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Doctors And Nurses Are Revealing The “Emergency” Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life



Doctors And Nurses Are Revealing The "Emergency" Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life

We recently wrote a post where EMTs shared their best safety tips for dangerous situations. In the comments, nurses, doctors, and other hospital workers revealed their best advice as well. Here’s what they had to say:

1.“EMT here who has worked in the hospital setting. Please keep a list of your medical history, current medications, allergies, and an emergency contact in your wallet or on the emergency tab on your phone. If you’re unconscious, it helps us in treating you.”

—28 Georgia

A hand reaches for a prescription pill bottle on a shelf filled with various other prescription pill bottles

Tetra Images / Getty Images / Tetra images RF

2.“Don’t put butter or Vaseline on a burn!!! This will only make the situation worse by causing an infection. What it does is keep the heat in. Cool the burn with water, remove any jewelry (swelling will occur) and any clothing not adhered to the skin. Call 911.”


—59, New York

3.“ER nurse. DON’T go to an emergency room for things that can be handled at an urgent care. ERs get flooded with minute issues, which takes away from the care of critical patients, OR the less-critical patients will not get tended to as well as they expect.”

“Due to privacy policies, you’re not supposed to know what’s going on with other patients in the ER. We may have forgotten your warm blanket because we are down the hall trying to resuscitate someone; you just don’t realize it.”

—31, Florida


4.“ER doctor here. If you’re having chest pain that you’ve never had before, call 911 or go to the ER and get it checked out. I can’t tell you the number of families I’ve had to console because their loved one thought it was just heartburn.”

—52, Texas

“If you have chest pain, left arm pain, sudden fatigue, CALL 911 or GO TO THE NEAREST ER IMMEDIATELY! I’m an RN of 20 years, and I just lost a friend TODAY to a massive heart attack. He’d been having some intermittent chest pain for the last three days. Calling EMS even an hour sooner could have saved him. DON’T WAIT!”

—54, North Carolina

A person wearing a button-up shirt places their hand on their chest, depicting chest pain or discomfort

Photoalto / Getty Images/PhotoAlto

5.“Retired ER doc. If someone is injured, don’t move them, and don’t give them water. Just call 911.”

—65, New Mexico

6.“Whatever you do, don’t take the knife off when stabbed; if you keep it there, you will most likely lose less blood.”



7.“I’ve told all the kids in my family that I was an EMT, then paramedic, then RN for many years, and I never pulled a dead person out of a seatbelt. But I did scrape a few off bluffs, trees, and bridge railings. Wear your seatbelt!!!”

—70, Iowa

8.“Neuro ICU nurse: Don’t mess with head injuries. Even if you don’t have symptoms at first, take it seriously. Pain after the injury can be a very insidious sign of brain swelling. I’ve seen people who were checked out ‘OK’ in exams after their accidents but went home with brain bleeds. If you’re at all in doubt, advocate for a decent workup. If the pain begins later or worsens, go back to the hospital.”

Secondary brain injury can happen days after an accident. This refers to damage that happens after the injury incident, when the brain swells. Many secondary brain injuries do more damage than the initial impact. Take it seriously. And, please, don’t drink if you’ve had one.”


—Anonymous, 36

A person with a bandaged head lies on a stretcher, attended by a healthcare professional wearing a blue uniform and a stethoscope

Eyesfoto / Getty Images

9.“Former ICU nurse: It isn’t fun, but fill out a health care proxy or assign a power of attorney to make medical decisions you can’t. Make your needs known, and pick someone who will carry them out. Someone who is too emotional might be too attached to listen if you say you don’t want to be saved in some circumstances. Pick someone grounded enough to listen to you.”

“Unless you have specified otherwise, all attempts will be made to save you, even if you’re living on just machines and in a miserable condition. You could be 95 and frail, but full CPR will be done, and it isn’t pretty. You can’t control what happens once you can’t speak up for yourself. If no one is appointed, your family can enter into disputes and argue about what should happen to you. This can tear apart families. It can mean you don’t get the outcome you want. I know no one wants to think about the worst but do it. You have no idea what we see and how people wind up.”

