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How cold warriors used hard science



Book cover of Mixed Signals

Last week, a Nasa spacecraft set off for Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, in search of signs of life beneath the moon’s icy crust. The previous day, SpaceX engineers caught a booster rocket with mechanical arms on its return from a test flight, potentially making interplanetary travel easier than ever. Space exploration has been much in the news this month — but, as two new books remind us, it also gripped the public’s imagination at the height of the cold war.

In 1962 Venus became the first planet in our solar system to receive a radio message from Earth. Transmitted from a Soviet radar complex, it consisted of three words in Russian: “Peace, Lenin, USSR.”

Well might we wonder what the little green inhabitants of Venus, had there been any, would have made of this. But the message was not really aimed at extraterrestrials. Rather, as a triumphant article in the Soviet armed forces newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda made clear, it was intended to demonstrate to people on Earth “a new victory for Soviet science and technology”.

In Mixed Signals, Rebecca Charbonneau tells this story as a way of illustrating that, during the cold war, US and Soviet efforts to communicate with aliens in space were as much about superpower competition on Earth as about locating those elusive beings. A historian at the American Institute of Physics, Charbonneau has written a well-researched and splendidly entertaining account of humanity’s search for alien life in the era of the US-Soviet “space race”.

Book cover of Mixed Signals

The other book under review, Ines Geipel’s Beautiful New Sky, draws attention to the darker side of science in the cold war. She exposes the highly secretive programmes in communist East Germany in which researchers conducted risky, even cruel experiments on humans and animals to find ways of enabling cosmonauts to endure long-distance space travel.

At one level, Charbonneau’s book is a heartening tale. Despite their ideological and geopolitical rivalry, the US and the Soviet Union often co-operated from the 1960s to the cold war’s end in the late 1980s in an effort to discover and communicate with extraterrestrial life. Scientists such as Carl Sagan, the American astronomer and author, and Iosif Shklovsky, his Soviet Ukrainian friend and opposite number, thought they were engaged in a common quest that transcended national identity.

As Charbonneau explains, there were good practical reasons for such collaboration. Earth’s rotation meant that continuous observation of an extraterrestrial source with ground-based telescopes was impossible from one country alone.

However, the space race and the search for aliens always had a military dimension. The powerful signals detection and analysis capabilities of the equipment used in this search made them ideal for military surveillance in deep space, Charbonneau says.

Sometimes the search had embarrassing consequences. In 1965 Tass, the official Soviet news agency, reported the potential discovery of an alien supercivilisation on the radio star CTA-102. This inspired the Byrds, one of the era’s biggest rock groups, to write a song about it. But there were no aliens — CTA-102 is just one of more than 1mn quasars (highly luminous galactic cores) so far discovered in the universe.


Charbonneau trawls thoroughly through the available records to tell her story, but acknowledges future historians will probably find out more. When she visited Russia in 2019, she says, she “was unable to access a single scientific archive”. Under President Vladimir Putin, Soviet-style secretiveness and suspicion of foreigners are back with a vengeance.

Book cover of Beautiful New Sky

Geipel, a former sprinter and long jumper who was one of thousands of victims of East Germany’s covert doping of athletes, has produced a powerful, at times deeply moving book about that now defunct state’s sinister involvement in space research. She provides an important corrective to recent revisionist accounts of East Germany as a place where life wasn’t so bad after all, even though the regime was a communist dictatorship marked by the omnipresence of the Stasi secret police and slavish loyalty to the Soviet Union.

As Geipel writes, the great myth was that everything East Germany did was for the cause of progress and peace. “Even after 1989, this myth was able to survive, remain intact and even regenerate itself in the face of all sources that indicated a different story,” she says.

East Germany’s research on human endurance was a militarised effort, with the Stasi’s keen involvement, from start to finish. The goal was to forge “a clear path towards a New Man created through complex chemical substances”, Geipel writes. Researchers realised that anabolic steroids — also used to dope athletes — could combat muscular atrophy in space.

Experiments with neuropeptides — tiny chemical messengers — were designed to remap the limits of human existence, improving the body’s ability to withstand extreme heat, cold, exhaustion, loneliness and mental disorientation. Speech analysis devices intended to analyse cosmonauts’ psychological state were of especial interest to the Stasi, as they could also be used to monitor critics of communism.


In all this, western countries were not entirely blameless. After Germany’s reunification in 1990, investigators discovered that almost half of 35 doping substances used in the east’s sports laboratories had originated in the west. Moreover, as Charbonneau reminds us, the CIA conducted experiments on humans with mind-bending drugs such as LSD.

Both books make clear that science can be turned to terrible as well as noble purposes. If there are indeed aliens somewhere in the universe, perhaps they too know that.

Mixed Signals: Alien Communication Across the Iron Curtain by Rebecca Charbonneau Polity £25, 256 pages

Beautiful New Sky: Fabricating Bodies for Outer Space in East Germany’s Military Laboratories by Ines Geipel Polity £20, 178 pages


Tony Barber is the FT’s European comment editor

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I’m a heating engineer – you can get rid of condensation from windows from just 2p WITHOUT using a dehumidifier



I'm a heating engineer - you can get rid of condensation from windows from just 2p WITHOUT using a dehumidifier

CONDENSATION and mould can cause serious health issues but there are ways of keeping them both at bay.

