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Book Bans Sweep the Country



Book Bans Sweep the Country

By Steve Macek

During the past three years, the country has seen a dramatic increase in book bans at public and K-12 school libraries and in rightwing pro-censorship activism, usually targeting books that address race, gender identity, or sexuality.

In Texas, Suzette Baker was fired from her job as director of a rural public library for refusing to withdraw books about racial justice and the lives of LGBTQ people from circulation. A mob of neo-fascist Proud Boys descended on a Downers Grove, Illinois, school board meeting to demand that school libraries under the district’s control remove Gender Queer, Maia Kobabe’s graphic novel that explores non-binary gender identity.


In Florida, a member of Moms For Liberty, the group behind many recent book challenges, actually reported a school librarian to the police for distributing a popular young adult novel the Moms for Liberty activist claimed was “child pornography.”

Meanwhile, in Virginia, one woman, Jennifer Peterson, has filed challenges against some 71 books held by her school district’s school libraries on the grounds that they contain “sexually explicit” passages; Peterson has succeeded in getting 36 titles removed, including Toni Morrison’s classic Beloved and Andre Aciman’s Call Me By Your Name. And all over the country, school librarians have received death threats and school libraries have been shut down by bomb threats over books deemed objectionable by conservative fanatics.

According to PEN America’s September 2023 report, School Book Bans: The Mounting Pressure to Censor, during the 2022-23 school year there were 3,362 reported instances of book censorship in K-12 schools impacting 1,557 different titles.

As PEN America noted, this represents a 33 percent increase over the 2021-22 school year and a dramatic increase from the last time the organization issued a comprehensive report on school book bans in 2016. (The American Library Association, which also tracks challenges to books at public and school libraries, says that library book challenges this year have risen to the highest level since the organization began tracking them more than twenty years ago.)


Books that featured LGBTQ+ characters or themes related to gender identity or queer sexuality—including Fun Home, Gender Queer, All Boys Aren’t Blue, And Tango Makes Three, and I Am Jazz—were singled out as the target of some 36 percent of the book bans from 2021-2023 investigated by PEN America. Roughly 37 percent of the challenges targeted books that “discussed race and racism.”

The majority of these bans have occurred in Republican-controlled states—like Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas—which have passed laws that restrict teaching about race, gender, and sexuality or that empower parents to challenge school library books about such topics. This, in turn, has encouraged school districts to often preemptively purge their libraries of books and other materials that might be seen as controversial.

Indeed, PEN America reports that more than 40 percent of all book bans last year occurred in GOP-dominated Florida, with 1406 bans, followed by Texas with 625 and Missouri with 333.

Florida: A Gulag for Young Minds


Because Florida is by far the worst offender against K-12 students’ freedom to read, it is worth examining the legislation the state has adopted that facilitates this censorship. Although Florida governor Ron DeSantis dismisses news about book bans in his state as “a nasty hoax,” he has signed several pieces of legislation that directly contribute to censorship in his state.

In March 2022, DeSantis famously signed HB 1557, the Parental Rights in Education Act, popularly known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, that bans instruction about sexual orientation and gender from kindergarten through third grade. The Act requires that any teaching about these topics in older grades be “age appropriate” and in accordance with state standards.

It also specifies that any teacher found to have violated the Act will have their teaching license revoked. Confusion about whether this legislation applied to school libraries led districts across the state to purge books addressing sexual orientation or gender from their collections simply as a precaution.

Just one month later, DeSantis signed the Stop W.O.K.E. Act, HB 7, which among other things bans teaching in schools about what it calls “divisive concepts”—principally related to race and the history of race relations in the United States—that might make a student feel “guilt, anguish or any form of psychological distress” because of their race, gender, sex, or national origin. The law specifically bans the teaching of so-called “critical race theory.”


Tellingly, since HB 7 became law, one Florida school district banned a graphic novel, The Little Rock Nine, which details a well-known episode in the civil rights movement’s struggle against segregation, on the grounds that “its subject matter is ‘difficult for elementary school students to comprehend.’”

In July 2022, DeSantis signed HB 1467 into law. This legislation requires every elementary school in the state to “publish on its website, in a searchable format… a list of all materials maintained in the school library media center or required as part of a school or grade-level reading list.” It orders school librarians to  certify that books in their collections do not “contain pornography or material deemed harmful to minors” without spelling out clear standards for what exactly counts as “harmful to minors.”

It orders districts to develop a policy and a process for resolving any “objection by a parent or a resident of the county” to any library material and mandates that schools report all objections to the Department of Education. The law mandates that all meetings “convened for the purpose of ranking, eliminating, or selecting instructional materials for recommendation to the district school board must be noticed and open to the public,” and that “any committees convened for such purpose must include parents.”

