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TV-Duell gegen Höcke: Die Treffer von Mario Voigt | heute-show #shorts



TV-Duell gegen Höcke: Die Treffer von Mario Voigt | heute-show #shorts

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  1. @Eyyoh755

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Der Voigt ist so harmlos wie diese angepassten Kaschmirpullis von der Jungen Union.😂

  2. @Kokujou5

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Versteht mich nicht falsch die Disses sind schon nen Lacher wert, aber professionell gesehen ist das ziemlich erbärmlich und selbst Höcke sah so aus wie "jo, dann tob dich halt aus"

    wenn ihr nicht bald mal anfangt aufzuzählen WARUM Höcke ein Faschist ist und nicht die harmlosesten Zitate rauszuhauen die er je gesagt hat und diese repräsentativ für sein Nazi-tum anzuhängen, dann knackt die AfD bald die 50

  3. @nielsritter5583

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm


  4. @burgitech8643

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Das ist dümmste Polemik, was die Leute erkennen. Die CDU muss eine Politikrichtung einschlagen, genau wie sie die AfD vorschlägt, und wie sie vor >20 Jahren auch von der CDU selbst vertreten wurde. Dann braucht man die AfD nicht mehr. Das ist, was die Leute wollen und wählen, einen neuen F.J. Strauß oder Erwin Teufel.

  5. @dennisosswald1826

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Richtig hinterlistig und verlogen 😂

  6. @renepfeffer688

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Und sowas wird gewählt

  7. @maxmuller2901

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Das Land braucht keine AFD, um potentielle Arbeitgeber zu vergraulen. Das hat die Politik seit 30 Jahren geschafft. Hohe Energiepreise, hohe Arbeitskosten. Die gehen lieber in Billiglohnländer mit fragwürdigen Rechtssystem

  8. @panicno1ex873

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Voigt wurde von Höcke in dieser Diskussion vernichtet, einfach mal ohne dumme eingespielte Lacher und umgeschnitten ganz schauen.

  9. @WilhelmImperatorRex

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Auch, wenn ich Voigt für recht unfähig halte… das, war der richtige Umgang mit der AfD und ihren Lügnern!

  10. @andynymus8877

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Bernd hatte Freudentränen in den Augen, beim Gedanken an seine Reichskanzlerschaft und sein Schloss.

  11. @MellonVegan

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Also mich stört ja schon immer die behauptung, ein Gericht hätte ihn als Nazi eingestuft. Das ist einfach eine Verdrehung der tatsachen. Und das sage ich jetzt nicht, weil ich den Typ mag oder seiner politischen Ansichten bin, ganz im gegenteil. Aber mir geht es schon ziemlich auf die nerven, wenn wir ständig (auch milde) Falschinformationen verbreiten, nur weil die sich besser anfühlen

  12. @spitalhelles3380

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Mit jedem Schwung der Nazikeule wird der rechte Flügel in der AfD stärker.

  13. @FranzSchulte-t6n

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Was labert der für eine Scheisse

  14. @quarkmuller1337

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Wie geil

  15. @Mjblau66

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Dieses CDU Arschloch

  16. @LiliDeutsch-n1f

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Bitte weinen Sie hier nicht 😂😢😂

  17. @erdbeerschorsch9927

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Super der voigt packt auch nur eine beleidigung nach der anderen aus….

  18. @NicoHerpers

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm


  19. @whttodonow

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Wenn man sich das gesamte Interview anschaut, dann sind die Hauptargumente von Herrn Voigt persönliche Angriffe und ruehrseelig klingende Anekdoten. Höcke hat für mich eindeutig differenzierter und Reifer argumentiert. Schade, dass das im ZDF so einseitig inszeniert wird

  20. @christofkirn8228

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Voigt ihre Heimat das glaube sie doch selber nicht. Sowas wie sie sollte grade stehen und seinen Amt abgeben . Sie taugen mehr als Komiker als Politiker

