Types of Computer Security | Cybersecurity Course | Edureka

🔵Edureka Cyber Security Masters Program:
🔥Edureka CompTIA Security+ Certification Training:
This Edureka video gives an introduction to Computer Security and the types of computer security. Also, it teaches you various ways to secure your computer devices. Topics covered in this video includes:

1. What is Computer security?
2. Goals of Computer security
3. What to secure?- Types of computer security
4. Potential losses due to cyber attacks
5. How to secure?

🔵CyberSecurity Certification Training :

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About Edureka Cyber Security Training

Cybersecurity is the combination of processes, practices, and technologies designed to protect networks, computers, programs, data and information from attack, damage or unauthorized access.

Edureka’s Cybersecurity Certification Course will help you in learning about the basic concepts of Cybersecurity along with the methodologies that must be practiced ensuring information security of an organization. Starting from the Ground level Security Essentials, this course will lead you through Cryptography, Computer Networks & Security, Application Security, Data & Endpoint Security, idAM (Identity & Access Management), Cloud Security, Cyber-Attacks and various security practices for businesses.


Why Learn Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is the gathering of advances that procedures and practices expected to ensure systems, PCs, projects and information from assault, harm or unapproved get to. In a processing setting, security incorporates both cybersecurity and physical security, it is imperative since cyberattackers can without much of a stretch take and obliterate the profoundly grouped data of governments, defense offices and banks for which the results are huge so it is essential to have an appropriate innovation which an avoid digital wrongdoings.


Objectives of Edureka Cyber Security Course

This course is designed to cover a holistic & a wide variety of foundational topics of the cybersecurity domain which will be helpful to lead freshers as well as IT professional having 1 to 2 years of experience, into the next level of choice such as ethical hacking/ audit & compliance / GRC/ Security Architecture and so on
This course focuses mainly on the basics concepts of Cyber Security
In this course, we are going to deal with Ground level security essentials cryptography, computer networks & security, application security, data & endpoint security, idAM (identity & access management), cloud security, cyber-attacks and various security practices for businesses
This course will be your first step towards learning Cyber Security


Who Should go for this Training?

Anyone having the zeal to learn innovative technologies can take up this course. Especially, students and professionals aspiring to make a career in the Cybersecurity technology. However, Cybersecurity Certification Course is best suited for the below mentioned profiles:-
Networking Professionals
Linux Administrators


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