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Central Bank Independence Is Unbelievably Valuable for the World Economy



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Central bank independence (CBI) is crucial for maintaining economic stability, particularly in a globalized world where political influence can lead to adverse outcomes like inflation and economic instability in the labor market. The relationship between CBI and globalization is evolving. In this piece, I explore the importance of independent monetary policy in managing global economic shocks, attracting foreign investment and maintaining long-term economic growth.

Furthermore, I believe opposition to CBI risks politicizing monetary policy. I recommend strengthening legal protections for CBI, enhancing the legal framework and prioritizing long-term stability over short-term political gains. Additionally, we should promote international agreements and cooperation among central banks to effectively manage global economic spillovers. These measures are essential for preserving the integrity and effectiveness of central banks in a rapidly changing global economy.

The role of central bank independence

Central bank independence is essential for maintaining a balanced approach to monetary policy, particularly in managing the trade-off between inflation and unemployment.

According to the Federal Reserve (or the Fed), the Federal Reserve System is “independent within the government:” It works within the framework established by Congress. By operating independently of the government, central banks can focus on long-term economic objectives rather than succumbing to short-term political pressures. This independence prevents governments from using monetary policy to achieve electoral gains, such as artificially lowering interest rates to stimulate the economy before an election.


Moreover, an independent central bank is better positioned to manage inflation, which is a critical component of economic stability. When inflation is allowed to rise unchecked, it can erode purchasing power, destabilize financial markets and harm economic growth. By maintaining a focus on price stability, central banks prevent these negative effects and actively create an environment conducive to sustainable economic development. This offers a hopeful outlook for economic growth.

CBI has long been regarded as a cornerstone of sound economic governance, particularly in an increasingly globalized economy. As nations become more integrated through trade, finance and technology, the ability of central banks to operate independently from political influence has become crucial for maintaining economic stability.

One of the key drivers behind the global movement toward CBI is the need to attract and retain foreign investment. In a globalized economy, countries compete for capital and investors seek stability and predictability in monetary policy. Central banks perceived as free from political interference are more likely to inspire confidence among investors. As a result, many countries, particularly emerging markets, adopted or strengthened CBI as part of broader economic reforms aimed at integrating into the global economy.

The experience of countries like Chile and South Korea in the 1990s illustrates this. Both nations, seeking to stabilize their economies and attract foreign investment, implemented significant reforms that enhanced the independence of their central banks. These reforms were instrumental in reducing inflation and fostering economic growth, demonstrating the positive impact of CBI in a globalized world.


During the Eurozone debt crisis that began in 2009, the European Central Bank (ECB)’s independence was critical in preventing the collapse of the euro. As several Eurozone countries, including Greece, Ireland and Portugal, faced severe financial difficulties, the ECB resisted political pressure from member states to engage in direct bailout financing. Instead, it implemented unconventional monetary policies, such as the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) program. This provided a backstop for sovereign bonds without directly compromising its independence. This approach was pivotal in stabilizing financial markets and restoring investor confidence, helping to prevent the crisis from spreading further across Europe.

Donald Trump’s opposition to CBI and the risks of weakening it

Former United States President Donald Trump has expressed his view that, as president, he should have more influence over monetary policy. He has suggested that his business success gives him better instincts than those at the Fed. He criticized Fed Chairman Jerome Powell for poor timing in policy decisions, asserting that central banking is largely based on “gut feeling.”

During a press conference in August 2024, Trump asserted, “I think that, in my case, I made a lot of money. I was very successful. And I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.” Trump’s business success, particularly in the real estate sector, where he has built a multi-billion-dollar empire, gives him a unique perspective on economic growth. Trump’s preference for easy money and low interest rates reflects his background in real estate, where tight money can harm developers.

Trump’s desire for more direct control over the Fed is reminiscent of historical instances where political influence over monetary policy led to disastrous outcomes. A notable example is US President Richard Nixon’s influence over Fed Chairman Arthur Burns in the 1970s, which resulted in policies that contributed to the stagflation of that era — characterized by high inflation and stagnant economic growth. Trump’s approach risks repeating these mistakes by prioritizing short-term economic gains over long-term stability.


Trump appointed Jerome Powell as Fed Chairman but later criticized him when the Fed did not lower rates. Trump also favors a weak dollar, believing it benefits exports; critics, however, argue that this approach harms Americans. Regardless, Trump would need a legal change to gain more control over the Fed. This is unlikely given the political risks and the Senate’s role in confirming any Fed Chair.

Trump criticized the Fed’s timing on monetary decisions. In particular, he noted that its models are outdated, still relying on a flawed tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. He pointed out that the Fed’s policies, such as quantitative easing (QE) and the expanded balance sheet, have given it excessive influence over the economy. Trump believes a debate over the Fed’s mandate and models would be beneficial. Economists, however, warn that focusing on easy money and a weak dollar could lead to more inflation and economic problems in a potential second term.

Trump’s criticism of the Fed, particularly his calls for lower interest rates and more accessible monetary policy, reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of central banks. As a businessman with a background in real estate — a sector that thrives on low interest rates — Trump’s preference for easy money is understandable but misguided when applied to national monetary policy. His critique overlooks the risks associated with such an approach, like the potential for inflation to spiral out of control.

Trump’s advocacy for easy money is particularly concerning in the context of inflation. While low interest rates can stimulate economic growth in the short term, they also increase the risk of inflation if not carefully managed. The Fed’s primary mandate is to balance the goals of maximum employment and price stability. However, political interference that prioritizes growth at any cost could lead to the abandonment of this careful balance, resulting in higher inflation and economic instability.


Additionally, weakening CBI could undermine the Fed’s ability to respond effectively to economic crises. The 2008 financial crisis demonstrated the importance of a strong and independent central bank in stabilizing the economy. The Fed’s swift actions, including quantitative easing and emergency lending facilities, were crucial in preventing a deeper recession. Political influence that hampers the Fed’s ability to act decisively in future crises could have severe consequences for the US and global economies.

