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Schlaganfall mit 26: Ina, Vanessa (@CoupleOnTour) und ihre bewegende Geschichte | stern TV



Schlaganfall mit 26: Ina, Vanessa (@CoupleOnTour) und ihre bewegende Geschichte | stern TV

Sie sind ein Influencer-Paar auf der Überholspur: Millionen Menschen verfolgen die Liebesgeschichte von Ina und Vanessa. Gekrönt werden soll ihr Glück durch die Geburt ihrer gemeinsamen Tochter. Doch dann der Schicksalsschlag: Ina hat einen Schlaganfall – mit nur 26 Jahren. Während sie im Koma liegt, bringt Vanessa die gemeinsame Tochter Olivia zur Welt.

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  1. @manuelgroholdermann8929

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich folge den beiden auf Instagram seit Jahren es ist eine so krasse Geschichte aber für mich persönlich ist das viel krassere wie Ina sich zurück ins Leben gekämpft hat und wie ihre Frau ihr dabei hilft und sie beiden alles zusammen meistern ❤❤

  2. @xoxo1009jb

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm


  3. @tabeaha_da

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Sehr schöner und bewegender Beitrag 😊

  4. @LeaMarjanovic-bd3xz

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm


  5. @Einfachich.

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Die beiden sind so tolle Seelen das spüre ich tief und wünsche der Familie nur das aller allerbeste der Welt ❤

  6. @bekikev9399

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Bleipt stark ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Ich liebe euch ❤ ich liebe euch und ihr seit die besten Eltern ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  7. @KPie-kg6gv

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ach ina meinen größten Respekt an dich und deine Frau

  8. @larii_shry

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Und 2 Jahre später… Sie hat unfassbare Fortschritte gemacht. Ein großer Respekt an Sie. Sie ist so eine starke Frau.❤ und sie lässt sich nicht unterkriegen.❤

  9. @Awhsofiaa

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Die 2 schaffen das sie sind stake Mädchen die alles schaffen ❤❤❤❤😊

  10. @danielwm5096

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Wird zeit für einen Booster.

  11. @magdalenaeileenwelter475

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ina bleib stark❤❤❤❤

  12. @evadierken5939

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ina macht das so gut🩷🩷🩷

  13. @SonjaAlscher

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Der zusammenhalt ist einfach spitze von den zwein…
    Ist einfach enorm groß.

  14. @erwinbetsch2861

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich hatte vor einem einen Schlaganfall Breuchte mehr KG um weiter zu kommen

  15. @mr.niceguy6413

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Stark Bleiben ! Wünsch Euch eine schöne gemeinsame Zukunft !

  16. @crazykiryfamily

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich schafft das ❤❤❤

  17. @KatjaLeumann

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich wünsche dir Alls gute

  18. @IpekAskin

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Du bist stark Ina ! Mach so weiter du darfst nicht aufgeben ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  19. @IpekAskin

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Vanessa ist an deiner Seite ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤

  20. @sylvip6416

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Jetzt entschuldigt sich die Frau für ihre Krankheit 😢 das ist wirklich krank.

  21. @mariagartner7331

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Frage an Ina könntest du dir vorstellen das du auch mal schwanger wirst…

  22. @GabrielSVW

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Voll hübsch beide👍

  23. @juliaherten4402

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich liebe euch ❤

  24. @linalue8303

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich kann mich noch gut an deren Booster Video erinnern… traurig! Hat aber sicher nichts damit zu tun 🫣

  25. @tine.chris9364

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Genau das hatte meine Freundin auch, mit 23 😢 ich wünsche euch ganz viel Kraft, ihr macht das toll ❤

  26. @stephanlaubert9208

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ina ist eine kämpferin sie sind ein mega süßes paar ich liebe deren Videos ❤❤❤

  27. @GamerGirl90-g3h

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Meine Tante hat sich auch gesund ernährt nie geraucht nie getrunken dann hatte sie Brustkrebs leider hat sie es nicht geschafft drüber nachzudenken warum sie tut weh nach dem tot ging’s ihrem Mann auch immer und immer schlechter

  28. @VividGymnastics-py8xp

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich musste so weinen😢🥺❤❤❤❤

  29. @KerstinM-k4k

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Mein blöder Kopf und mein blödes Herz…. Der Satz hat mir die Tränen kullern lassen.

