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The 6 Top Jewelry Trends of Fall 2024



The 6 Top Jewelry Trends of Fall 2024

A few months ago, I fell prey to the shell jewelry craze. For weeks on end, I centered my entire outfit around one piece of jewelry: a gold starfish necklace. The new regimen felt totally unlike me—someone who’s generally a more simplistic jewelry wearer—but there was something so intoxicating about putting on a sea-inspired piece that made me feel like I’d be spending the day at the beach instead of perched up in my New York City apartment. But as we’ve entered fall, my beloved seasonal necklace has been forced into hibernation, and I’ve had to figure out what can fill the starfish-sized hole.

We can all agree that, no matter the season, accessories hold the power to totally revamp any outfit. The recent larger-than-life jewelry trends we’ve been seeing arise have come as a stark contrast to the quiet-luxury movement we saw last year. And it’s safe to say that after summer’s kitschy, souvenir-like baubles, bold, statement-worthy jewelry is here to stay for fall. Though fall’s jewelry trends remain just as playful, this season’s pieces feel a bit more mature than the gaudier pieces we saw in the warmer months. And the best part? While—in my humble opinion—jewelry is always worth the investment, you probably already have some of these pieces sitting on your vanity.

From resin bangles to slinky pendants, these are fall 2024’s top jewelry trends.


I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word “choker,” I can’t help but think of the black velvet variations we sported in the early 2000s. But rest assured, this season’s choker trend is much more elevated than the ones of our pasts. Designers have debuted chain-link chokers and other more delicate, beaded options to welcome the resurgence.

Not Your Grandma’s Pearls

While yes, we saw a major wave of pearlcore in 2022, pearls are still trending in all their glory. Fall 2024 runways featured accessories that looked like they could have been snatched right out of designer’s mom’s jewelry boxes. If you don’t have vintage pieces to pick through, these options will start your collection of the next generation’s trove of raid-worthy treasures.

Chandelier Earrings

I have to admit that while I love a chunky hoop, there are times when I miss wearing the “dangly” earrings of my youth. If you, too, happen to be in a nostalgic mood, then you’d be pleased to know that chandelier-style earrings are back in rotation for fall 2024. They’re not exactly the rhinestoned, skeleton-like designs we’re used to; instead, this season’s remakes are a bit more sculptural and expressive than years past. Though at first glance they seem less versatile than your average hoop, they look surprisingly chic with outfits as simple as jeans and a tee.

Bold Bangles

Be it in colored resin or sculpted metal, the bangle has cemented itself as the bracelet of the moment, if not the accessory trend of the season. Adding a cuff to your ensemble is a subtle, fuss-free way to enhance your look—no matter what you’re wearing. Though you could easily make a statement with just one bangle, fashion gurus have been embracing the more-is-more attitude and stacking multiple at a time.


Poised Pendants

For most of us, it’s likely been a few years since we’ve sported a longer chain. Sure, there was a time where stomach-length chains were the finishing touch to most of our outfits, but once we fell in love with the concept of necklace stacking, we left good ole’ pendants behind in the process. Fall 2024 runways were flooded with exaggerated chain lengths and subdued, sculptural charms, often paired with simple knits and chiffon blouses. If your style falls on the more maximalist side of the spectrum, fear not: these can still be layered with other statement-making pieces to pack an extra punch.

Statement Studs

After years of seeing ’80s-style silhouettes in fashion (think: shoulder pads, high-waisted jeans, and oversized blazers) we’re only just now seeing the vibrant decade’s jewelry creep onto the scene. For brands like Chanel and Saint Laurent, no fall 2024 runway look was complete without a pair of oversized, button-style studs. Just the other day I stopped into J.Crew to make a return and noticed a pair of coin earrings displayed at the counter. If that doesn’t tell you that the ’80s are back, then I don’t know what will.

tinsley crisp


Tinsley Crisp, Fashion & Beauty Staff Writer

Tinsley Crisp is a Fashion & Beauty Staff Writer at The Everygirl and specializes in reporting on the season’s latest trends and hottest products. As a New York City-based stylist, she’s committed to injecting joy into the art of getting dressed and delivering attainable yet aspirational content to our readers.

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Expert-Backed Self-Care Ideas for the Fall



Expert-Backed Self-Care Ideas for the Fall

There are two types of people this time of year: those who fall in the all-for-autumn camp and embrace everything pumpkin spice, and those who cling to every last bit of summer and are in denial about the inevitable upcoming sweater weather. While I fall into the first category and love all things cozy fall, I’m still dealing with an end-of-summer slump, feeling unsure how I need to transition and adapt my wellness rituals to change with the season and lacking motivation to stay connected to my body. I know the usual wellness rituals I’m supposed to do this time of year: get more sleep, eat lots of seasonal foods like cinnamon and pumpkin, and turn inward. But I wanted new self-care ideas to help me connect to what my body needs RN and get out of my slump. So, I turned to MDs and psychologists for tips on how we should be adjusting our self-care routines that we may not have thought of. Here’s what they said.

1. View solitude as an important regular practice

Our default is to be constantly connected (remember when our biggest fear in middle school was sitting alone in the cafeteria or not having plans on Friday night?). Especially during the summer, maybe you felt like if you weren’t spending weekends with friends at the beach or going to a rooftop bar in the evenings, you were “wasting” the summer. And then there are the phones: friends or coworkers can reach us through a variety of ways (text, email, DM) anytime and all the time. While connection and community are vital parts of well-being, most of us never practice solitude and may even feel uncomfortable with it.

