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Gaza’s message to the world after a year of genocide



Gaza's message to the world after a year of genocide
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It’s been one year since Israel launched its genocidal war on Gaza, following the Hamas-led attacks on Oct. 7, 2023, and following 75 years of Israel’s Occupation of Palestine. More than half of the Gaza Strip’s buildings, businesses, roads, farms, hospitals, and schools have been completely destroyed. Over 41,000 people have been reported killed, with this number growing daily. To commemorate a year of what has been called “the most documented genocide in history,” TRNN asked some residents of Gaza to describe their year. This is what they told us.

Producer: Belal Awad, Leo Erhardt
Videographer: Ruwaida Amer, Mahmoud Al Mashharawi
Video Editor: Leo Erhardt


It’s been one year since Israel launched its war on Gaza. More than half of the strip’s
buildings, businesses, roads, farms, hospitals, and schools have been completely destroyed.
Over 41 thousand people have been reported killed, with this number growing daily. The
Real News network asked some residents of Gaza to describe their year. This is what they
told us…

Sami Isa Ramadan:
No matter how much I try to explain, I couldn’t describe even 1% of what’s happened to us.
In general, this war will be recorded in history. It should have its own title page in history. For the whole world, eh? Not only in the Gaza Strip, or Palestine. This war of Oct. 7, of the
Israeli army on Gaza, needs to be studied in history, because schools, hospitals, buildings,
homes, fishermen, farmers, workers, there was nothing that was not targeted straightaway.

Sami Isa Ramadan has been displaced four times since Oct. 7th and now lives amidst the
rubble in a bombed-out building, in Deir Al Balah.

Sami Isa Ramadan:
I lost a brother — I don’t know if he’s in prison or dead. My siblings have been scattered.
Three of them were injured. A missile struck our neighbor’s house and three of them were
injured, and my father was killed. God rest his soul. I mean, it’s a catastrophe. Maybe the
camera — you are filming a tiny clip, out of millions of hours. To tell you the truth, I’m tired. Truly tired, you know what I mean? And this is my suffering. Out of 2 million people, I’m just one person.


While it’s true that Sami is indeed only one of around 2.2 million residents of the strip, his
experience does reflect the experiences of many of his fellow Gazans since October 7th.

Sabreen Badwan:
The first week of the war, the Israelis contacted us and said: “Your area is not safe, you must
evacuate. This is a combat area.” They threw leaflets. At first, we didn’t want to move, but
then when we saw most people leaving — it was like a sign of the day of judgment — If you
were to see it, it was like the Nakba of 1948. I mean, I felt it was like the scenes of the 1948
displacement that our ancestors lived through. We used to hear about it like an abstract
dream and couldn’t believe it. Then we lived and experienced it, except harsher and more

A staggering 90% of Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced since October 7th, making it
an almost universal experience. Sabreen Badwan is from Tel Al Hawa, and like everyone we
spoke to, has moved multiple times attempting to find safety.

Sabreen Badwan:
I went to a house in Al Nuseirat, in the center of the Gaza strip. We spent a single night
there. That same night we awoke in the middle of a massacre. The entire block was
completely destroyed. From this day I was convinced the enemy was lying—there is no safe
place. I decided to move to a UNWRA school because before this war, as we used to know,
the UNWRA schools were safe.


According to UNRWA, Israeli forces have targeted a total of 190 UN-run facilities in the
course of the war. That’s despite the agency sharing the coordinates for each of its locations
well in advance. Two hundred and twenty UNRWA employees have been killed in Gaza over
the last year, making this the deadliest war for UN employees in United Nations history.

Sabreen Badwan:
During this war, everything changed. We went to live in a school for around three months,
then we were again warned to leave the area of the school because the Israelis told us it’s
not safe, it’s deadly and dangerous. So we left the school terrified, not knowing where to go,
as bombs were exploding. We were terrified. We didn’t know where to go. There was
nowhere for us to go. We went to a house: we were bombed. We went to a school: we were
bombed. Where should we go then? What do we do?

