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Nicolae Ciucă, 3 defecte pentru Klaus Iohannis



Nicolae Ciucă, 3 defecte pentru Klaus Iohannis
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  1. @floriantrandafir9229

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    ! ! ! România are nevoie neapărată de protecție cetățenească , de protecția maximă a propriului popor pentru a putea exista ca națiune demnă și să fie eliberată din ghearele DICTATURI instituționale a statuli Român paralel ,corupt, mafiot și infracțional educate ! ! ! Dreptatea va învinge, dreptatea trebuie să învingă DICTATURA instituțională a statuli Român paralel și infracțional educat ! ! ! De 35 de ani , toate instituțiile statului DICTATORIAL al României sunt acaparate de mulți Coldea și Dumbravă care au băgat teroarea în România întreagă ! ! ! România nu te lăsa ÎNVINSĂ ajung 35 de ani de jaf și dezastru național ! ! ! De 35 de ani ,România numai poate exista ca națiune și țară cu DICTATURA instituțională a statuli paralel, mafiot, corupt și infracțional educat care și-a ÎNVINS propria țară și întreg poporul Român ! ! ! Eliminați trădători țări Românești din funcțiile satului pentru ca România să poată exista ca națiune și țară ! ! ! DICTATURA instituțională a statuli Român paralel, corupt, mafiot și infracțional educat trebuie să ia sfârșit ! ! !Câți Coldea și Dumbravă are România care supremă cetateni drepți ai României iar, ei să nu plătească pentru infracțiunile lor adse țări si cetățenilor nevinovați ai României ! ! ! Dreptatea trebuie să învingă, România trăiește-ți o altă soartă măcar acum și-n ceasul al doisprezecelea la care și dușmani tăi să se închine pentru a putea RENAȘTE ca națiune demnă ! ! ! Redați România propiului său popor cu cetateni drepți, competenți, responsabili, capabili, loiali ,iscusiți, școliți în funcțiile statului ! ! România nu te mai lasă încă 35 de ani ÎNVINSĂ de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli Român paralel și infracțional educat ! ! ! România trebuie redată propriilor ei cetățenii onești ,corecți, competenți, responsabili, capabili, loiali, iscusiți, școliți ajung 35 de ani de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli Român paralel, corupt și infracțional educat ! ! Dreptatea trebuie să învingă, dreptatea va învinge prin unitate maximă cetățenească ! ! ! România nu te lăsa ÎNVINSĂ de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli paralel și infracțional educat ! ! ! Poporul Român trebuie să-și ia soarta în propriile mâini și să-și elibereze propria țară de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli paralel și infracțional educat pentru a putea exista ca națiune și țară demnă unde să existe viitor, protecție, speranțe, perspective și bunăstare dacă, acest lucru nu se va întâmpla România numai poate exista niciodată ca națiune , aveți dovada celor 35 de ani de jaf național, trădare de țară și complotul infracțional educat al tuturor instituțiilor publice ale statului Român eșuat care și-a SUBMINAT ECONOMIA proprie țări direct din funcțiile satului Român corupt, mafiot, paralel și infracțional educat ! ! ! ! România trăiește-ți o altă soartă măcar acum și-n ceasul al doisprezecelea și elbereazăți propria țară de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli Român paralel, corupt, mafiot, inrensposabil, incompetent șiinfracțional educat care și-a SUBMINAT propria ECONOMIE instaurând sărăcia totală în România întreagă ! ! Dreptatea va învinge, dreptatea trebuie să învingă prin unitate maximă cetățenească , hai , haideți să dăm mână cu mână cei cu inima Româniă pentru dreptate ca Doamna Doamna de onoarea a țări Românești să poată candida la Preșidenția țări Românești ! ! ! România nu te lăsa ÎNVINSĂ de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli Român paralel, corupt, infracțional EDUCAT și-a PSD ului, PNL ului ,USR ului, UDMR ului și-a excursionistului nepriceput Klaus Iohanis Werner ! ! ! România trebuie să RENASCĂ ca națiune cu cetateni drepți, competenți, responsabili, demni, onești, școliți, iscusiți și cu dragoste incontestabilă de țară în funcțiile statului , ajung 35 de ani de DICTATURA statului Român paralel, corupt, mafiot și infracțional educat care și-a SUBMINAT propria ECONOMIE direct din funcțiile satului instaurând sărăcia totală în România fost bogată prin trădare de țară unde viitor, protecție, speranțe, perspective și bunăstare numai poate exista niciodată ! ! ! Acum ori niciodată și după 35 de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli paralel și infracțional educat, România trăiește-ți o altă soartă altfel vei pieri ca națiune și țară ! ! România nu te lăsa ÎNVINSĂ, hai, haideți să dăm mâna cu mâna cei cu inima Româniă pentru susținerea Doamnei de onoare a țări laPreșidenția țări Românești ! ! ! România acum ori niciodată trăiește-ți o altă soartă la care și dușmani tăi să închine ! ! ! Domna de onoare a țări Românești a scris istorie în România dorința poporuli Român trebuie repectatată iar, Doamna Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă trebuie să candideze la Preșidenția României ! ! ! România nu te lăsa ÎNVINSĂ de DICTATURA instituțională a statuli Român paralel, corupt, mafiot,infracțional educat și-a excursionistului nepriceput Klaus Iohanis Werner ! ! Așa să ne ajute bunul Dumnezeu ! ! !