Weakening CBI can also exacerbate economic inequality, which is a growing concern in many advanced economies. When political figures influence monetary policy to achieve specific economic outcomes, like lower interest rates to spur growth before an election, the benefits often accrue disproportionately to certain sectors, like those reliant on cheap credit. Meanwhile, the costs — such as higher inflation — can disproportionately impact lower-income households. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of fixed incomes and savings, which can exacerbate wealth disparities and strain the social fabric.

The Biden administration’s commitment to CBI

The global shift towards CBI is not just a change in monetary policy but a significant evolution that carries the weight of history. It is a response to the devastating inflationary episodes of the 1970s and 1980s, a movement that was a deliberate rethinking of the central banks’ role. This shift is rooted in the understanding that politically driven monetary decisions could lead to destabilizing and unsustainable economic conditions.

In the US, the passing of the Federal Reserve Reform Act (1977) marked a pivotal moment in this global shift. By enshrining the Fed’s dual mandate — promoting full employment and maintaining price stability — Congress also took crucial steps to protect the central bank from political interference. Incumbent President Joe Biden’s administration, building on Trump-era policies, has pursued significant investments in key industries through initiatives like the CHIPS and Science Act (2022) and the Inflation Reduction Act (2022). Some of these major industries include green energy and semiconductor manufacturing.


These initiatives demonstrate a strategic alignment of fiscal and industrial policy, aiming to strengthen domestic supply chains and promote technological leadership. While advocates argue that they enhance economic resilience and innovation, they also raise questions about the potential erosion of CBI. Central banks, traditionally insulated from political pressures, might face increasing demands to coordinate with government-led industrial policies. This would challenge the delicate balance between fiscal and monetary objectives.

Though a more collaborative approach between fiscal and monetary policy could generate short-term economic benefits, it also risks compromising the central bank’s ability to act independently to stabilize inflation and manage long-term economic health. This legislative move was significant because it showcased the importance of allowing the Fed to operate independently. It recognized that short-term political pressures could undermine the economy’s long-term stability.

The US experience set a powerful example that soon influenced global economic policy. In 1997, both the Bank of England (BoE) and the Bank of Japan (BoJ) were granted formal independence. This signaled a major shift away from the historical norms of political control over monetary policy. Establishing the European Central Bank (ECB) in 1998 exemplified this trend. The ECB’s creation marked a new era in European monetary policy: It replaced national central banks that had been subject to varying degrees of political influence, thereby promoting a standardized and politically neutral approach to monetary governance across the Eurozone.

Empirical evidence robustly supports the benefits of this move towards CBI. It has become increasingly prevalent among advanced economies, connecting with a significant reduction in inflation rates and more firmly anchored long-term inflation expectations. These outcomes tie directly to the enhanced credibility and predictability that independent central banks bring to monetary policy. They allow them to focus on long-term economic health rather than short-term political considerations.


The global commitment to CBI has only strengthened over time. A comprehensive analysis of 370 central bank reforms from 1923 to 2023 reveals a resurgence in support for CBI since 2016. This underscores its continued relevance as a fundamental pillar of economic stability. The renewed commitment is particularly noteworthy given the complex and evolving challenges facing global economies today, reaffirming CBI as a critical tool in maintaining macroeconomic stability.

Within the Biden administration, the historical context of CBI serves as a crucial guide. The administration’s steadfast support for CBI is not just a matter of policy preference, but a deep-rooted commitment to economic stability. In analyzing the Biden administration’s commitment to CBI, it is essential to recognize the delicate balance between fiscal policy and monetary authority. CBI is often celebrated for its role in safeguarding economies from politically motivated monetary policy that could destabilize inflation control. The separation between monetary and fiscal policy has been vital in maintaining long-term economic stability. The Fed’s autonomy is seen as critical to ensuring that monetary decisions remain focused on inflation and employment targets rather than short-term political gains.

The Biden administration wielded considerable influence over the economy using extensive fiscal policy measures. The American Rescue Plan Act (2021), the CHIPS and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as strategic executive actions such as the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves and student-loan debt forgiveness, reflect a pragmatic approach. They leveraged fiscal tools to influence economic outcomes in ways that monetary policy alone could not have achieved in such a short time.

While CBI remains a pillar of long-term economic stability, the administration likely recognized that, given the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, fiscal measures were indispensable. The unique conditions meant fighting inflation and stabilizing the economy required a broader, more immediate response — one where fiscal and executive action played a leading role, complementing rather than conflicting with the Fed’s independence. This dynamic, while preserving the long-term ideal of CBI, also underscores the reality that fiscal policy and executive power can shape economic outcomes in ways that transcend central bank interventions alone. Therefore, reversing the hard-earned progress towards CBI risks rekindling the inflationary pressures that once wreaked havoc on global economies.


Index of Central Bank Independence (CBI) in Advanced Economies, 1970-2022. Via The White House.

Enhancing coordination and the role of globalization

While CBI is crucial, improving coordination between monetary and fiscal policy is merited, as Trump’s critique suggests. Fiscal policy, controlled by Congress and the executive branch, also significantly influences aggregate demand and inflation. Better communication and coordination between these two arms of economic policy could lead to more coherent and effective economic management.

One proposal to achieve this without compromising the Fed’s independence is to include the National Economic Council director and the Congressional Budget Office director as ex officio nonvoting members of the Federal Open Market Committee. This would allow for better alignment between monetary and fiscal policies while preserving the Fed’s autonomy in decision-making.

However, private conversations about economic stability are being held. The June 2024 meeting between the BoJ, the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Agency highlights a critical moment in Japan’s economic policy. (Worth noting is the fact that the Minister of Finance, the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy and their designated delegates cannot vote. When attending Monetary Policy Meetings, they can express opinions, submit proposals and request the Policy Board to postpone a vote until the next meeting.) The yen’s depreciation against the US dollar has raised concerns about its potential impacts on inflation and overall economic stability in 2024. The discussion about the BoJ’s independence becomes particularly pertinent in this context. Though the BoJ traditionally operates with a degree of autonomy to implement monetary policy based on economic conditions, the yen’s current weakness and its repercussions are stirring discussions of whether more direct government intervention is needed.


