Sofia Vergara elevated her winter fashion game with her recent chic look. On January 15, the actor was spotted outside The Corner Store in Soho, New York City. For the dinner outing, she flaunted a stylish pantsuit in a gorgeous shade of burgundy, which has apparently been one of the trendiest colors of fall and winter 2024. Moreover, the “Modern Family” star appeared to be in great spirits in the photographs.
Sofia Vergara pairs burgundy pantsuit with matching long coat and YSL bag
Sofia Vergara embraced the chilly winter weather in New York City while on a dinner outing. The actor opted for a stunning burgundy pantsuit, which oozed chic and style at the same time. The bodice of the pantsuit featured a deep plunging neckline and a set of loose-fit pants. The actor styled the outfit by adding a classy long coat in a darker shade of burgundy, perfectly complementing the pantsuit.
As for shoes, Vergara donned a pair of black combat boots to go with the winter-perfect fit. The actor also carried a beautiful white purse from Saint Laurent to add a touch of contrast to the look. She further accessorized her look by wearing a set of striking gold earrings, a dainty neckpiece, and several gorgeous bracelets and rings.
When it came to makeup, Vergara went for a glamorous look. It included dark eyebrows, defined eyes with eyeshadow and eyeliner, a peach blush on the cheeks, and a pink lip. The actor kept her straight and glossy hair loose in this look.
Previously, Sofia Vergara nailed a glamorous look in a dazzling strapless gown in black at the 2025 Golden Globe Awards. The mermaid-style gown showcased some gathered detailing as well. She styled the look by adding some sparkly one-of-a-kind diamond jewelry, including an alluring neckpiece and a pair of studs by Lorraine Schwartz.
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