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Ultra-rare pattern and specific date on £2 coin make it worth nearly THIRTY times more – do you have one in your pocket?



Ultra-rare pattern and specific date on £2 coin make it worth nearly THIRTY times more - do you have one in your pocket?

SPOTTING this rare coin in your change could be a big money-spinner – it could be worth nearly thirty times worth its original £2 value.

If you discover a sought-after coin in your change, you can make money on it by selling it on.

Do you have a valuable £2 coin on you?


Do you have a valuable £2 coin on you?Credit: Alamy
One coin went for as much as £57


One coin went for as much as £57Credit: Change Checker
This coin has caught the eye of eight bidders already


This coin has caught the eye of eight bidders alreadyCredit: Change Checker
If you buy one of these uncirculated coins you could secure a fortune


If you buy one of these uncirculated coins you could secure a fortuneCredit: Change Checker

You could do this through an auction, either online, in person, or through a dealer.

There are some coins which are known to fetch large sums of cash, such as the Kew Gardens 50p and the commemorative 50p coins minted to mark the London 2012 games.


But there are also lesser-known designs that are worth keeping an eye out for – like the 2020 Captain Cook-themed £2 coin.

These were issued back in 2020 to mark the 250th anniversary of Brit explorer Captain James Cook’s famous Voyage of Discovery.

The Royal Mint announced in 2018 that they’d release a unique three part £2 series – and they weren’t circulated to the general public, making them an extra coveted find.

This is the third and final £2 in the series and the distinctive reverse, designed by lettering artist Gary Breeze, features part of Captain Cook’s famous ship.


Once all three coins in the series are collected, you can arrange them together to reveal the full design.

Captain James Cook underwent three famous voyages responsible for finding major lands such as New Zealand and Hawaii.

He inspired many explorers and astronomers and this coin honours the first of these voyages.

You’re in luck – Ebay has been flogging the rare £2 edition coin on its website.


What are the most rare and valuable coins?

They’ve gone for as much as £57 and as little as £36.

How to check if a coin is rare

In most cases, a coin is rare if it has a low mintage figure – which is set by The Royal Mint.


The mintage figure relates to how many of the coins were made, so the fewer there are of them, the rarer they are.

You can find out what coins are rare and how they look on The Royal Mint’s website.

Your next step after this is seeing if the same coin is still available to buy in superior Brilliant Uncirculated quality from an official Royal Mint distributor, according to Change Checker.

These coins have been specially made to a superior quality which differentiates them from other coins you might find in your pocket.


How to sell a rare coin

If, after checking, you realise you’ve come across a rare coin, there’s a number of ways you can sell it.

You can sell it on eBay, through Facebook, or in an auction – but be wary of the risks.

The safest way to sell a rare coin is more than likely at auction. You can organise this with The Royal Mint’s Collectors Service.

One has had a whopping 13 bids


One has had a whopping 13 bidsCredit: Change Checker

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We were rejected for a mortgage due to BIZARRE reason, but still managed to buy 3-bed dream home – how you can do it too



We were rejected for a mortgage due to BIZARRE reason, but still managed to buy 3-bed dream home - how you can do it too

APPLYING for a mortgage is always stressful, but a surprising red flag meant Leigh and Patrick struggled to find a lender to help them onto the property ladder.

The couple, who live in Norwich, were eager to get a place of their own after growing “increasingly frustrated” at having to manage rising costs on their rental property.

Leigh and Patrick used the shared ownership scheme to get on the property ladder


Leigh and Patrick used the shared ownership scheme to get on the property ladder

Leigh, 42 and Patrick, 43, were paying £900 a month in rent for a two bedroom home in Norwich, Norfolk, with their rent rising by £50 in a year.


After spotting a new housing development nearby that was within their budget, they were eager to cease the opportunity to get their own place.

The pair had been gifted several thousand pounds towards their deposit from family members in Ireland, which they thought would be the key to unlocking their dream property.

But the couple were shocked to find that many lenders were automatically declining their mortgage application for this exact reason – and it almost cost them their dream home.

Lenders may reject a mortgage application when the deposit funds come from abroad, because it can be viewed as a financial risk.


Nicholas Mendes, mortgage technical manager, at John Charcoal, explained this is because lenders view overseas transactions as being at risk of money laundering.

“Lenders are required to comply with strict anti-money laundering regulations, and funds from foreign sources can raise red flags,” he explained.

“Verifying the origin of these funds can be more difficult.

“Additionally, funds from abroad often come in foreign currencies, which can introduce uncertainty due to fluctuating exchange rates.


“Lenders may see this as a risk, as the value of the deposit might decrease if exchange rates shift unfavourably before the mortgage process is complete.

“This could affect the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, making the deposit smaller relative to the property value.”

The Sun’s James Flanders explains how to find the best deal on your mortgage

But, this wasn’t the only hurdle to do with it coming from overseas that the couple had to overcome.

The family’s bank also refused to send the necessary statements to Leigh and Patrick’s bank because they were based in a different country.