Finally, just this past May, DeSantis ratified HB 1069, a law that makes it even easier to ban books in Florida schools. The law extends the prohibition on instruction about sexuality and gender established by HB 1557 to eighth grade. It would prevent students below the ninth grade from accessing any books through school libraries that contain “sexual conduct.”


It also modifies HB 1467 by specifying that “parents shall have the right to read [out loud] passages from any material that is subject to an objection” at a school board meeting and requires that if a school board denies someone the right to read a passage due to its indecent or inappropriate content, “the school district shall discontinue the use of the material.”

This recent law has many librarians, educators, and opponents of censorship particularly concerned. It could, conceivably, be used to ban from K-8 school libraries the works of William Shakespeare or Toni Morrison. The notion of “sexual conduct” as articulated in the law is so extremely vague and broad that commonly assigned middle school books like The Diary of Anne Frank could be prohibited under its auspices.

HB 1069 certainly has had an oppressive impact on the Sunshine State’s school librarians, forcing them to meticulously screen as many as a million books for any material that might be objectionable to a parent or resident.

Moms For Liberty


In Florida and elsewhere, ultraconservative “parent groups,” such as Moms for Liberty, have exploited these laws to force school boards and individual school administrators to remove hundreds of books that conservative censors frame as divisive or obscene. Founded in Florida in 2021 by a former school board member, Tina Descovich, Tiffany Justice, and Bridget Ziegler, wife of the Florida GOP chairman Christian Ziegler, the organization was originally formed to protest school and library mask mandates and other public health regulations affecting K-12 education during the COVID crisis.

Since then, the group has turned its focus to fighting inclusive curriculum and allegedly “inappropriate” library materials. They claim to have 285 chapters in 45 states and over 100,000 members. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled Moms for Liberty an extremist hate group and noted its many ties with fascist and white supremacist groups,  including the Proud Boys.

Moms for Liberty has been training its members to bombard school boards and administrations with complaints about lengthy lists of books. Unlike in the past, when most complaints fielded by schools concerned individual titles or series (such as the Harry Potter or Twilight series), today conservative activists turn up at meetings and demand that lists of a hundred or more titles be expunged.

In fact, according to the ALA, last year eleven states recorded complaints about a hundred or more titles, up from six in 2022 and zero in 2021. The explosion of mass challenges to school library books is best understood as a direct result of the rise of Moms for Liberty and other such groups.


Lawsuits, Anti-Book-Banning Laws, Book Sanctuaries, and Other Signs of Resistance

The good news is that defenders of intellectual freedom are fighting back.

Earlier this year PEN America, Penguin Random House, five authors of banned books, and two parents with children affected by school book bans in Florida’s Escambia County brought a federal lawsuit claiming that by removing several books from school libraries—including young adult books with LGBTQ characters, such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower—the country’s schools were attempting to ”prescribe an orthodoxy of opinion that violates the First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendments.”

In Lake County, Florida, the authors of And Tango Makes Three, a children’s book about two male penguins who adopt and raise a chick, brought a suit contesting the county school board’s ban on the book for kindergarten through third-grade students, charging that the board’s actions were unconstitutional viewpoint and content discrimination.


Beyond these isolated legal actions, state legislatures across the country have begun passing laws designed to make the sort of mass book challenges promoted by Moms for Liberty impossible. Illinois has led the way with a law signed in June by Governor J. B. Pritzker that withholds funding for any public library that restricts or bans materials for “partisan or doctrinal” reasons.

It also mandates that Illinois public libraries adhere to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which requires that they “challenge censorship” and resist the exclusion of materials because of the “origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.” In September, California followed suit, with a law that imposes fines on schools that “block textbooks and school library books for discriminatory reasons.”

Libraries and librarians are resisting the right’s current clampdown on the right to read. In September 2022, the Chicago Public Library system declared itself a “book sanctuary” to make heavily censored books available to the public at all 81 of their branch libraries. There are now similar sanctuary libraries across the country, including in “red” states such as Florida, Texas, Virginia, and Ohio.

Educators and teachers unions have staged mass rallies to protest book bans in states like Florida. Civic groups have also battled book bans in often creative ways. For instance, in the summer of 2023, progressive activist group MoveOn launched a “banned bookmobile” that visited states across the South and the Midwest where bans have been enacted or attempted, distributing copies of some of the most frequently challenged books.


In July 2023, the Digital Public Library of America launched the Banned Book Club, an app that allows users to freely access books that have been banned in their area. In November 2023, the popular singer Pink distributed thousands of banned or challenged books at concerts she performed in Miami and Sunrise, Florida.

