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Rayner ‘will miss’ Dowden ‘battle of the gingers’ exchanges



Rayner 'will miss' Dowden 'battle of the gingers' exchanges

The deputy PM said she would miss their “battle of the gingers” in a light-hearted reference with Oliver Dowden to their similar hair colours.

Angela Rayner and the Tory deputy had been speaking about the roles of King Charles and the late Queen in the Commonwealth.

She suggested she did not expect to face Dowden again at PMQs after the Conservative Party chooses a new leader on 2 November.

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From PMQs with love: Dowden says a fond farewell to his rivalry with Rayner | John Crace



Angela Rayner says she will miss 'battle of the gingers' against Oliver Dowden at PMQs – video

Those we didn’t know we would miss. Those we didn’t know we had loved, even.

Westminster can be a brutal place. Somewhere ambition collides with reality. Where egos come to die. But just occasionally there is a crack in its tough facade. A crack that lets the light in. To a world where politicians show their softer side. Respect may be pushing it a bit far. So let’s call it a common humanity. A recognition that they are all in it together.

With Keir Starmer en route to Samoa for the Commonwealth heads of government meeting, prime minister’s questions was handed over to the two deputies. Angela Rayner and Oliver Dowden. An occasion for everyone to be demob happy. When no one need try too hard. Where nothing really matters too much. Where power goes hand in hand with irresponsibility. A time for everyone to let their hair down.

Rayner is a known quantity at deputy PMQs. A force of nature. She can dish it out with the best of them, while retaining a smile on her face. Somehow she pulls off the impossible, by appearing not to take herself too seriously while actually taking herself very seriously indeed. No one gets away with taking any liberties with her. Cut away the laughter and you quickly get to steel. The Tory benches are littered with the bodies of MPs who have underestimated her. Make that the Labour benches as well.


It was Dowden who was the revelation at this PMQs. Three months in opposition has done Olive, as almost everyone calls him, nothing but good. In government he had to try just that bit too hard merely to stand still. Imagine being that guy on such a ship of fools. The one who couldn’t even keep up with Liz Truss or James Cleverly. Let alone Honest Bob Jenrick. The shame.

So Olive always used to struggle in the chamber. Terrified of being found out, his face used to look permanently pinched. It was uncomfortable watching him trying to live up to the person he clearly was never going to be. Every outing was just another dance with failure.

But now he is a liberated soul. There is no longer any artifice involved. Instead, he has embraced his own failure. Has owned the essential futility of his existence. The Dialectics of Being Oliver Dowden. By hurtling towards the very worst of himself – the bits from which he used to run – he somehow now manages to present the best of himself. This is Olive Unplugged. A man at one with his limitations. Who no longer cares if he’s a fraud. Deep down he knows he should never have been a politician. He should have been a maitre D at a Pizza Express. Not many politicians have that level of self-acceptance.

Dowden began by acknowledging this was the last time he would be speaking from the opposition frontbench. In less than a fortnight the Tories will have a new leader and neither Team KemiKaze nor Team Honest Bob will want him on voyage. He should take that as a badge of honour. It’s not his incompetence that’s in question but his sanity. He’s not quite mad enough for the Brave New World. So he’s off to languish on the backbenches for a while, before gently drifting into total obscurity.


Tell me, he asked Rayner. What is the definition of a working person? Angela smiled broadly. She was going to enjoy this long goodbye. First a reminder. The last time they had crossed swords in the Commons had been before he had masterminded the July election for Rishi Sunak. So a big thank you for that. In fact, if the Tories hadn’t already offered him a peerage, then she would be happy to do so herself. Olive couldn’t stop himself beaming. This was how politics ought to be. One promotion after the other till you reached peak uselessness. The Lords was his natural home.

Three times Olive tried to ask the same question. What was a working person? Was it a small business owner? The IFS and the chancellor had seemed to think so. Predictably Rayner never bothered to answer. Choosing instead to remind him of what the Tories had done to working people in the past 14 years. Crashing the economy. Countless tax rises. The Fuck Business attitude. Basically a selection of her own greatest hits. It’s going to be a while before she tires of them. The Labour benches loved it.

“Do you actually agree with yourself?” Dowden demanded. The idiot’s question. Because of course no politician ever agrees with themselves when it’s inconvenient. The truth is always mutable. It turned out that Angela had no more of an idea of what a working person was than Keir Starmer. More will be revealed in next week’s budget. Whoever escapes a tax increase will definitely be working people. But it may also turn out that some working people might suffer from false consciousness.

