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New volcanic eruption in Iceland brings video of lava spewing from miles-long fissure on Reykjanes peninsula



New volcanic eruption in Iceland brings video of lava spewing from miles-long fissure on Reykjanes peninsula

Reykjavik — Icelandic authorities said Friday that a second fissure had formed on the southwestern Reykjanes peninsula after lava started spewing forth for the sixth time in the region since December. After weeks of warnings, the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) said Thursday that a new eruption had started at 9:26 p.m. (5:26 p.m. Eastern) that evening, following a series of earthquakes.

Video showed orange lava bursting out of a long fissure, which the IMO estimated to be 2.4 miles.

Early Friday, the IMO announced on social media that a second fissure had opened up to the north of the original one, but it said the volcanic activity mostly remained on the first crack.


The weather agency, which also monitors geological events, had previously reported that there was “considerable seismic activity” at the northern end of the fissure.

Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula sees 6th volcanic eruption since December
An aerial view of Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula volcanic eruption as it sees its sixth eruption since December 2023, with lava spewing from a new fissure as seismic activity continues, at Sundhnukur, on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Aug. 22, 2024.

Almannavarnadeild/Anadolu via Getty

About an hour after the eruption started an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 was recorded in the area.


This is the sixth eruption to hit the area since December, coming just two months after the end of a previous eruption that lasted more than three weeks.

The chief of police of the Sudurnes region, Ulfar Ludviksson, told Icelandic media that the evacuation of the nearby fishing village of Grindavik had gone well.

He added that 22 or 23 houses in the village were currently occupied. Most of Grindavik’s 4,000 residents had evacuated in November, prior to a December eruption, and while residents have since been allowed to return in between eruptions, only a few have opted to stay overnight.


Iceland’s volcano continues to spew lava, and eruption could last months



According to the IMO, there was no lava flowing towards Grindavik in the latest eruption.

Iceland’s famed Blue Lagoon thermal spa tourist attraction said late Thursday that it had taken “the precautionary measure of evacuating and temporarily closing all our operational units.”

The Reykjanes peninsula had not experienced an eruption for eight centuries until March 2021. Further eruptions occurred in August 2022 and in July and December 2023, leading volcanologists to warn that a new era of seismic activity had begun in the region.

Iceland is home to 33 active volcano systems, the highest number in Europe. It straddles the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a crack in the ocean floor separating the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates.


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Monday was hottest day ever measured by humans, beating Sunday, European science service says: “Uncharted territory”



Monday was hottest day ever measured by humans, beating Sunday, European science service says: "Uncharted territory"

Monday was the hottest day ever measured by humans, beating a record set the day before, as countries across the globe continue to feel the heat, according to the European climate change service.

Provisional satellite data published by Copernicus early Wednesday showed that Monday broke Sunday’s mark by 0.1 degree Fahrenheit.

Climate scientists say the world is now as warm as it was 125,000 years ago because of human-caused climate change. While scientists can’t be certain that Monday was the hottest day throughout that period, average temperatures haven’t been this high since long before humans developed agriculture.


The temperature rise in recent decades is in line with what climate scientists projected would happen if humans kept burning fossil fuels at an increasing rate.

“We are in an age where weather and climate records are frequently stretched beyond our tolerance levels, resulting in insurmountable loss of lives and livelihoods,” said Roxy Mathew Koll, a climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.

Copernicus’ preliminary data shows the global average temperature Monday was 62.87 degrees Fahrenheit.

The previous mark before this week was set just a year ago.


Before last year, the previous recorded hottest day was in 2016, when average temperatures were 62.24 degrees.

While 2024 has been extremely warm, what kicked Sunday into new territory was a way toastier than usual Antarctic winter, according to Copernicus. The same thing was happening on the southern continent last year when the record was set in early July.

But it wasn’t just a warmer Antarctica on Sunday. Interior California baked with triple digit heat, complicating the fighting of more than two dozen wildfires in the West. At the same time, Europe sweltered through its own deadly heat wave.

Copernicus records go back to 1940, but other global measurements by the United States and United Kingdom governments go back even further, to 1880. Many scientists, taking those into consideration along with tree rings and ice cores, say last year’s record highs were the hottest the planet has been in about 120,000 years. Now the first six months of 2024 have broken even those.


