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Russland kann noch zwei, drei Jahre durchhalten – Markus Reisner, Oberst Bundesheer Österreich #ntv



Russland kann noch zwei, drei Jahre durchhalten - Markus Reisner, Oberst Bundesheer Österreich #ntv

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  1. @Sparkasse44

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Was ist nach drei Jahren? Bis dahin werden nochmals 1.000.000 Russen fallen oder verwundert sein.
    Russland wird sich davon nicht mehr erholen können.

  2. @marcoweiland9839

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Niemals junge Lady das ist vielleicht ein Wunsch von ihnen, aber wünsche sind halt eben nur Wünsche😂😂😂

  3. @KaiUweSchroeter

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Wenn Russland noch 3 Jahre durchhalten kann, sind damit wohl die konventionellen Waffen gemeint. Und was kommt dann?

  4. @tyrefire

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Immer diese " Experten " . Sucht Euch doch Mal eine ehrliche Arbeit die Euch Unabhängig macht 😂😂😂

  5. @aaadiamant1141

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    NATO hat schon verloren.

  6. @MartinBaur-n4w

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Wenn Russland möchte,,, steht kein Stein mehr auf den anderen

  7. @MartinBaur-n4w

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    In der Geschichte Russland,,,,es hat noch kein Land jemals Russland besiegt,,, Napoleon auch nicht.

  8. @michaelherbrich3847

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Entweder Frieden mit Russland oder Auslöschung des Namens Ukraine für immer.Sofort

  9. @alinfixo8846

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm


  10. @roguepolice8115

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    klar… der Westen… der war gut. Es entscheidet die USA, was mit der Ukraine passiert. Genauso, dass die Ukraine den Krieg einstecken musste.
    Die USA will den Krieg, aber nicht auf eigenen Boden.

  11. @sioba1560

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Die Feage ist die, wie lange die Nato es noch durchhalten kann? Wenn Deutschland noch 3 Tage kriegstüchtig ist, sind die Fronten doch schon geklärt.

  12. @dimitrykomar9699

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Die Ukraine wird verlieren und blutet aus

  13. @jensmogling6370

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Was faseln die da?

  14. @TotoTillmann

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    In drei Jahren biete ich Fickfahrten nach Russland an.Da gibt's dann keine Männer mehr

  15. @andreaswuttke4221

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    😂 Inszenierter Schwachsinn, wer den Russen knacken will muss mit anderen geschützen auflaufen, aber wer zu weit geht, dem wird das Echo mit Sicherheit nicht gefallenen.☢️ Ich glaube jeder sollte besser auf seinen eigenen Hof kehren, und auch auf diesem bleiben. Das Leid geschieht nur wegen der unermesslichen Gier von ein paar wenigen gestalten die davon profitieren.🤑

  16. @GerdHentschel-dw2kt

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Traeum weiter, Kleine!!!

  17. @clemensbockmann731

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Für all diejenigen, die meinen, dass Russland unbesiegbar wäre: Die russischen Fürstentümer waren von 1240-1480 den Tataren untertan – das sind 240 Jahre! Und in den "Wirren" gab es sogar einmal einen polnisch-litauischen König auf dem Zarenthron. Und nicht zuletzt: Deutschland hat im Ersten Weltkrieg Russland 1917 militärisch geschlagen und die wirtschaftlich bedeutendsten Gebiete des Zarenreiches – Polen, Weißrussland, das Baltikum und die Ukraine – von 1916-1918 besetzt! Dieser Sieg wurde ihm nur im Versailler Vertrag aberkannt und wurde durch den russischen Bürgerkrieg obsolet. Damals konnte Russland auf alle die vorgenannten Territorien zugreifen, heute nicht mehr! Die russische Föderation ist – mit Ausnahme der Zugänge zu Ostsee und dem Schwarzen Meer – auf das Territorium von Moskowiens (Russland vor Peter dem Großen) zurückgedrängt. Und es stellt sich die Frage, ob es nach dem jetzigen Krieg überhaupt noch in der Lage sein wird, den Kaukasus, Kasan und sibirisch Fernost zu kontrollieren.

