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IHT receipts continue to rise as speculation mounts ahead of Budget



IHT receipts continue to rise as speculation mounts ahead of Budget

The Treasury collected £3.5bn in inheritance tax receipts between April to August, latest figures from HMRC published this morning (20 September).

This is £300m higher than the same period last year.

Another record-breaking year for IHT receipts is being predicted and experts believe this upward trajectory will continue year on year and hit £9.7bn in 2028/29.

However, there are rumours that IHT will be increased next month when the new Labour government unveils its first Budget.


The current £325,000 nil rate band has been at that level since 2009.

The residential nil rate band was introduced on a phased basis between 2017 and 2020 and potentially gives an additional £175,000 nil rate band (making a total of £500,000) subject to certain rules.

Nucleus technical services director Andrew Tully, said: “The ever-increasing IHT tax take may give the government food for thought as we approach next month’s Budget.

“Changes could be made such as scrapping or updating the rules on agricultural land and business relief.


“Currently, a person can claim up to 100% relief on the inheritance of agricultural land if it is being actively farmed.

“This could be reduced, or certain limitations placed on the maximum value of the relief.

“There could be a tightening of qualifying criteria for business relief, perhaps relating to unlisted shares and AIM portfolios.

“Although that could be difficult to implement and may not tie in with the desire to increase investment in the UK.”


Shaun Moore, tax and financial planning expert at Quilter, is calling for the IHT system to be simplified to make it easier for people to gift during their lifetime.

He said: “The complexity of the current system often leads to confusion and inequities.

“A simpler system could help reduce the administrative burden for both taxpayers and HMRC, while also making it fairer.

“Similarly, increasing the gifting threshold would encourage earlier wealth transfer, reducing future IHT liabilities, and could boost consumer spending.”


The number of families being caught out by tax bills after death on gifts made in lifetime has been surging, according to figures from HMRC obtained recently by wealth management firm Evelyn Partners show.

Tax Partner at professional services and wealth management firm Evelyn, Laura Hayward, said: “The number of estates that paid IHT on gifts made less than seven years before death more than doubled from 590 in 2011/12 to 1,300 in 2020/21, according to the data.

“Meanwhile, the total sum of IHT paid on gifts also more than doubled from £101m in 2011/12 to £256m in 2020/21 – an increase of 153% in monetary terms and 119% in real terms.

“The data suggests the average tax charge payable by beneficiaries on lifetime gifts was £171,186 in 2011/12 and £196,923 in 2020/21.


“That suggests some very significant tax bills are being delivered to unprepared beneficiaries after their generous relative has died, and this might be another reason for those contemplating making big lifetime gifts to start the seven-year clock ticking sooner rather than later.

“Even if the gifter were to pass away within seven years, there is a chance the IHT bill could be reduced by taper relief.”

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Podcast: The art of putting things right



Podcast: The art of putting things right

In this Weekend Essay, Amanda Newman Smith shares a personal story highlighting the importance of excellent customer service, especially when dealing with vulnerable clients. She contrasts negative experiences with a paint company and a clock supplier against a positive resolution with NatWest bank when assisting her elderly mother. This episode underscores the significance of empathy, clear communication, and proactive problem-solving in building trust and loyalty.

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Weekend Essay: The art of putting things right



Weekend Essay: The art of putting things right

I’ve always got a DIY project going on at home, so I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to paint. There’s a textured paint that looks like stone, which I bought a while back to revamp my fireplace. This paint is fantastic, but pretty expensive. So when the company I ordered if from threw in the recommended natural bristle brush as a freebie, I was happy.

But when the paint arrived, there was no brush. Thinking it had been overlooked, I called the firm. I got through to one of the business owners who told me they’d run out. Fair enough, but it would have been nice to have been told. A simple ‘out of stock’ on the dispatch note would have done.

The free brush offer was also still listed on the website but when I pointed this out to the owner, she became defensive. This was just a small family-run business, I was told. The technology used to run the website couldn’t update these things automatically and they couldn’t afford an upgrade. They didn’t have the time to update these things manually either.

I love small businesses and I understand they don’t have it easy, but all this put me off as a customer. I tried to explain how this hadn’t created a good impression on me, a first-time customer, but it fell on deaf ears. I haven’t used this company since.


