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So viel kostet uns die Justiz | heute-show #shorts



So viel kostet uns die Justiz | heute-show #shorts

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  1. @josuami347

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Und wenn wir 10€ am tag geben würden, ändert es nichts… ankommen wird das selbe und der Rest wird von der Politik ins Ausland verbrannt

  2. @theturman3917

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Abgesehen von Miete und Fixkosten gebe ich weniger als 40 Cent pro Tag für mich selbst aus.

  3. @alexd.1394

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Bei den milden Gerichtsurteilen was für die verbrecher ausgesprochen wird kann man sich die 40 Cent auch sparen

  4. @axel9473

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Es fehlt nirgendwo das Geld. Es wird nur nie vernünftig genutzt.

  5. @s.c665

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    So viel Geld und trotzdem werden schwerste Verbrechen einfach eingestellt. Ich habe Null Vertrauen in die Justiz. Leider aus Erfahrung

  6. @desifee1684

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Ich finde diesen Vergleich schon unverschämt, wenn man bedenkt,dass es Menschen gibt, die sich das noch nicht mal gönnen können.

  7. @legominimovieproductions

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Unsere Justiz funktioniert jetzt schon nicht, bekomm ich für einen doppelten Espresso dann eine doppelt nicht funktionierende Justiz?

  8. @Hamburg08

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Die Deutschen sind halt auch anzeigenweltmeister. Ich arbeite bei der polizei und bearbeite anzeigen. Hier wird wirklich wegen jeder bedeutungslosen Lappalie eine Anzeige geschrieben. Wegen Beleidigungen, Lärm, etc. Absolut lächerlich. Was erwarten die Leute, was die Staatsanwaltschaft damit macht? Wo tangiert das, das allgemein interesse

  9. @teamlaubach

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    40 Cent sind 146,-€ im Jahr mal zwei sind ca. 300,-€ für meinen Haushalt stand heute pro Jahr. Verdoppeln wir sind das 600,-€ im Jahr für ein Ehepaar. Mit zwei Kindern 1.200,-€ im Jahr, dafür das System nicht nutze… Leute! Das System ist kaputt – komplett

  10. @user-bf1lq4pb1t

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Asozialer ÖRR 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  11. @madoelel2834

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Was ist mit den Gerichtskosten und Ermittlungskosten, welche die verurteilten meist selbst bezahlen müssen?
    Bekommen wir die Differenz dann auch wieder zurück erstattet? Ist ja zu einem großen Teil selbst finanzierend 🤷🏻‍♂️… auch wenn die Jva's nicht privatisiert wären und der Gewinn in die Staatskassen fließen würden. Alleine bei der Jva Würzburg wären es ca 1,5 Mio Euro jährlich. 😉

  12. @RandomGuy9

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    GEZ einfach vielfaches von der Justiz und trotzdem nicht auf PH vertreten.

  13. @MarkusEngels

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Ja man kann jährliche Kosten einfach runter rechnen damit Leute die kein Mathe können direkt denken "boahhh ist das günstig!!"

    Wollt ihr das nicht auf Stunde oder Minute runter rechnen ? Würde mich mal jucken was Brüssel kostet…

  14. @horstmayer318

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Wie kommt man auf 40 Cent Pro Tag? Die Rechnung würde mich sehr interessieren.

  15. @rbigeodreieck

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm


  16. @rbigeodreieck

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm


  17. @dlmaka1982

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Mit diesen Milchmädchenrechnungen lässt sich alles finanzieren. Ein Flugzeugträger (QE-Klasse) kostet ca. 4,64 Milliarden Euro. Bei einer Bauzeit von 8 Jahren wären das 1,9 Cent pro Tag und Bundesbürger. Das wird man sich ja wohl mal leisten können!

  18. @D4RTHTANO

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    40 ct klingt erstmal wenig, sind aber über 5 Mrd € jährlich. Und für eine Einzelperson wären 40 ct pro Tag ca 150 € im Jahr. Für Niedrigverdiener nicht unbedingt ein Schnäppchen.

  19. @dirksauditleistungenausdem1492

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Ich würde für die Übertragung der GEZ Beträge empfehlen.
    Zusätzlich die totale Digitalisierung!

