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CTN TV 🔴 Live ៖ កម្មវិធី MasterChef Cambodia រដូវកាលទី៣ សប្តាហ៍ទី១៥



CTN TV 🔴 Live ៖ កម្មវិធី MasterChef Cambodia រដូវកាលទី៣ សប្តាហ៍ទី១៥

CTN TV 🔴 Live ៖ កម្មវិធី MasterChef Cambodia រដូវកាលទី៣ សប្តាហ៍ទី១៥

ចាក់ផ្សាយនៅរៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ម៉ោង ៨យប់នៅលើកញ្ចក់ទូរទស្សន៍ CTN និងហ្វេសបុក MasterChef Cambodia

#ស្រាលស្រទន់ជួបជុំបានយូរ #IZE #WhatTheFun #EXPREZ #EXPREZYOURSELF
#BONDFORMORE #បង្កើនភាពស្និទ្ធស្នាល #HealthyCHEFCambodia #CTNSHOW #CBS #CTNTV


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  1. @sotheapin9296

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    រស្មី សម្ដីម៉ាត់ៗ😂 ទឹកមុខគឺមើលកាចគ្រប់ពេល ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តភាពជាគាត់ហ្នឹងហ្មង ហើយគាត់ឆ្លងបានគ្រប់ពីមុនៗហើយម្ហូបគាត់គឺល្អ សប្បាយចិត្តពេលគាត់បាននៅបន្តទៀត ❤ នៅក្នុងផ្ទះបាយ សម្ដីបែបណាក៏មានដែរពេលខ្លះខ្លាំងជាងក្នុងកម្មវិធីប្រកួតទៀត 😅😅😅😅😅 ធ្លាប់ជួបហើយ 😅😅

  2. @GiGa-v1m

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    Jg oy master chef jag oy lik

  3. @linahoun7060

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  4. @mormsovanna3667

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    ស្រីភ័ក្រ្តមើលឃើញថា២វគ្គនេះ មានអំនួតហើយឈ្លើយហា…😅 ជូនពរធ្លាក់ឆាប់ៗណា😂

  5. @mengchhengheng2250

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    គ្រាន់តែចង់ប្រាប់ការពិត គណះកម្មការsaveស្រីរស្មីមិនព្រោះសមត្ថភាពទេ តែដោយសារបុគ្គលហ្នឹងគេស្អប់ច្រើនព្រោះតែចារឹក អកប្បកិរិយា ចឹងមានអ្នកតាមដានចង់អោយម្នាក់ហ្នឹងធ្លាក់ និងចង់មើលតាមដានភាពឈ្នានីសរស្មីទៅលើម៉ាលីន នេះជាទីផ្សារ ព្រោះសង្គមនេះចូលចិត្តតាមដានរឿងគេឈ្លោះគ្នា។

  6. @mooly6692

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    តាមពិតទៅរស្មីមិនគួរអោយស្អប់ទេ​ មនុស្សគាត់មាត់ផាំងផាំងស្រែកលឺលឺតែគាត់មិនអំនួតទេ​ឃេីញវគ្គណាក៏គាត់ថាមិនចេះដែរ​ តែគាត់ថានឹងខំប្រឹងហេីយលទ្ធផលគឺបានល្អបោះគាត់មែន​ គ្រាន់តែគាត់ខុសកាលវគ្គធ្វេីនំអន្សមគាត់អត់អោយចែលីនដាធ្វេីខ្លះ​ តែទទួលស្គាល់រស្មីគាត់ខ្លាំង​ មុខមិនសូវញញឹមចរិកមិនសម្ដែងយកចិត្តគេឃេីញល្អថាល្អអាក្រក់ថាអាក្រក់ទេីមគេមិនចូលចិត្ត​ អ្នកដែលគួរអោយជ្រេញគឺស្រីភ័ក្រវិញទេ​ ចរិកដូចតួរឯក​ អោយតែវគ្គសម្ភាសខ្លីខ្លីអួតខ្លួនឯងរហូត​ ខុសពីរស្មី​ រស្មីទោះវគ្គខ្លះគាត់ឈ្នេះហេីយដាក់គ្រឿងផ្សំអោយគេពិបាកមែនតែអ្វីដែលគាត់និយាយគាត់ថាគាត់មិនខឹតឬស្អប់​ បុគ្គលនោះទេ​ មានតែសប្បាយចិត្តបេីគេធ្វេីបានល្អ

