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Keir Starmer to face PMQs as reports claim Treasury must fill ‘£40bn funding gap’ in budget – UK politics live | Politics



Treasury minister Darren Jones warns of ‘hard’ choices in budget, but says change will bring ‘better public services’

Darren Jones, the chief secretary to the Treasury, has described today’s fall in inflation (see 9.36am) as “welcome news”. But, in interviews, he also warned there would be “hard” choices in the budget.

Asked whether he could rule out real-terms spending cuts for crucial public services, Jones replied:

We’re setting budgets for public services at the end of October for one financial year, 25/26.

We will not be returning to austerity and we will present an honest set of spending plans that deal with the £22bn black hole that we inherited from the previous Conservative government.

That will be hard, but it’s the right thing to do and it’s the start of the period of change under this Labour government that will see better public services over the years ahead.


UK inflation falls below 2% for first time in three and a half years

Inflation in the UK has fallen to its lowest level in three and a half years, giving a pre-budget boost to Rachel Reeves as expectations grow for the Bank of England to cut interest rates. Richard Partington has the story here.

Ben Zaranko, an economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, is complaining about the use of the term “black hole” in budget commentary. He posted this on social media.

I hate the term ‘fiscal black hole’. It’s especially unhelpful and confusing when it’s used interchangeably to mean both:
1) an in-year overspend (in 2024/25); and
2) the amount by which the government is on track to breach its self-imposed fiscal rule (in 2029/30)

Starmer to face PMQs as reports claim Treasury must fill ‘£40bn funding gap’ in budget

Good morning. Governments engage in expectation management, and the latest example is on the front page of the Financial Times this morning, where there is a story saying Rachel Reeves, the chancellor, has identified a “£40bn funding gap” as she prepares the budget, which is happening a fortnight today. In their story George Parker and Sam Fleming report:

UK chancellor Rachel Reeves has identified a £40bn funding gap ahead of her Budget in two weeks — far more than previously expected — as she prepares big tax rises to patch up the NHS.

The figure represents the funding that Reeves needs to protect key government departments from real-terms spending cuts, cover the enduring impact of an annual £22bn overspend and build up a fiscal buffer for the remainder of the parliament.


The Financial Times has been told by officials close to the budget process that the Treasury is seeking ways of closing a shortfall of £40bn, with tax rises set to form the centrepiece of her response.

The FT also points out that Reeves told cabinet colleagues yesterday the budget would require “difficult decisions on spending, welfare, and tax”.

A “funding gap” is what is otherwise described as a black hole in the accounts, and it can be hard to keep track of what the best black hole estimate is because the figures keep changing. Here is a quick recap.

The £22bn black hole: In a statement to MPs in July, Reeves said the Treasury had identified a £22bn gap (difference between the amount the government would have to spend, and the amount actually set aside for spending) in the in-year accounts (ie, for for the 2024-25 budget).


The £100bn black hole: At the time Reeves present the £22bn as principally a problem for the current financial year. But, as Pippa Crerar reports today, she is now telling colleagues that the £22bn gap applies in years going ahead, which adds up to a £100bn black hole over the next five years.

The up to £20bn future black hole generated by unrealistically low spending allocations for the years ahead: During the election campaign the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), and other thinktanks, repeatedly warned that the pending figures set by the Tories for the next five years were implausibly low, and that in practice governments would have to spend between £10bn and £20bn a year more to stop public services collapsing. This black hole is in addition to the £22bn 2024-25 one identified by Reeves.

In an interview with the Today programme this morning, asked about the Treasury’s new £40bn funding gap figure (which government sources have confirmed to the BBC), Paul Johnson, director of the IFS, did not dispute the figure. He said that a “significant amount of additional tax” would be needed, but he said he did not expect taxes to rise by £40bn a year. He said:

If we get tax rises on that scale [£40bn], that really would be extraordinary, I mean unprecedented. That would be tax rises sort of three times as big as George Osborne, for example, introduced back in 2010 in the depths of the aftermath of a financial crisis.

But that said that, if you are as the government wanting to not just protect public services, but significantly increase spending on the health service and increase spending on other things in line with the size of the economy, yes, there is a very big hole in the public finances.


Now, of course, we’ve always known this. We’ve had this discussion through the election, when we [the IFS] were warning that there were these problems, and Keir Starmer and others were going, ‘No, no, no, there’s no such issue’.

