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I thought tiny spot on my nose was just a ‘blocked pore’ and even doctors said it was ‘harmless’ – it was cancer



I thought tiny spot on my nose was just a 'blocked pore' and even doctors said it was 'harmless' - it was cancer

A MUM thought a tiny spot on the side of her nose was a “blocked pore” – only to discover it was skin cancer years later.

Lauren Smyth, 29, used sunbeds in her early twenties but hadn’t touched them in years.

Lauren Smyth, 29, assumed a tiny spot on the bridge of her nose was a clogged pore


Lauren Smyth, 29, assumed a tiny spot on the bridge of her nose was a clogged poreCredit: SWNS
She decided to get it checked after coming across a TikTok video warning of skin cancer


She decided to get it checked after coming across a TikTok video warning of skin cancerCredit: SWNS
A biopsy revealed that Lauren had squamous cell carcinoma


A biopsy revealed that Lauren had squamous cell carcinomaCredit: SWNS
Lauren Smyth with partner Ashley Mayall, and daughter Marcie


Lauren Smyth with partner Ashley Mayall, and daughter MarcieCredit: SWNS

So she didn’t think much of a tiny pimple which developed on her nose.

Dermatologists had even tried to unclog the “blocked pore” during facials.


But the mum-of-two from Peakhurst, Sydney, Australia, was scrolling through TikTok last month when a video made her stop.

It shows a young woman diagnosed with aggressive skin cancer after finding a spot just like Lauren’s.

She decided to get the spot checked out just in case – and received a devastating diagnosis.

A biopsy revealed the stay-at-home mum had squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), a form of skin cancer that causes unusual patches and growths on the top layer of the skin.


It’s the second most common type of skin cancer in the UK, according to the British Skin Foundation.

The most common cause of SCC is too much exposure to UV radiation, emitted by sunlight and tanning beds.

While slow growing, Lauren was informed her cancer would spread – and is now on a course of topical chemotherapy.

She wants to warn others about the importance of sun safety – and encourage people to get any suspicious spots checked out.

Sun Health Explainer: Skin cancer and moles

Lauren, mum to Jesse, three, and Marcie, one, said: “Sunbeds aren’t worth your life – I haven’t touched one in years but once the damage is done, it’s done.”

Lauren said she had never been a serial sunbed user, but used to frequent the tanning salon in the summer in her early twenties.

She said: “If I was going on holiday or coming into summer I’d want a tan, I’d go maybe once a week.

“I never used them severely but I did use them – when you’re younger you never think anything like this will happen to you.”

Lauren Smyth’s ‘blocked pore’


Lauren Smyth’s ‘blocked pore’Credit: SWNS
She was told using sunbeds in her early 20s had likely upped her risk of skin cancer


She was told using sunbeds in her early 20s had likely upped her risk of skin cancerCredit: SWNS

Lauren said the spot on her nose developed around four years ago, which she only noticed after scrolling back through photos.

Because it was so tiny, and wasn’t dark like a mole, she never paid it much attention.


She went to get it – and other moles and spots – checked out after seeing the video in August.

During her appointment she was asked whether she had previously used sunbeds.

She said: “I was told if I had used tanning beds more than ten times before, however long ago, my risk of skin cancer would have been highly increased.

“The doctor said they thought it would be harmless.


“But I had such a bad feeling about it – I called every day asking when I would get my results.”

A few days after her biopsy, the doctor revealed it was cancerous and her options were to have a six-week round of topical chemotherapy, or surgery.

Can you spot the cancerous moles from the harmless ones?

IF you’ve spotted a new mole or lingering mark on your skin, don’t be too quick to dismiss it.


It’s important to know what your skin looks like normally, to helps you notice any unusual changes.

The ABCDE rule can be followed to assess the health of a mole.