  18. @DasistmeinLeib

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Es wirdso getan als hätten die ukrainer keine verluste. Die ukraine hat ein personal problem und wird das nicht solange durchhalten

  19. @doycharles172

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    "expertencommunity" 😂 bin ich auch mitglied… Die ukraine hat sich auf amerika eingelassen. Bitte einfach in die geschichte schauen wie es den anderen opfern erging die gedacht haben amerika ist der freund. Sobald die geschäfte gemacht sind, wird der hahn zugedreht, die medien konzentrieren sich auf das nächste und keiner liest was von der rache der verlierer

  20. @Aoa2005

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Das ist doch nichts in unserem Interesse!!

  21. @tommy9306

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Eure Experten community hat schon 2022 gesagt Russland geht. das Personal aus, Russland hat keine Waffen mehr. Russland hat keine Munition mehr bla bla bla

  22. @hidohido4247

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Russland hat Waffen für weitere 50 Jahre Krieg

  23. @christiansu990

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Und wenn es 20 Jahre dauert dem Hund muss man Einhalt gebieten.

  24. @bacondebora5688

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Was für einer witz für die ganze Welt Rusland hatt Krig mit usa germany und und andre lende bravo Putin

  25. @FrankKeller-n3f

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Kein Geld für die Ukraine

  26. @pimpcarlo7472

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Russland ist weitgehend autark. Erinnert mich an den Song von den Everly brothers dream, dream, dream😴💭

  27. @andreasotto452

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Nur eine weitere Unterstützung der Ukraine kann diesen Amoklauf eines Warlords aus Moskau beenden… Sollte das nicht mehr möglich sein, dann stehen die nächsten Nachahmer in ihren Startlöchern… Ich denke dabei an Taiwan, die Anrainer im südchinesischen Meer und Südkorea, die einer möglichen Invasion ausgesetzt sein werden…

  28. @johnskinner1741

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Hört doch endlich auf solch einen Unsinn zu diskutieren! Was ist denn das für ein Schwachsinn! Monat für Monat wird die Ukraine schwächer! Verliert Soldaten, Industrie, Infrastruktur, Staatsgebiet! Wenn es dumm läuft, dann überlebt die Ukraine nicht mal den Winter und ihr labert hier was von, wie lange Russland den Krieg durchhält! Gibt es denn nur noch Verrückte?

  29. @finearoma7465

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Russland hat auf Kriegsproduktion umgestellt !! Die können ohne Probleme, trotz der Verluste, genügend Waffen herstellen. Ebenso hat Russland keine Probleme an Rohstoffe zu gelangen. Also was soll das ewige Gerede vom "durchalten" oder "Kriegsunfähigkeit". Die Ukraine hatte schon verloren bevor der Krieg begann. Waffen, Material und Manpower waren/sind Endlich. Alles was aus dem Westen kam war nur zur Verlängerung des Krieges, nie aber um wirklich etwas zu erreichen .

  30. @steppenwolf2244

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm


  31. @paulepanke8161

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    RUSSLAND besiegen???
    Wie DUMM kann man nur sein ???

  32. @djordjenikolic2463

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Warum bitte NOCH 2-3 Jahre, denn die Russen seit 2 Jahren schiessen mit "Waschmaschinen", weil keine Raketen mehr da sind???

  33. @Betzeteufel

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Russland darf diesen Krieg aus seinem Verständnis heraus nicht verlieren. Deshalb sind solche frasen an Fragen vollkommen überflüssig. Der Russe wird so lange weiter kämpfen bis der Westen einknickt. Und wenn das noch 10 Jahre gehen sollte. Etwas mehr Geschichtsbewusstsein täte da gut. Russland sieht sich auch militärisch als Nachfolger der Sowjetunion . Eine militärische Niederlage ist somit keine Option.

  34. @FranzBrotzner

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Herr Reisner erklärt die militärische Lage sehr anschaulich und verständlich.
    Jedoch merkt man, dass er die Lage anfangs zu positiv für die Ukraine gezeichnet hat.
    Wenn man bedenkt, dass vor dem russischen Einmarsch, 3/4 der ukrainischen Armee, ausgebildet von der Nato an der Grenze zum Donbas stationiert war und die russische Armee lediglich mit freiwilligen Soldaten und Wagner Söldner diesen Angriff ausgeführt hat, kann man sich vorstellen was los ist, wenn eine allgemeine Mobilisierung durchgeführt wird.

  35. @maozedung7270

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Der Westen ist es nicht sondern dIE LEUTE DIE AM KRIEG UNSUMMEN AN GELD VERDIENEN!