But perhaps the most inspiring sign of resistance to the assault on young people’s right to read has been the activism of young people themselves. Students are taking the lead in organizing against restrictions on books about race, the LGBTQ+ community, and other subjects abhorred by conservatives.

In Texas, for example, Da’Taeveyon Daniels and other high school students led the battle against censorship of school books as part of a new organization Students Engaged in Advancing Texas (SEAT). (For more on teens’ role in the battle against censorship, see Da’Taeveyon Daniels’s Project Censored Dispatch, The Rising Political Battle over Censorship). Across the country, students have formed “banned book” reading groups in one high school after another.

The efforts of groups like SEAT, the ALA, PEN America, and other champions of intellectual freedom like the National Coalition Against Censorship and the American Civil Liberties Union deserve our support. The culture warriors of the right know that their toxic strain of hate-filled politics thrives on ignorance, bigotry, and cultural chauvinism.


To defeat them, we should do all we can to promote critical thinking, deep cross-cultural knowledge, and tolerance that is best cultivated through the reading of exactly the sorts of books they seek to suppress.

Steve Macek is a Professor of Communication at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, and co-coordinator of Project Censored’s Campus Affiliates Program.  He is also a contributor to Project Censored’s State of the Free Press 2024.

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Hyatt India x NMACC: Cultural Partnership



Hyatt India x NMACC: Cultural Partnership

Hyatt India has partnered with the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) to redefine cultural partnerships.

Continue reading Hyatt India x NMACC: Cultural Partnership at Business Traveller.

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Elston Consulting makes double hire to meet rising demand for model portfolios



Skerritts buys Harrogate-based advice firm

Elston Consulting has expanded its team to meet a rising demand for its products as the popularity of its model portfolios continues to grows.

Tony Lord has joined the firm as an adviser relations manager. He has over 30 years’ experience in the industry, helping to grow platforms from launch to maturity.

Alongside Elston Consulting head of adviser relations Scott Adams, he will focus on working with new and established adviser firms to support their investment proposition.

Henry Vijayaratnam also joins as an associate in the investment research team.


Vijayaratnam completed the Elston Summer Internship in May 2024 and will report to investment director Hoshang Daroga and head of research Henry Cobbe.

Elston Consulting said the two appointments will strengthen the group’s capabilities as it “continues to bring its model portfolios capabilities to advice firms and DFMs.”

Elston has seen increased adviser enthusiasm for the Elston Adaptive range of portfolios, designed for accumulation and Elston Retirement range of portfolios designed for decumulation.

These portfolios are managed by Elston Portfolio Management and are available across most adviser platforms.


Cobbe said: “We are delighted to welcome Tony Lord and Henry Vijayaratnam to Elston. They will be an asset to our firm. This is an exciting time for Elston as we are seeing rapidly growing interest in the investment solutions we design.

“We are thrilled to be able to expand the team to continue serving the adviser firms we work with and supporting their investment proposition.”

Lord added: “Advisers are facing many different demands on their businesses, not least the need to provide consistent investment outcomes to their clients at a competitive cost.

“I am delighted to be joining Elston tasked with supporting advisers with their investment propositions using the high-calibre solutions Elston can develop for advisers.”


Vijayaratnam said: “I am thrilled to be joining Elston as a permanent team member following a summer internship, in which I learned a huge amount from colleagues.

“I am looking forward to making my mark in the financial services space and progressing my career with Elston Consulting.”

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David Lammy remembers 7 October attack victims one year on



David Lammy remembers 7 October attack victims one year on
Reuters David Lammy pictured holding an image of Emily Damari Reuters

The foreign secretary attended commemorations for victims of the 7 October attacks at South Tottenham United Synagogue

Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said it was “a day of deep reflection and pain”, as he commemorated the victims of Hamas’s 7 October attack on Israel.

Lammy described the attack last year, which killed about 1,200 people, as “the worst attack on the Jewish community since the Holocaust”.

Speaking at South Tottenham Synagogue, he said he was thinking of the “many hostages that are still held in Gaza” – particularly Emily Damari, the only British-Israeli hostage still in captivity.

Ms Damari, 28, was taken into Gaza by Hamas along with 250 others. Her family have “no word of her fate or how she is doing”, Lammy added.


A total of 97 hostages remain unaccounted for.

Israel responded to Hamas’s attack with a military campaign in Gaza, which has killed thousands in the Palestinian territory.

“This is a painful day for the Jewish community across this country and across the diaspora,” Lammy told reporters.