My experience with another small firm – an online business from which I’d ordered a glass clock – was so different. The owner had been let down on this by her European suppliers and was so apologetic and friendly that I was happy to wait for my order. I waited three months but in the end it needed to be cancelled due to the ongoing supply issues. I was disappointed, of course, but I was offered a discount on anything else I wanted from the website.

I mention those two contrasting experiences because of an experience I had recently while trying to help my mum with her banking. My mum is a younger pensioner and though still in the active retirement phase, she does have a few health issues that clip her wings. Like the hip pinning she had several years ago after slipping on some leaves. Walking long distances has got harder and she doesn’t drive.

When it comes to financial matters, the big problem is that my mum has never been comfortable talking on the phone about ‘official’ things. She gets nervous about what to say and doesn’t know how best to put things. And because she’s focusing on that, she doesn’t always take in what’s being said to her.

My dad used to deal with all that stuff and when he died, I started stepping in as I realised my mum needed a bit of help.


Requesting a new debit card for my mum from NatWest to replace one that had worn out should have been quick and easy. With mum and I both in the same room, GDPR should have been no problem to navigate. But everything about this call was painful and it took about 40 minutes.

My mum had lost her glasses and struggled when NatWest’s customer services agent insisted she read out her debit card number herself, as that was the required procedure. To tick that box, I had to read the number out to my mum, who then repeated it down the phone to the agent.

Then the agent discovered my mum’s phone number was out of date on the system and without that, she said there was nothing she could do. It was only when I asked whether the agent was aware of the Consumer Duty – to which I got no answer – and NatWest’s responsibilities towards vulnerable clients that we were passed to the over-60s helpline.

The agent there was brilliant but was still unable to send my mum a new debit card due to the out-of-date phone number. For that, mum was to visit a branch with some ID. It wasn’t ideal – the local branch has permanently closed and I’ve already explained mum’s difficulty with longer distances. Mum would potentially be left without access to cash because her debit card was unreliable. But at least we knew what to do.


When I got home, I decided to tell NatWest what had happened in an email. I was worried how my mum would have fared if she hadn’t had someone with financial services knowledge to speak up and get transferred to the over-60s helpline.

At this point, I have to give credit to NatWest. They swiftly apologised and started to investigate. Neil Wainwright, the firm’s customer protection manager, was amazing. He spoke to mum and me to get everything sorted without mum having to get to a physical branch. NatWest also gave mum some cash as a goodwill gesture and if we need anything else we just need to ask.

I told NatWest I was writing about our experience and asked for a response. A spokesman told me its staff are trained to recognise the differing needs of customers including vulnerabilities that may be present. “They have access to supportive guidance on how to help and can refer to the specialist teams we have available to support customers with more complex needs,” he said.

Customers can also tell the bank about any support they need through “Banking My Way”, a free service that can be used within its mobile app, online banking or by speaking to a member of staff.


But after listening back to our calls, NatWest acknowledged it let us down. “We had several opportunities throughout the discussion to give you both a better experience, including a missed opportunity to handover the call to Neil’s team,” the spokesman said. “As a result of your email we have arranged additional training to be given to the colleagues involved.”

All of us get it wrong sometimes – it’s the care and effort we take to put things right that really counts.

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As government plans Budget tax raids, remember AIM is more than just an IHT play



Shutterstock / Smallroombigdream

Ever since Labour stormed to victory in the general election, it has been making the case it has inherited a sluggish economy and a set of public finances in tatters.

Now, the latest GDP figures for the UK suggest the former isn’t strictly true, while the latter is arguably being used to lay the groundwork for potentially unpopular tax rises to be announced at the upcoming Budget in October in order to bolster those public finances.

Already Labour has tightened the belt with various allowances either being scrapped or put under consultation. This has led to much speculation about what could be next, with inheritance tax (IHT) being touted as one area ripe for raiding.

Removing this relief could raise £1.1bn in the current tax year, with this rising to £1.6bn by the end of the decade

In particular, some are suggesting business relief on AIM shares should be removed to help raise revenue. Currently, if you hold investments in qualifying AIM companies for at least two years before you pass away, the assets are passed on free of IHT.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates removing this relief could raise £1.1bn in the current tax year, with this rising to £1.6bn by the end of the decade. Not a huge amount and won’t help too much in addressing the chancellor’s £22bn ‘black hole’ but sizeable nonetheless.