But being in solitude—meaning without connection through technology or social interactions—is an important self-care ritual. “If you’re used to filling your time with social activities and obligations, try canceling or rescheduling some events to clear space for solo time,” recommended Dr. Molly Burrets, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist. Psychiatrist Dr. Brook Choulet, M.D. agreed: “If you’re always needing other people or to be on social media, you’re not engaging in the present. Practice solitude without your devices so you can stay in the present moment. It may even allow you the time and space to navigate difficult emotions that may be suppressed.”


How to practice it: Take a much-needed break from your packed social calendar and settle in for a few hours or a night of just you. Disengage from your phone, pause Netflix, and turn off notifications. Spend this time to reflect on what you need and what emotions come up, with the goal being getting to know yourself better. If you can’t set aside hours, Dr. Choulet recommends just 5-10 minutes in the mornings and evenings to engage in a quiet activity like guided journaling, meditating, or walking outside by yourself.

2. Engage in earthing

Earthing (also known as grounding) is a therapeutic technique that involves physically connecting to the earth (think: walking barefoot in the grass, laying in a pile of leaves, swimming in a natural body of water) for powerful physical and mental benefits. A study in the Journal of Inflammation Research suggests that grounding can lower inflammation, strengthen immune responses, accelerate wound healing, and reduce pain. And according to biopsychologist Dr. Mary Poffenroth, Ph.D., grounding techniques help to greatly lower stress and anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. “This basic behavior can help control emotions and increase mental clarity.” Dr. Choulet added that because grounding helps decrease anxiety, it can also help improve sleep and overall mood, which may be especially essential in the fall.

You may think of summer as the best time to connect with nature, but I’d like to make a case for fall. As we are more likely to stay inside and our mood and motivation suffer with less sunlight and colder weather, we arguably need the benefits of earthing more now. Plus, fall is the perfect time to connect with nature: the changing leaves are beautiful, and the air feels refreshing rather than too hot or too cold.

How to practice it: Whether you walk barefoot in your yard or a nearby park, engage in regular forest bathing by going on hikes, or jump into leaf piles with your kids, there are many options to practice earthing this time of year. But if it gets too cold or engaging in nature is not an option for you, Dr. Poffenroth recommended the combination of breathwork and sensory meditation (like focusing on the texture of a cozy blanket or using grounding mats or socks) as an alternative to reap similar benefits indoors. Dr. Choulet also recommended the 5-4-3-2-1 technique (a meditation where you identify five things you can see, four things you can feel, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste), which also helps you stay present and grounded.

Source: Cora Pursley | Dupe

3. Rewatch your favorite comfort show

I love the TikTok videos of wellness girlies sharing how much they accomplish in their routines: a workout, meditation, red light therapy, face mask, journaling… But it’s also important to remember that pleasure, comfort, and relaxation are important parts of self-care, too. Rewatching your favorite comfort show can actually be a helpful tool in your mental health toolbox.

Gilmore Girls will forever remain in my “Continue Watching” queue on Netflix; it’s what I watch when I want to get my mind off something sad and my go-to when I want to unplug. It turns out there’s a science-backed reason I keep going back to one show instead of watching a new drama or comedy: New shows present unexpected twists and turns, whereas the familiarity of your favorite show gives your brain a rest; there’s no guesswork, cliffhangers, or stressful anticipation when watching an oldie-but-a-goodie. “Watching a good, light-hearted show can trigger positive emotions and serve as a mental break from an exhausting day,” Dr. Choulet recommended. “It can really help promote relaxation and provide a sense of comfort by being predictable.”

How to practice it: Whether escaping to Star Hollows or Central Perk on repeat is your cup of tea (or coffee), watch unapologetically—be it your sixth or 60th time. “Schedule time in your busy day to prioritize this!” Dr. Choulet encouraged (but she also warned to stop watching at least an hour before bed to avoid screentime disrupting sleep). Yes, rewatching New Girl while eating dinner rather than the buzzy new Netflix thriller everyone is talking about or turning on Schitt’s Creek while you’re doing your chores counts as a self-care ritual.

4. Do a gut health reset

When you’re in a summer state of mind and too busy beach-hopping or dining alfresco at all the local hotspots, your usual nutrient-dense meals are likely lacking, and your gut health may be suffering. The gut microbiome is deeply connected to the brain through the gut-brain axis, a two-way street of communication between the brain and gut, linking the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with intestinal functions. What’s more, the gut microbiome creates 95 percent of the body’s serotonin (also known as the “happy hormone”), which regulates anxiety and is essential for mood. TL;DR: When your gut health is poor, your mental health also suffers. Likewise, when our gut microbiome flourishes, we have a better chance at better mental health. “We know that gut health is closely linked to mental health,” Dr. Choulet said. “If your digestive system is healthy, it could lead to less brain fog, better mood, and lower anxiety.”

As we enter colder months and your mood is more likely to suffer (especially if you deal with symptoms of seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder), it’s important to bridge this gap between bad-for-the-gut summer and bad-for-mood winter. Be intentional about prioritizing gut health right now—your mental health will thank you later.


How to practice it: Both Dr. Choulet and Dr. Poffenroth emphasized the importance of incorporating fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut to hit reset and rebalance the gut. Dr. Poffenroth also encouraged practicing mindfulness when eating for gut health: “Think about eating mindfully for a week and noticing how different foods make you feel and how much energy you have.” Also try to consume less processed foods, eat more fiber-rich foods, and stay optimally hydrated to help your gut recover.

