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Our Yorkshire Farm star sends fans wild with unexpected Clive Owen update



Our Yorkshire Farm star sends fans wild with unexpected Clive Owen update

Our Yorkshire Farm’s Reuben Owen has sent fans wild with a social media post with dad Clive as the family get ready for their return to the small screen

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'I'm done' Rotherham traders forced to move for regeneration plan say they will not survive



'I'm done' Rotherham traders forced to move for regeneration plan say they will not survive

New shop units, a town square and a community building are set to be built along Laughton Road, Dinnington

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Uber calls for EU combustion engine ban to be brought forward



This article is an on-site version of our Europe Express newsletter. Premium subscribers can sign up here to get the newsletter delivered every weekday and Saturday morning. Standard subscribers can upgrade to Premium here, or explore all FT newsletters

Good morning. News to start: European embassies in London are lobbying the UK government to exempt international schools from the incoming 20 per cent VAT charge on private education, arguing that British independent schools on the continent aren’t similarly taxed.

Today, our competition and energy correspondents hear arguments for and against an EU combustion engine ban from Uber and Italy. And our Rome team reports on an initiative to make Italian citizenship more easily accessible.

Car crash

Uber has called on the EU to partially advance its 2035 combustion engine ban, one day ahead of a crucial EU industry ministers meeting where the topic is sure to surface, write Javier Espinoza and Alice Hancock.


To speed up electrification, Anabel Díaz, head of Uber’s mobility division in Europe, urged Brussels to set more aggressive targets for the take-up of electric vehicles.

Context: Other players in the car industry have called for a delay to the landmark ban on new combustion engines from 2035, amid falling sales of vehicles and a slow uptake of expensive electric cars.

Pressure is also mounting among car manufacturing countries such as Italy, where Rome’s industry minister Adolfo Urso has called for an early review of the ban ahead of a meeting with his colleagues in Brussels tomorrow.

But according to Uber, the European Commission should set “more aggressive binding targets” to electrify corporate fleets, including ride hailing platforms such as Uber’s, Díaz told the FT.


New combustion engines should be banned for business customers from 2030, she said, and corporate fleets should be “100 per cent electric cars by 2035 at the latest”.

Uber’s call sets it in opposition to car manufacturers who have complained that stricter emissions targets coming into force next year will cost them billions of euros in fines.

The commission is currently considering additional measures to green corporate cars, which account for around 60 per cent of the EU’s total fleet, and had asked companies for input.

Diaz said a move to full electric fleets “liberates the environmental benefits of electrification where they are most impactful, because of the high utilisation rate of the corporate fleets”.


She added that electrifying corporate cars would “pave the way for the broader mass transition to electric personal vehicles”.

Chart du jour: How to grow

More interventionist trade and industrial policies lie at the core of the EU’s competitiveness challenge. Intervening effectively is another matter, writes Martin Wolf.

Papers please

More than 500,000 Italians have signed a petition asking to ease the country’s restrictive citizenship rules — the first step in a process that could lead to a national referendum on the issue, write Amy Kazmin and Giuliana Ricozzi.

Context: Italians have been fiercely debating the path to citizenship for children who were born in Italy to immigrant parents and who are considered “foreigners” despite having been brought up and educated in the country.


Italy’s current citizenship law, which was adopted in 1992, requires immigrants to live in the country legally for at least a decade to be eligible to apply for citizenship.

Members of the small centrist party Più Europa (More Europe) now want to hold a national referendum on restoring an older set of rules, which previously allowed foreigners to apply for Italian citizenship after just five years of legal residence.

The petition yesterday achieved the 500,000 signatures required for a review by the constitutional court, who will now scrutinise the proposed referendum to determine whether it can go ahead.

“Citizens have shown that when parliament cannot find the courage to change unjust laws, they can mobilise and do it themselves,” Più Europa wrote in a post on X. “Those who chose Italy to live, study, love and grow up, who imagine their future in our country, are Italian.”