    Von Herzen euch alles Gute!

  30. @helmutschneider9502

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Eine Bemerkenss 3:19 werte Frau mit einer tolle Partnerin . Eine wunderbare Familie ❤

  31. @matthiassaunus4649

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Beeindruckend … wünsche der jungen Familie alles Gute 😊

  32. @dorak8854

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Es ist immer wieder interessant zu sehen wie viele Menschen das betrifft! 25% der Menschen. Ein Freund von mir hatte das auch mit 27 Jahren Schlaganfall beim joggen. Selbes Problem Loch im Herz. Er hatte verdammtes Glück das man ihn gleich gefunden hat.allerdings war er auch ins Koma gelegt worden und hat noch einen stent bekommen. Hat ihn auch erst mal alles total überfordert

    Ich frag mich wieviel könnte verhindert werden wenn man zur Vorsorge gehen müsste bezüglich Herz Check up?

  33. @Erdbeere77

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Sünde bringt Flüche

  34. @ampuh3

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    ich habe gerade durch zufall davon gelesen, dass durch chiropraktische behandlungen (hals einrenken) besonders bei jungen menschen schlaganfälle ausgelöst werden können, da die halsschlagader bei solch einem griff verletzt werden kann und so zu einem schlaganfall führen kann, also achtet gut auf euch und erkundigt euch gut über mögliche risiken bei solchen dingen..

    viel kraft an ina und ihre familie ❤️‍🩹

  35. @Melinavero0101

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Tuh nicht so amk

  36. @IsabellaVanossi-mt6qw

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm


  37. @Pharell2005

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich hab Ina in der Zeit kennengelernt bin nämlich Pfleger in diesem Krankenhaus gewesen

  38. @ilonaknappe6816

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Ich finde ihr seid ganz tolle Menschen…❤❤❤

  39. @Helott81

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Es ist so schön zu sehen wie glücklich ihr seid nach der ganzen Zeit ❤️♥️🥹

  40. @saragehrke2611

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Einen Schlaganfall zu haben, ist niemals einfach. Mein Opa hatte einen bekommen da war ich vier Jahre alt. Bis ich 23 Jahre alt war, habe ich mein Opa gesehen, wie er leidet und irgendwann auch bemerkt, dass er nicht mehr wusste, wie man heißt, wer man überhaupt war. Das schlimmste war für mich als mein Opa mit 66 Jahren im Bett gelegen ist und fast nichts mehr konnte. ich bin froh, dass es der Ina gut geht und sie gewisse Dinge kann, wo andere Menschen nicht mehr können bei so einer Erkrankung. Ich wünsche der Ina und der Vanessa und der Olivia nur das Beste.

  41. @duke7218

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Alles Gute für euch. Find das super das ihr das so frei erzählt habt. Ne super Familie top, alles Gute für euch, niemals aufgeben. Es gibt immer gute Tage.

  42. @Nina6574

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Wer ist nach der Trennung hier😭👇

  43. @MarinaPaju

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    „Mein blöder Kopf und mein blödes Herz“..😔

  44. @Hanna_1404

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Und jetzt getrennt

  45. @lenilove1059

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Und jetzt getrennt 😭💔

  46. @Iamsina-c9r

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Die Geschichte ist so beruhigend ich musste weinen ❤wir lieben euch 🫶❤️

  47. @vivianelengk-dz9vt

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Und jetzt getrennt

  48. @mirjam.strasshofer1823

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Liebe Ina und Vanessa.Ihr seit so tolle Menschen mit einer bewegten Geschichte.Die einen sehr nahe geht.Aber ihr macht auch Mut egal was man hat für eine Erkrankung.Das man kämpft nicht aufgibt und immer zusammen hält.Alles Liebe und gute euch und eurer Tochter.Und der gesamten Familie M.St😊🤗

  49. @Janatchka90

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Immer an ihrere Seite….eher nicht immer

  50. @sternTV

    October 4, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Zum Talk mit Ina und Vanessa geht's hier lang:

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Neil Patrick Harris reveals his real penis was in hit film Gone Girl – but blink and you’ll miss it



Neil Patrick Harris reveals his real penis was in hit film Gone Girl - but blink and you'll miss it

HOW I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris has revealed that his real penis is visible in the hit film Gone Girl – but only for a second. 

