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Mens Bodybuilding

Strength Training Success For A Middle-Aged Guy!



In the emergency room with heart attack symptoms, my years of sedentary lifestyle were finally catching up with me. Working as a college instructor and audio recording engineer had provided very little physical activity, and even less free time to use for getting in shape.

So at 46 years old, I had become a statistic; I was now the average unhealthy middle-aged American male, overweight, out of shape, and having typical middle aged health problems. At five foot eight inches tall, I tipped the scales at 185 flabby pounds with a body fat of 35%.

The doctor told me that my blood levels for unhealthy cholesterol and triglycerides were dangerously high. With triglycerides over 650 I was going to have to start medications to get them under control.

5 Years Later

Now let’s fast-forward 5 years. Over the past 5 years I have turned my health and physique around, shed 35 pounds of fat, and added 25 pounds of muscle. Looking in the mirror I now see my 51-year-old head setting on a muscular physique that appears to be that of a twenty-year-old athlete.


The scale now shows 175 lean muscular pounds at 14% body fat. Shirts that used to pop buttons around the waist are now tight in the chest and arms instead, and my jeans have had to be replaced because my muscular thighs were too tight for the pant legs.

The doctor says I now have healthy blood levels across the board, and the heart of a young athlete.

And so we arrive at the heart of the matter. Strength training is the primary factor in my health and fitness turnaround. It is the catalyst that activates my other positive lifestyle choices, and sits at the core of my present vibrant health and well being.

I am evidence that adding healthy, lean body mass is a central component of a healthy life. Over the past 5 years of strength training, I have made a lot of mistakes, studied a lot, learned a lot, and now have some pointers to share.


So, how does a flabby middle-aged guy turn his physique and fitness around? Strength training is the focus of this article, but first I’ll briefly summarize some important main points relevant to middle age guys, followed by my strength training experiences.

A Few Important Pointers

1. Most of the fitness and strength training information out there does not apply to you

Nearly all of the websites, magazines and books I have found about strength training are intended for younger people. Potential ability, hormone levels, lean body mass ratios, energy, and metabolism all peak before we reach middle age.

Younger trainees may be able to get away with the traditional bodybuilding foolishness that our culture promotes, but we can’t. Our older joints and added years of neglect or abuse we have subjected our bodies too will not allow us the luxury of strength training abuses.

I have injured myself more than once trying to follow information that was actually intended for someone half my age. So be sure to qualify your source of information before you try to apply it to your own situation.


2. Most of the nutritional information out there does not apply to you

Stop and think about it for a minute. The nutrition and lifestyle/fitness magazines at the checkout in the grocery store are full of advice on losing weight and getting fit. They are intended to be bought and read by the vast majority of the population who are sedentary, overweight, undernourished, and not involved in athletic or strength training activities.

So even if by some miracle the information in the magazine ends up being true for it’s intended audience, more than likely it does not apply to a strength trainer. The caloric, vitamin, mineral and other dietary requirements of a sedentary person differ greatly from that of an athlete.

Again, be sure to qualify your source of information before you try to apply it to your own situation.

3. Strength training is one component of being in shape

A healthy lifestyle is essential for meaningful and ongoing fitness and strength training results. For me, four essential components of a solid strength-training program are proper nutrition, proper hydration, proper rest, and proper exercise. If one of these is lacking, results will suffer.


Strength training exercise is the catalyst that animates the other components, and makes the whole program work correctly. I look at it like this; if I work out for an hour, I want to see an hour’s worth of results. Would you be happy with 25% results? Or how about a half hour’s results from each hour in the gym?

I don’t think so. I’m not willing to waste the time or my body’s resources on something that only works partway. If you want maximum results, pay attention to your overall lifestyle. But this article is about the strength training, so…

Strength Training

My experience is evidence that strength training is a dynamic process. The amount of weight you move, and the exercises used will vary from year to year, while the principles of safe training and good technique always remain as a constant.

The routines and exercises that I used two years ago have changed as my strength and overall fitness have increased. What worked for me when I started out no longer works for me. As your body adapts, your training methods must change as well.


Year 1: Great gains with full body routines

After my wake-up call at the emergency room, I began studying and reading up on fitness, and learned that strength training is important to achieve meaningful long-term fat-loss, add lean body mass, raise metabolism, and improve physique.

