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Media Failure, Big Tech War Crimes



Media Failure, Big Tech War Crimes

The Project Censored Show

The Official Project Censored Show

The Israeli-Palestine Conflict: Corporate Media Failure and Big-Tech’s Facilitation of War Crimes





This week Mickey examines media coverage of the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel and the ensuing Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip, particularly the one-sided reporting of the Israel-Palestine conflict by corporate media, and Big Tech actions to suppress Palestinian perspectives. Today’s guests discuss how media bias and lack of historical context work to sway US public opinion, bolstering double standards on human rights (“worthy vs. unworthy” victims in media standing) that actually help facilitate and excuse ongoing Israeli war crimes.

Andy Lee Roth is Associate Director of Project Censored, coordinator of its Campus Affiliates Program, and a widely-published media analyst. He recently wrote, “Making Sense of the Establishment News Media’s Distorted Coverage of Gaza.Mnar Adley is founder and Editor-in-Chief of MintPress News, which has seen their work on Palestine repeatedly censored, taken offline, deplatformed or demonetized. Robin Andersen is Professor Emerita of Communications at Fordham University; she is author/editor of numerous books on media and is a regular contributor to FAIR. Her most recent Dispatch on Media and Politics for Project Censored- “How Big Media Facilitate Israeli War Crimes in Gaza.


Mickey: Welcome back to the Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio. I’m your host, Mickey Huff. In this segment today, as we continue coverage of the ongoing attacks in the Middle East between Israel, Palestine, Hamas. We’re going to be looking, specifically right now at how big media have facilitated the Israeli war crimes in Gaza, and we’re going to chronicle corporate media’s dehumanization of Palestinians, the lack of historical context given in that Western reporting, by and large, and how the Western press repeats hearsay as fact to make the current tragedy unintelligible.

To most Americans, in other words, it’s difficult for the American public to respond to things happening in a way that is commensurate with the facts when the American public don’t have all of the facts historically and contemporaneously. And for this discussion, we are joined by media scholar Robin Andersen.

She’s a Project Censored judge and contributor to the forthcoming State of the Free Press 2024 book, award winning author, Professor Emerita of Communications and Media Studies at Fordham University, editor of the Rutledge Focus Book Series on Media and Humanitarian Action. Robin’s latest books include Investigating Death in Paradise, Finding New Meaning in the BBC Mystery Series.


And the forthcoming Censorship Digital Media and Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression, which actually we have a chapter in. In addition, Robin writes regularly for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting as well as us for us at Project Censored. Robin Andersen, thank you for joining us once again on the Project Censored show.

Robin: Thanks for inviting me, Mickey. I’m happy to be here.

Mickey: Indeed, and you always are game to talk about these very important issues, and they’re often dark. This topic today, no exception. You recently wrote a piece a dispatch ProjectCensored.Org where people can see it for free, “How Big Media Facilitate Israeli War Crimes in Gaza.”

And it’s a pretty lengthy piece. It’s, you know, it’s academic and in my view, a lot of the best ways. It’s extraordinarily well documented and cited with a lot of links and notes. Robin Andersen, can you kind of kick us off here with your frame for talking about the issue going on now between Israel, Palestine and the apartheid occupied situation there?


Robin: Thanks, Mickey. Well, as you well know, I’ve been writing about war media and war for for many years now, and it’s easy to recognize a war frame. And basically what happens is the violence of our enemies is always unprovoked and and out of nowhere. So when I say our enemies that we’ve long framed this very simple dichotomy between Israel.

And Hamas and the Palestinians is Israel is, been so effective at lobbying everybody that there’s in American public life, there’s almost no way to, to, to involve, a critique or criticism, of the Israeli actions in any of the occupied territories and certainly not in Gaza. And, and there’s no counter arguments.

To explain what’s actually happening. So the violence of Hamas just came out of nowhere. It’s unprecedented. And, and we can see this developing right, right at the beginning. So, so there’s, there’s no historical background and what that allows them to do is quickly then come in and demonize Hamas if there’s no way to explain it, then Hamas can only be motivated by their pure evil.

They’re terrorists, they’re. Immediately, they’re not human, they’re animals. I saw this one horrible cartoon or image of a, of a cockroach. And of course we know that that’s a classic propaganda, anti demon, enemy propaganda frame. Without that, right away then, with this kind of endless loop of how the Hamas attacks kill civilians and and they did and it was it was it was terrible and we can talk about that a little bit again.


But right away, the, Israeli military and prime Minister got online and said, they want, they want to do this to us. Well, then we’re going to turn them into rubble. We’re going to turn them into a tent city. These inhumane animals will now be destroyed. And then all of a sudden the Hamas attacks are now demonizing the entire population, within Gaza.

And that is very much sounding like now a call to genocide.

Mickey: So we we’ve heard, I mean, direct quotes from people, in the Israeli government that are, well, I mean, again, it’s the language is extraordinary in its brutality and the dehumanization. I mean, and that’s part of the program here. Part of the protocol is to otherize, demonize, dehumanize. One of the themes brought up earlier in the program with Andy Lee Roth on unpersons and unhistory.

Talk with Mnar Adley. We brought up, of course, the concept of worthy and unworthy victims. And this is unfortunately, Robin Andersen, a textbook case of how media frame this up to and including how the media are framing any Palestinian centric voices as being disinformation. Robin Andersen.


Robin: Right. And then you add on to that, this demonization, you add on what we’ve, what we’ve been talking about.

I’m sure you’ve already noticed the atrocity propaganda. Many people, many organizations and groups who fight for Palestinian rights and have identified a part of the Israeli occupation as apartheid, have, have called on the, human rights violations of the Israeli state. the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, have all, have all been identifying Israeli aggressive violence against Palestinians.

And they condemned the Hamas attacks. And they said, because we believe in human dignity with this very humanitarian principle coming into the news frame, because we believe in humanitarian dignity and the rights of all citizens. We condemn the attacks because these were against citizens. Though, so that should have been enough.

But then you add on to, the, the, the lag, the ahistorical model and the mystification of violence, you now add on atrocity propaganda. So they, they chopped off the baby’s heads and they raped women, none of which was verified. And, and so what the American media did is many in the American media and in the UK, they just, repeated this, repeated this atrocity propaganda.


And what that does is that’s, that’s the bloodiest most hate inducing, extreme kind of visceral emotional war propaganda that’s been around for a very long time, should have been recognized as a war propaganda trope, but wasn’t and was repeated. So that moved, that increased momentum again toward this, we can now, Israeli can defend itself.

We can now move to whatever actions we need to take. And that’s how we got here today, trying to halt a ceasefire and halt a genocide in Gaza.

Mickey: So, Robin Andersen, you write in your article, again the article is available at ProjectCensored.Org for free as part of our long form dispatches. It’s been picked up by several other outlets, of course, and is making the rounds.