The fate of this dream — and an estimated 2.5mn people, including adults and children, who could be allowed to apply for citizenship immediately with such a change — now lies in the hands of 15 constitutional court judges.

What to watch today

  1. French President Emmanuel Macron to visit Canada

  2. EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell participates in a G20 foreign affairs ministers meeting in New York.

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British business chiefs urge positive action from Chancellor Rachel Reeves after doom and gloom start



British business chiefs urge positive action from Chancellor Rachel Reeves after doom and gloom start

CHANCELLOR Rachel Reeves tried to tone down the doom and gloom in her party conference speech in Liverpool yesterday.

Last week figures showed consumer confidence had slumped following her warnings of “tough choices” in the looming Budget.

Were British business chiefs convinced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves' attempt to be more upbeat about the future?


Were British business chiefs convinced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ attempt to be more upbeat about the future?Credit: Alamy

And firms have put hiring and investment on ice until they get more Government clarity.


So were these British business chiefs convinced by her attempt to be more upbeat about the future?


Exec chairman, Iceland supermarket

'We need something we can sell and get behind to be confident and ambitious about'


‘We need something we can sell and get behind to be confident and ambitious about’Credit: Arthur Edwards / The Sun

“I THINK the rhetoric so far has been quite downbeat, so it is important to sell an optimistic, bold vision.



Labour is in a tight spot of being squeezed on the left and the right of the part.

 But they do need to give a sense of ambition and it’s good they did that.

The industrial strategy is important because we absolutely need a joined-up, well-thought-out strategy, almost like Harold Wilson’s “white heat of technology” speech 60 years ago.

We need something we can sell and get behind to be confident and ambitious about.


An industrial strategy shouldn’t just focus on the big shiny stuff, it should focus on the politics of ordinary life, be that the buses, high street or connectivity, things that are essential to the everyday. Investment is critically needed.

It was encouraging that the Chancellor came back to business rates a few times in quite clear language that the system is broken and needs reform.

Moment heckler is dragged from Labour Party conference

Now it needs to move to reality to protect the high street and jobs.”


CEO, Portmeirion homeware

'Government must play a critical support role for firms by creating a low-tax, high-investment economy'


‘Government must play a critical support role for firms by creating a low-tax, high-investment economy’

“IF Reeves and the Government are serious about ‘building Britain together’, they need to value manufacturing and the jobs and communities it supports.

Government must play a critical support role for firms by creating a low-tax, high-investment economy.”


CEO, Brandauer metal-stamping

'The country is seeing severe constipation over investment decisions due to the current ­negativity the Government is pushing'


‘The country is seeing severe constipation over investment decisions due to the current ­negativity the Government is pushing’Credit: Brandauer

“AN industrial strategy is long overdue. The Chancellor’s focus on it is a welcome first step ­forward.

The country is seeing severe constipation over investment decisions due to the current ­negativity the Government is pushing and the uncertainty this creates.”


CEO, FTSE 100 tech firm Sage

'We have to break out of the current cycle of negative sentiment'


‘We have to break out of the current cycle of negative sentiment’Credit: © Mike Tulip

“THIS honest speech highlights that growth is the challenge and investment is the solution.

A focus on digitisation and technology investment is essential — e-invoicing is a prime example.

We have to break out of the current cycle of negative sentiment.”



CEO, NatWest Group bank

'I am optimistic we will succeed and grow together'


‘I am optimistic we will succeed and grow together’Credit: Reuters

“OUR Chancellor is right when she says investment is the key to boosting UK growth.

These ambitions require the contribution of every part of Britain. There is so much potential in the UK.


I am optimistic we will succeed and grow together.”


CEO, pension provider PensionBee

'Details of the Budget cannot come soon enough to quell savers’ nerves'


‘Details of the Budget cannot come soon enough to quell savers’ nerves’Credit: PensionBee

“MESSAGES encouraging growth are welcome, especially in tech and science.


My industry is holding its breath for initiatives to use money in pension funds to unleash investment.