  21. @xhul8450

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    es istz einfach ihn ein faschist zu nennen muss ich nicht machen 2 sätze weiter nennt er ihn tja den voight kann man nix glauben doktorarbeit was er in kaffe wirft das es in wirklichkeit hackepeter heißt und jetz seine machtergreifung nur noch ne witzfigur

  22. @BeatelementhePiH

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    CDU: Wir haben das Land über Jahre erfolgreich heruntergewirtschaftet… haben Sie gehört? "ERFOLGREICH" 😎

  23. @energieundhobby

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Bernd, geh zurück in den Brotkasten, aber bitte nicht weinen, feuchtes Brot schimmelt.

  24. @ReisenPluto

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Was ist das denn für ein ekelhafter Typ, der mit der Brille? Selten kommt es vor, dass mir ein Mensch auf Anhieb unsympathisch ist. Aber der schafft das. Und diesen Mist, den er von sich gibt, das ist doch unterste Schublade, typisch CDU. Nein, ich bin nicht AfD, ich bin links. Trotzdem verurteile ich das, was in Thüringen abgeht. Und dieser komische Brillenträger will Ministerpräsident werden? Den kann doch keiner ernst nehmen.

  25. @morbionicle

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Voigt ist und war eine totale niete. 😂

  26. @mcbain2k

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Schaut euch mal das komplette Duell an, Höcke ist einfach nur eine Lachnummer🤣

  27. @Kopfkino87

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Tja und bald ist dieser Vogel Voigt weg vom Fenster. Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am Besten 😉

  28. @admin4munich

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Boah er hat ihn intellektuell zerstört 😂❤

  29. @tjtj4369

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Wenn eine linke Partei gegen die konservative Partei schießt 😂

  30. @wrombat

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm


  31. @drei-zwei-eins

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Bahaha, die AFD schnallt es nicht 😊

  32. @ich3013

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Kein Wunder dass diese ungebildete Person bei der Doktorarbeit bescheißen musste von A bis Z diese kleine Betrüger und Mörder und dann einen Wecker auch noch als Reichskanzler zu titulieren also das finde ich jetzt doch ein bisschen mutig wenn wenn ich an unsere Reichskanzler denke fallen wir vor allen Dingen zwei Stück ein und zwar Fürst Bismarck und dann den anderen der übrigens der einzige deutsche Politiker ist der jemals einen Nobelpreis bekommen hat und er hat den Friedensnobelpreis bekommen Gustav Stresemann und mit solchen Herren setz dieser ungebildete CDU leer den Höcker auf eine Stufe das ist aber sehr mutig oder zeigt einfach nur den Bildungsstand eines Betrügers ich hoffe er kriegt den Doktortitel den Professor Titel aberkannt und seine Studenten kriegen ebenfalls ihre Titel entzogen da er nämlich gar nicht befugt ist die zu unterrichten ich hoffe er kann sich diese Schadens Ersatzforderungen dann leisten aber da spiegelt halt die Moral die Ethik und den Anstand der CDU wieder war sie nämlich nicht haben die CDU hat nur eins macht Geilheit😢😢😢😢

  33. @dennisgronwald

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Der Voigt von der CDU ist das peinlichste, was ich in meinem Leben hier bei Youtube jemals gesehen habe….☝🏻 wie erbärmlich er herumkeifert und haltlos beleidigt! Das ist unfassbar, unerträglich peinlich….😂😂😂😂 Der Voigt hat sich in wenigen Minuten politisch selbst isoliert! Der ist nicht tragbar….☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

  34. @dennisgronwald

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Die Mehrzahl aller Kommentatoren hier, ist gehirnverbrannt und schnallt überhaupt nichts mehr….! Ihr Roboter seid gehirngewaschen und feiert alles, was der ZDF von sich gibt! Gott im Himmel, seid ihr alle blind….☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

  35. @matthiasschepers6181

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Der Voigt hat keine Argumente, sondern plappert nur Phrasen nach…

  36. @catsinbed7634

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Also sorry, ich hasse Höcke natürlich genauso aber "bitte weinen sie jetzt nicht" ist ne absolute Kindergartenbeleidigung die der AfD nur wieder Angriffsfläche bietet. Wenn wir immer nach wie vor behaupten wollen, irgendwie besonnener zu sein als AfDler, dann kann man sich so einen Mist eben nicht erlauben.

