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How Andrew Stephan made War Game — the Ukraine game documentary | The DeanBeat



How Andrew Stephan made War Game -- the Ukraine game documentary | The DeanBeat

Andrew Stephan is the director of War Game: The Making of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, a documentary from Microsoft about the ordeal of the game developers at GSC Game World, the Ukraine game studio that had to make S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: The Heart of Chornobyl, a triple-A game, in the middle of a war zone.

The film depicts the lives of the game team — perhaps the biggest in all of Ukraine with 460 people — as they figured out how to get the game done in the midst of the Russian invasion. On and off in the works for a decade, the game is scheduled to ship on the PC and consoles on November 20, 2024.

It’s emotional story that centers on a husband-and-wife team, Ievgen Grygorovych and Mariia Grygorovych, the leaders of the game studio, and the decisions they had to make in saving the game, the studio and the lives of their employees. It offers lessons around making decisions under pressure.

I wondered how the filmmakers captured the footage of the company and its game developers as they worked through the crisis of the Russian invasion in February 2022. The video shows the making of the game from its earliest days through the onset of war and its aftermath. Stephan told me that his film teams were not able to go to the country during the time of war. Rather, the GSC Game World team themselves chose to record their experiences in the documentary. It’s remarkable that most of the history captured in the raw footage was due to the foresight of the team itself.


It’s a compelling video and story, and I encourage everyone to watch it for inspiration. It’s shows the limits of human visibility during war and the determination of a team to adapt and finish a game under the most trying circumstances.

The team’s resilience in the face of war and other obstacles showed through in the emotional film, which is a kind of microcosm for the toil thousands of people working in games in Ukraine or in the Ukrainian diaspora — under the shadow of war where all of the odds are against them.

“There’s not a single person at that company that we interviewed, or that we didn’t, who hasn’t lost someone. Who hasn’t lost friends or family,” Stephan said in his interview with me.

Here’s an edited transcript of our interview.

Andrew Stephan is the director of the documentary, War Game: The Making of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.
Andrew Stephan is the director of the documentary, War Game: The Making of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.

GamesBeat: What has the reception been like so far? Have you heard some good things about how it’s being viewed?

Andrew Stephan: I’m not in tune with the numbers myself. That was never my MO. I would defer to Microsoft on what the viewership is like. I know that for me, the number one response, positive response I was hoping to get, and the audience I was most curious about, was the team at GSC. I had the fortune of getting to fly out to Prague last week to screen it with them for the first time. Most of the team had not seen the film. It was a powerful opportunity to watch it with more than 100 of the people on the team, and get to meet several of them that I’d never had a chance to meet before. To a person, they were all deeply touched and grateful to Xbox, to the production team for doing their story justice, for taking the time to be deliberate with the story. That’s been great.

Everywhere I’ve seen a comment, or I’ve seen someone weighing in with an opinion, it seems to be overwhelmingly positive. That’s been my early experience.

GamesBeat: What was some of the initial impetus for you? Why focus on Ukraine, and why this particular team?

Stephan: I can’t chalk it up to anything more than luck and timing. I knew Tina Summerford, who appeared in Power On, from my time at G4 TV way back when, in the early 2000s. She’s the one who brought me on to do Power On for the 20th anniversary of Xbox. What was supposed to be a stand-alone feature documentary, maybe 45 minutes or an hour, ended up becoming six episodes, a couple of years in the making, and helped the team at Xbox land a couple of Emmy nominations and their first win. That was an extremely positive experience. I had a great time making it. The brand was very happy with the outcome, with the reception.


We stayed in touch, and she first alerted me to GSC’s story in the summer of 2022, when it was first put on her radar. She kept tracking their progress. She earned the studio’s trust. She and Glenn at Microsoft, the two of them earned the studio’s trust and got them comfortable with the idea of documenting their journey. She re-approached me in the spring of 2023 about throwing my hat in the ring to try and direct a film, to make a pitch to Microsoft. I leapt at the opportunity. They bought into my pitch and the rest was history.

War Game: The Making of Stalker 2, is a new documentary from Microsoft.
War Game: The Making of Stalker 2, is a new documentary from Microsoft.

GamesBeat: If you think about all the footage that turned out to be so on the ground there–were they deciding to film themselves? Or were you actually having your team go there and capture everything with them all the time?