Frequency of records being surpassed cited as worrisome

Without human-caused climate change, scientists say extreme temperature records wouldn’t be broken nearly as frequently as in recent years.

“It’s certainly a worrying sign coming on the heels of 13 straight record-setting months,” said Berkeley Earth climate scientist Zeke Hausfather, who now estimates there’s a 92% chance that 2024 will beat 2023 as the warmest year on record.  

The former head of U.N. climate negotiations, Christiana Figueres, said “We all (will) scorch and fry” if the world doesn’t immediately change course. “One third of global electricity can be produced by solar and wind alone, but targeted national policies have to enable that transformation,” she said.

“What is truly staggering is how large the difference is between the temperature of the last 13 months and the previous temperature records,” Copernius Director Carlo Buontempo said in a statement. “We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years.”


July is generally the hottest month of the year globally, mostly because there’s more land in the Northern Hemisphere, so seasonal patterns there drive global temperatures.

Recent climate change contributors  

Scientists blame the supercharged heat mostly on climate change from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas and on livestock agriculture. Other factors include a natural El Nino warming of the central Pacific Ocean, which has since ended. Reduced marine fuel pollution and possibly an undersea volcanic eruption are also causing some additional warmth, but those aren’t as important as greenhouse gases trapping heat, they said.

Because El Nino is likely to be soon replaced by a cooling La Nina, Hausfather said he would be surprised if 2024 sees any more monthly records, but the hot start of the year is still probably enough to make it warmer than last year.

Sunday’s mark was notable but “what really kind of makes your eyeballs jump out” is how the last few years have been so much hotter than previous marks, said Northern Illinois University climate scientist Victor Gensini, who wasn’t part of the Copernicus team. “It’s certainly a fingerprint of climate change.”


University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann said the difference between the this year’s and last year’s high mark is so tiny and so preliminary that he is surprised the European climate agency is promoting it.

“We should really never be comparing absolute temperatures for individual days,” Mann said in an email.

Yes, it’s a small difference, Gensini said in an interview, but there have been more than 30,500 days since Copernicus data started in 1940, and this is the hottest of them all.

“What matters is this,” said Texas A&M University climate scientist Andrew Dessler. “The warming will continue as long as we’re dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.  … We have the technology to largely stop doing that today. What we lack is political will.”


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“Dark oxygen” created in the ocean without photosynthesis, researchers say



"Dark oxygen" created in the ocean without photosynthesis, researchers say

Researchers have discovered bundles of “dark oxygen” being formed on the ocean floor. 

In a new study, over a dozen scientists from across Europe and the United States studied “polymetallic nodules,” or chunks of metal, that cover large swaths of the sea floor. Those nodules and other items found on the ocean floor in the deep sea between Hawaii and Mexico were subjected to a range of experiments, including injection with other chemicals or cold seawater. 

The experiments showed that more oxygen — which is necessary for all life on Earth — was being created by the nodules than was being consumed. Scientists dubbed this output “dark oxygen.” 


About half of the world’s oxygen comes from the ocean, but scientists previously believed it was entirely made by marine plants using sunlight for photosynthesis. Plants on land use the same process, where they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. But scientists for this study examined nodules about three miles underwater, where no sunlight can reach. 

This isn’t the first time attention has been drawn to the nodules. The chunks of metal are made of minerals like cobalt, nickel, manganese and copper that are necessary to make batteries. Those materials may be what causes the production of dark oxygen. 

“If you put a battery into seawater, it starts fizzing,” lead researcher Andrew Sweetman, a professor from the Scottish Association for Marine Science, told CBS News partner BBC News. “That’s because the electric current is actually splitting seawater into oxygen and hydrogen [which are the bubbles]. We think that’s happening with these nodules in their natural state.”

The metals on the nodules are valued in the trillions of dollars, setting of a race to pull the nodules up from the ocean’s depths in a process known as deep sea or seabed mining. Environmental activists have decried the practice.  


Sweetman and other marine scientists worry that the deep sea mining could disrupt the production of dark oxygen and pose a threat to marine life that may depend on it. 

“I don’t see this study as something that will put an end to mining,” Sweetman told the BBC. “[But] we need to explore it in greater detail and we need to use this information and the data we gather in future if we are going to go into the deep ocean and mine it in the most environmentally friendly way possible.”