—36, Rhode Island


10.“If you think you or someone is having a stroke, don’t take aspirin or some blood thinner. Without imaging, you could be having a bleeding-type stroke, and those medications could potentially worsen things. Present to your local emergency department so we can get images first and then proceed with how to arrest you.”

“I’m a stroke doctor, so do understand how important this message is!”

—36, Illinois

11.“If you think you or someone around you is in trouble, don’t screw around. Call 911 IMMEDIATELY. There is something called the ‘golden hour’ relating to stroke and heart attack. If you get to the ER within the first hour of symptoms starting — chest pain, slurred speech, numbness, blurred vision, weakness on one side of the face and/or body, to name a few — we can almost always stop whatever’s happening.”


“But people always want to deny that it could be ‘something bad,’ or don’t want to mess up their schedule. Well, a massive stroke or death really screws up your schedule. Always listen to your instincts; we are here to help, and everyone will be happy if it turns out to be nothing. But it’s a damn good day when someone gets their brain and life saved because they weren’t an unreasonable denying horses backside.”

—53, Ohio

12.“If you witness or come upon an accident, and you feel the need to help, the first thing you need to do is be aware of your surroundings. Make sure the scene is safe; examples are down electrical wires, oncoming traffic, fuel leakage, and sparks/fire. Remember, your safety comes first. You can’t help if you get hurt.”

—59, California

A silver car with a damaged front bumper is on a street. In the background is a parked blue van. The surroundings have light foliage

Manuel Breva Colmeiro / Getty Images

13.“After a car crash in which one vehicle rear ends another, do not stand between the two cars to assess the damage. If a third car fails to stop and crashes into the two stationary cars, your legs could be crushed or even amputated.”

—71, Missouri

14.“If you’re a parent, DO carry a LifeVac with you EVERYWHERE you go. Choking deaths are horrific. I’ve taken care of adults and infants who’ve died or come close to death because of choking. The Heimlich doesn’t work for everyone — especially if you’re overweight and rescuers can’t get their arms around you.”

—31, Florida


15.“Addiction NP here. If you encounter someone who’s had an opioid overdose, give Narcan as instructed. If it doesn’t seem to work, give a second dose if available. Even if someone wakes up after the first dose, they still may need a second dose in 30–60 minutes because Narcan starts to wear off faster than fentanyl. Always bring the person to ER/clinic for eval ASAP, even if they seem OK once they wake up since an overdose can ‘restart’ after the first dose of Narcan wears off.”

—38, USA

16.“If you see an accident, do pull over and see if anyone needs emergency services. DON’T remove anyone from the car unless it’s on fire. Removing someone improperly can damage their C-Spine, causing neurologic deficit.”

—31, Florida


And finally…

17.“Don’t lie to the providers (doctors, nurses, etc.) about the circumstance of your injury or other medical history. We can’t provide proper care without all the information, and withholding information could have serious consequences. I had a patient withhold the name of a certain prescription medication because he was embarrassed, and the medication ordered by the doctor to treat his condition would have severely reacted with his prescription; it would have caused him to have a massive heart attack if his significant other had not stepped in.”

“We don’t care what you’ve taken, what substances you used, any of it. We just want to do our jobs and keep you alive. None of that information leaves the room. And besides, whatever you may be embarrassed to share, I guarantee we’ve heard something 100 times worse.”

—31, New Jersey

Medical team in scrubs and protective gear push a patient on a hospital bed down a hallway towards double doors

Reza Estakhrian / Getty Images

Fellow doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers, what are some other “emergency” safety tips more people should know? Feel free to tell us in the comments below, or if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use this Google form.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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JetSMART adopts American Airlines’ AAdvantage programme



JetSMART adopts American Airlines’ AAdvantage programme

Customers can now earn AAdvantage miles when flying with the South American carrier, and members will soon be able to redeem miles for travel with the airline

Continue reading JetSMART adopts American Airlines’ AAdvantage programme at Business Traveller.