Details of the Budget cannot come soon enough to quell savers’ nerves.”


CEO, fintech firm Fintel

'London’s junior stock market has to be supported'


‘London’s junior stock market has to be supported’

LABOUR’S manifesto promised hope and since then we had got the opposite so yesterday was a welcome shift.

London’s junior stock market has to be supported, either by encouraging pension funds to invest more or to give more incentives to invest.”


Founder, Nim’s fruit & veg crisps

'The Industrial Strategy is important but it must not overlook the needs of small business'


‘The Industrial Strategy is important but it must not overlook the needs of small business’

“REEVES has been complaining about the ‘black hole’ in the economy. The first rule of business… work with the cards you are dealt.

The Industrial Strategy is important but it must not overlook the needs of small business.”


CEO, electrical retailer AO World

'There are lots of warm words but very little that I’ve seen in the way of an actual plan to make it happen'


‘There are lots of warm words but very little that I’ve seen in the way of an actual plan to make it happen’Credit: Jack Hill

“WHAT we really need is to stop the waste and not just keep raising taxes.

Creating the right reward-for-risk ratio is critical to inspire investment.

There are lots of warm words but very little that I’ve seen in the way of an actual plan to make it happen.”


RIGHTMOVE will “carefully consider” a £6.1billion takeover approach from Australia’s REA Group after rejecting two previous offers.


The sweetened price of 770p-a-share is a 39 per cent premium to the property site’s share price before the takeover approach was made public.

REA Group is majority-owned by News Corp, which is the ­ultimate owner of The Sun. Its chief executive Owen Wilson said: “We are genuinely disappointed at the lack of engagement by Rightmove’s board.”

Rightmove shares edged up by just 0.77 per cent to 679.6p.


BT is setting up a £4million fund to help small firms and charities launch up to 550 apprenticeships.


The telecom giant is using £4million of its own unspent apprenticeship levy to team up with apprentice-provider Babington over four years.

It is the latest big company to come up with its own answer to the Government’s apprenticeship levy, which requires bigger firms to set aside 0.5 per cent of annual payroll. But firms argue the schemes are too narrow and as a result £2.2billion in unspent funding has gone back to the Treasury since the levy began.


DUNELM’S deputy chairman has cashed in on the home retailer’s recent growth and sold £123million of shares.

Will Adderley, whose parents founded the firm, last night sold 10million shares, which is equivalent to 4.9 per cent of the entire company.


Mr Adderley still owns around a third of the business and said he remained “fully committed” to it.

Dunelm has shot up to a valuation of £2.5billion, shrugging off a tough market. Its success came after profits at the start of the month turned out to be better than expected.


  • BARCLAYS down 3.55 to 223.20
  • BP up 2.20 to 411.75
  • CENTRICA up 1.00 to 118.85
  • HSBC up 10.20 to 670.70
  • LLOYDS down 0.10 to 58.10
  • M&S up 6.50 to 376.00
  • NATWEST down 1.60 to 336.10
  • ROYAL MAIL up 1.00 to 341.20
  • SAINSBURY’S up 2.00 to 294.60
  • SHELL up 15.00 to 2,577.00
  • TESCO up 2.50 to 365.90

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Trump Struggles to Stay Focused in Odd, Rambling Speech



The New Republic

Donald Trump’s speech went completely off the rails during a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia, Tuesday.

Trump lurched over the podium as he sped through several different topics, dispensing falsehoods at an event that was intended to be about the economy. To be sure, Trump did talk about his tariffs, saying, “The word tariff properly used is a beautiful word. One of the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard. It’s music to my ears.”

As Trump continued, he appeared to be out of it, misspeaking several times.

“We did so much! We gave you—before—the greatest, the biggest tax hikes in the history of our country,” Trump boasted. In reality, the former president installed a series of tax cuts that mostly benefited the country’s top one percent of earners.


Later, Trump referred to Charlottesville, Virginia, as “Charlottestown.”