Then it all got surprisingly tender. As if the previous exchanges had all been just a game. Olive wanted to send one last billet-doux to his favourite sparring partner. He looked Angela in the eye. She was his Belle Dame Sans Merci. “I love you,” he mouthed. She would always be the One Who Got Away for him. The one who was out of his league. But that didn’t stop a man hoping.


Rayner relented. She gave him a heart sign. He would always treasure that. She had enjoyed the battle of the gingers, she said. She too would miss their exchanges. Though not quite as much as Dowden. There were other, more important, fish in the sea. But just for now she would indulge him. They could share their love of the monarchy together. She would give him that. Dowden beamed and settled down to laugh about carers with Jeremy Hunt.

Angela Rayner says she will miss ‘battle of the gingers’ against Oliver Dowden at PMQs – video

The rest of the session was mere froth. Time and again, Labour MPs would lob her friendly questions only for Angela to talk about “14 years of failure”, “14 years of chaos”, “14 years of anything”. The closest we got to real politics was Stephen Flynn asking about Labour staffers campaigning in the US. Though everyone knew this was the very definition of a non-story.

It was all meaningless. Pure theatre. Deputy PMQs always is. But it had been rather nice while it lasted.

  • Taking the Lead by John Crace is published by Little, Brown (£18.99). To support the Guardian and Observer, order your copy at Delivery charges may apply.

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Angela Rayner rebuffs jibe over Donald Trump’s election interference claim



Is Reform UK's plan to get Farage into No 10 mission impossible?
UK Parliament/PA Angela Rayner sits on the green frontbench in the CommonsUK Parliament/PA

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has dismissed an SNP jibe over the row over Labour Party volunteers campaigning in the US presidential election.

Donald Trump’s campaign has filed a complaint alleging Labour has broken US election rules on foreign interference by sending activists to campaign for his Democratic Party opponent, Kamala Harris.

Rayner told MPs that “people in their own time often go on campaigns”, adding that “it happens in all political parties”, during Prime Minister’s Questions.

She was standing in for Sir Keir Starmer, who has also played down the row while on his way to Samoa for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, which King Charles will open on Friday.

Rayner was responding to a question from Stephen Flynn, leader of the SNP at Westminster, who invited her to join him “in applauding the brave Labour staff members who travelled across the Atlantic to campaign against Donald Trump?”


The deputy PM replied: “People in their own time often go and campaign, and that’s what we’ve seen.

“It happens in all political parties, people go and campaign and they do what they want to do with their own time, with their own money.”

The row over campaigning was sparked by a now-deleted social media post from Labour’s head of operations, Sofia Patel, that she had about 100 current and former party staff heading to America before polling day.

The LinkedIn post said she had “10 spots available” for anyone willing to travel to North Carolina to campaign for Harris, adding “we will sort your housing”.


Foreign nationals are permitted to volunteers in political campaigns in the US as long as they are not compensated, according to Federal Election Commission rules.

Labour Party sources insist no one has done anything wrong, but there is concern about whether the row could impact the so-called “special relationship” between the UK and US should Trump win the election on 5 November.

The LinkedIn post from Sofia Patel reads: "I have nearly 100 Labour Party staff (current and former) going to the US in the next few weeks heading to North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia. I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina - we will sort your housing. Email me if you're interested. Thanks!

The Trump campaign complaint to the Federal Election Commission flags that senior Labour Party staff attended the Democratic convention in Chicago and met Harris’s campaign team, naming Morgan McSweeney, the prime minister’s chief of staff, and Matthew Doyle, Downing Street director of communications.

Deborah Mattinson, Sir Keir’s former director of strategy, was also named as someone who travelled to Washington in September to brief Harris’s campaign on Labour’s election-winning approach.

It is understood from Labour officials that Labour met McSweeney’s costs, while Doyle was hosted by the Progressive Policy Institute, a US think tank.


But the officials said it would be wrong to suggest either man had advised or assisted the Harris campaign, adding that Labour sends a delegation to each Democratic convention.

Officials also pointed out that Mattinson left the Labour party staff after July’s general election in the UK.

Sir Keir briefly addressed the issue during his plane journey, telling reporters: “The Labour Party has volunteers, [they] have gone over pretty much every election.

“They’re doing it in their spare time. They’re doing it as volunteers. They’re staying I think with other volunteers over there.”


He denied the row would impact his relationship with Trump, reminding reporters the two had dinner together at Trump Tower in New York last month.

The Prime Minister’s deputy spokesperson stressed that the UK would always have “a deep and strong relationship with the US as our closest ally” whoever won the election.