You write, Gregory Shupak examined editorial pages of major US newspapers after the October 7 Hamas attacks, looking specifically at, say, the Wall Street Journal op ed. They had a piece titled the moral duty to destroy Hamas. Telling its readers, quote, Israel is entitled to do whatever it takes to uproot this evil, depraved culture that resides next to it, calling for the destruction of Hamas and extending a call to exterminate, quote, the culture, which is basically a call for genocide.


And they had Israeli announcements that said they were going to turn Gaza literally into, quote, hell, quote, rubble, and quote, a city of tents. And in fact, Robin, you go on to say that at Haaretz and others in Israel, the coverage is actually more diverse. There’s actually more opposition in the Israeli press seems to be than there is in the US.

Can you talk about that?

Robin: Yeah, Haaretz actually wrote, that, that, that Israeli and admitted that, that the Israeli army had been, increasing Israeli presence in, in, around the mosque, and, and the, and the Capitol Dome and they had been, you know, a long time attacking, the, Palestinian lands and and and they we know they’ve been weaponizing settlers for a very long time.

So that was extraordinary. And yeah, the Wall Street Journal, we know that it’s a now a Murdoch voice and it’s moved. It’s editorial voices to the right and oftentimes what we find with with with right wing and Fox News and Murdoch. sources is that they tend to have this tendency to say out loud what other You know, legacy media and mainstream media, establishment media is just, is just, implying.


So, so without any historical context, you can then call them, demonize them, and then say you can, you can defend yourself in any way you want. That’s one thing. But now to come right out, let’s just have the Wall Street Journal just come right out and say they need to uproot a culture. That is the very definition.

Violation of Geneva Conventions where you can’t attack. So what what what the mainstream has also done is equate the leaders and the fighters Hamas demonize them so much that it and then they just mix them up with the Palestinian. With everybody in Gaza, and now they can be attacked without any accountability, without any stuff, without any cautionary voices, without any, humanitarian voices, without anybody from the UN saying this, this is where this is going to lead.

And now, of course, we’ve got the, the, the, the Secretary General saying that, and the UN’s calling this, this is incitement, and, and, and putting it’s, saying this is now war crimes, this is genocide. And, and, and talking about the role of, of, of the media in it. Well, I mean, and also,

Mickey: I’m sorry Robin. It’s, it’s hard to say.


I mean, it’s hard to ignore that this is, I mean, you’ve got top ranking Israeli officials, including in the military, talking about just want and I mean, they’re openly talking about committing war crimes. You write in the article that some, some that have been, you know, looking at what’s happening at the targeting of civilians, the forcible displacement, after Israeli orders to leave, you write about how it’s a blatant violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

And again, much of that hasn’t been reported, reported in the West. Also, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, whom we mentioned moments ago, while decrying, you know, what he sees as fake news across the internet, spreads his own. By saying what separates Israel, the US and other democracies is our respect for international law and the laws of war.

Yet just the other day, he was confronted by the press pool in Washington that asked the basic question about the death toll of Palestinian civilians, which he nearly refused to answer, basically focusing on quote Hamas, propaganda and disinformation. And these reporters, you know, including up to CNN, you know, we’re saying, well, look, we know we don’t trust Hamas.

And so they’re backfilling the propaganda that anything that’s attributed to Hamas is bogus and false and anything that the West says is true, right? That’s the automatic default. But Blinken was forced to admit sheepishly after several minutes of repeating questions that yes, in fact, thousands of Palestinians had died, which, you know, is a backwards way of saying it wasn’t.


Just Hamas propaganda. I mean, granted, any kind of information like that is going to function as propaganda against Israel because it’s bad news for them. But Blinken sheepishly admits it after he says it’s all disinformation. He basically begrudgingly admits that yeah, thousands of Palestinian civilians are probably dead and then they move on.

I mean, they just move on

Robin: With the kind of saturation bombing they’re doing. It’s, it’s, it’s logical. You don’t, you can really don’t even have to have, listen to all Hamas numbers. All you have to do is know that they have saturated bomb, Gaza to the extent they’ve, there’s no functioning healthcare at the moment.

They turned off water. They turned off electricity. Do they not think that thousands and thousands


Mickey: of 400 sorties over Manhattan? Imagine what would happen if you cut all the power and everything that to place like Manhattan and drop 400 sorties bombs over it. I mean, again, we don’t think that way in the United States and the media certainly don’t portray it that way.

Although we’re very quick to talk about Israelis 9/11 we’re very quick to glom onto the atrocity porn and propaganda. As you were pointing out earlier, thus preemptively justifying anything Israel does in response. And again, I’ve said it earlier on the show, the Hamas attacks against civilians in Israel is horrible.

That’s not being disputed. But there’s no context given in the West. There’s no history of it. It’s all buried. And anybody that wants to talk about it is somehow anti-Semitic. And that trope needs to go away. Robin Anders

Robin: It absolutely does. The idea, again, that we’re going to do everything to you until you release the hostages.


Again, that’s Hamas. We can say about the Israelis. They have. They have so many Palestinians, activists, dissident voices, journalists in their prisons on administrative detention without charges. What are those people? They, they seem to be hostages to me. They’re jailed without charge for months on end. So much so that it’s an actual strategy whereby they get journalists to, to leave, to leave the profession.

And, and making it too difficult for them and too dangerous to report from, from Gaza. In terms of the, if you were, if we’re going to talk about this in body counts, our, our, colleague Greg Shupak has documented and I, I, I give you a link in the article. Since 2008. Nine out of 10 of the people that have been killed in this conflict are on the Palestinian side.

There are plenty of numbers which show, that there’s been massive, many, many more numbers. And of course there’s different recording data, there’s different ways that these, by any measure, one measure is that 6,000, over 6,000 Palestinians been killed by one of the, one of the human rights sources and 307 Israelis have been killed.

So we’re talking about a disproportionate number of Palestinian and, and, deaths to Israeli deaths. And that is never explained, Israeli violence is very rarely even talked about. And when it is, it is not subject to the same type of narrative that Hamas or Palestinian violence is not criticized.


They get out of it with these long complicated things. Oh, this is a conflict and they mystify it. And, so we can’t get to that. One more thing about how, how a little bit crazy it is to be talking about our enemies propaganda when Israeli propaganda. It’s been so obvious. And when I was writing last year about the assassination, the Israeli assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh

Mickey: The journalist, Palestinian American journalist.

Robin: Who, worked for Al Jazeera. And there was so much outrage that they had assassinated her very well known Palestinian American. Much pressure was put on Biden. The Israelis came out immediately with their propaganda, just like they did with the bombing of the hospital in Gaza recently. And they put, they showed a video of

a Palestinian fighter and said, No, this is the guy who did it. So what had, how does this work for the Israelis? It, it delays everything. There’s probably a dozen very in detailed, this, the line of, of, of, the shooter where everybody was. Finally, the New York Times admitted that this was an Israeli convoy that killed Shireen Abu Akleh.