  7. @huyseen2108

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  8. @tinatina6880

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    Srey Pheak អំនួត ha

  9. @GiGi-j4q

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    រស្មី សុភក្តិ ហ្នឹងបញ្ញា អំនួតដូចគ្នា

  10. @GiGa-v1m

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    សួស្តីមេចុងភៅ ខ្ញុំចង់ឱ្យអ្នកធ្វើវីដេអូលឿន ហើយបង្ហោះវា ព្រោះពេលបង្ហោះម៉ោង 8យប់ ខ្ញុំមិនអាចមើលវាម៉ោងចូលគេងបានទេ ហើយថ្ងៃស្អែកជាថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ ដូច្នេះខ្ញុំត្រូវរៀន មិនអាចមើលវាបានទេ សូមបង្ហោះវាឥឡូវនេះ

  11. @BongkunPhean

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  12. @NfbfGgvgh

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    បងៗកម្មវិធីនិង គេចាក់ថ្ងៃណាបង

  13. @NornSreypich-h5q

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    Hmm ot jg oy kort tleak tang pi

  14. @fhgg1531

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    fen ចែម៉ាលីនពេញបេះដូង❤

  15. @daraduong4586

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  16. @ungsamidy21

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  17. @BroRa-c1j

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  18. @SokChi-nf2zq

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  19. @MotNimol

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    គ្រាន់តែឃើញមុខនិងកែវភ្នែករស្មី ទោះម្ហូបឆ្ងាញ់យ៉ាងណាក៏លេបទាំងតឹងទ្រូងដែរ

  20. @natesr5373

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    1:13:12 😂
    They both already engaged lol

  21. @MeMy-b5u

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  22. @ungsamyranyka6966

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  23. @OppoNew-dg7vd

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  24. @OppoNew-dg7vd

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  25. @nochhani3747

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    កុំសម្តីឡូយពេកស្រីភក្ត័😅 អ្នកសម្តីឡូយចឹងចេញទៅច្រេីនគ្នាហេីយ

  26. @denishi684

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    i knew it! they both talented, cant just let them go like that

  27. @Vongnabii

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    Love b daleth

  28. @sophornpethsor7876

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    ធ្វើអាក្រក់ដាក់គេ ដល់គេធ្វើដាក់វិញ ធ្វើខ្លួនដូចជនរងគ្រោះ

  29. @SreyOun-pl3us

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    1:49:17 មើលស្រីភ័ក្រ្តធ្វើមុខ😂😂

  30. @SiNa-yt4pu

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  31. @SiNa-yt4pu

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  32. @SiNa-yt4pu

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  33. @rothanalong7174

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    Very good the best to learning 👍👍👍👍❤❤

  34. @Veasna2562

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  35. @KonLaor-g1o

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am


  36. @naryspeu9375

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    រស្មី ស្រីភ័ក្រ្ត ម៉ាលីនធ្វើដាក់ពិននឹងនៅស្ទើណាស់ ព្រោះគាត់យល់ បើរស្មីធ្វើបាបម៉ាលីនមុន ចង់ឲ្យគេទៅផ្ទះ ចុងក្រោយខ្លួនឯងប៊ិះទៅផ្ទះទាំងអាម៉ាស់ 😅😅ស្រីភ័ក្ត្រសុទ្ធតែគេមិនមែនដៃគូ អួតជ្រុល បើខ្ញុំជាម៉ាលីន វិញឲ្យទៅផ្ទះវគ្គនឹងហ្មង អួតហួស

  37. @LeacockFrances-s6u

    October 10, 2024 at 5:33 am

    Hall Jose Harris Thomas Walker Christopher

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ସୁନୟନା | SUNAYANA | Full Episode 197 | Odia Mega Serial on Sidharth TV @7.30PM



ସୁନୟନା | SUNAYANA | Full Episode 197 | Odia Mega Serial on Sidharth TV @7.30PM

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Suki Panesar stunned by family member’s shock return in EastEnders



Suki Panesar stunned by family member’s shock return in EastEnders

SUKI Panesar is left stunned when a family member arrives in Walford – just as she and Eve hit a rough patch.