  2. @cornelmoldovan8471

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Cucu si pupăza.

  3. @FloareaTrasca

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Klaus Iohannis are multe defecte, dar asta este atât de obedient, incât nu ii gaseste niciunul 🙂

  4. @gaby1980

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Kinder Cu surprize 😅

  5. @elenamunteanu3290

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am


  6. @elenamunteanu3290

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am


  7. @radooap2331

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Își ia prea putine concedii, muncește prea mult, are prea putine case :))))

  8. @TOMITA-re7wj

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Invita si pe oamenii care merita intradevar cum ar fi Calin Georgescu!

  9. @monicanegoescu2955

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    La data de 11aprilie 2024, la Judecătoria Sectorului 3 București, a fost termen de judecată în dosarul 29994/301/2023 în care Pistol Georgeta și maică-sa Friguraș Maria sunt reclamate pentru fals în declarații publice. Ambele au pretins public că Maria Andrei Tiberiu ar fi căsătorit și că ar avea un copil cu Pistol Georgeta, ceea ce este fals. În afară de mine s-a prezentat un avocat care a spus că o reprezintă pe Friguraș Maria. Doamna judecător a cerut un act de identitate al persoanei  care s-a pretins Friguraș Maria dar avocatul a spus că aceasta nu are la ea cartea de identitate. Atunci doamna judecător l-a întrebat pe avocat dacă persoana pe care o reprezintă  este pârâta Friguraș Maria din dosar. Avocatul a spus că ea este dar, imediat, a spus că de fapt nu este, pentru că în întâmpinarea pe care a trimis-o Judecătoriei Friguraș Maria a susținut că nu este mama lui Pistol Georgeta. Eu am chemat în judecată pe Friguraș Maria care este angajată la Mega Image, la Resurse Umane, pentru că este mama lui Pistol Georgeta. Doamna judecător a spus că dosarul va fi trimis la Tribunal ca să ne judecăm acolo pentru că suma pe care o cer eu de la cele două pârâte este prea mare. Am fost întrebată dacă am ceva împotrivă ca acest dosar să fie transferat la Tribunalul București și am spus că nu pentru că tot un judecător mă judecă indiferent de instanța de judecată, Judecătorie sau Tribunal. D-na judecător l-a întrebat și pe avocat ce părere are despre trimiterea dosarului la Tribunal și acesta a răspuns că este bine, că poate ajunge dosarul la un anume Alineu care a fost promovat la Tribunal și rezolvă el asta. Apoi a precizat că numitul Alineu este la contencios administrativ. Doamna judecător i-a răspuns "Așa este" și apoi mi-a spus că voi primi acasă un act prin care mi se va comunica că acest dosar se va judeca la Tribunal și la ce dată voi merge acolo. În timp ce îmi luam punga cu acte de pe o bancă din sala de judecată, a trecut pe lângă mine persoana care s-a pretins Friguraș Maria și mi-a spus "Auzi, tu îmi ceri mie un milion dar să vezi cât o să îți cer eu ție." Eu i-am spus "Ce tupeu,  să mă provoci în sala de judecată, că o să îmi ceri bani ". Am ieșit din sala de judecată și am continuat să o apostrofez pe persoana care s-a pretins Friguraș Maria. Nu mi-a răspuns, un jandarm care era la intrarea judecătoriei mi-a spus să nu mai strig, să merg afară să fac asta. Și afară i-am strigat persoanei care s-a pretins Friguraș Maria de neamurile ei din Brașov care sunt criminali,  gândindu-mă la Dornău Eugen de la locul meu de muncă actual,  Carrefour Market Victoriei. Nu mi-a răspuns nici afară. Eu nu am văzut-o de mult pe Friguraș Maria de la Mega Image,  și nu am recunoscut-o ca fiind persoana care a venit să ne judecăm la Judecătoria Sectorului 3 București la data de 11 aprilie 2024. La Hahaha Production este angajat un bărbat mic de statură și slab, care este înrudit cu Pistol Georgeta și maică-sa Friguraș Maria. Acesta se putea deghiza ca să pretindă că este Friguraș Maria în sala de judecată. Am aflat că persoana care s-a deghizat în pârâta Friguraș Maria este un frate al acesteia. Am primit citație de la Tribunalul București pentru 04 septembrie 2024 în același dosar 29994/301/2023. Începând cu data de doi iulie 2024 locul meu de muncă  este la hipermarketul Carrefour de la mall-ul AFI, în Brașov. La data de cinci 