Stephan: All credit goes to them for having the prescience to document their own journey. At the very beginning, as we started, they had–I forget his name. Nick was his first name. But they had an in-house photographer and bibliographer who had documented a ton of meetings and just the process of making the game. They were documenting stuff before the war started. Even before the imminent threat of war. They were filming all through 2021 and 2022. At the very beginning, they handed us a giant pile of material that we had to comb through. They weren’t shooting with the intent of having this footage used in a documentary like this. But we were able to cherry-pick.

Any of these films, what really brings it to life is the archival. Being able to establish a sense of place and time, creating a more intimate connection with your subjects. Because of the highly charged and challenging nature of the subject matter, it’s not like we could have boots on the ground in Kyiv. We had to rely on them exclusively to give us some of that footage. But that’s a process for them. Remember, beyond that initial dump, this team is heads down, just cranking every day to get a game out the door. They’re repeatedly dealing with requests from me and my team about trying to get footage. I think it worked out well. All the way down, close to the last weeks of edit, they were still sending footage over when we were looking for specific moments of coverage.

GamesBeat: I hope you didn’t have to go into Chernobyl, into the radiation zone there.


Stephan: I think I would have–my instinct as a filmmaker, I would have loved to have gone. But from a family perspective and a Microsoft perspective, and from an insurance perspective–it’s a complicated thing. We’re very fortunate that we were able to make the film we made at the distance we were at. Fortunately I was able to go to Prague several times to film the interviews there with the team, capturing them in the office and shooting some B-roll, a day in the life. We made a few trips out there.

Something that’s interesting is how many people don’t actually know that Chernobyl was in Ukraine. I was surprised to find out–I don’t even think I knew how close it was to Kyiv before this all started. That was a fascinating element to all of this. Multiple people have said to me, “I had no idea.” For them, wanting their story told is part of it. It’s a chance to learn more about their culture, what’s inspired them, what’s driven them to create the way that they do, create the things that they create.

GamesBeat: What’s a good way to describe what you captured?

An iconic image from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone is depicted in Stalker 2.
An iconic image from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone is depicted in Stalker 2.

Stephan: I was always intrigued by the power of expression and creating art during a time of war. The importance of creating, I was always intrigued by the importance of creating. Drawn to the power of creating art during a time of war, and the need to creatively express yourself as an outlet. I spoke at length with some of the team members about whether the game felt like a distraction or salvation. Is it your job? Is it a silly distraction? Or does it give you meaning at a time when you desperately need to have something to hold onto? I think both sides of the coin, Kyiv and Prague, they all saw the latter as the value in the game. It was a big source of meaning for them in a difficult time.

It somewhat literally says that in the film. This is how we approached it. We saw the game as an act of resistance, an act of defiance, an act of creative expression during this insanely intense period. Someone in the film says it. “The game, for us, is now an act of resistance.” We had that thought in mind well before we’d ever captured that piece of sound. It was almost in some way validating. That’s what I hope the message of the film conveys, that it’s seen as exactly that.


GamesBeat: There was a line, something like, “We have a gun in one hand and a computer mouse in the other.”

Stephan: That’s right. “We make the game with one hand and load our weapons with the other.” Literally and metaphorically, it turns out. That’s the other thing, just being drawn to the fact that–how surreal it is to have these employees that not only stayed behind, but felt the sense of duty to country to go serve on the front lines. And still stay connected. They talk about the team returning to the game at some point, but in the meantime those team members still check in. That’s interesting. They’ll jump on a call every once in a while. Their day to day is not what it was, but I think that’s impressive.

GamesBeat: I do wonder if you then extracted–are there lessons for developers everywhere, given that everyone is having their own tough times? Not as extreme as this, but still, morale is being challenged.

Stephan: I don’t know if I extracted a lesson personally. I’m not in their shoes. I wouldn’t pretend to understand the impact. I will say that as a creative, for any creative–this held true here, hearing their stories. The thing you’re making, the art you’re making, can be a life preserver. Not an escape, but there’s nothing wrong with it if you want to call it an escape. But something that you can sink yourself into, put your heart and soul into, and it’ll provide you some form of respite from the madness going on around you.

Maria and Ievgen Grygorvich of GSC Game World, maker of Stalker 2.
Maria and Ievgen Grygorvich of GSC Game World, maker of Stalker 2, at Gamescom 2024.

