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Breakthrough as common drug ‘shrinks fatal and aggressive brain tumours’ – raising hopes of a cure



Breakthrough as common drug ‘shrinks fatal and aggressive brain tumours’ - raising hopes of a cure

A CHEAP drug that’s already on the market could be effective against deadly brain tumours, scientists say.

Glioblastomas are aggressive and fast-growing brain tumours affecting around 3,200 Brits a year that currently have no cure.

A commonly described antidepressant is effective at bypassing the blood-brain barrier to reach tumours


A commonly described antidepressant is effective at bypassing the blood-brain barrier to reach tumoursCredit: Alamy
The Wanted’s Tom Parker passed away from glioblastoma multiforme in March 2022


The Wanted’s Tom Parker passed away from glioblastoma multiforme in March 2022Credit: AP

Patients’ life expectancy can be extended through operations, radiation or chemotherapy, but people only tend to live 12 to 18 months after being diagnosed with the cancer.

Only a fourth of glioblastoma patients survive more than a year after their diagnosis, The Brain Tumour Charity says.

The Wanted’s Tom Parker passed away from the cancer in March 2022, two years after announcing his diagnosis.

Finding drugs that can combat brain tumours effectively is difficult, as many cancer drugs often can’t cross the blood-brain barrier.


Read more on brain tumours

This is tightly-locked layer of cells that line blood vessels in the brain, which filters out germs and harmful substances that could cause damage to the organ.

As a result, many drugs aren’t able to bypass this protective layer to reach the brain and eliminate tumours.

However, antidepressants can sneak through the barrier to get to the brain.

Researchers at ETH Zurich zeroed in an inexpensive antidepressant that’s already on the market, called vortioxetine.


In the UK, it’s known by the name Brintellix or Lundbeck, as it recommended for adults in a major depressive episode that hasn’t been eased by two other antidepressants.

Scientists used a special screening platform developed at the university that tests how active substances effects living cells from human cancer tissue, with the help of imaging techniques and computer analysis.

Their study – published in Nature Medicine – focused on neuroactive substances that cross the blood-brain barrier, such as antidepressants, Parkinson’s medication and antipsychotics.

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In total, the research team tested up to 130 different drugs on tumour tissue from 40 cancer patients who had recently undergone surgery at the University Hospital Zurich.


Some, but not all, of the antidepressants tested were unexpectedly effective against the tumour cells – and vortioxetine proved to be the most effective.

Researchers at the University Hospital Zurich also tested vortioxetine on mice with a glioblastoma.

The drug also showed “good efficacy” these trials, especially in combination with the current standard treatments for glioblastoma – which include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation.

Professor Berend Snijder, who led the study, said: “We started with this terrible tumour and found existing drugs that fight against it.


“We show how and why they work, and soon we’ll be able to test them on patients.” 

Co-author Michael Weller, a professor and director of the Department of Neurologyat the University Hospital Zurich, said: “The advantage of vortioxetine is that it is safe and very cost-effective.

“As the drug has already been approved, it doesn’t have to undergo a complex approval procedure and could soon supplement the standard therapy for this deadly brain tumour.”

What is a glioblastoma?


Glioblastomas are a fast-growing type of cancerous brain tumour.

Symptoms depend on where the tumour is located, but they can include:

  • Headaches
  • Personality changes
  • Memory problems
  • Trouble speaking or understanding
  • Tiredness
  • Depression
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Seizures
  • Problems with eyesight

Scientists don’t fully understand what causes glioblastomas, therefore there is no clear way to prevent the disease.

The main treatments include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The average survival time following a glioblastoma diagnosis is 12 to 18 months.


Only 25 per cent of patients live beyond one year, and just five per cent survive more than five years.

Source: Cancer Research UK and the Brain Tumour Charity

He hopes that oncologists will be able to use it soon to treat cancer.

But he stressed that cancer patients and their relatives shouldn’t obtain vortioxetine themselves and take it without the supervision of their doctor – so far, its effect on cancer has only been tested on cells and mice.


“We don’t yet know whether the drug works in humans and what dose is required to combat the tumour, which is why clinical trials are necessary,” Prof Weller said.

“Self-medicating would be an incalculable risk.”

The research team is is now preparing two new clinical trials.

In one, glioblastoma patients will be treated with vortioxetine alongside standard treatments.


In the second, patients will receive a personalised drug selection, which the researchers will determine using the pharmacoscopy platform.

Should vortioxetine prove effective in humans, this will be the first time in recent decades that an active substance has been found to improve the treatment of glioblastoma, researchers said.