She was not aware of any plans for government ministers to speak to Trump’s campaign team, but Sir Keir and Trump had discussed “the long-standing friendship” between the two nations during their New York dinner, she said.

“It is a special relationship which has endured for over a century with leaders of all political stripes, and that will always be the case,” she added.


Defence Secretary John Healey suggested the Trump campaign was “creating controversy” ahead of the presidential election.

However, Nigel Farage, the Reform UK leader and Trump supporter, told the BBC he believed the wording of the LinkedIn post breached US election law, saying the rules were “very, very clear”.

Nigel Farage speaking in parliament

Farage, who has travelled to the US to support his friend on multiple occasions, said: “The ad didn’t say you’ll be going in your own free time, didn’t say you’ll have to pay your own air fare, which at the moment, by the way, are very, very expensive, it said you’re going to have free accommodation.

“If you look at the wording of that advert there is little doubt that is against American election law.”

Filings with the US Department of Justice reveal that Farage himself has received help three times since his election as an MP in July from a PR firm based in Pennsylvania, including with hotel costs on a trip to the USA.


The company, Capital HQ LLC, is run by Alexandra Preate, who used to be an aide to Trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon.

The filings show the firm paid more than $3,500 (£2,700) for Farage’s accommodation at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in July.

It also helped with his “perception management”, as well as public relations, travel and logistics.

Capital HQ disclosed it had also assisted with his appearance on a Fox News business programme in July, in which he was outspoken in support of Trump’s election prospects.


It also spoke to him in August about an “upcoming trip to the United States”.

The filings were made under US laws requiring anyone who acts on behalf of foreign “principals” engaged in political activity, such as seeking to influence policy or public opinion there, to register with the federal government.

The Clacton MP has declared £32,836 he separately received from a donor for flights and accommodation for a visit to the United States in July.

Asked about this on BBC’s Politics Live programme, Farage said he “hopped on somebody else’s plane, they gave me a free lift”, adding that he had declared it and “didn’t campaign at all”.


“I went in a purely personal capacity to offer my support after the first assassination attempt… as a friend of his and the family”.

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Keir Starmer rejects calls for slavery reparation talks



Is Reform UK's plan to get Farage into No 10 mission impossible?
Getty Images Keir Starmer standing in front of a Union JackGetty Images

Sir Keir Starmer has said he wants to focus on the future of the Commonwealth, after ruling out compensation for the UK’s historical role in the slave trade.

All three candidates to become the next head of the 56-nation organisation have called for reparations for countries that were affected by slavery.

A group of Caribbean nations has indicated it will push for the issue to be discussed at a summit of the bloc’s leaders in Samoa this week.

But the UK prime minister said he wanted to address “current future-facing challenges” rather than “spend a lot of time on the past”.

Sir Keir’s government has ruled out making slavery reparations, continuing a longstanding British stance on the subject.


Downing Street has also said Sir Keir will not be apologising for Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade.

Speaking to reporters on his way to Samoa, the Labour leader said there was “no question” that slavery was “abhorrent”.

But he added that he wanted to focus on the challenges that Commonwealth countries were “facing right now” rather than what “will end up being very, very long endless discussions about reparations on the past”.

“This is about stance really, looking forward rather than looking backwards,” he said.


The Atlantic slave trade saw millions of Africans enslaved and forced to work, especially on plantations in the Caribbean and the Americas, for centuries from around 1500.

The British government and the monarchy were prominent participants in the trade, alongside other European nations.

The UK also played a key role in ending the trade through Parliament’s passage of a law to abolish slavery in 1833.

Reparations are broadly recognised as compensation for something that was deemed wrong or unfair, and can take many forms.


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How a LinkedIn post sparked a transatlantic row



Is Reform UK's plan to get Farage into No 10 mission impossible?
Getty Images Campaign merchandise for Democrat presidential nominee Kamala HarrisGetty Images

LinkedIn: the social network for CVs, apparently motivational corporate messages and – as of late last night – transatlantic diplomatic spats.

When Sofia Patel, the Labour Party’s head of operations, posted on the site last week that she was coordinating nearly 100 current and former party officials to campaign in battleground states in the final weeks of the US presidential election, she surely could not have imagined that she would provoke a legal complaint filed in Florida.

In a formal complaint to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Trump presidential campaign’s deputy general counsel declared: “When representatives of the British government previously sought to go door-to-door in America, it did not end well for them.”

Last week, he noted, was the 243rd anniversary of the Battle of Yorktown – a military victory which ensured the United States’ enduring independence from “Great Britian” [sic].