Viewers will no doubt remember the moment Ben Affleck bears it all in the movie – but turns out Neil actually did it first. 

Neil Patrick Harris has revealed that his real penis is visible in Gone Girl


Neil Patrick Harris has revealed that his real penis is visible in Gone GirlCredit: Rex
Neil plays Desi, Amy's former lover and confidante in her plot to frame her husband


Neil plays Desi, Amy’s former lover and confidante in her plot to frame her husbandCredit: Rex
Their relationship takes a turn for worse when Amy then frames Desi for her kidnapping though


Their relationship takes a turn for worse when Amy then frames Desi for her kidnapping thoughCredit: 20thCentFox

In Gone Girl, Neil, 51, plays Desi Collings, the former lover and friend of Amy (Rosamund Pike). She turns to him for support after going on the run in order to frame her husband for her murder. 

The twisted psychological thriller throws a lot at the audience, so nudity is the least of it, but Neil still gets his moment in the spotlight. 


When asked whether his penis is visible at all in the film by the Daily Beast, Neil confirmed that viewers can in fact see it, but only for a second. 

Often actors use prosthetics when they are required to do nude scenes to protect their modesty. However, like Barry Keoghan in Saltburn, he opted to go au natural. 


The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment comes close to the end of the film during an intimate but gory scene with Amy. 

Speaking about his nudity, Neil added: “Had I been able to film my scene in a nice steamy, warm shower, perhaps there would’ve been more to talk about.


“But in my particular circumstance, there was a lot of blood flowing…elsewhere.”

If you’ve seen Gone Girl, you’ll know the blood sex scene Harris is referring to.

After manipulating Desi into believing she is in danger, Amy seduces him before brutally slashing his throat with a hidden scalpel.

She kills him instantly and Desi’s blood pours out of his neck after he collapses on the bed. Amy stages the murder to make it look like self-defence, to fit her kidnap victim narrative.

The One Show’s Jermaine Jenas gasps as Rosamund Pike recalls horror encounter with blow-up doll

Speaking about the scene, Neil admitted that it took a lot of technical work to make it so incredibly gory and yet quiet and eerie.

“David [Fincher, director] imagined that with a sharp knife, getting your throat slit, you wouldn’t feel any pain.

“So, he would make me show him what it would look like. Because it was also mid-orgasm, so it was ‘I’m about to, I’m about to, uh-uh-uh-uh’ [mimicking sex] and then it was this very gruesome, intentionally gruesome feeling of like calm, of confusion.

“Of, what’s, why’s everything warm? Op, why’s it red? And then, what?


Neil Patrick Harris’ career to date

Neil Patrick is a household name best known for playing the title character on Doogie Howser M.D. and Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother, but what are some of his other career highlights?

Former child star Neil Patrick Harris shot to fame in the late 1980s playing medical prodigy Doogie Howser.

In 1997, Neil launched his professional theatre career. His first role was in the musical Rent. He then later when on to play the creator of Rent Jonathan Larson in the musical of his life, Tick, Tick… BOOM! in London.

After than he enjoyed a busy TV and film career that included appearances in popular 90s and 00s shows like Blossom, Will & Grace – before taking on another iconic TV role.


How I Met Your Mother short Neil into stardom once more as he was introduced to a whole new generation of young viewers. His character Barney is widely believed to have the best character actor on the show, despite it revolving more around Ted’s (Josh Radnor) love life.

Neil’s 2010 Glee cameo was also a standout moment for the teen drama series. Neil appeared as Bryan Ryan in the episode Dream On.