If your mole falls into the following, it’s worth getting checked:

  • Asymmetrical – melanomas usually have two very different halves and are an irregular shape
  • Border – melanomas usually have a notched or ragged border
  • Colours – melanomas will usually be a mix of two or more colours
  • Diameter – most melanomas are usually larger than 6mm in diameter
  • Enlargement or elevation – a mole that changes size over time is more likely to be a melanoma

Most melanomas don’t give you symptoms like pain or itching.

Meanwhile, some non-cancerous moles or abnormal patches of skin can be itchy.


So having some of these changes on their own doesn’t mean you definitely have melanoma, but you should still get it checked out.

There are two main types of skin cancer – non melanoma skin cancer and melanoma skin cancer. 

Non-melanoma skin cancer includes:

  • Basal cell skin cancer – this is also called basal cell carcinoma
  • Squamous cell skin cancer – this is also called squamous cell carcinoma

There are a few different types of melanoma too:

  • Superficial spreading melanoma
  • Nodular melanoma
  • Lentigo maligna melanoma

Find out more about distinguishing moles here.

Because the surgery would involve cutting away the entire piece of skin on her face, plus margins, she was advised to try chemo first.


She’s now two weeks into the treatment.


She said: “It’s had a big impact – I’m constantly worrying if the cancer will spread, and I’m constantly checking myself for more spots.

“It keeps me up at night and I even dream about it.

“I caught mine early and I want to encourage others to go and get any spots checked.


“Don’t use sun beds – you can get the same tan from a bottle in the shop.

“And I want to share the importance of sun safety – if there was a cream to prevent breast cancer you’d use it.

“There is a cream to prevent skin cancer – but people don’t wear it daily. And they should.”

The British Skin Foundation notes that you shouldn’t just be slathering on your sun cream in the summer or when it’s hot and sunny out.


It’s CEO Matthew Patey says: “The sun emits UV rays all year round and up to 80 per cent of UV rays can penetrate through clouds.

“We know that wearing sunscreen prevents most of the sun’s harmful rays from reaching our skin and significantly reduces the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

“It’s really important to wear sunscreen all year round, no matter the weather outside.”

The mum is now undergoing chemotherapy


The mum is now undergoing chemotherapyCredit: SWNS
She urged other to avoid sunbeds and get suspicious spots checked


She urged other to avoid sunbeds and get suspicious spots checkedCredit: SWNS
Lauren Smyth with partner Ashley Mayall with kids Jesse, three, Marcie, one


Lauren Smyth with partner Ashley Mayall with kids Jesse, three, Marcie, oneCredit: SWNS

Risks of sunbeds


THE promise of a constant glowing tan is too tempting for some people to deny.

But while popping to the sunbed shop may seem harmless, people who use tanning beds should be aware of the risks.

Approximately 10 per cent of the population of Northern Europe use sunbeds on a regular basis, the World Health Organization says.

Some people use them for years on end, accumulating risk of serious disease.

We are here to give you the lowdown on sunbeds and if they are safe to use.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), sunbeds are as dangerous as smoking.

Like the sun, they give out harmful UV rays that damage the DNA in your skin cells.

Over time, this may lead to malignant melanoma – the deadliest form of skin cancer – studies have shown.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), there is significant evidence to show that using tanning beds causes melanoma.


They report that sunbeds increase the risk of skin cancer by up to 20 per cent, and also state that they have no positive benefits to our health.

Cancer Research back this statistic, adding that ” there is no such thing as a safe tan from UV radiation”.

One study found that sunbeds can almost double the risk of cancer compared to never using them – with women 83 per cent more likely to develop the disease.

While some people think tanning beds are safer than sitting out in the midday sun, according to Cancer Research, the risk is still twice as high when compared to spending the same amount of time in the Mediterranean sun at lunch time.


The Sunbed Association claim there is not enough evidence to link sunbed use with melanoma, adding: “It is over-exposure and burning that will increase a risk of skin cancer, not responsible UV exposure.”

But the WHO says: “The majority of tanning parlours provide inadequate advice to their customers.

“The use of eye protection such as goggles or sunglasses should be mandatory.