“Maybe this season of self-care is not about what you add into your routine but what you take out.”

5. Rethink complicated self-care rituals

Your self-care routine is only as good as how it truly makes you feel. If taking care of yourself looks like expensive, time-consuming, and unrealistic rituals that are difficult to keep up, they can leave you feeling less than, drained, and overwhelmed (AKA anything but recharged). Or if you’re cold plunging, dry brushing, and journaling only because “everyone” on TikTok is, you could be doing more harm than good. Thanks to the self-care era we’re in, there’s a tool, supplement, or alternative therapy for every wellness woe. In other words, there is such thing as too much self-care. “The trend of complicated, multi-step morning and evening routines can ultimately feel more oppressive than rejuvenating,” Dr. Burrets said. “No one needs a 12-step skincare regimen. The time you save by letting that go might be better spent staring at the stars in wonder.” In other words? Maybe this season of self-care is not about what you add into your routine but what you take out.

How to practice it: Take inventory of your self-care regimen. Is it fun and fulfilling? Or does it talk down to you and make you feel small? Do you feel stressed trying to maintain it? What parts can you let go to create more ease in your life? Reconnect to the “why” behind your self-care, remove the “I shoulds,” and make your own definition of self-care. “Take care of yourself by focusing on things that align with your values and goals,” Dr. Choulet said.

Experts Consulted


Dr. Molly Burrets, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and an adjunct professor at University of Southern California in the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy, with 16 years of experience practicing psychotherapy, conducting psychological research, and teaching psychology at the undergraduate and graduate levels.




Also known as The Performance Psychiatrist™, Dr. Brook Choulet, M.D. is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist, founder and CEO of Choulet Performance Psychiatry, and President of the American Board of Sports and Performance Psychiatry. Her expertise has been acknowledged by Phoenix Magazine, where she was selected as a Top Doc in Psychiatry in 2023 and 2024.


Dr. Mary Poffenroth, Ph.D. is a neuro-hacking biopsychologist at San Jose State University and author of Brave New You, ground-breaking guide to understanding anxiety, stress, and other everyday fears that hold us back.

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The Best Greek Islands for Every Type of Traveler • The Blonde Abroad



The Best Greek Islands for Every Type of Traveler • The Blonde Abroad

#RivianPartner It’s Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week, and I’m partnering with @rivianofficial to share a few tips & reminders (Read on because the last one is SUPER important!)
As a travel lover who often hits the road with my toddler, safety is my number 1 priority.

The 2024 R1S earned the coveted TOP SAFETY PICK award from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the only American EV in the Large SUV category to do so.

We chose the R1S as our family car (for many reasons), but we love that it has seating for seven and SO much storage space!


Every Rivian comes standard with Driver+, which assists with steering, braking, speed control, and more!

The 360-degree bird’s-eye view camera always comes in handy in tough parking situations.

And blind spot monitoring gives me peace of mind as a mom on the go!

Most importantly, make sure your child’s car seat is installed correctly:
Shoulder straps should hit right at the shoulders
The chest clip should be snug and level with their armpits
It shouldn’t move more than 1 inch from side to side or front to back.


And, if you’re using the “LATCH” system, be sure to reference the weight limits — it might be time to switch to a seatbelt installation!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is for informational purposes only. Always consult your car seat owner’s manual and seek expert assistance when installing and using car seats and boosters.

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Shop Fall and Winter 2024’s Suede Trend



Shop Fall and Winter 2024's Suede Trend

When you think of fallen leaves and crisp temps, it’s understandable that your mindset would immediately shift to “but, what will I wear when the seasons actually change?” Whether you’re reflecting on settling into a worn-in pair of denim or planning the rescue of your favorite suede bag from storage, there are a few cold-weather staples that tend to make their way back to us each fall. And while suede is a fall mainstay, it also happens to be bigger than ever this fall.

From knee-high boots to bucket bags and fringe jackets, fall 2024 runways offered a robust assortment of suede must-haves. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, many of this season’s top trends, including—ding, ding, ding—this one, can be attributed to ’70s-inspired collections from the likes of Chloé, Ralph Lauren, and even Louis Vuitton.

Although suede is synonymous with a higher price tag, this season, there are a wide range of both high-end and affordably priced pieces that are easier on the wallet, but pack just as much of a seasonal punch. Beyond the usual selection of brown suede ankle boots and shoulder bags, brands are cementing the trend’s return by offering selections in additional colorways like chartreuse and indigo, as well as exciting, updated silhouettes. (Suede fringe jacket, you’re calling my name). Keep scrolling for the best suede pieces you can add to your cart right now.

suede trend for fall
Source: Madeline Galassi


Besides the barn jacket, the most-talked about outerwear of the season is the infamous, ’70s-rooted suede fringe jacket. Though the piece is meant to lean more Western, if you aren’t careful, a fringe moto jacket can make you feel like you just earned a one-way ticket to the rodeo. The key to styling any suede jacket—fringe or no fringe—is to take a pared-back approach. Start with something as simple as jeans and a tee, and add the suede outerwear as a finishing touch. Opt for a pair of ballet flats for a refined, off-duty look.


From suede mini skirts to full-fledged suede trousers, opting for suede bottoms just might be the best thing you do for your closet this season. Just last week I found a pair of suede micro shorts—I know, we’re still doing the whole itsy, bitsy shorts thing— and haven’t been able to stop thinking about how badly I need them to style with my leather knee-high boots and oversized blazer.