  37. @Nobbl182

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Dieser Bernd wie er dumm kuckt..

  38. @maerec9303

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Voigt, das ist doch der mit dem gefälschtem Doktor-Titel…

  39. @supergame28

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Warum darf Höcke nicht auchmal reden ?

  40. @Raambo-Ramon-Rainer

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Welche Treffer ?

  41. @BongoBongo-j9n

    October 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Guten Morgen Idioten … 🙂

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Giovanni Pernice reveals exactly what he said the last time he spoke to Amanda Abbington before Strictly bullying probe



Giovanni Pernice reveals exactly what he said the last time he spoke to Amanda Abbington before Strictly bullying probe

GIOVANNI Pernice has revealed the last words that he spoke to Amanda Abbington after their bitter fallout amid a Strictly bullying probe.

Giovanni, 34, also retaliated to a string of claims made in his first interview since the BBC released its findings.

Giovanni Pernice has opened up for the first time on the Strictly bullying investigation


Giovanni Pernice has opened up for the first time on the Strictly bullying investigationCredit: PA
He revealed the final words he spoke to dance partner Amanda Abbington


He revealed the final words he spoke to dance partner Amanda AbbingtonCredit: PA
Amanda accused him of bullying her behind the scenes on Strictly and later spoke out on Newsnight following the BBC's report


Amanda accused him of bullying her behind the scenes on Strictly and later spoke out on Newsnight following the BBC’s report

Sherlock star Amanda, 50, quit Strictly Come Dancing last year and later made a formal complaint about Giovanni along with three of his former dance partners.

The actress left the show during week six after finding two lumps in her breasts, and fearing she had cancer.


She since revealed their rehearsals got so bad she was relieved when the cancer scare meant that she could quit.

Giovanni has now recalled the moment Amanda told him about her health scare during their final rehearsal together.

He insisted he immediately contacted a doctor to arrange a scan, and said that was the last time that they ever spoke.

The ballroom dancer told MailOnline: “Amanda told me that she couldn’t concentrate because while she was having a shower she had found two lumps.


“I said, ‘Please tell me it’s nothing serious,’ and the first thing I did was call my doctor and tried to organise for her to have a scan right away.”

Also in the interview the Sicilian denied making sexual remarks during rehearsals, but conceded that they had “very rude banter”.

He recalled: “Amanda was a laugh, we were making each other laugh. She would say very bad things, like the c-word. She would use it.

“In actual fact, the production staff came to us and said, ‘We have noticed that you call each other that word, is it ok?’

Amanda Abbington reveals she held tearful secret meeting with Giovanni Pernice’s former partners at her home and ‘they all said the same thing’

“And she was like, ‘Oh yeah it’s fine, I call him that! It’s absolutely fine, I started it’, those were her words. And I was like, ‘Yes guys, we are fine, we are joking like this.

“She’s the person who would start the joke. She would tell a dark joke.

“That was the banter we had from the beginning, very rude banter.”

He addressed Amanda’s claim that he had said to her: “You’re a 51-year-old menopausal woman but I’d still f*** you,” which the investigation did not and find evidence of.


Giovanni said he was bewildered by Amanda’s claim, adding: “I had to ask my agent what the menopause means.”

The pro dancer realised Amanda wasn’t enjoying rehearsals after their co-star alerted him to her frustrations after just one week.

He said he was concerned she might misrepresent their time together – and so he began secretly recording their sessions, saying: “I did it to protect myself”.

After a backlash from Amanda, and other former celebrity dance partners, Giovanni was at the centre of a five-month bullying storm and escalating crisis.


