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How to protect your business from lawsuits?



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Facing a lawsuit can present significant challenges for any business, potentially leading to financial ruin and reputational damage. Implementing preventative measures is the key to shielding your company from legal action. This requires an understanding of areas of vulnerability and acting proactively.

Legal documentation stands at the forefront of business protection. Well-drafted contracts ensure that all parties understand their obligations and rights, thus reducing the risk of disputes. Furthermore, regular consultations with a legal expert can keep your company policies updated and compliant with current laws.

Employees also play an essential role in maintaining a lawsuit-free environment. Adequate training and a clear understanding of company policies foster a workplace culture that respects the law and emphasizes ethical behaviour. By addressing these critical areas, businesses can significantly decrease the likelihood of facing unwanted legal challenges.

Understanding Legal Risks in Business

Businesses encounter various legal challenges that require careful navigation. Identifying potential threats and knowing common missteps can help companies mitigate risks effectively.


Types of Lawsuits Businesses Face

Businesses can face several types of lawsuits. Breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfil contractual obligations, leading to legal disputes. Companies may also face employment-related lawsuits, such as wrongful termination or discrimination claims. Intellectual property infringement is another risk businesses encounter, involving the unauthorized use of trademarks or copyrights.

Negligence claims can arise if a company fails to provide a safe environment for customers or employees. Consumer protection lawsuits may occur if products are deemed defective or misleading. Each of these lawsuits can lead to significant financial and reputational damage. Consulting with a business attorney can help in preemptively addressing these legal threats.

Common Legal Mistakes Companies Make

Businesses often make legal mistakes that can result in lawsuits. Failing to document agreements properly is a frequent error that can lead to misunderstandings and disputes. Companies might neglect compliance with employment laws, including wage regulations and workplace safety standards, risking regulatory actions.

Mismanagement of intellectual property is another common mistake. Businesses sometimes use trademarks without proper authorization, inviting legal issues. Ignoring cybersecurity, with inadequate protection for customer data, can result in privacy violations. Inappropriate responses to legal actions, such as delayed engagement with legal counsel, may exacerbate the situation. Being proactive and engaging a competent business attorney can prevent many of these issues.


Preventive Legal Strategies

Navigating legal complexities is crucial for business longevity. Identifying and mitigating potential legal risks can save time and resources. Businesses can focus on strong contracts, regulatory compliance, and intellectual property protection to avoid lawsuits.

Implementing Strong Contracts and Agreements

A robust contract serves as the backbone of any business relationship, outlining the rights and responsibilities of each party. Effective contracts should be clear, comprehensive, and drafted with the assistance of a competent business lawyer in Pittsburgh, or wherever the business operates.

Businesses must ensure contracts are tailored to specific needs, avoiding generic templates that may miss critical clauses. These documents should cover key elements such as payment terms, delivery timelines, dispute resolutions, and confidentiality agreements.

Engaging in regular reviews and revisions of contracts can prevent misunderstandings and legal vulnerabilities. A legal expert can help spot potential issues and make necessary adjustments, ensuring that the contracts remain compliant with current laws and regulations.


Maintaining Regulatory Compliance

Staying compliant with industry regulations is essential to avoid costly lawsuits and penalties. It involves understanding and adhering to legal requirements relevant to the business sector, which may include environmental laws, labour laws, or data protection regulations.

Businesses should develop a compliance program that includes regular audits and training sessions. This keeps staff informed about legal obligations and ensures that processes align with regulatory standards.

Business lawyers can offer guidance on regulatory changes, helping businesses adjust policies and operations accordingly. They can also assist in drafting internal compliance manuals that detail every requirement, providing employees with easy access to necessary information.

Protecting Intellectual Property

Safeguarding intellectual property (IP) is vital for maintaining a competitive edge and preventing misuse. Various forms of IP, such as trademarks, patents, and copyrights, require different protections and registrations.


Businesses should conduct regular IP audits to identify and document all intellectual properties. Registering IP with the appropriate authorities ensures legal protection, making it easier to enforce rights if needed.

A knowledgeable lawyer can assist in conducting these audits and filing registrations, protecting brand identity and innovation. Businesses also need strategies for monitoring any unauthorized use of their IP, which may involve setting up alerts or subscribing to monitoring services.

Handling Lawsuits Effectively

Managing legal challenges is crucial for any business. Partnering with a skilled attorney and making informed choices about settlements are among the strategies to handle lawsuits effectively.

The Role of a Business Attorney During Litigation

A business attorney is vital in navigating the complexities of litigation. They provide expert guidance in assessing the merits of a claim and outlining potential defences.