    Es wird bewusst verschleppt, wenn man Überlastung kundtut. Die Vollautomatisierung (die mit der Digitalisierung einher geht), bringt innerhalb von Minutenfrist KI-formulierte Urteile, zügige Handlungsfähigkeit (keine Männer auf langen Gängen, die AKTEN-Rollwagen uralter Fälle betreuen) und international eilige Verfolgungen.

  20. @HugoMüller-y6w

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Noch bezahlen damit man in kanst geht. Klar bei den Witz Strafen lohnt sich Leute spendet 😂

  21. @Malte-p9j

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Wieviel darf ich freiwillig jeden Monat spenden, damit Richter eingestellt werden, die Ahnung vom Leben normaler Menschen haben?

  22. @MrJoeDone

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Die Schuldenbremse muss weg. Wir machen unsere Zukunft kaputt

  23. @shemronP

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Warum, es gibt doch eh meist bewährung…?

  24. @ProfDrTubifexiusT

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Premium Bohnen oder was? Für 2,80€ Trinke ich 10 Espressos.

  25. @prolebenz251

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Irgendwelche vertreter mit ihren 90000€ pro jahr und 350ps firnenwagen beschweren sich pber das deutsche Steuersystem und wie viel weniger amis zahlen müssen oder so. Aber 2,80 pro woche um in nem rechtstaat leben zu dürfen? Das ist mal ein geiler deal

  26. @whataboutism20

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Ich würde nichtmal einen euro pro woche geben! Bei meinen Erfahrungen mit der justiz ist das schon zu viel! Und wer 20 jahre lang kleine Cannabis Konsument kriminalisiert und da noch spaß bei hat der ist in meinen augen massiv überbezahlt und auch überbewertet in der Gesellschaft! Wir sperren Menschen ein die kein geld für nen Fahrschein haben! Sorry bei so viel Intelligenz und Mathematik Verständnis ist der eine euro die woche schon zu viel!

  27. @nilsp9426

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Man stelle sich jetzt noch vor, Staatsanwaltschaften und Gerichte wären gut ausgestattet um endlich Cum-Cum und Cum-Ex ordentlich zu bearbeiten. Mit dem Geld, das der Staat da zurückgewinnen könnte, könnten wir uns allein bis 2100 unser Justizsystem leisten. Aber wir hacken ja lieber auf Flüchtenden rum, oder Personen, die Bürgergeld bekommen.

  28. @linog6245

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Die Justiz braucht nicht einen Cent mehr als sie bekommt!!! Der laden ist strukturell einfach eine Katastrophe. Es gibt KEINE digitale Akte, alles muss ausgedruckt physisch abgeheftet werden, dementsprechend verwaltet werden. Gerichtsverhandlung dürfen weder aufgenommen noch gefilmt werden(was ein Protokoll wesentlich vereinfachen würde!).
    Wenn man das angehen würde, und das wäre wirklich nichts dolles und mit ein bisschen Willen in 2 Jahren gemacht, stünde man vor dem Problem jede zweite Verwaltungskraft rauswerfen zu müssen.
    Man verliert echt den Glauben…

  29. @janrafeld1345

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Jetzt habe ich das MeatCanyon Video vor Augen

  30. @monkiw2

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Und für euren geistigen Durchfall wird jeder unter Androhung von Freiheitsberaubung dazu erpresst 18,36€ zu bezahlen ihr sauerstoffverschwender

  31. @arbohill

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Ein Problem ist halt, dass eine ausreichend finanzierte Judikative ein Dorn im Auge der Legislative und Exekutive wäre, die wir in Deutschland entgegen den Maximen des Liberalismus nur tokenhaft getrennt haben.

  32. @MarciMarci-q2g

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Weniger Minusmenschen im Land bedeutet auch weniger Kriminelle und daher eine entlastetes Justizsystem. Bestes Deutschland aller Zeiten 🤮

  33. @swattfish

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Da kommen einem die 61 Cent Rundfunkbeitrag pro Tag richtig teuer vor.