It was in her neck. She had a, she had a helmet on and a vest. Right. Clearly, and that was, that became her target, that made her a target. So these, and then, and then when the bombing of, do you remember, Mickey, that the New York Times led with Israeli strike, Israeli strike levels, you know, Gaza hospital killing 500 Palestinians say right away that that that headline changed after Israel came out, they had, they said it was a misfired Palestinian target the

Mickey: Hamas rocket.


Robin: They released a tape that had two Palestinians talking, a Palestinian and a jihadist, and they’re talking about how it was their, their rocket, their missile. And so, very quickly, it’s easy to tell that these people are not speaking the right kind of Arabic. They’re speaking in a dialect. They don’t have the right, accents.


And so that was easily discredited, but still, you know, now they’ve got the Pentagon in it working with the Israelis to come up with every kind of reason, a possible way that this could possibly have been a Hamas rocket. They do not have the kind of ordnance and missiles that could level that hospital.

And yet, yesterday, it’s still being discussed in the Guardian as let’s take another look, ooh, more evidence has come out over and over again. You know, this will, will ultimately come out as the Israelis. And yet the, the, this delaying tactics allows the, the genocide to go on.

Mickey: Delaying tactics. And I, it’s important.

I think that we point out here that let’s even say that it turns out in this instance. That Israel is correct, and it is an errand for the sake of argument. This does not discount the scores and scores and scores of other times where Israel has been attacking Palestinian. Civilian infrastructure, including in the last 2 weeks, you know, and so that’s right.


The pivot here to pivot here to the end of your article, choosing humanity over killing and destruction. You write US establishment media should focus or I’m sorry, should consider humanitarian narratives in contrast to standard militarized revenge frames that only fan the flames of genocide that imperil Palestinian people.

So Robin Andersen in the last couple of minutes we have here could you talk maybe about some of the prospects for a ceasefire? Groups like the Center for Constitutional Rights are calling for this, many other international organizations, Jewish Voices for Peace, et cetera. Can you comment on this, Robin Andersen?

Robin: Absolutely. There, there’s no sense in this violence. Israel has moved closer, closer to the right. The government has gotten more extreme and more oppressive and more murderous. And what, what are they gaining? The, the, the cycle of violence really has to, be called out and, and stopped. It’s really the only way that we can get back to a position where

the two state solution has not been implemented in any way, mostly by the way in which the United States has not called out the Israelis for all of their human rights violations, their, their, their constant violations of international law. And until that happens, we can’t get to a place where we could solve any of the problems.


For example, the way that, that South African apartheid was resolved was with a single state solution, where everybody has, has a, has a vote. That’s never on the table, but, but they move so far away, out, outside of this belligerency, this, this kind of, we don’t talk, this, this pride of American foreign policy, that we never talk to terrorists.

Once labeled terrorists, you can never have a peace negotiation with them again. So we’ve got to get to a point where, where the cycle of (unintelligible) stand up comedians that was at one of the demonstrations and he kept calling over the microphone. Where is the humanity? How are we going to stop this? We’re so far out of the, the building of international law that happened after World War I and II, in the latter half of the 20th century.

So many violations of it, primarily from the United States and the Israelis. That that something’s got to give here right now they’re successfully pushing all of the all of the Palestinians into into the Sinai, which, which it has probably been on on their agenda for quite a while but this is called ethnic cleansing and Israel will not benefit from this, this to stop this will benefit the Israelis.

And the Palestinians, the Israeli state so many people around the world know what is happening there that that I cannot see a future for the Israeli state to accomplish these goals and really still be an entity, within the global framework of, of citizenship and nationality.


Mickey: Well, Robin Andersen, we’re about out of time in this segment.

And as we’re speaking, I want to point out it is Friday, October 27. This program will air across the US next week when multiple things are likely to have developed. And as we were talking, it’s just come in that Palestinians are reporting a total communication blackout as Israel expands the ground operation that’s happening literally right now, as you and I are speaking and so there there will be news. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as though the things are going to get better in the near future, though. We certainly hope for cease fire Robin and we certainly hope that people. Particularly in the West, read more of work by people like yourself, like Shupak, like the work at Mint Press.

Certainly for the last 20 years, we’ve been documenting this kind of stuff at ProjectCensored.Org. I think if people knew more of the historical context, there might be more international pressure, particularly coming from the US and EU to really push some kind of a potential solution here to end the carnage.

Robin: And we know that Blinken, we know that Blinken is behind the blackout because, he’s told Al Jazeera to tone it down and Al Jazeera has, has always had access and any of the wars in the Middle East.


Mickey: And Amy Klobuchar in Minnesota, the Democrats are crowing for more censorship on social media. You know, the Republicans are just calling to expel people.

They’re, they’re going to not renew student visas and Trump’s talking about kicking, you know, people that are protesting Israel out of the country. The Democrats are talking about kicking them off of media platforms, metaphorically similar, right? So we, we, you know, you talk about a two state solution.

We don’t even have a two party solution over here. Where we have a uniparty when it comes to this issue and you have,

Robin: We’ve got Corey Bush. We’ve got Rashida Tlaib. They’re calling for a ceasefire. Everybody needs it. It’s tiny. I know, but everybody needed call up and ceasefire and


Mickey: Need to have more voices in there talking about, the real, the real immediate efficacy of ceasefire.

We know that at this juncture only innocent people are suffering and dying and it’s a horrendous tragedy that’s befalling right in front of our eyes. And you know, the media really do have a power to make a difference as the Project Censored’s founder Carl Jensen once said, but it really depends how they use and wield that power.

And you know, as ever at Project Censored, we hope that media wields the power and the benefit of the one, the 99%, not the 1% that the media operate in the interest of we, the people and the public interest and not the oligarchy and military industrial complex, and meaning.

Robin: And you and me and we, we have been really trying to deconstruct the, the Israeli propaganda over many years, that, that the Israelis, are, are the single democracy on the hill and the Holy Land, where they’d be safe, a land without a people to people without a land, and its, we have to deconstruct the way that the Israelis have have have lobbied and blocked and censored the American press.


Mickey: They’re going to be victims of their own propaganda campaigns, Robin Andersen. And this is what we see with the backlash and the things that are happening all terrible things.

But this is why we need this kind of journalism in the public interest. So thank you for the important work you do writing for us both at Project Censored and also FAIR. org. People can certainly find your work online. Robin Andersen, A N D E R S E N, is how you can find Robin. Her latest article, How Big Media Facilitated Israeli War Crimes in Gaza, is available at Again, you can find her work at FAIR. org. Robin Andersen, as ever, thanks for the important work you do, and we certainly look forward to having you back on the program in the near future. Thanks, Mickey

Mickey Huff: Welcome back to the Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio. I’m your host, Mickey Huff. Today on the program, we are talking about what’s happening in the Middle East. We’re talking about how media and politicians gave Israel basically a green light to do what they’re doing in Gaza, how media outlets have worked with Israel against Gaza.