That said, in the lead up to the election and soon after, Labour made economic growth a priority. Given AIM’s bias towards UK small- and medium-sized growth companies, removing the IHT benefits would somewhat go against this.

Firstly, any changes would likely be consulted on, giving people time to shift strategies and move assets away from AIM and into other investments or vehicles for mitigating IHT.

Over the past 29 years, more than £135bn has been raised by over 4,000 companies on AIM

This would have the subsequent effect of dragging share prices of these growth companies lower and eroding value in the UK stock market – hardly a positive incentive at a time when UK capital markets are already under intense pressure.

AIM has been a fantastic proving ground for a number of companies and there are a number of success stories, despite recent performance struggles. Over the past 29 years, more than £135bn has been raised by over 4,000 companies on AIM. It may be home to small-caps, but it has been a mighty contributor to UK GDP growth, innovation and employment over the years.


You have companies such as Breedon Group, a construction company based in Leicestershire, which listed on AIM in 2010 before moving to the main market last year. There are household names, such as Jet2 and YouGov, which have flown the flag for AIM over the years. Meanwhile, we are seeing a spate of acquisitions of AIM companies as private equity and corporates recognise their value at what are fairly depressed levels.

Any removal of investor incentives could harm these companies providing popular and vital services but which remain at an early stage in their growth.

Quality companies, regardless of their size, have enduring characteristics

We are also at a juncture in markets where small-cap stocks have a great opportunity to outperform. Rate cuts are beginning to be implemented, inflation is seemingly under control and AIM is coming off a tough couple of years. The companies of the future need to be nurtured, and while not every company in AIM benefits from an IHT premium, the whole market will be hit indiscriminately as a result of any changes.

Given investing is for the long term, and business relief comes in after just two years, it reasons that a number of people are not invested in AIM solely for the purpose of mitigating an IHT bill. It is important the government remembers that when deciding its next steps.


For advisers and investors with exposure to AIM, the best thing to do right now is keep calm and carry on. AIM has its IHT benefits and these will not be taken away overnight, but careful planning will still be needed to mitigate the tax implications for clients.

Let’s hope the government agrees and gets behind its own growth agenda

Most importantly, though, investing in AIM should not be considered solely as an IHT play. It remains an exciting and intriguing investment opportunity, particularly for clients with longer time horizons, giving them access to quality and well known companies that have the potential to grow and perhaps join the main market one day.

Quality companies, regardless of their size, have enduring characteristics. AIM is home to a number of these companies, so it is important growth is not stifled but embraced. Let’s hope the government agrees and gets behind its own growth agenda.

Amisha Chohan is head of small-cap strategy at Quilter Cheviot


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BNP Paribas Real Estate hires Biss as head of occupier business development



BNP Paribas Real Estate hires Biss as head of occupier business development

Former Devono associate has 10 year’s experience in the London market.

The post BNP Paribas Real Estate hires Biss as head of occupier business development appeared first on Property Week.

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How will the U.S. Interest rates cut affect you?



What is the Average Credit Score in the UK


How will the U.S. Interest rates cut affect you?

The recent announcement from the US Federal Reserve as they made a significant cut to interest rates of 0.50% points marks the largest reduction in interest rates since 2020. Typically, the Federal Reserve adjusts rates by just 0.25 percentage points at a time, so this half-point cut is a substantial move designed to have a noticeable impact on the economy.

The cut brings the federal funds rate to a range between 4.5% and 4.75%, the lowest it has been in two years.

Their goal with this cut is to stimulate the US economy, encourage businesses to and consumers to borrow more money at lower rates. This should lead to more spending and in turn economic growth.



Why have interest rates been so high?

Interest rates in the US and globally have been at a record high over recent years due to a combination of pressures. COVID-19 caused economic disruptions and the supply chain issues that followed caused a surge in inflation in the US and globally. Consumer prices have been rising for goods like groceries, fuel and housing which has prompted the Federal Reserve to act.

They raised interest rates in several increments, hoping to cool down spending and borrowing, which in turn could help bring inflation under control. When borrowing costs increase, both consumers and businesses tend to spend less, slowing economic growth and reducing inflationary pressures. Over the past year, the federal funds rate had been raised to around 5%, one of the highest levels in decades.