I read the muscle magazines, muscle websites, tried all sorts of workout machines, dozens of routines I saw others doing, and wound up straining my shoulders and elbows, back and knees. (Ever wonder why there is such a turnover in the fitness club memberships?

Because they don’t get results! It is only a matter of time until poor training leads to getting hurt or discouraged, so most people quit within a few months.

After floundering around like this for months, I finally started having success when I applied the training suggestions from Ellington Darden’s great book Living Longer Stronger, written specifically for out of shape middle-aged guys.


The exercises were the big multi joint free weight movements, squat, deadlift, chins, bench press, shoulder press, rows, pullovers, one set of 12 slow reps to failure, full-body routine Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Total time per workout of 30 minutes each session.

I did no other aerobics, and was strict with my calories and quality of food, drank a gallon of water daily, and slept 8-9 hours each night. During the first 16 weeks on this regimen, I dropped 35 pounds, and began adding muscle and filling out in the right places.

Year 2: Overtraining with full body routines

I continued with the full-body routine 3-times a week. I continued adding pounds of muscle, and pounds to the bar, but the amount of weight I was lifting began to tax my joints and recovery ability.

I began to notice that I was no longer able to progress as I had been doing, and wound up leveling off, stagnating, and not recovering fully. I was learning about overtraining.


My body had responded so well to these workouts for many months, and I had made such progress, but it was certainly not working for me now. Not seeing any further results, I figured that I must have reached my genetic potential, so I stopped strength training.

I was happy with my physique, was in great shape, and as a result had inspired and helped many friends and relatives to get into shape. During the next few months I jogged a couple of times a week, continued to watch calories, drank a gallon of water a day, and slept 8-9 hours each night.

Unfortunately, after dropping strength training for a few months, it became painfully obvious that I was not keeping my great shape and robust health. During those months, I lost the buff muscular look, my metabolism slowed down, I began to add fat pounds, and I just didn’t feel nearly as good overall.

Year 3: The switch to traditional split routines

It became obvious that I would have to return to strength training in my fitness plan, so I slowly and carefully started over with very little weight, using the same 3 per week full body routines I had used before. My strength returned quickly, and all went well for a few months.


Then I began to recognize the returning symptoms of over training. But this didn’t make sense to me. If I could train this way when I was weak and in poor shape, shouldn’t I be better able to handle it now that I was much stronger and in better shape?

I went back through my training logs, and realized that my overall strength had tripled since I started training, which meant that my body was now having to deal with three times the stress and strain on my joints, on my recovery system, as well as my muscles.

At my present strength, three full body workouts a week were now too much for me. I would have to revise my training, so I began experimenting with split routines. I tried a number of different splits, all with way too many exercises, and made only small progress during the next year.

Switching routines every six weeks or so became necessary because of sore joints, or minimal progress.


Year 4: Great success with abbreviated training

As a more advanced trainee, I was now searching for the balance needed to continue gaining strength at a good rate, while not stressing my joints or recovery ability. I found the HARDGAINER website, and began reading about abbreviated training. Finally, here was a welcome voice of reason.

It made all the sense in the world, especially for this 50-year-old guy. I took a three week break while on vacation in the summer, read Beyond Brawn, and The Insider’s Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Training Technique, and started over from scratch, working with little weight perfecting slow and correct technique using a two-day per week full body routine.

I had great gains, added pounds, and got much stronger, working in twelve-week cycles with no joint or recovery problems.

Year 5: In the groove and making gains

And that brings us up to today. As I have aged, I notice that I am still adding mass, even though I am not adding as much weight to my lifts. My definition and muscle size is better than ever, but I realize that I will probably never be lifting the pounds that the younger guys do.


The tried and true big multi joint movements done slowly (about 5 seconds per rep) and with good form are my mainstay. I have been using a three day per week split, upper body on Monday, lower on Wednesday, and different upper movements on Friday with about 2 cardio sessions each week, jogging or bicycling.

Then I take 2 weeks off, and begin a new 8 weeks or so cycle using a two-day per week full body routine. By alternating the routines in this way, my joints seem to be less stressed, and I keep adding muscle.


Having had the opportunity to help train other people, I feel confident in recommending that for a typical out of shape middle ager, start with a full body routine of one slow set of 12 to failure, using the tried and true big multi joint movements with free weights three times a week.

Read and apply Stuart’s books Beyond Brawn, and The Insider’s Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Training Technique. Use perfect form, slow reps, and light weight. Add weight slowly, and don’t get greedy for fast gains, or you will injure yourself.


