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Dear Black Community, a Plant-Based Diet Can Be for Us Too |The Everygirl



Dear Black Community, a Plant-Based Diet Can Be for Us Too |The Everygirl

When I decided to radically change my diet from one that was dominated by meat and animal by-products to one that was largely made up of plants, people thought I was insane. I was 14 years old and living in Mississippi, where the food scene is unapologetically meat-centric, and the closest thing you could get to a vegan meal when you went out was a salad and a side of fries. I was a Black woman entering a space where the majority of people looked nothing like me.

This lifestyle change caused a lot of confusion among my family and friends because, to them, it was seen as a “white thing” to be vegan, and by adopting that way of eating, I was somehow trading a significant part of my culture. They couldn’t understand why I would willingly give up all the good southern cuisine I grew up on and were convinced that I couldn’t possibly get my protein anywhere else besides meat. The confusion, doubt, and beliefs my family and friends had around plant-based eating shined light on a problem that has existed in the Black community for far too long: the belief that plant-based eating is not for us. But it can be.

It’s been 10 years since I made the life-changing decision, and I’ve been happy to see how much plant-based eating has become more normalized; many more plant-based options are available in grocery stores and restaurants. Take it from someone who went vegan during a time and in a place where it was rare, it’s easier to take the plunge now more than ever. And regarding representation, I’m proud to say that things are evolving. I’m now seeing more faces that look like me entering the plant-based space, proving that it’s possible to recreate cultural dishes with plant-based ingredients (*insert Tabitha Brown’s iconic plant-based potato salad recipe*).


“I’m now seeing more faces that look like me entering the plant-based space, proving that it’s possible to recreate cultural dishes with plant-based ingredients.”

However, despite the growing popularity, education, and inclusivity of veganism, there still may be doubts about how a plant-based diet can enrich your life rather than take away from it. As a seasoned veteran of this lifestyle, I can attest that plant-based eating is a win for your health and well-being no matter your cultural background. But before I share the ways that plant-based eating has improved my life, I want to point out that a plant-based diet may not be the answer for everyone; we each have unique bodies that need different things, including various approaches to eating. How one diet affects my body may be different than how it affects yours. Listen to your body, and do what’s best for you. That said, whether you’re interested in taking it slow by incorporating “Meatless Mondays” into your diet or going fully plant-based like me, here’s everything you can look forward to with a plant-based diet.

How Plant-Based Eating Changed My Life

I have more energy

Before going plant-based, I used to always experience intense food comas and midday slumps. Although the large amounts of coffee I used to consume were partly to blame, I now know that the meals I had throughout the day (which usually included some combination of meat, eggs, and dairy) were the main culprit. After going vegan, I noticed a significant improvement in my energy levels. Instead of feeling heavy and sluggish throughout the day, I feel light, satisfied, and energized after meals.

My digestion has improved

I can now confidently say that I’m regular (when it comes to bowel movements). Before going plant-based, I was that girl who experienced frequent constipation, to the point that I thought it was normal to not go for a few days. Since changing my diet to include more fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods like grains and legumes, my digestion works more efficiently. According to a study in Nutrients, switching to a plant-based diet may help increase the diversity of health-promoting bacteria in the gut, supporting not only better digestion but also more effective nutrient absorption. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are higher in fiber compared to meat and animal products, and dietary fiber is best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation.

“Plant-based diets have been shown to lower the risk of health conditions that disproportionately affect the Black community.”

I have clearer skin

When my diet consisted of meat and animal by-products, I could never find a solution to the constant breakouts I had (and nothing I tried topically ever did the trick). But after eliminating meat and animal by-products like cheese and milk from my diet, my skin noticeably cleared up, and I only experience an occasional breakout here and there, but it’s no longer a part of my everyday. This may be because dairy was causing my breakouts (there are only a few studies linking dairy and acne, so more research is needed to confirm this correlation), but it also may be because eating less meat and dairy meant eating more foods rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.


For example, leafy greens are high in antioxidants (which helps reduce skin inflammation), sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamin A (which aids in fewer wrinkles and a glowing complexion), and red bell peppers are packed with vitamin C (which detoxifies and brightens the skin)—all of which are now staples in my diet. I also have to credit my improved digestion (see: gut-skin connection).

It feels like the right choice for my overall health

I subscribe to the school of thought that it’s better to instill good preventive health practices into your everyday life instead of waiting until something is wrong. For me, this means I take my vitamins, engage in an exercise routine, stay on top of my doctor check-ups, and eat plant-based. A study in Advances in Nutrition found that a diet made up of predominantly or exclusively whole plant foods can promote health and even selectively treat and reverse disease. More specifically, plant-based diets have been shown to lower the risk of health conditions and diseases that disproportionately affect the Black community (such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer). While plant-based eating isn’t the only answer to combating health issues (genetics and lifestyle choices also influence health), the diet has proven that it can be an asset to holistic health practices.

I know I’m contributing to a better planet

Health and wellness benefits aside, eating a plant-based diet can contribute to the well-being of something much bigger than you and me: the planet. The meat industry negatively affects the environment in many ways: It makes up 60 percent of greenhouse gasses, uses a huge quantity of water for production (for example, one quarter-pound hamburger patty requires about 460 gallons of water), and perpetuates deforestation. Even though the climate crisis can’t be solved by adopting a plant-based diet alone, combining it with incorporating more sustainable habits in your day-to-day life and advocating for systemic change (i.e., join a local grassroots movement or organization or sign petitions) can make a difference, no matter how small.


Aaliyah Alexander

Aaliyah is a writer, content creator, and blogger based in San Diego, CA. Originally from Mississippi, Aaliyah received a journalism degree from San Diego State University, where she served as an editor for the award-winning independent student newspaper, The Daily Aztec. Aaliyah covers topics such as slow living, her favorite vegan foods, minimalism, and self growth.


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Book Recommendations Based on Your Favorite Classic



Book Recommendations Based on Your Favorite Classic

Whether you love or hate the classics, chances are you’ve read them. And you’ve probably got a favorite of the bunch—all of us bookworms had to have that one book recommendation that got us into reading, after all. Maybe you wished Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March were your own sisters. Perhaps you saw your own angst in Holden Caulfield’s Catcher in the Rye. Or maybe you dreamed of living on Prince Edward Island with Anne Shirley. No matter which resonates with you the most, your favorite classic book has probably stuck with you through the years.

Thankfully, today’s authors are writing books with just as much staying power. There are so many modern classic novels out there that will give you the same can’t-put-it-down feeling as you first felt when you started reading. Here are some book recommendations based on the classics:

book recommendations

Sara Koffi

When her best friend dies mysteriously, Elizabeth cannot stop herself from searching for answers. Hoping to get her life back on track, she hires a personal assistant—but soon, the assistant Elizabeth hired to distract her from her obsession with her friend’s death is the same person working with her to uncover the truth behind it. This is because the assistant, Brianna, wants answers, too. She wants to know why the police killed her young Black son after someone in Elizabeth’s neighborhood called the cops on him while he was riding his bike. The only way to get answers is to entwine herself deep into Elizabeth’s life.


If you liked the exploration of race, justice, and honor in To Kill a Mockingbird, you won’t be able to put While We Were Burning down.

2. If you love The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath…

book recommendations

Alison Espach

Phoebe has dreamed of staying at the Cornwall Inn in Newport, Rhode Island, for years. She pictured shucking oysters and taking sunset sails with her husband. Instead, she has come alone, at rock bottom, and determined to have one last decadent splurge on herself. But Phoebe is far from the only guest at the Cornwall, which is filled with attendees of Lila’s upcoming wedding. Lila has accounted for every detail and every possible disaster the weekend might yield except for, well, Phoebe and Phoebe’s plan—which makes it that much more surprising when the two women can’t stop confiding in each other.

If you appreciated the honest account of Esther Greenwood’s experience with mental illness in The Bell Jar, then you’ll enjoy this equally honest but surprisingly funny tale of Phoebe’s.

3. If you love Little Women by Louisa May Alcott…

book recommendations

Ann Napolitano

William Waters’ world lights up when he meets Julia Padavano. With Julia comes her family, as she and her three sisters are inseparable: Sylvie, the family’s dreamer, is happiest with her nose in a book; Cecelia is a free-spirited artist; and Emeline patiently takes care of them all. But when darkness from William’s past resurfaces, it jeopardizes not only Julia’s carefully orchestrated plans for their future, but also the sisters’ devotion to each other, resulting in a catastrophic family rift. Will the loyalty that once rooted them be strong enough to draw them back together when it matters most?


If you love beautiful and proper Meg, headstrong Jo, gentle Beth, and pampered little Amy in Little Women, then you’ll love the Padavano sisters, too.