The pesky vapour occurs when warm air hits a cooler surface and creates moisture.

It doesn't need to cost a fortune to stop condensation in your home


It doesn’t need to cost a fortune to stop condensation in your home

Left alone, it can create mould and mildew which is both a pain to get rid of and can cause havoc with your health including worsening asthma, eczema and allergies.


Luckily, there are several ways you can tackle condensation to save yourself issues further down the line, and you don’t need to invest in a dehumidifier.

While they’re handy at removing moisture from the air and preventing mould, but they can cost up to £150.

Luckily, there are cheaper ways of keeping your home mould-free, and they can cost as little as 2p.

Cat litter -2p

It may sound not sound like something you want around your house, but cat litter can be used to to remove moisture from the air.


Cat litter is created to absorb liquid, so it makes sense that it’s good DIY dehumidifier, says Stephen Day, heating engineer at iHeat.

“Non-clumping, unscented cat litter is a far more effective desiccant than salt for absorbing moisture as it will not leech moisture or become ‘soggy’ and can help deal with damp odours,” he said.

“The best type of cat litter to use is silica crystal cat litter which can be used for weeks at a time before needing to be replaced.”

You can fill an old sock with cat litter and place it near the affected area.


Many cat litters are fragranced so you won’t have an unpleasant smell around your home.

You can pick up a 10kg bag of Just Essentials cat litter from Asda for £2.19.

This works out at just 2p per 100g.

However, it’s a good idea to keep cat litter out of reach of children so they don’t eat it.

My windowsills were dripping wet from condensation every morning but a £2.99 buy got rid of it instantly

Salt – £1.25

Salt has the power to draw in moisture – and there’s plenty of internet folklore that suggests bowls of it around the house can dry out the air.

Ordinary table salt works, but rock salt can be more effective in large spaces at clearing condensation.

“Salt is a desiccant, meaning it absorbs moisture in the air,” Mr Day explained.

A container of rock salt from Sainsbury’s is currently going for £1.25 online, though prices may vary in store.


However, Mr Day cautioned that salt can only absorb a limited amount of moisture before becoming “saturated and ineffective”, so you will need to use much larger amounts.

“The moisture can leach out from the bowl and leave salt deposits on your surfaces which can cause irreparable damage and be hard to clean,” he said.

Make sure to keep a regular check up on any salt bowls and empty them if they begin soaking up moisture.

What is mould and how to get rid of it?


Mould is more likely to grow during the winter months.

Olivia Young, Product Development Scientist at Astonish revealed exactly why this is.

“Unfortunately, mould is a common problem many people face during winter. It thrives in conditions that are warm and damp, so your bathrooms are likely to be the most affected place.

“That said, during the colder months most rooms in your home could be vulnerable to mould growing.


“This occurs primarily from condensation that builds up on your windows when you’ve got your radiators on.

“If you think about it, when windows and doors are closed, there’s not much chance for the air to circulate and the moisture to make a swift exit.

“This build up is what can cause dreaded mould to make an appearance, especially in bathrooms, as it creates that warm and wet environment that is a breeding ground for mould.

“If left untreated, not only is it unsightly but it can also pose a serious risk to your health, so it’s really important you treat it.


“The key to tackle mould is to act fast.

“Try to come into as little contact with it as you can. So, grab your gloves, tie up your hair and get to work to remove any signs of mould as soon as you notice them.

“To keep mould at bay, there are some simple solutions you can introduce throughout home.

“The first is keep it ventilated. Yes, even in the cold winter months try to leave your bathroom window open for at least 10/15 minutes post shower or bath. This will get rid of any excess moisture quickly preventing mould gathering.


“If you’re having a repeat problem with mould in one particular area, it might be because the humidity levels are too high. You can get a dehumidifier that will help keep the levels low and reduce the risk of mould returning.

“The golden rule to remember when dealing with mould is the quicker you can treat it, the better. If you leave it, it will only get worse so never ignore it!

“To successfully get rid of mould every time, I recommend opting for the UK’s No 1 Mould & Mildew Remover, that effectively removes mould and mildew stains almost instantly, with no scrubbing necessary.”

Keep your home well-ventilated – free

As the weather gets colder, you might warm up by having hotter showers.


To avoid steam clinging to your bathroom walls, make sure you open any windows and turn on any extractor fans, Nicholas said.

Keep the bathroom door closed after you’ve showered as well, to stop any excess steam escaping into the rest of the house.

Use the trickle vents on windows or keep a quarter light open for background ventilation.

Trickle vents are small vents that can be added to the tops of windows and allow a constant stream of air in and out.


Dry clothes outside – free

Hanging your pants and socks up inside can create condensation as the moisture from them escapes into the air.

Instead, hang your clothes up outside, even if there’s a slight chance of rain.

Alternatively, dry clothes using a tumble dryer or in a closed room with the window open.

Silica Gel packets from Amazon – £3.75

These are probably a lesser known damp remover.