Be consistent with record keeping, a healthy diet, enough sleep, and drink plenty of water. You will add lean body mass and be an inspiration to the younger generations.

Be sure to also check out Anabolic Training For The Over 40 Bodybuilder!

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Mens Bodybuilding

Sharon Leite Plans For’s Success



Sharon Leite Plans For's Success

After years of different owners and forum members chatting about the future, the good news is that BBCOM is now in the care of CEO Sharon Leite, who is a proven “Transformational Leader” of health and sports nutrition companies like The Vitamin Shoppe. 

I recently had a conversation with Sharon to learn about the plans for BBCOM’S future success. After our conversation, the main takeaway is that Sharon gets what is about. 

Sharon is an avid health enthusiast and health business leader who is taking the time to understand what the BBCOM community is looking for to achieve their health and fitness goals when visiting their social channels, website, and app.  

 “As I think of where we are in a post COVID world, the importance of one’s health and physical fitness is even that much more important, especially with people living longer,” Sharon explains.  


“Our athletes and coaches sit at the very top of the fitness expert tower, and the halo effect from these experts who understand the best approaches for building muscle, eating right, maintaining motivation and selecting the products that work best is something the community can continue to benefit from,” Leite continued. 

Some of Team Leite’s top business transformational goals include a focus on: 

  • Being the premier source of expertise in the health, fitness, sports nutrition, and movement industry, while offering innovative quality nutrition products. 

  • Preserving’s heritage while evolving to meet modern fitness-minded consumer needs. 

  • Providing content, community, and coaching, which will be central to the transformation strategy for’s growth success. 

Similar to benefiting from the expertise of top bodybuilders to achieve personal goals, will benefit from top experts’ business building successes. For example, Sharon has proven experience with health and wellness companies, including serving as CEO of The Vitamin Shoppe where she led a successful turnaround, delivering the best performance in the company’s history.  Sharon shared with me that during her leadership years with The Vitamin Shoppe, she was always interested in purchasing because she admired the community and volumes of high-quality nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle information the site contained. Her perseverance is impressive, and now she has the chance to pursue this opportunity. 

Sharon Hires Industry Veteran, Steve Marada 

Steve Marada joined the BBCOM transformation team in July to serve as Head of Product Development & Merchandising. Sharon explains, “Steve Marada, who played a key role in developing The Vitamin Shoppe’s nutritional products, has many years of experience working in the industry, including executive roles at Maximum Human Performance, Insight Nutrition, and Genceutic Naturals. Steve is a motivational leader with a history of successfully driving the development and execution plans to rejuvenate and propel sports nutrition / nutraceutical brands.  


“I’m thrilled to join, where the most educated and dedicated athletes come to shop, learn, and elevate their performance. Our members are the best of the best—the athletes —who demand cutting-edge content from innovative ingredients, advanced training techniques, and nutrition strategies. We know our community deserves nothing less than excellence, which is why we’re committed to offering only the highest-quality brands. Brands that we believe in. Our Signature Series reflects this commitment, delivering best-in-class, scientifically advanced products that push the boundaries of what’s possible in sports nutrition.” 

Sharon Meets with BBCOM Founder Ryan DeLuca  

You may remember that Sharon appeared on Undercover Boss when working as CEO of The Vitamin Shoppe to get on the frontlines to learn what is working best, what is not working, and what needed to be done for success. So, within days of being named CEO, Sharon took a trip to Boise, Idaho, to meet many of the BBCOM team members who still reside there.   It was important to her to start the process of learning the strengths, weaknesses, and needs directly from her employees.  Sharon also mentioned meeting with BBCOM’s founder, Ryan DeLuca.  

“When I was in Boise, I met with Ryan for the first time. Ryan shared with me about how, as a teenager, he wanted to build a strong muscular body, which was his motivation to start  He was a trailblazer in the industry, creating a place where fitness- minded people could visit, on the relatively new 1990’s internet, sharing tips, publishing information, building a community in the forum, offering support, and obtaining access to top-quality nutrition products.  I think Ryan’s story and the heritage of the Brand is important for its future success. I was delighted to have the opportunity to meet Ryan and get to know him a little bit and look forward to his guidance as we build the brand’s future.” 