The BBC last month cleared him of ten of the 16 allegations made against him by Amanda.

The Beeb also apologised to Amanda as she revealed her experience with him was “morbid and toxic”.

Amanda then conducted a number of interviews on high-profile platforms like Newsnight, Channel 4 News and The Sun.

Recalling her interviews, Giovanni said he was left constantly crying and distraught, and the claims devastated his family.


He said: “I rang my parents up crying. They are the closest people to me. They were asked if their son was a bully.

“Everyone got upset, that made me upset. There were so many tears of frustration and sadness.”

Giovanni is set speak out again on Lorraine Kelly’s daytime chat show on Tuesday morning.

Giovanni starred on Strictly with Amanda in 2023


Giovanni starred on Strictly with Amanda in 2023Credit: PA

Strictly’s full scandal so far

Strictly Come Dancing’s scandal has been growing over the past few months, with several major players speaking out about what went on. Here are the key moments of what’s happened so far

16th May: Giovanni Pernice sensationally quits Strictly Come Dancing after nine years on the show.

17th May: Giovanni becomes the centre of an official investigation after three former partners – believed to be Amanda Abbington, Laura Whitmore and Ranvir Singh – make complaints to the BBC.


16th June: Giovanni releases an official statement vowing to clear his name and denies any wrongdoing.

8th July: Strictly confirms Aljaz Skorjanec will return to the series, replacing Giovanni, after initially quitting the show two years ago.

10th July: Amanda Abbington launches fresh legal proceedings to get the rehearsal footage from her time with Giovanni, after allegedly he refused to release the videos.

13th July: Graziano Di Prima is axed from Strictly for “gross misconduct” after footage of his treatment of Zara McDermott is brought to the attention of the BBC.


Graziano quickly broke his silence, apologising for his behaviour in a statement and saying he “deeply regrets it”, adding his “intense passion and determination to win might have affected his training regime.”

15th July: Strictly bosses implement new duty of care protocols, including having a chaperone present throughout all rehearsals.

16th July: Zara McDermott speaks out publicly for first time. She states while the production team were “amazing to work with”, she found the rehearsal room “completely different”, confirming there’s footage of “certain situations”.

19th July: Anton Du Beke is put under the spotlight for his “1970s attitude” and treatment of female celeb stars, particularly after allegedly referring to 2009 partner Laila Rouass as a “p***” after getting a spray tan.


21st July: Paralympian Will Bayley, who has limb condition arthrogryposis, revealed he was encouraged to leap from a table during a dance routine, despite fears. The stunt caused an injury that forced him to withdraw from the show.

22nd July: MasterChef’s Gregg Wallace admits he broke down in tears and got a nasty stress rash on his face during his time on Strictly in 2014.

22nd July: Despite ongoing issues, the Strictly professional cast begin rehearsals for this year’s series.

23rd July: Celebrity agent Melanie Blake claims she was sexually assaulted by an unnamed pro dancer while backstage on the show, and claims she witnessed ageism, rudeness and a rough treatment to the point of injury.


23rd July: Strictly is forced to beef up security after ‘an intruder scales the wall of the rehearsal studio’.

23rd July: BBC boss Tim Davie breaks his silence on the ongoing allegations against Strictly, saying he is ‘deeply sorry’, adding: “Hundreds of people, be they pros, contestants or crew have been part of it and had a brilliant experience.

“At the same time if someone thinks there was something wrong or they want to talk about their experience then of course we want them to raise that with us. Be in no doubt we will take it seriously, listen and deal with it as appropriate.”

24th July: Strictly 2023 star Krishnan Guru-Murthy holds a bombshell interview with Amanda Abbington on Channel 4 news, where she claims she was bullied, with some of the ‘humilation being of a sexual nature’.


27th July: Laura Whitmore releases a statement regarding her Strictly experience, saying “I thought my experience was specific to me but I’ve since learned I was wrong”.