“It is a day of deep reflection and pain thinking about 7 October, the worst attack on the Jewish community since the Holocaust,” he added.

Mandy Damari Emily Damari, a young woman wearing a Spurs scarf and a black beanie hat, smiles in the stands of a football groundMandy Damari

Emily Damari’s family have had “no word of her fate or how she is doing”, Lammy said

Addressing a memorial event in London on Sunday, Ms Damari’s mother, Mandy Damari, said that hostages that were released last November told her they had contact with her in captivity.

“Every day is living hell not knowing what Emily is going through,” she said.

She said Britain and other countries need to do more to secure the release of her daughter and the other hostages.

“How is it that she is still imprisoned there after one year? Why isn’t the whole world, especially Britain, fighting every moment to secure her release? She’s one of their own,” she said.


On Sunday, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said the country must “unequivocally” stand with the Jewish community and described 7 October as the “darkest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust”.

“As a father, a husband, a son, a brother – meeting the families of those who lost their loved ones last week was unimaginable. Their grief and pain are ours, and it is shared in homes across the land,” Sir Keir said.

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Brent crude nears $80 as hedge funds reverse bets



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Oil prices on Monday jumped above last week’s high amid mounting fears of escalating conflict in the Middle East.

Brent crude, the global oil benchmark, rose as much as 2.4 per cent to hit $79.94 a barrel, as Hamas fired rockets at Israel, which launched strikes against targets in Gaza and Lebanon.


The price, which had dropped sharply since early April, gained more than 8 per cent last week, the biggest weekly gain since January 2023, driven by Iran’s missile attack against Israel.

Traders are concerned about a potential strike against energy infrastructure in the region that could hinder oil supplies, or disruption in the Strait of Hormuz.

There are signs that hedge funds, many of which had been betting on oil extending this year’s falls, are beginning to adjust their positioning. Funds trimmed their large short bets against Brent and increased their long positions in the week to October 1, in the early stages of last week’s rally, according to ICE data.

However, computer-driven funds that tried to latch on to market trends were likely to have still been betting against oil as of Thursday, according to a model portfolio run by Société Générale.


Israel on Monday marked the first anniversary of Hamas’s deadly October 7 attack. Ceremonies held in southern Israel were disrupted by the group firing rockets into the territory from Gaza. Rockets also set off sirens in Tel Aviv.

The events come amid a fresh offensive by Israeli forces in northern Gaza and follow an incursion by ground troops into Lebanon, where Israel is trading fire with Iran-proxy Hizbollah.

US President Joe Biden on Thursday said Israel had discussed striking Iran’s oil facilities in retaliation for an Iranian missile barrage fired at Israel last week. He later suggested Israel should consider other options.

“If I were in their shoes, I’d be thinking about other alternatives than striking oilfields,” Biden said on Friday.


The Islamic republic exports 1.7mn barrels of oil a day, mainly from a terminal on Kharg Island, about 25km off the country’s southern coast.

Daan Struyven, an analyst at Goldman Sachs, told clients that a six-month disruption, hitting about 1mn b/d, would push Brent up to $85 in the middle of next year if Opec offsets the shortfall. Prices could climb to the mid-$90s without an offset, he forecast.

“Investors are focused on the risk that Israel and Iran may enter a cycle of retaliatory attacks that may escalate into a broader conflict,” Struyven said.


Additional reporting by Laurence Fletcher

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Mind-boggling £4.5MILLION mansion hides incredible secret behind its doors – it’s a house hunter’s wildest dreams



Mind-boggling £4.5MILLION mansion hides incredible secret behind its doors - it’s a house hunter’s wildest dreams

A HUGE mansion valued at £4.5million hides an incredible secret feature behind its front doors.

The Grade II-listed property in Lymington, Hampshire, has been dubbed every child’s “dream” home.

From the outside the property looks perfectly ordinary, if rather grand


From the outside the property looks perfectly ordinary, if rather grandCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
But inside there's a slide which can whizz you down from the first floor to the ground


But inside there’s a slide which can whizz you down from the first floor to the groundCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
The property features five reception rooms and this is just one of them


The property features five reception rooms and this is just one of themCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
There's a well-maintained south-facing garden


There’s a well-maintained south-facing gardenCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media

The massive home boasts nine bedrooms, seven bathrooms, five reception rooms, a detached coach house and a south-facing garden.

However estate agents Spencers say the house is guaranteed to “liven up any dinner party” thanks to its most unusual asset – a slide from the first floor to the ground floor.


The stainless-steel tube allows guests to descend from the first floor in style through a glass door and is designed ‘for those with a sense of fun’.

There is also a games room, library and a cinema while all the bedrooms house a full media suite and surround sound system.