    iulie 2024, în prima zi de muncă pe codul meu de casier, a venit la casa șapte, unde am lucrat, un bărbat care se numește Dragu și care, în ianuarie 2024, în primele mele zile de muncă la Carrefour Market Victoriei se afla acolo fără să fie trecut în tabelul afișat cu programul de lucru Atunci, într-o zi, nu m-a lăsat să încep lucrul la casă cu scopul de a înscena un alt accident de muncă cu mine, în complicitate cu Mânzar Marinela, o altă angajată casier care a solicitat atunci să o ajut să pună sticle cu vin la raft  Acest Dragu este înrudit cu un alt bărbat care se numește tot Dragu și care a mers la Hahaha Production SRL ca să îl amenințe pe Maria Andrei Tiberiu, Smiley, cu moartea sau alte violențe. În urmă cu câțiva ani, Dragu pe care l-am văzut la Hahaha Production s-a așezat în spatele meu când așteptam să plătesc la un magazin din apropierea domiciliului meu și m-a înțepat de mai multe ori injectându-mi astfel o substanță care mi-a provocat o stare de agitație. I-am zis direct când m-a înțepat și a intervenit paza magazinului care a văzut că minte când a negat. Celălalt Dragu a venit la casa la care lucram la hipermarketul Carrefour de la mall-ul AFI și a început să aranjeze pungile care se află sub banda pe care clienții  pun cumpărăturile ca să fie înregistrate pe bonul fiscal. S-a uitat la mine zâmbind la fel cum a făcut  ruda lui Dragu pe care l-am văzut la Hahaha Production. Acest zâmbet ironic este modul în care m-au amenințat cei doi bărbați care se numesc Dragu. Ei fac parte din grupul de crimă organizată condus de Stoica Alexandru Cristian. Astăzi, 04 septembrie  am avut termen de judecată în dosarul 29994/301/2023.  Pistol Georgeta nu a fost prezentă iar Friguraș Maria a susținut, prin avocatul Teodòrescu Bogdan,, că ea nu este mama lui Pistol Georgeta dar a susținut că fapta nu există. Dacă ea nu are legătură cu această faptă, atunci de ce afirmă că nu există? Eu am spus că este un circ mediatic, că în emisiuni televizate și pe internet Pistol Georgeta a mințit că are un copil și că este măritată cu Maria Andrei Tiberiu, cunoscut ca fiind artistul Smiley. Am spus că din cauza  acestei minciuni eù și Maria Andrei Tiberiu nu putem fi un cuplu. A rămas în pronunțare ceea ce hotărăște doamna judecător. De data aceasta nu a mai venit impostorul care la data  de 11 aprilie 2024 a susținut că este pârâta Friguraș Maria, Friguraș Maria a prezentat grefierei cartea de identitate, așa cum am făcut și eu. Avocatul ei a spus că ea nu este mama lui Pistol Georgeta pentru că nu putea să o nască la vârsta de 13 ani. După ce am ieșit din Tribunal, mi s-a comunicat prin telepatie că Friguraș Maria, pe care am chemat-o în judecată ca fiind mama lui Pistol Georgeta, a modificat anul nașterii saĺe din certificatul ei de naștere și apoi și-a făcut carte de identitate cu anul nașterii schimbat de ea. Apoi a declarat că și-a pierdut certificatul de naștere și a solicitat unul nou pe baza  cărții de identitate. Mi s-a comunicat prin telepatie că a născut-o pe Pistol Georgeta la vârsta de 18 ani. Eu am spus doamnei judecător că solicit instanței de judecată să se adreseze Serviciului de Evidență a persoanelor care poate să verifice dacă Friguraș Maria pe care am chemat-o în judecată este mama lui Pistol Georgeta care este cunoscută ca fiind Gina Pistol. Eu am întâlnit-o pe Friguraș Maria la un curs de proiectare asistată de calculator la care am participat prin Agenția Județeană pentru ocuparea forței de muncă Brașov. Cursul a fost organizat  de societatea Brahms International, cu fonduri europene. La data aceea, august 2014, Friguraș Maria era angajată la societatea Brahms International la Resurse Umane. În timpul cursului, un bărbat care a participat și el la curs a spus că ea este mama uneia Gina Pistol care apare pe la televiziune, eu am spus că nu știu cine este Gina Pistol și mi-a replicat că eu sigur voi ști cine este. Am văzut pe site-ul Tribunalului București că cererea mea în dosarul 29994/301/2023 a fost respinsă dar că am dreptul să fac apel în termen de 30 de zile de la comunicarea soluției. Mi s-a comunicat prin telepatie că doamna judecător a fost amenințată și că a anunțat instituțiile statului despre asta. Dar motivul pentru care a fost respinsă cererea mea în dosarul 29994/301/2023 este  că Maria Andrei Tiberiu, Smiley, a fost     amenințat de grupul de crimă organizată condus de Stoica Alexandru Cristian ca să îi comunice doamnei judecător că el nu vrea să formăm un cuplu așa cum am spus eu ieri când m-am judecat cu Pistol Georgeta și Friguraș Maria.

