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‘It’s a very tough time in Hollywood’: inside the shrinking world of the TV writers’ room | US television



When a powerful earthquake struck near Los Angeles last month, it was a neat metaphor for a Hollywood film industry shaken in recent years by a streaming revolution, Covid pandemic, racial reckoning and crippling strikes. And nowhere are the aftershocks felt more keenly than in the writers’ room.

These are collaborative spaces where writers come together to brainstorm ideas, debate plot twists, bounce jokes off each other and punch up scripts so they are ready for production. The formula has produced TV greats from The Dick Van Dyke Show to Saturday Night Live, from The Simpsons to The Sopranos.

In the era when networks would commission a season of 22 episodes of a sitcom or drama, these rooms would often boast a dozen or more writers (dominated by white men) who would also assist on set if the actors needed guidance during filming – an exposure that many say was invaluable.


The rooms were precious training grounds for young writers to cut their teeth and build a network of contacts. But that was then. Today, with the rise of streaming platforms such as Netflix, studios increasingly rely on so-called mini-rooms with just four or five writers to create shows, often with fewer episodes.

“In most cases the writers’ rooms today are very different from 10 or 20 years ago,” says Matthew Belloni, an entertainment lawyer and former editor of the Hollywood Reporter. “Most shows have far fewer episodes. The days of 22-episode network sitcoms and dramas are mostly gone, with exceptions, and consequently the number of writers in a writers’ room is typically much fewer than it was. Now, there are more shows than there were back then but the number of shows is coming down from the peak of three or four years ago.”

These factors – and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) – were bones of contention during last year’s writers’ strike, which at 148 days was one of the longest in Hollywood history, compounded by actors downing tools at the same time.

The Writers Guild of America (WGA), which did not respond to requests for comment for this article, fought to preserve the writers’ room as an inherently valuable concept. At one point this prompted a retort from the studios: “If writing needs to be done, writers are hired, but these proposals require the employment of writers whether they’re needed for the creative process or not.”


The studios proposed that writers’ rooms should have a minimum of just three writers including the showrunner. The union managed to fend this off and reach an agreement that shows intended to run at least 13 episodes will have at least six writers on staff, with numbers shifting based on the number of episodes. Staff on shows in initial development will be employed for at least 10 weeks, while staff on shows that go to air will be employed for three weeks per episode.

Sag-Aftra actors and Writers Guild of America (WGA) writers on strike last September. Photograph: Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

Anton Schettini, 35, who has worked in 14 TV writers’ rooms and is the author of Breaking into TV Writing, says: “Because streamers have shorter seasons, writers’ rooms last a shorter amount of time. There’s fewer episodes – something like six to 10 – on streamers, whereas networks would do 22 or, in the days of cable, there would be like a 12-episode season.

“Your time working in a writers’ room has certainly shortened and we have seen up until the strike the writers’ room getting smaller and smaller, which is why the WGA fought for a minimum in the negotiation, which was implemented.”

The three-year contract also secured an increase in pay and future residual earnings of between 3.5% and 5%. That was a boost for those who can get work. But for many writers who endured the strike in the hope that good times were just around the corner, conditions remain brutal.


In a May article headlined “The Daily Terror of Being a TV Writer Right Now”, Gideon Yago, whose credits include The Newsroom and The Mosquito Coast, told Vanity Fair: “I just don’t sleep. These last couple of months have been the hardest. I haven’t had a single conversation with anyone in the industry that hasn’t expressed fear and frustration. That’s really, really bad when you’re in the enchantment and entertainment business.”

A screenwriter, who has worked on several high-profile shows and wishes to remain anonymous, tells the Guardian that some of his former co-workers are no longer getting hired. “These are people who are not breaking in – they worked on the same shows that I did right before,” he says in a phone interview.

“Now they’re saying, ‘We’re not getting any work. Our agents and managers are saying staffing is tricky out there.’ Partly it’s because the strike brought us a lot of benefits – salaries have increased, mini-rooms are much better paid than before – and as a result of that there are fewer of them.”

Despite the reduced episode count, writers argue that the workload remains just as arduous and, with shorter employment periods, they must constantly be on the lookout for the next opportunity to earn a living wage in Los Angeles. The current climate is forcing them to make difficult decisions.