Bombastic as that may sound, it’s hardly of trivial interest that a Labour Party that has conspicuously sought to improve its ties to Trump and his team is now being formally accused of “blatant foreign interference” on behalf of his opponent, Kamala Harris.


So what’s behind all this?

Under the FEC rules, foreign volunteers on US campaigns are permissible, as long as they are just that – volunteers – and are not compensated for their work.

That is exactly what Labour says these operatives were: volunteers. While Patel’s LinkedIn post told those interested in campaigning that “we will sort your housing”, it is being argued that this was imprecise language.

Sir Keir Starmer told reporters last night that Labour officials going to the US to campaign are “doing it as volunteers, they’re staying I think with other volunteers over there”.


‘Private citizens’

There is a question over what exactly Patel meant by saying she had “10 spots available” for people willing to campaign in North Carolina.

Did that entail travel costs to get there being covered? Even if it did, Labour are adamant that they did not pay.

But arguably the more pertinent charge, diplomatically at least, is the allegation that the Labour Party as an institution is formally coming to the aid of the Democrats.


This is being denied too. Labour sources say that Ms Patel was, in her spare time, organising party officials to go out to the US in their spare time.

That was the argument from Steve Reed, the environment secretary, this morning: “It’s up to private citizens how they use their time and their money”.

And of course, it’s not surprising that those on the left of politics here would want the Democratic candidate to win the US election, just as at least one recent former Conservative special adviser is currently in a swing state campaigning for Trump.

British obsession


There’s another element to this, too. The British political world is utterly obsessed with American politics, even if it is an almost totally unrequited passion.

Every four years, British politicos stream across the Atlantic for a taste of campaigning on a far bigger canvas.

There are numerous examples. Earlier this summer Nigel Farage, the Reform UK leader, was at the Republican convention just days after his election as an MP, as was Liz Truss, the former prime minister, just days after she lost her seat.

Penny Mordaunt, the former Conservative cabinet minister, worked for George W Bush before she became an MP. Liam Fox, another ex-Conservative MP, has had ties with senior figures in the Republicans for a number of years.


Not that the parties on either side of the Atlantic always match up neatly.

In January 2020, I was shadowing a small group of canvassers for Joe Biden in the New Hampshire presidential primary, when I realised that one of them was Sir Simon Burns, the former Conservative MP for Chelmsford.

In recent weeks Sir Robert Buckland, who lost his seat as a Conservative at the general election, has been in the US campaigning for Harris.

Awkward spot


Be all that as it may, it’s undeniable that this is a seriously awkward spot for the Labour government to find itself in, exactly two weeks before Starmer could well be placing a phone call congratulating President-Elect Trump.

In opposition and in government, Labour officials have invested significant energy in trying to forge links to Trump and his allies.

David Lammy, the foreign secretary, spent time with JD Vance, the senator from Ohio who then became Trump’s candidate for vice-president.

Diplomats were delighted with how quickly Starmer managed to speak on the phone to Trump after the failed assassination attempt on him in July, and just a few weeks ago they met for the first time over dinner at Trump Tower in New York.


Senior Labour figures believe that this legal wrangle is not really a rebuke of that approach, but instead just straightforward politicking from the Trump campaign, who are eager to use the Labour volunteers as a way to bash the Harris campaign in the crucial final stretch.

They need to be right.

Because if they are wrong, then this may not be a mere passing awkwardness, but a dispute threatening the most important diplomatic relationship any British prime minister has.

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Health Secretary Wes Streeting will vote against legalising assisted dying



Health Secretary Wes Streeting will vote against legalising assisted dying

Health Secretary Wes Streeting will vote against changing the law on assisted dying, the BBC has confirmed.

Backbench Labour MP Kim Leadbeater has put forward a bill proposing that terminally ill adults nearing the end of their lives get the right to choose to shorten their deaths if they wish.

But in a meeting of Labour MPs on Monday, Streeting said he did not believe the palliative care system was good enough to support assisted dying.

The prime minister has made clear the government will remain neutral on the issue and MPs will be given a free vote.


A similar move was rejected by MPs in 2015, but recent polling has consistently suggested a majority of the public supports a change in the law.

Cabinet ministers have been instructed not to campaign in public on either side of the issue, ahead of a vote on the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill on 29 November.

Dozens of Labour MPs are thought to be still undecided about the plans and Streeting’s intervention, first reported by The Times, could be especially influential because of his position as the health secretary.

It is also notable because Streeting voted for the legalisation of assisted dying the last time the Commons voted, in 2015 – meaning he has changed his mind.