  34. @justg4898

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Das sollten wir hinbekommen mit dem doppelten Espresso

  35. @Harry-c5y

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Leider wird unser Steuergeld für scheiss illigale Migration, Umvolkung und Ukraine veruntreut und zum Fenster raus geschmissen

  36. @KillALLInfluencer

    October 24, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    40 Cent sind ~ Euro … Bei Euro läuft es wieder … Guten Abend im Idiotenland von M-One-Y … 🙂

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I’m a Celebrity 2024: Rumoured star ‘pulls out of show’ with weeks to go before launch



I’m a Celebrity 2024: Rumoured star ‘pulls out of show’ with weeks to go before launch

A rumoured I’m a Celebrity 2024 contestant has “pulled out” of the show with weeks to go.

It’s been claimed that Tommy Fury, the former Love Island star and boxer who recently split from his fiancée Molly Mae Hague, was set to enter the Australian jungle, but has withdrawn after receiving a better offer.

Fury was one of the 11 rumoured stars ITV is believed to have lined up for the forthcoming series, which starts in November. Other celebrities that have been speculated to appear include Ally McCoist, Reverend Richard Coles and Coleen Rooney, who will reportedly be the highest-paid campmate ever.


However, it’s now being reported that Fury will no longer be on the show, with speculation rife that he quit so he could take part in a boxing match with KSI.

A source told The Sun: “Bosses are surprised Tommy has chosen to pull out of I’m a Celebrity at this late stage as it would have been a great opportunity for him too.

“Thankfully, the execs already had some great names waiting in the wings so they’ll now be looking at which ones fit best into the line up already booked so they can deliver a truly great series.”

While Fury was not confirmed as a 2024 campmate, he sidestepped a question about his possible involvement during an appearance on Heart Radio. He said: “Listen, a lot of things in my life is like a rollercoaster in a minute.


“There are so many things I might do. You know, could he be doing this? Could he be doing that? I don’t know what I’m doing this afternoon.

Fury continued “I mean, I just take literally an hour at a time, so I don’t know. There’s a lot of things going on in my life right now. So, I’m not sure on anything.”

Tommy Fury was a rumoured ‘I’m a Celebrity’ 2024 contestant
Tommy Fury was a rumoured ‘I’m a Celebrity’ 2024 contestant (Getty Images)

Earlier this month, Fury, who has one child with Hague, said that he was eager to “resolve things” with his ex, whom he met on ITV2 reality series Love Island.

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After denying claims he cheated on Hague, Fury said he was in “love” with her, adding: “It is proper love. Do I still love Molly? 100 per cent. I will love her until my final breath. The minute I saw her, I thought, ‘Yes, she’s the woman of my dreams’.”

The Independent has contacted ITV and Fury for comment. An ITV spokesperson previously said: “Any names suggested are just speculation.”


I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! starts on ITV on Sunday 17 November.

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Woke BBC chiefs slap trigger warning on a Michael Palin iconic travel documentary



Woke BBC chiefs slap trigger warning on a Michael Palin iconic travel documentary

WOKE BBC chiefs have slapped a trigger warning on one of Michael Palin’s much-loved travel documentaries.

An episode of the comedy great’s Around the World in 80 Days was whacked with a guidance alert over scenes where a snake is cooked up for dinner.

Woke BBC chiefs have slapped a trigger warning on one of Michael Palin’s much-loved travel documentaries


Woke BBC chiefs have slapped a trigger warning on one of Michael Palin’s much-loved travel documentariesCredit: UPP:Universal Pictorial Press and Agency
In the 1989 series’ fifth episode, the Monty Python star, sees a snake beheaded and skinned


In the 1989 series’ fifth episode, the Monty Python star, sees a snake beheaded and skinnedCredit: BBC

In the 1989 series’ fifth episode, the Monty Python star, now 81, sees the beast beheaded and skinned by a chef while in Guangzhou, southern China.

After finishing the dish — considered a local delicacy — Sir Michael says: “That’s great. It’s lovely.”

But a note has now been added on BBC iPlayer, explaining that the show “contains upsetting scenes”.


Warning labels are usually applied to shows with strong language, violence or nudity, and now also appear on web listings for some classic comedies.

Last night, Tory frontbencher Sir Alec Shelbrooke blasted execs for “taking the hiss”.

He said: “These things happen around the world, yet the BBC says ‘you better not watch that, it might upset you’. This decision has been made by snowflakes in office with no experience of the world.”