After starring as Desi in Gone Girl and blind tutor Will in the movie Beastly, Neil took on a number of presenting jobs, notably hosting of annual Prime Time Emmy Award and Tony Award events, along with the 2015 Oscars.

From 2015 to 2017, Neil took the lead in another series. He played Count Olaf in Netflix‘s A Series of Unfortunate Events.


Neil also donned a very similar look as he guest starred in the BBC‘s Doctor Who 60th anniversary special.

He then made his return to the How I Met Your Mother universe, reprising his role as Barney in two episodes of Hilary Duff’s spin-off How I Met Your Father.

And in 2024, Neil returned to the world of Jonathan Larson, this time directing the stage revival of Tick, Tick… BOOM!

“And then you start blacking out because all of the blood that’s going to your brain is now going out your neck.”


The psychological thriller Gone Girl was released in 2014 and is based on Gillian Flynn’s novel of the same name.

Ben Affleck stars as Nick Dunne, a husband who becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of his wife, Amy.

Amy goes missing on their fifth wedding anniversary and everyone thinks Nick had something to do with it.

When her diary entries are revealed, it makes things look even worse for Nick, after she opened up about her turbulent marriage and how Nick cheated on her.


However, the investigation takes a dark turn after it turns out that Amy faked her disappearance to frame Nick for her “murder,” as revenge.

Neil also revealed there was a lot of technical work that went into Desi's sex-slash-death scene


Neil also revealed there was a lot of technical work that went into Desi’s sex-slash-death sceneCredit: Getty

Gone Girl is available to stream on Disney+.

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Spongebob | Setiap acara TV di Bikini Bottom! | Nickelodeon Bahasa



Spongebob | Setiap acara TV di Bikini Bottom! | Nickelodeon Bahasa

Jika kau tinggal di Bikini Bottom, kau pasti tahu semua orang menonton konten terbaik di TV Bikini Bottom! Lihatlah beberapa konten terbaik Bikini Bottom di platform ini.

Langganan sekarang untuk melihat semua momen terbaik dan adegan lucu dari acara kesukaan Anda seperti SpongeBob SquarePants, Henry Danger, The Thundermans, The Loud House, dan banyak lagi!

#SpongeBob #SpongeBobSquarePants #Kartun #Bahasa #Nickelodeon

Program apa yang Anda sangat ingin saksikan di saluran ini? Katakan pada kami pendapat Anda di komentar dan bergabung pada obrolan di halaman komunitas kami!


Tetap tahu semua berita terbaru Nickelodeon di situs kami: untuk mendapatkan acara TV baru dan klasik untuk hiburan yang tiada akhir! Bermain menjadi karakter kesukaan Anda di gim aksi epik kami dan jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk tahu apakah Anda BENAR-BENAR penggemar terbesar Nickelodeon!

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Hayley Joel Osment parodying JD Vance called ‘the funniest thing you’ll see all day’



Hayley Joel Osment parodying JD Vance called ‘the funniest thing you’ll see all day’

Hayley Joel Osment has been praised for parodying Republican vice president nominee JD Vance with some people claiming that the actor should be awarded an Emmy.

Osment, who recently revealed that he maintained a close friendship with Bruce Willis after they finished filming The Sixth Sense, played Vance in a sketch for Jimmy Kimmel Live.

The Boys and What We Do In The Shadows actor, now 36, imitated the Ohio senator’s infamous trip to a bakery in Georgia, where he awkwardly attempted small talk while ordering some donuts, which he later admitted was “terrible”.


On Wednesday’s edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the moment was resurrected, with Kimmel stating that the skit was a new ad campaign for Vance where he makes “his donut shopping a top priority”.

“Hi. I’m Ohio Senator JD Vance,” Osment begins by saying. “The mainstream media? They want you to think that I’m weird. They call me ‘creepy,’ ‘cringey,’ ‘awkward,’ that I give people something called ‘the ick.’ They want you to think that I can’t order a simple doornut — donut. S**t. But that’s ridiculous.”