Last month, he told the Financial Times he was “struggling” with the issue, saying he could “buy into the principle” of assisted dying but was “not sure as a country we have the right end-of-life care available to enable a real choice on assisted dying”.

Streeting is the second cabinet minister in two days to state their intention to vote against changing the law, after Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood told The Times of her “unshakeable belief in the sanctity and the value of human life” on Tuesday.

Leadbeater has said patients with serious illnesses are suffering “horrible painful deaths” and that “people deserve a choice”.

Her bill would restrict assisted dying to terminally ill patients, and would require two doctors and a judge to sign it off. But opponents say there are still serious concerns about safeguards.


Earlier this month, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson told the BBC she was worried about the impact on vulnerable and disabled people, as well as the possibility of coercive control and the ability of doctors to predict how long a patient has left to live.

Assisted dying is generally used to describe a situation where someone who is terminally ill seeks medical help to obtain lethal drugs which they administer themselves.

Assisted suicide – intentionally helping another person to end their life – is currently banned in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, with a maximum prison sentence of 14 years.

The bill would cover England and Wales, where – like Northern Ireland – assisting someone to ending their life is against the law.


In Scotland – where it is not a specific criminal offence but can leave a person open to a murder charge – a bill is currently being considered that, if passed, would give terminally ill adults the right to request help to end their life.

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UK and Germany to sign landmark ‘defence’ treaty



Is Reform UK's plan to get Farage into No 10 mission impossible?
Getty Images John Healey shakes hands with Boris PistoriusGetty Images

UK Defence Secretary John Healey and his German counterpart Boris Pistorius in July

Britain and Germany will sign what the UK government is calling a “landmark defence agreement” aimed at boosting security, investment and jobs.

Under the agreement, German defence company Rheinmetall will open a new factory in the UK to manufacture barrels for artillery guns – supporting 400 jobs.

Both countries will work together to develop drones and a new long-range missile.

German maritime surveillance aircraft will also periodically fly patrols of the North Atlantic from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland.


Labour promised to build closer military ties with Germany while in opposition and this is part of a wider push by this government to reset relations with key European allies post Brexit.

The German Ambassador to the UK, Miguel Berger, said the European Commission will have a very strong focus on defence in the next five years, and there is space for the UK to be involved.

“Obviously the question is – what can the role of the British defence industry and of the capacities of the United Kingdom be in this joint endeavour?” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

The UK already has a defence pact with France – the Lancaster House Treaty signed in 2010 by David Cameron and Nicholas Sarkozy – but this is the first with Germany.


Germany and the UK are the two largest defence spenders in Europe and the biggest European military donors to Ukraine.

Defence Secretary John Healey said it was a “milestone moment”, bringing the two countries’ militaries and defence industries closer.

In reality the two nations already co-operate as members of the Nato alliance.

In a joint venture, they are also building new tanks and armoured vehicles for the British Army, Germany’s Rheinmetall and the UK’s BAE Systems-formed RBSL to manufacture the Boxer armoured fighting vehicle and the latest Challenger 3 tank in Telford, Shropshire.

PA Media A man in a helmet standing in the Forge Shop at Sheffield ForgemastersPA Media

The Forge Shop at Sheffield Forgemasters, which will produce steel for a new factory in the UK that will produce barrels for artillery guns

Under the new Trinity House Agreement, Rheinmetall will build a factory in the UK to produce barrels for artillery guns – something the UK stopped doing more than a decade ago.

The site for the factory has not yet been announced, but the Ministry of Defence (MOD) says it will support more than 400 jobs and use British steel produced by Sheffield Forgemasters.

The steelmaker was recently acquired by the UK Government. The first artillery gun barrels are expected to roll off the production line in 2027.

The Trinity House Agreement also includes a commitment to develop a new long-range missile, which the MOD says will be more precise and can be fired further than any current systems – the UK’s Storm Shadow and Germany’s Taurus. Unlike the UK, Germany has refused to supply Ukraine with its Taurus cruise missile.


The UK and Germany will further co-operate on developing drones that might be able to fly alongside Typhoon jets operated by both countries.

German P8 maritime surveillance aircraft will periodically operate out of RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland to help patrol the North Atlantic. Other Nato allies have been doing the same for a number of years.

There is also a promise to bolster the defence of Nato’s eastern flank; both the UK and Germany have already sent hundreds of troops to the Baltic states as part of Nato’s enhanced defence plans following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Germany’s Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said the agreement would strengthen Europe and Nato.


“We must not take security in Europe for granted,” he said, adding the projects being undertaken would be open to other partners.

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