ALL WHITE PEOPLE BANNED in a white Country By The Racists of Westminster Council under the Global Majority

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Racism and Corruption in Britain is rife in the Racist communities who came to live in Britain.

Africans and Asians were the biggest Racist Biggots in Britain now it appears that all those who subscribe to the Global majority view are equally Racist as demonstrated by the Racists of Westminster council.

Using Diversity to exclude all white people from council positions in a White Country.

If you are White Dont apply we don’t want you, Only Blacks and Asians and those who identify as the Global Majority will be employed no matter what there qualifications are.

This is out-and-out Racism why isn’t the white Mayor in London speaking out against this Racism why haven’t these councilors been arrested for Racism by the police in London, who it seems are quite happy to arrest anyone who posts on Facebook or other social media channels.

The Crown Prosecution Service should prosecute those responsible for this Racism in Britain Today.

The time is coming when Britain will have to Deport all Global Majorities and their families because of Racists like these, who are doing a good job of destroying the acceptance of what was in Britain a slowly evolving acceptance of people no matter where they came from, But this doesn’t include the destruction of the British Culture or its people which is now happening,

.There will now at some point be a war but it won’t be against Russia, it will be against the left wing and those who support it and Racists like those of Westminster council, THE LEFT WING COMMUNIST LABOUR MPs will be first in line to feel the backlash, for they are the Real threat to Britain everyone who supports the left-wing and does not support the White British population should be held accountable.

All Foreign Criminals and their families must now be Deported, Together with all those who made their lives here but choose to commit Crimes in Britain today and their families must go with them we don’t need to support them anymore they don’t support the British people anymore.

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