BBCOM’s Future Success with the Past in Mind 

In December 2004, after my first visit to Boise, I wrote the article “The Headquarters: Behind the Scenes,” and my impression still holds true today: 


“On my flight back to New Jersey, the few days I spent touring started to settle in. I realized that I was just in the presence of greatness . . . a kind of greatness that is rarely seen in business today; complete dedication to doing everything that is best for the customer. 

I think you will find it satisfying to know that the people at are hard at work every day finding new ways to bring you top-quality products at the lowest prices and provide you with the best possible customer service in the world. 

So, when you place an order with you are making an investment in your future success to ensure availability to top-quality products, at low, low prices, and have access to a library of top-quality fitness and nutrition information.”

Sharon and her transformation team realize the greatness and strength of comes from the community, with future growth plans based on this key pillar of business-building success.   


Sharon went on to say, “As we forge the path for BBCOM’s future, we are firm believers in the power of action and will rebuild the business and community always in the pursuit of excellence. was a pioneer in the industry and a force for good to help others with their individual fitness, health, and self-improvement goals, and we plan to bring it back to its rightful place in the industry.” 

End note: Include your comments of support and input about’s exciting new era!

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Mens Bodybuilding

35 Min ESCALATE Bodyweight HIIT Workout | No Repeat ( Intense Full Body Workout )



35 Min ESCALATE Bodyweight HIIT Workout | No Repeat ( Intense Full Body Workout )

In this 35 Min ESCALATE Bodyweight HIIT Workout we will have 40x movements in total. We will be performing each movement for 40 seconds long and we will have 15 seconds rest between the movements and 20 seconds rest after each 5x movements. After the first 20x movements there will be a 50 seconds water-break.

You can simply SUPPORT the channel by LIKING this video and Leaving a COMMENT and letting me know how you have experienced this workout!!! Means a lot 🙌

The Gear that I am using:

Please make sure to do a warming up before starting the workout:


1. Squat Kicks
2. Push up Hand Tap
3. Shuffle side to side Lateral Lunge Tap down
4. 4x Buttkicks 4x High knees
5. High Plank Hip Drop Alt Knee Tuck
6. Reve Lunge tap Front Lunge (L)
7. Hyper. Push Up Pike Tap
8. Reve Lunge tap Front Lunge (R)
9. 4x Jumping Jacks – Half Burpee
10. Alt leg Star Crunch
11. Straight Arm Front Tension Narrow To Norm Squat side to side
12. High Plank Tuck Steps – 1x P-Jacks
13. Front Lunge – Squat – Squat jump
14. Runner Starter Switch & Kick
15. Dynamic Side Half plank crunch (R)
16. Shuffle Drop Squat
17. Scorpion Push up
18. Shuffle Lunges
19. 4x High Knees Flat Down
20. Dynamic Side Half plank crunch (L)

1. Squat Calf Raise Jacks
2. 2x Break Dancer – extension Jump
3. Prisoner Knee Lunge 2x Squat Jumps
4. 2x sumo tap down 2x 2x athletic high knees
5. Alt Straight Leg Raises
6. Squat to Reverse Cross R
7. Push Up to Half burpee sit & FAST Up
8.Squat to Reverse Cross L
9. 4x MC T- rotation
10. Leg Raise Hip Lifts
11. 3x Bounce Squat Ratchet Squat
12. 4x rev plank toe taps 2x reach backs
13. Hand Walk kick Jump – Jump Squat
14. Half Burpee -1x Duck walk!
15. Low plank Rotation Abduction Spider Tuck
16. Lateral Lunge Static tap downs
17. Front Led through Push Up
18. 4x Power Jack Drop Squat
19. Alt Jack Knife
20. Full Burpee

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* * * * *
Total body bench workout at home with dumbbells. Getting creative today and mixing up today’s at home workout with our dining table bench. There really are so many things around the house to help mix up your at home workouts – this total body bench workout is a great example of that.