We’ll be talking about the propaganda blitz on how establishment press is pushing actually fake stories about what’s happening in Gaza. And those of you that are regular listeners here to the program and also regular consumers of independent media may realize I’m riffing around a news source that we feature here at the project often, and that would be mintpressnews.


com. I was just rattling off a list of some of their latest headlines that, of course, always gets them in some degree of hot water with the powers that be in big tech and the censorship industrial complex. But we are honored to welcome back to the program the editor in chief of Mint Press News, as well as the president of the non profit behind the headlines.

Mnar Adley. Mnar, it is an honor to have you on the program. I know how busy you’ve been, in these last couple of whirlwind weeks. It’s been traumatic and tragic in many ways, and I know that you’re going to talk to us about that both personally and professionally today. But thank you so much for joining us on the Project Censored Show, Mnar.

Mnar Adley: Thank you. It’s an honor to be here with you, Mickey.

Mickey Huff: So again, I was just rattling off a list is just some things at MintPress,com of what you all been working on just even in the past couple of weeks. But for years, you’ve been doing this kind of coverage. It meant press about Gaza, about the Israeli apartheid situation there.


Could you tell us Mnar just from the gate? Sort of your your impression of what’s what’s been happening around the October 7th? Mhm. Attacks, and retaliations from Hamas, based on Israeli occupation and settler colonialism. And just walk us into this and tell us some things that you’ve been covering at Mint Press that we obviously aren’t seeing in the corporate media.

Mnar Adley.

Mnar Adley: Yeah, well, it’s been two weeks since the attack against the kibbutz happened on October 7th, and the media is framing this as a war between Hamas and Israel. But in reality, what we’re witnessing in real time on live TV is a war of aggression by the state of Israel, which is a colonizer. It’s an apartheid state.

It’s, what, the sixth strongest and largest military force in the world that’s being armed by the largest military force in the world, and it has launched a war of aggression against the world’s largest concentration camp in Gaza and what we know about Gaza is that there are about 2. 3 million people living there, 50 percent of whom are are Children are under the age of 18.


And, the majority of people living in Gaza are actually refugees. And when Hamas broke through the Gaza fence and sailed to the Israeli kibbutz, and Palestinians broke the Gaza border, what wasn’t being reported on is that these people were actually breaking out of the world’s largest open air prison, and they were so happy to finally be free from a prison where they had been ethnically cleansed into out of their homes from the Israeli settlements that were right outside of that Gaza fence.

And so the truth is, is that the media keeps leading with this headline. That, what happened on October 7th, they’ve led with, false stories of, beheaded 40 beheaded babies, which CNN and even the White House have had to, retract. They’ve led with stories of women being raped in mass, which now have also been retracted by major media outlets.

And even the Israeli military has distanced himself from many of those initial claims. And what we are now learning from within the Israeli military itself is that they’ve actually released, lists of the dead, showing that about 50 percent of the people that were killed. On October 7th were actually soldiers and, armed, settlers, not civilians.

And so there are still a lot of questions, and question marks around what happened on October 7th. Now, did Hamas kill civilians? They did. Did they take captives? They did. But we have to recognize that everything that we are being told that was used to manufacture consent for Israel’s very large and aggressive war of aggression against Gaza’s civilian infrastructure and civilians themselves, where it has targeted hospitals, where it has targeted.


Schools and U. N. Facilities where babies are being decapitated by the bombs being dropped on them. A lot of those stories turned out to be fate. And so, just look at this from the bigger picture. This is an ongoing issue that did not start on October 7th, but an issue of settler colonialism that.

Has been going on, by the Israeli state for the past 75 years. And so I just ask everybody to read and consume the news, with, you know, critical with a critical lens and know that there are usually, there is more to the narrative than meets the eye.

Mickey Huff: Well, critical media literacy education is all about this and it’s particularly significant in terms of the reporting about marginalized communities oppressed people’s, you know, Andy Lee Roth was on earlier talking about the Orwellian concept of unpersons and unhistory in a lot of ways that things go down the memory hole.

That we’re not, not allowed to see or talk about. And of course, Chomsky and Herman, Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman also talked about the problems of unworthy victims, worthy versus unworthy victims in the media. And this was a textbook example out of the gate where the Western press, of course, was rightfully decrying the carnage of innocent Israeli citizens at the hands of Hamas, but they were doing it context-lessly, like completely out of context, no history.


I mean, granted, it’s an atrocity, not saying it isn’t, but the retaliation and the revenge that’s been meted in the ensuing couple of weeks, not to mention the decades of oppression and carnage prior, again, it’s an exercise in establishment propaganda in support of the status quo. That’s why it’s so difficult to see so many educated, I mean, this is the problem as Chomsky would say, it’s among the most educated classes that are most successfully propagandized.

But we see, you know, even in the White House press corps, there are establishment journalists questioning Secretary of State Blinken and others saying, are you trying to say that these people haven’t died in Palestine when they talk about the 7,000 people at least that are killed? I mean, again, we play the numbers game, which I think detracts away from the lack of humanity and the loss of human life here in a lot of ways.

But even at the end of it all, in the recent press conference. The, the, the establishment, the U. S. government admitted that thousands of people were dying, and they discarded the question because you can’t trust Hamas as a source. So, Mnar Adley, unpack some of that propaganda that we’re really up against.

And even when the establishment propaganda mechanisms admit that this is happening, it just, it doesn’t seem to change the perspective of people here. Or, do you think the perspectives of people in the U. S. are gradually changing about the Israeli occupation, Mnar Adley?


Mnar Adley: I do think that, people in mass are starting to become more conscious of Israel’s actions towards Palestinians and starting to understand that this is a crisis of apartheid and of, modern day colonialism and occupation. Polls actually showed that those who support Israel are typically people over the age of 65 in this country, and we’ve seen that with the massive, you know, show of protests across the country and students going, you know, doing performing walkouts from their universities and from their schools and these just cannot be compared to the very, very small pro Israel protests that are taking place in this country. And so what we are seeing within the media is a narrative and propaganda by the corporate mainstream media to show worthy versus unworthy victims. Israelis were killed versus Palestinians merely died.

I mean, that’s right. Exactly. Those are the words. And that’s the headline that was actually on the BBC. After Israel pummeled Gaza, the world’s largest open air prison, within the first couple of days after October 7th, when when Israel launched its aggressive crusade into Gaza. And also we saw many instances from the New York Post, to other outlets on social media, even leading with images of injured Palestinian children, you know, covered in dust and being pulled out of the rubble while reporting on unverified crimes being committed by Hamas. And so we are witnessing a propaganda blitz by the mainstream corporate media. Again, with the 40 beheaded baby story, I think it’s really important that we talk about this because this was one of the leading stories that was used to manufacture consent for Israel to launch its campaign military campaigning to Gaza.

It was used to dehumanize Palestinians to showcase Palestinians as barbaric, as backwards, as baby killers. And yet that story turned out to be false. It was sourced from i24NEWS. It’s an Israeli news, TV station, which is directly funded, by the Netanyahu family. And

Mickey Huff: is there any warning about that?