She adds she is not part of the official complaint, but has come forward to support Amanda with the BBC, alongside others.

28th July: Laila Rouass speaks out against the accusations regarding Anton Du Beke, saying she “never felt pressured” by him and “personally insisted on six to seven hours training a day”.

10th August: Graziano breaks his silence on his Strictly axe, saying “these vile, false allegations have ruined my life.”


He also told of the “shocking” end to his friendship with Zara McDermott.

We also revealed that Amanda Abbington was also quizzed for a second time as Strictly execs recruited 15 new staff to monitor rehearsals.

11th August: Just as the investigation was expected to conclude, Amanda made a dramatic intervention. Giovanni was on the brink of being cleared until Amanda handed in more text messages.

24th August: Graziano Di Prima called in top lawyers to sue the BBC and to try to clear his name. He recruited big hitters Whitestone Chambers to fight his corner.


A source said: “They’ve also looked at his BBC contract and believe there are grounds to sue.”

Meanwhile, the BBC also delayed releasing the findings of the probe into Giovanni Pernice. The Sun revealed that the results of the three-month investigation were unlikely to be announced in August.

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The Office star Jenna Fischer reveals celebrity who had ‘salty’ reaction to her cancer diagnosis



The Office star Jenna Fischer reveals celebrity who had ‘salty’ reaction to her cancer diagnosis

Jenna Fischer has opened up about the moment she shared her breast cancer diagnosis with friends, recalling that Anchorman star Christina Applegate had a “salty” response.

The 50-year-old, who played Pam Beesly on the much-loved NBC sitcom The Office, said publicly earlier this month that she was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.

During an appearance on Today, Fischer said she was diagnosed last October and first spoke to her husband, Lee Kirk, about the news.


One of the first friends she told was Applegate. Fischer explained: “I called her, and she answered the phone, and she said, ‘Which one is it?’ And I said, ‘It’s breast cancer.’ And she said, ‘I effing knew it.’

“She’s salty. Salty language that one. I love her for it.”

Fischer told fans on social media that she is now cancer free after receiving treatment.

Jenna Fischer at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinnerin Washington, DC in 2016
Jenna Fischer at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinnerin Washington, DC in 2016 (AFP via Getty Images)

“I never thought I’d be making an announcement like this but here we are. Last December, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Triple Positive Breast Cancer. After completing surgery, chemotherapy and radiation I am now cancer free,” she wrote in the caption of an Instagram post.

“Back in October 2023, I posted a photo of myself on Instagram preparing for my routine mammogram with a joking reminder to ‘take care of your ticking time bags’ a la Michael Scott,” Fischer shared, referencing Steve Carrell’s Office character.


“After inconclusive results on that mammogram due to dense breast tissue my doctor ordered a breast ultrasound. They found something in my left breast. A biopsy was ordered. Then, on December 1, 2023, I learned I had stage 1 triple positive breast cancer.”

“Triple positive breast cancer is an aggressive form of breast cancer but it is also highly responsive to treatment,” Fischer added.

The Office Ladies podcast host revealed she “had a lumpectomy to remove the tumor” in January of this year and the “cancer was caught early and it hadn’t spread into my lymph nodes or throughout the rest of my body.”

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“I’m happy to say I’m feeling great,” she continued. “I lost my hair during chemotherapy but thanks to some great wigs and hats with hair (which my family affectionately called Wigats) I have been able to wait until now to reveal all that has been going on for me.

“I’m making this announcement for a few reasons,” Fisher explained. “One, I’m ready to ditch the wigs. Two, to implore you to get your annual mammograms. You can also ask your doctor to calculate your Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score and get any additional screenings required. I’m serious, call your doctors right now.

“If I had waited six months longer, things could have been much worse,” she said. “It could have spread. Seeing women post photos of their mammogram appointments on Instagram needled me into setting my own (which I was late for). I’m so glad I did. Consider this your kick in the butt to get it done…. Suddenly everything in your life is geared around one thing: fighting cancer.”