The soap matriarch will be left thrown off guard after Nish comes up with yet another plan.

Suki will be left stunned when a surprise visitor arrives in Walford


Suki will be left stunned when a surprise visitor arrives in WalfordCredit: BBC
Nish organises for her grandson Tye to come and visit


Nish organises for her grandson Tye to come and visitCredit: BBC
As Eve leaves Walford temporarily, Kathy is worried when she sees Suki and Nish playing happy families


As Eve leaves Walford temporarily, Kathy is worried when she sees Suki and Nish playing happy familiesCredit: BBC

Furious that Suki and Eve are flaunting their engagement plans in front of him, he tells Vinny to speak to Habiba to arrange for Tye to visit the Square.

When Eve and Suki’s engagement party is underway she is touched as Vinny reveals that Nish has arranged for grandson Tye to visit.


EastEnders viewers will see Suki given into pressure from Nugget and Avani to invite Nish to the party.

Nish is chuffed to have all of the family together, but the moment is sort-lived when he overhears Eve and Suki talking about his demise.

In a hot tempter Nish makes another mysterious phone call.

Latter scenes will see Eve receive news that means she has to temporarily leave The Square.


Despite wanting Suki to come with her, she declines so she can be at home with grandson Tye, much to Eve’s dismay.

With Eve out of the picture, Kathy spots Suki, Nish and Tye spending time together in the cafe.

She is immediately thrown and asks Suki if Nish can really be trusted after all he’s done.

EastEnders airs these scenes from Monday, October 14th.

EastEnders icon leaves fans gutted after her live theatre show is cancelled just days before she hits the stage

EastEnders stars who QUIT

MICHELLE Collins has seen her second EastEnders stint boost her bank balance. Yet what stars have quit this year?

The Sun exclusively reported how Michelle, 62, was down to £20,000 in her company accounts when she agreed to a shock back-from-the-dead return to Albert Square last year.

Her character, Cindy Beale, was presumed dead off-camera in 1998.


Yet what about the 2024 exits?

Earlier this summer, loyal soap fans appeared to note how Stevie Mitchell had “quit” the long-running series.

It came after Alan Ford enjoyed just six-months on-screen.

Bobby Beale actor Clay Milner Russell also left this year after five years in Walford.


Fans also feared Martin Fowler actor James Bye would “quit out of boredom” over recent storylines.

Additionally, a host of stars have quit the BBC soap for Hollywood fame.

One of the most successful stars to come from the BBC One soap is Rob Kazinsky.

He played Stacey Slater’s brother Sean Slater from 2006 to 2009, he has starred in Hollywood blockbusters Pacific Rim and Captain Marvel.


Ben Hardy, who quit EastEnders as Bobby Beale almost a decade ago, went on to break Hollywood the following year, when he starred as Archangel in X-Men: Apocalypse.

Since then, he has played Roger Taylor in Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, and he starred in Michael Bay’s Netflix movie 6 Underground.

Michelle Ryan played Zoe Slater until 2005.

She starred as the lead in short-lived American series Bionic Woman from 2007 to 2008.