  36. @Christyran1

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Wer braucht schon eines der korruptesten Länder?

  37. @andreasreichwaldt3994

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Zwei, drei Jahre bis Russland am Ende ist?
    Dann können wir ja mittelfristig schon den Wiederaufbau planen.

  38. @djordjeperic4680

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Öffentlich rechtlicher Propaganda-Sender meldet dich zu Wort. Der Soldat hat seinen vorgeschriebenen Text sehr gut, wenig überzeugend vorgelesen. Warum tut ihr so was in Deutschland?

  39. @brigittequeck9234

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm


  40. @DragicaDimac

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Wovon träumst du sonst so?

  41. @Can_the_man

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Alles gelogen Schrott video

  42. @ingoflaig2807

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Der jungen Frau ist wahrscheinlich nicht zu helfen.

  43. @tobago1771

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    der depp vom schreibtisch wieder mal

  44. @bbb1081703

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Russland soll hohe Verluste haben? Verglichen mit der Gegenseite? Wo lebt der Mann? Am Mond? Glaub ich nicht. Also muss ich von absichtlichen Lügen ausgehen.

  45. @mirakolix8846

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Ihr habt echt Eier ihr ein paar wann geht ihr kämpfen während die restlichen 90 Prozent lieber Russen sein möchten

  46. @olgatjan7224

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Die wiessen garniks was Russland kan.Lühge ohne ende.

  47. @bruder5385

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Noch eine Laberbacke 😂

  48. @svetlanajurk9560

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Russland ❤

  49. @FrankBerger-e7j

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Hat jemand Russland schon mal besiegt, nein und das wird auch so bleiben. Ihr habt doch alle Tomaten 🍅 auf den Augen. Alles begriffen.

  50. @banzai7448

    October 18, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Ach Qutasch, Russland ist doch seit April 2022 die Munition ausgegangen.😁

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The Severance season 2 trailer unveiled as fans go wild



The Severance season 2 trailer unveiled as fans go wild

Severance fans will be relieved to learn that the trailer for season two has been released after a prolonged – and frustrating – wait.

Severance stars Adam Scott, Tramell Tillman, Britt Lower, Zach Cherry and John Turturro as employees of a shady biotech company called Lumon that “severs” its employees’ memories using a medical procedure, dividing their work and home lives completely in a daring experiment to find a work-life balance.

Fans have been waiting for more than two years since the workplace thriller aired its jaw-dropping cliffhanger finale, and this is the first trailer we’ve seen for the forthcoming season, which premiers on 17 January 2025.


In the new trailer for the Apple TV+ show, Scott’s Mark S returns to work after exposing his Innie – his at-work persona – to the outside world and, in a mind-bending twist, learning that his wife, who he thought was dead, is actually alive, and is working at Lumon as the wellness counsellor Ms Casey.

Mark can be seen running through white corridors until he arrives in a bare office greeted by Tillman’s Milchick, who says “Welcome back Mark S, it’s been a minute”. Mark then notices three unfamiliar Lumon employees mysteriously sitting at desks formerly occupied by Helly, Irving and Dylan, and asks them, “who are you?”

Mark is then heard saying, “I give my consent to sever my memories between my work life and my personal life.”

A voiceover says at the beginning of the trailer, “Everything you know about severance is a lie”.


It continues, “We’re not happy, we’re miserable”.

Severance Season 2 Trailer

One fan said online that their “heart was pounding just from this trailer,” adding, “I cannot wait for this show to return!”

Another added, “Can you imagine I’ve been waiting for this series for almost 3 years and I can’t move on from the ending.. this series is so underrated!”


One viewer joked, “This is the only return to the office I will support”, as another said, “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.”

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Directed and executive produced by Zoolander star Ben Stiller, the second series went into production in October 2022, but had been delayed due to creative disputes and the Hollywood strikes. Filming finally wrapped in April this year.

New cast members include Game of Thrones’ Gwendoline Christie, Search Party’s Alia Shawkat, Bob Balaban, Merritt Wever, Robby Benson, Stefano Carannante, John Noble, Ólafur Darri and Sarah Bock.

Adam Scott stars in ‘Severance’
Adam Scott stars in ‘Severance’ (Apple TV)

For a reminder of what happened in the Severance season one finale, read on. But be warned – spoilers follow.