The little sachets that come in shoes and clothes – could end up protecting your walls and window sills.

That’s because they’re designed to prevent moisture from damaging a product – so they’re ideal for keeping dampness at bay around your home.

You can currently get them on Amazon for £4.95 although they do come for free within packaging of certain products – so keep an eye out.

In the review section, one shopper said: “These are perfect for what I wanted them for.


“My cupboard, where I store all our shoes, is very cold and was starting to feel damp in places. I bought these to pop in the shoes.”

Chalk and clove oil – £5

Another low-cost method involves using mega chalk and clove oil.

If you have children, you may be familiar with them using chalk for arts and crafts activities.

What you might not realise is that it’s also a very absorbent material.


Clove oil, meanwhile, has anti-fungal properties which can kill spores, and effectively prevent the growth of mould.

The chalk will remove condensation and the clove oil prevents it from returning. Both items are relatively inexpensive

You can, for example, pick up a 12-pack of chalk from Hobbycraft for £2 and a 10-ml bottle of clove oil from Boots for £2.99.

All you need to do is dab a few drops of the oil onto your chalk.


Once this is done this, simply place the chalk in any affected areas to help keep it dry.

You might, for example, want to put the chalk in the corner of your bedroom, or in your drawers or wardrobe.

The key is to place a stick or two around the house wherever you need moisture to be absorbed such as windowsills.

You can then return to those pieces of chalk every month or so, and add a few more drops of clove oil.


If you spot small areas of mould, clove oil is a great product you can use to clean these up before the fungus spreads too far.

Common Bathroom Habits That Increase Mould

Plumbworld, a leading expert in bathroom and kitchen products, has shared the daily habits that increase the chance of mould growing in homes.

Leaving wet towels and bathmats on floor 

Wet towels and bathmats on the floors after a shower or bath can increase humidity levels which provides a perfect breeding ground for mould spores.


To prevent this, hang towels and bathmats in an area where they can dry quickly and to wash them regularly.

Not turning on the fan 

An exhaust fan is critical in reducing moisture levels in the bathroom. 

When taking a hot shower or bath, steam increases the room’s humidity level, creating an ideal setting for mould to flourish on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces.


An exhaust fan helps by moving the moist air outside, significantly reducing the risk of mould growth. 

Experts suggest running the fan during the shower and for at least 20-30 minutes afterwards to lower humidity levels.

Ignoring small leaks

Even minor leaks from the sink, toilet, or shower can contribute to increased moisture levels in a bathroom, fostering an environment where mould can thrive. 


Over time, these leaks can cause significant water damage, promoting mould growth in less visible areas such as inside walls or under flooring. 

Fix leaks promptly to prevent mould and potential structural damage.

Keeping shower curtains or doors closed 

Keeping the shower area closed after use traps moisture inside, delaying the drying process and creating a humid environment conducive to mould growth. 


Mould can easily develop on shower curtains, doors, and in tile grout if they remain wet for too long. 

To avoid this, leave the shower door or curtain open after use to improve air circulation and allow the area to dry more quickly.

Storing too many products 

Shower caddies and corners filled with bottles and accessories may seem harmless, but they can obstruct airflow and trap moisture and creates hidden, moist niches where mould can grow unnoticed. 


Keep shampoo and shower gel bottles to a minimum, and regularly clean and dry the areas underneath them to prevent mould growing. 

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I went to Europe’s ‘best’ city 2024 – it’s my favourite place to go in Spain with futuristic attractions and £2 pizzas



Valencia has been named the  best city in Europe 2024

BEING the most popular holiday destination for Brits, choosing where to go in Spain can be tricky.

But Valencia was named the best city in Europe by Conde Nast Traveler – and I was lucky enough to have visited.

Valencia has been named the  best city in Europe 2024


Valencia has been named the best city in Europe 2024Credit: Getty
I went during a heatwave - but still loved it


I went during a heatwave – but still loved it

Spain isn’t short of beautiful cities – Barcelona and Madrid being the most popular – as well as stunning islands such as Tenerife and Majorca.

I’ve managed to visit nearly 10 different spots across Spain.

But Valencia is my favourite with so much going for it, from futuristic attractions to affordable food and drink.

I was unlucky enough to have visited during the 2022 ‘heat dome‘ which saw temperatures soar to 45C.


It certainly made it a challenge to explore – after all, being 30C at both 8am and 8pm meant there was no escape.

Thankfully, I enjoyed the heat, so made the most of the quieter-than-usual streets because of the (sensible) people taking shelter.

But my favourite attraction that I think is unmissible is the City of Arts and Science.

The huge complex – costing £760million and taking a decade – is home to a number of different structures to explore.


Film fans will recgonise it, featuring in both Westworld and Doctor Who.

There’s the Science Museum, with enough interactive experiences for kids to enjoy.

Spain resort thats like being in Thailand with zen gardens and huge jungle pool

But for adults there is the Opera House with live musical perfomances and shows.

Outside of the complex, the city is beautiful enough by itself.


Many of the huge Art Deco buildings make the streets feel like a film set,complete with vintage street lights.

There is El Cabanyal, a trendy district named one of the coolest neighbourhoods in Europe by The Guardian.