At the beginning of the season, I told myself that no, I didn’t need another bag this fall. Well, you can’t fight fate. When I saw Cult Gaia’s green suede Natasha Shoulder Bag, I just knew it was meant to be. (Or perhaps it was Madewell’s new arrivals page that had me originally breaking my self-inflicted contract.) Their Western-inspired suede accessories are some of their best work to date, so much so that many of them are either sold out or already posted with a backorder as late as November. But, as fate would have it, there are dozens of other brands with praise-worthy options to choose from this season.


When I think of fall fashion, I’m quick to drum up an image of a suede knee-high boot. It’s one of the few fall-dubbed essentials that seems to never go out of style; yet, remarkably, I don’t own a pair. Although I have my eye on a pair of Staud’s Wally Ankle Boots, there are a few pairs of suede Mary Janes that may be more worthy of my attention. In a sea of varying footwear trends, suede has no shortage of top contenders to choose from.


If you haven’t previously boarded my “everyone needs a statement belt” train, then by all means, hop aboard. With this season’s array of studded statement-worthy options, it’s be easier than ever to secure your seat on the fall it-girl express. Though we’ve seen our fair share of pricey options in seasons past, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at fall’s more affordable assortment. If you’re feeling a bit non-committal about suede this season, start with a belt.


Shop More of the Best Suede Pieces of Fall

tinsley crisp


Tinsley Crisp, Fashion & Beauty Staff Writer

Tinsley Crisp is a Fashion & Beauty Staff Writer at The Everygirl and specializes in reporting on the season’s latest trends and hottest products. As a New York City-based stylist, she’s committed to injecting joy into the art of getting dressed and delivering attainable yet aspirational content to our readers.

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The Best Thriller Books to Read Right Now



The Best Thriller Books to Read Right Now

There are a few things that are cemented as a part of my identity, some good, some not so much: my codependent relationship with my 4-month-old kitten, how many times I’ve watched Dance Moms all the way through (at least five), and the fact that I’m absolutely obsessed with finding the best thriller books out there.

I was a fan of thrillers and true crime far before they were trendy to love (if I do say so myself). I’ve been concerned about what really happened to JonBenét Ramsey for as long as I can remember, and I was watching scary movies when the appropriate thing would have been to stick to Toy Story. I also have always loved to read, which led to a lifetime of an obvious, beautiful collision of my interests: psychological thriller books.

After finishing 45 thrillers in 2024, if there’s one thing I know, it’s when a thriller book is worth recommending. Ready to find your next favorite book? These are at the top of my list, and I promise every one will have you on the edge of your seat.


best thriller books

Liz Moore

Early morning, August 1975: A camp counselor discovers an empty bunk. Its occupant, Barbara Van Laar, has gone missing. Barbara isn’t just any thirteen-year-old: She’s the daughter of the family that owns the summer camp and employs most of the region’s residents. And this isn’t the first time a Van Laar child has disappeared. Barbara’s older brother similarly vanished fourteen years ago, never to be found. As a panicked search begins, a thrilling drama unfolds. Chasing down the layered secrets of the Van Laar family and the blue-collar community working in its shadow, Moore’s multi-threaded story invites readers into a rich and gripping dynasty of secrets.

best thriller books

Emma Donoghue

To five-year-old Jack, Room is the entire world. It is where he was born and grew up. At night, his Ma shuts him safely in the wardrobe, where he is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits.

Room is home to Jack, but to Ma, it is the prison where Old Nick has held her captive for seven years. Through determination, and fierce motherly love, Ma has created a life for Jack. She devises an escape plan, one that relies on her young son’s bravery and a lot of luck. Room is a celebration of the limitless bond between parent and child, and what it means to journey from one world to another.

best thriller books

Stacy Willingham

Stacy Willingham writes twists into the final pages of her novels like nobody else. One year ago, Isabelle Drake’s life changed forever: her toddler son, Mason, was taken out of his crib in the middle of the night while she and her husband were asleep in the next room. With little evidence and few leads for the police to chase, the case quickly went cold. However, Isabelle cannot rest until Mason is returned to her—literally. The caveat? She hasn’t slept in a year, which makes it even harder to figure out who she can trust… including herself.


best thriller books

Gregg Olsen

After more than a decade, when sisters Nikki, Sami, and Tori Knotek hear the word mom, it triggers memories that have been their secret since childhood. Until now.

For years, behind the closed doors of their farmhouse in Raymond, Washington, their sadistic mother, Shelly, subjected her girls to unimaginable abuse, degradation, torture, and psychic terrors. Through it all, Nikki, Sami, and Tori developed a defiant bond that made them far less vulnerable than Shelly imagined. Even as others were drawn into their mother’s web, the sisters found the strength and courage to escape an escalating nightmare that culminated in multiple murders.

best thriller books

David Ellis

If you love lots of unexpected twists, Look Closer by David Ellis is for you. Simon and Vicky couldn’t seem more normal: a wealthy Chicago couple, he a respected law professor, she an advocate for domestic violence victims. A stable, if unexciting marriage. But one thing’s for sure…absolutely nothing is what it seems. The pair are far from normal, and one of them just may be a killer. When the body of a beautiful socialite is found hanging in a mansion in a nearby suburb, Simon and Vicky’s secrets begin to unravel. And while both Vicky and Simon are liars, just who exactly is conning who?

best thriller books

Rumaan Alam

Amanda and Clay head to a remote corner of Long Island expecting a a quiet reprieve from life in New York City—quality time with their son and daughter in the luxurious home they’ve rented for the week. But with a late-night knock on the door, Ruth and G. H., an older couple who claim to own the home, have arrived there in a panic. These strangers say that a sudden power outage has swept the city, and they have come in search of shelter.