Is there any social media warning about that site or are they flagged by news guard Mnar? No, they’re not flagged by . Oh, I’m, I’m sorry. Yeah. I, I thought one standard, I thought one standard might apply for organizations that way across the list, but I was naive.

Mnar Adley: No, and, and that, and you know, I’m talking about news organizations that are being flagged right now.

We’re watching in real time corporate media pushing out fake news stories from CNN to Politico. Politico, just yesterday, I was reading one of their articles, the first line of their article yesterday, October 26th, read that, read the line about the 40 beheaded babies, even after the White House has retracted that claim, even after CNN has retracted that claim.

And even now the Israeli military, because they cannot show any evidence for it, have now backed off of that claim as well. And we have mainstream corporate outlets in the United States. Still pushing those stories and it serves, you know, racist tropes about Muslims.


Mickey Huff: Well, Mnar, you know, what we know from the social science research on this is that once these stories get out, the retractions don’t get anywhere near the reading.

They don’t get anywhere near the audience. Once an audience hears something, and if it, especially if it appeals to their confirmation bias because they’ve heard the narrative before, it’s almost impossible to go back and tell them that something they heard was false. Right? I mean, go back to 1710 and Jonathan Swift, right?

Falsehoods fly and the truth comes limping after. In the era of social media, that’s even more so, right, that these stories get around. And look, since World War I, we’ve been dealing with, you know, the Germans, you know, killing Belgian babies or ripping the heads off of, arms off of Belgian babies. Or Naira, the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter, lying to Congress about Iraqis throwing kids out of incubators.

These kinds of stories that demonize otherize and, the enemy. I mean, they’re old. This is again back to the worthy, unworthy victim strategy. And Mnar, it’s not just in that the establishment press is pumping out false stories, but also alternative sources like your own Mint Press are being censored.


So can you talk to us, about recent examples of where You have experienced censorship or deplat, deplatforming or any other kind of, of, big tech chicanery that silences your voice.

Mnar Adley: Yeah. And before I answer that, I just want to make one quick comment about why this 40 beheaded babies story is so outrageous because it goes, it goes to show just the asymmetry here that we’re seeing with the coverage of Palestinian children being killed versus Israeli children being killed, who’s worthy and who’s unworthy.

Right now, that story of the 40 beheaded children being, beheaded children, dying at the hands of Hamas has turned out to be fake and false news. It was used to justify Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. And now there are hundreds of babies. premature babies in Palestine that are alive because of incubators.

And this is a real story and their life is about to end because Israel has cut off electricity, to all of Gaza. They’ve cut out the fuel. And so the hospitals there are about to collapse if they haven’t already. In fact, just about an hour ago, I’m looking at the clock here. We received news that all of telecommunications cables in Gaza have been cut because of Israel raining bombs on Gaza right now.


So the internet has been cut off and all electricity and all telecommunications to the outside world have been cut off. And 3,000 children have been killed by these U. S. supplied bombs that Israel is dropping on Gaza right now. And so if we want to talk about the children that have been targeted. It is the God, the Palestinian children’s in Gaza that are that are being killed.

And we do know that nearly 1,000 babies have also been killed in Gaza so far since October 7th. And we know the I mean, that is just disturbing.

Mickey Huff: And we have reports of IDF people shooting Israelis and killing Israelis.

Mnar Adley: Right. That’s that’s yes the Hannibal directive was used. It’s a directive, that is used by the Israeli military that basically says to the military that it’s better for the Israeli military to shoot at other Israelis, just even if the enemy is there behind them.


And so what we saw on October 7, and this is again, this is, these are not my words. This is coming out of the Israeli military, reports themselves that that directive was, was used that day. So a lot of the 50 percent of the, people killed, on October 7th, most likely died because of being stuck in the crossfire between Hamas shooters and Israeli military. And so just just to go back to the kind of censorship that we have faced. Yeah, I just released a video yesterday, titled Israel’s top war crimes committed in Gaza so far, where I detail, Israel committing genocide, according to article six of the Rome statute of the international criminal court.

I also detail about eight other war crimes and other war crimes against humanity that Israel has committed. Again, according to their own statue and the UN charter. So I detail all of this factual information, looking at what Israel has done in Gaza from intentionally directing targets against civilian objects, deportation of forcible transfer of a population from, you know, targeting, personnel installations, material units, or vehicles involved in humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping missions where Israel has bombed humanitarian aid convoys, food aid facilities, 22 UN facilities have been targeted and bombed, Israel’s call for the north of Gaza to evacuate to the south of Gaza. That’s over a million people and giving them only a three hour window. These are all war crimes. And of course, the biggest one that we’ve, or not the biggest one, but the one that we’ve seen consistently is the, is the crime of apartheid. Well, this video, we uploaded it to Instagram and Facebook and to all the meta platforms, and meta took it down within two minutes, and the reasoning we were given.

I was going to read it out here is that the video promotes, organizations or individuals deemed as dangerous. And it really goes to show that this is not just an attack on Palestinians, because this is Humanizing Palestinians to show them to show the world what Israel has done against Palestinians in Gaza, but it’s also an attack on journalism because I myself, I’m an independent journalist, and I’m simply doing my job to report on how Israel is violating international law.

Unfortunately, what we have is a mainstream corporate media who are downplaying a lot of what Israel is doing in Gaza and they’re basically adding a disclaimer to any time that they report on what’s happening in Gaza to any of the atrocities that are carried out. They, they include a disclaimer saying that these atrocities are in response to Hamas attacks on October 7th.


Well, it doesn’t matter what they’re in response to. In fact, what Israel is committing in Gaza are crimes against humanity. They are war crimes, according to the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court. Just yesterday, Israel targeted the family of Al Jazeera chief correspondent Wael Al-Dahdouh.

And in every single one of the coverage, reports, covering the story within mainstream corporate media, including CNN, they added the disclaimer that that that his family died in an airstrike by Israel, where Israel was targeting Hamas targets. Yeah. And so that’s another disclaimer that they’re being used.

So what CNN organizations like CNN and the BBC have done is they’ve framed these attacks on civilians as collateral damage because because Hamas exists beneath the feet of every Palestinian. I mean, that’s how dehumanizing the narrative has been

Mickey Huff: language has been grotesque. Yeah, the language. I just


Mnar Adley: want I just want to add one quick thing is that Israeli media just published last night, a video interview with an Israeli politician that said, we know Where we have a registry that tells us exactly where every single person lives in Gaza.

And our target yesterday or that day was the family of what I do. So on TV, Israel is admitting openly that they are targeting journalists and their families and their families. And yesterday, Israel didn’t just target Wael Al-Dahdouh’s family, they also targeted several organizers of the great return march and their family.

And that’s what Israel is doing. These are targeted campaigns, targeted killings, just happening in plain sight. And the United States is abetting it and allowing it. And we’re, and they’re voting by the Biden administration is voting at the UN to,

Mickey Huff: to ask for billions more. And it’s not just for Israel.