The City of Arts and Science is like nothing I'd seen before


The City of Arts and Science is like nothing I’d seen beforeCredit: Alamy
The beach is worth a visit too


The beach is worth a visit tooCredit: Alamy

It’s here I fell into a warehouse-cum-greenhouse that had both a bar and jazz being played live on stage.

But the cheapest eat I found was La Finestra back in the city, where not only are the beers cheap, but you can get mini pizzas for just £2.

There’s a number of new hotels opening in the city, such as a new Novotel in downtown this December.

I stayed at the Valencia Oceanic by Melia. It was simple, but had its own pool and was a short walk to everything you need.


This includes the huge stretch of beach to the east, with the Las Arenas strip having bars and cafes.

Flights to Valencia are as little as £16.99 with Ryanair from Birmingham or £20.99 with easyJet from London Gatwick.

Conde Naste Traveller’s Best Cities in Europe 2024

  1. Valencia, Spain – 92.78
  2. Stockholm, Sweden – 91.11
  3. Vienna, Austria – 90.93
  4. Berlin, Germany – 90.29
  5. Milan, Italy – 90.13
  6. Budapest, Hungary – 89.86
  7. Madrid, Spain – 89.61
  8. Paris, France – 89.38
  9. Palma, Spain – 89.21
  10. Seville, Spain – 88.76

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Lessons from wrestling’s success



Lessons from wrestling’s success

This article is an online version of our Scoreboard newsletter. Premium subscribers can sign up here to get the newsletter delievered every Saturday. Standard subscribers can upgrade to Premium here, or explore all FT newsletters

Many of the movers and shakers in sport gathered this week inside Twickenham — sorry, the Allianz Stadium — for the annual Leaders Week conference to wag chins about the state of the market.

But while executives gathered in London’s rugby capital, TV cameras were heading to Wembley, where England’s new football manager — master tactician Thomas Tuchel — was giving his first press conference. Choosing the 51-year-old German to lead England’s next World Cup campaign has revived the debate about whether the national coach should be an Englishman, one that has been going on for more than 20 years since Swede Sven-Goran Eriksson first broke the taboo. No team managed by a foreigner has ever won the men’s World Cup — can the volatile Bavarian “rulebreaker” change that? Read this week’s Person in the News to find out more.

This week we’re bringing some top tips from one of the smartest brains in sport and entertainment, plus we speak to the NFL about its global ambitions. Do read on — Josh Noble, sports editor


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What sport can learn from scripted wrestling

Controlled fun: WWE still a success © AP

One of the headline acts at Leaders Week in London was Mark Shapiro, president of both Endeavor and TKO, the parent company of Ultimate Fighting Championship and WWE.

TKO’s New York-listed shares are up around 60 per cent this year, giving the company a market capitalisation of around $22bn — a valuation that most sports businesses can only dream of. So what, if anything, can other sports learn from a business that combines combat sport with scripted entertainment?

“When you think back to Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Andre the Giant and the Undertaker. These were stars, but they were personalities — written or not — they were personalities”, said Shapiro. “I think sports has really learned they need to do the same thing, that even if you’re a reluctant star, you have to be out there . . . you got to take some chances.”

As several sports grapple with the recent or pending retirement of their biggest names — from Rafael Nadal to Cristiano Ronaldo and Tyson Fury — the battle for attention is getting tougher. But all it takes is one personality to break through and the rest of the sport can ride the wave.


“When you look at women’s sports, that might be the best example we’ve seen in decades. Look what Caitlin Clark has done for the WNBA”, he said.

Shapiro said that when he ran ESPN he went to “war” to get players to put microphones on and let down their guard — many worried they would say the wrong thing and wind up in trouble. Now, however, the dynamic has changed dramatically.

“Everybody wants to be mic’d. Everybody wants to have their own show. Everybody wants to have their own series. And every athlete, at the very least, wants to have their own social universe that they can monetise because they realise it helps their own brand, but it also helps their own balance sheet,” he said.

WWE’s unique brand of drama, personality and athleticism has already attracted one key fan: Netflix chief content officer Bela Bajaria. She reached a $5bn deal to carry live WWE events on the streaming platform for the next decade, its biggest step yet into live programming.


As rights holders sweat about the outlook for TV, Shapiro’s recent successes suggests he’s someone worth listening to.

Q&A: why the NFL wants to go global

Catching on: NFL’s London games prove a hit again © AP

The National Football League is a financial juggernaut. Its media rights deals are worth more than $10bn a year, thanks in large part to its huge drawing power in North America. But the sport has a strategy focused on international growth. NFL franchises play high-stakes regular season matches in front of capacity crowds at the home ground of English Premier League side Tottenham Hotspur.

Scoreboard caught up with NFL executive Peter O’Reilly to talk about the sport’s global play. This transcript has been lightly edited for readability.

The NFL is a massive success in the US, but why is it so important to expand internationally?

Fundamentally, we’ve got fans all around the world who love the game, who have been exposed to it through media, who are hungry for more of it. So finding the right ways to provide more access to our sport and allow more people to connect and fall in love with it . . . we’re proud of the fan base and the business in the US, but there’s a fan base around the world, many of whom love our game.