Ni’ma Ramlawi:
What should we do? Our entire house was flattened and we were displaced to Al Nuseirat,
and from there we came here. They took us to the schools. We were in Al Razi and then
they [the Israelis] took us.

Death has touched each and every person in Gaza since Oct. 7.


Ni’ma Ramlawi:
They hit our home, so we left — it collapsed on us. Our neighbors were killed. The entire
block behind us was destroyed. Our house collapsed.

Sabreen Badwan:
My father was killed at the beginning of the war. This saddened and preoccupied me a lot.
Especially because I couldn’t say goodbye to him. He was north of the Gaza river and I was
here south of the Gaza river. So I couldn’t say farewell, and this impacted me and my mental state.

Sami Isa Ramadan:
The war has affected everyone. There isn’t a family in the Gaza Strip that hasn’t been
injured by the occupation forces. The one who lost his dad, the one who lost his siblings,
there’s no family — me, my family is small, and approximately 20 people have gone. This
was my boys’ birthday party, in our modest and simple home.

The UN children’s agency has described Gaza as “a graveyard for children.” Children have
died from bombs, bullets, disease, and malnutrition at an alarming rate. And mental health
issues such as speech impediments and PTSD affect almost every child.


Ni’ma Ramlawi:
The war has affected children and young people badly.

Sami Isa Ramadan:
The children, my children, for example. For the basics, mosquitoes — we haven’t got a
solution. Aside from the skin diseases that have spread, the epidemics that have affected
the old and the young. As you can see, I’m sure you have seen the suffering of the children,
especially the children.

Ni’ma Ramlawi:
What? After a year of war? What more do they want to happen to us? Hunger! Everyone is
hungry. And they died of hunger. And with this war, they killed us and killed our children.
They’re martyrs. They bombed our homes. There’s no house left for us to live in — neither
us nor our children. Are we going to stay like this in tents? And the winter is coming, too.
Look at how we are. Exhaustion and sickness— we are grown adults and we can’t manage
our mental state. There’s children — my grandson has malnutrition grade 2 from the
situation we are in.

Ruined infrastructure, open sewage, a lack of hospitals and medication, and communicable
disease have now become a threat for the people of Gaza.


Shohda Abu Ajweh:
God has afflicted us, aside from the war, with another war: the war of diseases and no
medications. I mean, my grandchildren are suffering from chicken pox, we haven’t found any medications. Not to mention the contaminated water and the open sewage. The Israelis
targeted infrastructure on purpose to provoke the spread of disease. Right now the borders
are closed. People are not receiving any aid, so people are suffering. They’re suffering from
everything, from a lack of everything. We ask Allah to remove this affliction and to help all
our people.

Riadh al Drimli:
Even if things were available, there’s no money to buy it. It’s really expensive! And there’s no income on top, I’m telling you. For example, I make 20 shekels ($5.30). What am I going to do with that 20 shekels ($5.30)? I can buy some drinking water or bring something for the house? It’s not enough!

Riad al Drimli used to work as an electrician, since October 7th, he was displaced alongside
his family and is now selling falafel to try to make ends meet.

Riad al Drimli:
I mean, what can I say? A lot of suffering. From tent to tent and ants and worms. Maybe for
someone living in the rubble of their destroyed house would probably be nicer than the tents, the sewage, the water, and all the problems. Feel for us! You Arabs: rise up against these oppressors. Look at our suffering! Forget about us: what about our children! Our daughters! People are being slaughtered – and they are okay watching us bleed?


Marwan Ibrahim Salem:
My message to the whole world — the Arab world, to Europe, to East to West — to all — is
to stand with the oppressed people. Because this nation is oppressed. And oppression never
lasts. I ask for an end to the war, and the return of people to their homes, and the rebuilding
of our homes. That’s what I ask from the world.

I hope to return to my home! Me and my wife. People want to return to their land! To return to Gaza city, to our neighborhood. To our families. To see who’s good, and who’s dead.

