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America divided: the women who vote for Trump



America divided: the women who vote for Trump

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Make America great again! Woo! President Trump! Ah!

Get down, get down, get down, get down.

Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.


You don’t necessarily need a friend in the leader of the free world. You need somebody that’s quick and decisive.

I was a secret Trump supporter for many years, but I actually did have to get a whole new set of friends eventually.

Somebody said, women don’t like Donald Trump. I said, I think that’s wrong. I think they love me. I love them.

How can they say that he’s racist when he’s not?


Any Republican woman or any American woman, I wish they’d listen to some of those stories about who he is. He’s gracious. He’s incredibly thoughtful.

I love Trump. But sometimes he needs to learn to shut his mouth.

I’ve been covering US elections for decades, and I’ve been voting in them for 50 years. I have never seen anything like this. My country is split in half. And these days, we don’t just dislike each other, we hate each other.

So we’ve come to the battleground state of Wisconsin to try to understand that division. We’re setting out to explore an area where tensions are highest, the women’s vote. I want to meet the Trump-voting women to hear first-hand why they’re standing behind him despite his sexual exploits, his legal troubles, and his abortion politics.


Look, if…

I start my journey back in July, when Biden is still in the running – just – not long after his disastrous presidential debate.

Veronica Diaz is a Mexican-American, not your traditional Trump supporter, but as a woman and a Latina in a swing state, her vote really counts.

I am a Trump supporter. I’ve very proudly a Trump supporter. And I think a lot of people are afraid to admit it, but I’m not.


Veronica believes in the American dream. Nowadays, she’s a community activist and talk radio host. But she was raised by a single mother who worked two jobs. After high school, Veronica won a scholarship that saw her working as a powertrain technician at Harley-Davidson, one of Wisconsin’s best-known exports.

Growing up, we were part of politics during the best times. We were under the Ronald Reagan era. So life was good, economy was good. There were jobs. It was safe. And you voted for who you wanted to. There wasn’t this bullying that you see now. You have to hide who you vote for because you’re going to be called out, or people are going to be triggered, or they’re going to embarrass you, and in some cases even shut down because of what your beliefs are.

In November’s election, for the first time in US history, as many as one in seven eligible voters will come from Latino communities like this one. Nationally, the Latino share of voters has nearly doubled since 2000. Like most other Americans, Veronica’s key concern is the economy. But…

Isn’t it difficult for you to vote for the Republican party, given that your great grandparents were migrant workers, but you’re voting for a party where the top of their platform is a massive deportation of immigrants?


A lot of the illegal immigrants that come into this country sometimes are treated a little bit better than their own people that live in their community that need help, Patti. They need help. There’s a lot of people here that are homeless. There’s a lot of people here that are struggling. You can’t always get everything for free.

Do I believe in having help and assistance? Absolutely. But you have to work for it and you have to do it the right way.

Veronica’s keen to point out she doesn’t 100 per cent agree with Trump or how he expresses himself.

I said, these people are coming in from prisons and jails. Nobody listened to me. They’re murderers. They’re drug dealers.


But I find it hard to square her support with his language around immigrants from Latin America. Isn’t he racist?

How can they say that he’s racist when he’s not. I mean, I’ve helped a lot of different people in the community. And you really think that I would support somebody that was going to talk bad about my people and not be for the people and my culture? No, absolutely not. He’s not racist.

Racist or not racist, it never ceases to amaze me how two people, one a Democrat and one a Republican, can watch the same debate, listen to the same speech, see the same evidence, and come away with two such diametrically opposed versions of what they both call truth.

If Veronica is a non-typical Trump supporter, Ali is more of a die-hard. We meet her just two days after a lone gunman attempts to assassinate the former president. Back in 2012, she was watching The Apprentice.


And I remember saying, this guy would make a really good president. And all of my conservative friends were like, you’re crazy. He’s a populist. He’s this, he’s that. And I was like, no, no, no, you need to watch him. He reminds me very much of my father who was… worked for Fortune 500s. He was the president of a company. And the cold, hard fact is, he’s not coming over for dinner.

You don’t necessarily need a friend in the leader of the free world. You need somebody that’s quick and decisive and will stand our ground, like he did on Saturday night.

Let me get my shoes on.

Hold onto your head.


And he stood up and his natural instinct was to scream, fight. That’s what we need.

Yeah, I did somewhat wonder whether that isn’t another sign of him being a little bit unbalanced, though, because of…

Oh, no.

Well, it’s just that it’s not smart to stand up after something like that happens.


He doesn’t stand up until they say, OK, you can go. He’s very stable. I’ve met him more than once. The stability issue is on the other side.

We’re used to hearing Democrats blame Trump for inciting the attacks on the US Capitol on January 6. But Ali is among Republicans now blaming the Democrats for inciting violence and hatred against Trump.

It’s good versus evil now. For the past nine years of President Trump’s life, the left has called for violence against him. The media has picked up on it. And they’ve propagated these lies against him that people start to believe, and that he’s this, and he’s that, and he’s going to destroy America.

Ali is Christian and believes Trump was saved by divine intervention. She’s anti-abortion, anti-woke, pro-Second Amendment gun rights. And she also believes Donald Trump is the greatest president of all time. The main reason, closing the border. After the economy, immigration is the biggest issue for Republican voters.