What has the NFL learned from other sports?

We were in Paris this summer. You go to that beach volleyball venue near the Eiffel Tower and that inspires you to think, “What could a flag football venue look like in LA? How do you create that energy?”

If you look at it through like a Formula One model, you would have a place where you’ve kind of got each week almost, “Where is that international game?” You’re creating mini Super Bowls, if you will, each week across the calendar.

What about media rights?


Our focus continues to be playing the long game, really making sure we are driving reach and the opportunity to engage fully and find partners who are really innovating and leaning in with us . . . The landscape of potential partners has widened. As you saw, we did a global Netflix deal for our Christmas Day games, the first time we’ve done really a true global deal across those games. You see what we’ve done with Amazon and Prime Video with our Thursday night package.

What role do NFL teams play in this global growth?

People love the NFL, but deep cut passion comes when you have a favourite team. The [Minnesota] Vikings are here activating year round, putting on flag football events, engaging not just in London but across the country and that complements the work we’re doing here on a year round basis. Fans are feeling the level of commitment we’re making, we’re committed to games here in the UK through 2029.

What’s the next big step for NFL growth outside the US?


We’ve just got approval from the ownership to increase the number of regular season games we’re bringing around the world up to eight. That doesn’t include the Jaguars game, which would bring that to nine. If we were to go to a new format for the season that went to 18 regular season games and two pre-season games, there’s a world where we could be playing 16 international games each year. The regular season games are not an end in themselves, they’re a catalyst.


Competitive socialising: a growing trend © Charlie Bibby/FT
  • Sixes Social Cricket, a bar that tests your ability to bat against a virtual bowler, is part of a growing trend of “competitive socialising”, where activities like darts, mini-golf, and cricket are paired with food and drinks. The number of venues in the UK has jumped by 40 per cent since 2018. The Savills estate agency expects this to climb further by the end of the decade, as consumers look for new social experiences instead of traditional nightlife.

  • Initial bids for stakes in the eight cricket teams that comprise The Hundred, a short-format competition, were due on Friday. Investor appetite is a major test for the England and Wales Cricket Board, the domestic governing body that is seeking to raise up to £500mn from the auction.

  • Fans will be permitted to drink alcohol at two clubs in the second-tier Women’s Championship, in a trial that could lead to a wider rollout. Booze has been banned in view of the pitch in the men’s game since 1985.

  • NFL owners approved Tom Brady’s deal to buy a minority stake in the Las Vegas Raiders, despite concerns that his buy-in valuation was too low.

  • Fifa signed up Chinese computer maker Lenovo as its global technology partner, in a deal spanning the men’s World Cup in 2026 and the women’s edition the following year. Gianni Infantino, president of world football’s governing body, said artificial intelligence can make a positive difference in football.

Transfer Market

Gerard Piqué: football business © REUTERS

Gerard Piqué’s Kings League hired the former head of the National Basketball Association’s Europe and Middle East business as its new chief executive. Djamel Agaoua will lead the seven-a-side football competition, which has attracted sponsors including Spotify and Adidas and promotes itself with social media influencers.

Final Whistle

Football fans love to leave their mark when visiting their rivals. But how’s this for commitment? Travelling fans from fourth tier German side Erfurt brought tins of paint and rollers to their game at Carl Zeiss Jena’s home ground so they could paint their team’s initial in gigantic letters on the back of the stand.


Scoreboard is written by Josh Noble, Samuel Agini and Arash Massoudi in London, Sara Germano, James Fontanella-Khan, and Anna Nicolaou in New York, with contributions from the team that produce the Due Diligence newsletter, the FT’s global network of correspondents and data visualisation team

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Bubble wrapping windows and a bag of rice helped me save £3,000 on my energy bills – anyone can do my DIY tricks



Bubble wrapping windows and a bag of rice helped me save £3,000 on my energy bills - anyone can do my DIY tricks

CHATTING to a neighbourhood friend, Chloe Godland, 30, starts her pre-winter preparation.

She grabs some lengths of bubble wrap and a water bottle and starts working around the windows of her three-bed home. 

Chloe Godland has saved almost £3,000 with her tricks


Chloe Godland has saved almost £3,000 with her tricks

“Have you lost the plot?” her friend asks – but it’s a comment Chloe isn’t bothered by. 


Her wacky use of bubble wrap is actually a bill busting method to keep her house warm this winter.

“I’m super scrimper – I save around £3k in winter with all my tricks, which cost almost nothing,” she told The Sun.


Chloe estimates that “bubble wrapping” her windows has saved her around £900 on her bills over the past three years.

“Bubble wrap is a cheap option for double glazing,” she explained.


“The bubble side stays on the window sealed with just water and captures heat from the sun, and at night time, it stops heat getting out.

“It’s upping the temperature of the room by two degrees and we don’t have to turn the heating on as much.”

Former receptionist Chloe, who lives in Leicester with her fiance, gym instructor Jack Gordon, 34, and their two and half year-old daughter Clemmie, isn’t alone with this trick.