Now, £40 billion is a big number. You can get there relatively easily, actually, in terms of the scale of additional spending that will be required down the line. Some of that be covered by slight changes in the fiscal rules. Some of that will be covered by some of the tax rises that the Labour party are already intending. But that would still leave a significant amount of additional tax revenue required.

Figures like the £40bn one don’t end up in the FT, and on the BBC, by accident, and at this stage in the budget cycle most government budget-related communication is best understood as expectation management.

But expectation management can mean two things. It can mean exaggerating how bad things are likely to be, so that on the day voters are pleasantly surprised. But it can just mean dripping out difficult news very slowly, so that when it finally does get confirmed and announced, it is not as much as a shock as it might have been. It is hard to be sure, but what the Treasury is up to now is probably for of the latter than the former.


Here is the agenda for the day.

10.30am: Robert Jenrick, one of the two Tory leadership candidates still in the contest, is giving a speech on the economy.

Noon: Keir Starmer faces Rishi Sunak at PMQs.

After 12.30pm: MPs debate a Lib Dem opposition day motion calling for various measures to end the carer’s allowance scandal, including writing off existing overpayments.


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Reeves confirms Budget spending deals struck with all departments



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BBC Rachel Reeves speaks from her office sitting on a chair amid the grand surroundings of the Treasury, including gold leaf furniture and red wallpaper. BBC

Chancellor Rachel Reeves says she has now reached spending settlements with all government departments ahead of her much-anticipated Budget on 30 October.

It comes after reports of Treasury rows with multiple departments over the expected scale of spending cuts.

Reeves told BBC Radio 5’s Matt Chorley she had struck deals with all her cabinet colleagues – and in line with tradition, popped all balloons put up in the Treasury to represent each department’s funding agreement.

While sympathising with “the mess” her colleagues had inherited, Reeves insisted departments needed to find savings to balance the budget.

In recent Budgets, chancellors have adopted the tradition of hanging balloons in the office of the Chief Secretary to the Treasury to represent spending deals that must be negotiated with government departments.


As settlements are reached, the balloons are popped.

In the exclusive interview, Reeves said: “There are no balloons left in the Chief Secretary’s office – the balloons have been burst.”

In the run-up to the Budget there have been growing reports of unease in the Cabinet over the spending cuts needed to meet the Treasury’s target of finding £40bn of savings.

Sky News reported that the Treasury missed its initial 16 October deadline to finalise all major Budget measures for submission to spending watchdog the Office of Budget Responsibility ahead of the Budget.


Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner who runs the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, as well as Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood and Transport Secretary Louise Haigh have all been reported as writing to Sir Keir Starmer to complain about the scale of cuts their departments were facing.

Haigh has since told the BBC she did not write a letter, but had been having Budget negotiations with the Treasury “in the normal way”.

Addressing reports colleagues had gone over her head to take their concerns about budget cuts directly to the prime minister, Reeves said, “I wouldn’t believe everything you read” in the media.

But she went on to say it was “perfectly reasonable that Cabinet colleagues set out their case – both to me as chancellor and to the prime minister, about the scale of the challenges that they find in their departments”.


“I’m very sympathetic towards the mess that my colleagues have inherited”, Reeves said.

“But any additional money, in the end, it has to be paid for either by taking money from other departments or raising taxes.”

Taxes on ‘working people’

The Labour manifesto promised not to raise income tax rates, national insurance or VAT to protect “working people”.


Labour also campaigned on a pledge not to “return to austerity” – the programme of deep spending cuts and tax hikes aimed at reducing the UK’s budget deficit pursued by the 2010 Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition.

“All of those things mean that we do need to find additional money,” Reeves said.

Reeves admitted this meant she was considering tweaks to “other taxes to ensure the sums add up”.

“We were clear during the election campaign, you can’t undo 14 years of damage in one Budget or in just a few months,” she said.


“It is going to take time to rebuild our public services to ensure that working people are better off and to fix the foundations of our economy and our society as well.”

Getty Images Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves sit in a parliamentary office in front of leatherbound books going through files as they prepare for the Tory Spring Budget in Parliament.Getty Images

Rachel Reeves argues it is “perfectly reasonable” for colleagues to debate cuts to their budgets with either her or Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer

As she looks to balance the first Labour Budget in 14 years, Reeves admitted she speaks to several major political figures.

“I speak to Gordon regularly – I also speak to Tony Blair regularly,” she said.

She also maintains a “good relationship” with her predecessor Jeremy Hunt, regularly messaging the Conservative shadow chancellor.