Leigh said: “The bank had to send the statements over to Ireland, only for our family to have to send them back to England.

“The first bank statement they sent then had the wrong date, so they had to be re-requested, and the process had to be repeated again.

“We were so worried we’d lose our hold on the property we were hoping to reserve, but thankfully, the developer was very accommodating.”

These statements can be vital for helping lenders confirming that the funds are legitimate.


The couple sought the help of The Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB) to find a lender that would accept their deposit.

Danny Belton, head of lending at the MAB, said, “For those in receipt of a gifted deposit they will need to show proof that it is from a legitimate source.

“For example, if the person has sold a home and gifted money from this, you’d need to show proof. If it has come from savings you’ll need to show evidence of the savings.

“The lender will ultimately need to be confident that this money is not a loan that will be called back and is legitimately owned and able to be gifted by the person sending the money.


“This can add delays to the buying process, but getting advice from a broker who can go through everything that’s required, might be the best bet to get you mortgage ready as quickly as possible.”

With help from MAB, the couple eventually managed to secure their three-bedroom home in Norwich in August 2023 through the shared ownership scheme.

The house cost £290,000 and Leigh and Patrick own 75% of it.

They took out a shared ownership mortgage of £206,625 for 27 years with fixed rate of 5.6% for five years.


Their monthly mortgage payments are £1,275 a month, while they pay £166 in rent – a total of £1,441 between them, or £720.50 each.

Leigh said: “Our broker was in contact with us every step of the way, and worked hard to find the most suitable option for us – one that was both affordable and offered a competitive interest rate.

“With the exception of the bank and deposit issue, we were quite surprised at how easy the mortgage application process was, and we have MAB to thank for that.”

How to get the best deal on your mortgage


IF you’re looking for a traditional type of mortgage, getting the best rates depends entirely on what’s available at any given time.

There are several ways to land the best deal.

Usually the larger the deposit you have the lower the rate you can get.

If you’re remortgaging and your loan-to-value ratio (LTV) has changed, you’ll get access to better rates than before.


Your LTV will go down if your outstanding mortgage is lower and/or your home’s value is higher.

A change to your credit score or a better salary could also help you access better rates.

And if you’re nearing the end of a fixed deal soon it’s worth looking for new deals now.

You can lock in current deals sometimes up to six months before your current deal ends.


Leaving a fixed deal early will usually come with an early exit fee, so you want to avoid this extra cost.

But depending on the cost and how much you could save by switching versus sticking, it could be worth paying to leave the deal – but compare the costs first.

To find the best deal use a mortgage comparison tool to see what’s available.

You can also go to a mortgage broker who can compare a much larger range of deals for you.


Some will charge an extra fee but there are plenty who give advice for free and get paid only on commission from the lender.

You’ll also need to factor in fees for the mortgage, though some have no fees at all.

You can add the fee – sometimes more than £1,000 – to the cost of the mortgage, but be aware that means you’ll pay interest on it and so will cost more in the long term.

You can use a mortgage calculator to see how much you could borrow.


Remember you’ll have to pass the lender’s strict eligibility criteria too, which will include affordability checks and looking at your credit file.

You may also need to provide documents such as utility bills, proof of benefits, your last three month’s payslips, passports and bank statements.

Why shared ownership?

A shared ownership scheme is where you buy a share in a property rather than the entire home.

You then pay rent to a landlord on the amount you don’t own.


Leigh and patrick said they had never heard of shared ownership before and had some reservations at first.

“Initially, we were concerned about the fact that you still pay rent on top of the mortgage, as well as the cost of the service charge on top of the other payments,” Leigh said.

“However, we figured that as rental costs were almost as much as a mortgage, it would be best to pay a little more and have the security of home ownership.”

Leigh said she now recommends the scheme to any wannabe homeowner who is concerned about high mortgage rates.


“Definitely get your affordability checked for Shared Ownership,” she added.

“You can buy a percentage of the property from as low as 25%, and you don’t have to worry about landlords breathing down your neck or suddenly deciding to sell up.

“Plus, as property values increase, so does the value of your percentage. It’s a fantastic option for first time buyers to get on the property ladder.”

Now settled into their home, the couple say they are “thankful to the scheme that gave us the opportunity to achieve our home ownership dreams”.


What are the pros and cons of shared ownership?

The main benefit of a shared ownership scheme is that it allows you to buy a home you wouldn’t have otherwise been able to afford.

You can get on the property ladder with a much lower deposit than if you bought the entire home, and you may be able to build up the share you own over time.

This is a particular draw to first-time buyers in the current market who are struggling to save enough for deposits.

One of the major downsides, however, is that you will have to keep paying rent on the part of the house you don’t own alongside your mortgage.


You need to factor both payments into your financial planning when you’re looking to buy through a shared ownership scheme.

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How to challenge a DWP benefit decision if you think it’s wrong



How to challenge a DWP benefit decision if you think it’s wrong

APPLYING for benefits in the UK can be a tricky process with lots of hoops to jump through and confusing rules.