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Sansarini – සංසාරිණී | අවසාන 3 වන කොටස | Episode 405 | 2024-10-01 | Hiru TV



Sansarini - සංසාරිණී | අවසාන 3 වන කොටස | Episode 405 | 2024-10-01 | Hiru TV

Sansarini – සංසාරිණී | අවසාන 3 වන කොටස | Episode 405 | 2024-10-01 | Hiru TV

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The unlikely rise and tacky decline of Hot Ones



The unlikely rise and tacky decline of Hot Ones

It’s a format as clever as it is stupid. A celebrity sits at a table; in front of them lies a tray of 10 hot wings, each spicier than the last. As they eat their way through the platter, they answer normal interview questions. By the end, they’re sweating, crying, chugging milk – barely able to form sentences. This is the grand humanising spectacle of Hot Ones.

Initially launched on YouTube in 2015, the hot sauce-slathered interview series hosted by Sean Evans has been nothing short of a revelation for the talk show format. While its early episodes often spotlighted obscure C-listers, with the odd big name such as Machine Gun Kelly or DJ Khaled thrown in, the format rapidly found an audience. Within a few years, Hot Ones had become the first promotional port of call for any A-lister on a press tour: everyone from Ariana Grande to Jennifer Lawrence to Will Smith has been filmed taking on the so-called Wings of Death. On the surface, Hot Ones seemed like abject internet-era gimmickry, but in a sense, it was a throwback – well-researched, quietly probing interviews, conducted one-on-one and at relative length. In its strange, sweaty way, it was rehabilitating the format that mainstream US talk shows had spent a decade slowly cheapening. There’s a reason that Netflix is reportedly in talks to release a live version of the series. But pride, like a too-spicy hot wing, usually precedes a pretty nasty fall.

Over the past couple of years, Hot Ones has, sadly, lost some of its heat. It’s not so much a full shark-jumping as a gradual slide into corporatisation. There are bigger guests, sure, but more predictable ones – and the truly memorable interviews are fewer and further between. There’s been an influx too of promotional stunts: earlier this week, Hot Ones released a clip of the CGI Marvel character Venom attempting the challenge. Recent weeks have also seen Donald Duck and Beetlejuice (not just Michael Keaton, but his character) take on the wings challenge. These are amusing ideas in principle, but one that reduces the series to its crudest gimmick, abandoning the canny human interviewing that was, underneath it all, the real reason for the show’s success. Watching Eric Andre chug hot sauce straight from the bottle and spontaneously smash crockery over his head was an experience of surreal comic beauty. There is nothing funny or spectacular about watching a CGI Venom eat CGI wings and pour CGI milk over his CGI head.

Sean Evans and a line-up of hot sauces on ‘Hot Ones'

Sean Evans and a line-up of hot sauces on ‘Hot Ones’ (First We Feast via YouTube)

It may be that Hot Ones is simply running out of road. The eating of hot wings is not a premise that can possibly sustain a Johnny Carson-like longevity, no matter how incisive the questions are. After you’ve watched a few dozen celebrities sweat and dither at the business end of the Scoville scale, you’ve probably seen it all. Rapidly shrinking, too, is the pool of celebrities to pluck from – at a certain point in the not-too-distant future, Evans will have interviewed more or less every A-lister who’s ever likely to agree to appear on the series. (Assuming, for instance, people like Michael Caine or Helen Mirren are a polite “no”.) Already several celebrities have appeared on it twice; the appeal of seeing someone repeat the 10-wing challenge is limited, to say the least.

But there are still pleasures to be found in Hot Ones. In April, talk-show maverick and ex-Simpsons writer Conan O’Brien orchestrated what may be the series’ best and most anarchic episode, a sly and subversive interview that devolved into absurd, grotesque physical comedy. (The episode’s parting image is that of O’Brien, ranting, filthy and with milk spilling from his mouth.)

Many fans suggested that the series should have called it quits there and then: this, surely, cannot be topped. But no. Hot Ones is too big to stop, too heavy to even slow down. The story of its rise is the story of modern entertainment: take something that’s inventive, and fun, and a little offbeat, and start piling money around it. Sooner or later, all you can see is the pile.