“I may not be particularly impressed with the state of the public finances that he left me, but I do recognise that after Kwasi Kwarteng, he had a tough job to do as well,” she said.

The one person she wishes she could “pick up the phone to now” is Alistair Darling, the last Labour chancellor to deliver a Budget – who died last year aged 70.

Lord Darling served in cabinet for 13 years under both Blair and Brown, and was best known as the chancellor who steered the UK through the 2008 financial crisis.

“I hope that he would be proud of what I’m doing as the next Labour chancellor after him,” she said.


Reeves spoke about her pride at being the first female chancellor in the role’s 800-year history.

Becoming chancellor was “beyond what a girl like me, from the ordinary background that I came from, could have ever dreamed of,” Reeves said.

Now in her “dream job”, Reeves said, “one of the wonderful things in the first few months of doing this job is to meet female finance ministers from around the world” – such as US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Chrystia Freeland, the Canadian finance minister.

“I take a lot of inspiration from those amazing women and so many others,” Reeves said.


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Trump accuses UK’s Labour Party of ‘foreign interference’



Trump accuses UK's Labour Party of 'foreign interference'

Donald Trump’s campaign has filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against the UK’s Labour Party, accusing it of “blatant foreign interference” in the US election in aid of the Harris-Walz campaign.

The complaint cites media reports about contact between Labour and the Harris campaign, as well as apparent volunteering efforts, arguing that this amounts to illegal “contributions”.

The BBC understands that Labour activists campaigning in the US presidential election are doing so in a personal capacity.

The Labour Party has not issued an official response.


Specifically, the complaint cites newspaper reporting that Labour-linked individuals have travelled to the US to campaign for Harris.

That reporting, the complaint alleges, creates a “reasonable inference that the Labour Party has made, and the Harris campaign has accepted, illegal foreign national contributions.”

The letter refers to Washington Post reporting that communications were exchanged between the parties and that senior officials have met in private.

Additionally, the complaint cites a social media post on LinkedIn in which a Labour staff member said that “nearly 100” current and former party members will be headed to battleground states in the US.


The post, from Labour Party head of operations Sofia Patel, added that 10 “spots” are available and that “we will sort your housing”.

It appears to have since been deleted.

The complaint makes comparisons to an international programme in 2016 in which the Australian Labor Party, or ALP, sent delegates to help with Bernie Sanders’ campaign.

In that instance, however, the ALP paid for flights and daily stipends. The party and the campaign were each handed down civil penalties of $14,500.


Labour activists’ trips were not organised or funded by the party, it is understood from party officials.

Foreign nationals are permitted to serve as campaign volunteers as long as they are not compensated, according to FEC rules.

It is considered normal for party officials from the UK to be in contact with counterparts in the US.

It also has taken place previously between the UK’s Conservative Party and US Republicans.


The BBC has contacted the Harris-Walz campaign for comment.

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Starmer warns Russia attacks in Ukraine risk global food security



Starmer warns Russia attacks in Ukraine risk global food security

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has warned that Russia is stepping up attacks on Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea – delaying the export of agricultural produce, including aid intended for Palestinians caught up in the conflict with Israel.

During several days of strikes in early October, Russian weapons hit at least four cargo ships, including one reportedly carrying 6,000 tonnes of corn.

Sir Keir said that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin was willing “to gamble on global food security in his attempts to force Ukraine into submission”.

The prime minister’s remarks came as he travels to the Pacific Island of Samoa for a meeting of Commonwealth heads of government.


During several days of strikes, Russian missile strikes on the Odesa region hit a Panamanian-registered ship and a Palau-flagged cargo ship were also attacked, killing one person on-board.

Several people in the southern city of Zaporizhzhia were injured as 29 homes were destroyed and pictures released by regional officials show a giant crater in the mud, with bricks and wood strewn all around.

A wave of strikes on Ukraine’s Black Sea ports coincided with a European tour by President Volodymyr Zelensky – who visited leaders in London, Paris, Rome and Berlin.

But Sir Keir pointed out the increasing number of Russian attacks coincided with harvest season.


Despite the war, Ukraine is still a significant supplier of agricultural goods.

But British intelligence suggests a growth in what officials call Russian “risk appetite” when attacking Ukrainian ports – with grain ships becoming what is described as “collateral damage” in Russia’s campaign.

Sir Keir said the “indiscriminate attacks” were “harming millions of vulnerable people across Africa, Asia and the Middle East”.