4. If you love Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck…

book recommendations

Angie Kim

Mia, irreverent and hyper-analytical, has an explanation for everything—which is why she isn’t initially concerned when her father and younger brother, Eugene, don’t return from a walk in a nearby park. But by the time Mia’s brother runs through the front door bloody and alone, it becomes clear that the father in this tight-knit family is missing, and the only witness is Eugene, who has the rare genetic condition Angelman syndrome and cannot speak. What follows is both a ticking-clock investigation into the whereabouts of a father and an emotionally rich portrait of a family whose most personal secrets just may be at the heart of his disappearance.

If you were interested in Steinbeck’s story of society’s treatment of disabled individuals, then you’ll enjoy the twisting storyline of Happiness Falls.

book recommendations

Carley Fortune

When Lucy’s best friend, Bridget, suddenly flees Toronto a week before her wedding, Lucy drops everything to follow her to Prince Edward Island. But while on the island, she’ll need to not only help Bridget but also stay out of Bridget’s brother’s bed. Bridget doesn’t know that Lucy and Felix hooked up the first time Lucy came to Prince Edward Island and have walked the line between friends and friends with benefits ever since.


If you loved the Prince Edward Island setting and friendship story in Anne of Green Gables, you’ll love This Summer Will Be Different. Plus, you’ll enjoy the quotes from Montgomery’s series that open each section and the trip Lucy and Felix take to Green Gables Heritage Place.

book recommendations

Dolly Alderton

When Andy’s girlfriend, Jen, breaks up with him, he is left without a home, waiting for his stand-up career to take off, and wondering how everyone else around him has already grown up. Set adrift in the sea of heartbreak, Andy clings to the idea of solving the puzzle of his ruined relationship. He believes that if he can find the answer to that, then maybe Jen can find her way back to him. But Andy still has a lot to learn, including his ex-girlfriend’s side of the story.

If you loved Holden Caulfield’s honest narration of his journey of self-discovery amidst a refusal to grow up, you will be obsessed with Good Material.

book recommendations

Kristin Hannah

Seeing her father’s worship of her Navy brother and ancestors, Frankie McGrath decides to join the Army Nurse Corps. But when she arrives in Vietnam, she quickly realizes that she isn’t at all prepared for what she has signed up for. Through the help of two fellow nurses who become her friends and doctors who see her willingness to learn, Frankie improves her nursing skills. She joins a surgical unit and is sent to the Seventy-First Evac in Pleiku, deep in the jungle where there is heavy fighting. When she returns home, she is met with parents who want to know nothing about her time in Vietnam, hostile war protestors who spit on her for her involvement, and fellow veterans who refuse to believe she was ever in Vietnam at all.


If you enjoyed learning about the Vietnam War in The Things They Carried, you’ll appreciate learning more about women’s involvement in the war in The Women.

8. If you love Brave New World by Aldous Huxley…

book recommendations

Rachel Khong

On the precipice of Y2K in New York City, 22-year-old Lily Chen, an unpaid intern at a slick media company, meets Matthew. Heir to a vast pharmaceutical empire, Matthew is the opposite of Lily, the only child of scientists who fled Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Their differences don’t stop them from falling in love. Over 20 years later, their son, Nick, lives on an isolated Washington island with Lily. Certain Lily is hiding something, Nick sets out to find the biological father he has never known—but his journey threatens to raise more questions than it provides answers.

If you were intrigued by Huxley’s technologically advanced future where humans are genetically bred, then you will be interested in Khong’s exploration of genetics and destiny in Real Americans.

9. If you love The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald…

book recommendations

Elizabeth Gilbert

When Vivian Morris gets kicked out of college due to her lackluster freshman-year performance, her affluent parents send her to Manhattan to live with her aunt, who owns a flamboyant, crumbling midtown theater. At the Lily Playhouse, Vivian is introduced to an entire cosmos of unconventional and charismatic characters that enthrall and excite her. However, when she makes a personal mistake that results in professional scandal, her new world is turned upside down.


If you love the glamour, parties, and scandal of The Great Gatsby, then you’ll love City of Girls.

10. If you love Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë…

book recommendations

Rachel Hawkins

Jane is a broke dog walker who steals from her clients. But her luck changes when she meets Eddie Rochester. Eddie was recently widowed when his wife, Bea, and her friend drowned in a boating accident, their bodies lost to the deep. Jane can’t help but see an opportunity in Eddie, whose wealth and influence can give her the kind of protection she’s always yearned for. Yet Jane is increasingly haunted by the legend of Bea, fearing that she’ll never be able to measure up to Eddie’s former love. Can she win Eddie’s heart before her past—or his—catches up to her?

Fans of Jane Eyre will love this retelling that flips the script on the timeless tale of forbidden romance, ill-advised attraction, and a wife who just won’t stay buried.

11. If you love Lord of the Flies by William Golding…

book recommendations

Rory Power

When the Tox came, it started slow. First, the teachers died one by one. Then it began to infect the students, turning their bodies strange and foreign. Now, the remaining survivors don’t dare wander outside their school’s fence, where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. But when one of their own goes missing, Hetty will do anything to find her.


If you enjoyed the survival story of Lord of the Flies, you’ll love this feminist take on Golding’s classic.

12. If you love Emma by Jane Austen…

book recommendations

Margot Wood

Elliot is a bisexual incoming freshman at Emerson College in Boston who says, “If you must label me, my sexuality is horny.” Picking a major is the last thing on her mind because she’s too busy experiencing all that college has to offer—from dancing all night at off-campus parties to testing her RA Rose’s patience to setting up her new friends to having the best sex one can have on a twin-size dorm-room bed. But when things start to get serious—when finals creep up on her, when the sex she’s having isn’t that great, when the friendships she’s built aren’t as solid as she thought—Elliot will have to take the time to figure out who she wants to be.

If you love the matchmaking plotline in Emma, you’ll love this retelling of Austen’s classic.

13. If you love Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy…

book recommendations

Jenny Lee

Anna K is an unhappy teenage girl who is miserable in her own special way. She’s at the top of Manhattan and Greenwich society, though she prefers the company of her horses and dogs. She has a perfect but boring boyfriend. And she has always made her Korean-American father proud, even though he’s controlling. But everything changes when Anna meets notorious playboy Alexia “Count” Vronsky. As Anna is pulled to Alexia, she has to decide how much of her life she is willing to let go for the chance to be with him. And when a shocking revelation threatens to shatter their relationship, she is forced to question if she has ever known herself at all.


Fans of Anna Karenina will enjoy this retelling of the dizzying, glorious, heart-stopping experience of first love and first heartbreak.

14. If you love The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton…

book recommendations

Jennifer Mathieu

Evie Barnes and her friends are bad. They wear bold makeup, laugh too loud, and run around with boys. Most of all, they protect their own against the world. So when Evie is saved from a sinister encounter by a good girl from the “right” side of the tracks, every rule she’s always lived by is called into question.

Fans of The Outsiders will enjoy this gripping gender-flipped reimagining of the classic that explores the deep bonds of female friendship and what it takes to be a “bad girl.”

book recommendations

Oyinkan Braithwaite

Korede’s sister, Ayoola, is many things: the favorite child, the beautiful one, the possible sociopath. Thankfully, for Ayoola, when Korede finds Ayoola’s third boyfriend in a row dead, she knows how to clean up the mess. Clean the blood with bleach, move the body wrapped in a sheet like a mummy, and keep Ayoola from posting to Instagram when she should be mourning her “missing” boyfriend. But when Korede’s crush asks her for Ayoola’s number, she must reckon with what her sister has become and how far she’s willing to go to protect her.


If you enjoyed Dostoevsky’s exploration of morality, you will enjoy Braithwaite’s chilling yet slightly humorous novel.

16. If you love Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare…

book recommendations

Chloe Gong

In 1926, Shanghai is home to two gangs who run the streets red, leaving the city in the grip of chaos. Juliette Cai is the proud heir of the Scarlet Gang, a network of criminals far above the law. Roma Montagov is the heir of the White Flowers, who have fought the Scarlets for generations. Roma is also Juliette’s first love—and first betrayal. As deaths stack up, Juliette and Roma must work together, for if they can’t stop this mayhem, then there will be no city left for either to rule.

Fans of Romeo and Juliet will enjoy this imaginative retelling of a tale of star-crossed lovers.

Stephanie mckinley


Stephanie McKinley, Contributing Entertainment Writer

Stephanie is a freelance writer and product designer living in Charlotte, NC. She has been a Contributing Entertainment Writer for The Everygirl since 2021. Stephanie regularly reads over 100 books per year across young adult contemporary, women’s fiction, romance, thriller, and more.


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Womens World

Do You Really Need to Be Double Cleansing?



Do You Really Need to Be Double Cleansing?

With the ever-evolving skincare trends that are constantly circulating on social media—anyone else still slugging?—it can be hard to know what’s worth your time and what’s a gimmick. When double cleansing started to gain popularity, it sounded repetitive and unnecessary (kind of like the instructions on the back of a shampoo bottle telling you to rinse and repeat). But double cleansing has been around for longer than you might realize—and is a step that can actually make an impact in your skin.