But with the TV and internet down, and no phone service, the facts are unknowable. Is the holiday home, isolated from civilization, a truly safe place for their families? And are they safe from one another?

best thriller books

Robyn Harding

When her restaurant fails, and she falls deeper into debt, Lee Gulliver leaves her old life behind with nothing but her clothes and her Toyota Corolla. Early one morning, she sees a sobbing woman throw herself into the ocean. Lee hauls the woman back to the surface, but instead of appreciation, she is met with fury. The drowning woman, Hazel, tells her that she wanted to die.

Out of options, Hazel retreats, and Lee thinks she’s seen the last of her until her unexpected return the next morning. The women soon strike up a close and unlikely friendship. One day, Hazel wants Lee to help her disappear. Lee soon learns that nothing is as it seems, and that Hazel may not be the friend Lee thought she was.

best thriller books

Jessica Knoll

On a night of promise, excitement, and desire, Pamela Schumacher, president of her sorority, makes the unpopular decision to stay home—a decision that saves her life. Startled awake at 3 a.m. by a strange sound, she finds two of her sisters dead; two others, maimed.


On the other side of the country, a chance encounter brings Ruth Wachowsky into Tina Cannon’s life, and the two form an instant connection. When Ruth goes missing in broad daylight, Tina devotes herself to finding out what happened to her. Determined to make the killer answer for what he did to Ruth, she travels to Florida on a collision course with Pamela.

best thriller books

Lisa Jewell

Celebrating her 45th birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, when Josie shares she has been listening to Alix’s podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for her series. Josie’s life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can’t quite resist the temptation to keep making the podcast. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has wiggled her way into Alix’s life—and into her home.

best thriller books

Abigail Dean

Lex Gracie doesn’t want to think about growing up in her parents’ House of Horrors. And she doesn’t want to think about her identity as Girl A: the girl who escaped, the eldest sister who freed her older brother and four younger siblings. It’s been easy enough to avoid her parents—her father never made it out of the House of Horrors he created, and her mother spent the rest of her life behind bars. But when her mother dies in prison and leaves Lex and her siblings the family home, she can’t run from her past any longer. Together with her sister, Evie, Lex intends to turn the House of Horrors into a force for good. But first she must come to terms with her siblings, and with the childhood they shared.

best thriller books

Jennifer Hillier

Dr. Sheila Tao is a professor of psychology. She knows the three-month fling with her teaching assistant, Ethan Wolfe, has to end. After all, she’s finally engaged to an investment banker who adores her. But when she attempts to end the affair, Ethan Wolfe won’t let her walk away.


Ethan has plans to make her pay for rejecting him. And as she attempts to counter his every threatening move, a crime rocks campus: a female student is found stabbed to death. Someone is raising the stakes of violence, sex, and blackmail…and before she knows it, Sheila is caught in a terrifying game with the lover she couldn’t resist—who is now the monster who won’t let her go.

best thriller books

Stacy Willingham

When Chloe Davis was 12, six teenage girls went missing in her small Louisiana town. By the end of the summer, her own father had confessed to the crimes and was put away for life, leaving Chloe and the rest of her family to grapple with the truth and try to move forward. Now, 20 years later, when a local teenage girl goes missing, and then another, that terrifying summer comes crashing back, with Chloe at the center of the mystery. She can’t tell if she’s paranoid, seeing things, or if she might be about to unmask a killer for the second time in her life. As a psychologist for troubled teens, Chloe must balance her stressful job with a continually unfolding mystery.

best thriller books

Ashley Audrain

Blythe Connor is determined that she will be the warm, comforting mother to her new baby Violet that she herself never had. But in the thick of motherhood’s exhausting early days, Blythe becomes convinced that something is wrong with her daughter—she doesn’t behave like most children do. Blythe’s husband, Fox, is convinced that she’s seeing things, but Blythe continues to feel like something is off. In the midst of the unsettling plotline, this story takes a deep dive into motherhood and what happens when it isn’t what you expect it to be. Fans of Verity and Rosemary’s Baby will love this book.

best thriller books

Ashley Audrain

On Harlow Street, the well-to-do neighborhood couples and their children gather for a barbecue as the summer winds down. Everything is fabulous until the picture-perfect hostess explodes in fury because her son disobeys her. Everyone at the party hears her exquisite veneer crack—loud and clear. Before long, that same young boy falls from his bedside window in the middle of the night. What happens next, as each of these women grapple with what led to that terrible night? Exploring envy, women’s friendships, desire, and the intuitions that we silence, The Whispers is a chilling novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat.


best thriller books

Paul Tremblay

Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, where their closest neighbors are two miles away in either direction. One day, Wen is playing outside when a stranger abruptly appears, and after talking for a while, tells Wen: “Your dads won’t want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world.” Thus begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival. Wen’s family’s fate and the fate of the world become clearly intertwined as the book continues.