According to Ukrainian figures, more than 20 civilian ships have now been damaged in Russian attacks since the start of the war in 2022.


Grain silos and other port infrastructure have been badly damaged too.

However, Ukraine has succeeded in creating a maritime corridor to ensure the safety of grain exports, after Moscow pulled out of a Black Sea grain deal last year.

Some 962,000 tonnes of grain were exported in the first ten days of October, according to the agriculture ministry in Kyiv – double the volume shipped in the same period last year.

Speaking to journalists travelling with him to Samoa, Sir Keir said Russia’s recent recruitment of troops from North Korea was “an embarrassing and desperate act.


On Tuesday, the British government announced that it would give Ukraine an extra £2.26bn using the profits from Russian assets held in Europe.

The one-off payment is an addition to £3bn already pledged by the government to fund Ukraine’s war effort.

So far, the UK has given more than £12bn in military aid and has promised to match that level of support in the future.

Announcing the funding, Chancellor Rachel Reeves said it showed the UK’s support for Ukraine was “unwavering and will remain for as long as it takes”.


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Kemi Badenoch hits back at Robert Jenrick’s ‘disrespectful’ jibe



Kemi Badenoch hits back at Robert Jenrick's 'disrespectful' jibe

Kemi Badenoch on Tory leadership: ‘This is not a general election’

Kemi Badenoch has hit back at her Tory leadership rival Robert Jenrick’s claim that her decision not to set out detailed policies was “disrespectful” to the party’s membership.

Speaking to Political Thinking with Nick Robinson, Badenoch said she would not use that word about another candidate and that everyone had “their own campaign approach”.

“If this was a general election, yes, it would be wrong to be standing with no policies. This is not a general election,” she told Nick Robinson.


She added: “He [Jenrick] doesn’t know what he’s going to be standing on in four years’ time.”

Jenrick stood by his criticism in an interview with BBC Radio 5’s Matt Chorley.

“Kemi and I disagree on this point. I believe you have to start with principles and values, but I think that is not enough. You also have to have policies.”

He argued that the public were “deeply sceptical” of politicians and the best way to win them back was to set out policies and “lay out the trade-offs”.


“The age of policy-free politics is over,” he said, adding that it was “wrong” to ask party members to support you “on the basis of a plan for tomorrow”.

During the leadership campaign, Jenrick has said he wants to leave the European Convention on Human Rights, encourage housebuilding and oppose Labour’s plans on reaching net-zero carbon emissions.

Defending her approach, Badenoch said the party members know what her principles are. She said she would take time to design policies adding: “We have time, we don’t need to rush.”

She said she did not want to make promises “unless I know how I am going to deliver it”.


Earlier in the week, Jenrick told BBC Radio 4’s Westminster Hour: “I think it’s disrespectful to the members and the public to ask for their votes without saying where you stand on the big issues facing our country today.”

Robert Jenrick: The age of policy-free politics is over

Conservative Party members are currently voting between the two candidates and a result is due on 2 November.

Unlike her rival, Badenoch has not done many media appearances, however in a wide-ranging interview she spoke to Nick Robinson about her thoughts on net-zero, immigration and Covid lockdowns.


On the environment, she said she was a “net-zero sceptic” but not “a climate change sceptic”.

She said she did not want to do something “because it looks good” and “before we figured out how to do it”.

She pointed to speeches she had made in Parliament on subject asking: “Lot’s of schoolchildren will be very happy, but where is the plan?”

She added: “Is net-zero a solution or is it a slogan… I am not sure we have properly thought that through.”


On immigration, she said “numbers matter but culture matters more”.

For several years, Conservative politicians have promised to get down the numbers coming into the country, but immigration has continued to rise, hitting record levels in 2022.

Badenoch said there should be a cap on numbers but it was also important to ensure those arriving “love British culture”.

Asked how the government should decide this, Badenoch said it was important to establish from which countries “successful migrants” were coming from.


“We should be getting to a point where we can say we’re happy to take more from countries A, B and C and for countries X, Y and Z, we’re going to have stricter rules.”

During the coronavirus pandemic, Badenoch was a Treasury minister. She said she would not apologise for spending “a lot” during Covid but added: “I think we just overran it to the point where it made inflation worse than it needed to be.”

She also said she thought the government “overdid it in terms of the length of lockdown”.

“There was a King Canute sort of situation. I thought that we were trying to do too much, that this was where government was overstretching itself and we weren’t trusting people enough.