I will say, a lot of people have been very supportive. The Xbox team has been incredibly supportive. People in the gaming community, from day one, have been very supportive. I think a team like GSC feeds off that. It’s helped keep them driven. It’s a contributing factor in helping keep them driven, that support. They’ve stayed focused, and I think they’re going to make something pretty special. There’s a level of–if there’s a takeaway, it’s perseverance, personal and professional.

GamesBeat: In some ways it feels like all of Ukraine acted this way. They understood that if they stopped working, stopped their economy, they’d lose the war that way.

Stephan: What’s remarkable about what GSC did, though, that maybe differentiates them–from the little I dug, I didn’t see anyone else that was doing this. But when they left, they offered that opportunity to everyone and their families. Employees past and present. They offered a chance at sanctuary, to get out. If people stayed, GSC kept them employed. Keeping people employed during a time like this was maybe more the exception than the rule. It’s pretty fantastic that they had this thing to rally around and keep them going, keep people gainfully employed and provided for, and in turn further the team’s efforts to push back across the board, through their game and through the day to day of the war.

GamesBeat: It was life-saving to have the company care for its employees.

Stephan: It was life-saving on many levels, in my opinion. I’d say it was life-saving and soul-saving.


GamesBeat: It’s an honest and raw look at everything. I did wonder about a couple of issues where maybe you had to decide how much to include in it. There were a couple of soldiers from GSC who were killed, who had either worked on the first game or done voice acting. Was there a choice you had to make about how much of that subject to reference or include?

Stephan: No, I think it sorted itself out. I didn’t want to sensationalize anything. It felt out of place to tell the story of a developer who didn’t have a day to day hand in the making of the sequel. He was on the original team, so it felt appropriate to post-script the film in memory of him. The other individual wasn’t even brought to my attention until deep into the post production process, his passing. I’m not sure that it would have changed anything.

Our choice wasn’t to make this–I think those two people are more representative–if you think about it, there’s not a single person at that company that we interviewed, or that we didn’t, who hasn’t lost someone. Who hasn’t lost friends or family. At some point those two names that appear in the postscript at the end of the film, and to all our fallen friends and comrades–I can’t remember the exact language right now. But it was in memory of all of them. We didn’t choose or care to single out anyone as the primary form of the narrative. The narrative was about the team. We wanted to focus on the people. To your point, even if that had happened to some of the contemporary team members, I’m not sure that’s a road we would have gone down. We wanted to focus on the achievement that this team had accomplished.


GamesBeat: Is there some good that you hope may come from telling this story?

Stephan: Certainly I hope that anything my team and I make–we’re not salacious filmmakers. You look for deeply human stories and you look to amplify those stories, to familiarize people with maybe lesser-known stories that are about people. It’s about people first, to create a sense of empathy for the team by making people understand that there is a team of humans on the other end of the game. It’s the same thing with Xbox and Power On. It’s not just a console. These are the people who made it. This is what they suffered through. There were feelings on the line. In this film there are lives on the line.

The good, you hope, is that people who–again, for me, this was one of the goals of the story, to be able to tell a story where–it was part of the director’s statement. I wrote something to the effect of always having been sympathetic to game developers, who face intense criticism and weighty expectations from really passionate fanbases. For understandable reasons. But they’re under intense pressure. So many fans are driven by their intense love for these franchises, and they sometimes lose touch with the fact that real human beings exist behind these fictional games they love so much.

As I started to immerse myself in the story a year and a half ago, seeing the comments from the people who were impatient about the delays and the attacks on the studio, for me it was a rare opportunity to humanize a team in this world. I’d wanted to do this for a while. The idea of developers just in general, artists in general, and the pressures on them to create art. Commerce and art don’t always go hand in hand very gently. That was important to me, to humanize the process of game development, both for the people in this intense situation, but also–hopefully people will step back and think about developers in general, who face an uphill battle just to make a game, much less a special game. Just to complete something is an achievement.

Stalker 2 is coming November 20, 2024.
Stalker 2 is coming November 20, 2024.

That was important to me, and obviously to shed light on their story, the GSC team’s story, the war in general and their place in all this. I hope what comes out of that is that people see it and those two things resonate. To go back to your earliest question, about the response, tons of comments are along the lines of, “I get access to this game on Game Pass, but I’m going to buy it anyway because I want to support this team.” There’s been a ton of support for the team. People are starting to see–even you. You led this off by saying, “I had no idea.” If it’s not on your radar this way, you wouldn’t be able to appreciate it the same way you can now. I hope that’s the universal reaction.