It’s for Ukraine. It’s for Taiwan. It’s, you know, the military industrial complex is high on the hog right now. And, you know, we’re running out of time in the segment Mnar as usual, but, you know, it’s also worth pointing out that there are, there’s a decent number of people, of course, in Israel that are opposed to all of this.

I mean, there are people in Israel that are against all of this. They just, they’re not being represented.

Mnar Adley: They are a minority. They, they are, there, there is a minority voice in, in, the Israeli public that do oppose, Israel’s actions.

Mickey Huff: They’re cracking down there. They’re cracking down on protests, on media.


They’re doing the same thing inside the country.

Mnar Adley: Well, and I was just about to say that, they just voted inside the Israeli government, if they should shoot Israeli citizens who come out to protest. And I think they’re doing that. They did that vote. They held that vote to intimidate, Israeli citizens from ever opposing, what’s happening in Gaza.

And Israeli generals have said, if you want to oppose the war against Gaza, then we can bus you to Gaza.

Mickey Huff: Well, that should tell us a lot in terms of that’s some great punishment, which means the whole purpose is meeting out punishment, vengeance, et cetera. Mnar Adley, your outlet has been one of the consistently few that has covered these issues.


Alan McLeod, your senior writer, has brilliant media analysis day in and day out, particularly deconstructing the framing and propaganda of headlines from around the world, particularly in Western press, and I’d I’d certainly encourage our listeners to check out the work of Alan McLeod to check out the work of Mnar Adley and the work you’ve been doing to with Loki.

You definitely are providing perspectives and information that are just not nowhere really to be found in the establishment press in the US, and I think it’s very important what you’re doing. You’ve been experiencing censorship efforts. For years now, and those are only likely intensifying Mnar Adley.

Any last words for right now in this segment?

Mnar Adley: No, I think I think that we we covered it.


Mickey Huff: Yeah. So mint press news dot com is where to go. Any other places you’d like for people to try to find you online? Well, while they’re able Mnard Adley.

Mnar Adley: Yeah, we’re, we’re available on our website, mintpressnews. com, and all of the platforms, Instagram, Twitter, just you can look up Mint Press News, and we’re going to be more active, I think, on Rumble, as we are facing this wave of censorship, between, or because of the partnership between Israel and, big tech giants.

Mickey Huff: Yeah, which we’ve talked about on previous shows, but that’s going on now, writ large, the labeling, the framing, the suppression, the de platforming, the demonetization, the shadow banning, all unfortunately terms that we’re very well familiar with, Mnar Adley. Mnar Adley, Editor in Chief, Mint Press News, head of the non profit Behind the Headlines.

You can learn more at mintpressnews. com. Mnar, as ever, thank you so much for the important work that you do in, in the realm of people’s interest journalism. Thank you so much. Bye. Bye.



Mickey Huff: Welcome to the Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio. I’m your host, Mickey Huff. This week on the program, we dedicate the hour to analyzing how big media have been facilitating the Israeli war crimes in Gaza. And we’ll talk about corporate media’s dehumanization of Palestinians. We’ll talk about a lack of historical context and repeating hearsay as fact that make this current tragedy unintelligible to many in the United States. Later in the program we’re going to have Mnar Adley from MintPress News with us. We’ll also have Robin Andersen, and we’ll be, opining on what’s been happening in Israel Palestine. But we start today’s program, with Project Censored’s Associate Director Andy Lee Roth.

And Andy Roth has recently written, also has written a piece about what’s happening in, Gaza, in Palestine. Just very quickly. I want to properly introduce Andy Lee Roth. He is the associate director of Project Censored and coordinates our campus affiliates program, a news media research network of several hundred students and faculty at two dozen colleges and universities across North America.

Roth’s research and writing has been published in a variety of outlets, including Index on Censorship, In These Times, Yes Magazine, Media, Culture and Society, and the International Journal of Press and Politics. He earned a PhD in sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, a BA in sociology and anthropology from Haverford College.


Roth serves on the board of the Media Freedom Foundation and Weave News. Andy Lee Roth, welcome back to the Project Censored Show.

Andy Lee Roth: Thanks Mickey. It’s always a pleasure to join you on the show.

Mickey Huff: Indeed, and Andy, recently since the October 7 attack from Hamas on Israel and the retaliations that have taken place, we at Project Censored have made a statement regarding Western news coverage of Gaza, particularly in the US. And I’m going to read that statement briefly to frame today’s program. “As violence in Israel and Gaza continues to escalate, corporate news outlets in the United States have consistently failed in their duty to provide Americans with the crucial historical context and diversity of viewpoints necessary to fully understand the unfolding tragedy there.

One sided reporting that favors the narratives and voices of Israeli officials and their allies, frequent and unquestioning reporting of sensational but unconfirmed events, and an almost total omission of the key historical facts that led to the crisis have played a major role in misinforming American citizens.


Corporate media have also failed to accurately portray the United States’ role in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine,” more generally, certainly historically, and we at Project Censored condemn this massive failure of the corporate media. And Andy Lee Roth, certainly a good time to bring you and you’ve recently penned a piece, Making Sense of the Establishment News Media’s Distorted Coverage of Gaza and you actually start that piece with with an interesting story about something that was being covered in the media right around this time, that, that kind of shows, you know, the lack of attention and, and the distorted focus that we, that we see in many, many cases. Andy Lee Roth, can you please sort of start out the, the story and start out how we need to be making sense of the media’s distorted coverage in Gaza.

Andy Lee Roth: Yes, thanks, Mickey. I don’t usually watch much television broad broadcast news, but I was watching, Monday night, the 9th, because of the the violence in Gaza, the Hamas attack, and the disproportionate Israeli response, that began on the 7th. So Monday night, I was watching one of the major cable news networks, and, there was horrifying and graphic footage of the deadly airstrikes.

By Israeli defense forces on Gaza, and I was taking that in and processing that when the news story cut quickly with almost no transition. The next story that appeared that evening on the news was a man rowing his 1200 pound pumpkin down the Missouri River. And needless to say, there was a kind of jarring disconnect there.

Between the two news items, the reality, when you think about it, of what the leveled buildings and streets, in Gaza look like, what that means in human terms as a result of those IDF attacks, and then, you know, this kind of thing that Project Censored would probably report is, excuse me, junk food news.


Excuse me, that we would probably report as junk food news, even though a pumpkin would normally be on the healthier end of the food spectrum. And and there was no kind of no signaled awareness of this disjuncture by, by the news program itself. It was just sort of like, oh, a bunch of Palestinians were blown up in their homes today.

And a man’s rowing a pumpkin down the river to set a Guinness book world record. So I think that that jarring disconnect tells us a lot about what’s wrong with corporate news and the version of the world that it tries to sell to us as it’s sometimes audience members.

Mickey Huff: Yeah. And Andy Lee Roth, you write, in the piece, corporate media, of course, have treated daily life in Gaza as, as essentially non-news, everything goes through a certain filter through a a, a pro-Israeli, pro-Israeli government pro, Israel’s right to exist.