“The biggest thing I hated was the fixed penalty notices.”

The notices were issued by the police to people who breached Covid rules, resulting in fines of between £200 and £10,000.

Both Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, the prime minister and chancellor during the pandemic, were issued with fines for breaching the regulations.

Badenoch said: “If Boris did not bring in those fixed penalty notices, he would not have had the Partygate scandal, certainly not to the extent that it was… he got caught in a trap that he had set for himself.”


She said Conservatives had “strayed away” from their principles of freedom.

Asked about her own leadership style, Badenoch said she aspired to be a “fun” leader and would try to bring some “humour” and “light-heartedness” to her approach.

“I think that we’ve been very gloomy. We’re not the gloomy party. We are actually quite an optimistic and fun party and I want to bring that out.”

Reflecting on her own background, she compared finding out that she was a British citizen to “finding out that you’d won the lottery”.


Badenoch explained that because she was born in Nigeria, a Commonwealth country, before a 1983 rule change, she qualified to be British – something she only found out when she was 14 years old.

She said there was a “very unpleasant sort of ethno-nationalist anti-Kemi wing” who called her an “anchor baby” – a term used in the United States to refer to people who ensure their children are born in the country in order to gain residency.

Badenoch was born in the UK because her mother had come to get medical care at a private hospital, but she said that is not why she qualifies as a British citizen.

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‘Extreme wealth’ tax demanded by cross-party MPs



'Extreme wealth' tax demanded by cross-party MPs

A dozen Labour MPs have joined a cross-party call for an “extreme wealth” tax in this month’s Budget.

The MPs have written to chancellor Rachel Reeves to demand a new 2% tax on assets worth more than £10m, which they claim could raise £24 billion per year.

The left wing Labour MPs and two Labour peers have joined forces with MPs suspended by Sir Keir Starmer, including former shadow chancellor John McDonnell, and former leader Jeremy Corybn, who was elected as an independent.

The call is also backed by the Greens, Plaid Cymru, the SDLP, Alliance and one Liberal Democrat MP.


The Labour Party has been asked for comment.

The chancellor is finalising details of her first Budget, to be announced on Wednesday 30 October. Government sources have told the BBC this will include tax rises and spending cuts to the value of £40bn.

In their letter to Reeves, the 30 MPs and peers say an extreme wealth tax is needed as billionaire wealth has increased by almost £150bn in only two years, between 2020 and 2022, but revenue from wealth taxes has remained stagnant at around 3.4%.

One of the MPs, Zarah Sultana, who represents Coventry South, flagged Oxfam research showing the richest 1% of Britons hold more wealth than 70% of the UK population.


“Austerity is, and always has been, a political choice,” she said. “It is grossly unfair that children and pensioners are being pushed into poverty while billionaire wealth continues to grow.

“We urgently need wealth taxes to rebalance power, fund essential public services and build a society where the needs of the many take precedence over the greed of a few.”

Reeves told the party’s autumn conference there would be “no return to austerity” under this government and promised a boost to government investment, designed to kickstart growth.

The MPs are also asking Reeves to equalise capital gains tax (CGT) and income tax rates in her budget.


They say this would “rectify unfairness in the tax system, where working people are subject to proportionately higher rates of tax”, and raise £16.7bn per year.

At the election, Labour promised not to increase taxes on “working people”, covering VAT (value added tax), income tax or National Insurance (NI), which limits the levers the chancellor can pull to bring cash in.

However, there has been speculation Reeves could increase CGT – charged on profits from the sale of assets like second homes – and also freeze the income tax threshold beyond 2028, potentially dragging more workers into the higher tax bands.

Sir Keir Starmer also did not rule out a National Insurance increase for employers in a BBC interview last week.


Reeves has already taken one unpopular decision, to remove winter fuel payments from 10m wealthier pensioners, which led to a rebellion by seven Labour MPs.

Sultana is one of five MPs who signed the wealth tax letter and who are currently suspended from the Labour Party for voting against the winter fuel payment cuts.

Some observers also wonder if the rebels, who were suspended for six months in July, may decide to team up with Corbyn’s independent group in January rather than re-join Labour.

The Labour rebels have teamed up with four of the smaller Westminster parties, including Wales’ Plaid Cymru and Northern Ireland’s SDLP and Alliance groups, plus all four Green Party MPs.


Green co-leader Carla Denyer called on Reeves to reconsider Labour’s decision to ditch its £28bn green investment pledge earlier this year, and invest more in public sevices.