I have a daughter. I’m not going to say where she is, but she’s in college, and she’s down in a border town. Every day, I’m checking, where is she? And then I’ll text her. And I’m like, hey, where are you?

Tell me more about why that is that you check her GPS.

Because we have fentanyl, and murderers, and rapists, and terrorists pouring across the border unchecked. They can just walk in.

This is an axiom of faith for every Trump supporter that I know. But there seems to be no research to support the idea that immigration is linked to higher levels of crime. In fact, the opposite. Many Trump supporters also brush off the idea that the way he talks about women is offensive.


Hey, when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Whatever you want.

Grab them by the pussy.

I grew up in an era when crude talk was common, so I wasn’t particularly shocked, for example, by the infamous leaked audio. But what about Ali?


When I’m alone with my friends, I’ll drop some F-bombs and do all kinds of things. And…

Is there any tension for you as a woman in listening to him talk like that?


Why not?


Because that’s how boys talk in the locker room. So he said something in private. Who cares?

Ali is in town during the Republican National Convention. She’s the kind of Trump supporter who’s oh, so easy to dismiss for people who don’t agree with her politically. In my opinion, that would be a mistake. She believes what she believes as fiercely as any Democrat believes the opposite.


The many women speakers here are keen to paint Trump in a new light.



Kellyanne Conway points out that in 2016 Trump made her the first successful female presidential campaign manager and burnishes his feminist credentials.

Show me a C-suite in America where five working moms of 19 young children could have the highest rank in the company and work alongside the president.

First Trump the feminist, then Trump the family man.


I know him for who he is. He’s very caring and loving. He truly wants the best for this country. And he will fight every single day to make America great again.

Thank you very much.

Normally Republican national conventions, they’re not that exciting. But this year has been really crazy. Republicans really feel like this is a turning point. They feel like everything is going their way and they can’t lose.

Let’s not forget, this is all taking place before Biden drops out. But Republican strategist Brett O’Donnell believes the assassination attempt is a definitive moment for Trump’s campaign.


Remember that Ronald Reagan got a considerable jump in his polling after the assassination attempt on him. We tend to rally around individuals when they’re attacked, and this had a feel like that, and even a feel like post 9/11 when George W Bush stood on the mounds of rubble with first responders, with the flag in the background, and the fire helmets on. And that picture of Donald Trump will become iconic, I think, in this election.

I was a secret Trump supporter for many years. I came from a very Democrat progressive circle. And so I didn’t want anybody to know who I actually was voting for because I did not want to be ostracised from my friend group. And I actually did have to get a whole new set of friends eventually.

Away from the convention, I meet Amy Teutenberg. She’s exactly the kind of voter who, against all the odds, helped bring Trump the presidency in 2016 and could do the same again this year. She’s a Trump Democrat.

Amy grew up in a Democratic blue collar family. She protested against George Bush and the Iraq war. She held a dorm party when President Barack Obama was inaugurated.


Congratulations, Mr President.

But since the mid-2010s, she was also secretly attracted to Donald Trump’s way of viewing the world.

Because they’re using our country as a piggy bank to rebuild China.

Most of my extended family and my grandpa, uncles, they’re all blue collar union, proud union men in the trades. I don’t think we had any Republicans ever until Donald Trump came along and some… half of them split off for Donald Trump.


Half of them?


Not the other half.

Some conflicts at some holidays.


When Trump talked about protecting US jobs by curbing trade with China or putting an end to the unchecked, unmanaged migration over the southern border, Amy sat up and listened. But for Amy, whether it’s Trump or someone closer to home, it’s clear that actions are more important than words.

I grew up hearing a lot of sexist language. I mean, I think even some of my uncles. But those were the people that… they were the providers. They were there. They would be there for you. I just remember my dad got laid off. Even though they had those views, they showed up. And so, they came and fixed our car and helped the family.

So I think if Donald Trump can do the job better and make the economy better for everybody, that’s more important than the language.

So it’s not a deal-breaker for you, how he talks about women?


No, I don’t want war. And I want to be able to afford a house. So, I mean, I’m not going to date him. So I mean, it’s either just how someone talks versus what somebody does and the policies they have.

Amy is now part of a group called Braver Angels, which encourages Democrats and Republicans to meet up and talk with the aim of depolarising America.

So how did you feel when Hillary Clinton called people like your uncles deplorables in 2016?

You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.


That was really offensive, like really offensive. These are people, and they work hard. And these are people’s family members.

And the whole point is getting people to vote.

I feel like Amy has really put into words what I’ve also been feeling. Democrats sometimes dismiss the other side as wacko or even subhuman, but that only stops us from properly trying to understand the alternative point of view.

Downstairs, there’s an event that Veronica has arranged calling on people to register to vote. The guests include the family of a 16-year-old boy who was shot dead alongside his friend right after his birthday party. Wisconsin’s Republican Senator Ron Johnson strikes a bipartisan note, quoting President Biden, to console the family.


He said, I can guarantee you that there will come a moment in your life when you hear the name of your loved one. It’ll bring a smile to your face before it brings a tear to your eye.

When we speak afterwards, he describes polarisation as the greatest threat facing America.

So why are we so divided? Well, it’s political figures, political groups, I would say identity politics, critical race theory. I would say DEI divides us on purpose. So don’t let them do it.

I’m struck by how Republicans often accuse Democrats of using issues like DEI – diversity, equity, and inclusion – to stoke division. I’m also struck by some of the messaging on Trump’s character.