Double cleansing actually began in Japanese and Korean skincare practices, where both oil-based and foaming cleansers were incorporated into skincare routines. (It also gained attention during the ever-popular 10-step Korean skincare routine). I chatted Dr. Sarah Hogan, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Cosmedica Dermatology, to get the low-down on double cleansing, from whether it’s necessary to if it’s really for everyone.

double cleansing


Dr. Sarah Hogan, MD, FAAD

Dr. Sarah Hogan is a board-certified dermatologist, a fellowship-trained laser and cosmetic surgeon, and a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. She has been featured in Medscape, Self, Insider, Reuters, MSN, Newsweek, and The New York Times.


What is the double cleansing method?

As the name suggests, double cleansing refers to cleansing the skin twice: first with an oil-based cleanser, then with a water-based cleanser. The goal is that the cleansers work in tandem to leave you with cleaner skin that’s completely free of dirt, grime, and makeup.

Should you double cleanse every day?

Double cleansing helps to clean the skin deeply and remove all the remnants of the day: sweat, dirt, sunscreen, makeup—you name it. The goal is for the skin to be left squeaky clean both on the surface and within deeper layers, and therefore less prone to breakouts and congestion. That said, you can double cleanse every day, especially on days where you wore makeup or were out and about.

double cleansing
Source: @midnightbee

Who should double cleanse?

Like any skincare step or product, everyone’s skin can react differently to double cleansing. “For people who have certain skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, or sensitive skin, double cleansing can be too drying and even cause skin irritation”, says Hogan. Double cleansing should also only be done at night—not in the morning—to get rid of the makeup and grime that’s left on the skin throughout the day.

If you have oily skin and the idea of using an oil-based cleanser on your skin makes you panic, fear not: according to Hogan, double cleansing step can be helpful for those with oily skin as it removes excess oil and sebum from throughout the day.

Do you need two different cleansers to double cleanse?

Double cleansing works optimally by combining the cleansing benefits of both an oil-based and water-based cleanser, so you do need two different cleansers to double cleanse.


How to double cleanse

Wash your hands

Any time you’re touching your face, you should be starting with clean hands. Before you go in with your oil-based cleanser, thoroughly wash your face to ensure you aren’t spreading bacteria onto your face.

Start with a dry face

Since the first step of double cleansing is using an oil-based cleanser, you should be starting the process with a completely dry face.

Wash with an oil-based cleanser

Work your oil-based cleanser thoroughly into your skin, then rinse with water.

Wash with a water-based cleanser

After rinsing off your oil-based cleanser, begin working your water-based cleanser into the skin. (Before you do this, double check that your water-based cleanser is actually water-based—Hogan pointed out that she’s “had patients who thought they were doing double cleansing correctly, but were not using a water-based cleanser as their second step and developed milia on their face.”)


Once you’ve washed with your water-based cleanser, rinse again.

Pat dry with a clean towel

Once you’ve finished with both cleansers, pat—don’t rub!—your skin dry with a clean towel. (Emphasis on clean—drying with a dirty towel will defeat the purpose of double cleansing by adding bacteria back to your skin).

Jenna piotrowicz


Jenna Piotrowicz, Editorial Assistant

Jenna began working as an Editorial Assistant for The Everygirl in 2024. With her eye for detail, she assists the team with content creation, sourcing products and images, and works behind the scenes to support The Everygirl in uploading and updating content.

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Womens World

12 Edgy-Yet-Elegant Black French Tip Nails to Try



12 Edgy-Yet-Elegant Black French Tip Nails to Try

It’s no secret that French tips are the most classic and versatile manicure. I remember, as a teen, I begged my mom to let me get them for my first acrylic manicure (major grown-up vibes were felt that day). From that very first set, I was hooked. And to this day, I still opt for a French manicure when I want an effortlessly clean and chic set of nails. Recently, I’ve been leaning away from the classic white tips and toward bold colors, like black. Black French tip nails are a modern take on the traditional look but are equally timeless and versatile. And if you want something with slightly more oomph, you can use black French tips as a base for more involved designs—like metallic pearls, stars, or hearts. The possibilities for black French tip nails are endless.

Read on for 12 black French tip nail ideas and instructions for accomplishing this manicure at home.

How to get black French tip nails at home

Classic French tip nails have a nude-colored base with a sleek arched line across the top of the nail that covers just the tips or the lighter part of the nail. There are a few ways to accomplish this look at home. The most low-maintenance option, for our girls who need a quick manicure, is press-on nails. The best part? Press-ons give you a perfect manicure in minutes, and they give the illusion of longer nails without having to wait for them to grow out. Press-on nails also last much longer and look much more natural than they used to, making them a win all around.


Another option for black French tips, for the girls in their DIY era, is a classic polish and paint manicure. First clean and prep your nails to your desired shape (my favorite shape for French tips is rounded). Then start with your base color (usually a nude shade closest to your nail bed, but you can choose any color of your choice) and paint an even layer across the entire nail. Once your base coat is fully dried or cured, take your black polish and carefully paint a thin line across the top of the nail, following the shape of the nail in an arching motion. Pro tip: Use tape or French tip stickers (listed below) as a guide for your top line. These tools help ensure you get a clean arch every time. If you don’t use a guide, simply clean the edges of the arch of any imperfections with a Q-tip or brush dipped in nail polish remover. Apply your top coat, and voilà—you have the perfect black French tips!

Black French tip nail ideas

1. Black Micro French Tips

black french tip nails
Source: @matejanova

Micro French tips are the nail design for all of our clean girl minimalists. This style is simple yet the black polish adds the perfect amount of drama.

2. White & Black French Tip Nails

black french tip nails
Source: @gelsbybry

What’s more classic than a black-and-white color duo? This design takes the classic mani a step further by having each nail feature different French tip placements.

3. Edgy Black Tips With Pearls

black french tip nails
Source: @lolo.nailedit

These edgy black French tip nails, featuring 3D metallic pearls, are begging to be worn to a girls’ night out in a little back dress with matching silver jewelry.

4. Black French Tips With Heart Accents

black french tip nails
Source: @gelsbybry

Feeling a little romantic? Break up your black French tips with a heart design on one nail.

5. Black Tips With Shimmer Base

black french tip nails
Source: @lolo.nailedit

Not all French tips have to have a nude base color. Try a pop of shimmer for a little extra wow factor.

6. Black & White Micro French Tips

black french tip nails
Source: @gel.bymegan

Want the minimalism look of micro French tip nails with a little something extra? Try these two-tone micro tips for a mani that will inspire double-takes everywhere you go.

7. Pyramid Two-Tone Tips

black french tip nails
Source: @gelsbybry

Pyramid French tips create a more sharp-edged triangular look rather than following the arch of the nail. This style screams cool girl, and the added shimmer is the cherry on top!

8. Chrome Black French Tip Nails

black french tip nails
Source: @lolo.nailedit

Do you ever get that one manicure that gives you a boost of confidence and makes you feel like that girl? This manicure is just that. The almond-shaped nails with the perfectly painted black chrome tips are… chef’s kiss. No notes.

9. Negative Space Black Tips

black french tip nails
Source: @gelsbybry

We all have that one friend who just oozes bad bitch energy. She always has the best outfits and even walks with a certain kind of radiant confidence. If you’re that friend (or want to embody that vibe), these black French tips are for you.

10. Non-Traditional Tips With Hearts

black french tip nails
Source: @lolo.nailedit

This mani’s sheer black base and swirling details make it the perfect twist on the classic French tip for someone who makes their monthly nail appointments their entire personality.

11. Stargazer Black French Tips

black french tip nails
Source: @gelsbybry

For our witchy or zodiac girlies, opt for this black and white French manicure that features cascading star details.

12. Funny Bunny With Outlined Tips

black french tip nails
Source: @lolo.nailedit

By now, we’re all familiar with OPI’s classic Funny Bunny shade, but have you ever seen it like this?!? The bright off-white base with the glitter-filled black tips is to die for. If you’re a Funny Bunny stan, revamp your next manicure with this design.

black french tip nails


Isabella Kicklighter, Editorial Assistant

As an Editorial Assistant at The Everygirl, Isabella provides support to the editorial team, contributing to content creation across an array of topics from lifestyle, beauty, and wellness to career and finance. Isabella undertakes various responsibilities such as writing and revising content, sourcing images, and assisting in collecting all necessary materials needed for stories.

