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Cherry Tree School in Farnworth measures to stop parking

Cherry Tree School in Farnworth measures to stop parking

If given the green light, the restrictions could come in near the new entrance of Cherry Tree Primary School which is being built on Windermere Road, Farnworth. 

The school is undergoing £8.6m construction works, alongside its sister school Green Fold and the Orchards Nursery. 

A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) has been proposed for the street, which would mean no cars could stop on new ‘Keep Clear’ markings between 8am and 5pm from Monday to Friday. 

The stretch of road concerned is 25.56 metres long, starting from a point 72 metres south of Highfield Road

Parents currently drop off their children on Windermere Road, with traffic cones being put out every morning to prevent parking. 

The TRO document says that it would be in place to “protect the new school entrance for The Orchards School, keeping it clear from parked vehicles at the necessary times”. 

It said it would also be to “secure the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic”. 

Ward councillor, Paula Connor-Bennett, said: “It is always a big issue outside schools, a lot of complaints I get are about cars parking, but there are no double yellow lines so you can’t stop anybody parking there. 

“It is for the safety of children and pedestrians, we all know how accidents can happen outside schools. 

Read more: New car parking charges in borough town centre could be avoided

Read more: Call for double yellow lines to stop nuisance parking by parents 

Read more: Concerns as street blocked at school pickup time

The area where the lines could beThe area where the lines could be (Image: Newsquest) “I can understand it, it will be to make things safer for children and families who bring children into school. I have not heard any objections so far. 

“What I have been asked by residents is for double yellow lines in another area around there, that would be more to stop cars parking on the corners. I have had people ask me about that, but it would require a separate TOR.” 

The closing date for objections on this proposal is March 19. Any objections or representations should state the grounds they are made on and be sent either by email to or in writing to Highways and Engineering Division, 3rd Floor, Paderborn House, Civic Centre, Bolton BL1 1UA. 

Parents at the school welcomed the change. One said: “It is terrible, because they all park on the pavement where the children line up. 

“Obviously they have put cones here so they don’t park, but people still do it.” 

Another said: “It is a really good idea. It will help the kids walking across the road, but I know there are these issues across lots of Bolton schools. 

“A lot of parking, people don’t care about the cones, they still park there.” 

One resident who lives across the road from the new entrance said: “It is a good thing but I don’t want them to park in front of my driveway. My daughter works shifts so needs to get her car out at all times, sometimes she might not be able to get out the drive. 

“I have had a lady park on my drive once!”

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