And even then, you can end up with a decision that you don’t agree with.

You can challenge a benefit decision if you don't believe it's right


You can challenge a benefit decision if you don’t believe it’s rightCredit: Alamy

This could be because your claim is denied, you don’t get the level you expected, or you’re missing certain elements you think you qualify for.


Fortunately, the system allows you to challenge decisions that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has made, and there’s evidence it’s well worth doing.

For instance, figures released by His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service on 14 March show that 70% of all Personal Independence Payments appeals are won.

That means people are getting much-needed cash that they would have been denied if they hadn’t challenged the government’s decisions.

If you want to challenge a DWP decision, you usually need to apply for a mandatory reconsideration. But first, you need to understand why the benefits office made the decision it did, and gather evidence to show why they’ve got it wrong.


Getting an explanation

If your claim is denied or lower than expected, the first step should be to make sure you understand why. Sometimes, you’ll be sent the reasons in writing, for instance if you are rejected for a Personal Independence Payment claim.

If you haven’t been told why, you can ask the DWP to explain. Sometimes this can happen over the phone, or you can get a written statement of reasons. If you want the information in writing, you can request this and it must be provided.

Either way, you should move fast. There’s a time limit when it comes to asking for a mandatory reconciliation, so if you leave it too long, you might not be able to appeal. 

To get the extra info, contact the DWP, HMRC or your local authority, depending on which benefit you’re trying to appeal. You should have the details on your decision letter. 


It’s also worth speaking to them and explaining why you think the decision is wrong, sometimes it can be changed without launching a formal appeal.

For instance, if the decision was based on incorrect or missing information, the benefits office may be able to send you a new decision letter or it can explain what you can do next.

If your first language isn’t English, you can get an interpreter.

Turn2Us says that if you do telephone the benefit office, you should make a note of the time and date that you call, who you speak with and exactly what is said. This can be useful if you decide to formally challenge the decision.


If you’re still not happy with the outcome, the next step is usually to start the mandatory reconsideration process.

How long do I have to appeal the decision

Generally, you need to apply for a mandatory reconsideration within one month of your decision letter.

However, Turn2Us says that if you ask for written reasons within one month of the date on the decision letter, the time limit will be extended. The new limit will be:

  • One month and 14 days from the decision date (if the written reasons are provided within one month of the decision date); otherwise
  • 14 days from the date the written reasons are provided.

However, the charity cautions that this only applies if the reasons were not provided in the decision letter you received. It says: “If you are in any doubt, stick to the usual time limits.”

You can usually get an extension if you have a good reason, for instance, if you’re in hospital or if a member of your immediate family dies.


How to ask for a mandatory reconsideration

If you want a mandatory consideration, you should write to the DWP or other relevant department.

You need to ask for the decision to be reviewed, and include any evidence you have as to why it was wrong in the first place.

You should go into detail, and provide copies of supporting documents where possible, for instance medical reports, doctor’s records, and financial statements.

If you are challenging decisions to do with benefits such as PIP and ESA medical evidence can be extremely valuable, particularly if it contradicts your medical assessment report produced by DWP.


Send the letter by recorded delivery, so you know it arrives safely, and keep a record for yourself.

If you’re challenging a decision around Universal Credit, you can do so through your online journal.

A different person will look at the decision, and decide whether it should be overturned or changed.

Sometimes, the DWP will ask for more information or extra pieces of evidence. If this happens, you should send things through as quickly as possible.


If your mandatory reconsideration is successful, you’ll be sent a new decision letter. If the decision doesn’t change, you’ll also be told by post.

You can choose to appeal if you’re still not happy with the outcome you get.

How to take an appeal further

The next steps depend on which benefit you’re applying for. However, in almost all cases you need to act within a month.

We have explained what to do for each benefit below.


Budgeting loans

If you want to challenge a decision around a budgeting loan, you need to ask the Independent Case Examiner’s office to do a review. The ICE is an independent organisation that’s completely separate from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Contact the ICE office in writing asking it to look at the decision again. You need to include your:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • National insurance number
  • Details of the benefits you applied for
  • The date of the decision 
  • Information about why you disagree with the decision and evidence to back this up.

The ICE will decide whether the decision should be changed.

Employment and Support Allowance


If you’re making an appeal regarding ESA, you might want to skip the mandatory reconsideration process.

Turn2Us says this applies if you already getting the payment, you’re appealing a decision that says you are fit for work, and the decision is not based on you having failed to return your ESA50 questionnaire or attend an assessment.

It must also be either:

  • The first time you have been found fit for work at an assessment, or
  • You have been found fit for work at a previous assessment but since then had an assessment where you were found to have limited capacity for work.

The reason for going straight to appeal is that you can keep getting your benefits during the appeal, but you can’t when going through a mandatory reconsideration process.

If you’ve been through the mandatory reconsideration and aren’t happy with the outcome, you can still choose to appeal either online or by post.


You can appeal a decision online through GOV.UK, if you are in England, Scotland or Wales or through The Appeals Service, if you are in Northern Ireland.