The independence of the BoJ is rooted in its mandate to focus on price stability and economic growth without undue political influence. This separation is intended to ensure that monetary policy decisions implement policy with the aim of maintaining price stability with long-term objectives, not short-term political pressures. However, there is a growing sentiment within the government to take more assertive actions. This is evidenced by recent statements from key figures such as Minister of Digital Affairs Taro Kohno, who has suggested hiking interest rates in response to the yen’s weakness. Such proposals indicate that some policymakers view the BoJ’s current policy stance as insufficient to address the immediate challenges posed by the depreciating currency.

The involvement of other members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) further complicates the issue. Its discussions about potential interventions, including those that could impact the BoJ’s policy decisions, reflect a broader concern about the yen’s trajectory. While the BoJ has a clear mandate and operational framework, the mounting pressure from the government to align monetary policy with broader economic goals raises serious questions about the feasibility of maintaining its independence. If the government were to exert more influence, it could potentially undermine the BoJ’s ability to focus on long-term economic stability. This would pose significant risks to the economy.

CBI is closely linked to controlling inflation, which is a primary concern in advanced and emerging economies. Independent central banks are better equipped to resist the political pressure to pursue expansionary monetary policies that could increase inflation. This is particularly important in a globalized economy, where trade and financial linkages can transmit inflationary pressures across borders.

Empirical evidence supports the notion that CBI is associated with lower inflation. Countries with more independent central banks tended to experience lower and more stable inflation rates. For example, the relationship between CBI and inflation control became especially evident during the inflationary period of the 1970s and 1980s, when many central banks were subject to political interference, leading to high and persistent inflation. This finding has been corroborated by subsequent research, which has shown that CBI contributes to the anchoring of inflation expectations, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of monetary policy.


The relationship between CBI and inflation control became particularly evident during the inflationary period of the 1970s and 1980s. Many central banks were subject to political interference during this time, leading to high and persistent inflation. Several countries, including the US and Germany, responded by granting greater independence to their central banks, resulting in a significant decrease in inflation.

Central banks navigate an increasingly complex global environment, balancing domestic objectives with the need to manage the global spillovers of their actions. The independence of central banks is critical to ensure economic stability and long-term growth.

In a globalized economy, the actions of a central bank have implications that reach far beyond national borders. The US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency means that the Fed’s policies impact global financial markets, international trade and the economic stability of other nations. The importance of a non-politicized Fed in maintaining international confidence in the US dollar cannot be overstated. It helps prevent capital flight, currency volatility and a potential shift away from the dollar as the dominant global currency.

Globalization has fundamentally altered monetary policy dynamics, particularly in the context of central bank independence. As economies intertwine, the actions of one central bank can have profound effects on others, amplifying the importance of independent decision-making. The growing complexity of global financial systems necessitates that central banks adapt rapidly to new challenges, such as capital flow volatility and cross-border financial risks. 


One critical aspect of globalization is the transmission of economic shocks across borders. Central banks must be vigilant in mitigating these shocks while maintaining domestic economic stability. For instance, the 2008 financial crisis demonstrated how quickly financial turmoil can spread globally, underscoring the need for independent central banks to act swiftly and decisively. The crisis also showcased the importance of international cooperation among central banks; while this is necessary, it must be balanced with preserving domestic policy autonomy.

Looking forward, central banks must navigate the delicate balance between maintaining independence and participating in global monetary coordination. The potential for conflicts between domestic objectives and international pressures will likely increase, requiring central banks to adopt more sophisticated and transparent communication strategies. Ensuring that these institutions remain insulated from political pressures while engaging in necessary international cooperation will be crucial for maintaining economic stability in an increasingly interconnected world.

The Global Financial Crisis and central bank coordination

One historic economic event is especially imperative to study. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008–2009 marked one of the most significant economic downturns in recent memory, with worldwide impact. The crisis began in the US but quickly spread to other economies, highlighting the interconnectedness of global markets.

The US is one of the largest economies in the world, and its trade relations influence other nations’ economies substantially. For instance, during the GFC, the collapse of US demand had a ripple effect, causing major slowdowns in export-driven economies like those of China, Germany and Japan. This exemplifies how shocks in the US “export” financial stress across the world, while the reverse influence is often less pronounced. The rapid transmission of financial shocks underscored the need for coordinated action among central banks worldwide to stabilize the global economy.


During the GFC, central banks took the following actions:

  1. The Fed played a pivotal role by implementing a series of unconventional monetary policies, including lowering interest rates to near-zero levels and introducing QE programs. These measures involved buying assets to restore liquidity to financial markets and support economic recovery.
  2. Faced with a severe sovereign debt crisis in several Eurozone countries, the ECB lowered interest rates and provided long-term refinancing operations to banks. The ECB later introduced the OMT program, which was crucial in stabilizing bond markets and preventing the collapse of the euro.
  3. The BoE reduced interest rates and launched its own QE program to support the UK economy. Its actions were coordinated with those of other major central banks to ensure a unified response to the crisis.
  4. The BoJ expanded its asset purchase program and maintained a low-interest rate policy to support the Japanese economy, which was also affected by the global downturn.

Central banks recognized that unilateral actions would be insufficient to address the global nature of the crisis. Therefore, they engaged in unprecedented levels of cooperation, particularly through these mechanisms:

  1. Currency Swap Agreements: Central banks, including the Fed, ECB, BoE and BoJ, established currency swap lines to ensure that banks in other countries had access to US dollars, which were in high demand. This move crucially prevented a liquidity crisis and stabilized global markets.
  2. Coordinated Interest Rate Cuts: In October 2008, several major central banks, including the Fed, ECB, BoE and BoJ, conducted a coordinated interest rate cut to reduce borrowing costs globally and stimulate economic activity.
  3. G20 Summits: The G20, which includes both advanced and emerging economies, played a critical role in facilitating international coordination. The 2009 G20 summit in London prompted commitments to provide fiscal stimulus, increase resources for the International Monetary Fund and enhance financial regulation to prevent future crises.
  4. Bank for International Settlements (BIS): The BIS serves as a platform for central banks to exchange information, coordinate policy responses and discuss strategies for maintaining financial stability. Its role in fostering international cooperation was vital in ensuring a coherent global response to the crisis.