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What caused the hydrothermal explosion at Yellowstone National Park? A meteorologist explains



What caused the hydrothermal explosion at Yellowstone National Park? A meteorologist explains

Yellowstone National Park visitors were sent running and screaming Tuesday when a hydrothermal explosion spewed boiling hot water and rocks into the air. No one was injured, but it has left some wondering: How does this happen and why wasn’t there any warning? 

The Weather Channel’s Stephanie Abrams said explosions like this are caused by underground channels of hot water, which also create Yellowstone’s iconic geysers and hot springs. 

“When the pressure rapidly drops in a localized spot, it actually forces the hot water to quickly turn to steam, triggering a hydrothermal explosion since gas takes up more space than liquid,” Abrams said Wednesday on “CBS Mornings.” “And this explosion can rupture the surface, sending mud and debris thousands of feet up and more than half a mile out in the most extreme cases.” 


Tuesday’s explosion was not that big, Abrams said, “but a massive amount of rocks and dirt buried the Biscuit Basin,” where the explosion occurred.   

A nearby boardwalk was left with a broken fence and was covered in debris. Nearby trees were also killed, with the U.S. Geological Survey saying the plants “can’t stand thermal activity.” 


“Because areas heat up and cool down over time, trees will sometimes die out when an area heats up, regrow as it cools down, but then die again when it heats up,” the agency said on X.

The USGS said it considers this explosion small, and that similar explosions happen in the national park “perhaps a couple times a year.” Often, though, they happen in the backcountry and aren’t noticed.

“It was small compared to what Yellowstone is capable of,” USGS Volcanoes said on X. “That’s not to say it was not dramatic or very hazardous — obviously it was. But the big ones leave craters hundreds of feet across.”

The agency also said that “hydrothermal explosions, “being episodes of water suddenly flashing to steam, are notoriously hard to predict” and “may not give warning signs at all.” It likened the eruptions to a pressure cooker.


While Yellowstone sits on a dormant volcano, officials said the explosion was not related to volcanic activity. 

“This was an isolated incident in the shallow hot-water system beneath Biscuit Basin,” the USGS said. “It was not triggered by any volcanic activity.” 

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Archaeologists make stunning underwater discovery of ancient mosaic in sea off Italy



Archaeologists make stunning underwater discovery of ancient mosaic in sea off Italy

More than 30,000 ancient coins found



More than 30,000 ancient coins found off the coast of Italy



Researchers studying an underwater city in Italy say they have found an ancient mosaic floor that was once the base of a Roman villa, a discovery that the local mayor called “stupendous.” 

The discovery was made in Bay Sommersa, a marine-protected area and UNESCO World Heritage Site off the northern coast of the Gulf of Naples. The area was once the Roman city of Baia, but it has become submerged over the centuries thanks to volcanic activity in the area. The underwater structures remain somewhat intact, allowing researchers to make discoveries like the mosaic floor. 

The Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park announced the latest discovery, which includes “thousands of marble slabs” in “hundreds of different shapes,” on social media

A part of the mosaic floor being excavated. 


Edoardo Ruspantini

“This marble floor has been at the center of the largest underwater restoration work,” the park said, calling the research “a new challenge” and made “very complicated due to the extreme fragment of the remains and their large expansion.”

The marble floor is made of recovered, second-hand marble that had previously been used to decorate other floors or walls, the park said. Each piece of marble was sharpened into a square and inscribed with circles. The floor is likely from the third century A.D., the park said in another post, citing the style of the room and the repurposing of the materials as practices that were common during that time. 

The remains of collapsed walls that cover the mosaic floor. 


Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei

Researchers are working carefully to extract the marble pieces from the site, the park said. The recovery work will require careful digging around collapsed walls and other fragmented slabs, but researchers hope to “be able to save some of the geometries.” 

Once recovered, the slabs are being brought to land and cleaned in freshwater tanks. The marble pieces are then being studied “slab by slab” to try to recreate the former mosaic, the park said. 

Researchers work to rearrange the mosaic tiles after bringing them up from underwater. 


Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei

“The work is still long and complex, but we are sure that it will offer many prompts and great satisfactions,” the park said. 