You can also write to HM Courts and Tribunals Service at the following addresses:

  • England and Wales: HMCTS SSCS Appeals Centre, PO Box 12626, Harlow, CM20 9QF
  • Scotland: HMCTS SSCS Appeals Centre, PO Box 13150, Harlow, CM20 9TT .
  • Northern Ireland: The Appeals Service, PO Box 2202, Belfast, BT1 9YJ.

The First Tier Tribunal will decide if you are entitled to a benefit and can change a decision.  However, it’s worth knowing that its decision could leave you worse off so it is often best to seek advice first.

Universal Credit

If you believe the DWP has calculated your Universal Credit using the wrong income, you need to raise a Real Time Earnings (RTI) dispute. You can do this by leaving a note in your journal.


If your claim has been closed and you want to make a challenge, you should call the DWP helpline 0800 328 5644. You can also use the Challenge a decision made by the Department for Work and Pensions form.

Further appeals follow the same process as for an Employment and Support Allowance claim.

Personal Independence Payment

If you’ve tried a mandatory reconsideration for your PIP claim and you still aren’t happy, the next step is to go to a tribunal. You normally need to do this within a month.


In England, Wales and Scotland, use the SSCS1 appeal form or the online form on the website. In Northern Ireland, use the NOA1(SS) appeal form

You need to explain which decision you’re challenging, what you think the outcome should have been, and why you disagree with the DWP’s decision. 

PIP is awarded based on points, so you need to include information about how many points you think you should have been scored for each activity and medical evidence where possible to back up your claims.

Turn2Us says you can also apply for judicial review if the way a decision was made was wrong or very unfair.


Council tax support 

If you’re challenging a decision on council tax support you need to send a letter or email to your local authority instead of DWP. You should include your council tax reference number, why you think the decision is wrong and any documents that back up your argument.

The next step is to make an appeal. This could focus on whether you are entitled to a reduction in your council tax, or how much you have been awarded under the local Council Tax Support scheme.

You can get a copy of the appeal form or complete it online from:


Child benefit

If you’re challenging a child benefit decision, you need to speak to HMRC not DWP, but the mandatory reconsideration process is the same.

If you’re still not happy with decision, you might be able to go to tribunal, although not all decisions can be appealed.

For instance, you cannot appeal against a decision about who gets child benefit if you and the other parent could not agree and had equal priority.


If you are appealing, you need to write directly to the Tribunal Service. 

In England, Wales and Scotland, you use the appeal form SCS5 on the Gov.UK website.  There are also SSCS5 guidance notes to help you fill the form. You need to include the mandatory reconsideration notice that you received from HMRC.

In Northern Ireland, y use appeal form NOA1 (HMRC)

Housing Benefit


Like with council tax challenges, appeals around housing benefit need to go through your local authority first, not DWP. However, the mandatory reconsideration process is the same.

If you then go on to appeal the decision, it will be looked at by an independent tribunal, which is separate from your local authority or the Housing Executive. You can appeal without having to ask for a reconsideration first.

The First Tier Tribunal will decide if you are legally entitled to a benefit and can change a decision if they think it is wrong.

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Best value Christmas beauty advent calendar revealed – how to get £565 worth of products for £100



Best value Christmas beauty advent calendar revealed - how to get £565 worth of products for £100

BEAUTY advent calendars are a festive phenomenon – and they can save you a wad of cash too. 

Big retailers and brands such as Boots, Asos, Liberty and Charlotte Tilbury sell them.

We calculated the Look Fantastic calendar offers best value


We calculated the Look Fantastic calendar offers best value

They usually contain a gift for each day in December – but savvy shoppers could save money by splitting the contents into multiple presents for friends and family. 


These calendars contain anything from 12 to 40 skincare, makeup, and self-care products, ranging from travel-sized to full-sized versions of popular products. 

Some include luxury candles, face cloths and fragrances too.

Depending on the brand, the upfront cost of advent calendars can range from as little as £45 to up to £260.

But when broken down, the value of the individual items tends to far exceed the price paid for the entire package.


Anita Naik, savings expert at, said: “Each year, retailers run advent calendars with several gifts included, ranging from luxury skincare and beauty to homeware, toys, or even socks. 

“The calendars are often marketed to contain products worth hundreds of pounds, but actually cost just a fraction of that price.”

The best value advent calendar

The Sun has ranked the most popular calendars to reveal which one is the best value this festive season. 

We’ve found that the Look Fantastic Iconic Beauty Advent Calendar offered the biggest savings – costing £100 for £565 worth of gifts, equating to a saving of 82%. 

The Look Fantastic calendar came out on top


The Look Fantastic calendar came out on topCredit: Mia Lyndon

The Sephora Favourites calendar wasn’t far behind, costing twice as much at £199 but packed with more than £1,000 worth of products, saving you 80% on the cost of buying each item individually. 

It contains 40 products including 24 full-size versions from Glossier, Rare Beauty, Charlotte Tilbury and Sephora Collection, as well as an assortment of handbag-friendly travel-sized products.