Experts say bubble wrapping your windows is a proven winter heat saver.


The website reveals bubble wrap on windows can cut your energy bills in that area of the house by 50%.

This is money Chloe’s family really needs to save. 

Jack earns just over £29,000 a year and the family pays £800 a month to rent a three bedroom.

“Once our bills are paid, we are left with £50 a month in the emergency fund,” Chloe said.



Chloe’s second winter hack involves a bag of own-brand rice, costing around 50p.

“I don’t cook rice – I collect all the long odd socks I can find and fill them with rice. They make great draught excluders along doors and windows.”

The Energy Saving Trust says draught-proofing around windows and doors could save you between  £40 to £50 a year.

This isn’t the only way she used the rice.


“On cold nights I pop a rice-filled sock into the microwave with a little lavender or nice smelling essential oil for one and a half minutes. 

“I put one into Clemmie’s bed so it’s warm when she gets in.  Jack and I use them as lap warmers while watching TV. Bargain rice retains the heat.”


Chloe’s third winter warmer tip is using cheap curtains to hang over doors, creating a second layer. 

“I buy the thick-double layered old-fashioned curtains in the home furnishings section for between five and ten quid,” she said. 


“Doorways are some of the worst places for heat to escape, so adding an extra layer of insulation helps the heat stays in.”

According to University of Salford researchers drawing your curtains at dusk can reduce heat loss by around 15-17%. 

“I have saved more than £630 on heating bills in three years doing this,” Chloe said. 


Chloe also hangs blankets around the walls in rooms she is in as an extra layer of insulation.


“The heat is trapped in the room and doesn’t get lost through the wall,” she said. 

“I did it during the big freeze last December. The room temperature went up two degrees using my blanket hanging tip.”

The says 35% or more that a third of heat is lost through walls, so this trick could be a big energy saver.


Finally, Chloe always leaves her oven door “Whenever I use the oven in winter, I leave the door open when I turn it off,” Chloe said.


As a result, all the hot air flows out into the kitchen and other rooms – raising the overall temperature.

“It is heat that would have stayed in the oven and been lost.”

4 ways to keep your energy bills low 

Laura Court-Jones, Small Business Editor at Bionic shared her tips.


1. Turn your heating down by one degree

You probably won’t even notice this tiny temperature difference, but what you will notice is a saving on your energy bills as a result. Just taking your thermostat down a notch is a quick way to start saving fast. This one small action only takes seconds to carry out and could potentially slash your heating bills by £171.70.

2. Switch appliances and lights off 

It sounds simple, but fully turning off appliances and lights that are not in use can reduce your energy bills, especially in winter. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use, can save you up to £20 a year on your energy bills


3. Install a smart meter

Smart meters are a great way to keep control over your energy use, largely because they allow you to see where and when your gas and electricity is being used.

4. Consider switching energy supplier

No matter how happy you are with your current energy supplier, they may not be providing you with the best deals, especially if you’ve let a fixed-rate contract expire without arranging a new one. If you haven’t browsed any alternative tariffs lately, then you may not be aware that there are better options out there.


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    Ruth Negga on returning to the London stage: ‘Actors are perpetual children’



    A man bends over a woman who is lying on a sofa, he has his hands lightly on her neck, she has her hands on his shoulders and is smiling at him

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    If there’s one thing Ruth Negga hates, it’s labels. “I get claustrophobic — I just can’t bear it. I feel like my entire life people have been trying to put me into boxes they can understand. And it makes me into something facile . . . something I’m not.” The 43-year-old Ethiopian-Irish actor is preparing to star in the Barbican’s world premiere of Quiet Songs, playing a teenage character known only as “Boy”, who is struggling through adolescence. Based on the life story of its writer, director and composer Finn Beames, it features a string quartet, plus an armoury of swords which are used on and alongside the traditional instruments to create the score.

    For some, taking the lead in an experimental show in the Barbican’s small studio space, The Pit, would be an unusual choice after a run of high-profile mainstream film and television success. Since Negga last appeared on the London stage more than a decade ago, she has been nominated for an Academy Award for her portrayal of Mildred Loving in Jeff Nichols’ 2016 film Loving, and won prizes for her performance alongside Tessa Thompson in Rebecca Hall’s Passing (2021). Then there was a Tony nomination in 2022 for her portrayal of Lady Macbeth on Broadway, opposite Daniel Craig.


    But Negga is drawn to the unexpected. “I love anything that is slightly odd,” she says, with a glint in her eye.

    This is not the first time she has played against gender in her work. She was critically acclaimed in Yaël Farber’s production of Hamlet, which ran in 2018 at the Gate Theatre in Dublin before transferring to New York two years later. “I am a woman and I feel very gendered as a woman, but I also feel free to explore the internal world of other people who are different to me,” Negga says. Describing her childhood self as a “tomboy”, she recalls feeling furious when she realised people began to treat her differently from the boys around her as she got older. “It felt like their world is staying the same but mine is getting narrower and narrower. They had such a broad swath to walk in and my space is becoming like a beam. I was livid about that.”