Any Republican woman or any American woman who has questions about President Trump, I wish they’d listen to some of those stories about who he is. He’s gracious. He’s incredibly thoughtful. Probably most important of all, he just fervently loves his country. He didn’t have to subject himself to this. He didn’t have to run for office. He had a great life in 2016.

When we say Wisconsin is a battleground state, we shouldn’t underestimate its importance. The US works on an electoral college system, and there really are just a handful of swing states that decide the winner.

In 2016 and in 2020, Wisconsin was the closest state that just barely made the winner the winner. Four of the last six presidential elections have been decided by less than one percentage point of the vote here. We are the tipping point and one of the most unpredictable states.

I want to visit Kenosha, because this is a bellwether county within a battleground state. In 2016, Trump won here by just over 200 votes. I’m meeting one of my old contacts, Erin. Over the years, she’s helped me understand the local political landscape. She’s on the county governing body and has also owned this auto repair shop with her husband Mike since 2006.


How do you think that the election could affect your business?

I think it will be positive. I just think the economy will start to turn around, because it did.

If President Trump wins?

Yes, if President Trump is elected. Things have changed so much for the worse, in my opinion. Number one, inflation. Back under Trump, I could buy a dozen eggs for $0.59. Now they’re $2.50 a dozen. Milk was $2.19 a gallon. Now it’s closer to $4.


If the economy is the biggest issue in the election, inflation is the biggest economic worry. It has gone up under Biden. But post-Covid, rising prices have been a worldwide problem. Still, many polls show Trump is favoured on the economy.

A customer joins the conversation. She’s a Trump voter but does have some reservations.

…high on the thing. I love Trump, but sometimes he needs to learn to shut his mouth. He does not know how to do that sometimes. You walk away, bite your tongue.

Erin’s been a Republican all her life. Like the other women I’ve talked to, she’s a Christian, and she’s anti-abortion. I thought the abortion issue might be a bigger deal in this election after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, ending the federal constitutional right to a termination. Democrats still put it very high on their list of priorities, but Republicans at least seemed satisfied that, for now, abortion laws can be decided state by state.


Still, Trump doesn’t strike me as particularly Christian. Isn’t that a problem for voters? I asked Erin’s daughter, Elinor, for her view.

Do you think he does have religious beliefs, though, President Trump? I’m not sure if he does or not.


Or does it not matter to you?


It doesn’t really matter to me. It’s more issues that matter to me versus religious beliefs.

You’re just starting out.


This is such a mess.


I mean, how do you see the political life of the country developing from here on out?

I don’t feel like our country is going to get any less divided politically. I also feel that eventually, my generation will come in and become senators and congressmen, and we’ll remember what happened when we were young and start to realise that that was just awful and we need to work towards making it more united versus just throwing each other down endlessly.

It’s really important that someone like Elinor, who is only 20 years old, is a Trump supporter. The conventional wisdom is that American young people are all Democrats, but it’s just not true. Polls show around a third of the youth vote going for Trump.

They genuinely believed that he was sent here by God.


The idea that he turned his head at that last second, and that’s the only…the reason why he wasn’t killed.


It’s the day of Trump’s convention speech.

Thank you so much for letting us come.


I join Erin and Elinor watching in rural Kenosha County. Here in the living room it’s nice and homey. But in central Milwaukee, much more showbiz.

The way she dresses, she’s always so elegant, too.

What you gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trumpa-maniacs run wild on you, brother?

And now for the main event.


To the hills of Tennessee.

It’s very Trump.


Trump makes an uncharacteristic call for national unity.


To every citizen, whether you’re a young or old, man or woman, Democrat, Republican, or independent, Black or white, Asian or Hispanic, I extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. Together, we will lead America to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen before.

He promises to fix all the problems of the past decades.

Our borders will be totally secure. Our economy will soar. We will return law and order to our streets, patriotism to our schools. And importantly, we will restore peace, stability, and harmony all throughout the world.

So what do Erin and Elinor make of it?


Make America great again.

Very uplifting. And I think his message of unity will… people will really appreciate that.

What did you think of it overall?

I think it was nice to have him talk about more positive things versus just railing on Biden the whole time.


It’s just really unrealistic to say he’s going to do every single thing on day one.

But he didn’t promise everything on day one. He promised drilling and building the wall, which he can do because, I mean, Biden stopped the Keystone Pipeline his first day.


And building the wall, I mean, that’s all… all those plans are there and everything.


I think for me, Democrat or Republican, anything over about half an hour to an hour is really too much.

At least, I mean, when he’s speaking he’s engaging, and he’s not just blabbing on, where after some of the speakers, after about five minutes, I’m like, OK, that’s enough.

You can get carried away at a political convention. But they’re not representative of the outside world, not by a long shot. Still, back in July, as the balloons descend, Republican confidence is, well, more than just hot air. The polls show Trump in the lead, heading for victory. Right?

If you were a betting man, who do you think’s going to win?


Give me a quarter and I’ll flip it for you. Fundamentally, we don’t know what’s going to happen over the next three and a half months. And the events of the last month ought to remind us of that.

President Joe Biden has just announced that he is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

When Charles says we don’t know what’s going to happen, he’s right. In this case, Biden out, Kamala Harris in. Soon enough, the pundits are saying Harris, a former prosecutor, has Trump on the back foot.

