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Amazon and UK government at odds over working from home



Amazon and UK government at odds over working from home
BBC Montage Image: On the left side a man works from home at his desk, and pets a dog. On the right side a woman stands at her desk in an office environment, and passes a file through to the man working from home. A cat crosses the divide between the two images.BBC

They are two competing views on where desk-based employees work best.

Amazon is ordering its staff back to the office five days a week, just as the government is pushing for rights to flexible working – including working from home – to be strengthened.

The tech giant says employees will be able to better “invent, collaborate, and be connected”.

But just as the firm’s announcement became news, the UK government was linking flexibility to better performance and a more productive, loyal workforce.

Few are short of an opinion on how effective working from home is and for a government there are broader considerations such as how, for example, caring responsibilities are affected.


But more than four years since the start of the pandemic, what does the evidence tell us about how we work best and is Amazon right to believe people being in the office full time will allow them to collaborate better?

Amazon’s fellow tech giant Microsoft studied its employees during the pandemic. It looked at the emails, calendars, instant messages and calls of 61,000 of its employees in the US during the first six months of 2020. The findings were published in Nature Human Behaviour.

The study indicated that, during Covid, remote workers tended to collaborate more with networks of colleagues they already had, and that they built fewer “bridges” between different networks.

There was also a drop in communication that happened in real time – meetings that would have happened in real life weren’t necessarily happening online. Instead, more emails and instant messages were sent.


The authors suggested this may make it harder to convey and understand complex information.

Line chart showing the percentage of people aged 16 and over in Great Britain who said they had worked from home only, away from home only, or a mixture of both in the last week. In the year to September 2024, an average of 42% said they only travelled to work, 13% said they only worked from home, while 27% said they adopted a hybrid approach. The percentage reporting a hybrid working pattern has risen since 2021, while the percentage only working from home has dropped.

Amazon is among a number of companies telling employees to return to the office full-time

Microsoft’s was a data-led study. But what about human experience?

A 2020 survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) of 1,000 senior decision-makers in organisations found about a third struggled with “reduced staff interaction and cooperation”.

However, more than 40% of the managers said there was more collaboration when people were working from home.


Greater collaboration is hard to object to, but equally it is no guarantee of productivity.

In 2010, China’s biggest travel agency CTrip tried something very new among staff in its airfare and hotel booking department.

Almost 250 staff were identified as potential home workers – they needed to be established at the company and have a proper home working set-up.

Around half that group started working from home. The other group stayed office-based.


Researchers at Stanford University found the workers were 13% more productive when working from home – mainly because workers had fewer breaks and sick days, and they could take more calls because it was quieter.

Communication barriers

There was a particularly significant drop in staff quitting for non-managers, women, and people with long commutes, the researchers said.

However, those Chinese home-workers were seeing a bit of the office: they were spending one day a week among colleagues. It could be this brought some benefit – a separate study years later from researchers at Stanford suggested fully remote work can lead to a 10% drop in productivity compared with working in the office all the time.


Barriers to communication, lack of mentoring for staff, problems building a work culture, and difficulties with self-motivation were all cited.

Amazon is not alone in telling employees to return to the office full-time.

Goldman Sachs chief executive David Solomon famously described working from home as an “aberration”. The US firm requires bankers to be in the office five days per week.

Rival US banks JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley have also backed workers returning to the office, whereas some banks in Europe have taken a softer approach.


Elon Musk’s Tesla also requires employees to be in the office full time, leading to reports of problems finding space for them.

Another Musk company, SpaceX, brought in a policy requiring workers to return to the office full-time.

But it wasn’t without consequences: when it brought the policy in, SpaceX lost 15% of its senior-level employees, according to a study published earlier this year.

The pandemic changed work routines that were in many cases decades old.


Linda Noble, now 62, from Barnsley, was used to putting on a suit and make-up. In 2020 she was a senior officer in local government, scrutinising governance in the fire service and the police service.

Then Covid struck and she was working from home.

“I loathed it. I missed the communication – going into work, someone would make you smile,” she says.

But with time, Ms Noble adjusted. She set up her home office and she thinks that before long she was twice as productive as previously – even if that was in part because of an inability to switch off.


Many disabled people also believe working from home makes them more productive.

A 2023 study of 400 people suggested that disabled workers felt they had more autonomy and control when working from home, which led them to better manage their health and wellbeing, and 85% felt more productive.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, not all studies come to the same conclusions. Some suggest an improvement to physical health from working at home, others disagree. The same goes for mental health.

The wellbeing of staff was a key reason one UK business decided to get them back to the office as soon as possible after lockdown restrictions ended, according to one of its directors, Francis Ashcroft.


Part of a team

He was chief executive of a large private UK children’s care services company. He says “some people were struggling with raised anxiety” and wanted to get back to the office “to be part of a team”.

Mr Ashcroft said there was “also a recognition that 80% of staff were at the coalface”, working in person in children’s homes and education, and so it was “right to come back” for reasons of fairness.