To give you an idea of what to expect in this total body bench workout at home with dumbbells, here is a breakdown of this total body workout:

Round 1 // 40 Sec On / 20 Sec Rest

0:20 Tabletop Crunch
1:20 Leg Lifts
2:20 Crunch Kicks
3:20 Cross Mountain Climbers

Round 2 // 40 Sec On / 20 Sec Rest

5:00 Shoulder Press
6:00 Arnold Press
7:00 Front to Lateral Raises
8:00 Elevated Pike Push Ups

Round 3 // 40 Sec On / 20 Sec Rest

9:40 Alt Step Ups
10:40 One Leg Bench Squat R
11:40 One Leg Bench Squat L
12:40 Jump Squat to Alt Rear Lunge

Round 4 // 40 Sec On / 20 Sec Rest

14:20 Shoulder Elevated Hip Thrusts
15:20 Single Leg Glute Bridge R
16:20 Single Leg Glute Bridge L
17:20 High Knees + Butt Kicks (switch after 6 reps)

Round 5 // 40 Sec On / 20 Sec Rest

19:00 Dumbbell Press
20:00 Dumbbell Flyes
21:00 Close Grip Press
22:00 Push Up T Rotation

Round 6 // 40 Sec On / 20 Sec Rest

23:40 Overhead Extensions
24:40 Dips
25:40 Decline Push Ups
26:40 Up Downs

Round 7 // 40 Sec On / 12 Sec Rest

28:20 Single Arm Row R
29:20 Single Arm Row L
30:20 Lying Rear Delt Flyes
31:20 Reverse Hypers (lying face down, leg raises)

Round 8 // 40 Sec On / 20 Sec Rest

33:00 Preacher Curl R
34:00 Single Arm Curl L
35:00 Narrow to Wide Curls
36:00 Squat to Curl to Press

We hope you enjoy this bench workout with dumbbells and it checks off all the boxes for your total body workout at home.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our ABS VIDEO PLAYLIST for some of our favorite abs workouts

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DISCLAIMER: TIFF x DAN strongly recommend that you consult your physician before starting any exercise or workout program. You should be in good physical + mental condition + able to participate in the exercises. You should be aware + understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this workout, exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, + agree to release and discharge TIFF x DAN from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of TIFF x DAN negligence.


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Mens Bodybuilding

World‘s Most Shredded Kid‘s Workout Routine



World‘s Most Shredded Kid‘s Workout Routine

World‘s Most Shredded Kid‘s Workout Routine #shorts YouTube Collaborations:


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Mens Bodybuilding

30 Min FULL BODY Dumbbell Workout | No Repeats | Burn Fat + Build Muscle



30 Min FULL BODY Dumbbell Workout | No Repeats | Burn Fat + Build Muscle

Get ready for an INTENSE 30 minute full body dumbbell workout that will target every muscle group to help you become stronger, build lean muscle and burn fat for up to 48 hours for hours after the workout leaving you feeling GREAT!

This home dumbbell workout is challenging, so use manageable weights to ensure you get through the entire workout. We’ve added dumbbell tips throughout the video so you know what we’re using at all times – just look at the screen prior to the exercise coming up. Workout details listed below.

* * * *

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* * * *

Workout Details:
⏱️ Duration: 30 minutes
🏋️ Equipment: Two sets of dumbbells and a non-slip workout mat
💪🏽 Dumbbell: For reference only, I’m using 20 & 30 lb / 9 & 14 kg dumbbells
⏱️ Intervals: 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest

The exercises for this full body workout with dumbbells are:

Lower Body Dumbbell Exercises
0:20 – Goblet Squat
1:05 – Side Lunge Dumbbell Switch
1:50 – Sumo Deadlift
2:35 – 1-1/2 Sumo Squat
3:20 – Staggered Squat Right
4:05 – Staggered Squat Left
4:50 – Squat Step Right to Squat
5:35 – Squat Step Left to Squat
6:20 – Suitcase Squat
7:05 – Squat Pulse

Back & Biceps Dumbbell Exercises
7:50 – Alternating Curls
8:35 – Dumbbell Swing
9:20 – Alternating Bent Over Rows
10:05 – Hammer Curls
10:50 – Good Mornings
11:35 – Supine Row
12:20 – Renegade Row Push Ups
13:05 – Rear Delt Flyes
13:50 – RDL + Bent Over Row
14:35 – Circle Curls

Shoulders Dumbbell Exercises
15:20 – Thrusters Right
16:05 – Thrusters Left
16:50 – Upright Row
17:35 – Arnold Press
18:20 – Lateral Raises
19:05 – Hammer Press
19:50 – Snatch to Push Up Right
20:35 – Snatch to Push Up Left
21:20 – 45° Press
22:05 – Alternating Iso Press

Chest & Triceps Dumbbell Exercises
22:50 – Tricep Press
23:35 – Skull Crushers
24:20 – Chest Press Twist
25:05 – Alternating Hammer Press
25:50 – Dumbbell Flyes
26:35 – Diamond Press
27:20 – Dumbbell Push Ups
28:05 – Alternating Pec Squeeze
28:50 – Diamond Push Ups
29:35 – Overhead Tricep Extensions

* * * *

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* * * *

DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it’s safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video’s exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing TIFF x DAN from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!