“However, as sunbed users aim to have an even tan, they often decide against protecting any part of their body.”


Referring to the link with skin cancer, the world health experts add: “Sunbeds for self-tanning purposes have been available for the last two decades and due to the long latency period for skin cancer and eye damage it has been difficult so far to demonstrate any long-term health effects.

“Even though the causes of malignant melanoma are not fully understood, tumour development appears to be linked to occasional exposure to intense sunlight.

“Sunbeds subject their users to intermittent high exposures of UVA and UVB radiation – this may provide the ideal setting for the development of malignant skin cancer.

“However, the few epidemiological studies that have been carried out to date have not provided any consistent results.”


Despite the WHO’s cautious stance on the skin cancer link, it discourages the use of sunbeds, quoting an expert who said the use of tanning parlours is like “an industrial-scale radiation exposure experiment”.

Regardless of skin cancer, sunbeds don’t just have long-term health risks.

Users have reported a range of short-term symptoms including itching, dryness and redness of skin, freckling and photosensitivity.

Common outcomes in the longer term, especially in fair-skinned people, may involve blistering of the skin.


Sagging and wrinkling of the skin are an almost certain price to be paid by frequent sunbed users”, the WHO says – not quite the outcome you hope for when going to the sunbed shop for a beautiful, youthful look.

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Aldi issues urgent ‘do not eat’ warning and urgently recalls hundreds of tins over dangerous health risks



Aldi issues urgent 'do not eat' warning and urgently recalls hundreds of tins over dangerous health risks

BRITS who shop at Aldi have been urged to check their cupboards for tins which could pose a serious health risk.

Hundreds of tins of tuna after being recalled as they contain an allergen not listed on the back of the product, the Food Standard Agency (FSA) has said.



nullCredit: Getty
Aldi Food Recall


Aldi Food Recall Aldi

“Our supplier is recalling The Fishmonger Soy and Ginger Fusions Tuna because the product contains an undeclared allergen (wheat),” Aldi said in a notice to customers.

Wheat contains gluten which is dangerous to those with a gluten intolerance or have coeliac disease.

The supermarket is has anyone who bought the tins to return them to their nearest Aldi store return it for a full refund.

The recall covers all 80g tins with the barcode: 4088600300276.


Read more on coeliac disease

“We apologise that this product did not meet our normal high standards and thank you for your co-operation,” it added.

Around one per cent of Brits have coeliac disease but only 36 per cent are diagnosed, according to Coeliac UK.

The charity estimates around half a million people in the UK are currently undiagnosed.

Coeliac disease causes the immune system to attack the body’s own tissues when you eat gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye.


This damages the gut, preventing the body from taking in nutrients properly.

Symptoms include diarrhoeatummy pain and bloating, as well as indigestionconstipationtirednessweight loss, an itchy rashinfertility or nerve damage.

Coeliac Disease suffers tell how it effects them and how it is different for everyone

Patients who continue to eat gluten over time can suffer long-term gut damage, weakening of the bones and iron deficiency.

Many other conditions including non-coeliac gluten sensitivity also need a gluten free diet and it is now estimated that at least 10 per cent of UK consumers are following this diet.


The FSA issues alerts if there is a problem with food products which should not be sold.

This could be because it has been contaminated with something, such as mould or metal, or it carries an incorrect ‘use-by‘ date.

What happens if someone with coeliac disease eats gluten by mistake?

The reaction to eating gluten varies from person to person.


In some people, it may trigger symptoms that last several days, while others might not experience any symptoms at all.

The amount of gluten someone eats affects the degree of gut damage and your individual sensitivity to gluten affects the symptoms you may or may not experience.

You may also find that your symptoms differ in type and/or severity compared to before you were diagnosed.

If a mistake is made and you have gluten by accident, it is unlikely to cause any long term gut damage, although you may suffer from diarrhoea, abdominal pain or vomiting so it is important to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.