Their expertise helps in gathering and preserving evidence, preparing legal documents, and ensuring compliance with court procedures. They also communicate with the opposing party to explore potential resolutions. By maintaining a strong understanding of applicable laws, a business attorney can offer strategic advice that minimizes risks and potential liabilities for the business. Engaging an attorney early in the process can be instrumental in achieving a favourable outcome.

Settlement Considerations and When to Fight a Claim

Determining whether to settle or litigate depends on several factors. Settlement may be beneficial when it offers a quicker resolution and lower costs compared to prolonged litigation.

Factors such as the strength of the evidence, potential damages, and reputational impacts should be assessed. Engaging in negotiation with the other party can sometimes lead to mutually beneficial solutions. When the claim lacks merit or if a win could deter future lawsuits, opting to contest the claim may present advantages. Each case requires a tailored approach, weighing costs against benefits effectively, often with the guidance of a skilled attorney.

Financial Management and Insurance

Effective financial management and comprehensive insurance coverage are critical in safeguarding a business against lawsuits. Identifying suitable insurance policies and managing financial risks can greatly reduce potential liabilities.


Securing Adequate Insurance Coverage

Insurance is a crucial shield against business liabilities. Businesses should invest in General Liability Insurance to cover legal fees, settlements, and medical expenses related to third-party injuries or property damage. Additionally, Professional Liability Insurance addresses errors, omissions, or malpractice claims. Business Interruption Insurance protects against revenue loss in crises.

Evaluating the specific needs of the business is essential. Depending on the industry, other policies like Product Liability Insurance or Employment Practices Liability Insurance may be worthwhile. Consulting an insurance expert ensures that coverage is comprehensive, aligning with the business’s risk profile.

Managing Litigation Costs and Financial Risks

Managing litigation costs requires a strategic approach. Establishing an emergency fund ensures immediate access to funds if legal issues arise. Analyzing financial statements helps identify trends and potential vulnerabilities.

Implementing risk management strategies reduces exposure to legal threats. Companies should regularly review contracts and compliance with relevant laws. Investing in legal counsel or risk management software aids in identifying and mitigating financial risks efficiently.


Regular audit processes can uncover and address financial weaknesses promptly. Diversifying assets and implementing strict financial controls further bolster financial resilience. By proactively managing litigation expenses and financial obligations, companies can maintain stability amidst legal challenges.

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Workspace’s occupancy drops after ‘unusually high number’ of customers vacate



Workspace’s occupancy drops after ‘unusually high number’ of customers vacate

“Many of the larger units will be subdivided into smaller units, where we see stronger demand and achieve higher pricing,” said Workspace CEO.

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Over half of homeowners want to ‘improve not move’, finds poll – see top 10 reasons why



Over half of homeowners want to ‘improve not move’, finds poll - see top 10 reasons why

More than half of homeowners want to ‘improve not move’ – spending big on their current home instead of buying a new one.

A poll of 2,000 adults who own a property, found 41 per cent ‘love’ their home, leaving 53 per cent wanting to adapt it to suit their changing needs.

More than half of homeowners want to ‘improve not move’ – spending big on their current home instead of buying a new one. Release date – October 15, 2024. A poll of 2,000 adults who own a property, found 41 per cent ‘love’ their home leaving 53 per cent wanting to adapt it to suit […]


More than half of homeowners want to ‘improve not move’ – spending big on their current home instead of buying a new one. Release date – October 15, 2024. A poll of 2,000 adults who own a property, found 41 per cent ‘love’ their home leaving 53 per cent wanting to adapt it to suit […]Credit: SWNS

And one in six (17 per cent) would be willing to spend more than £20,000 on renovations.


Just 24 per cent would rather move elsewhere and start afresh but 46 per cent admit they will probably look to ‘list’ it within the decade.

The top reason driving people to move was the fact it may not meet their mobility needs as they get older.

While changes in lifestyle and a bigger property were other factors in considering listing it over loving it and making adjustments.

Sam Stannah, CEO of Uplifts, a home lift manufacturer, which commissioned the research, said: “Clearly, many people love the homes they live in – but there’s an acceptance that life can change in a heartbeat.


“We all cherish our homes, the research confirms this – however, what’s truly eye-opening is the level of anxiety that arises when we consider if the home we love today will continue to meet our needs in the future.

“The findings have shown homeowners are very much aware they might have to make a decision to move home or renovate to meet their changing mobility needs.

“But also, there are plenty of owners on the ladder who don’t feel their current property quite matches what they want in terms of space and location, currently.”

The research found the average homeowner has lived at their property for an average of 15 years.

Van lifer reveals why they decided not to go back to renting

With the comfort and familiarity, location and suitable size and layout the top reasons for 53 per cent considering their current place their ideal homestead. 