GamesBeat: What did you think of Ievgen and Maria as sort of the principle people, the main characters of this story, so to speak?

Stephan: They were wonderful people. I don’t know when you figured it out, but I didn’t know they were husband and wife for quite some time, because in their opinion it’s irrelevant to the story. As a filmmaker it clearly became very relevant at some point, but they don’t lead with that. They were both similar spirits. Kind. They function as perfect complements, business and strategic and creative.

They were apprehensive at first, like almost every subject of any film has been. You don’t know who you’re really letting into the house. But over time I think, as is usually the case, we earned that trust. They could see we were coming from a good place. You try to remain objective as a filmmaker, but you feel an immense sense of pressure to get it right and do the story justice. Over the course of a year and a half the relationship continued to strengthen. We reached a point where they had the requisite level of faith that we were going to do right by the story. That’s why it was incredibly gratifying to get to watch it with them on the big screen and see how moved they were.

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Spider-Man 2 is latest PlayStation exclusive coming to PC



Spider-Man 2 is latest PlayStation exclusive coming to PC

The PC port will include the base game and all of its subsequent DLC, like New Game Plus mode and extra spider suits, along with PC-specific features like “keyboard and mouse controls, ultra widescreen support, and numerous graphical options,” according to Mike Fitzgerald, Core Technology Director at developer Insomniac. That will include “enhanced ray-tracing options.”

As part of the announcement, Sony also revealed that “we have no additional story content planned for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2” on either platform.

Spider-Man 2 is just the latest in a big PC push from Sony, which also includes a PC overlay that launched in June alongside Ghost of Tsushima’s PC port. Spider-Man 2 is also the fastest a major PS5 game has been ported so far, with the PC version coming less than two years after its original launch.

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Crazy or wicked? Someone stuck half a touchscreen monitor on a mechanical keyboard and added a M.2 SSD slot, four USB ports, two speakers and one microSD card reader



Crazy or wicked? Someone stuck half a touchscreen monitor on a mechanical keyboard and added a M.2 SSD slot, four USB ports, two speakers and one microSD card reader

The Maxfree K3 is a compact 82-key mechanical keyboard (83 keys for the UK version) with a intriguing twist – it has a integrated 13-inch touch screen attached.

The IPS display offers a 1920x720P resolution, 60Hz refresh rate, up to 300 nits brightness, and 60% NTSC color gamut, plus it has 10-point touch capability.

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Netflix’s most popular movie right now is this obscure Russell Crowe revenge flick



Netflix's most popular movie right now is this obscure Russell Crowe revenge flick
A man lights a match in his car in Unhinged.

Among the many mysteries of the world, few are more profound or significant than the question of why a particular movie or TV show is at the top of the Netflix chart on any given day. Some of the movies that get to that spot make sense, but others can be head-scratchers, at least at first blush.

Unhinged is one such title that has been dominant on the Netflix charts recently, and while it may seem like a pretty random movie, there are some important reasons for its appeal. The movie tells the simple story of a woman who honks at another car in rush hour traffic, only to discover that the man behind the wheel of the other car is now tailing her, and has hatched a plan for revenge. Here are three reasons you should check it out.

We also have guides to the best movies on Netflix, the best movies on Hulu, the best movies on Amazon Prime Video, the best movies on Maxand the best movies on Disney+.

It gives Russell Crowe a chance to go full villain mode

Russell Crowe in Unhinged.
Solstice Studios

For most of his career, Russell Crowe has played some variation of the leading man. As lead actors age, though, they often slip into other kinds of roles, and those roles often give them a chance to show off skills that they didn’t get to display during their leading-man days.

That’s exactly the case for Crowe here as he plays a villain who lives up to the name of the movie he’s in. Crowe displays some true menace here that isn’t part of his normal body of work, and by the end of the movie, it’s easy to forget that we rooted for this guy in Gladiator.

It’s delightfully pulpy

Unhinged Trailer #1 (2020) | Movieclips Trailers


Part of the reason Unhinged might be so popular is that it has a remarkably simple, easy-to-engage premise. It’s a story of road rage gone horribly awry, taking a circumstance that many people have encountered and pushing it to its extreme.

The result is a film that’s full of propulsive energy, and one that will keep you watching in part because of the danger it puts its central character in. Unhinged feels like a B movie, and it doesn’t have any aspirations to be anything more than that.