Toby Young, head of the Free Speech Union, added: “Surely viewers of Around the World in 80 Days tune in precisely so they can see weird and wonderful things from the other side of the world.


“What’s next? Will I’m A Celebrity be given a trigger warning? ‘Contains scenes of D-list glamour models eating kangaroo testicles that some viewers may find upsetting’.”

A BBC spokesman insisted: “Like other broadcasters and streaming services, we add guidance labels to some programmes on BBC iPlayer depending on the content.”

Earlier this month we told how ITV’s crime staple Midsomer Murders had been slapped with similar warnings for “several references to witchcraft”.

Great British Bake Off Halloween episode slapped with woke trigger warning for being ‘too spooky’

And a Bake Off Halloween special has been flagged as potentially spooky — with Channel 4 ruling that it “isn’t suitable for younger viewers”.


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Ricky Gervais celebrates 26 year anniversary of being made redundant at 37 and trying out as a comedian



Ricky Gervais celebrates 26 year anniversary of being made redundant at 37 and trying out as a comedian

Ricky Gervais is celebrating 26 years since being made redundant and taking a chance on becoming a comedian aged 37.

The now 63-year-old actor, writer, producer, and director, is the mastermind behind some of the 21st century’s biggest TV and comedy moments, including The Office.

In December, it was announced that his most recent project, After Life, had become the most-watched British comedy in the world for the fourth year in a row, with a total global viewership of 140 million people.


But before he shot to fame with his dark and irreverent humour, he was an assistant events manager at the University of London Union (ULU), and then head of speech at alternative radio station Xfm.

In 1998, he was made redundant from his job at the age of 37, when he found himself at a crossroads.

Writing on X/Twitter, Gervais marked the occasion on Thursday night (24 October).

“Twenty-six years ago, I was made redundant and given a few grand,” he began.


“I decided that if I was careful, I could live off the money for 6 months trying to become a comedian before I had to get another job. I was 37. Worth a punt.”

One fan asked the comedian the secrets behind his success, “In hindsight what would you put it down to? A combination of talent and being at the right place at the right time?”

Gervais was 37 when he was made redundant
Gervais was 37 when he was made redundant (2020 NBCUniversal Media, LLC via)

Gervais added, “And hard work.”

Hailing from a working-class background in Reading, Gervais previously told The Guardian that he’d always been creative, but lazy.

“I suppose I was always creative. I did start 20 novels, and then went, ‘Ah, too hard,’ and went to the bar.”

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Working on The Office with Stephen Merchant, a colleague he recruited at Xfm after he was the first CV he came across, the pair went on to international fame and success.

“I think you should know something about me first. I never tried hard at anything. I was born smart on a very working-class estate,” he said in the 2009 interview.

“A couple of people I knew went to university apart from me, but all the way through I was the smartest kid in the school. That’s luck, but I was proud of it. And I was also proud of doing well without trying.


“As you get older, and it took me a long time to realise it, that’s a disgusting attitude, revolting. It’s ignorant and it’s a tragic waste, and I realised that the work itself is the reward. The struggle itself is the reward.”

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‘I was in tears everyday’ says Fern Britton as she fuels Strictly scandal with new revelations about pro partner



‘I was in tears everyday’ says Fern Britton as she fuels Strictly scandal with new revelations about pro partner

FERN Britton has lifted the lid on her Strictly Come Dancing stint and claims she was ‘in tears everyday’.

The telly icon, 67, took part in the BBC show in 2012 but still has strong memories about her time in the ballroom.

Fern Britton claims she was in 'tears' before Strictly Come Dancing rehearsals


Fern Britton claims she was in ‘tears’ before Strictly Come Dancing rehearsalsCredit: Rex
The star also claims her confidence was knocked by her partner Artem Chigvintsev


The star also claims her confidence was knocked by her partner Artem ChigvintsevCredit: PA:Press Association

Fern, who was partnered with Russian dancer Artem Chigvintsev, has revealed she would cry before rehearsals.

In a serialisation of her book Fern Britton The Older I Get in the Daily Mail, the former This Morning star also said her partner made a cutting comment when they were first put together.

She penned: “I asked him if he was OK with having me as a partner and he said, ‘Well, I am used to someone with some dance ability, and younger.’