Which by the way, we’re not contesting here, Israel’s right to exist, but we are, and you are specifically calling out the extraordinary sense of bias. And you actually invoke, another theoretical concept that we’ve long written about at Project Censored, and that is, the concept of un-persons borrowed from, from George Orwell’s term, and then that even goes even further into, Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s discussion of about what, what worthy and unworthy victims are in, in the media.


Could you unpack those and talk a little bit about those concepts as it relates to what’s happening, Israel Palestine? Andy Lee Roth

Andy Lee Roth: So there’s saturation coverage today in the so called mainstream media, about events in Gaza. Right? And that coverage has been driven by the violent actions of Hamas and the IDF, the Israeli Defense Forces.

But for decades, U. S. corporate media have treated Gaza and its inhabitants as as, unnewsworthy, not worthy of coverage, despite there being, now what I believe it’s an 18 year Israeli and, blockade aided by Egypt of Gaza. Now, faulty biased news coverage doesn’t create the inhumane conditions in Gaza.

It did not create the violence that’s tormenting the region now. But this biased reporting indirectly perpetuates and multiplies human suffering in Gaza. And the argument I make in the, in the piece about making sense of the establishment media’s distorted coverage of Gaza is that most Americans know nothing about Gaza.


They not only probably don’t know anyone who lives in Gaza, although there are, of course, remarkable exceptions. We are a diverse nation, with all kinds of ties to all kinds of places around the world, despite what many MAGA Republicans would have us believe or aspire to. But, but most Americans know very little about Gaza.

And, the result is they’re not prepared to understand what’s happening there. And this isn’t just an argument that I’m making or that Project Censored is making. There’s a fantastic piece by John Collins, published by Truthout, John Collins of Weave News, who writes, who wrote, earlier this month about how, the exclusion of settler colonialism as a topic makes it difficult to understand what’s happening in Gaza.

It means, for instance, that, we don’t understand ongoing attempts by Israel to displace or eliminate Palestinian people and replace them with new permanent settler societies. Right. That’s the core idea of settler colonialism. But that perspective is missing from most corporate news coverage of Gaza, because the people who are most articulate at, at conveying why settler colonialism matters don’t count as newsworthy sources, by corporate definitions of, of news, right?

Those are primarily critical scholars and, and activists who have advocated and developed the concept of settler colonialism as it applies to Palestine, Gaza, the West Bank in particular.


Mickey Huff: You know, unfortunately, this entire subject of what’s been happening in the Middle East, I mean, this goes back nearly 80 years.

We can go back way further, but as far as the 20th century, I mean, whether we go back to the history of Nakba, whether we go back to the 1967 war, we certainly at Project Censored have covered going back quite a ways, a couple of decades, and one of the things that Andy Roth, you point out, in this piece at projectcensored.Org is that we at the Project have have long been covering the underreported, the censored stories.

And I want to point this out because it underscores a key point you made and a key argument that both you make that Robin Andersen makes. We’ll talk to her later in the program. Is that the reason that so many people in the United States react the way they do in such a one sided fashion is that they’ve been conditioned to, and it’s not as if we can pretend that it’s the United States of amnesia as Gore, Gore Vidal would argue once upon a time, but it’s difficult for people to remember things they never learned in the first place.

And so a lot of the coverage of what goes on historically erases what’s been happening there. It erases the existence of Palestinians of the Palestinian struggle, and you just talk some about the unpersons and worthy and unworthy victims issue. Maybe run down a couple just examples or just even in your mind, the significance of the historical context of the types of stories that we’ve been covering at Project Censored for at least 20 years.


Andy Lee Roth: Yeah, so these are stories that Project Censored is highlighting because they’ve either been, incompletely covered by the corporate media or ignored or marginalized entirely. So, and I’ll just reference these in terms of, the yearbook where the story was featured as one of our top stories of that year.

So, from last year, the State of the Free Press 2023 yearbook, we have a story on the repression of Palestinian media, which involves some of the big tech companies an issue that, our colleague Omar Zaz hzah whose faculty at San Francisco State University is currently working on an entire book on that topic of the partnerships between Israel and big tech to, restrict flows of information and ultimately, restrict freedom of information and expression. We also know from top 25 stories of past years that there are proactive, basically, I would say propaganda campaigns in the U. S. by Israel and allies of the state of Israel, to, to obscure a complete understanding.

So from the 2022 yearbook, we had a story about how Canary Mission was blacklisting, pro Palestinian activists and thereby chilling free speech rights here in the United States. We know that Abby Martin, challenged, the BDS gag law in the state of Georgia, a story we covered in our 2021 yearbook.

The, an Al Jazeera documentary that exposed the, the widespread influence of a pro, the pro Israel lobby was, censored as we reported in the 2020 yearbook. I could go on, but I’m just going to jump back always to a couple more stories. We also know that US aid to Israel is has been, has been solidifying and reinforcing, the repressive occupation of Palestine.


And I think it’s very interesting just a couple days ago, the Washington Post ran an op ed by Josh Paul, a former U. S. State Department official who resigned earlier this month because of the State Department’s role in what’s happening in Gaza. As Josh Paul writes in this Washington Post op ed for going back to the Oslo Accords.

The US line has always been that the provision of, economic support and, and military weapons to Israel has been to provide security for peace. But as Josh Paul, this former State Department official again, he resigned earlier this month, based on current events said that the weapons and the, and the aid that Israel has received from the United States have actually promoted the growth of settlement infrastructure in the West Bank, and it’s very hard to understand how, the ongoing bombardment and we’re all, I guess, in horror, awaiting the possibility of a ground invasion, by Israel, how, the, the deaths of civilians in Gaza, enhance the security of anyone in Israel or, Palestine.

So, yeah. It’s very interesting to see in these very official kind of establishment sources, like, someone from the, the State Department publishing an op ed in the Washington Post, questioning what’s going on, maybe there are cracks in these frames that. We’re going to see some changes, and certainly I think that’s what, your guests later on the show, Mnar Adley, and Robin Andersen are working hard to, to, to, to open up what the conversation we, the conversations we have in the United States about Gaza, about Israel, about Palestine, so that we have a wider definition of who and what counts as newsworthy because we know right now that the corporate media’s narrow definitions of newsworthiness are increasingly deadly.

Mickey Huff: Absolutely. And while we laud the establishment press when they do cover this or when they do share a perspective that gives people in the United States in the West in general an opportunity to see the lops how lopsided the coverage and support has been for Israel. Overall, historically, I mean, the hope is, is that more people will begin to pay attention.


Maybe that’s happening. But certainly, as you just illustrated, we at Project Censored have been highlighting the coverage of the independent press going back decades about how crucial the independent press is for these narratives to remind us that there are so many more worthy people and so many newsworthy issues and people that the Western press often ignore, censor, or cover in a distorted way. Andy Lee Roth, anything you’d like to leave, our listeners with today before we move to the next segment?

Andy Lee Roth: I think just to reiterate, a fundamental point made by the Society of Professional Journalists, the SPJ, that the job of, of news reporters, the job of journalists is to seek truth and report it.