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Why You Should Start Drinking More Cacao



Why You Should Start Drinking More Cacao

With iced matcha trending and pumpkin spice lattes making their seasonal debut, cacao is largely overlooked as one of the most powerful superfoods (and drinks). This is largely because chocolate has been industrialized and westernized, turning cacao (the raw, unprocessed form of chocolate) into a sweet, milky dessert that overshadows cacao’s natural benefits. But the benefits are so powerful, we need to be talking about it more. “Cacao is the most nutrient-rich food on the planet,” explained María Cobar, the founder of María Cacao. “Coffee or tea do not provide the same nourishment.” But what exactly is cacao, what are the benefits, and is it really worth replacing your coffee? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Cacao?

Cacao is a fruit from the Theobroma cacao plant, which is native to the Amazon rainforest. This tree produces pods that contain 30-60 cacao beans (or cacao seeds) that undergo processing to become chocolate. It’s mainly produced in tropical regions, with top producers in West Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Caribbean. While its origins as a food can be traced back to ancient Mesoamerica, some theories hold that it came from the northern regions of the Amazon, eventually making its way to Mexico through trade. Its use as a food was first recorded by Mexico’s Olmec civilization between 1200 BCE and 400 BCE. According to Lucrecia Perez Millan, wellness director at Nômade Tulum in Mexico, ancient civilizations honored cacao, consuming it ceremoniously and as a superfood: “Cacao is a fundamental part of Mexican civilization, originally cultivated by the Olmecs, Mayans, and Nahuas.”

Historically, cacao was not only cherished for its energizing properties, but it was also deeply embedded in ritual and daily life, symbolizing both divine connection and economic importance. In the Yucatan Peninsula, cacao is often referred to as the “Food of the Gods” among the Mayan tribes, playing a central role in local tradition. Often referred to as the “drink of love,” cacao is packed with nutrients that are beneficial for the body and overall well-being. While most people associate chocolate with the sweet, creamy confections that emerged in Europe (where cacao was mixed with sugar and milk, and later refined into bars during the Industrial Revolution), cacao in its raw, pure form is a different experience. It has a rich, bitter, and earthy flavor. Available in paste, powder, or bar form, cacao can be added to drinks and foods for added flavor and health benefits.


Benefits of Cacao

It can boost your mood

Cacao contains theobromine, a natural compound that promotes the release of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, creating a mood-elevating effect. While cacao does contain some caffeine (albeit less than a cup of coffee), the high magnesium levels have a calming effect on the body. Unlike coffee or tea, which can lead to jitteriness or energy crashes, cacao offers a gentler, more sustained increase in energy without the unwanted side effects.

It’s incredibly rich in nutrients and antioxidants

Because it’s one of the highest natural sources of magnesium and is full of calcium, zinc, copper, and selenium (all essential nutrients that support many bodily functions), cacao is considered the ultimate superfood. It’s also packed with antioxidants (it contains more antioxidants per gram than blueberries, goji berries, and red wine)—specifically flavonoids and catechins—cacao can help combat oxidative stress (an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body that leads to cell damage). These antioxidants support everything from heart and skin health to the immune system. A study in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity suggests that the antioxidants in cacao can improve blood pressure levels and circulation and lower inflammation.

It can impact emotional well-being and spiritual growth

Beyond its physical benefits that have been backed by Western modern research, cacao has been used for thousands of years in various parts of the world for emotional and spiritual benefits as well. It was most commonly used traditionally as a heart-opener in ceremonies to facilitate a deeper connection with self and others. While there are many possible sources and traditions where this connection between cacao and the heart may come from, cacao is believed to open your heart chakra (or energy center), according to Ayurveda.

And good news for manifestation fans: “Cacao is a great ally for manifestation, the art of setting intentions for your day, and preparing for any challenging experience, such as a difficult conversation, a job interview, or a first date,” Cobar explained. When combined with meditation, preparing cacao in the morning can be an enriching mindfulness practice. This ritual helps with focus and set positive intentions for the day ahead, offering clarity and a deeper sense of connection to yourself.

Source: Cora Pursley | Dupe

What are Cacao Ceremonies?

The use of cacao in “ceremonial” doses (purer and more potent quantities) for spiritual or emotional benefits has gained Western popularity. During a cacao ceremony, cacao is consumed as a drink prepared by the facilitator. The cacao is melted on the stove with water and sometimes mixed with spices or herbal additives that have additional healing properties. Each participant is then served a mug of the prepared ceremonial-grade cacao in a meditative setting, often accompanied by music, chanting, or guided meditation.

“Our cacao ceremony [at Nômade] is a sacred ritual rooted in ancient traditions, where cacao is used as a plant medicine to open the heart and connect deeply with oneself,” Millan said. The ritual is designed to help release emotional blockages, connect with your inner self, and cultivate self-love and compassion. The feeling that follows a cacao ceremony is one of lightness and bliss as if you’ve truly found inner peace. Further benefits of a cacao ceremony include reducing stress, practicing mindfulness, and fostering a sense of community and connection.

This magical drink, cherished by ancient civilizations, might just be the key to rediscovering balance in modern life. And you don’t need a formal, elaborate set-up to experience the benefits of a cacao ceremony; the ritual can also be adapted for a more personal, intimate experience on a smaller scale. “It can be a simple practice you do with yourself every morning,” Cobar said. “It can be as easy as preparing your cup of cacao and setting an intention or making a wish, then continuing with your day.”

What to Look for When Buying Cacao

When buying cacao, be sure not to confuse it with store-bought cocoa powder typically used for making hot cocoa. Cocoa is often processed with a chemical solution to reduce its acidity and bitterness, and it usually contains added sugars with much lower antioxidant levels. Cacao, on the other hand, is minimally processed, preserving its nutrients.

When purchasing cacao—whether in powder or bar form—Millan suggested aiming for one that is at least 60-80 percent cacao, preferably single-origin and without soy lecithin to ensure a purer, more authentic experience. It’s important to consider the source of your cacao for both transparency and flavor reasons. Cacao sold in nurseries or bulk stores may be from producers that use agrochemicals or from cooperatives that don’t adequately support equitable producers. When buying cacao, check the label for its origin and ingredients and look for a local cooperative on the label.


Tips for Making a Cacao Drink

To prepare cacao at home, simply dissolve cacao paste, bar, or powder (which you can grate yourself) in hot water. You can also experiment with spices, including adding herbs like rosemary, cinnamon, or even a touch of chile if you’re feeling adventurous. You can turn it into a latte drink (the most rich, decadent hot chocolate ever) by adding frothed milk of choice, and if you don’t like the bitter taste, try adding raw honey or maple syrup. There are no set rules on how to enjoy your cacao—just do it with intention.

Cacao is traditionally prepared and enjoyed in the morning for a calm start to the day, but it can also provide a nourishing and comforting way to unwind in the afternoon or evening. While it’s generally considered safe to consume cacao every day, it’s known to have health benefits when consumed in moderation. Excess consumption of cacao can have similar effects as high coffee consumption, including feelings of restlessness, anxiety, or gastrointestinal side effects.

Other Ways to Use Cacao

While you can enjoy cacao in the form of candies or spreads, it can also make for a rich, flavorful ingredient in cooking. Millan explained that in Mexico, cacao is used in traditional dishes like mole, tamales, pozol, tejate, and tazcalate. You can also add cacao to bakes, smoothies, breakfast bowls, and desserts. Other ways to incorporate cacao include making a healthy hot chocolate with almond or coconut milk, sweetened to taste, or stirring cacao into your morning oatmeal. Cacao nibs can enhance yogurt, salads, or energy balls for a nutritious snack.

Shop Our Cacao Picks


Angelika Pokovba

Angelika Pokovba is a lifestyle writer who has written for publications such as Travel + Leisure, Architectural Digest, Harper’s Bazaar, Real Simple, and Vogue & GQ Mexico. 


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10 Cozy Fall Destinations That Feel Like a Nora Ephron Movie



10 Cozy Fall Destinations That Feel Like a Nora Ephron Movie

As someone who lives in Texas, where fall feels like a distant, fictional concept rather than an actual season, I’ve always turned to certain movies to get into the autumn spirit. Namely: When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, and You’ve Got Mail. In my opinion, the patron saint of fall films is none other than Nora Ephron. Her rom-coms aren’t just the blueprint for my unrealistic romance expectations, but they perfectly encapsulate the cozy, warm energy I crave every year. While I’m usually content with my annual Nora Ephron triple feature movie marathon to signal the start of autumn, this year, I’m dreaming of taking it a step further—actually living the Nora Ephron fall fantasy with a trip.

In Ephron’s films, the settings are as much a character as the romantic leads. The picturesque backdrops in her movies create the perfect stage for love stories to unfold. She has a unique ability to take big cities and infuse them with the charm and warmth of a small town, and a Nora Ephron-inspired fall trip should replicate that energy. Here are 10 cozy fall destinations that feel like they could be straight out of one of her films.