  10. @pushamanea380

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am


  11. @iurascudaniel1993

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Nod în gât! Cànd a răspuns!🎉

  12. @valeriadumitriu2936

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    La cacialma te tine Măruță…..😂😂😂😂🌺

  13. @vladtepes4824

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    E Mutulică 😂😂😂😂😂😂 "gândește prea mult"
    Si încă unu,minte de nici el nu se crede (daca stiti filmulețul cu Domne,cate case aveți?6 case prin munca cinstita)-si mai si râdea 😏GHINION

  14. @cupibeni116

    October 18, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Din căte știu Armata și poliția nu le este permis să se implice în politică .ce caută nimicarul ăsta în politică ?? Hoții și tălharii psdiști care au distrus Romănia.jos cu voi toți

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Veteran BBC presenter John Stapleton reveals Parkinson’s diagnosis



Veteran BBC presenter John Stapleton reveals Parkinson’s diagnosis

John Stapleton has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

The broadcaster, 78, who is known for presenting programmes including Newsnight, Panorama and GMTV’s News Hour, made the announcement on BBC One’s Morning Live.

Parkinson’s is a brain disorder that causes unintended or uncontrollable movements, such as shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. Often, the disease can become more severe over time.


Speaking to his son, presenter Nick Stapleton, the broadcaster said: “Speaking is how I’ve earned my living for the best part of 50 years, and it’s very frustrating sometimes, particularly if people are constantly saying to you, sorry, what did you say? And you have to repeat yourself time and time and time again.”

He added: “I’m fairly pragmatic about the prospect of this getting worse. I try to remain positive, because what’s the point of not being [positive].”

Nick said it was “early days” of his father’s diagnosis and added that Stapleton is “still fairly independent”.

He continued: “Nonetheless, I want to start these conversations now, to get some potentially difficult topics out in the open and make it easier for later on.”

John Stapleton and his son Nick on ‘Morning Live'

John Stapleton and his son Nick on ‘Morning Live’ (BBC)

While speaking about his diagnosis on Morning Live, Stapleton revealed his mother also had Parkinson’s and he is now experiencing similar mobility problems to her.

“The fact that I’ve had an early diagnosis, the fact that I’ve seen what happened to my mother firsthand is all a big bonus in many ways,” he said. “It enables me to look at it practically, realistically and plan sensibly for the future.”

Georgina Jones, a senior care advisor for Parkinson’s UK appeared on the programme to give Nick advice on how to speak to his father about needing care in the future as his symptoms worsen.

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“It’s trying to talk about what support someone might need rather than what care they might need; starting with what they would like and what they’re struggling with,” she said.

TV-AM presenters Nick Owen, Anne Diamond, Stapleton and Wincey Willis in the studio in 1984

TV-AM presenters Nick Owen, Anne Diamond, Stapleton and Wincey Willis in the studio in 1984 (PA)

“There’s all kinds of equipment that people might need in their home. And those kinds of small steps will then build up to something more major, decisions about if someone needed to sell their home, they needed to move, etc.”

Fans were quick to send their well wishes to Stapleton following his announcement. “One of the finest broadcasters in my lifetime, sad to hear this and sending best wishes,” one person wrote on X/Twitter.


“A brilliant broadcaster,” another fan added.

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Strictly’s Giovanni Pernice says he ‘wanted to punch the TV’ as he watched Amanda Abbington make shock claims



Strictly's Giovanni Pernice says he 'wanted to punch the TV' as he watched Amanda Abbington make shock claims

GIOVANNI Pernice “wanted to punch the TV” when watching Amanda Abbington discussing claims made against him, according to reports.