The scene then goes on to recreate Vance’s interaction with the shop employee in an over-the-top fashion. After telling her to “hold the pickles” on his donut order, Osment smashes through the glass on the counter to retrieve one of the treats.

He then attempts to talk to other customers in the shop by asking one man “how long have you been Black?” and is then told by a pregnant woman and her son to “please get away from us.”


Osment’s take on Vance has since gone viral on X/Twitter where it has been viewed more than 10 million times. Viewers have been full of praise for the actor, with one person writing: “Haley Joel Osment should win an Emmy for his portrayal of JD Vance trying to buy a donut.”

Another said: “Haley Joel Osment as JD Vance is the funniest thing you’ll see all day.”

A third person asked: “Can Haley Joel Osment please do one of these every day? Because this outstanding trolling.”

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It comes after Vance was mocked for his mostly measured and prepared performance at Tuesday’s VP debate with Tim Walz.


One line of contention that people are having fun with was when Vance championed his and Donald Trump’s desire to “bring American manufacturing back” and “make more of our own stuff” while attacking Biden and Harris, who he claimed have “shipped our manufacturing base off to China”.

JD Vance during the 2024 VP debate

JD Vance during the 2024 VP debate (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Vance, who has connections to Silicon Valley, likes to position himself as something of a jobs creator, but his pledges have been ridiculed, specifically by movie fans.

Comedian Samantha Ruddy wrote on X/Twitter: “Bonkers of JD Vance to claim to be a job creator after what he did to Amy Adams’ career.”


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‘You can’t beat a bit of Bully!’: Andrew Flintoff to host Bullseye Xmas special | Andrew Flintoff



Andrew Flintoff is to relaunch his television hosting career by fronting a one-off Christmas special of the gameshow Bullseye.

It will be the former England cricket captain’s first presenting role since he was airlifted from a serious car accident while filming Top Gear in December 2022. The crash left him with facial injuries and broken ribs.

Flintoff, 46, will host the revival of the darts-themed ITV show in December.


First popular in the 1980s, in the reboot Flintoff – nicknamed Freddie – will replace the late comedian Jim Bowen as host.

Since the accident, the once Lancashire all-rounder has starred in Freddie Flintoff’s Field of Dreams, a documentary series that followed him taking young people from his home town of Preston on a cricketing tour of India – but this is his first foray back into light entertainment.

The original Bullseye presenter Jim Bowen. Photograph: PA Images/Alamy

Flintoff said: “I love the darts and Bullseye was one of my favourite shows as a kid. Can’t quite believe I’ll get to host this Christmas special. You can’t beat a bit of Bully!”

In the game, teams of pairs are chosen, one for their skill at darts and the other for general knowledge. The amateur darts player is the “thrower”, and their team partner, the “knower”.


The teams throw darts at different game boards while answering questions to win eccentric (and difficult to share) prizes.

Katie Rawcliffe, the head of entertainment commissioning at ITV, said: “Bullseye is back and we can’t wait to welcome Freddie Flintoff back to ITV, too. It’s a real treat to have both as key parts of our Christmas schedule on ITV1 and ITVX this year.”

Flintoff was driving an open-topped Morgan Super 3 when it flipped and slid along the track at Surrey’s Dunsfold aerodrome in December 2022. He underwent multiple surgeries for his facial injuries and said that in the seven months after the crash he left the house only for medical treatment.

In the wake of the accident, the BBC announced it had “rested” Top Gear for the foreseeable future and paid Flintoff £9m in compensation.


Bullseye prizes

Bendy Bully toy, mascot of the Bullseye TV programme. Photograph: Informat/Alamy

While those awarded Bully’s star prize might have got a holiday, many of the other prizes awarded to the teams of pairs were a little less dazzling – and challenging to split in two.

A Corby trouser press
A mainstay of 1990s mid-range bed and breakfasts, the upright trouser press was a regular on the prize list.

Fitted kitchens
Given that contestants were typically pairs of men who spent most of their time in the pub, the fitted kitchen made an unlikely star prize.