The listings reads: “A second means of descending from the first floor is via a polished stainless steel tube slide which passes through a glass floor, designed for those with a sense of fun and a great talking point to liven up any dinner party.”

A Spencers spokesperson added: “It’s one of the unique houses in Lymington.


“It’s been designed around a certain lifestyle and with a life that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

“The house itself has a huge amount of history and has been recently updated by the current owners in a particularly stylish fashion.

“Not every house that we market has an indoor slide. It’s quite fun.

“It’s the sense of fun that it brings. It’s a great family house. Good for kids. It’s really the whole package.

Inside ‘the world’s most bling tiny home’ dubbed the Golden House with stunning ‘shimmering glass’ and ‘5-star luxury’

.”Everything has been designed around comfort and convenience. It’s designed as a house for someone to live in who wants to enjoy life.”

Spencers say the 8,000 sqft family home promises “great grandeur and history” and “imagination” and even sports a sunken ice trough “from which to serve fresh sea food or champagne”.

Many users have praised the novelty structure on social media, with one user commenting “we all dreamt of this as a kid, right?”

Another user posted: “Super cool.”


While a third user wrote: “If I won the lottery.”

A fourth person said: “I love it.”

Another unusual home went on the market last month and it would definitely (maybe) ideal for an Oasis fan.

Elsewhere, you could get your hands on the corner shop that featured in the hit comedy show Open All Hours.


If those properties are out of your price range then a terraced house in New Tredegar, Wales, has gone on the market for nothing – but you may want to take a look inside first.

Estate agents Spencers say the house has a 'sense of fun' thanks to the slide


Estate agents Spencers say the house has a ‘sense of fun’ thanks to the slideCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
The grade 2 listed building was recent done up by the current owners


The grade 2 listed building was recent done up by the current ownersCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
There's even his 'n' hers bathtubs


There’s even his ‘n’ hers bathtubsCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
There's plenty of space to hold lavish dinner parties


There’s plenty of space to hold lavish dinner partiesCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
All nine bedrooms house a full media suite and surround sound system


All nine bedrooms house a full media suite and surround sound systemCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media
The property comes with a detached coach house


The property comes with a detached coach houseCredit: Kennedy Newsand Media

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Amanda Holden route tracker: Everything we know about the presenter’s cycling challenge from Cornwall to London



Amanda Holden route tracker: Everything we know about the presenter's cycling challenge from Cornwall to London

AMANDA Holden will be cycling 250 miles, from the edge of the country right into the heart of London.

The star’s five-day-ride is for Global’s Make Some Noise appeal which raises money for small charities across the UK.

Amanda will be raising money for charity


Amanda will be raising money for charityCredit: Supplied
Amanda kicked off her ride on October 7


Amanda kicked off her ride on October 7Credit: Rex Features

The beloved Heart presenter has shared that you can keep up with her journey on the radio and even opened up about which brand of “bum butter” she will take along the way.

Here’s everything you need to know about Amanda’s charity cycle.

Where is Amanda Holden cycling for Global’s Make Some Noise?

Amanda will kicks off her five-day-ride in the beautiful seaside town of Bude, Cornwall.

The Britain’s Got Talent presenter will cycle for eight hours until she reaches Taunton, Somerset.


Read more on Amanda Holden

After just one night to recover, she will ride to Frome, Somerset and then onto Newbury, Berkshire.

After those four gruelling days on the bike, Amanda will be on the home-stretch as she cycles towards Leicester Square where Global’s headquarters are located.

She will be met by her husband Chris Hughes at Leicester Square, five days after being waved off from her mum Judith’s house in Bude.

Amanda's journey will span 250 miles


Amanda’s journey will span 250 milesCredit: Supplied

How do I keep track of Amanda Holden’s ultramarathon route?

Fans can keep track of Amanda Holden’s charity bike ride by listening in to Heart FM.

The radio station will air live updates of Amanda’s journey and will give well-wishers a behind-the-scenes look at her trip.

Updates will began as Amanda set off on October 7, 2024.

Amanda will be met at the end of her journey by her husband


Amanda will be met at the end of her journey by her husbandCredit: Supplied

When does Amanda Holden’s ultramarathon finish?

Amanda’s long bike ride, for Global’s Make Some Noise, will end on Friday October 11, 2024.

Amanda said that she will be using “bum butter” from the start of the trip to the end.

She told The Sun: “I’ve got padded gussets and bum butter, but that’s just every day for me.

“I’d never heard of bum butter but now I’ve got so many varieties.


“My friends keep sending it to me.

“I’m completely covered.”

Everything to know about Amanda Holden

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