Although team members were collaborating online at 95% of what they had been, “coming back into the office added that 5% back”, he argues.


“It brought a realness and a sense of belonging,” Mr Ashcroft says, adding that “when it comes to delivering a service, the teamwork was much better in the office”.

Despite this experience, an umbrella review of home working that examined a range of other studies concluded that, on the whole, working from home boosts how much workers can get done.

What difference there is in approach between the government and Amazon essentially boils down to whether or not some home working should be part of the mix, with Amazon believing it shouldn’t.

Linda Noble’s time solely working from home is over. She is just about to start a hybrid job. She’s attracted by the “balance” between working from home and office work.


Reduce churn

According to the CIPD, benefits of hybrid working include “a better work/life balance, greater ability to focus with fewer distractions, more time for family and friends and wellbeing activity, saved commuting time and costs, plus higher levels of motivation and engagement.”

And it may be that this can reduce staff churn. A study published this year found that a Chinese firm that adopted hybrid working reduced the rate at which employees quit by a third.

From an employee perspective, the optimum time for hybrid working is three days in the office – this makes employees most engaged, according to a Gallup survey of US workers, although it also says there is “no one-size-fits-all”.


In the UK, the number of people exclusively working from home is falling. But, crucially, hybrid working is continuing to rise, running at 27% of the working population.

Gallup says that despite highly publicised moves by firms to get employees back in the office, the underlying trend is that the future of office work is hybrid.

This tallies with the position of the UK government, which is clear that it believes the potential to work at home drives up productivity.

The calculation by Amazon appears to be that what evidence there is for increased productivity among employees who work in part from home fails to capture the particulars of how they operate.


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Spain accused of helping Venezuela push opposition leader into exile



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Spain has been heavily criticised for allegedly facilitating the exile of Venezuela’s main opposition presidential candidate, who under Spanish diplomatic protection was pressured into signing a document recognising President Nicolás Maduro’s victory.

Edmundo González, a former Venezuelan diplomat who the opposition says won the July election, left Caracas on September 7 to seek political asylum in Spain after spending weeks in hiding to dodge arrest. His departure dealt a major blow to the opposition, which had vowed to install González as president when Maduro’s current term ends in January.


Maduro has launched a sweeping crackdown since the election, in which he claimed to have won a third term in a result recognised by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea but not the west. The opposition has produced copies of about 80 per cent of the official tally sheets to prove that González trounced Maduro and the US has backed the claim.

González, who is 75 and has health problems, said this week that he was forced to sign under duress a letter recognising Maduro’s victory as a condition for being allowed to leave Venezuela.

Maduro’s government later published what it said were photographs of González signing the document inside Spain’s embassy residence in Caracas during a meeting with Maduro’s top political fixer Jorge Rodríguez and his sister Delcy, who is vice-president. The Spanish ambassador to Venezuela, Ramón Santos, was also present.

González with Spain’s conservative opposition leader Alberto Nuñez Feijóo in Madrid last week
González, left, with Spain’s conservative opposition leader Alberto Nuñez Feijóo in Madrid last week. Feijóo said Spanish diplomacy ‘cannot be at the service of a dictatorial regime’ © ZIPI/EPA/Shutterstock

Spain’s conservative opposition leader Alberto Nuñez Feijóo has called for the resignation of Spanish foreign minister José Manuel Albares and the ambassador over the affair, saying Spanish diplomacy “cannot be at the service of a dictatorial regime”.

A senior Brazilian government official told the Financial Times that the Rodríguez siblings visited the residence to put pressure on González, which was something that “never should have been allowed”.


“Maduro pushed [González] out of the country through intimidation and . . . the Spanish state was the main facilitator,” the official said. “They have to explain what they did and be held accountable.”

The Spanish government rejects allegations that it had a role in forcing González out of the country and insists it had sought to ensure the opposition leader’s security and had been responding to his asylum request.

González had sheltered safely for almost five weeks in the Dutch embassy residence after the election but was only visited by the Rodríguez duo after moving to the Spanish residence.

González became depressed when he realised, about three weeks after the election, that the Maduro government was not going to collapse, and that he would either have to remain indefinitely under diplomatic protection in Venezuela or seek asylum abroad, according to a person close to the opposition.


Around this time he spoke to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, a socialist former Spanish premier close to Maduro’s government, who was a key figure in brokering the agreement that led to González’s departure, the person told the FT.

The Brazilian official said he understood that Zapatero had discussed the plan to exile González to Spain with the Rodríguez pair “and helped implement it”. Zapatero could not be reached for comment.

González meeting at the Spanish diplomatic residence in Caracas

González was transferred to the Spanish embassy residence on September 5 believing that he would receive asylum in Spain, with the final details to be worked out with the ambassador. In the event, two days of negotiations ensued, during which the Rodríguez pair appeared in person with a document for González to sign.