So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.


The Democratic national convention in August has a celebratory feel.

On behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth, I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America.

In August, most national polls now show Harris in the lead. But don’t forget, it’s the swing states that will win or lose it for her. And in Wisconsin, as well as the other swing states, it’s still too close to call. In early September, I go back to Milwaukee to speak to the pollster Charles Franklin again. I want to ask him if having a woman candidate makes any difference for women voters.

Men are significantly preferring Trump over Harris. Women are significantly preferring Harris over Trump. But I think the question that we don’t know the answer to is does the Harris advantage with women ultimately outweigh the Trump advantage with men, or does it work the other way with Trump solidifying his support with men perhaps more than Harris is able to do with women. Women rank the economy as one of their most important issues and see Trump as better on that issue.


Not everybody really thought that Kamala Harris would have what it takes, but she has really given the Democrats a big boost. But I wanted to know, does it make any difference to the women that I interviewed when Trump still looked like he was heading for a landslide?

First, I check in with Erin at the auto repair shop.

Hi, Patti. Come on in.

I want to know if she’s at all impressed by Kamala Harris’s plans to combat inflation. First up, a ban on price-gouging in the food sector to stop companies making excessive profits.


We’ve had that under Nixon. It didn’t work. I think they kept it in place for about 90 days. It leads to shortages and businesses closing. It’s just a ridiculous plan.

How about $25,000 in down payment funding for first time home-buyers, like her daughter, Elinor?

That just means that the price of a house is going to go up by $25,000.

Another problem she has is trust. She says Harris has changed her attitude on key policies like fracking and immigration.


So at the end of the day, how do you feel about this election now?

Vice-President Harris didn’t get a single vote, and somehow she has become the nominee, and then the media is just fawning over her. What is odd is that she’s only having the one debate and won’t do any interviews. How are we supposed to learn what she’s really about or who she really is?

Polls suggest the Latino vote was evenly split between Trump and Biden in July, but now has swung in favour of Harris. I wonder what impact she’s made on Veronica, the radio host.



Oh, Veronica? This is..


This is Patti from the Financial Times. I just wanted to check back in with you because the last time we talked Biden had not stepped down yet. So now we have a new candidate and we sort of have a new world. And I just wondered what you were thinking about it. She’s definitely not getting your vote, right?

Definitely not getting my vote. Something different doesn’t mean that it’s always good. I’m not trying to be petty or mean, but I think when she ran for president, there was a reason why she was the first one eliminated of the Democrats. She’s not a likable person and she’s not the most brilliant woman.


Amy is equally sceptical. She believes Harris has been remarketed as a viable candidate, even though she failed ignominiously in the 2019 primaries.

I thought her speech was really good on Thursday night of the DNC. It was very moving. But the fact is that she’s been the VP for the past four years. And so it’s like, how can I believe that any of this is true or going to happen?

She’s trying to appeal to the same blue collar base that Trump is trying to appeal to.

That’s what I saw at the DNC. And it’s like, how much is this all just a sham, even for both sides. What will you both… now trying to appeal to this blue collar working class idea. And it’s like, well, who… are you… how can you say that when Hillary and Bill Clinton are there. Bill Clinton, Nafta cost us millions of manufacturing middle class jobs that are never coming back. It changed society. It changed our country.


We’re talking near the site of Rolling Mill in Milwaukee’s Bay View area. In 1886, a local militia shot dead seven people here during a protest for an eight-hour working day. The location is significant because Amy clearly wants the government to put working people first, and she feels the Democratic party no longer does. Maybe that’s one of the lessons here. Voters on both sides believe it’s only their party that will put them first, make them count, take their beliefs seriously.

The Harris honeymoon fizzles out a little bit after the DNC, but then there’s the debate with Trump in early September. There are no knockout blows, but she does seem to really get under his skin, in one instance laughing openly as Trump repeats an internet conspiracy theory about immigrants.

In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs…

Oh, please.


…the people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating… they’re eating the pets of the people that live there.

You talk about extreme. His former Secretary of Defence has said the nation, the republic, would never survive another Trump term.

They’ve had three and a half years to fix the border. They’ve had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn’t she done it?

I think they will walk through glass to vote for Trump.


I do like Trump’s style, but it pisses a lot of people off.

I truly believe that America is freedom’s last stop.

Standing on the shore of Lake Michigan, a long way from the political melee, I think back to where this film started, with Joe Biden’s disastrous debate. We’ve come a long way in a short time. I still don’t know who’s going to win the election or what else might happen before the vote.

Breaking news, the FBI is now investigating a shooting in West Palm Beach as an attempted assassination against former President Donald Trump. This would be a second time.


But I might any closer to understanding Trump’s women? For his supporters, his conspiracy theories, crude talk, views on abortion, that stuff isn’t what really matters. What matters? Strength, immigration, and the cost of butter.

But also a sense of belonging in a world that makes sense to them, even if it doesn’t make sense to the other side. The election on November 5 is approaching fast. But whoever wins, half the country will still think like the women I’ve been speaking to. We can ignore them, but we do so at our peril.

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Energy firms giving away free £150 this winter to help with bills – is your supplier on the list?



Energy firms giving away free £150 this winter to help with bills - is your supplier on the list?

YOU may be eligible to get a free £150 to help with your energy bills this winter.

A number of energy suppliers will be giving the discount on bills for struggling households this winter.