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Mens Bodybuilding

35 Min Full Body Dumbbell Workout [Push Emphasis]



35 Min Full Body Dumbbell Workout [Push Emphasis]

Want ad-free and music-free (timers only) access to all of our workout programs? Elevate your workout experience by becoming a premium member today. Thank you for supporting our channel’s mission to provide you with valuable, free content to help you achieve your fitness goals.

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* * * * *

Looking for a full body dumbbell workout that focuses on push exercises? This 35 minute routine is perfect for targeting your chest, shoulders, triceps, quads, and calves. With a 4 minute warm up followed by 30 minutes of intense exercises, you’ll be pushing your body to the limit and seeing results in no time.

Most of the exercises in this workout are performed for 40 seconds, with 20 seconds of rest between each move. At the end of each round, you’ll tackle a 50 second exercise followed by a 30 second break before moving on to the next round. This structure keeps your heart rate up and ensures that you’re getting the most out of every minute.

So grab your dumbbells, hit play, and get ready to push yourself to new heights!

* * * * *


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⏱️ Duration: 35 Minutes + Cool Down & Stretch workout)
🏋️♂️ Equipment: Set of dumbbells (I’m using adjustable dumbbells, but I recommend a light, medium and heavy set if possible)
🦍 We recommend Yo Gorilla Mats Premium Large Exercise Mat, size: 7′ x 4′ x 8mm.
► Check it out at and Use code TXD 10%
⏱️ Intervals: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest; there will be 50/30 intervals at the end of a few rounds // FINISHER: 40/40 no rest

Exercises for this 35 minute full body dumbbell workout – push day workout are:

0:26 Jump Rope
0:56 Arm Circles
1:26 Hand Release Push Ups
1:56 Plank Toe Touches
2:26 Squat Toe Taps
2:56 Side to Side Squats
3:26 Frog Squats
3:56 Run in Place

CHEST – 40/20
4:46 Dumbbell Bench Press // 35 lb DBs, Bench
5:46 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press // 35 lb DBs, Bench
6:46 Dumbbell Chest Fly // 30 lb DBs, Bench
7:46 Dumbbell Bench Press // 35 lb DBs, Bench
8:46 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press // 35 lb DBs, Bench
9:46 Dumbbell Chest Fly // 30 lb DBs, Bench
10:46 Dumbbell Push Ups // 30 lb DBs (Timing: 50/30)

QUADS & CALVES – 40/20
12:06 Squat // 40 lb DBs
13:06 Bulgarian Split Squat R // 30 lb DBs, Bench
14:06 Bulgarian Split Squat L // 30 lb DBs, Bench
15:06 Calf Raises // 30 lb DBs
16:06 Squat // 40 lb DBs
17:06 Bulgarian Split Squat R // 30 lb DBs, Bench
18:06 Bulgarian Split Squat L // 30 lb DBs, Bench
19:06 Calf Raises // 30 lb DBs
20:06 Squat Pulses // Bodyweight (Timing: 50/30)

21:26 Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press // 25 lb DBs, Bench
22:26 Dumbbell Lateral Raise // 15 lb DBs
23:26 Dumbbell Rear Delt Row // 25 lb DBs
24:26 Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press // 25 lb DBs, Bench
25:26 Dumbbell Lateral Raise // 15 lb DBs
26:26 Dumbbell Rear Delt Row // 25 lb DBs
27:26 Plank Shoulder Taps // Bodyweight (Timing: 50/30)

28:46 Dumbbell Tricep Overhead Extension // 30 lb DBs, Bench
29:46 Bench Tricep Dips // Bodyweight, Bench
30:46 Dumbbell Tricep Overhead Extension // 30 lb DBs, Bench
31:46 Bench Tricep Dips // Bodyweight, Bench
32:46 Cobra Push Ups // Bodyweight (Timing: 50/30)

FINISHER – 40/40, No Rest
33:56 Slow Eccentric Push Ups – Max Reps // Bodyweight
34:36 Low Hold Push Up Pulses – Max Reps // Bodyweight


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DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it’s safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video’s exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing TIFF x DAN from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!


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