The Italian dancer, 34, has said he “sobbed” when he heard the actress was to appear on Channel 4 to claim her bullying allegations were ‘of a sexual nature’.

Giovanni Pernice 'wanted to punch the TV' during Amanda Abbington's C4 interview


Giovanni Pernice ‘wanted to punch the TV’ during Amanda Abbington’s C4 interviewCredit: PA
Amanda broke down in tears and accused Gio of passing comments 'of a sexual nature'


Amanda broke down in tears and accused Gio of passing comments ‘of a sexual nature’Credit: Channel 4
Giovanni thought his career would be over after Amanda's interview with Krishnan Guru-Muthy


Giovanni thought his career would be over after Amanda’s interview with Krishnan Guru-MuthyCredit: PA

Amanda’s interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, who had competed alongside her in the 2023 series of Strictly, aired in July.

Giovanni has now broken his silence after the BBC finally cleared him of 10 of the 16 allegations the Sherlock actress had made against him.


The ex Strictly pro told Mail+: “I wanted to punch the television. I didn’t watch it, I couldn’t watch the interview because I was thinking, ‘Why would you talk on live TV when we’ve both been asked not to talk about it?’

“My Sicilian blood would rise up and I’d think, ‘This isn’t the truth’ – but I had to remain silent.”


Amanda’s interview with Krishnan aired three months in to the BBC’s £250,000 investigation, which wrapped up in September.

Giovanni said the televised chat on Channel 4 in July was the first time there had been a mention of anything “sexual”.


“Of course, I was worried it could destroy my career – the people that come to my shows are kids and women,” he added to the publication.

Giovanni was partnered with Amanda on the 2023 series of Strictly Come Dancing.

But she departed in week six, citing medical reasons. Amanda later accused Giovanni of bullying – which he vehemently denies.

Giovanni decided to quit Strictly in May after nine years on the BBC dancing show.

Strictly’s Giovanni Pernice breaks silence after BBC report upholds SIX bullying allegations against him

It came as he faced allegations over his training methods with his former celebrity partners, including Amanda.

Last month, the BBC published the findings of its five-month investigation into the alleged scandal.

Giovanni was cleared of 10 of the 16 allegations made against him.

It did, however, find instances of the professional dancer using “belittling” language towards her, and the Beeb apologised to Amanda.


Giovanni will be appearing on ITV’s Lorraine to discuss the bullying probe and its outcome on Tuesday morning (October 22).

Strictly 2024 pairings

Here’s who is matched with who this series…

A TV source told The Sun: “Amanda has conducted a number of interviews throughout the investigation on high-profile platforms like Channel 4 News but Giovanni was not able to do so as a BBC employee.

“Now it is complete, Giovanni is able to discuss certain things but most importantly, move forward with his career.


“He will chat to Lorraine about his upcoming solo tour The Last Dance and run of new dates for his gigs with Anton Du Beke.”

Giovanni is currently taking part in Italy‘s version of Strictly Come Dancing.

He relocated to Italy as Amanda spoke out about her ordeal on Newsnight following the BBC investigation.

She claimed her nightmare rehearsals with Gio got so bad she was actually relieved when a cancer scare meant she could quit the show.


The BBC apologised to the actress as she revealed her experience with him was “morbid and toxic”.

Meanwhile, Giovanni is due to make a brief return to Strictly in a one-off special celebrating the show’s 20 years on screen.

In December’s anniversary special, he will appear in footage from 2021 dancing with EastEnders star Rose Ayling-Ellis, who was the first deaf winner of Strictly Come Dancing.

Giovanni starred on Strictly with Amanda in 2023


Giovanni starred on Strictly with Amanda in 2023Credit: PA
Amanda quit the show in Week 6 and later accused Giovanni of 'bullying'


Amanda quit the show in Week 6 and later accused Giovanni of ‘bullying’Credit: PA
The BBC cleared Gio of 10 out of 16 allegations made against him


The BBC cleared Gio of 10 out of 16 allegations made against himCredit: Getty

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Trump serving McDonald’s compared to The Bear: ‘Season 4 is low-energy’



Trump serving McDonald’s compared to The Bear: ‘Season 4 is low-energy’

Donald Trump’s latest campaign publicity stunt, which saw him working a shift in a McDonald’s, has prompted a flurry of memes comparing him to the award-winning restaurant-based TV show The Bear.

With just weeks to go until the 5 November election, where he and Kamala Harris are almost level in the polls, Trump turned up in an apparent scheme to help him appeal to the American “everyman”.