The scheme aims to provide relief for the most vulnerable households


The scheme aims to provide relief for the most vulnerable householdsCredit: Getty
It consists of a direct £150 credit to your account with your energy supplier


It consists of a direct £150 credit to your account with your energy supplierCredit: Getty

The help is being provided via the Government’s Warm Home Discount scheme.

The package sees energy suppliers give a £150 discount on the electricity bills of people claiming certain benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions.

The support is not awarded as cash into your bank account but instead applied directly to your account by your energy supplier.

The credit you have in your energy account will increase by £150 so it can only be used on your energy bills.


Read More on Energy Bills

If you have a traditional prepay meter, you will instead be sent a voucher which you can use to top up the meter in your home.

The support is given automatically to people claiming certain benefits including:

  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing benefit
  • Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC)

To get the money this year, you will need to be claiming these benefits during the qualifying week.

This is usually in August, however the official week has not yet been confirmed.

The Warm Home Discount scheme will reopen in October and it is likely we will get an update then.

Winter Energy Savings: Cosy Club’s DIY Hacks

It’s also important to know that not all energy suppliers are part of the scheme.

So even if you are claiming the eligible benefits, you may not receive the help.

Which suppliers participate in the Warm Home Discount scheme?

According to GOV.UK, the following suppliers took part in last year’s Warm Home Discount scheme. This means it is likely they will be a part of this year’s too – although this has not been confirmed.

  • 100Green (formerly Green Energy UK or GEUK)
  • Affect Energy
  • Atlantic
  • Boost
  • British Gas
  • Bulb Energy
  • Co-op Energy
  • E
  • Ecotricity
  • E.ON Next
  • EDF
  • Good Energy
  • London Power
  • Octopus Energy
  • Outfox the Market
  • OVO
  • Rebel Energy
  • Sainsbury’s Energy
  • Scottish Gas
  • Scottish Hydro
  • ScottishPower
  • Shell Energy Retail
  • So Energy
  • Southern Electric
  • SSE Energy Services
  • Swalec
  • Tomato Energy
  • TruEnergy
  • Utilita
  • Utility Warehouse

If your energy supplier is part of the scheme, they should contact you to let you know whether you are eligible, these letters usually come before January the next year.

The scheme opens in October and runs until March each year so your discount can be applied anytime.

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Stunning seaside city with the world’s most beautiful bookshop and very famous 80p treats



Porto is close to Portugal's northern coast, with the wide-mouthed River Douro cutting through its centre

I HAVE always loved a city that can be navigated by foot.

Not only because you can tick off all the sights with ease but burning off the calories means you can gorge on the local grub guilt-free.

Porto is close to Portugal's northern coast, with the wide-mouthed River Douro cutting through its centre


Porto is close to Portugal’s northern coast, with the wide-mouthed River Douro cutting through its centreCredit: Getty
The city is famed for its port


The city is famed for its portCredit: Getty

That is something I’d been doing a lot of in Porto, where gooey custard tarts can be picked up on almost every street for around €1.

Portugal’s second largest city is close to the country’s northern coast, with the River Douro cutting through its centre.

It’s not just custard tarts, known here as pastel de nata, that I’d been gobbling.

The region is known for its traditional food which includes bacalhau (salted cod fish) and the Francesinha toasted sandwich layered with assorted hot meats and cheeses then smothered in a rich beer sauce and served with French fries.


The sandwich is a ritual for after a good few inexpensive port cocktails.

After all, if there’s one thing this city is known for other than food, it’s port.

Here, this fortified wine is not just associated with Christmas and to be paired only with your favourite stilton or Stinking Bishop, it’s served year round in all the restaurants and bars.

Never tried it before? Well, think of a vibrant red wine that’s sweet and with depth — just like the Tripeiros (the slang name given to Porto’s charming inhabitants).


The Douro Valley has been making port since Roman times, but it was in the 17th century that port wine as we know it today was born when Brits fortified the booze in order to maintain its quality while transporting it by sea.

And you can learn all about the process at the World of Wine in the historic heart of nearby Gaia.

Fine dining, stunning architecture and a new direct flight makes Porto a must visit destination

A short distance from the city centre within an old port warehouse, the attraction is made up of seven museums, 12 restaurants and bars, several shops and even a wine school.

For proper wine enthusiasts, the Wine Experience is a must-do, allowing visitors to get hands-on with tastings and immersive artwork, all while learning the grape-to-bottle process.


Of course, this doesn’t beat a proper tasting. And Sandeman’s Quinta do Seixo winery is the place to do it.

You can sample the good stuff, along with nibbles, on a terrace overlooking the lush valley and river below.

The vineyards are a sight to behold, dazzling in colour, and the wines they produce are seriously good.

If you’re after a more substantial meal to soak up the vino, the Mercado do Bolhao is where to head.


Seriously good

The food hall is packed with various counters selling local produce, from meats, fish, fruit and veg to breads and pastries and is, of course, somewhere to grab a tipple.

Or for something fancier, there’s the DOP restaurant, which does a sensational 14-course tasting menu.

Highlights include a meat-free take on carbonara where the pasta is cleverly crafted from squid.