The writer adds: “There are people I know that have been in the industry for a long time and they used to say, ‘I only work on the east coast, I’m not going to travel to LA,’ or, ‘I prefer Zoom because I’m a full-time single parent.’ But now they’re saying: ‘I need the money so if I have to pack up my kids and family full-time for 20 weeks with potential hiatuses built in, I guess that’s what I have to do’.”

Virtual writers’ room sprang up during the pandemic, although there studios are pushing for a full return in person. The screenwriter adds: “Remote work is dwindling a bit. It became very popular during the pandemic. People were used to rooms fully virtual but now things are starting to go back to normal.”

The writers’ strike began five months after OpenAI released its AI tool ChatGPT. The new agreement stipulates that scripts must be written by humans, not AI. Studios and production companies are obliged disclose to writers if any material given to them has been generated by AI in full or partly.

In addition, AI-generated storylines will not be regarded as “literary material” – a term in their contracts for scripts and other story forms a screenwriter produces – so writers will not have to compete with AI for screen credits. The companies are not barred from using AI to generate content but writers have the right to sue if their work is used to train AI.


For now, studios seem content to let writers do the work rather than spending more money on AI. The anonymous screenwriter comments: “Last year AI was the conversation of the moment: ‘Hmm, could we come up with a bit of content or an outline or treatment without hiring writers?’

“But once a room is fully up and running and you have access to all these creatives no one is going to look outside for additional AI content. Most people are like, well, we pay you guys, so come up with this on your own.”

Photograph: Christian Monterrosa/EPA

He gave the example of fake newspapers or the fake crawls that run across the screen on a cable news channel on a TV in the background of a scene. “That’s something you’d think people would pay to use AI to generate but we write it manually.

“In the morning you’re like, let’s write the crawls that are coming on this fake CNN report that’s on the TV in the background. In that sense that’s been encouraging. All writers respect the process enough that it’s not part of the conversation; it’s not something you default to.”


Another upheaval for writers’ rooms over the past five years have been the racial reckoning that followed Black Lives Matter protests over the police murder of George Floyd, an African American man, in Minneapolis in 2020. Most studios have diverse writer programmes and some actively mandate that each writers’ room has a diverse element.

The unnamed screenwriter, who is Black, comments: “It adds a safety to my career in that there is an element of, if we have an all-male or all-white writer’s room, showrunners will feel the need to add some diversity. It’s crass to say they’ll pick from a pile but they will seek to rectify that.

“I do think, though, that role is limited. Some former colleagues say, ‘It’s easier if you’re a person of colour to get hired right now.’ I always bristle against that because there’s only one in my room and it is me. I know other writers of colour who are in rooms of two writers of colour so it feels like a checkbox that, once it is checked, people don’t look beyond that to fulfill that need.

“To me it feels like I’m not taking a spot that would go to other people; I’m competing with a lot of people who look like me to fill the only spot and, once that spot is filled, diversity has been ‘met’.”


Writers suffered financially even when streaming was booming as studios tried to compete with Netflix and, adopting a Silicon Valley mindset, prioritised subscriber growth and hoped profits would follow. The result was content saturation, with some expensive shows barely watched or even left on the shelf.

Studios have been grasping for a sustainable business model and writers now face even greater hardship as they scale down and consolidate. Earlier this month Paramount shut down its television studio as part of a cost-cutting measure to save half a billion dollars.

Belloni, the entertainment lawyer who is a founding partner of the website Puck, says: “When Netflix became the dominant streaming service all of the legacy media companies bolted out to try and compete. Now they are pulling back because they spent so much money and their investors are asking for profit, not subscriber growth necessarily.”

He concludes: “It’s a very tough time in Hollywood. The pullback in content and the bursting of the TV bubble has led to fewer jobs, more competition and tougher negotiating positions for these writers. All of it means it’s tougher than ever to be a working professional screenwriter.”


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More cuts and a merger with Channel 4: the BBC contemplates its radical future | BBC



Within days of her appointment as culture secretary, Lisa Nandy met one of the few prominent BBC presenters who is not currently embroiled in a scandal: Hacker T Dog, the puppet star of CBBC.