The coordinated efforts of central banks were instrumental in mitigating the worst effects of the GFC. The rapid implementation of monetary easing measures, coupled with international cooperation, helped stabilize financial markets, restore confidence and set the stage for a gradual economic recovery. The crisis demonstrated that in a globalized economy, the actions of one central bank can have significant spillover effects on others, making international cooperation essential.

The experience of the GFC showcases the importance of sustained international cooperation among central banks. As global markets become more interconnected, the potential for spillover effects increases, making coordinated policy responses critical for maintaining global economic stability.

Moving forward, central banks should continue to strengthen their cooperation through global forums like the G20 and BIS, ensuring that their policies are harmonized to prevent adverse cross-border impacts. Additionally, they should work together to develop frameworks for managing future crises. In an interconnected world, the stability of one economy often depends on the stability of others.

What is the solution?

The independence of central banks like the Fed is vital for ensuring sound monetary policy, economic stability and global financial confidence. While Trump’s critique of the Fed highlights legitimate concerns about the need for better coordination between monetary and fiscal policy, his desire for more direct control over monetary policy risks undermining the very foundation of economic stability. A politicized central bank, driven by short-term political goals, would likely lead to higher inflation, economic instability and global volatility.


In an increasingly globalized economy, the role of central bank independence extends beyond national borders. The interconnectedness of global markets means that the actions of central banks can have profound spillover effects on other economies. Central banks must navigate complex global dynamics, where their decisions influence global capital flows, currency stability and international trade.

The solution lies not in reducing central bank independence but in enhancing the mechanisms for policy coordination while preserving the autonomy of institutions critical to the economy’s long-term health. By maintaining a strong, independent Fed, the US can continue navigating the complexities of a globalized economy while safeguarding its economic future. Central bank independence can secure a stable and prosperous economic environment domestically and globally by focusing on policies like the Fed’s dual mandate: maximum employment and price stability.

[Lee Thompson-Kolar edited this piece.]

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer’s editorial policy.


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Hidden Neolithic Society Discovered in Morocco, Dating Back 5,000 Years



Hidden Neolithic Society Discovered in Morocco, Dating Back 5,000 Years

Archaeologists have uncovered a previously unknown Neolithic society in Morocco, dating back 5,000 years.

Details of the archaeological survey were recently published in the journal Antiquity.

The site, located near Oued Beht, lies roughly 100km southeast of Morocco’s capital, Rabat, and is named after the Baht River (also known as Oued Beht).

Northwest Africa, or the Maghreb, has long been recognized for its significant role in the development of societies during the Iron Age, the Islamic period, and even the Paleolithic era (around 2.58 million to 11,700 years ago). However, there has been a lack of information about the region’s history between 6,000 and 3,000 years ago.


The Oued Beht site, dated to around 3400–2900 BCE through radiocarbon analysis, is the earliest and largest Neolithic agricultural complex found in Africa outside the Nile region. It shares striking similarities with Late Stone Age sites of the same period found in Iberia.

This discovery sheds light on the crucial role northwestern Africa played in shaping complex ancient communities across the Mediterranean.

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British Airways admits to a ‘difficult’ summer as air traffic control delays mount



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British Airways has faced a “difficult” summer of flying, with nearly half its flights hit by the air traffic control delays that have dogged European aviation, senior bosses have told staff.

The latest disruption to hit the airline came this week, when BA was forced to cancel 59 flights to and from London’s Heathrow airport on Thursday and Friday because of air traffic control delays caused by bad weather. Its other flights from the airport suffered lengthy delays.


Writing to staff on Friday morning in an email sent to reassure staff after one of BA’s “toughest [recent] days”, two of the airline’s senior executives said the disruption added to a frustrating period for the airline.

“Sadly, last night follows what has been a difficult summer for you all, as a result of some of the external challenges we have faced,” René de Groot, chief operating officer, Andy Best, and chief technical officer, wrote in the email seen by the Financial Times.

In all, 42 per cent of BA’s flights this year have been disrupted by air traffic control restrictions, up from 24 per cent in 2019, the last year of flying before the coronavirus pandemic disrupted aviation, they said.

The executives also warned that BA would be forced to “make a number of cancellations” to flights operated by its fleet of Boeing 787 aircraft over the next 10 days because of “continued . . . delays to the delivery of engines and parts from Rolls-Royce”.


Rolls-Royce said it was working with BA and other customers to minimise the impact of limited availability of spares due to supply chain constraints. “Unfortunately, this is an issue affecting the whole aerospace industry,” it said.

Airlines across Europe have complained about disruption from air traffic control all summer, as bad weather, the closure of airspace because of the war in Ukraine and a shortage of controllers have combined to challenge the industry’s resilience.

In the email to staff, BA said it would work with the UK’s National Air Traffic Services (Nats), which manages the country’s airspace to improve resilience.

Nats said restrictions are only applied for safety reasons, and it would work with BA “to minimise disruption during challenging operational days”.


BA has also faced years of scrutiny for its poor operational performance since the pandemic, after more than 10,000 staff were cut in 2020.

The carrier has long suffered from creaking technology, operational complexity and exposure to London’s Heathrow airport, which operates at full capacity, and its owner has unveiled a £7bn investment programme to raise standards at the airline.

The air traffic control issues highlight how BA’s senior management are increasingly frustrated that external issues are damaging its reputation.

Sean Doyle, BA chief executive, has prioritised rebuilding the airline’s reputation since he took over at the height of the pandemic in late 2020. The £7bn investment from owner IAG includes new aircraft, lounges, website and app.

Senior bosses at IAG, an airline conglomerate that also owns carriers including Iberia and Aer Lingus, are supportive but have acknowledged the airline needs to improve its reputation.

BA declined to comment.

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I was left without heating and hot water for MONTHS but a little-known grant worth £4,500 saved me



I was left without heating and hot water for MONTHS but a little-known grant worth £4,500 saved me

A SINGLE mum of six was left without heating and hot water for MONTHS but was saved by a little-known grant scheme.

Mandeep, 41, from Birmingham, was left living in the dark ages after her boiler broke down forcing her family to use a kettle every time they wanted showers.

Mandeep pictured above could not heat her home for seven months


Mandeep pictured above could not heat her home for seven months

She spent seven gruelling months using water from the kettle to fill buckets of water so her six girls, aged between two years-old and 17, were clean for school.