1. Boston, Massachusetts

fall destinations
Source: Unsplash | James Frewin

Boston has that signature Ephron je ne sais quoi and is also a fabulous destination to experience fall in all its glory. Walk along the Charles River Esplanade for fall foliage views, and explore the historic Beacon Hill neighborhood, which is full of quaint shops and beautiful architecture. The Public Garden is another must-see for stunning fall colors. While New York in the fall might make you want to buy a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils, in Boston, you can channel that back-to-school energy with a tour of the Harvard campus. Once you’ve tired yourself out from sightseeing, end the day with a classic New England lobster roll at The Barking Crab.

Where to stay: Porter Square Hotel (from $146 a night), The Newbury Boston (from $353)


2. New York, New York

fall destinations
Source: Pexels | Seva Kruhlov

Experiencing New York City in the fall is the ultimate way to live out your Nora Ephron-inspired fall dreams. Slip into your chunkiest knit sweater, queue up a ’90s rom-com playlist, and get yourself ready for the quintessential fall day in NYC. Visit iconic locations from her movies, like Katz’s Deli (is there a more iconic scene than “I’ll have what she’s having?”), browse the shelves of Shakespeare and Co., and stroll through Central Park. Of course, lunch at the Central Park Boathouse is highly recommended. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is also worth a visit, and you’ll be especially reminded of Nora Ephron when you get to the Egyptian collection, which you may recognize from When Harry Met Sally. Leave plenty of time for aimless wandering, popping into coffee shops and boutiques, and pretending you’re living in your very own Nora Ephron movie.

Where to stay: The Empire Hotel (from $123 a night), Chambers (from $265)

3. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

fall destinations
Source: Unsplash | Devon Wellesley

Philadelphia is one of those big cities that can easily feel like a small town if you’re in the right areas. For a Nora Ephron-inspired Philly itinerary, start your day with coffee at Elixr or La Colombe’s tasting room (Philadelphia is the birthplace of the La Colombe empire). Sip your drink in Rittenhouse Square, imagining your very own rom-com-level meet-cute. Don’t miss the city’s many historical landmarks, like Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and the Betsy Ross House. Philly cheesesteaks are also non-negotiable, and Jim’s South St. is the best place to grab one for lunch. Once you’re fueled up, finish your day with a walk through Fairmount Park for autumnal views and peaceful trails.

Where to stay: Cambria Hotel Philadelphia Downtown Center City (from $135 a night), Kimpton Hotel Monaco Philadelphia (from $161)

4. Seattle, Washington

fall destinations
Source: Unsplash | Vaclav Andrs

Seattle is an obvious destination for a Nora Ephron-inspired fall, thanks to Sleepless in Seattle. Start at Pike Place Market, where you’ll recognize the scene where Sam introduces Jonah to Victoria. While there, enjoy a meal at Athenian Seafood Restaurant & Bar, a filming location that features a plaque marking where Tom Hanks sat. Afterward, head to nearby landmarks like the Space Needle or Olympic Sculpture Park, then warm up with a coffee from the Starbucks Reserve Roastery. For a quintessential fall experience, bike through Washington Park Arboretum, where the vibrant foliage perfectly captures Ephron’s romantic vision of the city. It’s easy to picture Annie and Sam in their fall coats, wandering through the park arm and arm when they return to Seattle after their fateful meeting at the Empire State Building.

Where to stay: Hotel Ändra Seattle (from $160 a night), Fairmont Olympic Hotel (from $217)

5. San Francisco, California

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Source: Unspash | Mauro Lima

Nora Ephron may not have a film set in San Francisco, but it’s easy to imagine one. I can easily picture two of her characters exchanging witty banter while ambling through Golden Gate Park amidst the changing leaves, visiting the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, or riding a cable car together, all of which should be on your itinerary. To round out your stay in San Fran, head down to the Fisherman’s Wharf to indulge in some clam chowder for lunch. Then shop your way down Lombard Street or explore the vibrant Haight-Ashbury and Mission Districts.

Where to stay: The Marker Union Square (from $96 a night), Hotel Emblem (from $106)


6. Chicago, Illinois

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Source: Unsplash | Antonio Gabola

None of Nora Ephron’s characters spend much time in Chicago, but it’s where we begin both Sleepless in Seattle and When Harry Met Sally—so it certainly deserves a spot on this list of Nora Ephron-inspired fall destinations. For a unique view of the city, hop on a boat for the architecture tour along the river, which highlights some of Chicago’s most iconic buildings. The Art Institute of Chicago is another must-see, offering an incredible collection of artwork to get lost in. And don’t forget to visit the lively Navy Pier, which offers stunning lake views and plenty of things to do. When it comes to dining, Chicago has an endless selection of top-tier restaurants, but no visit is complete without indulging in the city’s most famous delicacy: deep-dish pizza. The local favorite Lou Malnati’s is a great place to grab a slice.

Where to stay: Pendry Chicago (from $156 a night), The Hoxton, Chicago (from $207)

7. Portland, Oregon

fall destinations
Source: Unsplash | Cristofer Maximilian

Portland experiences a stunning fall, with vibrant leaves and mild temperatures, and it’s easy to imagine a Nora Ephron-esque love story unfolding in this unique city. Since Portland is a major coffee destination, start your day at Stumptown Coffee, one of Portland’s most iconic cafes. Nora Ephron’s characters have a soft spot for independent bookstores (it’s literally the plot of You’ve Got Mail), and you just know Kathleen Kelly would be a fan of Powell’s City of Books—the largest independent bookstore in the world. After scooping up some literary treasures, make your way to Northwest Portland, where the tree-lined streets are sprinkled with shops and restaurants. Or head to Forest Park, one of the largest urban forests in the U.S., with trails that offer beautiful fall foliage views. To experience Portland’s signature quirkiness, spend an afternoon wandering around the Alberta Arts District, Mississippi Avenue, or the Hawthorne District.

Where to stay: Hotel Lucia (from $90 a night), Sentinel (from $96)

8. Baltimore, Maryland

fall destinations
Source: Pexels | Pexels User

While the plot of Sleepless in Seattle revolves around willing Annie to go to Seattle to meet Sam, she is in Baltimore for most of the film. The city is stunning in the fall, and you can definitely feel the Meg Ryan energy in the air. Start your day in the historic city center of Mount Vernon, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Baltimore and home to the original Washington Monument. You could easily spend the entire day exploring the museums, shops, and eateries this area has to offer. When you’re ready for a change of scenery, head to the Federal Hill neighborhood, known for its cobblestone streets, centuries-old row houses, and locally-owned shops and restaurants. Or wander around Hampden, where you’ll find tons of bookstores, art shops, and vintage stores. It’s the perfect place to discover some ’90s Ephron-inspired finds.

Where to stay: Hotel Revival (from $102 a night), Canopy by Hilton Baltimore Harbor Point (from $149)

9. Savannah, Georgia

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Source: Unsplash | Jose Llamas

You might not immediately think of the South for a fall getaway, and in Savannah, you certainly won’t need to bundle up like a character in a Nora Ephron movie. However, this enchanting city perfectly embodies the romantic atmosphere and coziness we cherish in her films. Put on your walking shoes and start your day at City Market, a vibrant central hub filled with shops and restaurants, which is a great launching point for your adventures. Nearby, River Street and Broughton Street offer excellent opportunities for shopping and discovering Savannah’s culinary delights. Don’t miss Forsyth Park, where you can admire the golden leaves while enjoying a stunning backdrop for your stroll. Savannah also boasts a wealth of historic homes to tour, such as the Davenport House Museum and the Green-Meldrim House.

Where to stay: River Street Inn (from $107 a night), Perry Lane Hotel ( from $246)


10. Washington, D.C.

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Source: Pexels | Pixabay

With its historic architecture and vibrant fall foliage, D.C. is definitely worthy of Nora Ephron’s feature film treatment. Of course, the city has no shortage of museums to visit, as well as landmarks like the Washington Monument, the National Mall (a great place for views of the leaves), the Capitol building, and The White House. You also can’t miss exploring the idyllic Georgetown neighborhood. Here, you can wander down picturesque European-style streets, pop into a mix of local boutiques and well-known stores, and enjoy a variety of dining options. I can easily envision a Nora Ephron lead living in this delightful area. While in Georgetown, be sure to explore the stunning Georgetown University campus. Just outside of D.C., Old Town Alexandria offers even more fall energy. A quick train ride will take you to this quaint town, where you can soak up the small-town charm and centuries-old architecture.

Where to stay: The Tabard Inn (from $152 a night), The Poppy Georgetown (from $164)


Lauren Blue, Lifestyle Staff Writer

As a Lifestyle Staff Writer for The Everygirl, Lauren ideates and writes content for every facet of our readers’ lives. Her articles span the topics of home decor, delicious recipes, hobbies, travel itineraries—and everything in between. When she isn’t testing the latest TikTok trend, she can be found scouring Instagram for beautiful homes to feature on the site.