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Paddington Bear given official UK passport by Home Office for new movie



Paddington Bear given official UK passport by Home Office for new movie

PADDINGTON Bear was provided with an official UK passport for filming of a new movie.

Bosses had appealed to the Home Office for permission to create a replica, but were shocked when the government department instead responded with a legal document.

Paddington Bear was provided with an official UK passport for filming of a new movie


Paddington Bear was provided with an official UK passport for filming of a new movieCredit: Studio Canal

Co-producer of Paddington in Peru, Rob Silva, told Radio Times: “We wrote to the Home Office, asking if we could get a replica, and they actually issued Paddington with an official passport – there’s only one of these.

“You wouldn’t think the Home Office would have a sense of humour, but under official observations, they’ve just listed him as Bear.”

The film follows the Marmalade-loving bear, brought to life through animation and voiced by Ben Whishaw, as he travels abroad to visit Aunt Lucy in his homeland.

It follows the box office success of Paddington and Paddington 2.


But campaigners are not convinced the Home Office’s gesture is the best use of hard-pressed resources.

William Yarwood, media campaign manager at the TaxPayers’ Alliance said: “Taxpayers will be bewildered that a fictional bear received a passport.

“While Home Office mandarins might find this amusing, ordinary Brits who are suffering under the department’s inability to control immigration or bring down crime won’t.

“Civil servants need to be snapped back into reality.”

This Paddington inspired perfume is set to be the hottest scent of summer

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Fearne Cotton on sad reason she left BBC Radio 2 breakfast show | Culture



Fearne Cotton reveals real reason she left BBC Radio 2

Fearne Cotton has revealed her devastating reason for leaving live radio broadcasts in an openly honest and frank interview with presenter Davina McCall.

The former Top of the Pops presenter said she was “on her knees” covering for Zoe Ball’s BBC Radio 2 Breakfast Show after two weeks back in 2019.

The 43-year-old explained how her anxiety escalated into panic attacks.

Appearing on Davina McCall’s new podcast, Begin Again with Davina, released this week, Cotton said: “If I was covering for Zoe Ball, knowng I had that I definitely wouldn’t sleep. I’d be up catastrophising all night.


“It got to the point where two weeks in I was on my knees.

“I had to tell the head of Radio 2 I couldn’t do it anymore.”

Cotton currently hosts Sounds of the 90s on BBC Radio 2 every Saturday evening and on BBC Sounds.

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Strictly pro dancer wades into show ‘fix’ row and says most contestants ‘have dance training’



Strictly pro dancer wades into show ‘fix’ row and says most contestants ‘have dance training’

AN ex Strictly pro has waded into a ‘fix’ row on the hit BBC competition.

Viewers have criticised a perceived advantage for celeb contestants with previous dance experience.

Strictly viewers have complained celebs with dance training have an "unfair advantage"


Strictly viewers have complained celebs with dance training have an “unfair advantage”Credit: BBC
Ola Jordan was a Strictly pro for nine years - and gave her thoughts on this year's lineup


Ola Jordan was a Strictly pro for nine years – and gave her thoughts on this year’s lineupCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Viewers called out former Love Island star Tasha Ghouri for having a dance background


Viewers called out former Love Island star Tasha Ghouri for having a dance backgroundCredit: PA

Professional dancer Ola Jordan, 42, starred in Strictly from 2006 to 2015.

Speaking in a new interview with Mecca Bingo., she shared her thoughts on Week 5’s leaderboard and the stars’ dancing abilities.


Arsenal legend turned pundit Paul Merson was in last place, with 19 points – and he was ultimately eliminated.

Ola said: “The leaderboard was right in some respect because you’ve got Paul, Punam, Pete and Sam in the bottom of the leaderboard, they are all non-dancers.

More on Strictly Come Dancing

“The rest above have had some sort of dance-related training, maybe apart from Chris, but he’s very good.

“The bottom four that are on the leaderboard are really pretty much not dancers.”