“Hacker, I don’t know if you remember but you once met my little boy and made him cry,” Nandy told the troublesome terrier at the BBC’s Salford studios last month. “So I’m afraid I am announcing today that I am shutting the BBC down.”

“Hooray! It worked!” replied the dog.


Watching this exchange between two Wiganers was the BBC’s director general, Tim Davie, who will be hoping for a slightly different outcome from his future negotiations with Nandy.

He now faces the single challenge that will define his legacy at the corporation: whether he can strike a deal with the government over the long-term financial future of the BBC.

Negotiations over the future of the licence fee – and whether it is retained in its current form or replaced with a subscription model or funded by a new tax – are expected to begin in January and last two years, with a deal needing to be in place by the end of the current royal charter in 2027.

Labour’s election victory – and Keir Starmer’s vague commitment to the licence fee – suggested the clouds may be parting for the BBC after 14 years of cuts by Tory-led governments.


Yet one BBC insider warned “don’t count your chickens yet”, as the political threat is replaced by an acknowledged threat of irrelevance with 500,000 households a year cancelling their TV licence. As a result, there is a growing acceptance that extreme thinking might be required to secure public service broadcasting.

Lisa Nandy met with Tim Davie at BBC Salford for a tour of CBBC’s facilities. Photograph: Department for Culture, Media and Sport

One radical suggestion is to consider merging Channel 4, which was threatened with privatisation by the Conservatives, with the BBC to create a public service television powerhouse. Two television industry sources have said that the BBC discussed a merger as part of the next round of licence fee negotiations.

Such a move would combine two publicly controlled broadcasters, add £1bn of revenue to the BBC’s balance sheet, and could enable Channel 4’s profits to subsidise other parts of the BBC.

Phil Redmond, the veteran television executive who created Brookside and Hollyoaks for Channel 4, is a proponent of a merger. He said that, in the face of declining youth audiences, a deal between the BBC and Channel 4 would secure the long-term future of public service broadcasting in the UK: “Reforming the BBC has to include reforming Channel 4. The big debate is not about who is sitting in what desk in what building.”


He said it could enable cost-cutting at Channel 4 and free up its budget to be spent on commissioning new programmes. “You could get rid of a lot of the technical side, the admin, HR, finance, all that stuff can go. The only thing you’d keep is the sales team for a while,” he added.

Another commercial television executive said they had heard the BBC has looked at a merger with Channel 4 under which the commercial channel would operate as a semi-independent entity under BBC Studios, the corporation’s for-profit subsidiary.

They said this could be similar to how the BBC owns UKTV, the parent company of Dave, and such a move could “soothe” independent production companies worried about the commercial broadcaster’s longtime financial future. Channel 4 could then act as a talent incubator for British formats created by BBC Studios that could then be sold around the world.

A BBC spokesperson said: “We do not recognise what you’ve put to us. There are no ongoing discussions regarding the acquisition of Channel 4 and nor are we developing a proposal to do so.”


A government source also said a merger of the two public service broadcasters was “not a proposal we are currently considering”.

Another radical idea for the future of the BBC is mutualisation, with all licence fee payers given a stake in the broadcaster on a model similar to the Co-operative Group or a building society. Nandy proposed such a scheme during her 2020 leadership campaign, saying it would allow licence fee payers to “decide the trade-offs that the BBC must make to secure its future” while ensuring the organisation is protected from meddling by politicians withholding funding or appointing board members.

The BBC could also ask the government to pick up the bill for the World Service. This used to be subsidised by the Foreign Office as a tool of British soft power but the cost was largely lumped on to licence fee payers as part of coalition-era cuts. Yet convincing the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, to hand over hundreds of millions of pounds for overseas broadcasting would be a tough ask, given the government’s messaging about difficult decisions.

The BBC’s overall audience remains enormous, especially among older age groups, but the future is less rosy. A growing number of young people barely engage with the broadcaster’s content, undermining the long-term case for a universal licence fee.


Less than half of British 16- to 24-year-olds watch any linear television in a given week, according to the latest Ofcom research, raising questions about how long the BBC can maintain dozens of separate television and radio channels – and when it should start to close outlets and lump everything on its digital offering.