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Painkiller used in cattle wiped out India’s vultures, and scientists say that led to 500,000 human deaths



Painkiller used in cattle wiped out India's vultures, and scientists say that led to 500,000 human deaths

New Delhi — Scientists say Indian farmers’ eager uptake of a painkiller for their cattle in the 1990s has led to the inadvertent deaths of half of a million people and massive economic losses — not from any harm to the cattle, but from the loss of millions of vultures, scavengers that historically devoured animals’ remains before they could rot and become vectors for disease.

In early 1990s, the patent on a painkiller called diclofenac lifted, making it cheap and widely available for India’s massive agricultural sector. Farmers use it to treat a wide array of conditions in cattle. But even a small amount of the drug is fatal to vultures. Since the beginning of its widespread use in India, the domestic vulture population has dropped from a whopping 50 million to just a few thousand — and according to a study published by the American Economic Association, the impact on humans has been monumental, reflecting the vital role the scavengers play.

Vultures have been a crucial part of India’s ecosystems for centuries. According to the authors of the study, entitled “The Social Costs of Keystone Species Collapse: Evidence From The Decline of Vultures in India,” the large, homely birds are a “keystone species” — one that plays an irreplaceable role in an ecosystem. 


They’re the only scavengers that feed entirely on carcasses, and they do it extremely efficiently, quickly devouring the remains and leaving little behind to spread disease. The study authors say India’s vultures would typically eat at least 50 million animal carcasses every year, before their population was decimated.

World Wildlife Day
A vulture feeds on a buffalo carcass at the Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India, in a March 3, 2024 file photo.

Anuwar Hazarika/NurPhoto/Getty

In doing so, they prevented the dead farm animals from rotting, and the deadly bacteria and other pathogens that thrive in carcasses from being transmitted into human populations.


“In a country like India with prohibitions on eating beef, most cattle end up turning into carcasses,” Anant Sudarshan, an associate professor of economics at the University of Warwick in England, who co-authored the study, told CBS News. “Vultures provide an incredible disposal service for free. … A group of vultures takes about 45 minutes to turn a cow carcass into bone.”

The vultures’ keen appetite also helped keep the populations of competing scavengers in check, such as feral dogs and rats, which can transmit rabies and a host of other diseases.

In 1994, farmers began giving diclofenac to their cattle and other livestock. The drug causes kidney failure and death in vultures that feed on the carcasses of animals given the painkiller, and the population of the birds shrank from 50 million to just 20,000 over the course of the ensuing decade alone.

Without the vultures around to do the job, farmers started disposing their dead livestock in local bodies of water, which caused water pollution — and another way for pathogens to reach humans.

Vultures on dead prey
A file photo shows vultures eating an animal carcass in India.

Amit Pasricha/INDIAPICTURE/Universal Images Group/Getty

Sudarshan and study co-author Eyal Frank, an environmental economist at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, examined the impact of the drastically reduced vulture population on human health by mapping vulture habitats with health data from more than 600 districts in India. They said their research shows 100,000 human deaths every year between 2000 and 2005 could be linked with the decreased vulture populations. 

It also shows economic losses they estimated at $69 billion per year, largely associated with premature human deaths due to the collapse of the scavenger population.


These deaths were caused, according to their research, by the spread of diseases that a thriving vulture population would have mitigated. Stray dog populations, and with them, the spread of rabies, also increased during the timeframe, as did the amount of bacteria measured in many local water sources.

“India is now the largest center of rabies in the world, as the feral dog population has grown dramatically,” Sudarshan told CBS News.

Rainy Weather In Kashmir
A young man fishes in the Jhelum river in Sopore, Jammu and Kashmir, India, June 12, 2024, as feral dogs watch from the bank. 

Nasir Kachroo/NurPhoto/Getty


Without a major vulture rebound, the study authors said the spread of disease and resulting deaths will only continue in the coming years, as will the costs associated with health care.

India did ban diclofenac for veterinary use in 2006, but Sudarshan said the ban needs to be enforced much more effectively. He and Eyal have called for more conservation funding to boost vulture populations, but they’ve warned that even if the Indian government does mount a major effort, it will take at least a decade for the species to bounce back to the extent required because they’re “slow reproducers.”

As an alternative to bringing the vultures back, Sudarshan said India could build a network of incinerators around the country, but the estimated cost of that is about $1 billion per year, and they would use a huge amount of energy and create considerable air pollution, which is already a major problem for India. 