The roughly hour-long photo opp took place at a closed restaurant in the Feasterville neighbourhood of the Lower Southampton Township. A sign on the door said that the restaurant would be closed Sunday until 4 pm after the president and his entourage had left.


During the visit, Trump had an apron tied behind his back by a McDonald’s cashier before he received a short demonstration of how to work the fry station and stuck his head through the drive-thru.

Images of Trump’s shift soon went viral, with many noticing that his garments bore a striking similarity to Jeremy Allen White’s character, “Carmy”, from The Bear.

“New season of The Bear looks s***,” joked one person on X/Twitter.


Another said: “Man, The Bear Season 4 is low-energy.”

Others recreated scenes or lines of the dialogue from the show, which has just finished its third season.


One, joking about the size of Trump’s hands, wrote: “Hands! I need hands, please! Someone please get me some f***ing bigger hands!”

Meanwhile, someone else imagined what it would be like if Trump and Carmy worked together.

It came just a day after Trump shared a 12-minute anecdote about the former pro golfer Arnold Palmer’s genitalia during a rally in Pennsylvania.

Speaking in Latrobe, Palmer’s birthplace, Trump told his crowd of supporters: “This is a guy that was all man. He took showers with the other pros, they came out of there, they said, ‘Oh my God, that’s unbelievable.’ I had to say it.”

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“I had to tell you the shower part because it’s true,” he added.

The bizarre quotes then led to Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson getting into a very awkward exchange with CNN’s Jake Tapper after the news anchor questioned why Trump was using valuable campaign time to talk about Palmer’s penis.

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Giovanni Pernice reveals exactly what he said the last time he spoke to Amanda Abbington before Strictly bullying probe



Giovanni Pernice reveals exactly what he said the last time he spoke to Amanda Abbington before Strictly bullying probe

GIOVANNI Pernice has revealed the last words that he spoke to Amanda Abbington after their bitter fallout amid a Strictly bullying probe.

Giovanni, 34, also retaliated to a string of claims made in his first interview since the BBC released its findings.

Giovanni Pernice has opened up for the first time on the Strictly bullying investigation


Giovanni Pernice has opened up for the first time on the Strictly bullying investigationCredit: PA
He revealed the final words he spoke to dance partner Amanda Abbington


He revealed the final words he spoke to dance partner Amanda AbbingtonCredit: PA
Amanda accused him of bullying her behind the scenes on Strictly and later spoke out on Newsnight following the BBC's report


Amanda accused him of bullying her behind the scenes on Strictly and later spoke out on Newsnight following the BBC’s report

Sherlock star Amanda, 50, quit Strictly Come Dancing last year and later made a formal complaint about Giovanni along with three of his former dance partners.

The actress left the show during week six after finding two lumps in her breasts, and fearing she had cancer.


She since revealed their rehearsals got so bad she was relieved when the cancer scare meant that she could quit.

Giovanni has now recalled the moment Amanda told him about her health scare during their final rehearsal together.

He insisted he immediately contacted a doctor to arrange a scan, and said that was the last time that they ever spoke.

The ballroom dancer told MailOnline: “Amanda told me that she couldn’t concentrate because while she was having a shower she had found two lumps.


“I said, ‘Please tell me it’s nothing serious,’ and the first thing I did was call my doctor and tried to organise for her to have a scan right away.”

Also in the interview the Sicilian denied making sexual remarks during rehearsals, but conceded that they had “very rude banter”.

He recalled: “Amanda was a laugh, we were making each other laugh. She would say very bad things, like the c-word. She would use it.

“In actual fact, the production staff came to us and said, ‘We have noticed that you call each other that word, is it ok?’

Amanda Abbington reveals she held tearful secret meeting with Giovanni Pernice’s former partners at her home and ‘they all said the same thing’

“And she was like, ‘Oh yeah it’s fine, I call him that! It’s absolutely fine, I started it’, those were her words. And I was like, ‘Yes guys, we are fine, we are joking like this.

“She’s the person who would start the joke. She would tell a dark joke.

“That was the banter we had from the beginning, very rude banter.”

He addressed Amanda’s claim that he had said to her: “You’re a 51-year-old menopausal woman but I’d still f*** you,” which the investigation did not and find evidence of.


Giovanni said he was bewildered by Amanda’s claim, adding: “I had to ask my agent what the menopause means.”

The pro dancer realised Amanda wasn’t enjoying rehearsals after their co-star alerted him to her frustrations after just one week.

He said he was concerned she might misrepresent their time together – and so he began secretly recording their sessions, saying: “I did it to protect myself”.

After a backlash from Amanda, and other former celebrity dance partners, Giovanni was at the centre of a five-month bullying storm and escalating crisis.