It’s indebted to an early Spielberg masterwork

Duel (1971) Official Trailer – Dennis Weaver, Steven Spielberg Thriller Movie HD

Unhinged has a lot of obvious similarities with Duel, one of Steven Spielberg’s very first movies. The film tells the story of a man who inadvertently makes a truck driver very angry, and then is pursued across the country by that very same truck. The difference with Duel is that we never see the other driver.


While Unhinged lacks some of the technical wizardry that a young Spielberg was able to bring to the project, both movies are worth watching, if only to remember how the legacy of older films gets passed down to newer titles.

Unhinged is streaming on Netflix.

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Crypto’s $130 million election binge has boosted Utah’s John Curtis



Crypto's $130 million election binge has boosted Utah's John Curtis

U.S. Rep. John Curtis speaks during the Utah Senate primary debate for Republican contenders battling to win the seat of retiring U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney, June 10, 2024, in Salt Lake City.

Rick Bowmer | AP

SALT LAKE CITY — John Curtis, a Republican congressman from Utah, has become a favorite of the crypto industry in his bid to win the Senate seat held by the departing Mitt Romney. He took a somewhat oblong route through the telecommunications sector to get there.

At an event in Salt Lake City last week, Curtis told a few dozen crypto enthusiasts that he had a conversation a few years ago with some fellow House members about internet service providers and how to incentivize them to boost their offerings. The various lawmakers were throwing around different connection speeds — 50 megabits, 100 megabits — but when Curtis asked whether they’d ever run a speed test, he got puzzling responses.


“They looked at me like I was from another planet,” Curtis told the crowd at the Permissionless conference.

Curtis, 64, said he realized then that lawmakers needed to be smarter about regulations and actually understand the user experience. That’s particularly true in crypto, he said.

“This is so important to get government involved, because if they don’t understand what you’re doing, they’ll make really bad decisions,” the Provo-based congressman said, as the attendees nodded their head in unison. “The worst part of regulation is its unpredictability.”

Curtis’ attitude toward crypto is a big reason why digital coin enthusiasts have filled his coffers in his campaign against Democratic candidate Caroline Gleich, setting him up for what appears to be a landslide victory next month.


The Defend American Jobs PAC, a single-issue committee focused on cryptocurrency and blockchain policy, has contributed more than $1.9 million to Curtis’ campaign, according to Federal Election Commission data compiled by crypto market and blockchain analyst James Delmore and verified by CNBC. Additionally, the PAC spent more than $1.5 million to oppose Curtis’ Republican primary challenger, Trent Staggs.

Crypto PAC money backs Utah Senate candidate and others across U.S.

Ben Lucas, Curtis’ campaign spokesman, declined an interview on behalf of the congressman. He sent a statement from Corey Newman, the chief of staff, saying that, “John has always been a strong supporter of the crypto industry as it will help Utah’s economy continue to grow and be a great place to create jobs.” 

The sprawling and decentralized digital asset industry is backing Curtis and others who are publicly adopting a pro-crypto policy within their campaigns. The crypto industry accounts for nearly half of all donations made by corporations this election cycle as the sector outpaces both the big banks and oil. Of the 42 primary candidates that crypto-backed super PACs supported, they were successful in 36.

In total, crypto groups have spent over $130 million in congressional races for this year’s election, including the primaries, according to FEC data.

Crypto picks its targets

Venture firm Andreessen Horowitz found in its recent State of Crypto report that more than 40 million Americans hold crypto, a group that’s young and bipartisan. The report said 51% of them indicated they’re likely to throw their weight behind crypto-friendly candidates.


Curtis says the best thing the industry can do is police itself, and then come to lawmakers with the right kind of guardrails, striking a balance of safety and security without excessive regulation.

Three crypto PACs, which are primarily backed by Coinbase, Ripple, and Andreessen Horowitz, have been targeting competitive Senate and House races across the U.S.

Protect Progress has given more than $10 million apiece to Senate candidates in Arizona and Michigan. In Arizona, the group favors Democrat Ruben Gallego, who is vying for the seat being vacated by Kyrsten Sinema. In Michigan, the preferred choice is Elissa Slotkin, who is currently a Democratic House member.

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) becomes emotional as the crowd cheers on Day 4 of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., August 22, 2024. 


Kevin Wurm | Reuters

The Republican candidates in Indiana and West Virginia have each received more than $3 million from Defend American Jobs. In Massachusetts, a super PAC for Republican John Deaton has pulled in $2.6 million from the crypto industry. Deaton, however, is polling way behind Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is one of the crypto sector’s top antagonists in Washington.