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Womens Workouts

40 MIN YOU VS YOU HIIT WORKOUT – Full Body, No Equipment, No Repeat – (HIIT IT HARDER DAY 22)



40 MIN YOU VS YOU HIIT WORKOUT - Full Body, No Equipment, No Repeat - (HIIT IT HARDER DAY 22)

DAY 22 HIIT IT HARDER CHALLENGE – 40 Minute Workout to get the heart pumping, burn some calories and sweat it out 💦 YOU vs YOU because you are your biggest motivation AND your biggest competition! Grab your mat, a bottle of water and let’s do it team!

▸ Muscles Worked: Arms, Abs, Legs, Chest, Back and Shoulders
▸ Time: 40 Min
▸ Equipment: No Equipment

▸ Instructions: Follow along and complete as many reps as possible in 50 Seconds. After 10 Seconds of Rest continue to the next move.

▸ The Workout:
1. Warm Up 0:00 – 05:15
2. Workout 05:15 – 35:15
3. Cool Down 35:15


Please remember that we are all different and that you can make this your own workout ♡ Take a longer break when you need to.

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If you are a newbie start with a simple and easy exercise before attempting all advanced exercises. Performing exercises out of your capability might strain your muscles and you may get injured.

This channel offers health, fitness and nutritional information. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Growingannanas will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.


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Womens Workouts

Fitness Easy Exercise |weight loss exercises for women#



Fitness Easy Exercise |weight loss exercises for women#


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Health & fitness

Why your pee should NOT be clear – as doctor warns ‘dangerous’ colour indicates risk of seizures and even death



Why your pee should NOT be clear - as doctor warns ‘dangerous’ colour indicates risk of seizures and even death

THE colour of your pee is a good gauge of how well hydrated you are.

A pale straw hue probably means you’re having enough water, while a darker amber colour indicates you might need to get drinking.

Dr Sermed Mezher said we shouldn't be aiming for totally clear pee


Dr Sermed Mezher said we shouldn’t be aiming for totally clear peeCredit: Instgaram/@drsermedmezher
Drinking too much water can put you at risk of water intoxication


Drinking too much water can put you at risk of water intoxicationCredit: Instgaram/@drsermedmezher
What different shades of pee might mean and when to see a doctor


What different shades of pee might mean and when to see a doctor

But a crystal-clear stream is not what you should be aiming for, a GP has warned.

According to Dr Sermed Mezher, a London-based locum GP and author: “If your pee stream could be sold in Swarovski, then you’re doing it wrong.”

Yes, your urine should ideally be pale-coloured most of the time, he explained in a recent video posted to his Instagram page.


But drinking so much water that your pee is transparent instead of yellow-tinged can be “dangerous” according to the GP, and could put you at risk of a condition called water intoxication.

This is when you have more water in your body that you need, causing a chemical imbalance that may in some cases be fatal.

“Drinking too much water in a short period can lead to a condition called water intoxication, or hyponatremia,” Dr Mezher wrote in the accompanying post.

“This occurs when the excess water dilutes the sodium levels in your blood, disrupting the balance of electrolytes that your body needs for proper function.


“When sodium levels drop too low, cells start to swell,” the GP said.

This can be problem for essential organs like your brain, he noted.

I pee through my belly button – here’s how

Your brain is in “an enclosed cavity with limited space”, Dr Mezher explained, so “the only way it can go is down” when it starts to swell inside the confines of your skull.

When you get too much water in your brain cells, it increases pressure on your brain and affects how it works.


This can lead to symptoms like headaches, nausea, confusion and seizures, he warned.

In severe cases, water intoxication may even put people in a coma or result in death, the GP added.

What does the colour of your pee mean?

Urine colour normally ranges between light yellow and dark amber.


A change in your pee colour is usually due to something completely normal, but just occasionally it may be a sign that you should seek medical advice.

The darker the colour of the urine, the more concentrated it is.

Because people tend to sleep for several hours without having a drink, their pee is normally darker first thing in the morning.

Darker urine during the day or evening may be one of the signs that
someone is dehydrated, meaning they are not drinking enough fluids.


Eating certain foods can affect the colour of pee, though this doesn’t
happen in everyone.

Taking certain medications can also affect the colour of urine. Certain vitamin supplements may also change the urine to a particularly bright colour.

These changes are harmless and are due to colours in the food, supplements or medication.

How much the colour of your urine changes will depend on how much food you eat or supplements or medication you take, how hydrated you are and on your own body chemistry.


Seek medical help if your pee is red, brown or very dark coloured.

Source: NHS

So, what colour pee should you be aiming for?

He went on: “It’s important to note that your urine shouldn’t be completely clear all the time.


“While staying hydrated is crucial, some yellow tint in your urine is normal and indicates healthy hydration.

“Urine that is pale yellow reflects a proper balance of water and waste, while clear urine may suggest overhydration.

“On the other hand, dark yellow or amber urine could signal dehydration.

“Maintaining a balance is key – hydrating adequately without overconsumption ensures that your body can regulate fluids effectively.”