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Social media reacts after Trump makes bizarre comments about a fly he’s bothered by on stage



Social media reacts after Trump makes bizarre comments about a fly he’s bothered by on stage

Former President Donald Trump expressed his frustration over a fly that approached his lecturn in a bizarre moment during a rally speech.

Trump was on stage at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, making a point about a hat, when he appears to get distracted by the creature.

“Oh there’s a fly,” the former president said. “I wonder where the fly came from?”

One audience member shouted out “Kamala.”


Trump continued: “See, two years ago, I wouldn’t have had a fly up here. You’re changing rapidly. We can’t take it any longer.” It wasn’t clear who the president was referring to before changing the subject.

The internet was quick to react to Trump’s unexpected outburst, with MSNBC host and legal analyst Katie Phang saying “this is not normal.”Meanwhile, American Bridge 21st Century, who describe themselves an a Republican accountability group, said: “Trump is exhausted and struggling to stay on track. He begins a story about a hat, but gets distracted by a fly and never finishes. He starts a entirely new story and struggles with the word “unique.”Many others drew the comparison between Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence, after a fly landed on the latter’s head and remained there for almost two minutes during his 2020 debate with Kamala Harris.

Trump seemed to get distracted by a fly during a rally speech on Saturday. (AP)

Trump seemed to get distracted by a fly during a rally speech on Saturday. (AP)

In separate remarks made during his speech, Trump leveled harsh rhetoric against Harris, who he called “mentally disabled” and “mentally impaired”. Harris visited the US-Mexico border earlier this week and most of Trump’s speech took aim at migrants who have entered the US illegally.


Posters of migrants who have been charged with murder and other violent crimes surrounded Trump on stage. Some of them read: “End Migrant Crime” and “Deport Illegals Now.” He referred to those who had been charged as “monsters,” “stone-cold killers” and “vile animals.”

He continued to blame Harris and President Joe Biden for the influx of migrants coming into the country, and claimed some of them wanted to “rape, pillage, thieve, plunder and kill the people of the United States of America.” In fact, a 2024 study conducted by researchers at Northwestern University found immigrants have never been incarcerated at a greater rate than people born in the United States over an 150-year period.

While speaking at her own news conference from the border, Harris vowed to fix the country’s “broken immigration system” and accused the former president of “fanning the flames of fear and division”.


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Gas Stove Health Risks Concealed by Companies for Decades



On October 18, 2023, NPR and the Climate Investigations Center (CIC) brought attention to the health risks linked to using gas stoves. Both reports discussed the gas industry’s long strategy to sweep this information under the rug, using public relations programs modeled after Big Tobacco’s infamous spin campaigns in the ‘50s and ‘60s. NPR and CIC’s joint investigation discovered documents revealing the industry was made aware of these health risks as early as 1970 and that, along with the American Gas Association (AGA), gas utilities funded studies that countered the emerging research into safety concerns.

Following the two original sources, Grist published an article by Kate Yoder a day later that strongly stated the gas utility industry has been actively downplaying the health risks of gas stoves since the 1970s. Gas stoves have been linked to the same health issues associated with smoking, including increased risks of cancer and respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

More than one-third of Americans still use gas stoves, which studies are starting to show pollute homes with toxic chemicals, including benzene and nitrogen dioxide. Gas utilities intentionally hid this explosive problem with the help of Richard Darrow, the architect of Big Tobacco’s PR strategies, who advised these companies to “mount the massive consistent, long-range public relations programs necessary to cope with the problems.”


The deceptive practices of the gas industry have influenced the efforts to bring issues to the surface. Yoder reported that one study, published in June 2023, found that “using a single gas stove burner on high can raise levels of cancer-causing benzene above what’s been observed from secondhand smoke.” Yet, studies from 1974-1982 found no significant evidence to show that gas stoves increased the risks of respiratory illness.