Sami Isa Ramadan:
To this day, the bodies of my relatives are still buried under the rubble, from
the early days of the war. All the buildings you see here, they were bombed with people in them, they collapsed on people’s backs. On people’s heads. There’s no phone call, warning you: ‘Hello, you need to leave the house’ —- no —- the house is flattened with people still inside. This is a cowardly and savage army. It has no humanity.

I have experienced the most bitter experience here. For me, the worst experience I have
ever had is living in a tent. We are the living dead, here in this tent. A death sentence. We
have been sentenced to death — they just haven’t carried out the execution. And our faith is
in God. It’s in God’s hands.


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Vet refuses to put cat down then takes it home as owner 'grieved for the little soul'



Vet refuses to put cat down then takes it home as owner 'grieved for the little soul'

Dr Janine Parody decided to take the eight-month-old feline home and treat it

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UK delays third stage of post-Brexit border rollout



The UK government has delayed the third and final stage of the post-Brexit border rollout, triggering an angry response from traders, who said ministerial engagement with industry was “totally lacking”.

A waiver on safety and security certificates for goods entering the UK from the EU has been extended by three months to January 31 2025, according to an update published by HM Revenue & Customs on Monday.

The announcement by the UK tax authority marks the latest in a string of delays to the implementation of the country’s post-Brexit border regime. 

Trade representatives said that while they welcomed the waiver extension, the government’s failure to properly engage with industry or offer clear guidance on arrangements with Britain’s largest trading partner had left homegrown businesses at a disadvantage. 


“Constant changes to deadlines cost the industry financially and erode confidence in both the government and our sector in terms of our ability to deliver for customers,” said Nichola Mallon, head of trade at business group Logistics UK. “Engagement with industry has been totally lacking.”

Phil Pluck, chief executive of the Cold Chain Federation, which speaks for the perishable goods trade, said industry had been given “hardly any notice” about the delay. It was “another example of the [government] failing to manage their own workstreams and so pushing the industry into another postponement”, he added.  

Anna Jerzewska
Trade adviser Anna Jerzewska said policy churn made it harder for the government to get businesses to comply © Claudia Savage/PA

As of October 31, safety and security declarations were due to be enforced for all goods imported into the UK from the EU. The declarations, which were initially due to take effect from July 2022, are designed to provide UK authorities with information about goods on their way to Britain and assess their safety before they arrive.  

The scheme is the final step in the implementation of the new border regime, known as the Border Target Operating Model, after health certificates were introduced in January and physical checks began in April.

Anna Jerzewska, an independent trade adviser and chief content officer for consultancy CustomsClear, said the UK could still consider joining the EU’s safety and security zone, which the bloc shares with Norway and Switzerland, thereby avoiding the need for entry and exit summary declarations.


“Over and over again companies that invested in changing their processes to meet upcoming changes, ended up wasting time and money. There were so many instances where companies tried to prepare but ended up worse off,” she said.

Jerzewska added that policy churn made it harder for the government to get businesses to comply. “Companies learn that there is nothing to be gained from trying to be compliant and following government recommendations. This is actually worrying,” she said.

After years of strained relations with the EU under the last Conservative government, Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour administration is trying to forge closer ties, including by seeking a veterinary agreement with the bloc that could cut border red tape for agrifood products.


Marco Forgione, director-general of the Chartered Institute of Export and International Trade, said the professional body recognised it was “early days for the government and the timetable for the implementation for BTOM was not theirs”.

But “announcements like this have got to be made in collaboration and partnership with businesses”, he added.

HMRC said it had “been working closely with ministers to review plans for the introduction of safety and security declarations for EU imports, as well as listening to industry about the time it will take them to prepare”.

“We will continue to engage closely with industry to ensure they are prepared for a smooth transition,” it added.