How much water should I drink daily?

This begs the question of how much water you should be drinking throughout the day.

According to Dr Mezher, “two litres is good for most”.

The NHS Eatwell Guide recommends that people should aim to drink six to eight cups or glasses of fluid a day.

Water, lower-fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee, all count towards that.


But you may need to drink more if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, in a hot place, are doing lots of physical activity or you’re ill or recovering.

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Womens Workouts

30 Min CALORIE KILLER Intense HIIT Workout – Full Body with Dumbbells



30 Min CALORIE KILLER Intense HIIT Workout - Full Body with Dumbbells

Join our weekly newsletter and get access to our FREE workout guides!

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* * * * *
This 30 minute Calorie Killer workout will get your heart pumping, burn a lot of calories and leave you dripping sweat. If you follow our workouts then you know there’s nothing like a TIFF x DAN HIIT workout! Grab your mat, a bottle of water and let’s do this!

Remember that we all are on different levels in our fitness journey. Go at your own pace, take as many breaks as needed, but stay with me and let’s complete this workout together!



👉🏼 Duration: 30 Minutes
👉🏼 Equipment: One set of dumbbells (I’m using 30lb dumbbells) and a mat.
🦍 We use and highly recommend the Yo Gorilla Mats Premium Large Exercise Mat, size: 7′ x 4′ x 8mm. This mat is the first mat we’ve used that doesn’t slide around and we are OBSESSED with the comfort! Check it out at
► Use code TiffxDan20 to get 10% off your order!
👉🏼 Timing: 40 Seconds Work, 20 Seconds Rest
👉🏼 Level: Medium to Advanced

More HIIT Dumbbell Workouts:

💪🏽 30 Min Upper Body Workout with Dumbbells + HIIT:
💪🏽 40 Min Full Body HII Workout with Dumbbells:
💪🏽 45 Min Full Body Workout with Dumbbells | Tone & Sculpt:
💪🏽 45 Min Ultimate Full Body Dumbbell Workout (INTENSE HIIT):
💪🏽 45 Min Advanced HIIT Workout with Weights:


The exercises for this intense HIIT workout are listed below:

Round 1: Repeat 2x
0:20 – High Squat
1:20 – Romanian Deadlift
2:20 – Bent Over Rows

Round 2: Repeat 2x
6:20 – Staggered Squat Right Foot Forward
7:20 – Rear Lunge Right Foot Forward
8:20 – Thruster Right Side

Round 3: Repeat 2x
12:20 – Staggered Squat Left Foot Forward
13:20 – Rear Lunge Left Foot Forward
14:20 – Thruster Left Side


Round 4: Repeat 2x
18:20 – Half Burpee + Curls
19:20 – Side to Side Switch Lunge
20:20 – Suitcase Squats

Round 5: Repeat 2x
24:20 – Snatch Right Side
25:20 – Snatch Left Side
26:20 – Burpee Push Up to Curl + Press

Get your abs shredded and ready for the summer! Check out our 6 Pack Starter Series Playlist – a 6 week ab program that is sure to add definition and strength to your core. Playlist at 👉🏼

Download the 6 Pack Abs Starter Series Kit Schedule and The Basics Nutrition Guide at


Looking for a complete full body workout program? Look no further than our FREE 6 Week Shred! This at home workout program uses a combination of bodyweight and dumbbells and includes a total of 30 videos (5 every week) ranging between 30-60 minutes each for your to follow along with. View the Community Tab on our channel for the workout calendars.

Add the 6 Week Shred playlist to your favorites so you can come back every day.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our ABS VIDEO PLAYLIST for some of our favorite abs workouts.

👍🏽 LIKE if you want more at HIIT workouts!
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THANK YOU for watching and please remember to subscribe! We feel so grateful to have such an amazing YouTube community.


DISCLAIMER: TIFF x DAN strongly recommend that you consult your physician before starting any exercise or workout program. You should be in good physical + mental condition + able to participate in the exercises. You should be aware + understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this workout, exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, + agree to release and discharge TIFF x DAN from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of TIFF x DAN negligence.


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#enjoy #dancing #exercises SO MUCH MORE 🩷@Pangga19vlog



#enjoy #dancing #exercises  SO MUCH MORE 🩷@Pangga19vlog



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Womens Workouts

Total Body Yoga | Deep Stretch | Yoga With Adriene



Total Body Yoga | Deep Stretch | Yoga With Adriene

Total Body Yoga is a deep stretch practice for the legs, back, and hips. This session invites you on the mat to go deeper. This 45 min yoga practice is great for the lower back and the HIPS! Lean in, breathe deep, stretch it out, and connect to something big.

This will be a good one to repeat weekly. Try it and see how your experience changes and unfolds.

Let me know how it goes down below!

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

– – – – – – – – – –

Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.


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