Planetary alignment: when to see the rare event in the UK

» Planetary alignment: when to see the rare event in the UK

A six planet alignment – which consists of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and Saturn – should already be visible in the UK sky at night.

Mercury is also set to join the “Planet Parade” in February making it a seven planet alignment.

Best time to see the planets aligning in the UK

Six planet alignment

The six planet alignment is set to be visible in UK skies throughout January and February, according to the BBC.

Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars should be visible to the naked eye, but you will need a telescope to see Uranus and Neptune.

Mars will be recognisable by it’s “reddish” glow, according to Star Walk, while Jupiter will be one of the brightest.

Venus (the brightest planet) and Saturn will be located close together in the night sky with the later distinguishable due to it’s “yellowish” colour.

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Seven planet alignment

The seven planet alignment is set to take place on the evening of February 28, according to Star Walk, and is one not to be missed.

However, the event could even be visible in the UK as late as March 2, the night sky experts added.

All the planets will display the same features as mentioned above while the “elusive” Mercury will be visible close to the horizon.


How to see the planetary alignments

The best time to observe the planet alignments is at least an hour before sunrise.

Picking out the planets in the sky “it’s not as obvious as it seems”, Star Walk warns, but there is one easy way of telling them apart.

The night sky experts explain: “One of the differences is that the planets, unlike the stars, don’t twinkle.”

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