Other brands selling great value health and beauty advent calendars include Gaia Skincare, Boots, Liberty and Holland & Barratt. 


A gift that keeps on giving

Vix Leyton, consumer expert and host of the Spendology podcast, said: “You can get some fantastic, premium stocking fillers from splitting up advent calendars. 

“Not only do you get the illicit thrill of opening all the doors, but health and beauty calendars often have at least a couple of full-size products inside, alongside skincare and accessories that individually wrapped look like very thoughtful gifts for anyone in your life that loves a pamper.” 

Some Christmas shoppers might go one step further and stack these deals on top of each other, buying several of the top calendars to bag a supply of not just Christmas presents, but birthday gifts for 2025 too.

Many advent calendars also feature high-quality packaging and boxes, negating the need to splash out on fancy gift wrapping.


Be aware that the most popular calendars often sell out early in the season, so start keeping an eye on your chosen brands now. 

I’m a Beauty Writer who’s tested hundreds of beauty advent calendars – these are officially the best

Leyton said: “Make sure you know what’s in them before you start ticking people off your Christmas shopping lists,”

“Often the brands themselves will be showing off the bundle value versus the RRP, but it’s only a good deal if they’re things the average person actually wants.”

“High-end brands like Liberty London will typically represent the best saving, as well as the flashiest gift – and for the online retailers like Charlotte Tilbury, you can usually find a voucher code floating around to make the calendars even better value.” 


The breakdown

Looking at the very high end of the cosmetics market, Liberty London, Fortnum and Mason and Selfridges all sell health and beauty advent calendars for £250 to £265, with all three retailers claiming the true value is more than £1,000.

If these are out of your budget, Boots is selling six different advent calendars this year, ranging from the Soap & Glory advent calendar for £48 (worth £105) to the No7 Ultimate Calendar which costs £175 but is valued at £514. 

Buying all six Boots calendars would cost a total of £565 – but would net you £1,741 worth of cosmetics and skincare.

Alternatively, GAIA’s 24 Days of Wellness advent calendar offers more than £300 worth of products for £160, including full-size facial serums and a selection of 100ml products. 


Stand-out products include 15ml Face Serum and 15ml Eye Serum, worth £55 each, and the components of Gaia’s Mini Essentials Travel Set which is worth £35. 

Holland & Barratt claims that this year’s beauty advent calendar is the wellness store’s best-value calendar to date, with a price tag of £45 but worth £219.23 (a 79% saving). The 25 products include 16 full-size products, such as the cult favourite Weleda Skin Food Cleansing Balm, which are perfect for re-gifting. 

It’s not just health and beauty retailers getting in on the advent calendar trend – there are calendars for various interests too. 

For example, Bimble & Bolt do a runners calendar and a yoga lovers calendar, costing £39.99 each. Both can be used to fill the stockings of the fitness addicts in your family.


The She Grows Veg advent calendar (£65) includes 25 heirloom seed varieties and is ideal to split into smaller gifts for any gardening fans or experimental cooks on your Christmas list. Alternatively, Mariage Frères’ advent calendar contains 25 different types of tea and costs £49.

If you want to be a bit more risqué, the LoveHoney 24-Day X Womanizer Couple’s Sex Toy Advent Calendar 2024 costs £149, with the sexual wellness company claiming the contents are worth more than £455.

How to bag a bargain

SUN Savers Editor Lana Clements explains how to find a cut-price item and bag a bargain…


Sign up to loyalty schemes of the brands that you regularly shop with.

Big names regularly offer discounts or special lower prices for members, among other perks.

Sales are when you can pick up a real steal.

Retailers usually have periodic promotions that tie into payday at the end of the month or Bank Holiday weekends, so keep a lookout and shop when these deals are on.


Sign up to mailing lists and you’ll also be first to know of special offers. It can be worth following retailers on social media too.

When buying online, always do a search for money off codes or vouchers that you can use and are just two sites that round up promotions by retailer.

Scanner apps are useful to have on your phone. app has a scanner that you can use to compare prices on branded items when out shopping.

Bargain hunters can also use B&M’s scanner in the app to find discounts in-store before staff have marked them out.


And always check if you can get cashback before paying which in effect means you’ll get some of your money back or a discount on the item.

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Pretty city where you can buy three-bed homes for less than £35,000 – and there’s no catch



Pretty city where you can buy three-bed homes for less than £35,000 - and there's no catch

PROSPECTIVE homebuyers will be shocked to learn that there remains an area in Britain where three-bed homes go for over £200,000 less than the UK average.

As house prices continue to climb, more and more Brits are struggling to achieve their dreams of home ownership.

Homes in this region go for well below the UK average


Homes in this region go for well below the UK average

Today, first-time buyers typically fork out well over a quarter of a million pounds for a place of their own.


Just this month, a report by Zoopla showed that the typical house price in the UK is £267,100 as of August 2024.

But if you’re willing to be flexible, all hope is not lost. There are still a few locations across the UK where homes are well below the national average – and they’re easily commutable to major cities.