This has had a substantial effect on the economy, the housing market has begun to cool due to higher mortgage rates and businesses pulling back on investments. Inflation has began to moderate as the Federal Reserve begins their balancing act to ensure inflation doesn’t reignite whilst avoiding a recession.



Why have they cut interest rates now?

While inflation has eased in recent months, there are concerns that the high interest rates were beginning to stifle growth too much. By making borrowing cheaper through this significant 0.50 percentage point cut, the Fed aims to boost both consumer spending and business investment. This recent cut should support economic growth in the US for 2025.

Lower interest rates can make it cheaper for businesses to expand, hire more employees, and invest in new technologies. For consumers, this can mean more affordable loans for things like homes, cars, and education. As borrowing costs decrease, individuals are more likely to take out loans, which in turn can drive up demand for goods and services, helping to boost the economy.

With reduced interest rates, consumers might feel more confident about making big-ticket purchases, such as homes or cars, knowing their monthly payments will be lower. In turn, this renewed confidence and spending can have a ripple effect, encouraging businesses to expand and invest more heavily, further stimulating the economy.



How the rate cuts affect the typical US family

This rate cut has several implications for US families, particularly when it comes to managing everyday expenses. One of the most immediate effects will be felt in mortgage rates. Families looking to buy a home or refinance their current mortgage may see lower interest rates, which can significantly reduce monthly payments. A 0.50% reduction in interest rates can translate to thousands of dollars saved over the life of a mortgage, making homeownership more affordable.

Those with credit card debt or personal loans may notice lower interest rates on their outstanding balances making it easier to manage repayments. Financing a new car or making large purchases will become more affordable as loans will be more accessible. This will allow families to have an increase in spending money which will be poured into the economy through purchases and days out.


How global markets are affected

Changes in U.S. monetary policy often ripple through global markets, and countries like the UK could be affected. For instance, the UK’s financial markets often move in tandem with the U.S., particularly in terms of bond yields and currency exchange rates. If U.S. interest rates decline, it can weaken the dollar, making other currencies like the British pound stronger in comparison. This can affect UK exports, making British goods more expensive for U.S. consumers.


US rates can also promote central banks such as, the Bank of England to consider their own policy adjustments.


The next announcement

the next major Federal Reserve decision is set for November 7th, just after the U.S. elections. The timing of this announcement has sparked debates about how political and economic factors will intersect. Many are questioning whether future rate cuts will continue or if the Fed will pause to reassess the state of inflation and economic growth post-election.

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Money Marketing Weekly Wrap-Up – 16 Sept to 20 Sept



Money Marketing Weekly Wrap-Up – 16 Sept to 20 Sept

Money Marketing’s Weekly Must-Reads: Top 10 Stories

Stay ahead with our curated list of this week’s top 10 financial news stories.

Gain exclusive insights into pressing topics such as Tony Wickenden’s take on advising pre-emptive action to shield clients from CGT. Also, get the scoop on Sesame Bankhall’s latest hire to lead their adviser network.

Read more below:


Tony Wickenden: Should you advise pre-emptive action to save clients from CGT?

Tony Wickenden discussed the potential impact of rising capital gains tax (CGT) following Budget warnings. He noted the government’s reluctance to increase income tax, National Insurance, or VAT, leading to speculation about CGT increases. Wickenden suggested that if clients are already planning disposals, they should consider completing them sooner. He highlighted concerns that higher CGT rates might prompt wealthy individuals to defer gains. He also mentioned potential mid-year changes and the importance of balancing tax considerations with investment decisions.

Sesame Bankhall hires new director to lead adviser network


Sesame Bankhall Group appointed Toni Smith as distribution director to lead its adviser network, Sesame. With over 35 years of experience, Smith will focus on expanding Sesame’s business and developing its mortgage and protection services. She will officially begin on 18 November, pending FCA approval, and report to CEO Richard Harrison. Smith joins from PRIMIS Mortgage Network, where she held senior roles. Harrison praised Smith’s experience, while Smith expressed excitement about helping Sesame grow and support its adviser network and customers.