    A man bends over a woman who is lying on a sofa, he has his hands lightly on her neck, she has her hands on his shoulders and is smiling at him
    With Daniel Craig in director Sam Gold’s production of ‘Macbeth’, New York, 2022 © Sara Krulwich/New York Times/Eyevine

    Playing a teenager as a 40-something comes easily, she says. “I think actors are perpetual children. You need to be because you need to have access to play. I think play is exceptionally important and I don’t understand why we have this idea of maturation as play-less. If I lost my humour or my need for humour, or my ability to laugh, I think I would expire.”

    Asked to describe Quiet Songs, Negga is pensive. “Is it a play or is it a performance piece?” She pauses. “Well, a play suggests dialogue, and this is just one person talking.” She stops to think again. “How do you describe something that’s kicking against formality and labels? It’s interesting that it won the Samuel Beckett Award because I feel like that’s what Beckett was doing — kind of getting out of the box of the Irish writer or playwright.”

    Negga’s own adolescence featured traumatic events in which loss figured heavily: “Loss of country, birthplace, loss of second country, loss of father — all before I was seven.” Born in 1981 in Addis Ababa, she and her mother were forced to flee because of the political violence that gripped the country under the Marxist Derg regime. Her father was due to follow but was killed in a car crash before he could make the journey. Negga found out about his death by letter. It’s one of the many ways she can relate to Beames’ script — “growing up can be so stark and lonely and painful . . . adolescence is the crucible we’re formed in”.

    A black and white image, two young women in 1920s outfits
    Tessa Thompson and Ruth Negga in the 2021 film ‘Passing’ © Alamy

    Still, her sense of heritage remains strong. “Our story is one of immigration,” she says. “Home is such an ever-changing word, because I feel like I only ever remember being foreign. I left Ethiopia when I was three and then I left Ireland multiple times, back and forth. So the idea of home is ever shifting — it’s been ever shifting for me since I was very young.”

    These days, Negga is based in Los Angeles, having relocated there the week before the Covid-19 lockdowns took hold. “The light in LA is really extraordinary. I find it and the warmth very soothing and very energising. Obviously not when it’s 45 million degrees out, but I do feel like I get blue under a low grey sky too easily. The big skies are what I love. Although nothing beats Ireland for vast unending skies. Good for dreaming and the imagination.”

    Negga doesn’t think of herself as famous and says she is never recognised in the street. This chimes with her unassuming energy. When we meet in the Barbican members’ lounge she is wearing a yellow knitted beanie embroidered with the name of a famous Irish brewery, a deep emerald knitted sweater, loose-fitting jeans and well-worn hiking boots. “I know people blanch when I say this but there is a sort of exorcism in performance that is entirely separate from being seen and fame.”

    A photo of a woman sitting in a chair
    ‘I love anything that is slightly odd.’ © Christian Cassiel

    When it comes to choosing roles, Negga is guided by her instinct and intuition. Before Quiet Songs, her most recent theatre role was the Broadway Macbeth. “I love Shakespeare, both to see and to be in — there’s not much that comes close for me,” she says. “I’m amazed how much of his language and expressions not only remain but are embedded into our daily life. His work is littered with them. And they are lovely to say and listen to. Poetry is medicinal — I’m sure of it.”

    Above all, she strives to align what she does with her sense of integrity. In a 2016 interview she said that “history is written by the winners. My job as an artist is to speak for those who might be perceived as losers”. In other words, she considers art as a machine for generating compassion. Today she wonders “how many stories have we lost because of who controlled the narrative in the past? We’re only now getting a glimpse, and a lot of times we’re relying — especially for stories about women of colour — on our present day artists to fill in the gaps for us. You know all those unnamed, unknown bodies that we give voice to. They’re not just in history — they’re now. And I really enjoy being a part of that”.

    ‘Quiet Songs’ premieres on October 22 at the Barbican’s Pit Theatre, and runs to November 2,


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    All the key shopping days before Christmas that could save you £260 and the cheapest times to buy gifts



    All the key shopping days before Christmas that could save you £260 and the cheapest times to buy gifts

    SAVVY shoppers can bag huge savings on their Christmas gift-buying with a few key dates in the run up to December 25.

    The festive season is just around the corner and can leave a big dent in budgets.

    Mark out shopping dates in your calendar to get the best prices


    Mark out shopping dates in your calendar to get the best prices

    The cost of extra food, decorations, and of course, presents, can quickly rack up.


    At the same time, retailers are competing for customers and special promotions can help you save cash.

    A little careful planning and knowing the best times to shop can help ease the financial pain of Christmas.

    Here are the dates for your diary to mark out


    This is traditionally an American shopping event which has now been adopted by many retailers in the UK.


    Black Friday is the day after the American bank holiday Thanksgiving which is always on the fourth Thursday of November.

    This year it will be November 28 so mark it down.

    You can bag savings across a range of categories including technology, appliances, fashion, beauty and food.

    Some retailers offer a blanket percentage off all items while others mark out special savings on selected items.


    You don’t always have to wait until November 28, some stores have deals in the lead up.

    ‘The prettiest knitwear’ shoppers cry as Primark launch new autumn range

    And many promotions will last the weekend following Black Friday until Monday. This is known as Cyber Monday as it’s thought to be when a lot of people start their online Christmas shopping.