In fact, the industry secretly funded many research efforts in order to keep the truth from coming out. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, not only was the public confused, but so was the government. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reviewed five studies and found no sufficient evidence of health risks posed by gas stoves. 

However, four of the five studies reviewed by the EPA were directly funded by the gas industry, as the Climate Investigations Center’s study revealed. Indeed, for the past fifty years, the American Gas Association has made astonishing efforts to minimize the health effects of gas stoves, characterizing peer-reviewed studies that linked gas stoves to asthma as “reckless.” In response to the NPR and the Climate Investigations Center findings, the American Gas Association’s CEO, Karen Harbert, claimed that present science “does not provide sufficient or consistent evidence demonstrating chronic health hazards from natural gas ranges.”

The deceptive nature of gas utilities has gotten some coverage by smaller nonprofit news outlets,  notably Grist, but not much attention from national corporate media. The establishment press, including the New York Times, CNN, and the Washington Post, has long reported on the health risks and environmental impact of gas stoves but has neglected to address how gas utilities have purposefully deceived the public for decades.



Jeff Brady, “How Gas Utilities Used Tobacco Tactics to Avoid Gas Stove Regulations,” NPR, October 17, 2023.

Kate Yoder, “To Obscure the Risks of Gas Stoves, Utilities Borrowed from Big Tobacco’s Playbook,” Grist, October 18, 2023.

Rebecca John, “Burning Questions: A History of the Gas Industry’s Campaign to Manufacture Controversy over the Health Risks of Gas Stove Emissions,” Climate Investigations Center, October 17, 2023.


Student Researcher: Grace Harty (North Central College)

Faculty Evaluator: Steve Macek (North Central College)



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President Biden Speaks Out Over Killing of Hezbollah Leader



President Biden Speaks Out Over Killing of Hezbollah Leader

REHOBOTH BEACH, Del. — President Joe Biden on Saturday called the Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah a “measure of justice” for his four-decade reign of terror.

The comments came after Lebanon’s Hezbollah group confirmed earlier Saturday that Nasrallah, one of the group’s founders, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut the previous day.

Biden noted that the operation to take out Nasrallah took place in the broader context of the conflict that began with Hamas’ massacre of Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.

“Nasrallah, the next day, made the fateful decision to join hands with Hamas and open what he called a ‘northern front’ against Israel,” Biden said in a statement.


He also noted that Hezbollah under Nasrallah’s watch has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans.

Read More: Hezbollah Confirms Its Leader Hassan Nasrallah Was Killed In an Israeli Airstrike

The White House sees the death of Nasrallah as a huge blow to the group. At the same time, the administration has sought to tread carefully as it has tried to contain Israel ‘s war with Hamas, which, like Hezbollah, is backed by Iran, from exploding into an all-out regional conflict.

The White House and Pentagon were quick on Friday, shortly after the strike, to say publicly that Israel offered it no forewarning of the operation.


The confirmation of Nasrallah’s death comes during a week that began with Biden’s top national security aides working on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly to build support for a 21-day Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire that they hoped might also breathe new life into stalled efforts to secure a truce in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a defiant speech Friday to the United Nations, vowing to keep up operations against Hezbollah until tens of thousands of Israeli citizens displaced by rocket attacks can return home. Shortly after, Israel carried out the strike killing Nasrallah.

Hassan Nasrallah
Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah addresses a crowd during the holy day of Ashoura, in a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, in this Oct. 24, 2015, file photoHassan Ammar—AP

Biden reiterated on Saturday that he wants to see cease-fires both in Gaza and between Israel and Hezbollah.

“It is time for these deals to close, for the threats to Israel to be removed, and for the broader Middle East region to gain greater stability,” Biden said.