The stunning city of Durham and nearby town of Hartlepool are packed with properties that go for less than £40,000 – and there’s catch.

The location in northeast England also has strong connectivity to the major cities in the area.


For example, a train from Durham to Newcastle takes just 16 minutes and a return ticket costs less than £4, while it’s just 45 minutes to York.

Meanwhile, a train from Hartlepool to the UK’s eighth-largest city takes less than an hour.

Daniel Copley, consumer expert at Zoopla, told The Sun there are still parts of the country where it’s “possible to purchase a house for under £40,000, well below the UK average of £267,100.

“These include areas like Durham and Hartlepool, which provide easy access to the Northumberland Coast and the city of Newcastle with its many amenities including an international airport and high-speed train links to other major UK cities,” he said.


Take a look at the cheapest houses up for grabs in these areas.

Best schemes for first-time buyers

Two-bed terrace in Horden, County Durham – £34,950

This house comes with two beds and a bathroom.


This house comes with two beds and a bathroom.Credit: ZOOPLA
The kitchen and living space could require a bit of work.


The kitchen and living space could require a bit of work.Credit: zoopla

This two-bed terrace house is up for sale on Zoopla for £34,950.


The property has one bathroom and is located in Horden

Better yet, this home is just a six-minute walk from the local village train station, which is about a 30-minute train ride to Sunderland city.

This home will undoubtedly require a bit of work before you can move in, so it is worth factoring this in when looking at an affordable property such as this one.

But, you might be able to get a mortgage on this house with a 10% deposit of just £3,495.


If you got accepted for a 25-year loan with 5% interest, you would be required to pay back around £183 per month.

Two-bed terrace in Hartlepool – £34,950

This two-bed in Hartlepool is on the market for £34,950


This two-bed in Hartlepool is on the market for £34,950Credit: ZOOPLA
It comes with one bathroom and a kitchen area.


It comes with one bathroom and a kitchen area.Credit: ZOOPLA

This two-bed property also costs £34,950 and is located in Hartlepool, also in County Durham.


A listing on Zoopla shows this property comes with two bedrooms, one bath and one reception room.

It is about a seven-minute drive to Hartlepool train station, which is well-linked to Durham, and is 0.2 miles away from the local primary school.

Again, this home would probably require a fresh lick of paint and a few refurbishments before a family or tenant could move in.

You could get a mortgage with a 10% deposit of £3,495.


Two-bed terrace in Durham – £35,000

Zoopla has listed this two -bed in Durham for £35,000


Zoopla has listed this two -bed in Durham for £35,000Credit: Zoopla
It may require some work before a family moves in.


It may require some work before a family moves in.Credit: Zoopla

This two-bed has definitely seen better days, but it’s hard to complain at such a low price.

A listing on Zoopla shows that this property in Sherburn Hill, is on the market for £35,000.


It comes with one bathroom and a separate kitchen and lounge.

A 16-minute car journey will take you to Durham train station, where you can catch trains to Newcastle or York.

However, the area this house is in does not seem to be well connected to buses or other modes of transport, so it’s worth keeping that in mind.

On a property like this, you could get accepted for a mortgage if you have a 10% deposit of £3,500.


Two-bed terrace in Horden – £39,950

This two-bed terrace in Hordan costs less than £40,000.


This two-bed terrace in Hordan costs less than £40,000.Credit: Zoopla
It has a separate kitchen and living area.


It has a separate kitchen and living area.Credit: ZOOPLA

This two-bed home in Horden costs just under £40,000.

According to a listing on Zoopla, it comes with one bath, a kitchen and a reception room.


It is just a two-minute drive from Horden train centre or 10 10-minute walk if you don’t use a car.

The area is also surrounded by a selection of parks which are within walking distance from the home.

A mortgage calculator shows that you would need a deposit of £3,995 to buy this home.

The interest was calculated at 5% over 25 years meaning you would pay £210 per month.


How to save for your first home

HAVE you ever wondered how first-time buyers manage to go from savers to homeowners?

Getting a foot on the property ladder might seem like a daunting task, but The Sun’s My First Home feature allows you to find out exactly what it takes to finally get the keys to your own place.

Leanne Gem managed to buy her £456,000 four-bed house with an “underrated scheme”.

Karis Jacobs and her husband George used the 50/50 method to buy their first home just two years after losing their jobs.


Parents Chae and Cem used a “DIY Help to Buy scheme” to buy their £466,000 first home.

Anupam and his wife Shrabanti lost £6,000 free cash when buying their first home – here’s how you can avoid it.

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Ultra-rare 122-year-old chocolate bar found during house clearance tipped to sell for hundreds



Ultra-rare 122-year-old chocolate bar found during house clearance tipped to sell for hundreds

A 122-YEAR-OLD chocolate bar was discovered intact during a house clearance and it’s now selling for hundreds.

The antique chocolate was found in a commemorative and still had some of the silver wrapping.