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These Are The Best Romance Authors on the Internet



romance authors

As someone who spends way too much time scrolling online, I can confirm what you already know: The internet is a weird place. Amid all the influencer drama, toxic trends, and mindless content, there’s one corner of the web that feels like a breath of fresh air—BookTok. Or, if you’re more of a Reels girlie or YouTube addict, Bookstagram and BookTube. In these online book communities, the most intense drama is a creator not loving a book everyone else is raving about, and the fiercest debate in the comments is over which romance author reigns supreme. These spaces offer a rare opportunity to connect with others through a shared love for reading, minus the usual online noise.

As much as I love these communities, they can also be overwhelming—especially if you’re just dipping your toes in. Creators seem to have an endless Rolodex of authors to recommend, making it hard to figure out what sets each one apart or where to start. If you’re diving into the world of romance novels, you’ll quickly notice that BookTok has crowned a group of authors as romance royalty. Whether you’re craving Wattpad-level cheese or a heart-wrenching love story that will make you swoon and sob, there is an author for you. But knowing each author’s signature style will help make sure you pick the right read. So, we’re breaking down the internet’s favorite romance authors, what you can expect from their books, and their top must-reads below.

Emily Henry

If romance authors are the internet’s royalty, Emily Henry is the reigning queen. Her books are an instant must-read for many, and with good reason. Henry’s romances are full of witty banter, flawed yet relatable main characters, and rom-com-worthy love stories. She often blurs the line between romance and contemporary fiction, with the romance sometimes feeling like a subplot. This allows her to craft characters who face real issues and feel fully developed rather than giving us Hallmark-style characters whose most important traits are their charming jobs and love lives (though let’s be honest, those can be fun, too).


Do Emily Henry’s books have spice?

While Emily Henry’s books are easy to love, if you’re looking for pure romance and spice, you might not find it here. But when you want a romance with depth that will still make you blush and kick your feet while reading, Emily Henry is perfect.

Do you have to read Emily Henry’s books in order?

No, all of her books are standalone, so you can read them in any order.

Emily Henry

If you love an enemies-to-lovers arc, Beach Read is a must for your shelf. January Andrews, a romance writer, no longer believes in love after discovering her father’s affair following his death. In an attempt to get out of her writing rut, she retreats to his beach house—only to run into Augustus Everett, a literary fiction writer, and her former college rival. The two challenge each other to write a book in each other’s genre, and as they delve into the challenge, their relationship begins to shift from dislike to something more.

Emily Henry

This book beautifully captures the essence of female friendship alongside romance. If your best friends are the true loves of your life, this is the Emily Henry book for you. Harriet and Wyn have been inseparable since college, and their friends have always been convinced they were destined to marry. But what their friends don’t know is that they broke up six months ago. When it’s time for their annual vacation with their besties in Maine, Harriet and Wyn decide to fake being together to avoid ruining the trip—especially since this is the last time they’ll all be staying in the cottage before it’s sold. As they navigate the deception, they realize their relationship might not be as doomed as they thought.


Emily Henry

I think this book may have been written solely for the eldest sisters, and it should be required reading if you occupy that role. Nora is a publishing professional who lives her life around book tropes—unfortunately, hers is the classic “uptight workaholic with no time for love.” The only person who can convince her to slow down is her younger sister, Libby, who persuades her to take a break and spend some time in the idyllic small town of Sunshine Falls, North Carolina. But Nora’s relaxation plans are disrupted when she keeps running into her publishing rival, editor Charlie Lastra. As their encounters continue, she begins to realize he might not be the type she’s written him as in her mind, and a surprising friendship (or more) starts to bloom.

Emily Henry

Emily Henry’s latest release is a heartfelt exploration of finding yourself after a relationship disguised as a swoon-worthy romance. Daphne thought she had found Mr. Right, only to be left by him on the night of his bachelor party for his girl best friend—the one he swore she didn’t need to worry about. Suddenly single and kicked out of the home she loves, Daphne has no choice but to move in with the only person she knows who needs a roommate: Miles, the boyfriend of the woman her fiancé left her for. As they both nurse their broken hearts, Daphne and Miles begin to break through each other’s walls, discovering the real people behind the heartbreak.

Ali Hazelwood

Ali Hazelwood is the epitome of “you can be two things at once”—a romance author and a neuroscientist. Truly icon behavior. Her books brilliantly combine her science background with romance, resulting in some of the most engaging STEM-centric rom-coms out there. And don’t worry, if you’re not into math or science, you’ll still devour every page. As someone who has never met a math or science class they like, I can confidently say you don’t need an underlying passion (or even mild interest) in STEM to eat up every page of her books.

Do Ali Hazelwood’s books have spice?

Most of Hazelwood’s books feature steamy scenes, but they aren’t overly explicit. On a scale from Emily Henry to Tessa Bailey, they fall comfortably in the middle. Her stories focus heavily on character development, but they don’t cross into the realm of contemporary fiction—these are true romances. While the majority of her works are part of the STEMinist series, she’s also ventured into fantasy with her recent werewolf-vampire romance, Bride.


Do you have to read Ali Hazelwood’s books in order?

No, each of her books stands alone. Some characters from the STEMinist series may appear in others, but you don’t need to read them in order.

Ali Hazelwood

This is the novel that put Ali Hazelwood on the map and took the internet by storm. Olive Smith, a third-year PhD candidate, isn’t interested in long-term relationships and doesn’t really believe in them anyway. Her best friend, Anh, however, is convinced Olive needs to experience love. In a panic to get Anh off her back, Olive impulsively kisses Adam Carlsen, a tall, handsome, and notoriously tough professor. To Olive’s surprise, Adam agrees to fake date her. As they navigate their scientific world and their fake relationship, it becomes harder to tell what’s real and what’s not.

Ali Hazelwood

If you love one Ali Hazelwood book, you’re bound to enjoy them all, but Love, Theoretically is often considered her best work. The story follows Elsie Hannaway, a theoretical physicist and adjunct professor, who works as a fake girlfriend on the side to make ends meet. Her double life works just fine until she meets Jack Smith, the older brother of one of her clients. Jack, a physicist who ruined the reputation of theorists and destroyed Elsie’s mentor’s career, also happens to be on the hiring committee for her dream job at MIT. As she fights to get her dream job, her growing feelings for Jack complicate everything.

Ali Hazelwood

For readers who prefer a young adult novel without spice, Check & Mate is the perfect pick. Mallory Greenleaf swore off chess after it tore her family apart four years ago. But when she reluctantly agrees to play in a charity tournament, she accidentally defeats world chess champion Nolan Sawyer in a shocking upset. Stunned by the loss, Nolan insists on playing again, but Mallory isn’t so sure. Despite her reluctance, the lure of cash prizes keeps her in the game, drawing her back into the world of chess. As her involvement deepens, keeping her family away from the game becomes increasingly complex, especially when the game and her competition are equally thrilling and infuriating.


Ali Hazelwood

If you’re primarily a fantasy reader looking to foray into romance, Bride is the ideal stepping stone. It’s definitely a fantasy novel, but it still has that signature Ali Hazelwood romance voice, blending the two genres seamlessly. The book follows Misery Lark, daughter of the most powerful Vampyre, who has always struggled to fit in. Sent to live with humans as a child for political reasons, she was never fully accepted by them, and her time away from the Vampyre world has made her an outcast among her own people. To further his political power, Misery’s father arranges her marriage to Lowe Moreland, the alpha of the were pack and the Vampyre’s mortal enemy. Misery agrees to the marriage only to find her missing best friend, whom she suspects Lowe has information on. Alone in the wolf’s den, Misery must gain Lowe’s trust, find her friend, and survive in a world that sees her as an outsider.

Christina Lauren

Christina Lauren isn’t just one author—the name refers to a powerhouse duo of best friends, Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings. Together, they’ve written 30 books across both young adult and adult fiction. Their stories are beloved in the romance community for their emotional depth and rich character development. Some of their novels (looking at you, Love & Other Words) have had me sobbing into the pages, so expect their writing to tug at your heartstrings. However, with such a vast catalog, they have something for every mood. So, if you want something lighter, you can easily find a title that fits your vibe.

Do Christina Lauren’s books have spice?

Christina Lauren’s standalone books are on the tamer side. You’ll devour books like Love & Other Words if you love a book with a few sexy scenes, but nothing majorly explicit. However, if you want to do a deeper dive into the Christina Lauren catalog, their Beautiful series—including titles like Beautiful Bastard and Beautiful Stranger—is known for being more spice than plot.

Do Christina Lauren’s books need to be read in order?

No, some of their books are part of a larger series, but the authors describe them like sitcom episodes—you can jump in at any point and still follow the plot without reading the previous ones.