The family were also unable to heat their home, spending cold nights in bed with just a duvet to keep warm.

As Mandeep owns her own home, the responsibility fell on her to fix it, but with no cash to afford a new one, she believed she’d have to make do without for good.

National Energy Action charity estimates that 5.6million people just like her across the UK are living in fuel poverty.

Factors such as the cost of living crisis have meant a greater number of households are struggling to heat their homes or find money for repairs.


Mandeep, who is unemployed, said that she did not ask neighbours or friends for support because she felt too proud.

Speaking to The Sun she said: “I would not want any other family to go through what I did.”

“It was really hard for me and my kids to go through all this, [we had] no [hot] water, no heat and were not able to keep warm [or] able to wash.”

It was only when a healthcare worker visited that Mandeep discovered a little-known scheme that could help her out – and she’s urging others to reach out too.


Help was on hand

The mum-of-six was advised to contact the Direct Access to Wellbeing Services Team (DAWS).

It is a new service set up by gas supplier Cadent and the Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Charity.

What is the Warm Home Discount?

The pair are offering £2.4million worth of grants to help 100,000 vulnerable healthcare users with financial support over the next two years.

It is currently only available to NHS patients in Birmingham but if the project is successful then it may be rolled out across the wider UK.


And it’s just one example of thousands of little-known schemes across the country that are helping people out.

Households can not apply directly for this support – they need to be referred by their health worker GP, health visitor or nurse.

When the DAWS team receives a referral, an advisor will work through their details in a consultation.

From there, they will know which services they will need support with. This can include:

  • Energy efficiency improvements around the home
  • White goods like fridges or cookers
  • Boiler checks
  • Helping people get the benefits they are entitled to
  • Support to maximise their income

In some instances, referrals have been actioned within 48 hours but this may not be the case everytime.

Patients and their families can ask about the support by speaking to their health professional.

Mandeep met the criteria to be provided with range of support and was given a new boiler alongside other financial aid totalling around £4,500. That included:

  • A slow cooker to make food for £70
  • Energy vouchers to heat her home for £70
  • A new boiler worth £4k and £120 for the service to be installed
  • An electric blanket worth to keep warm
  • Food vouchers for shopping worth £100

Mandeep said that after being approved for the scheme she received her boiler within three days and it was also installed in her home free of charge.

What to do if you can’t pay your bills

FALLING behind on your energy bills can be extremely stressful.


If you’re struggling to pay what you owe, contact your supplier as soon as possible.

Your provider has to help you come up with a solution, and you should be able to negotiate a deal that works for you both.

One option is to agree a payment plan where you pay off your debts in affordable instalments.

You may be able to pay off your debts directly from your benefits through the Fuel Direct Scheme.


A fixed amount will automatically be taken to cover what you owe plus your usage.

To be eligible, you must be getting one of the following benefits:

  • Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
  • Income support
  • income-related employment and support allowance
  • Pension credit
  • Universal Credit (but only if you’re not working)

If you cannot come to an agreement with your supplier, they may try to force you to get a prepayment meter installed.

In very rare cases, where you refuse to negotiate, your supplier might threaten you with disconnection.

It was a weight lifted off her shoulders and has helped transform her family’s life.


She said: “My life is better now..any other family going through this should speak out and not suffer in silence.”

“The DAWS team was amazing and they helped me through the situation”.

How to unlock cash grants

If you are struggling it is worth being aware of online tools which can help you access grants.

For example, Turn2Us has an online tool which checks your elibiglty for over 1,400 grants.


All of the grants do not need to be paid back and the tool will search through the grants and let you know if you qualify.

Each grant is different but they can provide support for a range of different necessities like groceries and even kitchen appliances.

For example, Macmillan Cancer Support offers, one-off grants to people living with cancer who have low incomes and savings. 

The Teaching Staff Trust also offers cash grants to those who work in the education sector and face financial difficulty.


The Sun spoke to one mum who used to scheme and was given £1,000 in vouchers to spend at Amazon and the big supermarkets.

Other grants have specific requirements for spending for example a business grant may need to be spent on business expenses.

How to use the grant search tool

First, go to the Turn2Us website and type in Grant Search.

Then look for what’s available specifically in your area by entering your postcode.


You will be asked to give details about yourself, such as your name and gender.

You can also go into more depth by telling Turn2Us about your current health and employment situation.

Once you’ve found a grant you think you’re eligible for, you can put in an inquiry through Turn2Us.

Other grants and schemes

Energy grants

Many gas and energy suppliers offer grants and schemes for customers who are struggling.


For example, British Gas has a fund open to pre-payment meter and credit customers who have found themselves in debt worth up to £1,700.

The Individual and Families Fund was first set up in 2021 to help households struggling with energy debt.

This scheme’s support is available to British Gas and non-British Gas customers.

However, if your provider is Ovo Energy, E.ON Next, EDF Energy, Scottish Power, Octopus Energy or Utilita it asks your go to them for assistance first.


You can check out your eligibility for the scheme here.

Elsewhere, EDF has a customer support fund which on average wipes £1,250 off customers’ bills

It is available to vulnerable customers experiencing hardship. 

To apply, visit EDF’s website and make sure you have details of your account number (find it on your energy bills or EDF emails) and the current debt balance on all EDF accounts you have.


Meanwhile, Octopus Energy offers a range of support, including cash from its Octopus Energy Assist Fund.

It could also include loaning a thermal imagery camera to find heat leaks in your home, which you can fix to reduce energy usage and your bill.

It also conducts home energy visits to discuss how households can reduce their usage and gives out free electric blankets.

Local welfare assistance schemes

Most councils also have local welfare assistance schemes designed to help families in severe financial hardship.


Again, the eligibility criteria varies by council, and how much you can get will depend on your specific circumstances.

Most councils say they will prioritise families who need urgent access to food.

The support you get could be money, vouchers, or referrals to other organisations such as food banks.

Household support fund

You might be able to get help with essential costs from your local council through a programme called the Household Support Fund (HSF).


The funding is designed to help people who are vulnerable or can’t afford to pay for necessities like energy bills, water bills, and food.