Phoenix Group scraps plans to sell protection business

Phoenix Group cancelled plans to sell its SunLife protection business, citing uncertainty in the protection market. Instead, the company will focus on enhancing SunLife’s value, as it remains a key asset serving the UK’s over-50s market. Phoenix had acquired SunLife from AXA in 2016. The decision was announced in Phoenix’s 2024 interim results. CEO Andy Curran highlighted growth in the Workplace business and the expansion of the Group’s retirement offerings, including a fixed-term annuity launched by Standard Life.

Close Brothers sells asset-management business


Close Brothers sold its asset-management division, Close Brothers Asset Management (CBAM), to Oaktree. Oaktree will help accelerate CBAM’s growth and investment plans. The deal, expected to complete in early 2025 pending regulatory approval, allows CBAM to continue operating under its current name during the transition. CEO Eddy Reynolds and the executive committee will remain in leadership. Reynolds described the acquisition as an exciting opportunity, while Oaktree emphasised its commitment to enhancing CBAM’s agility and customer service. CBAM will remain focused on serving private clients and advisers.

Steven Cameron: Is it time? What flat-rate pensions tax relief would look like

Steven Cameron explored potential pension tax reforms ahead of the 30 October Budget, speculating that Chancellor Rachel Reeves might introduce a flat-rate tax relief system. Currently, tax relief is given at an individual’s marginal rate, benefiting higher-rate taxpayers. A move to a 30% flat rate would favour basic-rate taxpayers but reduce relief for higher earners. Employer contributions could also face changes, possibly affecting defined benefit schemes. Cameron urged advisers to discuss possible changes with clients and consider making extra pension contributions before the Budget.

Andy Bell: Where will Labour find £22bn?


Andy Bell discussed how Labour might address the UK’s £22bn fiscal deficit without raising VAT, income tax, or National Insurance. He suggested potential reforms to capital gains tax (CGT), pension tax relief, inheritance tax (IHT), and the introduction of a wealth tax. Aligning CGT with income tax rates and introducing a flat-rate pension tax relief could raise revenue but may face backlash. A wealth tax and IHT adjustments also carry challenges, including political risks and administrative complexity. Bell stressed the need for balanced, fair policy design.

Brooks Macdonald to acquire Norwich-based financial advice firm

Brooks Macdonald announced the acquisition of Norwich-based Lucas Fettes Financial Planning, subject to regulatory approval by early 2025. Lucas Fettes manages £890m in assets across 1,600 personal clients and £300m from corporate clients. The acquisition aims to enhance Brooks Macdonald’s financial planning capabilities and expand its presence in East Anglia. Lucas Fettes, one of Brooks’ top introducers since 1996, will integrate into Brooks Macdonald’s direct wealth business, aligning with the group’s strategy to focus on UK investment management and financial planning.

Octopus Investments launches IHT and estate planning helpdesk


Octopus Investments launched ‘Ask Octopus,’ a helpdesk offering technical support on inheritance tax (IHT) and estate planning for financial advisers. The service, accessible via their website, provides answers to advisers’ queries and allows direct meetings with experts. It covers IHT rules, estate planning, wills, and probate. Octopus aims to assist advisers, particularly those without technical team support. This launch comes as IHT receipts have surged, prompting calls for reform ahead of Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ 30 October Budget.

Skerritts buys Harrogate-based advice firm

Skerritts Group acquired Harrogate-based Ellis Bates Financial Advisers, adding over £1bn in assets under management and strengthening its presence in Northern England. The deal, backed by Sovereign Capital Partners, was set to complete in September 2024. Skerritts, aiming for national expansion, has made 11 acquisitions since Sovereign’s £55m investment in 2021. Skerritts CEO Paul Feeney praised the acquisition, while Ellis Bates’ managing director Michael Cope highlighted shared values and ambitions for growth within the partnership.

Advisers tweak processes in light of retirement income review


Following the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) thematic review of retirement income advice, most financial advisers adjusted their processes, according to Wesleyan. The FCA’s March 2024 review highlighted areas for improvement, including income withdrawal strategies and advice suitability. Wesleyan’s poll revealed that 91% of advisers familiar with the review reassessed their practices, with 66% already implementing changes. Common adjustments included advice file record-keeping and client screening. Over three-quarters of advisers agreed the review heightened the focus on providing better retirement advice.

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