best thriller books

Heather Gudenkauf

True crime writer Wylie Lark doesn’t mind being snowed in at the isolated farmhouse where she’s retreated to write her new book. A cozy fire, complete silence. It would be perfect, if not for the fact that decades earlier, at this very house, two people were murdered in cold blood and a girl disappeared without a trace. When Wylie finds a child in the snow outside and takes them in, things get a whole lot weirder. Soon it becomes clear that the farmhouse isn’t as isolated as Wylie thought, and someone is willing to do anything to find them.

best thriller books

Megan Goldin

Ever since her true-crime podcast became an overnight sensation and set an innocent man free, Rachel Krall has become a household name. She’s used to being recognized for her voice, but not her face, which is why it’s immediately concerning to her when she finds a note on her windshield begging for help. The new season of her podcast has led her to a small town that has been torn apart by a rape trial—but the mysterious letters keep coming, even there. The past and present start to collide as Rachel uncovers startling connections between past and present cases, fundamentally changing her life and the course of the trial.

Madeline Galassi


Maddie Galassi, Senior Fashion & Beauty Editor

Madeline Galassi is the Fashion & Beauty Editor at The Everygirl, where she oversees the fashion and beauty categories of the site. She’s always keeping a pulse on the latest trends to create timely, exciting content for our readers. She is also a true crime, horror, and thriller aficionado, and has been writing about her favorite thrillers for two years.


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Womens World

12 DIY Halloween Decorations to Try This Fall



12 DIY Halloween Decorations to Try This Fall

As someone who absolutely loves Halloween and fully embraces spooky season the minute summer ends, I’m always ready to fill my cart as soon as pumpkin and ghost-themed decor hit the shelves. Unfortunately, my budget doesn’t share the same enthusiasm. While I’m obsessed with Halloween decor, I can’t justify spending hundreds of dollars on items that only get used for a month or two. Thankfully, there are tons of DIY ways to recreate the spooky decor on retailer shelves without the hefty price tags. After a crafty girl summer, I’m ready to channel that same energy into my fall decor. And don’t worry—these DIY projects are quick, easy, and inexpensive, with no expert skills or special tools required. If you’re ready to upgrade your spooky setup, keep scrolling for 12 incredible DIY Halloween decorations.

1. Stacked Jack O’ Lanterns

The entire Pottery Barn Halloween collection is on my wishlist every year, and these light-up stacked jack-o’lanterns are at the top. But thanks to their steep price tag of $179, this DIY version is much more my speed. All you need to do is grab some faux pumpkins, trace a jack-o’lantern face on each one, and cut it out with a utility knife. Then spray the inside with gold spray paint, cover the holes with tape, and spray the outside black with a satin finish. Lastly, stack the pumpkins, add flameless candles inside, and you’re done. The finished product looks very close to the original and makes a perfect front porch accessory.

2. Anthropologie-Inspired Spooky Taper Candles

No matter the time of year, it’s hard for me not to spend all my money at Anthropologie, and the temptation only grows when their Halloween decor drops. I especially love their candles, but when they’re this cute, I never want to burn them. This DIY lets you recreate the Anthro spooky taper candle look, but with flameless candles that you can reuse again and again. All you need are flameless taper candles and Halloween-themed temporary tattoos, and your mantel will look fantastic.


DIY halloween decorations

DIY halloween decorations

3. Woven Bats

At first glance, these woven bats might seem difficult to DIY, but following this video makes it incredibly simple. Start with a basic bat decoration from any store; the outside doesn’t matter since you’ll be covering it up. Next, wrap black jute twine around the bat frame and add some twinkling fairy lights. The finished DIY is so cute, and it looks far more expensive than it actually is.

4. Mini Sherpa Ghosts

Pottery Barn’s Gus the Ghost pillow has become a fan favorite among Halloween decor lovers, and with this DIY, you can make your own version at home. It’s the perfect spooky-not-scary DIY Halloween decoration. This video demonstrates how to transform a styrofoam cone, two pumpkins, a sherpa blanket, and two felt cutouts into a ghost using only a hot glue gun.

5. Ghost Pillow

Making your own throw pillow covers might not seem like it would fall under the category of easy DIY Halloween decorations. However, with this tutorial, you don’t need any sewing skills to create your own pillow. Start with a plain beige pillowcase as your canvas, and use white yarn and fabric glue to design a repeating ghost pattern. Add felt eyes to complete your ghosts, and you’ll have a unique Halloween pillow that’s sure to get lots of compliments.

6. Spider Web Mirror


DIY spider web tutorial Last year I shared this DIY, but didn’t share a how-to. Here it is! Items needed: round mirror/ round surface would work best. For reference-my mirror is 37.5″ round. Bundle of black jute twine Battery operated lightsi used 3) Black electrical tape(I use this tape as i have found it’s easy to remove and doesn’t leave residue) Step 1: Measure and cut 4 single strands of twine to cover your mirror end to end, leaving enough twine to tape to mirror edge. Step 2: start making your “pizza”! Make a pizza-like shape, so you’ll end up with 8 slices. Step 3: we are ready to weave our web. Cut about 10, 1 ft long pieces of twine that you’ll use to make your interior circles of the web. You will need more of these at varying lengths since your web will be custom. Cut more as needed. Step 4: make an overhand knot starting in the center(you can go left OR right-l went left here). Tie on the vertical twine and go counterclockwise to the next twine and tie another knot. Repeat until you have a full circle. Continue working outwards to make as many circles as desired. I made 7 on mine, last year i made 5. Step 5: Add fairy lights(I used 3). Weave/twist lights into your web. #diyhalloween #halloweencrafts #halloweendecor #halloweenmirror #halloweendiy #spiderwebs

♬ original sound – Home Decorating|Liz Grella

This DIY Halloween decor idea turns any mirror into a spooky spider web, though a round one works best. Start by cutting out four strands of black twine and attaching them to the mirror so they crisscross in the middle (think how you would cut a pizza). Next, cut another piece of twine and tie it around one of the strands. Then move to the next strand and tie another knot, continuing until you’ve tied a knot around each strand of the web and created a circle. Repeat this process until you’ve created as many circles as you want for your web. Weaving the pattern takes a bit of time, but the final spiderweb mirror is well worth the effort.