An astonishingly old chocolate bar was discovered during a house clearance


An astonishingly old chocolate bar was discovered during a house clearanceCredit: BNPS
The not-so-tasty treat is 122 years old


The not-so-tasty treat is 122 years oldCredit: BNPS
Now the antique choccy is heading on sale with auctioneers tipping it at £200


Now the antique choccy is heading on sale with auctioneers tipping it at £200Credit: BNPS
The bar was pretty much intact, including some of the silver wrapping


The bar was pretty much intact, including some of the silver wrappingCredit: BNPS

Being over a century old, the collectors item is set to go to auction and may go for around £200.

Auctioneer Jay Goodman-Browne said: “This type of item is just so rare.


“It’s quite remarkable that it went uneaten for so long, especially as this would have been regarded as a real treat at the time.

Sweets and chocolates were still a relative novelty, to not eat it must have been a real challenge.”

The choccy was produced by British confectionery brand Rowntree’s in 1902 and was in a tin embellished with images of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.

Luckily the tin had the date printed on so auctioneers were able to timestamp it.


Rowntree’s has been around since 1881 and is known for Fruit Pastels and Randoms gummy sweets.

In 1902 chocolate was still luxurious and so the owner exhibited a good self-control to save the treat.

Chocolate was still considered a relative novelty at the start of the 20th century which may be why the owner wanted to save it.

Auctioneers at Auctioneum Ltd, Bath, have valued the delicacy at £200.

Shoppers beg Cadbury’s to bring back 2005 recipe on iconic bar – as they moan current one ‘tastes like candle wax’

The sale is set to take place on November 4 and the lucky winner will get to take the sweet deal home.

Only a few chocolate bars from that timeframe are known to exist now which prices the item up.

The silver wrapping paper was also untouched however the buyer has advice not to eat the historic dessert.

Goodman-Browne added: “It’s not in bad shape considering its age.


“It’s still got some of the silver paper, and the tin has done a good job of protecting it.

“However, I’m not so sure it would still pass the taste test!”

The tin depicts portraits of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra


The tin depicts portraits of King Edward VII and Queen AlexandraCredit: BNPS
The buyer has been advised not to eat their new purchase


The buyer has been advised not to eat their new purchaseCredit: BNPS

10 chocolate bars voters want back

A SURVEY commissioned by Jackpotjoy asked 2,000 participants which chocolates they’d most like to have in their “dream selection box”.

Here’s a breakdown of the results – and how the Echo bar fared.

Cadbury Dream – 8 per cent


Cadbury Marble – 7.9 per cent

Cadbury Aztec – 7.8 per cent

Cadbury Time Out – 6.9 per cent

Milky Way Crispy Rolls – 6.2 per cent


Kit Kat Caramac – 5.9 per cent

Mars Delight – 5.7 per cent

Cadbury Fuse – 5.6 per cent

Cadbury Astro – 5.3 per cent


Fox’s Echo – 3.6 per cent

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From switching banks to benefits, how to give your wallet a winter workout and claw back £200 before Christmas



From switching banks to benefits, how to give your wallet a winter workout and claw back £200 before Christmas

IT is called the most wonderful time of the year, but Christmas is less good for your wallet.

Families can spend up to £1,800 on the big day, says MoneySuperMarket.

Here's how to find some extra cash before Christmas


Here’s how to find some extra cash before Christmas

So before the expenses begin, now is a good time to review your finances and see where savings can be made.


Amy Knight, from personal finance website NerdWallet, says: “Decluttering your monthly outgoings provides a clear picture of how much disposable income you have, vital for the savvy shopper.”

Harriet Cooke draws up a checklist guide to finding some extra cash before December 25.



Switching now could save you around £12 before Christmas


Switching now could save you around £12 before Christmas

CHECKING what you spend on energy, broadband and mobiles and switching to a cheaper deal, if you can, will immediately ease your monthly outgoings.

With the energy price cap having just risen by ten per cent to £1,717 a year for the average house, it’s especially important to look at your fuel tariff.

Switching to a competitive deal, such as EDF’s new Essentials V8, would mean a typical household would pay £1,628 over the year, saving around £89 on a variable tariff.

Switching now could save you around £15 before Christmas, and if your old account is in credit, you can get a rebate from your supplier.


Use a price comparison site such as Uswitch or Compare The Market to see how much you could save, as British Gas and E.on Next are also offering rates around four to five per cent cheaper than the cap. If you are not keen on computers, ring your supplier.

The same goes for your broadband and mobile phone provider. Give them a call and ask if your fixed deal has ended. If it has, discuss switching to a cheaper one that provides an equivalent service.



The best option is often posting locally on Facebook’s Marketplace


The best option is often posting locally on Facebook’s MarketplaceCredit: Getty

THE months before Christmas are the perfect time to declutter to make way for new gifts.

Vlatka Lake, from self-storage company Space Station, says some of the most wanted second-hand items include golf clubs, selling for an average £100 on eBay, phones, clothes, which bring in £30 a piece, bikes at £270 and watches for £170.