Some councils offer food vouchers to families during the school holidays, as well through the scheme.

Eligibility criteria varies by council, so you need to check your local authority’s website to see what’s available and how to apply.

Fuel vouchers

If you’re having difficulty paying your energy bills and use a prepayment meter, or if you use alternative heating sources such as oil, LPG, coal, or wood, you may be eligible for a fuel voucher from your local council.


A fuel voucher gives you credit for your gas and electricity supply without having to pay in advance.

You’ll receive a code in a letter, text message or email which you can use to add the credit.

You can use a fuel voucher at a Post Office, a shop signed up to Payzone or a shop signed up to PayPoint. You’ll need to take the code and a form of ID.

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Hundreds of Post Office prosecutions may be linked to second faulty IT system



Hundreds of Post Office prosecutions may be linked to second faulty IT system

Hundreds of postmasters may have been wrongly convicted for accounting issues related to the use of a second faulty IT system, i can reveal.

An i investigation reveals for the first time the scale of a potential second miscarriage of justice linked to Post Office software that pre-dates the now notorious Horizon programme.

Sub-postmasters claim they were sacked, forced to hand over money and criminally prosecuted as a result of faults with Capture, a piece of software rolled out in the mid-1990s.

An independent investigation into the software, which was launched earlier this year by the previous government, is due to publish its report next week.


Previously there were thought to be at least 40 sub-postmasters and families claiming they suffered at the hands of the Post Office while using Capture.

Data obtained by i under Freedom of Information (FOI) laws now reveals that after the introduction of Capture the number of private prosecutions brought by the Post Office soared from two in 1992 to 93 in 1998.

The following year, when Horizon was introduced, 114 prosecutions were brought, resulting in 107 convictions. Every one of these convictions has now been quashed – but the Capture convictions still stand.

The FOI data means that, for the first time, the scale of prosecutions which coincided with the introduction of Capture can be laid bare.


Those prosecuted by the Post Office under Capture, who were pursued on similar accounting charges to that of Horizon victims, argue they too should have their convictions overturned.

The data clearly shows that before the rollout of Capture began in 1992, annual prosecutions were negligible – in 1992 it pursued two cases of “suppression” and “pension and allowance encashment fraud” but failed to secure convictions in either case.

But in 1996, that number jumped to 31, followed by 60 in 1997 and 93 in 1998. The offences pursued include “audit shortage”, “cash loss” and “false accounting”.

Prosecutions continued at a similar level following the introduction of Horizon. More than 1,000 convictions have been secured in total since 1990.


Since 2016, after the Post Office stopped pursuing prosecutions using Horizon data following a long-running campaign by sub-postmasters, the pattern has returned to that of the early 1990s – with just a single prosecution.

i first revealed claims that more sub-postmasters had been wrongly convicted related to the Capture system in January, after the high profile drama Mr Bates vs the Post Office brought the impact of the Horizon scandal home to millions.


Steve Marston, 68, is an alleged Capture victim who believes he was wrongly convicted of theft and false accounting charges in 1998 after Post Office investigators said £79,000 was missing from his branch in Heap Bridge, Greater Manchester.

Mr Marston insists he never stole “a penny” and that he began suffering accounting problems after the Post Office introduced Capture.

Since then, dozens of other sub-postmasters have come forward to say they believe the software was faulty and they were wrongly made to hand over money, sacked, and in some cases criminally prosecuted.

The Capture software was rolled out to Post Office branches starting in 1992 (Photo: Supplied)

He believes the figures “paint a clear picture”.

“It’s horrifying,” he said. “The figures are staggering. And what makes it worse, to a certain extent, is that nobody at the Post Office seems to have acknowledged it.


“Why did nobody think ‘why is the number of prosecutions suddenly rocketing?’ Surely somebody had the gumption to sit down and look at the figures and question them?”

Kevan Jones, the former Labour MP who now sits in the House of Lords, has supported Post Office victims for years and believes the scandal goes much deeper than Horizon.

“These figures starkly demonstrate that there is another scandal here,” he told i. “The Post Office need to explain why suddenly they went from zero prosecutions in the early 1990s to 93 in 1998.

“Why did nobody ask the question ‘why have all these sub-postmasters become crooked?’”


Documents previously obtained by i revealed that Capture was developed in-house by the Post Office IT team in Farnborough, Hampshire, and first rolled out to branches in 1992.

Newsletters and bulletins sent out to sub-postmasters showed that the Post Office was aware the software was prone to bugs and glitches and was capable of corrupting accounting data.

But at this time, Post Office investigations into its own sub-postmasters were ramping up.

A separate Freedom of Information request shared with i shows there were “fewer than 5” investigations in 1990, increasing to 198 in 1996, 282 in 1997 and 378 in 1998.


The Post Office’s change in approach towards accounting problems was spelled out in a bulletin sent out to staff in 1996.

A document from the Post Office in-house magazine Focus describing Capture errors in 1995 (Photo: Supplied)

In the newsletter obtained by i from March 1996, the Capture IT team advised sub-postmasters that they should also keep “manual” cash books as well as using the computer software.

“The reason for maintaining manual records follows advice from the Post Office Solicitors Office that current automated systems are unable to provide a clear audit trail for transactions or for cash and stock holdings entered at any specific time,” the team said.

“Similarly, the system could not provide an audit trail if any amendments are made to figures without the knowledge of the sub-postmaster.”

The convictions of sub-postmasters under the Horizon scandal have now been overturned after the Government introduced emergency legislation earlier this year.


The Post Office has said it is “concerned” by allegations of wrongful prosecutions involving Capture and is looking into the claims as a matter of urgency.

The Government commissioned US firm Kroll to carry out an independent investigation and a report was provided to the Department for Business and Trade earlier this month.

Carl Cresswell, director at DBT, told sub-postmasters Kroll had been asked “to assess whether the design, implementation, and use of the Capture software package by postmasters could have resulted in those postmasters suffering detriment and/or there were issues with the way Post Office investigated any issues associated with Capture. “

i understands it is to be shared with sub-postmasters and their legal teams on Monday.