DIY halloween decorations

7. Ghost Tea Light Cover

You may not have worked with clay since elementary school art class, but this DIY will have you racing to the nearest craft store to grab some. To start, mold air-dry clay into a ball, roll it out flat, trace a symmetrical circle on the clay, and cut off the excess. Next, cut out small circles for eyes and a mouth. To create the ghost shape, drape your piece of clay over a water bottle, pressing it in to achieve a hanging sheet look, and let it dry. Once dry, place a small tea light underneath for the cutest homemade candle holder.

DIY halloween decorations

DIY halloween decorations

8. Porch Ghost Decoration

Porch decor is arguably the most important part of your Halloween decorations. After all, everyone wants to be the coolest house on the block on trick-or-treat night. This DIY ghost is sure to be a showstopper, and no one will be able to tell you made it yourself. Just grab a tomato cage, a pool noodle, some lights, a sheet, and some sticky felt, and your ghost will come together in no time.

9. DIY Hanging Bats

While having a family of bats take up residence on your porch might be alarming under normal circumstances, for Halloween, it makes a fantastic decor addition. This DIY project uses store-bought plastic bats and some fishing line to create the illusion of bats flying around your home. It doesn’t get any easier than this project, but you’ll have all your neighbors asking how you pulled it off.

10. Light-Up Witch Ghost

You might never have thought to use a mop head as part of your Halloween decor, but this DIY video demonstrates how great it can look. When paired with a clear vase, a witch hat, some black felt, and a battery-operated light, you’ll create an enchanting little witch ghost to display in your home. For extra flair, you can add additional Halloween accents, such as a fake spider on the witch hat.

11. Creepy Cloth Ghosts

With their see-through bodies, these spooky ghosts almost resemble real apparitions. However, there’s nothing supernatural about them—just a clever DIY project. Using some stringy white cloth, a balloon, glue, and felt, you can create a stunning DIY Halloween decoration that looks store-bought, even though it only takes a few minutes to make yourself.

12. Spooky Message Mirror

If you want to transform your mirrors into Halloween decor but don’t love the previous spider idea, this spooky message hack offers plenty of creative freedom. Start by cutting out a stencil of your desired message from paper. Place the stencils flat on the mirror and cover the surface with hairspray. Before the hairspray dries, lightly sprinkle baking soda over the mirror. Once it’s dry, remove the stencils and shake off the excess baking soda. This technique provides a simple yet creepy Halloween decor idea using items you likely already have at home.


DIY halloween decorations

DIY halloween decorations


Lauren Blue, Lifestyle Staff Writer

As a Lifestyle Staff Writer for The Everygirl, Lauren ideates and writes content for every facet of our readers’ lives. Her articles span the topics of home decor, delicious recipes, hobbies, travel itineraries—and everything in between. When she isn’t testing the latest TikTok trend, she can be found scouring Instagram for beautiful homes to feature on the site.

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Womens World

10 Ways to Have a Meg Ryan Fall



10 Ways to Have a Meg Ryan Fall

I was fortunate enough to come of age in the years following Meg Ryan’s most popular films. I dreamily soaked up Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, and You’ve Got Mail and still frequently return to these movies when I need a good comfort watch. What I didn’t fully appreciate when watching as a teenager, however, was just how good the vibes of Meg Ryan movies are, especially heading into fall. So when I came across the concept of a Meg Ryan fall on TikTok (thank you, @momentscookbook, for the inspiration), I knew this was exactly the ambience I wanted to capture this autumn.

If a Nancy Meyers summer is all about white linen, long walks on the beach, and crisp glasses of white wine, then think of a Meg Ryan fall as a cozier, moodier alternative. A lot of the same concepts apply—chic outfits, good food, and designing a home you love are all key to enjoying the full Meg Ryan effect. However, the vibes are cozier, more romantic, and very homey. Think chunky knits, curling up with a good book, and bundling up for long walks on brisk fall days. Essentially, it’s all about taking everyday moments and elevating them in a cozy, romantic way.

If that sounds like your ideal autumn, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 ways to embrace the iconic Meg Ryan fall vibes yourself.

meg ryan fall
Source: Columbia Pictures

1. Lean into knits

One thing I love about the fashion moments in many of Meg Ryan’s movies is how casually she dresses while still looking really pulled together. Specifically, she knows how to rock a great cozy knit. Sweaters are a key part of any fall wardrobe, but the secret to styling them like a main character lies in layering. Toss your favorite cable-knit over a classic button-down, pair a cashmere sweater with a chic blazer, or dress up a plain white tee with an oversized cardigan. Invest in a few cozy yet practical sweaters at the start of the season, and you’ll have tons of outfits you can mix and match throughout the fall.

meg ryan fall
Source: Warner Bros.