Porto's iconic custard tarts, known locally as the pastel de nata


Porto’s iconic custard tarts, known locally as the pastel de nataCredit: Getty
Experience wine tasting at Sandeman’s Quinta do Seixo winery


Experience wine tasting at Sandeman’s Quinta do Seixo wineryCredit: Alamy
Livraria Lello can only be described as the world’s most beautiful bookshop, housed in a curious neo-Gothic building


Livraria Lello can only be described as the world’s most beautiful bookshop, housed in a curious neo-Gothic buildingCredit: Alamy

Taste buds satisfied, I ventured back to Porto to walk off the indulgence along the hilly and cobbled streets of the Miragaia neighbourhood.

It was there that I discovered Livraria Lello — what can only be described as the world’s most beautiful bookshop, housed in a curious neo-Gothic building.


Set over four floors, it features stained-glass windows, intricate woodwork and a grand, imposing central staircase that takes you up to balconies overlooking the lower levels.

Allegedly, the site was an inspiration for Harry Potter author JK Rowling when she lived and taught in the city.

The store certainly has an otherworldly feel to it, although it’s in the basement that the true magic unfolds, with many rare tomes and first editions adorning the shelves.

Otherworldly feel

Entry to the shop is €8 and this can be redeemed against a book purchase, although make sure to get there early to avoid the long queues that form around the block.


Luckily, I’d been staying at the 5H Editory Boulevard Hotel, which is a seven-minute walk from the store, so the early rise wasn’t a problem.

The hotel serves a sensational breakfast that can’t be missed.

That is if you have any room left in your stomach.

It’s safe to say, you won’t go at all hungry or thirsty while in Porto.


GO: Porto

GETTING/STAYING THERE: Four night’s room-only at the 5H The Editory Boulevard Aliados Hotel with a Douro Valley Wine Tour costs from £559pp, including flights from Manchester on November 3.

Price includes 22kg baggage allowance and return transfers.



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destruction, death and fear engulf Beirut



The blasts could be heard throughout Beirut, an earth-shaking thunder that rolled across the city on Friday evening. For Doctor Jihad Saadeh, director of Lebanon’s largest public hospital, it was the beginning of a sleepless night full of carnage.

Saadeh’s private clinic was just a few hundred metres away from the target of Israeli jets that dropped bombs on at least six residential buildings that collapsed before his eyes. Their aim was to kill Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbollah, who was confirmed dead on Saturday.

“We saw the jets of red smoke shoot up into the sky, the buildings just collapsed,” he said. He had raced from his clinic to the Rafik Hariri hospital to ready his staff.

“We got only bodies at first,” he said. “The buildings just collapsed. All of them were below the rubble. There were no injuries, just fatalities.”


The bombing wreaked havoc across Lebanon, from Beirut’s southern suburbs to the Bekaa Valley in the east and across the south. Israeli warplanes pummeled areas far from Hizbollah’s traditional pockets of support, including in Mount Lebanon and Chouf.

Massive plumes of orange and red smoke billowed from between Beirut’s densely-packed apartment buildings as the sound of sirens filled the city that endured at least 11 air strikes on Friday night and Saturday morning, according to Lebanese state news.  

The strikes that killed Nasrallah flattened multiple residential buildings. When the sun rose, a massive crater left by the bombs in Dahiyeh, was visible from the hills surrounding Beirut.

Lebanon’s health ministry asked hospitals near Beirut that had not been struck to stop accepting non-urgent cases to make room for patients who were being evacuated from hospitals in the capital’s southern suburbs.


The bombings killed at least 11 people and injured 108, the health ministry said on Saturday. That is probably an undercount as it represents only hospitals that reported their data to the ministry.

A tense period of mourning took hold in Beirut in the hours after Hizbollah confirmed Nasrallah’s killing on Saturday. Shops closed across the city.

A man checks the destruction at a factory targeted in an overnight Israeli airstrike in the town of Chouaifet south of Beirut
A man checks inspects destruction at a factory targeted in an overnight Israeli air strike © Anwar Amro/AFP/Getty Images

Israel, meanwhile, continued its assault against Hizbollah, saying it had killed another of the group’s commanders in a strike on Dahiyeh on Saturday, the southern suburb where Nasrallah was assassinated. As its drones buzzed incessantly over Beirut, the Israeli military vowed to keep up its attacks.

Many families who fled their homes were dazed and frightened, struggling to come to terms with what had happened.

After assassinating Nasrallah on Friday night, the Israeli military warned residents of Beirut’s southern suburbs to evacuate for “your safety and the safety of your loved ones” as it prepared to step up its bombing campaign.


The orders, posted on social media platform X, sparked fear as they marked specific buildings across neighbourhoods, identifying them by the families that lived there or the cafés on their bottom floors. It told residents living there and in the surrounding buildings to leave immediately because the Israeli military would be “forced to act against these [Hizbollah] interests in the immediate future”. 

A displaced family sleeps near Beirut’s central Martyrs’ Square after fleeing the overnight Israeli strikes in southern Beirut, in Lebanon
A father and his child sleep near Beirut’s Martyrs’ Square after fleeing their home © Louisa Gouliamaki/Reuters

Residents of the Burj al-Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut’s southern suburbs said panic spread rapidly through its narrow alleys and concentrated buildings when Israel warned that the surrounding neighbourhood would be bombed. 

One woman from the camp, a Palestinian refugee who had fled Syria to Lebanon in 2012, had to run again on Friday night, this time to a seaside walkway.