You may find taking medication to treat constipation, diarrhoea or headaches can ease your symptoms.

Speak to your GP or pharmacist for further advice.

Source: Coeliac UK

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Lose 4 Kg In 7 Days – Daily Home Workout



Lose 4 Kg In 7 Days - Daily Home Workout

Do you want to lose as much as 4kg in just one week? Today’s intensive full body workout will help you achieve that!

This workout can be done everyday BUT only if you feel you’re physically fit enough to do this. This is a really fun and effective workout but it can also be very challenging due to its high-intensity moves so make sure to take caution and do a warm-up first before you start.

Good luck and let’s begin the workout!❤️💪

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Sunday to Friday!


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Man, 26, discovers he has cancer after accidentally biting his tongue while sneezing



Man, 26, discovers he has cancer after accidentally biting his tongue while sneezing

A MAN says biting down on his tongue while sneezing saved his life – after it lead to the discovery that he had cancer.

Dan Durant, 26, first noticed an ulcer on the right side of his tongue in summer last year but didn’t think anything of it.

Dan Durant says biting down on his tongue saved his life after he mistook his cancer for an ulcer


Dan Durant says biting down on his tongue saved his life after he mistook his cancer for an ulcerCredit: SWNS
Dan first noticed a grey whitish patch on the right side of his tongue in summer 2023


Dan first noticed a grey whitish patch on the right side of his tongue in summer 2023Credit: SWNS
After the ulcer got inflamed from biting down on it, Dan got diagnosed with aggressive cancer


After the ulcer got inflamed from biting down on it, Dan got diagnosed with aggressive cancerCredit: SWNS

But when Dan accidentally bit his tongue while sneezing “really hard”, the lump became inflamed and he went to the doctor.

He was shocked when he was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma – a type of cancer – and told it was aggressive and he needed to have surgery to remove the tumour.

In the 11-hour operation, doctors removed 50 per cent of Dan’s tongue to cut out the two tumours they found and reconstructed it using skin from his left forearm.


They also dissected his neck to check the cancer hadn’t spread to his lymph nodes.

Read more on mouth cancer

Dan is currently waiting for the results from the biopsy, which will confirm if he needs to have any following treatment.

Dan, who was working as a supervisor at a bar, from Stafford, Staffordshire, said: “I sneezed really hard and ended up biting my tongue.

“It went really inflamed.


“I was directed to Stoke Hospital and told it was cancer and it was aggressive.

“I had around 50 per cent of my tongue removed and reconstructed.

“The nurse said ‘you were lucky you bit your tongue’.”

Mouth cancer signs you should NEVER ignore

Dan often got ulcers so didn’t think anything of the lump on his tongue when he first spotted it in August 2023.


He treated it with Bonjela and stopped noticing it. He also lost a lot of weight and often had a sore throat but didn’t realise it was anything to be worried about.

Dan said: “It was a grey, whitish patch. It was the size of a one pence coin.

“I didn’t think of it after that.

Dan in hospital


Dan in hospitalCredit: SWNS
Surgeons had to remove 50 per cent of Dan's tongue


Surgeons had to remove 50 per cent of Dan’s tongueCredit: SWNS
Dan had skin taken from him forearm to patch up his tongue


Dan had skin taken from him forearm to patch up his tongueCredit: SWNS
Surgeons also used skin from Dan's stomach to replace the skin on his forearm


Surgeons also used skin from Dan’s stomach to replace the skin on his forearmCredit: SWNS

“Mostly it just felt like it wasn’t there.”


But Dan started to notice the ulcer again in April 2024 and it became inflamed in August when he accidentally bit down on it.

He went to see his doctor who was suspicious it was cancerous and redirected him to Royal Stoke University Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent.

Dan’s cancer diagnosis was confirmed a week later on August 21, 2024.

He said: “I didn’t quite believe it could be cancer.


“Being told it was upsetting. I did have a cry.

“It was so surreal.”


Dan was told the cancer was aggressive and they needed to get him into surgery soon to remove the tumour.