While the local community, feeling of security and facilities and amenities nearby among the others.

It also emerged 61 per cent believe their current home was big enough to accommodate any changes should their health requirements change.

And 41 per cent considered such needs when purchasing their property.


According to Checkatrade, the average cost of a house extension can be anywhere between £30,000 to £42,000, more than double the average amount respondents are willing to pay to meet changing needs – £14,000.

Aside from the stress of moving, mortgage lender Halifax estimates the cost of moving house, from stamp duty to conveyancing can cost £12,000.

Ultimately, deteriorating health and downsizing were the top reasons respondents would feel they’d consider selling – if push came to shove.



1.            Comfort and familiarity

2.            Ideal location

3.            Suitable layout and size

4.            Community and neighbours


5.            Safety and security

6.            Adequate facilities and amenities

7.            Memories and history

8.            Emotional attachment


9.            Privacy

10.         Low maintenance

But those that are keen to make a move said the area they currently live in, having too many things to fix and their current rooms not being big enough were top motivations to list it.

The research, carried out via OnePoll, found 15 per cent of those polled have mobility issues – with climbing the stairs, stepping out of bed and reaching high shelves the top difficulties faced.


Yet only nine per cent of all adults considered a home lift installation a realistic prospect to help with mobility from floor-to-floor.

Sam Stannah, from Uplifts, added: “The research indicates many people believe installation of products to improve their home may feel out of reach.

“And as a result, the heartbreaking decision of having to leave a beloved forever home can become a reality for many.

“However, installing a home lift can be done without disrupting the layout of a home or requiring invasive or costly work.”


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Bidwells appoints Jo Hawkings as group partner



Bidwells appoints Jo Hawkings as group partner

Hawkings will be responsible for managing the Trinity College endowment portfolio.

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How AI can stop you writing like a robot



Dan Wiltshire – Illustration by Dan Murrell

One of my favourite displacement activities is perusing the second-hand bookshops in Bradford on Avon during my lunch break.

The charm of second-hand bookshops is their randomness. “Second-hand books are wild books” unlike the “domesticated volumes of the library”, Virginia Woolf observed.

It was on one of these sojourns that I picked up a copy of Steven Pinker’s The Sense of Stylea guide on how to write.

Unlike speaking, writing is an unnatural act. Those of us in finance, in particular, struggle to get it right. Our industry suffers from what Pinker describes as “academese, bureaucratese, corporatese… and other stuffy prose”, characterised by compulsive hedging and professional narcissism. Why is this?

It often feels as though the finance sector operates in a bubble, with our own specific language and sub-culture

One contributing factor is that our collective reading habits are remarkably narrow. Judging from numerous proud endorsements on social media, we all read the same ubiquitous business/leadership/self-help guff.


It often feels as though the finance sector operates in a bubble, with our own specific language and sub-culture. Generally, I think we are a bit self-reverential, which perhaps comes across in the way we communicate outwardly.

I suspect our self-consciousness also has something to do with the regulatory burden, which encourages an evasive style. To avoid responsibility, writers adopt a passive voice (actor unmentioned) and insert zombie nouns in place of more straight-forward pronouns like I, me and you.

Some suggest we suffer from the curse of knowledge: a difficulty in imagining what it’s like for someone else not to know something you know

Some suggest we suffer from the curse of knowledge: a difficulty in imagining what it’s like for someone else not to know something you know. Others propose, less charitably, the bamboozlement theory – that opaque prose is a deliberate choice.

Ordinarily, when trying to understand any human shortcoming, the first tool I reach for is Hanlon’s Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.  The machinations of the finance sector, once more, is an exception to the rule.


For example, I know of one national wealth manager (at least) that encourages the supply of its disclosure document in unformatted, black and white, block text.  Surreptitiously tucked alongside colourful, matte finish sales brochures. This feels more like needle-in-a-haystack obfuscation strategy than lazy style oversight.

So – assuming we want to – how can we communicate more effectively to the wider population?

This feels more like needle-in-a-haystack obfuscation strategy than lazy style oversight

I’ve often thought we should recruit more arts graduates. The maths of personal finance really isn’t that difficult, and tech now does a lot of the heavy lifting anyway. The industry is moving away from investment/product-based solutions towards a broader planning approach with a bigger emphasis on soft skills and communication.

AI also presents a huge opportunity. Having initially been sceptical, I now use ChatGPT daily for basic research, proof-reading and writing blogs.  As the technology improves and we get better at using it, there will surely be a positive impact on the overall quality of writing in financial services.