“Elizabeth Warren is not going to lose her election in Massachusetts, so the industry can’t get rid of Warren,” said Delmore. “But they can at least help to vote out candidates who are allied with her against the crypto industry.”

One big target is Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, the chair of the banking committee. Some $40 million of crypto money has been directed at defeating Brown, and one PAC has paid for five ads designed to boost awareness of his Republican rival, Bernie Moreno, a blockchain entrepreneur. The race is currently very close and is crucial in determining which party will control the Senate.


In House races, around $3.6 million in crypto PAC money has gone to candidates in Arizona, $5.4 million in New York, more than $4.8 million in Virginia, and $5.7 million in California, with half of that spend going to Republican Michelle Park Steel.

Crypto PAC money has been party agnostic and not just focused on battleground districts. The focus is on supporting lawmakers who embrace regulation that favors the technology rather than getting in its way.

“When we talk about digital assets, when we talk about crypto, that is not about Republicans and Democrats,” said House Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), at Permissionless. “That’s about Americans, that’s about decentralization of a system that has been, literally, consolidated at the top.”

WATCH: Trump family given $337.5 million token stake in new crypto project


Trump family given $337.5 million token stake in new crypto project, document reveals

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Songs from Instagram can now be quickly added to Spotify playlist



Featured image for Songs from Instagram can now be quickly added to Spotify playlist

Instagram and Spotify are now collaborating to ensure users have quick and seamless access to songs. Instagram users will now be able to quickly add what they like to their Spotify library with just a few taps.

Short-form videos make song discovery easy but listening to them was difficult.

Nearly every social media platform app is now offering short and ultra-short videos. These videos have a wide variety of content. However, one of the most included elements is songs or audio tracks from popular albums and even movies.

It is quite common to discover new songs and artists from apps like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts. Despite knowing the names of the songs, it has been cumbersome to add them to a Spotify playlist. The process involved multiple steps, which the two platforms have now reduced.

Instagram and Spotify have reportedly ensured that users can quickly add songs they like to their Spotify playlists. Specifically speaking, Spotify indicated it is working with Instagram for a seamless experience.


“We know that music is all around you and sometimes that means right on your social media feed. That’s why beginning today, Spotify is excited to unveil a new integration with Instagram that makes it even easier to capture and instantly add songs to Spotify from Instagram with just one simple tap.”

How to add songs from Instagram to Spotify playlists?

Instagram users will reportedly have a simple and quick way to add songs they like on Instagram and Reels to their Spotify library with just a few taps.

Previously, Instagram and Reel users were able to get more information about the song they listened to in one of the videos. However, moving forward, users would be able to the song to Spotify without leaving the app.

Instagram has essentially added a new button that appears right next to the player for listening to a preview of the song. The button says “Add” with the Spotify logo right next to the audio scrubber.


When users tap that Add button, the song will get added to the “Liked Songs” in their Spotify library. Instagram has indicated that the new Add button will be available all around the world. As expected, the feature would be rolled out gradually.

It goes without saying, Instagram users will have to link their Spotify account with their Instagram account. However, after the linking process, it is a one-tap process to add songs from Instagram to Spotify playlists. Incidentally, TikTok has been offering this future for quite some time.

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The US Treasury is using AI (a vehicle for fraud) to detect fraud



The US Treasury is using AI (a vehicle for fraud) to detect fraud

AI has been used to defraud people through everything from calling voters to faking celebrity giveaways. Now, the US Treasury Department claims machine learning AI has played a critical part in its enhanced fraud detection processes over the past year — if a broken clock can be right twice a day, maybe AI can do something good one time?

In a new release, the Treasury states it prevented and recovered “fraud and improper payments” worth over $4 billion over the last fiscal year (October 2023 to September 2024). This number represents a tremendous increase from the previous year, which reached just $652.7 million. One-fourth of the $4 billion apparently comes from recovery by “expediting the identification of Treasury check fraud with machine learning AI.” Again, does it feel a bit like making a deal with the devil? Yes. But, such is 2024.

The $1 billion comes alongside $2.5 billion in prevention from “identifying and prioritizing high-risk transactions” and another $680 million toward additional prevention techniques.

The Treasury plans to share the technology with other federal agencies, though some have already implemented their own. The IRS, for example, has taken steps to use AI to find tax evaders, automate services and conduct audits.


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