“My confidence took a hit at that, but I laughed and told him I didn’t feel 55, and that, when I had a drink in me, I was a sensational dancer. He did not laugh.”

Describing the rehearsals as “challenging”, Fern added: “As the weeks went on, I found it increasingly hard to gather up my self-confidence and there were days I was crying before I even got into the rehearsal room.”

Fern even says: “Late one evening, when I simply couldn’t get the steps in my head and we were both tired, he looked at me and said: ‘Go home before I kill you.’ It was a joke. I laughed. ‘Kill me, please.”

This not the first time Fern has hit out at her time on Strictly.


She previously told The Times: “He would look at my feet and just kick me or shove me.”

Fern and Artem finished Strictly Come Dancing in 10th place. It ended up being Chigvintsev’s worst performance on the BBC show.

In 2017, Artem moved to Dancing With The Stars in the US where he was partnered with his future wife Nikki Garcia – also known as Nikki Bella in the WWE world.

BBC APOLOGISES to Amanda Abbington over Strictly bullying scandal – but Giovanni cleared of almost all abuse allegations

The pair married in 2022 and share a son, who was born in 2020.


Earlier this year, Artem denied Fern’s claims of him ‘kicking or shoving her’ during tense rehearsals.

He told the Daily Express: “I believe I treated Fern with respect and genuine care and these claims about me are the opposite of everything I believe in and the person I am.

“I cannot imagine what has prompted such statements which come as a shock to me.”

The Sun has contacted Artem’s reps following Fern’s most recent claims.


Strictly has been rocked by a huge crisis this year and Fern’s new allegation that she would ‘cry before rehearsals’ only adds to the pressure.

The BBC recently released its findings following an investigation into Amanda Abbington‘s claims about Italian pro Giovanni Pernice.

Strictly 2024 pairings

Here’s who is matched with who this series…

The investigation upheld six of Amanda’s complaints, with sources saying those six related to verbal bullying and harassment.


He was cleared of a further 10 allegations.

Sherlock star Amanda, 50, quit Strictly Come Dancing last year and later made a formal complaint about Giovanni, along with three of his former dance partners.

He quit Strictly in May and is now working on the Italian version of the show.

Speaking on ITV1’s Lorraine this week, Giovanni said: “The investigation didn’t find me a bully.


“Bully is a big word, there’s a big difference between bullying and caring about what you do.”

Meanwhile, fellow Italian professional Graziano Di Prima was axed this year for kicking celebrity dance partner Zara McDermott in rehearsals.

Fern appeared on Strictly in 2012


Fern appeared on Strictly in 2012Credit: PA:Press Association
Fern and Artem finished the show in 10th place


Fern and Artem finished the show in 10th placeCredit: BBC
Her new claims are the latest to rock Strictly Come Dancing


Her new claims are the latest to rock Strictly Come DancingCredit: BBC

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Loose Women’s Charlene White hits out at Dan Wootton over ‘diversity’ comments



Loose Women’s Charlene White hits out at Dan Wootton over ‘diversity’ comments

Charlene White has hit out at media commentator Dan Wootton after he made comments about “diversity” on a picture of four Black hosts presenting Loose Women.

The 44-year-old veteran broadcaster shared a picture of herself alongside her fellow presenters, which included regular hosts Brenda Edwards, comedian Judi Love, and Kéllé Bryan.

She captioned the image, “See you in ten mins” along with a peace gesture emoji.


However, she was soon subjected to an onslaught of criticism, including by former GMB presenter Wootton who wrote “How Woke ITV does diversity” on Thursday (24 October).

“Bitterness is a very lonely colour Dan,” White hit back shortly after.

“Black women face some of the worst abuse on social media,” she continued.

“That is a fact. So this man – with a following of almost half a million – decides to target four black women for … having successful careers.”


Many rallied to her support as they wrote, “I notice how he never mentions the lack of diversity when it’s an all white panel, as has been the case numerous times.”

Charlene White, Brenda Edwards, Judi Love, and Brenda Edwards, and Kéllé Bryan presented the show on Thursday
Charlene White, Brenda Edwards, Judi Love, and Brenda Edwards, and Kéllé Bryan presented the show on Thursday (ITV/Loose Women/ X/ @CharleneWhite)

Another said, “Well done for calling him out.”