Trump spoke so rapidly that, at one point, the Republican nominee appeared to wipe drool from his lip. He went on to claim that California was plagued by “blackouts and brownouts” and experienced one “every 10 seconds,” which was preventing people from using air conditioning during the summer.

Trump seemed particularly animated as he rattled between different outlandish claims.

“I HAVE A CHART, that’s my all time favorite. I love that. Is it around? Is it a—?” Trump wandered away from the podium. Finding no chart, he pretended one was floating behind him and acted out hugging and kissing it, while the audience applauded. “I LOVE that chart. I sleep with that chart, every night I kiss it. I love it.”


He continued to spread disputed claims that a Venezuelan gang had taken over an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado. “They’re going to take over a lot more than Aurora, they’re going to go through Colorado, take over the whole damn state, unless … I become president,” Trump said, smiling.

Trump also joked that in Springfield, Ohio, Mayor Rob Rue was “looking for interpreters.” When his line fell flat, he repeated it again: “He’s looking all over the, f—interpreters. Because they can’t understand, the language is totally different. What the hell?”

Trump then repeated his baseless claim that Kamala Harris never actually worked at McDonald’s, again offering to try a shift there.


“She lied about McDonald’s. She said, ‘I was a worker in McDonald’s. And I stood over the french fries—.’ I’m going to a McDonald’s over the next two weeks. And I’M GOING TO STAND OVER THE FRENCH FRIES! Because I want to see what her job really wasn’t like,” Trump ranted.

While speaking about Russia’s military incursion into Ukraine, the former president said he doubted anyone could beat Russia. “That’s what they do is, they fight wars. As somebody told me the other day, they beat Hitler, they beat Napoleon. That’s what they do, they fight,” Trump said.

As far as using incendiary rhetoric about his opponent goes, Trump began his speech promising that if elected, Harris would “destroy” the country, and ended it after warning that a Harris victory might mean “this could be your last election.”


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Workers not interested in 30% pay offer, union says



Workers not interested in 30% pay offer, union says

The union representing thousands of striking Boeing workers says a survey of its members shows they are “not interested” in the aviation giant’s latest pay offer.

“Many comments expressed that the offer was inadequate,” the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) said in a post on X.

It comes after Boeing made a new offer earlier this week to striking workers, which proposed a 30% pay rise over four years.

BBC News has requested a statement from Boeing in response to the IAM announcement.


“The survey results from yesterday were overwhelmingly clear, almost as loud as the first offer: members are not interested in the company’s latest offer that was sent through the media,” the IAM post said.

On Monday, Boeing made what it called its “best and final” pay offer, which included the reinstatement of a performance bonus, improved retirement benefits and a doubling of the value of a one-off bonus for signing a new pay deal to $6,000 (£4,470).

The company said the offer was dependent on it being ratified by union members by midnight pacific time on Friday 27 September (7:00 GMT on Saturday 28 September).

However, IAM said Boeing had sent the new offer directly to union members and the media without telling the union’s representatives.


It also said the company’s deadline did not give it enough time to organise a vote by its members.

Boeing denied that it had not informed IAM representatives about the offer, and said it would give the union more time and logistical support to ballot its members.

More than 30,000 Boeing workers have been on strike since 13 September after rejecting a 25% pay rise offer.

Union members – who produce planes including the 737 Max and 777 – voted overwhelmingly to reject the offer and back strike action until a new agreement could be reached.


IAM had initially aimed for a number of improvements to workers’ packages, including a 40% pay rise.

The strike threatens to cost Boeing billions of dollars, deepening the crisis at a company already facing significant challenges.

The company has already suspended the jobs of tens of thousands of staff.

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Aldi Specialbuy for keeping dogs warm in autumn weather hits shelves this week and costs from just £7.99



Aldi Specialbuy for keeping dogs warm in autumn weather hits shelves this week and costs from just £7.99

BARGAIN supermarket Aldi is selling an incredible dog-friendly product perfect for the chilly autumn weather.