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Iconic 90s beer will RETURN to UK pubs after 30 years – and punters can’t wait



Iconic 90s beer will RETURN to UK pubs after 30 years - and punters can’t wait

PUNTERS cannot wait to get their hands on this iconic 90s beer that is set to return – after a 30 year wait.

A blast from the past and one of the nation’s most beloved drinks during the 1950s will be “coming very soon to your favourite pubs” according to the Burton-on Trent brewery.

Beer drinkers may be pleased to know that the fan-favourite will be back after a 30 year wait


Beer drinkers may be pleased to know that the fan-favourite will be back after a 30 year waitCredit: Getty – Contributor
Double Diamond was known for the marketing campaign stating it 'works wonders'


Double Diamond was known for the marketing campaign stating it ‘works wonders’Credit: Getty

Announcing the come back on Instagram, Allsopp’s Beer revealed that Double Diamond has been set to make a return.

The caption of the September 25 post read: “It’s back, and it still works wonders!

“After months of research and trialling recipes to make it perfect, we’ve relaunched Double Diamond.

“Revived as a 3.8% pale ale that drinks like a lager, it’s a delicious, easy-going, sessionable draught beer, coming very soon to your favourite pubs.”


First made in 1876, the new and improved recipe seems to be a hit with punters.

Many have already taken to the comments section to express their joy at the relaunch.

One user commented: “Working wonders!”

Another said: “We tried and can say it’s stunning!! Safe to say we have it in the cellar waiting to come back on!!”


Someone else wrote: “The first beer I had the privilege of tasting in the company of my beloved Grandad, watching match of the day not quite the same these days.”

The 8 ways a pint of beer a day can help BOOST your health – from cancer to diabetes

A fourth put: “Something to look out for.”

Another commented: “Where? Can’t wait to try it out.”

The brewery has revealed Double Diamond will not be their only offering with other old beers to make an appearance.


Drinkers could opt for a pint of Hofmeister, Kestrel Pilsner or Watneys Party Seven keg, all from the same brand.

Those hoping to find other drinks by the brewery could also hop to Allsopp’s Best Bitter.

Marketed at being “perfect for any occasion” the beer has notes of forest fruit, marmalade and biscuit.


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Why Israel’s Hostage Families Are Turning on Their Government



Why Israel’s Hostage Families Are Turning on Their Government

new video loaded: Why Israel’s Hostage Families Are Turning on Their Government




Why Israel’s Hostage Families Are Turning on Their Government

Family members of hostages held in Gaza are escalating their tactics to push for a cease-fire deal. They say the government is dragging out the war in Gaza for political reasons, and putting their family members’ lives at risk.

These family members of hostages held in Gaza have stepped up their protests, like this one blocking a road in Tel Aviv. One year ago, much of Israel rallied behind them. Now, they have become polarizing figures. Einav Zangauker was a longtime supporter of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Her son, Matan, was kidnapped from his home last Oct. 7. She‘s now a vocal critic. The Netanyahu government has declared it won’t stop fighting until Hamas is completely eliminated, something that Einav and other hostage families say is unrealistic and may be a death sentence for their family members. In the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7, many past political divisions within Israel were pushed aside in a moment of unity. The family members of hostages met with leaders. But as the months dragged on, frustration over a lack of progress in the negotiations grew. Relations between the Netanyahu coalition and many of the hostage families have become openly hostile. Over the course of the last year, Einav has become a prominent voice in the protest movement pushing for a deal, a movement that many on the Israeli right say makes the country look divided and weak. More than 50 people were killed on Oct. 7 in Einav’s hometown, where most people are supporters of the government. Now with an escalating regional conflict and no cease-fire deal in sight, these hostage families are growing desperate.

Recent episodes in Israel-Hamas War

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Tennet taps bankers for potential €20bn German power grid IPO



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Dutch state-owned electric grid operator Tennet has tapped investment bankers to explore an initial public offering for its large German subsidiary, seeking to sever its links to the capital-hungry business after talks to sell it to Berlin collapsed.