It is not the first time that White and her Black co-hosts have faced social media attacks.

In February last year, she presented the show with the same panel of Black women. She responded to criticism saying “We’re still award-winning so…”

In 2020, ITV presented the show with the same panel which was praised for its diversity at the time.


Many fans pointed out that the moment was particularly poignant as it happened during Black History Month that year.

“So refreshing to turn my telly on and see four beautiful black women running the show,” one viewer tweeted. “Things have a long way to go but this is a great start, never in my life have I seen this happen on a major network.”

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White made history as the first Black newsreader for ITV in 2014.

“Sometimes your face just doesn’t fit in terms of what someone views as being acceptable for journalism,” White told The Independent last year.


“That’s twofold. As a woman and also as a Black woman. Or my accent.” She referenced a “pivotal moment” in her time at the BBC where she was asked to change the way she spoke.

“I fought against that and refused to change. I made a conscious decision not to change the way I spoke. I drop my Ts sometimes, and use colloquial language, but who cares? I may not speak in RP, but people can understand me so why should I change who I am?”

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Big Brother in fix row as third contestant AXED after shock scenes are ‘cut’



Big Brother in fix row as third contestant AXED after shock scenes are ‘cut’

BIG Brother’s Izaaz has become the third person to be evicted from the famous house.

The news came as a huge shock to viewers as they expected Marcello to get the boot – after his controversial time in the house.

Izaaz has been evicted from Big Brother


Izaaz has been evicted from Big Brother
AJ Odudu and Will Best were on hand for the eviction


AJ Odudu and Will Best were on hand for the evictionCredit: Rex
Marcello has caused controversy during his time in the house


Marcello has caused controversy during his time in the house
Izaaz, Khaled, Marcello and Nathan were all up


Izaaz, Khaled, Marcello and Nathan were all up

Izaaz, Khaled, Marcello and Nathan were all up for eviction.


But it has been Marcello who has caused a series of issues throughout his stay – not Izaaz.

And things reached boiling this point week after Marcello was seen grabbing Lily by the neck in shock scenes.

Those watching at home are convinced the wrong person has gone home.

One person raged: “This has gotta be a fix there is no way people voted izzaz over marchello.”


A second said: “Ain’t no way people were voting to evict Izaaz. This is a blatant fix.”

While a third commented: “You left the misogynist in the house. I bet you any money this is a fix.”

Marcello’s shock moment

In scenes that aired on the compound’s live feed on Wednesday night, Lily was seen sticking her fingers up at Marcello as she walked by him.

In response, Marcello grabbed her by the wrist with one hand and put his other briefly around her neck.


Lily quickly pulls her head away from him, and he then throws his arm around her in a half-hug before she shrugs him off and walks away. 

Big Brother in editing row after ‘cutting out shocking moment Marcello grabs Lily around the neck’

Insiders say Marcello was later given a talking to by Big Brother bosses.

A source told us: “The moment was spotted by fans during the live stream but didn’t make the next day’s 60-minute episode.

“However, Marcello was reminded of Big Brother’s expectation for appropriate behaviour and language while in the house.”

Fans were surprised to see Izaaz leave


Fans were surprised to see Izaaz leave
Marcello ended up getting a lot of cheers from the crowd


Marcello ended up getting a lot of cheers from the crowd

Anti-Semitism row

That wasn’t the only drama the house saw this week – an episode was edited following concerns raised about a Ali’s T-shirt containing an alleged “symbol widely associated with anti-Israel sentiment”.


Ali wore a watermelon T-shirt on the ITV2 show that appeared to resemble the colours of the Palestinian flag in red, green, white and black, and what seemed like the shape of the disputed Israel and Palestine territories.

Meanwhile, Marcello has repeatedly come under fire by viewers for his behaviour in the house, with him being accused of ‘misogynistic’ remarks towards female housemates.

During one moment, Marcello was seen telling Sarah she “smelled like period” and asked her if she was menstruating when she was in a bad mood.

He was also asked by Ali to stop making sexually graphic remarks with the members of the house when they didn’t ask for it.


The youth worker had previously falsely claimed he and Ali had kissed – prompting a wave of Ofcom complaints.

Ali's offensive T-shirt was edited out the show


Ali’s offensive T-shirt was edited out the show

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