“So, it makes more sense to bring back the natural way of dealing with the millions of animal carcasses that India produces each year,” he said.


And he said that work must start urgently, as the “vultures began dying in the 1990s. India has not done anything three decades on.”

Zojila Pass : one of the world's most dangerous roads
A vulture is seen next to the carcass of sheep at the Zojila Pass in India, in a June 7, 2022 file photo.

Faisal Khan/Anadolu Agency/Getty

The government does spend about $3 million per year to save India’s native tigers. Sudarshan said while vultures may be far less of a tourist attraction, there’s a broader question about “the basis of our conservation policy.”


“Our paper shows that the cost of losing them [vultures] is about $69 billion a year, which is far higher than any benefits the tiger” brings, he said, adding: “We need to think from a cost effectiveness point of view and growth view, how should we pick species to conserve?”

“Understanding the role vultures play in human health underscores the importance of protecting wildlife – and not just the cute and cuddly,” said his co-author, Frank. “They all have a job to do in our ecosystems that impacts our lives.”

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Swarms of miniscule drones mimicking insects being tried for dangerous human tasks



Swarms of miniscule drones mimicking insects being tried for dangerous human tasks

Dutch scientists have unveiled the country’s first laboratory to research how autonomous miniature drones can mimic insects to accomplish tasks ranging from finding gas leaks in factories to search-and-rescue missions. 

Called the Swarming Lab, researchers at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) say they aim to put a “self-flying” swarm of 100 tiny drones in the air, able to perform around the clock tasks.


This includes the drones landing by themselves on recharging pods and taking off again to continue flying — without humans ever having to get involved. 

“We are working not only to get these robots to be aware of one another, but also work together to complete complex tasks,” said Guido de Croon, a director at TU Delft’s Swarming Lab. 

Tasks include the tiny drones — with the same weight as a golf ball or an egg — “sniffing out” a gas leak in a factory.

A swarm of autonomous drones, fitted with sensors to detect the gas, will be able to fly autonomously around the factory until one drone detects traces of the gas.


It will then follow the “scent” of the gas while “calling” the other drones to help in the search using on-board sensors.

“In the same way, drone swarms can also be used to detect forest fires or continuously help in search and rescue operations over large areas,” De Croon said.

The scientists use studies on bee and ant swarms or how flocks of birds behave to try to program their drone swarms to do the same.

“Drone swarm technology is the idea that when we look at nature and you see many of these animals, like ants, that individually are perhaps not so smart but together they do … things that they could definitely not do by themselves,” De Croon said. “We want to instill the same capabilities also in robots,” De Croon said.


Doing this, the scientists look at how birds or insects swarm “using very simple behaviors.”

For instance, birds “look at their closest neighbors in the flock and they do things like ‘oh, I don’t want to be too close’ because they don’t want to collide,” De Croon said. But “I also don’t want to be the only one to be away from the flock.” 

They align with each other. And by following such simple rules you get these beautiful patterns that are very useful for the birds, also against predators,” he told AFP.

“So at that level, we draw inspiration and we try to make such simple rules also for robots but then for the applications we want to tackle.” 


But the scientists admit there are some challenges. 

“Swarms are complex systems,” De Croon said at a demonstration of the technology at the Swarming Lab, situated inside TU Delft’s Science Centre.”A single robot can do simple things within a swarm.” “It is actually quite difficult to predict, however, with these simple rules how a whole swarm will behave,” De Croon said.

The small size of the robots also hampers the amount of technology like sensors and on-board computing capacity the tiny drones can carry. 

Currently, the drones at the Swarming Lab still rely on an externally mounted camera to relay information to the buzzing beasts on their positions within the swarm. 


But the researchers have already developed the technology for robots to sense each other without external help. And they would n’t be the first: Scientists from Zhejiang University in China in 2022 successfully flew 10 autonomous drones through a thick bamboo forest.

Currently, the Swarming Lab, working with a start-up company of former TU Delft students called Emergent, has some 40 small drones involved in its research.

“The aim is eventually to put a swarm of around 100 drones in the air in the next five years,” said Lennart Bult, co-founder at Emergent. 

Ultimately “it would be really great if we actually get a bit closer to the astonishing intelligence of tiny creatures like honeybees,” said De Croon.


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