If it vindicates claims that Capture was faulty the Government is potentially facing hundreds of new claims for compensation and criminal convictions which need to be overturned.

Former subpostmasters celebrate outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, on April 23, 2021, following a court ruling clearing subpostmasters of convictions for theft and false accounting. - Dozens of former subpostmasters, who were convicted of theft, fraud and false accounting because of the Post Office's defective Horizon accounting system, have finally had their names cleared by the Court of Appeal. (Photo by Tolga Akmen / AFP) (Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images)
Former sub-postmasters celebrate outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London following a court ruling clearing sub-postmasters of convictions for theft and false accounting in 2021 (Photo: Tolga Akmen/Getty)

The previous Post Office minister Kevin Hollinrake suggested alleged Capture victims could apply to the existing Horizon compensation schemes, which have a budget of more than £1billion.

However, the process of overturning criminal convictions could be more complicated.

The Government agreed to use emergency legislation to overturn Horizon convictions because a number of victims had already been exonerated by the Court of Appeal and it would have taken a further 15 years to clear the remaining cases.

No conviction involving Capture evidence has yet been examined by the courts.


It is understood Labour’s new Post Office minister Gareth Thomas has been advised of the findings of the Capture report and will set out next steps in due course.

The Post Office declined to offer further comment on the latest claims about Capture. A spokesperson said previously: “We take very seriously any concerns raised about cases from before the Horizon system was first rolled out in 1999.

“We are particularly concerned about allegations of prosecutions, and we are looking into this along with all available facts about Capture, including whether shortfalls could have been caused by faults in this software, and the potential impacts if so.”

A Department for Business and Trade spokesperson said: “We have received Kroll’s independent report into the Capture system and will be publishing its findings shortly.”


Timeline of Post Office scandal and Capture IT allegations

1992 – Capture IT was first rolled out in branches, with the Post Office promising it would “simplify the task of keeping accounts”.

1995 – Staff bulletins are sent out to sub-postmasters, revealing bosses admitting Capture IT was experiencing a number of faults. One document from Focus – an in-house magazine produced by the Post Office – lists “a few hiccups” with the software processing pensions, currency and automated transactions.

1996 – A spike in private prosecutions by the Post Office begins, with 31 in total.

1997 – The number of prosecutions rises to 60.

1998 – A year before the Horizon IT system is introduced – 93 people were prosecuted. Former sub-postmaster Steve Marston, 67, is prosecuted by the Post Office for theft and false accounting offences.


1999 – Liz Roberts is convicted of theft offences, which her family believes were wrongly based on data from the Capture system. She is sentenced to 13 months in prison. That same year, the Horizon IT system is rolled out in Post Office branches across the UK.

2000 – Alan Bates reports issues with the new Horizon IT system, which replaced the old Capture IT system.

2004 – Lee Castleton is found to have a £25,000 shortfall at his branch. He is made bankrupt after he lost his legal battle with the Post Office.

2010 – Pregnant sub-postmaster Seema Misra is jailed after being accused of stealing £74,000.


2015 – Post Office boss Paula Vennells tells the business select committee there is no evidence of miscarriages of justice.

2017 – Legal action is launched against the Post Office by a group of 555 sub-postmasters.

2019 – A High Court judge rules that Horizon contained a number of “bugs, errors and defects” and there was a “material risk” that shortfalls in Post Office branch accounts were caused by the system. The Post Office agreed to pay out £58 million to the 555 subpostmasters. Post Office boss Paula Vennells is appointed a CBE.

2021 – A statutory inquiry looking into the failings of the Horizon system and the wrongful convictions of subpostmasters begins. The Court of appeal quashes 39 wrongful crown court convictions.


2023 – The Government announces that every wrongly convicted sub-postmaster will be offered £600,000 in compensation.

2024 – ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office airs for the first time. The UK Parliament passes a law overturning the convictions of subpostmasters in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland passed a similar law that same month. Criminal investigations are launched into the Horizon IT Scandal. King Charles III revokes Vennells’s CBE. i reveals the potential second IT scandal linked to Capture.

By Caolan Magee

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It’s an endless summer at Chloé, as brands double down on core values



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Paris might be on a high after the Olympics, but the luxury industry is still experiencing a slowdown. And now French prime minister Michel Barnier has stated that in an effort to reduce the country’s widening budget deficit he may introduce tax rises for businesses and the rich, saying “I cannot exclude the wealthiest from the national effort to rectify the situation.”

How this will play out remains to be seen, but luxury brands may need to make a stronger case as to why customers should buy expensive inessential things.


During the first half of Paris Fashion Week it felt like heritage labels were leaning into their history particularly heavily, as well as to their house codes.

After the Chloé show, designer Chemena Kamali discussed the balance between being inspired by the label’s past and ensuring her designs “speak to the new generation.” It’s a juggling act for any designer at a heritage house. Rely too much on the past and you risk becoming a relic. But there is an emotional connection to be made through nostalgia and a sense of authenticity.

A female model on a catwalk wearing peach coloured jacket and lacy cream trousers
Chemena Kamali at Chloé looked once again at the 1970s, with ruffled lace blouses . . .  © Carlo Scarpato/
A female model wearing a pale-coloured flower print dress
 . . . and billowing silk dresses in floral prints © Carlo Scarpato/

When Kamali made her show debut at the Richemont-owned label last February her breezy, cool-girl take on the ’70s was hailed as a sign that boho was back. For her second show, she revisited the decade, saying that “there is a real natural femininity to the 1970s, a lot you can take from this era and make it your own. I ask myself in fittings ‘do I believe this girl? Does it feel right? Does it feel real?’ There is so much fantasy at Chloé but the reality is very important.”

In many shows summer and winter clothes have been indistinguishable, but this collection radiated sunshine with oversized sunglasses, swimsuits — one frilled, one with a flamingo design — jelly shoes and laced flats with shells and fish charms. Kamali said “this is about how summer makes you feel, this moment in the year where we all start disconnecting.”

And so there were knickerbocker trousers, ruffled blouses, little camisole tops and tiered dresses in guipure lace or silk charmeuse, which had a lingerie feel to them. The colours, as Kamali put it, were “sun washed” with apricot, blush, faded mint and lemon, while billowing silk dresses with rolled hems came in a Chloé floral print from the late 1970s. Perhaps this show tipped slightly too much into fantasy — I’m not sure how wearable sheer lace knickerbockers are — but the soft-focus, carefree Chloé world is an appealing one.

