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Smithills house listed on Airbnb ‘upends peace’ in street

Smithills house listed on Airbnb 'upends peace' in street

They spoke out after police officers were called to a house on Smithills Croft Road last Saturday night (March 15) after complaints of a gathering there.

The council has issued an enforcement notice against the change of use of the property.

Locals have told The Bolton News say that ever since the house was turned into a short-term let last April, noise has been a constant problem, but last Saturday was the worst yet.

Cllr Sue Priest said: “This short-term let has caused huge disruption to this quiet residential area but especially to the immediate neighbours and my heart goes out to them.

“The parked cars all along the hill area make it dangerous for pedestrians, school children on the way to school, parents with prams, walkers and local residents as there is no footpath.

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“The road is narrow, steep and there is a large bend at the bottom of the hill.

“There are two schools, Smithills (secondary) and St Peters (primary) and a nursery on Smithills Croft Road.

“I have been in constant contact with local police and the enforcement team but these legal issues take time which is of little consolation to the residents who have had to endure this for months.”

One resident, who did not want to be named, said: “It’s completely upended the peace and quiet in the area, the safety and security of the families that live here.

“All the anti-social behaviour, the amount of rubbish in the streets.

Locals say they have found nitrous oxide canisters, boxes and balloons (Image: Public) “There have been nitrous oxide bottles and balloons littered in the streets.

“On Saturday night, they all came out with their drink cups and those were all discarded.”

Greater Manchester Police confirmed that they had been called to reports of a “dispute” and “noise nuisance” but said there was “no evidence of crime”.

The force said they had reports there were around 50 people at the property but were unable to confirm that number officially.

Residents say that they counted 67 people on the night.

Locals say they counted over 60 people at the house on the night (Image: Public) A listing for the property on Airbnb says that it can sleep up to 18 people.

The Bolton News contacted the host but they said they were unable to comment on the incident.

The road outside the property does not have a footpath and locals say that guests often park there, making it even narrower.

One resident, who did not wish to be named, said: “The traffic as well – it’s a quiet street and there’s not much space, cars parked on the street cause a hazard to the school children who walk here.

“It’s turned our lives upside down.

“Every single weekend between April and July is booked, so the potential for this thing to happen again is not unreasonable.”

Locals say that the situation has turned [their] lives upside down (Image: Public) Have a story? Get in touch at

An enforcement notice was issued by the council for the unauthorised change of use from a dwellinghouse (Class C3) into a short-term holiday let (sui generis).

Applicant John Bateman and agent Adam Muhammad have appealed the council’s decision to the Planning Inspectorate.

Issues surrounding short-term lets have been brought up in the borough before.

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