Tennet has lined up bankers at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, ABN Amro and Deutsche Bank to plan a potential listing for the German unit, which could be valued at more than €20bn, according to people familiar with the matter.


The Dutch government has for years tried to sell the German grid operations, as it is reluctant to invest billions of Dutch taxpayers’ money into the modernisation of German electrical infrastructure.

Tennet invested €4.8bn in German infrastructure in 2023, compared with €2.9bn in its home market.

Germany’s energy grids play a key role in the government’s plan to increase the share of renewable energy to 80 per cent by 2030, up from 52 per cent last year.

More decentralised power generation and bigger swings in electricity production mean that grid operators will have to invest billions of euros into energy distribution infrastructure over the coming years.


Big Four firm EY puts the investment needs of all German electricity grids at €281bn by 2030.

A plan to sell the unit to the German government at a €22.5bn enterprise valuation fell through earlier this year.

A stock market listing in Frankfurt for Tennet’s German business could now come as soon as next year, the people said. However, they cautioned that Tennet was still exploring other options such as a stake sale which remained a more likely outcome than an IPO.

Regulated utilities such as grid operators have been popular investment targets for insurance companies and infrastructure investors as they operate in markets with high barriers to entry and generate stable and reliable returns.


Bankers at Lazard have been working with Tennet to weigh options for the German business.

Tennet declined to comment. The Dutch finance ministry, Goldman Sachs, ABN Amro and Deutsche Bank declined to comment. Morgan Stanley and Lazard did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Thousands of hard-up families to get series of automatic payments worth £180 – are you one of them?



Thousands of hard-up families to get series of automatic payments worth £180 - are you one of them?

THOUSANDS of low-income families will get the chance to benefit from council funding worth up to £180.

Cash-strapped households could be eligible for the added support after the cost of living crisis – there’s just one thing they’ll need to know.

Cash-strapped household may be eligible to get their hands on the extra funding from Ealing council


Cash-strapped household may be eligible to get their hands on the extra funding from Ealing councilCredit: Alamy

Ealing council has been offered £2.6 million to help those in financial need until March.


It is expected that the funding will be the last phase from the government so those strapped for cash will want to check if they’re eligible.

If you’re living in the area and are hoping to nab some extra money to pay for essentials, you don’t need even need to apply.

However, those eligible will need to get their skates on as the clock is ticking for recipients to redeem the vouchers.

Those deemed qualified to receive the payment will be sent a 16 digit code with instructions via email or letter.


The personalised link will need to be claimed via the Blackhawk website which is a trusted partner of the local council.

All of the payments have been offered as vouchers with those eligible for free school meals receiving ones to spend at supermarkets.

Based on low income, those claiming benefit from the scheme will gain either £15 or £30 per child depending on when they were means tested.

If you’re children are not old enough to claim free school meals then there’s no need to fret as you could still be eligible.


Those with kids under five, receiving housing benefit or council tax reduction could find a voucher in their inbox.

Jack Chambers confirms €125 increase in Earned Income Credit

Care leavers have also been placed on the list of those to be supported, with Ealing locals receiving £100 per care leaver.

The Household Support Fund has been provided by the Department for Work and Pensions to help those who qualify to be able to afford food and essential items.

Local authorities across the country have been allocated funding from the £421 million pot.


The Sun recently shared a guide and interactive map to help those unsure figure out what they may be able to claim.

Funding applications and eligibility varies between council and so those interested in redeeming support should check with their local authority.

How has the Household Support Fund evolved?

The Household Support Fund was first launched in October 2021 to help Brits pay their way through winter amid the cost of living crisis.


Councils up and down the country got a slice of the £421million funding available to dish out to Brits in need.

It was then extended for a second time in the 2022 Spring Budget and for a third time in October 2022 to help those on the lowest incomes with the rising cost of living.

The DWP then confirmed a fourth extension of the scheme through to March 31, 2024.

Former chancellor Jeremy Hunt extended the HSF for the fifth time while delivering his Spring Budget on March 6, 2024.


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