On September 12, 2024 Dan had the 11-and-a-half hour operation.


Doctors had planned to do a partial removal of his tongue but had to remove 50 per cent when they found a second tumour.

At the same time the took a lymph node from his neck to do a biopsy – to confirm the cancer had not spread.

Signs of disease in the mouth

BAD breath and mouth ulcers are common occurrences.


But they may signal an underlying health problem, too.

Dr Rahul Nehra, Lead Dentist at The Smile Gallery, warns of the symptoms in your mouth that should never be ignored.


PERSISTENT bleeding gums, especially during brushing or flossing, can indicate gum disease, such as gingivitis or periodontitis.


This is often caused by plaque buildup along the gumline, leading to inflammation and potential tissue damage. 

It’s essential to address bleeding gums promptly to prevent further complications like gum recession and tooth loss.

For bleeding gums, proper oral hygiene is crucial, along with professional dental cleanings to remove plaque and tartar buildup.



Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, can be a sign of various dental issues, including poor oral hygiene, gum disease or cavities.

But it could be an underlying health problem such as diabetes or gastrointestinal issues. 

Dental check-ups can help identify and address the root cause of bad breath, such as gum disease.

Improving bad breath typically involves maintaining good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice daily, flossing, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. 



WHILE occasional mouth sores are common and often harmless, persistent lumps or sores that don’t heal within two weeks could be signs of more serious conditions such as oral cancer. 

Other concerning signs include white or red patches, numbness, or difficulty moving the jaw. If you notice any of these symptoms, seeing a dentist or doctor for further evaluation is crucial.

Sores in the mouth may benefit from topical treatments or medications prescribed by a dentist or doctor, while monitoring for any signs of infection or malignancy. 



LOOSE teeth can indicate advanced gum disease or untreated tooth decay. 

Without prompt intervention, this can lead to tooth loss and bone deterioration. 

Seeking dental care as soon as possible can help preserve remaining teeth, possibly through procedures like scaling and root planing or dental restorations. 



DIFFICULTY swallowing, also known as dysphagia, can be caused by various factors, including oral infections, inflamed tonsils, or even more severe issues like throat cancer. 

If you experience persistent difficulty swallowing or a sensation of something stuck in your throat, it’s essential to seek medical or dental attention promptly for evaluation and appropriate treatment.



A CROAKY or hoarse voice can result from various conditions affecting the throat or vocal cords, including acid reflux, respiratory infections, or vocal cord nodules or polyps. 

In some cases, poor oral hygiene or throat irritation can also contribute to voice changes. 

If you experience persistent hoarseness or voice changes, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

Addressing a croaky voice may involve lifestyle modifications, such as avoiding irritants like tobacco smoke or excessive vocal strain.


He said: “They took skin from my forearm for my tongue and then the skin from my stomach to replace skin on my arm.

“They also used my the arteries from my forearm and put them into my tongue so there was a blood flow.”

Dan then spent eight days in hospital – to ensure there were no problems following the reconstruction and so he could get used to eating and drinking again.


The 26-year-old is now on a soft food diet and is waiting for his results from the biopsy on his lymph node.


Dan said: “Learning to swallow properly was quite difficult.

“I’m just getting used to chewing.

“My jaw aches a lot. It’s a lot of relearning things.

“If there is little to no cancer cells left I will just be one round of radiotherapy.”


Signs of mouth cancer

Symptoms of mouth cancer:

  • ulcers that don’t heal
  • pain in your mouth
  • red or white patches in your mouth or throat
  • a persistent sore throat
  • having pain or difficulty swallowing
  • speech problems
  • a lump in your neck
  • weight loss
  • bad breath

If you have any of these symptoms you must get them checked by your GP or dentist.

But remember, they can all be caused by other conditions.

Most people with these symptoms don’t have mouth and oropharyngeal cancer.


Source: Cancer Research UK

Dan was about to start a new job when he got his diagnosis and is now unable to work.