Albares told reporters in Brussels on Thursday that his government had not invited anyone to visit González at the ambassador’s residence and “did not take part in any negotiation of any document”. The ambassador was present during the talks and appeared in the photographs because the residence only had one reception room, he added.

Christopher Sabatini, a Latin America expert at Chatham House, said the signature under such circumstances “violates the very notion of diplomatic asylum, making the Spanish government complicit in the Maduro government’s electoral theft and repression”.


In a statement on Thursday that was intended to calm the storm, González thanked Spain for its support and said: “I was not coerced either by the Spanish government or by the Spanish ambassador to Venezuela, Ramón Santos.” A Venezuelan opposition source in contact with González said he made the statement after an urgent request by Albares.

Venezuela’s government has attempted to exploit González’s departure as a propaganda coup, painting him as weak and cowardly. Jorge Rodríguez brandished a copy of the González document at a news conference on Thursday, describing it as “nothing other than a capitulation”.

Mocking González’s claim that he signed under duress, Rodríguez played excerpts of an audio recording that he said showed a convivial atmosphere with discussions lubricated by whisky. González said the meeting had been photographed and recorded without his permission.


“They showed up with a document that I would have to sign to allow my departure from the country,” González said. “In other words, either I signed or I would face consequences. There were some very tense hours of coercion, blackmail and pressure.”

Ryan Berg, director of the Americas programme at Washington think-tank CSIS, said: “The available evidence appears to suggest Spain played a role in enabling Edmundo González’s forced exile by the regime — a huge blow to Venezuelans who have hoped for change and voted for him.”

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Governance watchdogs take fright as ‘zombies’ stalk US boardrooms



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Darren Walker, the head of the $16bn Ford Foundation, has been one of the world’s leading philanthropists for more than a decade. He has rubbed elbows with US presidents and Elton John. 

He is also a zombie.


In August, Walker failed to win a majority of shareholder support for his re-election at apparel company Ralph Lauren, where he has been a board director for four years. He remains on the board.

This vote tally added Walker to a dubious list of “zombie” board members — ppeople who have failed to win at least 50 per cent support from shareholders and yet remain at their company’s top table. At the end of August, there were 35 zombie board directors at 27 US-based Russell 3000 companies, according to the Council of Institutional Investors, a lobbying group for pension funds.

While that is down from 41 last year and the phenomenon is largely confined to the US, the issue has angered investors who fear a global weakening of shareholder rights.

Column chart of Russell 3000 companies showing Zombie board directors over the years

In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority this year gave companies new power to adopt dual-class share structures, which give special powers to select shareholders. Also this year, Italy’s rightwing government, eager to boost domestic capital markets, proposed board director voting changes that were attacked by investors.

“My view is that the 50 per cent mark, when it comes to director elections, is not a huge ask,” said Donna Anderson, global head of corporate governance at TRowePrice, which manages $1.6tn. “It should be pretty hard to hold on to your seat if more than 50 per cent of shareholders vote the other way.”


“It just is so fundamental,” she said. “It is the principle of the thing.”

Vanguard, the world’s second-largest money manager, said “zombie directors can be indicators of weak shareholder accountability”.

“We view them as a serious governance concern,” a spokesman said. “If a board chooses to retain a zombie director, we believe it is crucial that they provide clear disclosure to investors regarding the rationale.”

Walker received just 47 per cent support from Ralph Lauren shareholders at the company’s August 1 annual meeting. In a regulatory filing, the company said it believed the low vote was due to its dual-class structure, “and not because of any specific objection to Mr Walker”.


In a statement to the Financial Times, New York-based Ralph Lauren said Walker “has been a valuable and additive member” of the board.

“We remain confident in the value that he brings to the company and we look forward to his continued service on our board,” it said. The Ford Foundation declined to comment.

Other companies with zombie director votes this year include AO Smith, which makes water heaters, Veeva Systems, a cloud-computing company, and the parent company of the Samuel Adams beer brand.

While asset managers’ gripes about governance have been waved off year after year, companies harbouring zombie directors have not so easily dodged pugnacious activist investors. 


Elanco, the former animal health unit of Bayer, had two directors who received less than 50 per cent support in 2022 and 2023. This year, activist Ancora attacked the company and demanded board seats, arguing that its board employed “shareholder-unfriendly policies”. In April, Ancora won two board seats at Elanco.

Most big stock markets around the world require a majority of shareholders to back a director in elections, meaning zombies cannot exist. But in the US, state law allows for plurality board elections, which essentially guarantee someone can stay on a board indefinitely unless challenged.

“Because the US has somewhat looser governance rules”, governments in the UK and Italy are considering weakening their corporate governance rules to attract more corporate listings, said Jen Sisson, chief executive of the International Corporate Governance Network, which represents BlackRock, Vanguard and other large asset managers.

“And that’s where investors are advocating so strongly to keep those standards high because we don’t want a race to the bottom of standards,” she said.


“Governance is one of those things that is all very boring until something goes wrong.”

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