Some people are already having fun with it – I saw a LinkedIn post showing how ChatGPT defined the word pension in the style of Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye. The output was really quite extraordinary, capturing the tone of voice perfectly.

I’ve since played around with other famous authors with mixed results. My Ernest Hemmingway makeover successfully replicated his taught, muscular prose but was littered with references to fish and bullfighting, which felt a bit off-topic.

This is the catch: while AI can help produce content, we humans remain the arbiters of what works and what is appropriate in any given context. Instead of being creators, we will become curators. This shift demands the same higher-order skills we currently lack, which brings me back to second-hand bookshops.

As Pinker explains, “Good writers are avid readers.” Perhaps, then, the hours spent procrastinating on my lunch breaks were worthwhile after all.


Dan Wiltshire is an independent financial planner at Wiltshire Wealth

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Half of Brits struggling with energy bills have never asked for help, poll reveals



Half of Brits struggling with energy bills have never asked for help, poll reveals

HALF of consumers who struggle with their energy bills have never asked for help.

A poll of 2,000 adults found 39 per cent have difficulty managing them, but 45 per cent have never sought assistance – whether that be turning to loved ones or seeking professional advice.

50% of consumers who struggle with their energy bills have never asked for help


50% of consumers who struggle with their energy bills have never asked for help

Reasons for this include belief they wouldn’t qualify for the support (34 per cent), stigma or embarrassment (28 per cent), and lack of information (26 per cent).


A fifth believe there isn’t enough energy advice out there.

And more than four in 10 (42 per cent) are worried about how they are going to keep on top of things this winter.

The research was commissioned by British Gas as part of its independent charitable trust – British Gas Energy Trust – which has partnered with the Post Office and eight local community-based charities to offer free, drop-in events at post offices across the UK this winter.

Abi Robins, director of responsible business at British Gas, said: “We know the colder months can be tough on a lot of people and there isn’t always advice readily available.


“The Post Office Pop-Ups provide help on lots of topics such as budget planning, energy debt advice, help with accessing energy debt write-off grants, and energy efficiency measures.

“Grants, fund money and energy advice services are also available through the Trust– with donations from British Gas topping £200m since 2004 – as well as providing direct support to struggling customers with matched debt repayments and non-repayable credit.”

The study also found rising costs, difficulty managing finances, and fear of disconnection were among the main concerns when it comes to paying energy bills this winter.

Martin Lewis explains how to slash your energy bills

When speaking to someone about getting support, 26 per cent would want a face-to-face conversation.


But 35 per cent admit they find it difficult to talk about the struggles they face when paying their energy bills.

Of those who have previously got help, 35 per cent turned to friends or family, 27 per cent used Government schemes, and 24 per cent sought financial advice or counselling.

And according to the data, half found it easy sourcing this information.

Exactly six in 10 of all respondents think there should be more support programmes to help people managing rising energy costs.


Jessica Taplin, chief executive of British Gas Energy Trust, said: “We know some consumers really want face to face advice, so these pop-ups are just one way we’re helping those already struggling with rising living costs this winter.

“We offer energy debt write-off grants through our Individuals and Families Fund, open now, and Energy Support Fund, opening 4th of November, to households facing fuel poverty, among other criteria.”

Simon Lambert, commercial and operations director at Post Office, said: “Every week, more than a million energy customers visit our branches to pay bills or top up.

“These pop-ups – held in London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester, Leeds, Newport and Stockport – are a fantastic way to connect customers with the additional support they may need this winter.”


4 ways to keep your energy bills low 

Laura Court-Jones, Small Business Editor at Bionic shared her tips.

1. Turn your heating down by one degree

You probably won’t even notice this tiny temperature difference, but what you will notice is a saving on your energy bills as a result. Just taking your thermostat down a notch is a quick way to start saving fast. This one small action only takes seconds to carry out and could potentially slash your heating bills by £171.70.


2. Switch appliances and lights off 

It sounds simple, but fully turning off appliances and lights that are not in use can reduce your energy bills, especially in winter. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use, can save you up to £20 a year on your energy bills

3. Install a smart meter

Smart meters are a great way to keep control over your energy use, largely because they allow you to see where and when your gas and electricity is being used.


4. Consider switching energy supplier

No matter how happy you are with your current energy supplier, they may not be providing you with the best deals, especially if you’ve let a fixed-rate contract expire without arranging a new one. If you haven’t browsed any alternative tariffs lately, then you may not be aware that there are better options out there.

    Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing

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    Imperial College pays £115m for SEGRO estate in west London



    Imperial College pays £115m for SEGRO estate in west London

    Imperial College will operate the site to provide commercial science innovation facilities to start-ups, as part of its WestTech Corridor vision.


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