“We fled from the horror. As soon as we heard the evacuation orders, we left,” she said. Her family stood on the side of a dark highway as the sound of air strikes reverberated around them before a van finally offered them a lift.

“We’re definitely not going back. They’re still bombing,” she said. 


All around her were families who had made the same journey. As the sun climbed higher along Beirut’s corniche where the refugees had sought sanctuary, exhausted fathers strung blankets between palm trees to create shade for their families.

Smoke rises as a building collapses in Beirut’s southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024.
Smoke rises as a building collapses in Beirut’s southern suburbs © Hussein Malla/AP
A car sits in a crater in Beirut’s southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024.
A car fell into a crater in Beirut’s southern suburbs © Hassan Ammar/AP

Plastic bottles and potato chip bags littered the walkway that would normally be thronged with joggers and ping-pong players. Instead, children and grandparents sat on the ground eating bread and drinking tea that had been passed out by volunteers. 

Fatima, an 18-year old girl who asked that her real name not be used, had fled from the suburb of Lailaki with her family after midnight. When the bombings first started on Friday evening, they initially decided to remain in their home. 

But the explosions were so intense, so loud and so close that she lost consciousness.

“I fainted,” she said. “Our house became like paper,” she added, moving her hand to show the way her home had seemed to fold and shake. 

The family decided to leave only after the Israeli military issued evacuation orders for houses in their neighbourhood 

Surrounded by her suitcases on the seaside boardwalk, Zaynab, Fatima’s aunt, said she did not know where she would go next or if she would be able to return to her home.

“We don’t even know if our house is still there to go back to,” Zaynab said. 


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Florida’s lesser-known side has powder-white sand, 22C turquoise waters and enormous ‘cows of the sea’



Sea cows can be found in the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge on Florida’s western coast

I BREATHE calmly into my snorkel and gently float as a manatee and its calf leisurely swim beneath me.

Just two hours’ drive from a world of Mickey Mouse and rollercoasters, these magical creatures — also known as sea cows — can be found in the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge on Florida’s western coast.

Sea cows can be found in the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge on Florida’s western coast


Sea cows can be found in the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge on Florida’s western coastCredit: Alamy
The Salvador Dali Museum houses the largest collection of the Spanish surrealist’s work


The Salvador Dali Museum houses the largest collection of the Spanish surrealist’s workCredit: Getty
The plush Opal Sands Resort


The plush Opal Sands Resort

I’m staying at The PaddleTail Waterfront Lodge on Kings Bay, the ideal hub for making the most of this natural paradise on the Gulf of Mexico.

As I slip into my wetsuit, dive expert Jake, from Waterfront Adventures, guides us through the etiquette of meeting these gentle giants.

We set sail before sunrise in search of manatee activity, which can be identified through “footprints” — oval-shaped ripples on the surface of the water.


Our boat stops in the Three Sisters Springs where these marine mammals bask in the 22C turquoise waters.

It takes some bravery to pause and float as a 500kg animal swims towards you.

But it is as if these creatures give off a calming energy throughout the water as they hoover up the grass on the seabed.

Jake also encourages us to get a closer look at the three springs — Pretty Sister, Deep Sister and Little Sister — which actually contain a total of 19 freshwater springs between them.


I plunge beneath the surface and watch as the sand bubbles like nature’s very own hot tub brimming with yellow-bellied sliders and schools of fish.

The three-hour tour ends with a fluffy white towel to dry off and a velvety mocha to sip as we make our way back to the shore, leaving the manatees to graze on their breakfast.

After working up an appetite in the water, we head to the Wild Sassa seafood shack to enjoy a fresh shrimp taco.

Mum-of-22 Sue Radford shares vid from another Florida holiday, after defending her family’s VERY frequent vacations

It is set on the edge of the Homosassa River, and the queue of hungry adventure seekers in wetsuits and flip-flops reflect how this humble trailer has made its way into the top 100 taco spots in the USA.


And while Florida is typically associated with fast food giants, the Homosassa Springs area boasts some of the freshest seafood on the coast.

Bayside Kraft Kitchen serves up homemade fries with perfectly poached lobster, while Waterfront Social offers fresh alligator bites, if you dare.

For those wishing to unwind, the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park is a calming oasis.

While there, don’t miss the underwater observatory, which allows visitors to step beneath the spring’s surface and watch as the manatees and fish swim in a natural habitat.


A 90-minute drive down the coast we switch up the tempo in the vibrant city of St Petersburg.

While the city itself can be considered its very own gallery — with colourful murals on every block — it is also home to the Salvador Dali Museum.

The museum houses the largest collection of the Spanish surrealist’s work, all enclosed within 18-inch thick walls designed to withstand the powerful hurricanes that can wreak havoc in this corner of the globe.

A hive of activity

You can also experience his work in an incredible sound and light show inside a glass sphere known as The Dali Dome.


After a bit of culture and dinner of nduja and prawn ravioli at Brick & Mortar in Downtown St Pete, we head to the hub of the city.

It is a place where twentysomethings are sipping craft beers from local microbreweries with their university friends, while those 50 years their senior cheer each other from the sidelines at the St Petersburg Shuffleboard Club.

Founded in 1924, it is the oldest and largest shuffleboard club in the world.

The aim of the game is to push weighted discs along narrow courts into designated boxes to score points, in what becomes an addictive and frustrating game.