This combination of financial pressure and changing audience habits could force Davie and Nandy to envisage a radically different BBC, doing less with less but still acting as a hub for British public service television output. In a sign of the times, this week the BBC began experimenting with using artificial intelligence to produce transcriptions of BBC Sounds content – while also preparing for a further round of human job cuts in the autumn.

The hope for the BBC is that Nandy accepts warnings from the British media industry about the existential threat it is facing. The playwright James Graham, responsible for the hit show Sherwood, last week told the Edinburgh television festival that the UK is being too complacent about the future of the BBC and other public service broadcasters: “We will miss them, if they ever go.”

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India TV LIVE: Aaj Ki Baat | PM Modi Maharastra Visit | Amit Shah | Arvind Kejriwal| Tirupati Balaji



India TV LIVE: Aaj Ki Baat | PM Modi Maharastra Visit | Amit Shah | Arvind Kejriwal| Tirupati Balaji

India TV LIVE: Aaj Ki Baat | PM Modi Maharastra Visit | Amit Shah | Arvind Kejriwal | Tirupati Balaji

मिशन महाराष्ट्र पर आज वर्धा का दौरा करेंगे पीएम मोदी…राष्ट्रीय ‘पीएम विश्वकर्मा’ कार्यक्रम में योजना के लाभार्थियों को प्रमाण-पत्र और लोन जारी करेंगे पीएम…तो अमरावती में पीएम मित्र पार्क की रखेंगे आधारशिला
PM Modi will visit Wardha today on Mission Maharashtra… PM will issue certificates and loans to the beneficiaries of the scheme in the national ‘PM Vishwakarma’ program… and will lay the foundation stone of PM Mitra Park in Amravati.

गृह मंत्री अमित शाह का आज झारखंड दौरा…गिरीडीह और साहिबगंज जिले में BJP की परिवर्तन यात्रा की करेंगे शुरुआत…इस दौरान जनसभा को भी संबोधित करेंगे अमित शाह
Home Minister Amit Shah will visit Jharkhand today…Will start BJP’s Parivartan Yatra in Giridih and Sahibganj districts…Amit Shah will also address a public meeting during this period.

अरविंद केजरीवाल आज से हरियाणा के चुनावी मैदान में कूदेंगे…जगाधरी में करेंगे रोड शो…जगाधरी के बाद केजरीवाल डबवाली, रानिया, भिवानी और महम में भी करेंगे प्रचार
Arvind Kejriwal will jump into the electoral fray of Haryana from today…will hold a road show in Jagadhri…after Jagadhri, Kejriwal will also campaign in Dabwali, Rania, Bhiwani and Meham.


कोलकाता के जूनियर डॉक्टर्स ने किया हड़ताल खत्म करने का ऐलान…शनिवार से काम पर लौटेंगे जूनियर डॉक्टर्स…लेकिन सिर्फ इमरजेंसी सेवाएं देंगे…एक हफ्ते में सभी मांगें पूरी नहीं हुई तो दोबारा हड़ताल शुरू करेंगे डॉक्टर…
Junior doctors of Kolkata announced to end the strike…Junior doctors will return to work from Saturday…but will provide only emergency services…If all the demands are not met within a week, the doctors will start the strike again…

जेडीयू की पूर्व एमएलसी मनोरमा देवी के घर एनआईए की रेड..करीब साढे चार करोड़ कैश बरामद..भारी मात्रा में हथियार के साथ दस्तावेज भी जब्त…
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Frasier season 2: Viewers and critics share mixed response to reboot



Frasier season 2: Viewers and critics share mixed response to reboot

The second season of the Frasier reboot has aired to mixed reactions from fans and critics.

The hit sitcom, which starred Kelsey Grammer as Frasier Crane, aired for 11 seasons from 1993 to 2004.

Earlier this year, a 10-episode revival saw Grammer reprise his role as the titular therapist as he returns to Boston, where his son Freddy (Jack Cutmore-Scott) has just started college.


And while the first season was branded “dismal and unfunny” by The Independent critics, it was still considered an overall success with a call for there to be more shows like it.

Season two premiered on Thursday (19 September) on Paramount+ to eagerly awaiting fans.