2. Find cozy third spaces

Summer typically involves spending plenty of time outside, but a Meg Ryan fall entails doing the opposite. As the temperatures start to drop and rainy days roll in, it’s understandable if you’re feeling the need to stay indoors. The key to not going stir-crazy this fall is to find cozy third spaces (AKA somewhere that isn’t your home or work) that you can escape to. Personally, I think there’s nothing more romantic than spending a rainy day strolling through a museum, but you could also sign up for cooking classes, head to the library, or hole up in a homey coffee shop for the afternoon.

meg ryan fall
Source: Warner Bros.

3. Set a cozy mood at home

The trick to making your home feel like a movie is to fill it with things you love—and nix the clutter that’s stressing you out. Sure, romantic comedy heroines tend to have homes that look lived-in, but you won’t find the type of messes that make you feel overwhelmed. If your space is feeling a little too cluttered these days, an end-of-summer refresh can really help you get the most out of a Meg Ryan fall. Cut the clutter, do a deep clean, and then you can focus on the fun part: setting the mood. Turn off the overhead lights, light your favorite fall candle or a fire, and wrap yourself up in a cozy blanket while you read a good book or watch your favorite rom-com.

meg ryan fall
Source: TriStar Pictures

4. Create a nostalgic playlist

The ’90s were truly the golden age of rom-coms, and this fall, I plan to channel a bit of that magic myself by listening to nostalgic rom-com music as my fall soundtrack. Go through your preferred music streaming platform and create a custom playlist of your movie favorites, or pull up one of the many “Meg Ryan fall” playlists curated by other users. If you’re DIYing your own, artists like The Cranberries, Norah Jones, Frank Sinatra, and Harry Connick, Jr. are must-plays to help you channel rom-com energy IRL.

5. Simplify your morning routine

I love optimizing my mornings, but I think we can all admit that morning routines are starting to get a bit out of hand. This autumn, I say we cut ourselves some slack and stop waking up in the dark just to squeeze in a workout, meditation, journaling session, and extensive skincare routine, all before eating breakfast. Instead, start prioritizing fun over productivity in your morning routine. After all, the getting-ready scenes are a huge part of the charm of any rom-com, whether Meg Ryan starred in it or not. So blast that Meg Ryan fall playlist, reach for that lip color you normally save for special occasions, spend a few extra minutes playing around with different accessories, or carve out time to read while sipping on your favorite fall beverage of choice.

meg ryan fall
Source: Columbia Pictures

6. Let your hair down

I love a chic slicked-back bun on lazy hair days, but that’s not exactly Meg Ryan’s thing. Especially in When Harry Met Sally, she lets her curls run wild, and I’m here for it this fall. There’s something about free-flowing, slightly messy hair that is so romantic. As someone with naturally wavy and frizzy hair, I love the idea of letting my natural texture shine this fall. To tame the frizz without crushing my natural curls, I like to run a heated brush through my hair quickly to add a bit of shine without making my hair too straight.

meg ryan fall
Source: Columbia Pictures

7. Savor some fall comfort food

It’s natural to spend more time at home during the chillier seasons, so why not treat yourself to a delicious fall meal that will also make your home smell amazing? Lean into the cozy vibes by whipping up a new recipe using in-season produce or baking something comforting and indulgent. And for the record, fall recipes don’t have to be loaded with pumpkin or cinnamon if that isn’t your vibe. If your idea of comfort food looks more like the infamous pastrami sandwich from When Harry Met Sally, more power to you.

meg ryan fall
Source: Warner Bros.

8. Take a long bath

There’s a scene in City of Angels that centers on Meg’s character taking a nice soak in the tub, and I still think about her bath setup to this day. She has the lights dimmed, a dozen candles burning, and a cold beer in hand. While I personally would trade the beer for a hot cup of tea this fall, this scene reminds me that when I have time to hop in the tub, I should really make it count. If, like many of the characters Meg plays, you find yourself balancing a complicated and sometimes hectic life, a long soak might be just what you need to relax and reset.

9. Go for flats

Because many of Meg Ryan’s best films take place in New York, we often see her hitting the pavement in some chic yet sensible flats. As much as we all love the look of a good high heel, you have to admit that 99 percent of the time, flats are the more realistic choice. A Chelsea boot is a classic fall pick, and Mary Jane flats are having a major moment right now, but for the start of the season, I prefer a luxe loafer. Whatever fall shoes you prefer, find a pair you know you can walk miles in, and your feet will thank you by season’s end.

meg ryan fall
Source: Warner Bros.

10. Start a book club

You already know that Meg’s character Kathleen Kelly in You’ve Got Mail would appreciate a good book club. She did run a bookstore, after all, and loves a good discourse. Make the most of all that work you did getting your home nice and inviting and host some friends for a fall book club. Pick a great book (a new fall release is always a good idea), have your guests bring their favorite fall snack or drink, and get ready to gab about the parts of the book you couldn’t peel yourself away from. Especially if you struggle to meet your reading goals, starting a book club can be a great motivator.

Jacqueline demarco


Jacqueline DeMarco, Contributing Writer

Jacqueline DeMarco is a freelance writer based in Southern California who graduated from the University of California Irvine with a degree in Literary Journalism. She has written on a wide range of topics including finance, travel, and wellness for publications such as Coveteur, Girlboss, and Apartment Therapy. When not whipping up articles, she works with consumer brands like Gorjana, Voluspa, Underclub, The Well, and St. John to help tell their brand stories.

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