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian accused the United States of supporting the killing that took out Nasrallah and dozens of others.


“The world community will not forget that the order of the terrorist strike was issued from New York and the Americans cannot absolve themselves from complicity with the Zionists,” Pezeshkian was quoted as saying in a statement read on Iranian state television.

The State Department on Saturday ordered the departure of the families of U.S. diplomats who are not employed by the embassy in Beirut and authorized the departure of those who are, as well as nonessential employees because of “the volatile and unpredictable security situation” in Lebanon’s capital.

The move comes after an Israeli strike on Friday killed the leader of the Hezbollah militant group, intensifying the fighting along another front of war, this time between Israel and Hezbollah.

The State Department has previously advised American citizens to consider leaving Lebanon and reiterated its warning against all travel to the country.


“Due to the increased volatility following airstrikes within Beirut and the volatile and unpredictable security situation throughout Lebanon, the U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to depart Lebanon while commercial options still remain available,” the department said in a statement Saturday.

The State Department routinely orders or authorizes the departure of nonessential embassy staffers and the families of diplomats when security conditions deteriorate in the country where they are posted.

An ordered departure is not technically an evacuation but does require those affected to leave. An authorized departure allows those affected to leave the country voluntarily at government expense.

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I went to Spain’s Golden Coast – with 50 miles of beaches and huge family resorts – The Sun



Make a splash at the beech and enjoyt a pedalo

SPAIN’S Costa Daurada simply translates as the Golden Coast.

It’s named after the colour of the sand when the sun shines along its 50 miles of Mediterranean beaches, running south- west from Barcelona.

Make a splash at the beech and enjoyt a pedalo


Make a splash at the beech and enjoyt a pedaloCredit: Supplied
Whoosh you were here with some flume fun


Whoosh you were here with some flume funCredit: Supplied
Our Eurocamp holiday home at the Playa Montroig Resort, in Miami Platja


Our Eurocamp holiday home at the Playa Montroig Resort, in Miami PlatjaCredit: Supplied

I hadn’t taken the time to explain its meaning to my children while sitting in the departures lounge at Stansted Airport.

But it was the first that thing they exclaimed as they dived into the surf three hours later.

“Daddy, there’s gold in the water!”


They weren’t wrong. Tiny grains of sand floating in the crystal-clear sea shone like a golden twinkling disco ball suspended in the sun’s rays.

My two grew up paddling in the familiar dark-grey murk of the North Sea.

So they were certainly thrilled to be snorkelling in 34C sunshine off Platja dels Pilans.

The beach was just a ten-minute walk from our Eurocamp holiday home at the Playa Montroig Resort, in Miami Platja. And that was just as stunning.


Our Ultimate lodge slept six in comfort — with efficient air-conditioning that came into its own on during our scorching summer holiday.

Outside, comfy patio furniture on the shaded decking was perfect for chilling at any time of day, and the dining table and chairs were great for al-fresco meals.

The beachside resort is a 20-minute drive from Reus Airport, and around an hour from Barcelona.

What do you need to do to ensure your passport is OK for travel?

And it lives up to its 5H rating, with immaculate grounds, three restaurants, a beach bar and round-the-clock entertainment for both kids and grown-ups.


On our first night, a magician sawed his glamorous assistant in half to the wonder of watching children.

The same stage hosted intense-looking exercise classes in the mornings, which were definitely not for the hungover.

And by the afternoon it had turned into a kid-friendly Ibiza foam party with huge cannons coating the dancing crowds in clouds of bubbles.

Gigs on the beach, fireworks, and a swimming pool complex with triple-flume action only added to the fun.


The poshest restaurant on site was the Espai Grill, which offered a full three courses of prime meats, with courtyard entertainment from a Beatles tribute band.

Unfussy and simple

Mid-tier was the Terrassa Restaurant, which served traditional Spanish fare and cold lagers, just a stone’s throw from the main square.

Our favourite was the Tucanamar beach bar.