As the sun sets, the Friday Night St Pete Shuffle is a hive of activity, with a cool bring-your own booze” policy — the ideal aperitif to a delicious dinner.

For those wishing to carry on the night, retro club Goodnight John Boy is the ultimate party, playing Seventies and Eighties disco tracks.

But a trip to this corner of the world would not be complete without some serious relaxation.

Clearwater Beach is a three-mile stretch of powder-white sand that has turquoise Gulf waters lapping on to its shore.


The sand, derived from quartz, is cool under foot.

The exotic flamingoes in St Petersburg


The exotic flamingoes in St PetersburgCredit: Supplied
The Sun's Emily Webber gets close to the sea life


The Sun’s Emily Webber gets close to the sea lifeCredit: Supplied

And it coated my toes in a refreshing way as I took a stroll in the 33C heat.


After basking in the sunshine, a dip in the pool at my hotel — the four-star beachside Opal Sands Resort — was just the thing.

As the sun sets, I grab a seat at the hotel’s SandBar Waterfront Tiki Bar and order a raspberry mojito while watching playful dolphins dip and dive in the bluest Gulf waters.

I would never have thought of white-knuckle rollercoaster paradise Florida as a destination to relax and recharge — but it seems that this corner of the Sunshine State truly is.

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‘Bargain of my life!’ hails Tesco shopper as kids sport shoes scan at the tills for 4p – here’s how



'Bargain of my life!' hails Tesco shopper as kids sport shoes scan at the tills for 4p - here's how

A LUCKY Tesco shopper managed to nab the “bargain” of their life when they found a pair of kids sports shoes priced at just 4p.

The shockingly low price sent social media into a frenzy with many wondering how shoes were so cheap.

The shoes scanned for just 4p in store


The shoes scanned for just 4p in store
Tesco often reduces the prices of goods it considers 'old stock'


Tesco often reduces the prices of goods it considers ‘old stock’Credit: Reuters

The pair of B Sports Shoes normally cost £13 but its price had been reduced by more than 99%.

A post of the staggering deal shared on Facebook amassed countless shocked reactions.

The post stated: “Bargain of [my] life, Tesco kids School trainers for 4p, original price £13.00.”

Users were also quick to comment on the extraordinary offer.


One said: “Well done on your bargain!”

But many also shared insight into why the price was so low.

One sharp commenter claimed: “Item at 4p are old stock and meant to be removed from shelves.”

However, another said: “Shouldn’t have been sold.


“It’s meant to be for charity.”

Tesco often reduces prices to 4p on goods that are considered ‘old stock.’

Just last month, a savvy shopper nabbed a two pack of boys long-sleeve shirts for just 4p.

The buyer said: “Found the bargain of the century in Tesco.


“It looks like all the boys long sleeve shirts now come in a pack of 3 (£5.50) however after rummaging through I found a pack of 2 (£3.50).

“When I got to the till I was charged a grand total of just 4p for the 2 pack.

“Looks like it’s old season stock so if you can find this colour packet you might get a bargain too!”

Two years ago, a post Christmas sale of old stock from Tesco saw countless items reduced to the 4p price tag.


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Why you should never trust the fancy hotel toiletries in your room – and the secret they are hiding



Travel whizz Jessica Sulima revealed the truth about hotel toiletries

A TRAVEL expert has uncovered the secrets of fancy hotel toiletries and revealed why you should never trust them.

Holidaymakers love to horde tiny bottles of high-end shampoos and lotions but you might not be getting what you think you’re paying for.

Travel whizz Jessica Sulima revealed the truth about hotel toiletries


Travel whizz Jessica Sulima revealed the truth about hotel toiletriesCredit: Getty

Plenty of hotels sign exclusive agreements with luxury cosmetics brands to carry miniature versions of their signature products.


These can add a touch of class to an en suite, but bosses are keen not to give away too much for free.

And, according to travel whizz Jessica Sulima, they don’t.

Writing for Thrillist, she claimed that when it comes to hotel toiletries most of the value is in the name on the bottle.

Jessica said: “These days, it’s rare to find a generic, unheard-of brand lining your bathroom sink or shower caddy.


“As far as luxury hotels go, expect to find D.S. and Durga at The Carlyle, Bamford at The Palace Hotel, or Diptyque at the Ritz-Carlton.

“The trend is a win-win — the hotels get to amplify their prestige, and the cosmetic companies get to spread brand awareness.

“It was probably naive of me, however, to think that such products are exact replicas of what you can find in stores.

“In practice, hotels typically work with these brands to create custom formulations that reasonably approximate their product at scale.


“These samples are designed to be as close to the real deal as possible, and in a perfect world, guests wouldn’t be able to sniff out the substitute.”

Travellers reveals sneaky way to take fancy hotel toiletries without getting in trouble

Her suspicions were backed up by Anna Ableson, a professor at the Tisch Insitute of Hospitality at NYU.

The industry insider said: “Some hotel toiletries may look like retail name-brand products, but they’re often formulated and sourced differently to meet hospitality industry needs.

“This can cause variations in quality and composition compared to store-bought versions.”


And Ian Ginsburg, president of beauty brand C.O. Bigelow, added: “The north star is to do it exactly as it is.

“But it’s a balance of cost. Sometimes the cost is too much, so we’ll try to modify the fragrance.”

It comes after a Brit who has gone on more than 50 cruises revealed the one item he never leaves home without.

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