The BBC last month cleared him of ten of the 16 allegations made against him by Amanda.

The Beeb also apologised to Amanda as she revealed her experience with him was “morbid and toxic”.

Amanda then conducted a number of interviews on high-profile platforms like Newsnight, Channel 4 News and The Sun.

Recalling her interviews, Giovanni said he was left constantly crying and distraught, and the claims devastated his family.


He said: “I rang my parents up crying. They are the closest people to me. They were asked if their son was a bully.

“Everyone got upset, that made me upset. There were so many tears of frustration and sadness.”

Giovanni is set speak out again on Lorraine Kelly’s daytime chat show on Tuesday morning.

Giovanni starred on Strictly with Amanda in 2023


Giovanni starred on Strictly with Amanda in 2023Credit: PA

Strictly’s full scandal so far

Strictly Come Dancing’s scandal has been growing over the past few months, with several major players speaking out about what went on. Here are the key moments of what’s happened so far

16th May: Giovanni Pernice sensationally quits Strictly Come Dancing after nine years on the show.

17th May: Giovanni becomes the centre of an official investigation after three former partners – believed to be Amanda Abbington, Laura Whitmore and Ranvir Singh – make complaints to the BBC.


16th June: Giovanni releases an official statement vowing to clear his name and denies any wrongdoing.

8th July: Strictly confirms Aljaz Skorjanec will return to the series, replacing Giovanni, after initially quitting the show two years ago.

10th July: Amanda Abbington launches fresh legal proceedings to get the rehearsal footage from her time with Giovanni, after allegedly he refused to release the videos.

13th July: Graziano Di Prima is axed from Strictly for “gross misconduct” after footage of his treatment of Zara McDermott is brought to the attention of the BBC.


Graziano quickly broke his silence, apologising for his behaviour in a statement and saying he “deeply regrets it”, adding his “intense passion and determination to win might have affected his training regime.”

15th July: Strictly bosses implement new duty of care protocols, including having a chaperone present throughout all rehearsals.

16th July: Zara McDermott speaks out publicly for first time. She states while the production team were “amazing to work with”, she found the rehearsal room “completely different”, confirming there’s footage of “certain situations”.

19th July: Anton Du Beke is put under the spotlight for his “1970s attitude” and treatment of female celeb stars, particularly after allegedly referring to 2009 partner Laila Rouass as a “p***” after getting a spray tan.


21st July: Paralympian Will Bayley, who has limb condition arthrogryposis, revealed he was encouraged to leap from a table during a dance routine, despite fears. The stunt caused an injury that forced him to withdraw from the show.

22nd July: MasterChef’s Gregg Wallace admits he broke down in tears and got a nasty stress rash on his face during his time on Strictly in 2014.

22nd July: Despite ongoing issues, the Strictly professional cast begin rehearsals for this year’s series.

23rd July: Celebrity agent Melanie Blake claims she was sexually assaulted by an unnamed pro dancer while backstage on the show, and claims she witnessed ageism, rudeness and a rough treatment to the point of injury.


23rd July: Strictly is forced to beef up security after ‘an intruder scales the wall of the rehearsal studio’.

23rd July: BBC boss Tim Davie breaks his silence on the ongoing allegations against Strictly, saying he is ‘deeply sorry’, adding: “Hundreds of people, be they pros, contestants or crew have been part of it and had a brilliant experience.

“At the same time if someone thinks there was something wrong or they want to talk about their experience then of course we want them to raise that with us. Be in no doubt we will take it seriously, listen and deal with it as appropriate.”

24th July: Strictly 2023 star Krishnan Guru-Murthy holds a bombshell interview with Amanda Abbington on Channel 4 news, where she claims she was bullied, with some of the ‘humilation being of a sexual nature’.


27th July: Laura Whitmore releases a statement regarding her Strictly experience, saying “I thought my experience was specific to me but I’ve since learned I was wrong”.

She adds she is not part of the official complaint, but has come forward to support Amanda with the BBC, alongside others.

28th July: Laila Rouass speaks out against the accusations regarding Anton Du Beke, saying she “never felt pressured” by him and “personally insisted on six to seven hours training a day”.

10th August: Graziano breaks his silence on his Strictly axe, saying “these vile, false allegations have ruined my life.”


He also told of the “shocking” end to his friendship with Zara McDermott.

We also revealed that Amanda Abbington was also quizzed for a second time as Strictly execs recruited 15 new staff to monitor rehearsals.

11th August: Just as the investigation was expected to conclude, Amanda made a dramatic intervention. Giovanni was on the brink of being cleared until Amanda handed in more text messages.