Unfussy and simple, fresh fish and meat were grilled here over woodsmoke and washed down with copious Del Boy cocktails.


You can’t beat tapas and an ice-cold mojito while overlooking the waves with sand at your feet.

There was a bakery for morning baguette runs, and a decent-sized supermarket which offered the wonderful European adventures of 15 types of chocolate spread and tinned olives.

Never has the gulf between a British booze aisle, and alcohol on the Continent, been so vast.

The impressive Tarragona Cathedral


The impressive Tarragona CathedralCredit: Getty
The Roman amphitheatre, Tarragona


The Roman amphitheatre, Tarragona
You can’t beat tapas and an ice-cold mojito while overlooking the waves with sand at your feet


You can’t beat tapas and an ice-cold mojito while overlooking the waves with sand at your feetCredit: Handout

You could get three bottles of tip-top rioja and a slab of beers for the price of a petrol station chardonnay back home.

For a spot of offsite culture, we headed to the town of Montroig del Camp, which was famed as the rural retreat of the late Catalan painter and surrealist icon Joan Miro.


He began his painting career here at his parents’ farmhouse retreat and the landscape was the inspiration for some of his most famous works.

Montroig del Camp is overlooked by the remarkable 13th-century hermitage of Our Lady of the Rock, which is itself topped by the 19th-century Chapel of Sant Ramon.

Perched on top of a column of eroded red rock, it defies physics while also offering panoramic views all the way to the coast.

Wildlife and waterfalls

Thankfully, you can park at the top before clambering up to the chapel.


We then took the short drive to Cambrils to see the beautiful botanical gardens at Parc Sama.

It’s like a National Trust stately-home experience parachuted into the Med.

The wonderful 35-acre grounds are packed with wildlife and waterfalls.

You can feed the deer and marvel at the terrapins in the lake where fish will nibble your fingertips.


But it’s the peacocks that are the star of the show.

Chicks beside showboating grown-ups, and even their rare white- feathered cousins, strut among the tourists.

The coastal capital is Tarragona, home to the ruins of a magnificent Roman amphitheatre and an amazing 12th century Cathedral.

But it’s human structures that are the modern marvel — the city hosts the Castells competition, the world’s largest human tower contest.


The gravity-defying, centuries-old Catalan tradition sees incredible towers created from the crowds which stand up to 40ft high.

A wonderful life-size city centre-statue pays soaring tribute to their efforts.

There’s no doubt that the Costa Daurada, with all its sun-soaked family fun and Catalonian culture, delivers a gold-star break.

GO: Costa Daurada


GETTING / STAYING THERE: Seven nights’ self-catering in an Ultimate three-bed holiday home sleeping six at Playa Montroig, in Miami Platja in October half term is from £525 in total, arriving October 26.

Flights or ferries can be booked separately.

A seven-night trip in the Easter holidays next year is from £730 in total.



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Hollywood industry in crisis after strikes, streaming wars



Hollywood industry in crisis after strikes, streaming wars
Reuters The Hollywood Sign Reuters

Michael Fortin was at the heart of Hollywood’s golden age of streaming.

The actor and aerial cinematographer turned his hobby of flying drones into a profitable business in 2012 just as the streaming wars were taking off. For a decade, he was flying high above film sets, creating sleek aerial shots for movies and TV shows on Netflix, Amazon and Disney.

Now he’s on the verge of becoming homeless – again. He was evicted from the Huntington Beach home he shared with his wife and two young children and now is being booted from the Las Vegas apartment they moved to because they could no longer afford to live in Southern California.

“We were saving to buy a house, we had money, we had done things the right way,” he says. “Two years ago, I didn’t worry about going out to dinner with my wife and kids and spending 200 bucks.”

“Now I worry about going out and spending $5 on a value meal at McDonald’s.”


For over a decade, business was booming in Hollywood, with studios battling to catch up to new companies like Netflix and Hulu. But the good times ground to a halt in May 2023, when Hollywood’s writers went on strike.