“We cannot afford to have another government of spending cuts and economic hardship,” she said.

“Labour’s first Budget must take a resolute step to ensure that those with extreme, unprecedented levels of wealth help foot the bill.”

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Sinn Féin leaders correct age of teen texted by senator on record



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PA Michelle O'Neill in a black blazer and green blouse with red glasses. She has blonde hair tied up behind her head and is standing in front of two black microphones.PA

O’Neill has corrected the age of a teenage that was sent inappropriate texts by a former Irish senator and Belfast mayor

Michelle O’Neill has corrected the record at Stormont regarding the age of the teenage boy who received inappropriate texts from the former Irish Senator Niall Ó Donnghaile.

On Monday, the first minister and Sinn Féin deputy leader told the Northern Ireland Assembly that party membership files said the boy was 17 at the time.

But the young person had said he was 16 years old.

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has also corrected the record officially in the Dáil (lower house of Irish parliament).


On Tuesday, O’Neill told the assembly she “fully accepted” the age and wanted to correct the information on the record.

She said it was her understanding that the young person was 17 based on the information he had provided in his application to join Sinn Féin.

She also repeated her apology to him saying she was “absolutely so sorry for the hurt caused” by the party’s statement issued following Mr Ó Donnghaile’s resignation in December 2023.

O’Neill had been facing calls to return to the assembly after the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) submitted an urgent question.


She is also being asked to return to Stormont’s executive office committee on Wednesday for further questioning, but this has not yet been confirmed.

Monday: Sinn Féin politicians questioned over age of teen texted by senator

McDonald came to the Dáil on Tuesday to correct the record in which she previously stated the young person was 16 and apologised for her words.

“I have now written to the young person and his mother offering a full, unequivocal and sincere apology,” she said.


“What happened to this young person was wrong, Niall Ó Donnghaile’s behaviour was unacceptable, utterly inappropriate, and no young person should have experienced that.”

McDonald apologises

The Sinn Féin leader also said she was “very sorry” for the hurt the words in her statement following Mr Ó Donnghaile’s resignation.

“That was never, ever my intention, and I apologize to that young person,” she added.


McDonald said it was her understanding the teenager was 17 years old at the time of the incident “because of the information provided on his application, formally applied to join Ográ Sinn Fein, that information was wrong,” Ms McDonald said.

“The young person themselves have made clear that he was in fact 16 at the time, so I want to correct the Dáil record to reflect that he was in fact 16 years of age when the text was sent.”

Reuters Mary Lou McDonald is speaking. She's wearing blue jacket and the backdrop is also blue.Reuters

Mary Lou McDonald spoke in the Dáil on Tuesday afternoon

How did we get here?

Sinn Féin has faced criticism over the last week for its handling of the suspension and resignation of Mr Ó Donnghaile.


Mr Ó Donnghaile, a former Belfast lord mayor, was suspended by Sinn Féin over the issue but the party allowed him to resign on health grounds in 2023 without revealing the complaint against him.

Calls for clarity on the teenager’s age came following a Sunday Independent article where the boy said he was 16 at the time the texts were sent and not 17 as McDonald and O’Neill had previously said.

The message is believed to have been personal in nature but not sexually explicit.

PA Media Niall Ó Donnghaile - a man with grey hair is wearing a suit, collared shirt and tie as well as circle glasses.PA Media

Niall Ó Donnghaile stepped down from the Seanad in December 2023

The party has also been questioned over its safeguarding policies after two former press officers gave references to former colleague and convicted child sex offender Michael McMonagle.


On Monday, it emerged that a Sinn Féin employee had resigned after admitting involvement in an incident where a portrait of former DUP lord mayor Lord Browne was damaged.

Speaking at Stormont on Tuesday, the first minister said the employee was “immediately suspended” and the police have been notified.

On Monday evening, McDonald said Sinn Féin accepted the boy’s own account that he was 16 at the time.

“The person knows their age so obviously Michelle [O’Neill] is right, the party records did indicate that he was 17, it was on his application form for membership,” McDonald said.


“But that doesn’t matter now. What matters is that we respond fully to the young person in question and what matters is that the Dáil record is accurate and I will attend to both of those matters tomorrow.”

A Sinn Féin spokesperson said the party record of the boy’s age was “based on the date of birth that [he] provided on his membership documents at the time”.

The spokesperson said it had “since emerged” that the boy was 16 years old.

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