As well as raising awareness, Dan has set up a fundraiser to help fund his living costs for the next few months and will donate any remaining money to cancer research.

He said his family and friends have been a “wonderful supportive network”.


Dan said: “Everything is normal and then all of a sudden it is not.

“It’s a life-changing thing.”

Dan was told he was lucky to have bitten his tongue


Dan was told he was lucky to have bitten his tongueCredit: SWNS
He said his diagnosis had been 'life-changing'


He said his diagnosis had been ‘life-changing’Credit: SWNS
Dan also had his lymph nodes biopsied


Dan also had his lymph nodes biopsiedCredit: SWNS

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Cutie Girl boxing training😎 #boxing #shorts



Cutie Girl boxing training😎 #boxing #shorts

Cutie Girl boxing training😎 #boxing #shorts

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Do you have a cold, flu or new Covid XEC strain? All the symptoms revealed



Do you have a cold, flu or new Covid XEC strain? All the symptoms revealed

IT’S that time of year again when everyone appears to be sick.

Now, before the pandemic, no one really thought much of this.

With lateral flow tests no longer free, it can be hard to know which bug you have


With lateral flow tests no longer free, it can be hard to know which bug you haveCredit: Getty

But now, so much as a splutter can lead to raised eyebrows on the bus and looks of concern from people in the office.


Is it a cold? Flu? Or worse, Covid?

While Covid isn’t as prominent as it was this time last year, a new concerning variant has arrived as cases have risen over the past few weeks.

Millions have already had the bug and the majority of Brits also have protection due to the huge vaccine rollout.

First detected in Germany in June, the XEC variant has now been reported in several countries – including the UK.


And now, it makes up one in 10 Covid cases in England and Wales.

As it stands, scientists believe the fresh bug is not likely to be as deadly as some of its predecessors, but could be more contagious.

It comes as experts fear Brits may face a ‘tripledemic’ of bugs this winter, as the NHS rolls out a mass vaccine drive.

Meanwhile, the latest data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows Covid-19 hospital admissions in England are continuing to rise.


The admission rate for patients testing positive for Covid-19 stood at 4.5 per 100,000 people in the week to October 6, up from 3.7 a week earlier.

It is the fourth weekly rise in a row.

GP gives their verdict on cheap cold and flu home remedies

“If you are showing symptoms of flu or Covid-19 such as a high temperature, cough, and feeling tired and achy, try to limit your contact with others, especially those who are vulnerable,” Dr Jamie Lopez Bernal, from the UKHSA.

With lateral flow tests no longer free, it can be hard to know which bug you have.


Here’s how to tell the difference.


We don’t know for sure what the specific XEC symptoms are just yet.

So far, the symptoms of the new buf are not too dissimlar from what we’ve seen with earlier strains.

Which cold and flu remedies actually work?


Sun Health reporter Isabel Shaw put 9 well-known cold and flu remedies when she was struck with a lurgy.

Over the course of a week, she tried products targeted all symptoms associated with cold and flu, as well as treatments that only aimed to get rid of specific issues.

These included:

  1. Hot honey and lemon
  2. Steam inhalation and Vicks Vaporub
  3. Echinacea
  4. Chicken soup
  5. A spicy curry
  6. Beechams All in One Oral Solution
  7. Strepsils
  8. Lemsip Max
  9. Sudafed Blocked Nose Spray

She took into account pain reduction, and how quickly and for how long they worked.

Read her full verdicts here

This includes tirednessheadachessore throat, a high fever and a dry cough.


The loss of taste and smell – once a hallmark sign of the bug – is only reported by two to three per cent of infected Brits, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

If you are suffering from Covid, prioritise rest and hydration while using over-the-counter medications like paracetamol to relieve symptoms.

The best way to protect yourself from Covid is to get vaccinated.

Jabs have been updated to tackle recent variants, though not specifically for XEC, which evolved from earlier Omicron strains.