It was revealed that Helly R’s Outie – the person she is on the outside – is actually Lumon CEO Jame Eagan’s newly severed daughter, Helena Eagan, and she’s just announced to a party full of Lumon shareholders the company is torturing its severed employees – despite Ms Cobel’s (Patricia Arquette) huge efforts to prevent her from doing so.


Mark’s Innie, meanwhile, found out that Outie Mark has a supposedly dead wife called Gemma (Dichen Lachman), who we know is actually alive because in Lumon she is wellness director Miss Casey. He admitted the shocking news to a room of guests at Devon (Jen Tullock) and Ricken’s (Michael Chernus) book launch party.

Innie Irving (Turturro) went to the home of his romantic interest, now-retired severed Lumon employee Burt (Christopher Walken), whose Outie has a partner. And finally Dylan’s (Cherry) heroic hour-long battle to hold the switches keeping the mental gate open for his colleagues’ Innies, so they could find help on the outside, was shut off by Milchick who pushed him to the ground.

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Martin Lewis to host new TV special which will air over Christmas period – but his tips won’t be about money



Martin Lewis to host new TV special which will air over Christmas period - but his tips won't be about money

MARTIN LEWIS is well known for his expert money-saving tips and advice.

But it turns out that he’s also got a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to playing board games.

Martin Lewis will be hosting a festive special for ITV called How To Win At Board Games


Martin Lewis will be hosting a festive special for ITV called How To Win At Board GamesCredit: Rex

The Good Morning Britain presenter will be hosting a festive special for ITV called How To Win At Board Games, schooling viewers on the likes of Scrabble, Connect 4 and Monopoly.

He will spotlight the top tactics and game-winning tricks behind the most popular games and, in the process, take on some of the toughest of competitors while improving his own gameplay skills.

The one-off will air over Christmas to help his fans take on their relatives and win.

This comes as Martin issued an urgent warning to millions of households who are missing out on vital benefits to make a claim.



Every year, people lose out on an estimated £23billion in benefits and support due to stigma or the assumption that they are not eligible.

In the MoneySaving Expert newsletter Martin Lewis recently said: “Billions in benefits goes unclaimed each year – most by workers or pensioners who have paid into the system for yonks and are in need of help.

‘Even some with higher incomes are due – don’t assume ‘it’s not me’.”

The consumer champion has rounded up seven benefits that are massively underclaimed.


Around 1.4 million people miss out on an average of up to £5,800 in Universal Credit each year.

The monthly benefit is a “catch-all” for those of working age who have low or no income and living and housing costs.

Households with incomes of up to £35,000 a year are the most likely to be missing out.

But if you have kids then high childcare costs and rent could mean you may still be eligible if your household income is up to £60,000 a year.

Martin Lewis issues warning to anyone aged under 22 – do you have £2,000 in a forgotten account

You can make a claim through the Government’s website or by calling the Universal Credit Helpline on 0800 328 5644.

You can check if you are eligible here.

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Man v Food star Adam Richman says production van ‘completely cleaned out’ by thief in North London



Man v Food star Adam Richman says production van ‘completely cleaned out’ by thief in North London

Man v Food presenter Adam Richman says he and his production team had their production van “completely cleaned out” by a thief in North London while shooting his latest series, Adam Richman Eats Britain.

The food presenter, 50, reported that he and his team lost valuables including a laptop, medications and items with sentimental value.

He wrote on X/Twitter: “Well – the entire crew of season two of [Adam Richman Eats Britain] has just been robbed.


“We were driving from Birmingham to London, stopped at a rest, stop in Barnet for exactly 4 1/2 minutes to use the restroom, and came back to our van completely cleaned out. All of the filming equipment is gone.

“Both of my suitcases with all of my possessions are gone. Backpack with my laptop and all of my medications are gone . And to make matters worse, because I have trackers on some of my possessions, and because of my laptop, I can see where these things are.

“But we have to wait here for the police. The rest stop won’t release the security footage until the police arrive. It’s been almost an hour.”

Adam Richman promoting his latest show ‘Adam Richman Eats Britain’
Adam Richman promoting his latest show ‘Adam Richman Eats Britain’ (Warner Bros Discovery)

After viewing the footage, Richman wrote that it appeared to be the work of “a single suspect, wearing a gray hoodie.”

Richman went on to share some of the locations where his possessions seemed to be, and offered a reward for anything found. However he later said that he had been asked to stop sharing locations by the Metropolitan Police.