    In the past, big stores including Argos, Boots and John Lewis have dropped prices for the event.

    High street and online fashion brands such as New Look, H&M and more slash prices too.


    Beauty retailers and brands including Charlotte TilburySephora UK and Boots, will likely deals on skincare, makeup and fragrances products on offer.

    Even holiday firms offer special deals during this time if you are thinking about booking a trip away.

    To get savings during the event, it’s a good idea to make a list of the items you want to buy and prices ahead of Black Friday.

    The on the day, you can check if they have been reduced.


    Websites like PriceRunner and CamelCamelCamel can help you check the price history too and if you can get a deal cheaper elsewhere.


    If you need to buy gifts for children, most supermarkets hold major promotions on toys in the run-up to Christmas which can be a great time to tick off your shopping list.

    Some of these sales have already started.

    Morrisons is currently offering up to 50% off toys in-store with savings of up to £33 until October 27.


    You’ll need to be a member of the supermarket’s loyalty scheme to get the deals, which include the Barbie Dollhouse Playset down from £50 to £25, or a Barbie Best Friend Fairy Doll which is £15 down from £30.

    There are half price offers for More Card holders on a selection of must-have Hot Wheels toys including the Hot Wheels Power Shift Raceway, £28 down from £56, which pairs perfectly with the Hot Wheels City Stunt Garage, £20 down from £40.

    Tesco’s toy sale is also in full swing, running until November 3 in 270 stores.

    Again, you may need a Clubcard to get some of the better deals.  


    Brands that feature in the sale include Barbie, Peppa Pig, Early Learning Centre, Paw Patrol, Hot Wheels, and Fugglers. 

    Sainsbury’s is also expected to shortly launch a sale on toys that will also feature great saving for parents.


    Post-Christmas and January sales usually feature a ton of bargains. But some brands actually start the discounts BEFORE Christmas meaning you can get great deals on gifts and other items for the big day.

    Retailers will typically reduce items early if they haven’t shifted stock as well as they thought they might have.


    The exact dates vary from shop to shop and year to year.

    If there’s something in particular you want, you might be left disappointed if you try to wait for early Boxing Day sales.

    However, if you’re not too particular it can a good time to pick up bargains.

    Several major retailers including Ikea, The Range and Amazon shave dropped prices ahead before Christmas in previous years.


    Amazon’s Last Minute Deals have previously gone live in early December, and included offers on fragrances, tech, beauty and clothing.


    Shopping events are not the best time to buy all items, however.

    If you have a wishlist of items, knowing the cheapest time to buy individual products is another way to save a stack of cash.

    Costs typically fluctuate throughout the year often based on demand.


    Knowing what you need to buy and acting when prices are low means you can save simply keep the item stashed away when you are ready to use or gift it.

    Price comparison site Idealo has looked at the best – and worst – time of year to buy popular items for Christmas.

    Shoppers can typically pay £604.73 for a tablet on October 20, whereas buying the gadget just a month earlier means an average price of £643.95.

    This is a saving of almost £40 simply by tweaking your shopping dates.


    On the other hand, Capsule coffee machines are cheapest on November 17 at a typical £135.92 buying them at the earlier date of October 24 would mean paying around £30 more at £165.67.

    The best price on kids bikes can be found on November 30 at an average £271.71. Waiting until just before Christmas on December 20 will see you stung with a cost of £301.52.

    However, waiting until close to Christmas can pay off laptops when they work out as an average £1,267.05 on December 19 compared to £1,357.91 a month earlier on November 19.

    Trainers are also best bought last-minute with prices £69.73 on December 24 compared to £74.62 on November 30.

    Time your shopping list by the day for big savings


    Time your shopping list by the day for big savings

    If you bought everything on the list at the right time, you’d end up with more than £260 in savings.

    Katy Philips, senior brand, and communications manager at price comparison site Idealo, said: “For those looking to get a bargain throughout the year, we would recommend using our price comparison app, which allows you to search for the best prices across a range of products and set price alerts to get the best deal.

    “At a time where saving money is paramount for some, being able to check multiple retailer costings at once can prove a hugely helpful resource.”


    How to bag a bargain

    SUN Savers Editor Lana Clements explains how to find a cut-price item and bag a bargain…

    Sign up to loyalty schemes of the brands that you regularly shop with.

    Big names regularly offer discounts or special lower prices for members, among other perks.


    Sales are when you can pick up a real steal.

    Retailers usually have periodic promotions that tie into payday at the end of the month or Bank Holiday weekends, so keep a lookout and shop when these deals are on.

    Sign up to mailing lists and you’ll also be first to know of special offers. It can be worth following retailers on social media too.

    When buying online, always do a search for money off codes or vouchers that you can use and are just two sites that round up promotions by retailer.


    Scanner apps are useful to have on your phone. app has a scanner that you can use to compare prices on branded items when out shopping.

    Bargain hunters can also use B&M’s scanner in the app to find discounts in-store before staff have marked them out.

    And always check if you can get cashback before paying which in effect means you’ll get some of your money back or a discount on the item.

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