The NHS is offering autumn Covid boosters to the most vulnerable in October. This will include:

  • Over-64s
  • People aged between six months and 64 years with health conditions that make them more vulnerable
  • People living in care homes for older people
  • Front-line health and social care staff, including in care homes for older people

The NHS will contact eligible patients directly, but they can also book their own appointments now via the NHS App, GPs, pharmacies, drop-in clinics, external or by calling 119.


For many people having the flu will feel like an exaggerated cold.

The NHS states that flu symptoms can come on very quickly.

They include:

  1. A sudden high temperature
  2. An aching body
  3. Feeling tired or exhausted
  4. A dry cough
  5. A sore throat
  6. A headache
  7. Difficulty sleeping
  8. Loss of appetite
  9. Diarrhoea or tummy pain
  10. Feeling sick and being sick

The dry cough could be similar to the cough experienced by people who have contracted the coronavirus.

The NHS states that the symptoms are similar for children, but they can also get pain in their ear and appear less active.

Infection rates and hospitalisations of flu are currently stable across all age groups, according to UKHSA data.

But cases will likely rise in the coming weeks, peaking around Christmas time, according to the NHS.

The NHS offers a free flu jab to those most at risk of getting the virus so if you qualify then you can get it free anywhere that offers it.


This can be at your doctor’s surgery as well as supermarket pharmacies like Asda and high street favourites like Boots.

If you’re not in the eligible groups entitled to a free vaccination listed below, you can pay for a flu jab at certain stores.

  • All children aged two and three
  • All children in primary and all children in school Years seven to 11 in secondary school
  • Children aged six months to 17 years with certain long-term health conditions
  • Those aged six months to under 65 years in clinical risk group
  • Pregnant women
  • Those aged 65 years and over
  • Unpaid carers
  • Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
  • Frontline health and adult social care staff

A cold

Rhinovirus, more commonly known as the common cold, is a mild viral infection that circulates all year long.

Professor John Tregoning, of Imperial College London previously told The Sun says that the bug usually peaks in about October but “never really goes away”.

It’s normal for a child to have eight or more colds a year, and adults two, official guidance states.


The NHS lists says a common cold can cause:

  1. A blocked or runny nose
  2. A sore throat
  3. Headaches
  4. Muscle aches
  5. Coughs
  6. Sneezing
  7. A raised temperature
  8. Pressure in your ears and face
  9. Loss of taste and smell

The difference between a cold and the flu is that a cold does not typically cause such a sudden spike in temperature.

There may be more blockage in the sinuses and a feeling of stuffiness, as opposed to flu which is more like total body fatigue.

With a common cold, you can usually expect to see an improvement after less than a week, although this can vary.

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Womens Workouts

A 30-Minute Tabata Session to Burn Some Serious Calories



A 30-Minute Tabata Session to Burn Some Serious Calories

This calorie-torching cardio and sculpting workout is one of our hardest ever, but Equinox Tabata instructor Raneir Pollard’s amazing energy will inspire you to fight for it. Tabata is a form of HIIT (high intensity interval training) that alternates between 20 seconds of intense bursts of work and 10 seconds of rest in four-minute rounds. You don’t need any equipment for the workout, but do grab a towel and a bottle of water — you’re going to need both. Then press play and get ready to sweat, tone, and burn!

On Anna: BodyLanguage, Under Armour, and Athletic Propulsion Labs (APL)
On Dre: Under Armour and Athletic Propulsion Labs (APL)
Manduka Mats

POPSUGAR Fitness offers fresh fitness tutorials, workouts, and exercises that will help you on your road to healthy living, weight loss, and stress relief. Check out Class FitSugar, our do-it-along-with-us real-time workout show hosted by Anna Renderer who will inspire you to sweat alongside fitness experts and Hollywood’s hottest celebrity trainers. Class FitSugar regularly covers the most buzzed-about workout classes and trends, including the Victoria’s Secret workout, Tabata, P90X, Bar Method, and more.

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