The item is being sold as part of the supermarket’s Specialbuy range later this week with it prices set to start from just £7.99.

Aldi's reversible dog bomber coats are set to sell fast when they are released this week


Aldi’s reversible dog bomber coats are set to sell fast when they are released this weekCredit: Aldi
They come in a range of sizes making them perfect for all kinds of dogs


They come in a range of sizes making them perfect for all kinds of dogsCredit: Aldi

The reversible dog bomber coats could be top sellers as we head into winter, with owners looking to keep their beloved pooches warm.

They come in two different colour schemes of either navy and red or green and yellow.

They also come in a range of sizes so they are perfect for dogs from Dachshunds to Labradors.

The smallest size measures in at 38cm by 33cm by 55cm with the jackets costing just £7.99.


They go all the way up to an extra large which costs only slightly more at £9.99.

Aldi describe the coat as “streetwear for your four-legged friend”.

The listing on their website reads: “Keep your four-legged friend warm and cosy in this Reversible XS-M Dog Bomber Jacket.

“With a velcro closure underneath, this jacket can be easily removed and adjusted for comfort.


“The reversible colours mean your dog can strut their stuff in style around the block as the weather gets colder.

“Your dog will love heading outdoors in this padded puffer jacket.”

I’m the Dogfather – here’s how to get and keep your anxious pooch calm during the autumn thunderstorm..

Shoppers who are looking to buy their pups a very early Christmas gift will have to wait a few more days to finally bag them up however with Aldi only putting them up on shelves on Thursday.

They will be released alongside a whole host of other animal products as part of their massive Pet Event.


Everything from bedding, food, toys and storage products are being sold with everything coming in at under £25.

Extra large comfy pet beds are the priciest of the 43 items on offer at £24.99.

Cat toys and bird friendly snacks feeders are the cheapest at less than £2.

They even have savings on the big brands such as Dreamies cat snacks, Wagg doggy treats and Pedigree and Whiskas classics.


Aldi Specialbuys are a unique and fantastic offering from the supermarket.

For a full run down of the best they have to offer check out this article.

It comes as Aldi bargain hunters were also rushing out to get their hands on a dupe for a popular Cadbury’s dessert.

Dairyfine Pots of Choc, Aldi’s version of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Pots of Joy, are described as a “smooth and creamy dessert”.


Other shoppers were going wild for a middle-aisle find that’s scanning at tills for as little as 99p.

The Kids Camping Chair – shaped like a fox – was already massively reduced at just £4.99 but one lucky shopper managed to bag one up for under a pound.

You can find your nearest Aldi store by using the retailer’s store locator tool on its website.

Remember it is always best to shop around to try and spot which shop has the best deal on any particular product.


When’s the best time to shop at Aldi?

WHEN it comes to shopping at Aldi, the best time to do so depends on what you want to buy.

For reduced items – when shops open

Red sticker items are rare at Aldi’s 830 UK stores, but the supermarket says that none of its food goes to waste so there are some to be found – if you’re quick.


A spokesman for the supermarket said: “All items are reduced to 50 per cent of the recommend sales price before stores open on their best before or use by dates.”

That means you have the best chance of finding reduced food items if you go into stores as soon as it opens.

Opening times vary by shop but a majority open from 7am or 8am. You can find your nearest store’s times by using the supermarket’s online shop finder tool.

For Specialbuys – Thursdays and Sundays


Specialbuys are Aldi’s weekly collection of items that it doesn’t normally sell, which can range from pizza ovens to power tools.

New stock comes into stores every Thursday and Sunday, so naturally, these are the best days to visit for the best one-off special deals.

For an even better chance of bagging the best items, head there for your local store’s opening time.

You don’t have to head into stores to bag a Specialbuy, though.


They also go on sale online, usually at midnight on Thursday and Sunday, and you can pre-order them up to a week in advance.

As long as you spend at least £25, you’ll get the items delivered for free.

Remember: once they’re gone, they’re gone, so if there’s something you really want, visit as early as possible

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