‘Hot Ones’ is available to stream on YouTube

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‘What did he tell her’ cry MAFS fans after Hannah and Stephen erupt into blazing row over unaired confession



'What did he tell her' cry MAFS fans after Hannah and Stephen erupt into blazing row over unaired confession

MARRIED At First Sight fans are desperate to know an unaired secret that emerged during a blazing row between Stephen Nolson and Hannah Norburn.

The newlyweds came to blows during their honeymoon after Hannah snubbed a request to go out for dinner with her new husband.

MAFS groom Stephen was furious with wife Hannah over an off-air secret


MAFS groom Stephen was furious with wife Hannah over an off-air secretCredit: Channel 4
Hannah almost revealed the 'family confession' during a blazing row with him


Hannah almost revealed the ‘family confession’ during a blazing row with himCredit: Channel 4
The newlyweds have admitted to discussing secrets off camera


The newlyweds have admitted to discussing secrets off cameraCredit: Channel 4

But things then reached fever pitch when Hannah threatened to expose a secret about Stephen’s family in front of the cameras.

Stephen had told his wife the confession off air and was furious when she threatened to expose all mid-argument in the Dominican Republic.


“Don’t you dare go down that route!” Stephen shouted, as they rowed outside their hotel.

He then admitted to the cameras that the secret was about his family.

Fans are now desperately questioning exactly what Stephen had told Hannah so soon after meeting her for the first time on their wedding day.

Writing on X, one begged: “What did he tell Hannah after knowing her for a day that would ruin his relationship with his family?”


Another added: “I NEED to know Stephen’s family gossip.”

And a third remarked: “S*** what did he tell her????”

Hannah and Stephen’s honeymoon to the Caribbean initially got off to a good start as they sunbathed together on the beach.

However, when Stephen later stripped to rubber duck-patterned swimming trucks for an activity, the mood changed.

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Hannah was tasked with drawing Stephen but she made several digs about him not being muscular enough or her type.

Stephen let the comments go but confronted her later that night.

Outside their hotel, he told Hannah that he was growing tired of her calling all the shots.

Stephen said: “It has been small things but tonight, when we were going to dinner, the slightest thing and you decided you weren’t hungry.”


Hannah shot back: “I had an opinion!”

Stephen told her: “You make a decision. It’s your way or no way. All I’ve been doing is try to make you comfortable.”

Annoyed, Hannah yelled: “I’m out of my f***ing comfort zone!”

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Stephen then accused his wife of ‘turning it into The Hannah Show’ before the off-air secret was brought up.

“You said something off camera and now you’re saying something on camera,” Hannah angrily told him. “You’ve just said want to talk about all the s*** we talked off camera.”

Furious, Stephen warned: “Don’t you dare go down that route!”

Speaking off camera, he admitted: “I told Hannah something about my family in complete confidence off camera and she was going to use it as ammunition.”


Hannah, meanwhile, told the camera crew: “I felt completely and utterly attacked.

“My reaction was to fight back. Imagine someone sitting in front of, ‘You’re this, you’re that’. You’re f***ing rude.”

Stephen decided to spend the night away from Hannah for the second time following their row.

After each spending the next day alone, they reunited for dinner on the beach and agreed to give things another go.


Stephen told Hannah: “If I’m being brutally honest, I’ve been thinking about whether I want it. This marriage. I think for me, I genuinely mean it. I want it to work.

“I think it’s just understanding each other more. I think it’s just baby steps to be honest.”

But although Hannah agreed, she warned Stephen he would now be seeing ;a different side’ to her, as ‘her guard was now up’.

  • MAFS continues 9pm, E4, Thursday October 10
Stephen began to grow annoyed with Hannah during a 'real life' drawing activity


Stephen began to grow annoyed with Hannah during a ‘real life’ drawing activityCredit: Channel 4
Stephen later spent a second night away from his wife


Stephen later spent a second night away from his wifeCredit: Channel 4
The couple have been rowing constantly on their honeymoon


The couple have been rowing constantly on their honeymoonCredit: Channel 4

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Sansarini - සංසාරිණී | අවසාන 4 වන කොටස | Episode 404 | 2024-09-30 | Hiru TV

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