24th August: Graziano Di Prima called in top lawyers to sue the BBC and to try to clear his name. He recruited big hitters Whitestone Chambers to fight his corner.


A source said: “They’ve also looked at his BBC contract and believe there are grounds to sue.”

Meanwhile, the BBC also delayed releasing the findings of the probe into Giovanni Pernice. The Sun revealed that the results of the three-month investigation were unlikely to be announced in August.

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The Office star Jenna Fischer reveals celebrity who had ‘salty’ reaction to her cancer diagnosis



The Office star Jenna Fischer reveals celebrity who had ‘salty’ reaction to her cancer diagnosis

Jenna Fischer has opened up about the moment she shared her breast cancer diagnosis with friends, recalling that Anchorman star Christina Applegate had a “salty” response.

The 50-year-old, who played Pam Beesly on the much-loved NBC sitcom The Office, said publicly earlier this month that she was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.

During an appearance on Today, Fischer said she was diagnosed last October and first spoke to her husband, Lee Kirk, about the news.


One of the first friends she told was Applegate. Fischer explained: “I called her, and she answered the phone, and she said, ‘Which one is it?’ And I said, ‘It’s breast cancer.’ And she said, ‘I effing knew it.’

“She’s salty. Salty language that one. I love her for it.”

Fischer told fans on social media that she is now cancer free after receiving treatment.

Jenna Fischer at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinnerin Washington, DC in 2016
Jenna Fischer at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinnerin Washington, DC in 2016 (AFP via Getty Images)

“I never thought I’d be making an announcement like this but here we are. Last December, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Triple Positive Breast Cancer. After completing surgery, chemotherapy and radiation I am now cancer free,” she wrote in the caption of an Instagram post.

“Back in October 2023, I posted a photo of myself on Instagram preparing for my routine mammogram with a joking reminder to ‘take care of your ticking time bags’ a la Michael Scott,” Fischer shared, referencing Steve Carrell’s Office character.


“After inconclusive results on that mammogram due to dense breast tissue my doctor ordered a breast ultrasound. They found something in my left breast. A biopsy was ordered. Then, on December 1, 2023, I learned I had stage 1 triple positive breast cancer.”

“Triple positive breast cancer is an aggressive form of breast cancer but it is also highly responsive to treatment,” Fischer added.

The Office Ladies podcast host revealed she “had a lumpectomy to remove the tumor” in January of this year and the “cancer was caught early and it hadn’t spread into my lymph nodes or throughout the rest of my body.”

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“I’m happy to say I’m feeling great,” she continued. “I lost my hair during chemotherapy but thanks to some great wigs and hats with hair (which my family affectionately called Wigats) I have been able to wait until now to reveal all that has been going on for me.

“I’m making this announcement for a few reasons,” Fisher explained. “One, I’m ready to ditch the wigs. Two, to implore you to get your annual mammograms. You can also ask your doctor to calculate your Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score and get any additional screenings required. I’m serious, call your doctors right now.

“If I had waited six months longer, things could have been much worse,” she said. “It could have spread. Seeing women post photos of their mammogram appointments on Instagram needled me into setting my own (which I was late for). I’m so glad I did. Consider this your kick in the butt to get it done…. Suddenly everything in your life is geared around one thing: fighting cancer.”

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Paddington Bear given official UK passport by Home Office for new movie



Paddington Bear given official UK passport by Home Office for new movie

PADDINGTON Bear was provided with an official UK passport for filming of a new movie.

Bosses had appealed to the Home Office for permission to create a replica, but were shocked when the government department instead responded with a legal document.

Paddington Bear was provided with an official UK passport for filming of a new movie


Paddington Bear was provided with an official UK passport for filming of a new movieCredit: Studio Canal

Co-producer of Paddington in Peru, Rob Silva, told Radio Times: “We wrote to the Home Office, asking if we could get a replica, and they actually issued Paddington with an official passport – there’s only one of these.

“You wouldn’t think the Home Office would have a sense of humour, but under official observations, they’ve just listed him as Bear.”

The film follows the Marmalade-loving bear, brought to life through animation and voiced by Ben Whishaw, as he travels abroad to visit Aunt Lucy in his homeland.

It follows the box office success of Paddington and Paddington 2.


But campaigners are not convinced the Home Office’s gesture is the best use of hard-pressed resources.

William Yarwood, media campaign manager at the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: “Taxpayers will be bewildered that a fictional bear received a passport.

“While Home Office mandarins might find this amusing, ordinary Brits who are suffering under the department’s inability to control immigration or bring down crime won’t.

“Civil servants need to be snapped back into reality.”

This Paddington inspired perfume is set to be the hottest scent of summer

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