“I loved the first episode of Frasier season two. Happy ham day all!” wrote one person.

Others were left confused as they wrote, “Frasier reboot is wild”.


One commenter had a mixed reaction as they posted on X/Twitter: “I didn’t hate the new episodes of Frasier like I expected, but it is absolutely the 2010s Nickelodeon sitcom version of Frasier”.

Some were downright disappointed as they wrote, “Frasier OG series = 9.5/10. Frasier 2023 series = 1/10.”

Die-hard fans were still left satisfied, as one person said, “I really don’t understand all the complaints about the Frasier revival. I’m really enjoying it!”

Season two of the reboot aired on Thursday (19 September)

Season two of the reboot aired on Thursday (19 September) (Paramount+)

Viewers also praised the show for positive representation, as one mother wrote: “Season 2 of the Frasier reboot cast a child actor who has what seems to be a very prevalent nevus spot on his face.

“It’s so nice to see representation for kids with differences, and it makes me hopeful that my own baby’s uniqueness will be accepted. Thanks Paramount+”.

But critics also had a mixed response. The Telegraph commended the sitcom for “beginning with a bang”, praising the show’s scriptwriting for being “enjoyably erudite”.

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However, The Guardian gave the show a mediocre three-star rating, writing: “The humour is basic, the laugh track extremely dated and the dialogue creaky”.


Nevertheless, fans still insisted that “Binge watching Frasier is a natural medicinal cure”.

In its finished incarnation, the Frasier reboot follows Frasier as he returns to Boston and is hired to teach at his alma mater, Havard.

Alongside Grammer, the series also stars Jack Cutmore-Scott as Frasier’s son Freddie, Anders Keith as his nephew David, Jess Salgueiro as Freddie’s roommate Jess, Toks Olagundoye as Olivia, the head of Havard’s psychology department, and Only Fools and Horses star Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan, an old friend of Frasier’s who also teaches at the university.

Frasier is available to stream on Paramount+ now, with new episodes arriving weekly.


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Boo Boo Song plus more Baby Songs – ChuChu TV Baby Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs



Boo Boo Song plus more Baby Songs - ChuChu TV Baby Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

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No No Yes Yes Go to School Song –
Yes Yes Wake Up Song –


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Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2020 ChuChu TV® Studios
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Ashley Hill obituary | Television industry



My friend Ashley Hill, who has died aged 80, was one of the most admired planners and schedulers in the television business, choosing programmes to commission or buy and then deciding when and where they should be shown.

Those two jobs bring no screen credits but are hugely important in terms of shaping a TV channel’s output. This Ashley did first at BBC Two and later at British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB), Channel 4 and Channel 5. Michael Grade, the former chief executive of Channel 4, no mean scheduler himself, was among Ashley’s many admirers, and felt he was one of the best in the business.

Ashley was born in Cardiff to Charles Hill, who, with the help of his wife, Eileen (nee Tremlett), was a farmer, butcher and publican. Ashley went to Howardian high school for boys in Cardiff, then graduated with a law degree from UCL, where he met Pauline Conran, an administrative assistant there. They married in 1968.


After graduation Ashley joined Granada TV as a researcher. In 1970 he became a graduate administration trainee at the BBC, and by 1978 had been appointed as a planning manager at BBC Two, where we worked together. In 1984 he became head of planning there, taking over from me when I was promoted. At BBC Two Ashley was influential in the commissioning and scheduling of an outstanding mixture of drama, music, art and documentaries, including Shock of the New, The Young Ones, Not the Nine O’Clock News and the channel’s substantial coverage of snooker.

In 1988 he moved to BSB as a senior planner, then to Channel 4 in 1991 as head of programme planning. Finally, in 1997, he became director of broadcasting at Channel 5, where he stayed until retiring in 2004.

Ashley’s success – in his career as in his personal life – was down to a mixture of warmth, fun, common sense and integrity that endeared him to so many. He enjoyed life – and especially wine, food, theatre and cricket. Often the rain affected cricket matches we went to were the most enjoyable because the chat with him was so good.

He is survived by Pauline, their three sons, Christopher, Stephen and Peter, and five grandchildren.


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