A female model on a catwalk in a plastic mac over a dress, both in purple and brown flower pattern
At Dries Van Noten, the collection was designed by the studio team, playing with prints and textures . . . © Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
A female model on a catwalk in a waistcoat over pink-red brocade shirt and silky purple and brown ankle-length trousers
. . . which lacked the usual alchemy that made unexpected clashes sing before © Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

Freedom and lightness were also a focus at the Dries Van Noten show, the first since the departure of the label’s namesake founder. Created by the design team in Antwerp, the melange of colours and textures such as a purple striped shirt teamed with fuchsia Bermuda shorts with fil coupé fringe, and matt sequins printed to resemble snakeskin on coats and dresses was in the spirit of Van Noten himself. However it didn’t quite have his special alchemy that made unexpected clashes sing.

A female model on a catwalk in a gold low-cut minidress
Rabanne’s designer Julien Dossena included references to the house’s signature chain mail and metal discs . . . 
A female model on a catwalk in an oversized suit-style jacket over a men’s-style shirt and lacy mini skirt
 . . . alongside his own eclectic style made of oversized tailoring, athleisure and partywear © Yannis Vlamos

Rabanne also combined a free-spirited mood with a strong house identity. Designer Julien Dossena has managed to move away from the space-age aesthetic created by founder Paco Rabanne in the 1960s creating something a bit more hippy luxe and eclectic while keeping the brand’s signature chain mail and metal discs. Watched by singers Cardi B and Camila Cabello, this show featured gold chainmail boots and a mini dress made of metal spheres, but overall it was a mix of oversized tailoring, athleisure and partywear, sometimes all in one outfit. A pale grey blazer over a striped shirt and silver dress felt like a fresh way to do metallics.

There was also a move upmarket via new artisan bags, one of which was made of 18-carat gold discs in collaboration with French jeweller Arthus Bertrand that will cost €250,000.

A female model in a black trouser suit with wide gold belt. The jacket is cut very low at the front, with exaggerated shoulder shape
Balmain’s Olivier Rousteing looked back at his ‘Balmain icons’ from his early days . . .  © Umberto Fratini/
A female model in a minidress that has exaggerated shoulders and pelmet skirt, decorated with images of large fingers with red nail varnish
. . . and referenced the recent launch of the brand’s new fragrance line and an upcoming move into beauty © Umberto Fratini/

Statement bags in the shape of fragrance bottles appeared on the catwalk at Balmain, where Olivier Rousteing was marking the recent launch of the brand’s new fragrance line and an upcoming move into beauty. It was certainly literal: shoes had lipstick heels while minidresses with peplums and pointed shoulders featured images of red lips and nails created with hundreds of thousands of beads. Rousteing said he wanted to look back at his “Balmain icons” from his early days at the brand, namely tailoring and sharp tuxedo jackets featuring exaggerated shoulders.

It wasn’t subtle, but Balmain’s customers aren’t looking to whisper their tastes, and the same goes for Schiaparelli, where the collection included matching Zebra print trousers and a jacket with an almost Tudor silhouette and gold buttons.

A female model in a sculpturally shaped jacket and trousers patterned with stripes like zebra print
At Schiaparelli, models wore matching Zebra print trousers and jackets . . . 
A female model in a long, low-cut, body-hugging gown with a zip-front skirt unzipped to the thigh
. . . as well as dresses with central zips

Rousteing said, “the longevity of me being here is because I kept believing in my own DNA . . . I think the recipe of fashion is not to be trendy, it’s to be you.”

One label with a strong sense of self is Loewe, and the new collection felt on brand without being boring thanks to a mix of luxurious leather pieces, tailoring, sculptural shapes and a splash of quirkiness. In leather there were cape-shaped jackets, ultra roomy trousers and belted macs with the hem curved upwards. Tailored suit trousers were connected to jersey tops with a gold bobble detail and a wide legged navy pinstripe suit looked sharp and easy to wear. On the more experimental front, floral silk dresses stretched over crinoline hoops and trousers covered in (by-product) feathers gave the model the look of a stylish rare-breed chicken. A yellow T-shirt with a print of Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” explored the way in which famous art has almost become low brow through overexposure. Call it fridge-magnet chic.

A female model in a black zipped leather jacket and brown very loose-fitting brown trousers with a silky texture
At Loewe, Jonathan Anderson worked leather into cape-shaped jackets . . .  © Getty Images
A female model in a floaty, sleeveless flower-print dress
 . . . and stretched floral silk dresses over crinoline hoops © Getty Images

The Row, too, knows what it stands for. Synonymous with quiet luxury, it’s always impeccably on brand, even down to another ban on phones at shows in favour of pencils and notebooks. Presumably to produce more quiet content.

Wide cotton workwear trousers in shades of white and stone were teamed with simple sleeveless tops with just a twist or drape of the material by way of detailing. Many pieces were roomy — such as a white poplin shirt with raglan sleeves and a poncho parka with a V-shaped back. The Row has a cult following for its flat shoes and this season showcased soft leather ballet slippers, pumps and slides. As ever it was chic, but I was hoping to see more of the eccentric art-collector style hats and humorous touches such as hotel slippers that have featured recently.


This week the US brand opened its first Paris store, shortly after it was revealed that investment funds controlled by the families of Chanel’s Wertheimer brothers and L’Oréal’s Françoise Bettencourt Meyers have bought a minority stake. Unlike some brands which aim to make more of a splash when they have something new on the horizon, The Row’s collection doubled down on what it’s known for, namely very expensive simplicity.

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Podcast: CFDs in football – the ugly side to the beautiful game



Podcast: CFDs in football – the ugly side to the beautiful game

In this week’s Weekend Essay, Dan Cooper takes a look at the growing trend of football clubs partnering with high-risk CFD trading firms. Are clubs prioritising profit over fans? Should there be better regulation to protect supporters from risky financial products? Dan explores the dark side of the beautiful game and its sponsorship deals.

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