The strikes lasted multiple months and marked the first time since the 1960s that both writers and actors joined forces – effectively shutting down Hollywood production. But rather than roaring back, in the one year since the strikes ended, production has fizzled.

Projects have been cancelled and production was cut across the city as jobs have dried up, with layoffs at many studios – most recently at Paramount. It had a second round of layoffs this week, as the storied movie company moves to cut 15% of its workforce ahead of a merger with the production company Skydance.

Provided by Michael Fortin  Michael Fortin operates a drone on a film set Provided by Michael Fortin

Michael Fortin was on set nearly every day before the strikes. Now he can barely find work

Unemployment in film and TV in the United States was at 12.5% in August, but many think those numbers are actually much higher, because many film workers either do not file for unemployment benefits because they’re not eligible or they’ve exhausted those benefits after months of not working.


As a whole, the number of US productions during the second quarter of 2024 was down about 40% compared to the same period in 2022. Globally, there was a 20% decline over that period, according to ProdPro, which tracks TV and film productions.

That means less new movies and binge-worthy shows for us.

But experts say the streaming boom wasn’t sustainable. And studios are trying to figure out how to be profitable in a new world when people don’t pay for cable TV funded by commercials.

“The air has come out of the content bubble,” says Matthew Belloni, the founder of Puck News, which covers the entertainment industry. “Crisis is a good word. I try not to be alarmist, but crisis is what people are feeling.”


Part of the boom was fuelled by Wall Street, where tech giants like Netflix saw record growth and studios, like Paramount, saw their share prices soar for adding their own streaming service offers.

“It caused an overheating of the content market. There were 600 scripted live action series airing just a few years ago and then the stock market stopped rewarding that,” Mr Belloni says. “Netflix crashed – all the other companies crashed. Netflix has since recovered – but the others are really struggling to get to profitability.”

And along with the streaming bubble bursting, some productions are also being lured away from California by attractive tax incentives in other states and countries. Los Angeles leaders are so concerned about the slowdown that Mayor Karen Bass created a task force last month to consider new incentives for film production in Hollywood.

“The entertainment industry is critical to the economic vitality of the Los Angeles region,” Bass said announcing the plan, explaining it is a “cornerstone” of the city’s economy and supplies hundreds of thousands of jobs.


Recent data shows the entertainment industry contributes over $115bn (£86bn) annually to the region’s economy, with an employment base of over 681,000 people, the mayor said.

Reuters People stand with signs during Hollywood writer strikes Reuters

The writers’ and actors’ strikes lasted for months and resulted in union contracts that offer more money and protections against artificial intelligence.

Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, the chief negotiator with the Screen Actors Guild union, told the BBC that some consolidation in Hollywood was inevitable. He says he is optimistic that production will be ramping up soon.

“What makes these companies special, what gives them their unique ability to create value is their relationship with creative talent,” he said while visiting a picket line outside a Disney office in September, where video game voice actors are currently on strike fighting for similar protections.

Hollywood “always thinks it’s in crisis,” he says. “It is a town that constantly faces technological innovation – all kinds of change – which is part of the magic. Part of keeping content fresh is everyone having the idea that things don’t always have to be the way they’ve been.”


Mr Fortin’s drone company was operating nearly every day before the strikes. Now he’s flown the drones just 22 days in the year since the strikes ended. And as an actor – he often plays tough guys – he has worked just 10 days. He used to work as a background actor to get by, but the pay barely covers the gas money to get to Los Angeles from Las Vegas.

“It was a great wave, and it crashed,” Mr Fortin said after a day flying his drones on the AppleTV+ show Platonic – his first gig with drones since April.

“Things are coming in little by little,” he says in his van before driving back to Las Vegas for a court hearing to fight his eviction order.

“Hollywood gave me everything,” he says. “But it feels like the industry has turned its back on lots of people, not just me.”


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