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In another post, Richman said that along with his laptop he had also lost “the two most valuable possessions I have with me, the last birthday card I ever got from my father and a book that my mother gave me.”

Richman shot to fame as the host of Man v Food, which saw him take on various eating challenges around the United States. Adam Richman Eats Britain focuses on typically British dishes such as Yorkshire Puddings, Whitstable oysters and Eton Mess.

Back in 2015, Richman told The Independent that he had gone vegan while training to compete at Soccer Aid.


“Because I’m training for football right now, I’ve been vegan for the past three months or so,” he said. “And for Soccer Aid I went 100 per cent vegan. Now does that mean I’m not going to have a steak? No I absolutely will when I want to, but it’s just about picking and choosing my spots, and when I want to have that cow and I wanna have that bacon, I’m going to make it count, I’m going to make it great quality.”

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Two more Big Brother romances ‘revealed’ after Nathan and Rose as Lily ‘makes a move’



Two more Big Brother romances 'revealed' after Nathan and Rose as Lily 'makes a move'

THE BIG Brother house is heating up – with two more romances blossoming after Nathan and Rose became the first couple.

The latest love twist involves youngest housemate Lily who was spotted in her co-star’s bed at the end of Wednesday’s episode.

Rose and Nathan were the first couple to get saucy in the hosue


Rose and Nathan were the first couple to get saucy in the hosue
Lily and Tom looked close at the end of tonight's episode


Lily and Tom looked close at the end of tonight’s episode
Segun and Hanah are growing close


Segun and Hanah are growing closeCredit: Rex
Viewers think Hanah has the hots for Segun


Viewers think Hanah has the hots for Segun

The new romances haven’t gone unnoticed by bosses either, with presenter Will Best discussing love brewing on Late & Live.


While reflecting on the “happier” mood inside the house, after days of rows, the host told the audience tonight: “Lily and Tom at the end of the episode definitely seemed to be ‘happier’ together.

“Do we think she specifically fancies Tom? She did say at the start, day two, that he was good looking.”

Will revealed the second potential romance, adding: “Another pair we should be keeping an eye on, we touched on it before, Segun and Hanah.

“From the get go they have been quite flirty and appear to be a good match.”


Former Big Brother housemate Yinrun Huang, from last year’s series, joined the Late and Live panel tonight and agreed.

She said: “They are very compatible with each other, they are so easy with each other, so harmonious.”

Nathan and Baked Potato were the first to reveal strong feelings for each other and have been grabbing private moments together to snog.

Sceptical viewers have said accused the pair of faking their feelings and having a “showmance” for more airtime.

Nathan and Rosie are not faking a showmance, says Big Brother star Yinrun

But Big Brother’s Yinrun defended Rosie aka Baked Potato and Nathan’s romance saying it is the real deal.

But Yinrun, who appeared on the ITV2 fly-on-the-wall reality series last year, have revealed why she thinks their romance is “authentic” after spotting a big clue.

Speaking exclusively to The Sun, Yinrun said: “I’ve given them a name Natato – I think it’s genuine and I wish it is. I want to see the love in the house.

“I can tell from the way they look at each other and each other’s eyes, they can’t help but kiss each other.


“I think it’s love. I’m happy to see more about it. They’re already thinking about parents, I think it will blossom outside because they’ll be under less pressure.

“And from family and friends, when they see that they have been through the Big Brother experience together, I think they will be more supportive to them as well.

“I think they will receive a lot good comments, I hope it will blossom.

“It was a shock at first, I didn’t see it coming, but everything makes sense, there’s a lot of hugging, they’re always together chatting to each other…the chemistry was already there.


“I thought it was only friendship at first, but apparently they have feelings for each other.

“I think it’s fair that people are sceptical, people have different opinions on relationships – whatever relationship, friendship or romance in the house, it’s a very complex scenario.

“But I think it’s authentic and real. I can’t wait to see how it will develop on the outside.”

Elsewhere, Yinrun thinks one housemate could be playing a game – and the person may surprise you.


Eagle-eyed Yinrun said she’s spotted a big change in Izaaz and thinks his “game-plan” may have backfired on him.

She told us: “I think everyone is playing a game, they’re in the Big Brother game, but if I had to pick one, I’d say Izazz.

“As a viewer, we’ve seen Izaaz change his personality a bit compared to now.