The classic bedside gadget could make you a warm brew before you got up, but sharing the win would require moving into your teammate’s bedroom.


The whisky decanter cabinet, usually with its own lock and key, used to be one of the mid-range prizes that might garner an “ooh” from the audience.

Bully’s star prize was once a set of gold cutlery, before the likes of a colour television or tumble drier.

According to Bowen, the speedboat was only ever won once and the contestants lived in top-floor flats in Coventry, more than 100 miles from the sea.

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Save Team Tv Man & Shoot Skibidi Toilet #skibiditoilet



Save Team Tv Man & Shoot Skibidi Toilet #skibiditoilet

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🟠This video was created by Garry’s Mod:
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ITV in ANOTHER baffling scheduling move this weekend – just weeks after Tipping Point debacle



ITV in ANOTHER baffling scheduling move this weekend - just weeks after Tipping Point debacle

ITV have been caught up in yet another baffling scheduling move weeks after being called out for consistent repeats.

The channel has seemingly been struggling to fill its schedules in recent weeks and has had to rely heavily on repeats in order to stop the channel from falling off air.

ITV has made yet another baffling schedule move after repeating the same Bond movie


ITV has made yet another baffling schedule move after repeating the same Bond movieCredit: Getty
The film will be aired two Saturday nights in a row


The film will be aired two Saturday nights in a rowCredit: Getty
Tipping Point also suffered the same fate just weeks ago


Tipping Point also suffered the same fate just weeks agoCredit: Copyright ITV.

However, rather than making use of its huge archive bank, the network has seemingly been choosing to air the exact same repeats within just weeks of each other.

This weekend looks set to be no different either.


ITV are currently planning to air the James Bond movie The World Is Not Enough on Saturday between 4pm and 6:30pm.

It comes just ONE WEEK after the exact same movie held the exact same timeslot on the channel.

Just days ago, the movie was screened from 4:35pm on ITV1 for the first time.

The odd move is the latest to follow in a pattern of ITV’s whereby they fill their schedules with the same repeats.


Weeks ago, the same problem appeared to occur with game show Tipping Point – and fans were instantly left fuming.

In August, viewers were left with Deja vu as the broadcaster began airing repeats of episodes that had aired just TWO weeks prior.

Despite having racked up over 1,700 episodes in total, ITV have been opting to re-broadcast the same 20 episodes from series 13 in a strange move.

In another bizarre move, currently only 19 episode from series 13, those currently being aired on a regular re-run, as well as one episode from series 14 are available to stream on ITVX as opposed to the huge back catalogue of those at ITV’s disposal.

Gemma Arterton plays Strawberry Fields in 2008 Bond movie Quantum of Solace

The channel has offered no explanation as to why the same episodes are being repeated within weeks of each other as well as to the limited selection being offered up on their streaming service.

Fans were quick to rage at the channel for the odd decision with one viewer telling The Sun: “They were on only a week or so ago, is it a mistake?

“I’ve never noticed this before, it’s really rubbish.”

Others flocked to X – formerly Twitter – to have their say, writing: “@tippingpoint or is it Tripping Point?


“@ITV recycle these shows more frequently than my local refuse chaps.”

James Bond Guide

By Jake Penkethman, TV Reporter

Every Actor to play the part of James Bond

  • Sean Connery – Dr No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, Diamonds are Forever, Never Say Never Again
  • David Niven –  Casino Royale
  • George Lazenby – On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
  • Roger Moore – Live and Let Die, The Man with the Golden Gun, The Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy, A View to a Kill
  • Timothy Dalton – The Living Daylights, Licence to Kill
  • Pierce Brosnan – GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, Die Another Day
  • Daniel Craig – Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, Spectre, No Time to Die

Who are the most famous Bond Girls?

  • Eva Green – Casino Royale
  • Ursula Andress – Dr. No
  • Denise Richards – The World Is Not Enough
  • Halle Berry – Catwoman
  • Britt Ekland – The Man with the Golden Gun
Tipping Point came under fire for the same pattern


Tipping Point came under fire for the same patternCredit: ITV

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