The best option is often posting locally on Facebook’s Marketplace, so local buyers can collect the item.

Or you can list goods on sites such as eBay or Vinted, which is great for second-hand clothes. But you will usually have to post what you sell.


If this sounds like too much, enlist the help of a trusted tech-savvy friend or child, and split the proceeds with them.



Nationwide are currently offering £175 to customers switching to their 1st or FlexDirect accounts


Nationwide are currently offering £175 to customers switching to their 1st or FlexDirect accountsCredit: Alamy

ONE of the easiest ways to get some extra cash is by switching current accounts — and your new bank will do all the work for you.


First Direct and Nationwide are currently offering £175 to customers switching to their 1st or FlexDirect accounts, respectively, while Lloyds is offering £200 for moving to Club Lloyds.

Aside from the bonuses, which will be paid by Christmas, all have different perks.

The First Direct account offers a £250 interest-free overdraft, which is great if you are often in the red.

Nationwide gives up to 5 per cent interest on £1,500 for 12 months, with 1 per cent cashback on debit card spending.


Club Lloyds has a £3 fee unless you pay in at least £2,000 a month, and offers a choice of either 12 months of Disney+, six cinema tickets, a Coffee Club & Gourmet Society membership, or a subscription to a magazine such as Good Housekeeping.



Exchange your leftover foreign currency for an average of £53


Exchange your leftover foreign currency for an average of £53Credit: Getty

TRAVELLERS returning from abroad have an average of £53 of leftover foreign currency, according to Tesco Bank.


Ban Mahsoub, from the bank, said: “This could be exchanged back into sterling and provide a welcome boost for any Christmas savings.”

Try the Travel Money Max tool at to find out which bureau offers the best rate of conversion.

This week, Currency Online Group will give £82.65 for 100 euros, whereas Waitrose will pay £76.13.




ARE you getting all the government help you are entitled to? Check at

To apply for Pension Credit — which pays an average £75 a week — call 0800 99 1234 or visit

‘We split earnings which is great for doing no work’

LIFESTYLE coach Caroline Lamont, 48, from West London, made some extra cash by enlisting the help of a school mum friend to sell her unwanted clothing.


She said: “I do sell old clothes on Vinted but it takes time to list them, label them and drop them off, and you also get buyers trying to negotiate the price. It doesn’t always feel worth it.

“For more expensive clothes that I don’t want any more, I’ll pass them to my friend who runs a pre-loved pop-up shop, as she can get a higher price for them.

“She sold my old Maje raincoat for £100, which I’ve had for about six years but never really worn. And also a ten-year-old pair of All Saints leather trousers for £70.

“We split the earnings in half, which is great for doing no work. Having a savvy friend to help is great if you don’t like selling or don’t have time.”


Amex users frozen out

Many have been unable to use their American Express credit cards, which have been frozen


Many have been unable to use their American Express credit cards, which have been frozen

A MAJOR credit card company has been inundated with calls from customers after mystery payments appeared on their accounts.

American Express users said they could not get through to its helpline to query the amounts earlier this week. Others said they could not resolve the issue with the company’s live chat.

Many have been unable to use their credit cards, which have been frozen. Among those affected is Terry Pierce, 37. The company director, from London, was travelling for work when he began to receive texts asking him to approve transactions he had not made.


Four payments totalling £18.92 were taken from his British Airways American Express Premium Plus Card. When the father-of-one tried to contact American Express, he was left on hold for four hours.

He said: “It’s been so much additional stress. My card is frozen so I can’t use it. I have no idea of the source of these transactions.” We asked Amex about its helpline issues and if it was aware of a bigger issue.

A spokesperson said: “Our specialist fraud team thoroughly investigates all fraud claims and American Express members are not liable for this kind of unauthorised charge.”

It is understood that Amex has added extra resources to its call centre to reduce wait times.


If you think your credit card has been compromised then call your bank so it can freeze your card.

Usually you will be reimbursed for charges you have not made.

By Adelle Cook

Homes face winter bite


NINE million households have not got any credit built up on their energy accounts ahead of the winter months, research has found.

The study, carried out by USwitch, revealed that this is a slight improvement on last year though.

Fifty-nine per cent of homes do have a credit balance, averaging £220, which is slightly down from £236 last autumn.

The study also found that 11 per cent of homes with an income of less than £20,000 already owe money to their energy provider.


Those in debt owe around £163 on average. Typically, customers build up credit during the less expensive summer months in preparation for using more energy over the winter.

Average household energy debt has fallen by 17 per cent from £216 to £179. Despite this, the average account balance is at a three-year low of £128.

Ahead of the autumn Budget on October 30, USwitch is calling on the Government to consider what more can be done to protect vulnerable consumers this winter.

Richard Neudegg, director of regulation at Uswitch, said: “Households use more energy over the winter, so for the majority paying via direct debit it’s ideal to have a cushion of about two months’ worth of energy credit at this point in the year.


“If your energy account is going into debt or you are behind on your bill payments, speak to your supplier as soon as possible.”

By Ellie Smitherman

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