“Before he was a peacemaker and now he just wants to create chaos and doesn’t care, he wants people to be mad at each other.


“There’s definitely a switch there. He is being himself, but right now he’s probably in a different mindset now, compared to the first couple of days.

“He’s playing a different way to the way he is now.”

When asked if his game-plan has failed, Yinrun said: “I think it did based on the result, he’s up for eviction and been nominated the most.

“He got three votes and there must be a reason.


“I think he needs some time to digest it and I think he’s tired as well, with the lack of sleep, so bless him.

“I think he needs more time to sort himself out emotionally, and how he will deal with facing the eviction.

“He definitely needs some time for himself.”

She continued: “I’m really enjoying seeing his changes and he’s has a good character.”


While Yinrun thinks some of the housemates, including Emma, Dean and Nathan may be holding a grudge towards Izazz over the “bagel-gate”.

She added: “I think in the Big Brother house, one small issue can be a big problem.

“In real life, you’d put it in the fridge. But in the house, the bagel situation you can talk about it for days.

“I don’t think there is any big issue but I think they’ve seen that behaviour and gone ‘I’m not too sure now’.”

Yinrun said Nathan is being 'genuine'


Yinrun said Nathan is being ‘genuine’Credit: ITV
But she think Izaaz may be playing a game in the house


But she think Izaaz may be playing a game in the houseCredit: Rex
Romance has already blossomed between Rosie and Nathan


Romance has already blossomed between Rosie and NathanCredit: ITV

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Ron Ely death: Tarzan star with tragic family history dies at 86



Ron Ely death: Tarzan star with tragic family history dies at 86

Ron Ely, who played Tarzan in an NBC television series from 1966 to 1968, has died. He was 86.

The Texan actor also played the lead role in Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze and was later known for hosting the telecast of the Miss America pageant.

His death was announced by his daughter, Kirsten, in a statement to Fox News Digital. “The world has lost one of the greatest men it has ever known – and I have lost my dad,” she said.


She continued: “My father was someone that people called a hero. He was an actor, writer, coach, mentor, family man and leader. He created a powerful wave of positive influence wherever he went.

“The impact he had on others is something that I have never witnessed in any other person – there was something truly magical about him. This is how the world knew him.”

“I knew him as my dad – and what a heaven sent honor that has been. To me, he hung the moon.”

Ron Ely discussing his role in ‘Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze’ with producer George Pal in Hollywood, circa 1975

Ron Ely discussing his role in ‘Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze’ with producer George Pal in Hollywood, circa 1975 (Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Ronald Pierce Ely was born in Hereford, Texas on June 21, 1938. He began his screen career with a small role as a Navigator in the 1958 film version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific.

In 1966, he won the lead role in the Tarzan television series. He portrayed the character as a well-educated man who rejects civilization to return to the African jungle where he was raised. Ely was known for performing all his own stunts in the series, and regularly suffered injuries including two broken shoulders and several lion bites.

Ely’s 6ft 4in height and good looks were also put to use in his starring role in the 1975 pulp action film Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze. In the 1980s he hosted a game show, Face the Music, and twice hosted the Miss America Pageants in 1980 and 1981.

His first marriage, to high school sweetheart Helen Janet Triplet, lasted from 1959 to 1961. He reportedly dated a string of high-profile fellow actors including Ursula Andress, Barbara Bouchet and Britt Ekland.


In 1984 he married a former Miss Florida, Valerie Lundeen, and they had three children: Kirsten, Kaitland, and Cameron.

In October 2019, Lundeen was found stabbed to death at a residential community on the Santa Barbara coast. When police arrived at the scene they shot the couple’s son Cameron 24 times, killing him. Ely later sued the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department, saying they did not attempt to save his family’s lives.

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DOG TV: Best Video to Prevent Boredom and Anxiety for Dogs While You're Away – Music for Dogs Happy



DOG TV: Best Video to Prevent Boredom and Anxiety for Dogs While You're Away - Music for Dogs Happy

DOG TV: Best Video to Prevent Boredom and Anxiety for Dogs While You’re Away – Music for Dogs Happy.
Keep your furry friend entertained and relaxed with our specially curated video designed to prevent boredom and anxiety while you’re away. Featuring soothing music and engaging visuals, this video is perfect for keeping your dog happy and calm. Whether you’re at work or running errands, let DOG TV be your pet’s companion, ensuring they feel comforted and content until you return.
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