Christina Lauren

One of their most widely adored novels, Love & Other Words, alternates between two timelines: one follows Macy Sorensen and Elliot Petropoulos as teenagers falling in love, bonding over books and life’s struggles; the other picks up a decade later when they run into each other after years of silence. As the story unfolds, you watch their young romance bloom while eagerly anticipating the mystery of what tore them apart and whether they can find their way back to each other as adults.

Christina Lauren

The Paradise Problem leans into fun, witty banter and a fake marriage trope rather than deep emotion. It’s a slow-burn romance between billionaire Stanford professor Liam “West” Weston and free-spirited artist Anna. They initially get married to access subsidized family housing at UCLA, then part ways amicably. Years later, West realizes a clause in his grandfather’s will means he won’t inherit any of the family fortune unless he stays married for five years. He reconnects with Anna, introducing her to his traditional family to claim the inheritance. However, as their fake relationship unfolds, West begins to question whether the money is worth risking the real feelings that develop.

Christina Lauren

If you’re obsessed with celebrity relationships and live for Hollywood drama, The True Love Experiment is for you. This romance dives into the chaotic world of fame when a romance novelist and a documentary filmmaker team up for the ultimate Hollywood love story. Felicity “Fizzy” Chen may be a bestselling romance author, but she’s never experienced the kind of love she writes about and feels like a fraud. When she crosses paths with filmmaker Connor Prince, who’s stuck producing a reality TV show for his company, he has a lightbulb moment: Why not create a show where Fizzy, the queen of crafting romance, finds love herself? Reluctantly, she agrees, and The True Love Experiment, a Bachelorette-style show, begins. But what if the true love she’s searching for was actually behind the camera all along?

Christina Lauren

In The Unhoneymooners, Olive is happy her sister is getting married, but isn’t thrilled about being stuck all day with her nemesis, Ethan, who happens to be the best man. Just when she thinks she’s survived the day, the entire wedding party is hit with food poisoning—except for Olive and Ethan. With the honeymoon now up for grabs, the two agree to put aside their differences and enjoy a free vacation in Hawaii. But things get complicated when Olive bumps into her boss at the resort, forcing her and Ethan to pretend to be newlyweds. Shockingly, the charade feels more natural than Olive ever expected.


Casey McQuiston

You might recognize Casey McQuiston’s name from their viral sensation Red, White & Royal Blue, which was recently adapted into a movie. Impressively, this was their debut novel, and McQuiston immediately won fans over as one of the most prominent romance authors who focuses on queer storylines. Their books offer the perfect escape from everyday life when you want to dive into a world filled with fun, love, and adventure. Their characters are vibrant and full of personality, and you’ll find yourself falling for them just as much as the love stories they star in.

Do Casey McQuiston’s books have spice?

When Red, White & Royal Blue came out, McQuiston revealed that they had cut several sex scenes from the book. In general, their earlier books are lower on the chili pepper scale. But now, McQuiston isn’t shying away from spice at all. Their most recent book, The Pairing, is super steamy.

Do you need to read Casey McQuiston’s books in order?

Nope! All of McQuiston’s books are standalone reads.

Casey McQuiston

If The Princess Diaries was your childhood favorite and you’re fascinated by British royalty, Red, White & Royal Blue is bound to become a new five-star read. In the U.S., we may not have a royal family, but First Son Alex Claremont-Diaz comes close. As the son of President Ellen Claremont, Alex gets to enjoy the perks of White House life with his sister and the Vice President’s granddaughter. But he can’t avoid forced attendance at socialite events. At one such event, Alex’s feud with Britain’s Prince Henry leads to a public spat that lands them both in the tabloids. To control the damage, especially with his mom’s reelection campaign looming, Alex and Henry are forced to fake a friendship. What begins as a PR move turns into something much more complicated and incredibly romantic.


Casey McQuiston

We’ve all had a crush we always see on the way to work that makes the daily commute a little brighter, and for cynical 23-year-old August, that person is Jane, a mysterious girl she spots on the subway. But as August gets to know her, she realizes Jane isn’t just rocking a retro look—she’s literally from the 1970s. Now, August is determined to help Jane, who’s stuck in time, even if it means revisiting painful past memories.

Casey McQuiston

While McQuiston’s other novels are adult romances, I Kissed Shara Wheeler is their first YA book, serving up all the nostalgic high school feels. Chloe Green is focused on one thing—becoming valedictorian. After moving from California to Alabama, Chloe’s plan has been to avoid drama, ace her classes, and beat her only real rival: prom queen Shara Wheeler. But everything gets thrown off track when Shara kisses Chloe out of nowhere and then disappears. Chloe soon realizes she’s not the only one Shara kissed or left clues for. Now, she teams up with Shara’s quarterback boyfriend and the bad boy next door to solve the mystery. As Chloe gets closer to uncovering the truth, she discovers that there’s more to Shara and the small town she was so eager to leave than she realized.

Casey McQuiston

McQuiston’s latest release, The Pairing, is by far their steamiest. Theo and Kit were childhood best friends who fell in love—until they dramatically broke up mid-flight on the way to their dream European food and wine tour. Four years later, both are doing well. Theo is an aspiring wine sommelier, and Kit stayed in Europe, where he became a sought-after pastry chef. The unused tour voucher from their canceled trip is about to expire, and they both decide to take the tour separately, only to bump into each other on the bus. Trapped together for three weeks of culinary bliss, they swear they’re over each other. So much so that they place a bet on who can sleep with their hot tour guide first. What starts as a game quickly turns into something deeper as they realize what they truly want might have been right in front of them all along.

Elle Kennedy

If your ideal romance novel includes steamy scenes and hot athlete leads, Elle Kennedy should be at the top of your list. As a romance author, Elle Kennedy is the Michaelangelo of hockey romances, crafting steamy campus romances that fly off the shelves. If you’re looking for a deep, soul-searching romance, these books aren’t that. But if you’re in the mood for fluffy, fast-paced page-turners, you’ve come to the right place.


Do Elle Kennedy’s books have spice?

Yes, absolutely. Elle Kennedy’s books are known for being extra-steamy, but that doesn’t mean they’re not swoon-worthy, too. Her most popular college romances, all part of the Off-Campus series, are known for being the spiciest of her novels.

Do you need to read Elle Kennedy’s books in order?

Each of Elle Kennedy’s books can be read as standalones, but many are part of a series, like The Off-Campus series, Briar U, and Campus Diaries. You don’t need to read them in order to enjoy each story, but reading them chronologically will give you a fuller picture of the recurring characters and their world.

Elle Kennedy

The first book in The Off-Campus series, The Deal, is viral for a reason. Hannah Wells is confident in almost every area of her life—except the bedroom. When a guy finally catches her eye, she decides to make him jealous by tutoring Garrett, the arrogant captain of the hockey team. Garrett agrees to the tutoring arrangement to pass his class, but when their academic partnership leads to an unexpected kiss, sparks fly. Now, Garrett is determined to show Hannah he’s the guy she’s really looking for.

Elle Kennedy

Hockey star John Logan is used to getting any girl he wants, except for Grace Ivers. After a hookup gone wrong the year before, Logan is set on showing Grace he’s worth a second chance. But Grace has changed since their last encounter; she’s more confident, self-assured, and not about to fall back into Logan’s arms so easily. If Logan wants another chance, he’s going to have to prove he’s worth it, and Grace is more than ready to make him work for it.


Elle Kennedy

Summer is majorly crushing, but, unfortunately, it’s on her brother’s best friend, Colin “Fitzy” Fitzgerald. Fitzy is a tattooed, video-game-obsessed hockey player—everything Summer isn’t. Though they’re total opposites, their undeniable chemistry keeps pulling them together. Even though Fitzy claims he’s not interested, their fiery attraction is hard to ignore, and things get complicated when Summer moves in as his new roommate.

Elle Kennedy

Gigi Graham is set on her goals: make the women’s national hockey team and win an Olympic gold medal. But to get there, she needs to improve her game, and the best person to help is Luke Ryder, Briar University’s new hockey co-captain. Ryder agrees to help Gigi. After all, he’s vying for a position alongside her father, Garrett Graham, and coaching her means she’ll vouch for him. What neither of them expected, however, is the electric chemistry that builds between them, threatening to derail their focus—and their dreams.

Talia Hibbert

Talia Hibbert is best known for her diverse romance novels that feature characters of all sexualities, races, ethnicities, and body types. Through her characters, she amplifies marginalized voices, such as writing main characters who are living with chronic pain or characters who are neurodivergent. They feel authentic, even when they’re caught in romance novel meet-cutes because they represent real people with real experiences. Hibbert’s most popular series, The Brown Sisters, follows the love lives of three sisters, with each book focusing on a different sister’s romantic journey.

Do Talia Hibbert’s books have spice?

Yes, Talia Hibbert’s romance novels are definitely on the spicier side. Most of her books include one or two descriptive sex scenes without a fade to black. One of the great things about Talia Hibbert novels is that you can expect about the same level of spice from each one—we love consistency!