Those who placed higher include the likes of Shayne Ward, Wynne Evans and JB Gill.

Joint top of the leaderboard were Gladiators’ Montell Douglas and EastEndersJamie Borthwick, with 39 each.

Soap star Jamie, 30, won last year’s Strictly Christmas special alongside Nancy Xu.

Meanwhile, actress Alex Kingston revealed her pal Sarah Hadland is a “trained ballet dancer”.

Strictly choreographer responds to ‘fix’ claims over Tasha Ghouri being on show with professional dance training off the back of it

Fans hit out at ex-Love Island star Tasha Ghouri over her professional dance training background.

The 26-year-old is partnered with pro Aljaž Škorjanec – and the pair have consistently placed high on the leaderboard each week.

Taking to X, one viewer wrote: “Tasha getting all high scores but sure she’s a professional dancer, bit unfair.”

Another added:  “Isn’t Tasha Ghouri a professional dancer? Wasn’t that a thing when she was in Love Island?”


Strictly 2024 pairings

Here’s who is matched with who this series…

While a third remarked: “I love tasha but she isn’t meant to be on the show because she is already a PROFESSIONAL DANCER.”

Others disagreed with the notion and came to Tasha’s defence.

A fan penned: “shes not ballroom or latin trained though, there are multiple ‘trained’ dancers on the show.”


Strictly Come Dancing airs on BBC One and is available on iPlayer.

Actress Sarah Hadland is trained in ballet


Actress Sarah Hadland is trained in balletCredit: Rex
Saturday's show saw footballer turned pundit Paul Merson become the latest elimination


Saturday’s show saw footballer turned pundit Paul Merson become the latest eliminationCredit: PA

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Samantha Irvin announces WWE exit in heartfelt social media post



Samantha Irvin announces WWE exit in heartfelt social media post

Samantha Irvin has announced her time with WWE has come to an end after four years.

The 35-year-old, who first joined the World Wrestling Entertainment company in 2021, shared the news of her surprising departure on Monday (October 21).

In a lengthy and heartfelt statement posted to her X and Instagram accounts, she wrote: “WWE Universe, my time has come to an end as your Monday Night Raw Ring Announcer. I love you all tremendously and this does not mark the end of my art, I have a lifetime more to share.


“Thank you to every WWE fan who accepted me.”

She went on to thank her Women’s Locker Room colleagues, as well as crew and cameramen, WWE superstars past and present, coaches and more for “everything you did to help me along the way.”

“To my fans, my entire career I’ve been waiting for you! We are meant to be and I can prove it. Stay tuned,” she concluded.

Samantha Irvin has announced her surprise WWE departure
Samantha Irvin has announced her surprise WWE departure (Getty Images)

Irvin, real name Samantha Johnson, was first hired by WWE in 2021 as the announcer for its 205 Live show, before she went on to replace Greg Hamilton as the ring announcer for Friday Night Smackdown.

A year later, she was promoted to be the ring announcer for its flagship Monday Night Raw show.


During her time as a WWE presenter, she endeared herself to fans with her enthusiasm and passion for ring announcing. Last April, she introduced 14 Wrestlemania matches and earned the praise of legendary ring announcer Michael Buffer.

“Ring announcer Samantha Irvin ruled @WrestleMania last night and her emotional final announcement was awesome,” he posted on X at the time.

“She was featured on camera-ring center – that was a smart production move and she was just brilliant!” he added. “Her timing, pace, drama, energy was perfect!”

Her exit comes months after her fiancé, professional wrestler Ricochet, left WWE in June and signed with its competitor All Elite Wrestling (AEW). He made his AEW debut in August during the Casino Gauntlet match.


It has not yet been announced who will be Irvin’s replacement.

Irvin, who is also a singer and musician, initially rose to fame as a semi-finalist on the tenth season of America’s Got Talent. She later showed off her flute-playing abilities on a 2020 episode of the Fox game show I Can See Your Voice.

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