Do you need to read Talia Hibbert’s books in order?

Yes, for some. While you can enjoy The Brown Sisters series out of order, it’s best to read them in publication order: Get a Life, Chloe Brown, Take a Hint, Dani Brown, and finally Act Your Age, Eve Brown. Her other novels may feature familiar characters or references, but the reading order is flexible.

romance authors

Talia Hibbert

After a near-death experience caused by her chronic illness, Chloe Brown decides she needs to “get a life.” She makes a list of six things to achieve: enjoy a drunken night out, ride a motorcycle, go camping, have meaningless sex, travel with just one bag, and do something bad. But Chloe realizes she might need help crossing off these rebellious goals. Enter Redford “Red” Morgan, a tattooed, motorcycle-riding handyman who she’s secretly been spying on. When Red agrees to help her tackle her list, Chloe discovers that beneath his tough exterior, Red has his own vulnerabilities, and she’s drawn to the softer side he reveals to her.

Talia Hibbert

Danika Brown has had enough relationships and is searching for the perfect friends-with-benefits situation. When a workplace fire drill goes wrong and Zafir, a sexy security guard, saves Dani, the internet goes wild over their “rescue” moment. Zaf proposes they take advantage of their viral fame by faking a relationship to raise money for his children’s sports charity. Dani agrees, planning to seduce Zaf in the process and finally get the no-strings-attached relationship she craves. However, Zaf is a hopeless romantic, and his mission to win Dani over with real love might just work.

Talia Hibbert

Eve Brown is a lovable mess. Despite her best efforts, everything she touches seems to go wrong. After she accidentally ruins a wedding, her parents give her a wake-up call and tell her it’s time to grow up. Eve stumbles upon a job listing for a chef at a quaint bed and breakfast, but the B&B’s uptight owner, Jacob Wayne, is certain she’s not the right fit. After Eve accidentally hits Jacob with her car, breaking his arm, she decides to stick around to help out. Even though Jacob should despise the fact that Eve seems to be everywhere she shouldn’t, her warm personality and the undeniable chemistry between them start to break down his stony exterior.


Talia Hibbert

If you like your romances with a healthy dose of spice and royals, it’s time to head straight to the bookstore for The Princess Trap. Cherry Neita has no interest in romance, but she’s more than open to a one-night stand with the handsome man who walks into her office. What she doesn’t know is that this mystery man is Prince Ruben of Helgmøre, and when the paparazzi catch them kissing, a fake engagement becomes his solution to the scandal. Cherry isn’t thrilled, and neither is Ruben’s father, the King. But as the royal ruse continues, Cherry and Ruben realize that their attraction might be more than just an act.

Tessa Bailey

If you asked the internet to declare one romance author who is an absolute expert at crafting spicy books, I have no doubt the answer would be a resounding Tessa Bailey. Her books are unapologetically fun and steamy, featuring lovable blue-collar heroes who’ll steal your heart in just a few pages. If explicit, cheesy romcoms are your thing, Bailey’s novels are perfect for you. But if you prefer sweet or fade-to-black romances, her books might not be your cup of tea. For those looking for lighthearted reads packed with heat, you’ll love diving into her collection.

Do Tessa Bailey’s books have spice?

Of all the authors highlighted in this guide, Tessa Bailey is definitely the spiciest. Her books are famous for having steamy sex scenes that leave nothing to the imagination—if you love books with five chili peppers on the spice scale, hers are for you.

Do you have to read Tessa Bailey’s books in order?

Tessa Bailey has many interconnected series. Personally, I recommend reading them in order, but you don’t have to.


Tessa Bailey

Piper Bellinger is the stereotype of an influencer. She’s a reckless party girl who isn’t concerned with much outside herself. After one wild night lands her in jail, her stepdad decides to cut her off and send her to a small coastal town in Washington to manage her late father’s dive bar—a social death sentence in Piper’s world. As soon as she arrive in the small coastal town of Westport, she meats the bearded, burly sea captain, Brendan, who thinks she’ll be running out of Westport in no time. Piper is determined to prove him, and her stepfather wrong. She finds herself bumping into Brendan everywhere she goes, and while the two are complete opposites, they have one thing in common—a strong attraction to each other. As she becomes more comfortable Westport, Piper is torn between her growing feelings for the town and Brendan and her glamorous life back in LA.

Tessa Bailey

This sequel follows Piper’s sister, Hannah, who becomes fast friends with Fox Thornton, a notorious player and king crab fisherman. When Hannah returns to town for work, she ends up crashing at Fox’s place and enlisting his help to win over her crush. But as Fox gives Hannah flirting tips, he starts to realize his feelings for her go beyond friendship. And the more time they spend together, the harder it is for Hannah to ignore that she might be falling for the one guy she never expected.

Tessa Bailey

Hallie Welch has been crushing on Julian Vos since she was 14. Now that Julian is back in town and Hallie’s been hired to revamp the vineyard’s gardens, she’s thrilled to be around him again. Unfortunately for her, Julian is a total grump, and their personalities completely clash. Drunkenly at a girl’s wine night Hallie leaves Julian a love letter as a secret admirer. Unbeknownst to Hallie, Julian is enthralled by her personality, and even with a secret admirer letter plaguing him, he can’t get his mind off of her.

Tessa Bailey

Taylor, a second-grade teacher, is excited for a relaxing Cape Cod vacation with her brother. But her plans are derailed when they find a dead body in their rental house. Now their vacay is crashed, no-nonsense bounty hunter hired to track down the killer, who dismisses Taylor’s enthusiasm for crime-solving—despite her extensive knowledge from true crime podcasts. As they begrudgingly team up to crack the case, the tension between them turns into something far more heated than just detective work.


Abby Jimenez

If you’re a fan of Emily Henry, Abby Jimenez’s books are sure to impress. Like Henry, Jimenez creates relatable characters who navigate complex life issues, making her stories feel raw and multifaceted. As you read, you’ll find yourself deeply invested in both the characters’ personal journeys and their romantic developments. While her books tackle serious topics, they also deliver plenty of cuteness, humor, and the joy you seek in a romance. Jimenez masterfully balances the lightheartedness of blossoming love with meaningful connections, and while her novels do include some spice, they are milder than many other romance titles.

Do Abby Jimenez’s books have spice?

Much like Emily Henry’s books, Abby Jimenez’s romance novels are on the milder side in terms of spice. She focuses so much on character growth and plot that there’s hardly any time for a steamy sex scene! If you love sweeter romances with less spice, you’ll love her books.

Do you need to read Abby Jimenez’s books in order?

Abby Jimenez’s books are part of interconnected worlds, and you will get the best experience reading the books in the order they were released, but it isn’t required to understand them.

Abby Jimenez

Alexis Montgomery is a well-organized city girl and ER doctor whose life takes a turn when she meets Daniel Grant, a charming carpenter who’s ten years her junior. As Alexis spends time in Daniel’s small town, she begins to reassess her values. However, turning their relationship into something more serious would require her to leave behind her family and the job she loves. Caught between two worlds, Alexis faces a tough choice: her current life or a future with Daniel.


Abby Jimenez

Briana Ortiz’s life is unraveling. Recently divorced, she’s grappling with her brother’s serious illness and the likelihood that a promotion she desperately wants will go to a new male doctor she can’t stand. Just when she thinks she’s settled on hating him, he sends her a funny, well-written letter that catches her off guard. As they exchange letters and share lunch, Briana finds it increasingly difficult to resist him, especially when he offers her a favor she can’t refuse.

Abby Jimenez

Justin believes he’s cursed—every woman he dates seems to meet “the one” immediately after their breakup. After sharing his misfortune online, he receives a DM from Emma, a woman with the same problem. They concoct a plan to break their respective curses: date each other, break up, and then move on to their soulmates. However, what was supposed to be a simple summer fling becomes complicated as feelings grow. Emma, a traveling nurse, fears commitment, while Justin is about to become the guardian of his three younger siblings. Their summer romance which was supposed to come with an expiration date, suddenly has a lot of feelings and unexpected baggage.

Abby Jimenez

Kristen Petersen is thrilled to be planning her best friend’s wedding, ready to do anything for her. However, it’s complicated by a secret she’s hiding: she needs surgery that will leave her unable to have children. While juggling wedding details, she meets Josh Copeland, the charming and funny best man, who perfectly matches her energy. As their connection deepens, Kristen grapples with her growing feelings for Josh, who dreams of a big family. She knows she shouldn’t get too attached, but resisting him becomes increasingly difficult.


Lauren Blue, Staff Writer

As a Staff Writer for The Everygirl, Lauren ideates and writes content for every facet of our readers’ lives. Her articles span the topics of home decor, delicious recipes, hobbies, travel itineraries—and everything in between. When she isn’t testing the latest TikTok trend, she can be found scouring Instagram for beautiful homes or devouring a new book.


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