And one way that the SPJ specifies that is is to say that reporters doing ethical journalism need to boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience, and they do so by seeking sources whose voice are seldom heard. And I think as we continue to see, not only the events taking place in Gaza, but the corporate establishment, news media’s coverage of them, keeping that in mind.

Are we hearing the diversity and magnitude of the human experience? Are we hearing voices that we otherwise seldom hear? I think that’s one way of measuring are, are the, the, the nation’s biggest establishment outlets fulfilling their duties to us as citizens and the public who need to be well informed or are they failing?


And just to put a slightly more positive spin on it. We do have independent news outlets as Project Censored and this program regularly champion and feature. We do have independent news outlets that do provide that diverse views of that diversity and magnitude.

Mickey Huff: Absolutely. Dr. Andy Lee Roth, Associate Director of Project Censored, thank you so much for joining us today.

Your recent piece at, Making Sense of the Establishment News Media’s Distorted Coverage of Gaza. Andy Roth, thanks so much for joining us today on the Project Censored Show. Thank you, Mickey.


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Stomach-churning moment monster giant ‘wolf spider’ devours MOUSE on mum’s doorstep leaving her in ‘horrified awe’



Stomach-churning moment monster giant ‘wolf spider’ devours MOUSE on mum’s doorstep leaving her in ‘horrified awe’

THIS is the horrifying moment a mum discovers a massive wolf spider devouring a mouse on her doorstep.

Meagen Wallace was taking her three-year-old son Jameson to pre-school when she opened the front door to the “absolutely insane” scene.

Meagen Wallace opened her front door to an absolute insane scene


Meagen Wallace opened her front door to an absolute insane sceneCredit: Credit: Meagen Wallace/Pen News
The mum and scientist encountered a wolf spider devouring a mouse


The mum and scientist encountered a wolf spider devouring a mouseCredit: Credit: Meagen Wallace/Pen News
Meagen Wallace helped turn the encounter in a learning experience for her son Jameson


Meagen Wallace helped turn the encounter in a learning experience for her son JamesonCredit: Credit: Meagen Wallace/Pen News

Opening the front door, they faced one of the largest spider types in the US, with an unusual victim in its jaws.

Meagan said: “At first glance I thought it was a piece of dog poop and was irritated that a neighbour would allow that to happen and not clean it up.

“But once I got closer I realised it was moving slightly, and I immediately but calmly instructed my son to take a step back, as he was about to unknowingly step on it.


“Once assured my son was behind me, I inspected it and realised that it was in fact a mostly-dead mouse with a massive wolf spider on top eating its head.

“There were little clumps of mouse fur all around, like there had been some sort of struggle beforehand.”

Texas arachnologist Ashley Wahlberg, known as the “Spider Lady”, said it was a wolf spider of the hogna genus – among the largest found in the US.

Ashley, who teaches at Angelina College in Lufkin, said the spider could be scavenging another animal’s kill, but had most likely killed the mouse itself.


She said: “Wolf spiders are active predators so it is likely the spider killed the mouse itself rather than scavenging, but without seeing the interaction take place we can never really know.

“It is unusual for a spider to take down prey this large, but it’s seen often enough among the larger spiders.

“However, most reports of spiders feeding on vertebrates are with orbweavers and widows.

“Both of these have their webbing that the prey initially gets caught in, then they use their venom to finish it off.


“Wolf spiders make webbing but they don’t hunt with webbing, therefore it would just be relying on its strength, quickness, and venom to take down prey.”

The frightful scene was, she said, “a very neat observation”.

But fear came before fascination for Meagen and her son.

She said: “My initial reaction was disbelief and horrified awe.


“I’ve worked very hard to not be as afraid of spiders as I once was as a child, but this definitely caught me off guard.

“I knew my son was right behind me so I swallowed my first reaction and switched to curiosity, so I could show him how cool this absolutely insane event is.

“Internally I was freaking out but kept it together for my kiddo.”

An environmental scientist, Meagen said it was unlike anything she’d seen before.


She said: “I’ve travelled all over the world doing research and field work in remote jungles and forests.

“I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff, but never in my life have I seen this – I honestly didn’t even know wolf spiders ate things like rodents!

“I have seen them eat every insect under the sun but watching it consume this mouse that was much larger than itself was definitely one for the record books.”

After taking some pictures and video, Meagen, from Austin, Texas, let nature take its course.


She joked: “I had no clue what to even do about it, and part of me was hoping that the spider would remember my kindness and choose not to come after me now that it’s had a taste of flesh.”

For little Jameson, it was an exciting encounter to tell his whole class about, and in the end, it was a learning experience for Meagan too.

She said: “I learned that I’m pretty good at keeping it together in the face of what at one point in my life would have been an absolute nightmare to witness.

“It showed the amount of growth I’ve experienced since becoming a scientist and a mum, and honestly it gave me some interesting insight into wolf spider behaviour.”

A scientist, Meagen said she didn't know wolf spiders at rodents


A scientist, Meagen said she didn’t know wolf spiders at rodentsCredit: Credit: Meagen Wallace/Pen News

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Shares in shipbroker Braemar fall after FT report on Russian ‘shadow fleet’



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London-listed shipbroker Braemar closed down 6 per cent on Thursday, the biggest one-day drop in more than a year, after the Financial Times reported its involvement in the sale of nine ageing oil tankers that have joined Russia’s “shadow fleet”.

Braemar’s shares ended the day at 278p, the lowest since May, and were down another 5 per cent to 264 on Friday.


London has been a global centre of the maritime industry for centuries, and Braemar, founded in 1982, is one of the sector’s leading brokers, matching buyers and sellers of vessels in return for a percentage of the purchase price.

Since the first western restrictions on Russian oil exports were introduced in December 2022, Moscow has assembled a so-called shadow fleet of more than 400 such vessels that are at present moving about 4mn barrels of oil a day beyond the reach of the sanctions and generating billions of dollars a year in additional revenue for its war in Ukraine.

Most of those tankers were bought from western sellers but the use of offshore ownership structures has meant western officials have struggled to identify how the ships were acquired and who owns them now.

The FT reported on Thursday that at least 25 of the vessels in the shadow fleet had been purchased by a British accountant on behalf of Eiger Shipping DMCC, the Dubai-based shipping arm of Lukoil, Russia’s second-largest oil producer. Eiger had financed the acquisitions by paying in advance to charter the vessels, the FT reported.


The accountant’s lawyers, and one other person familiar with the matter, told the FT that Braemar was fully aware the vessels were being acquired for, and financed by, Eiger.

Braemar confirmed it had served as the broker for at least nine of the purchases but declined to comment on its knowledge of Eiger’s involvement.

“For every transaction that Braemar considers undertaking, it conducts all appropriate due diligence with know-your-customer checks, legal, compliance and regulatory adherence,” it said in a statement. Braemar on Friday said it had no further comment.


It is not alleged that the transactions have broken any laws. Although Lukoil has been under US sanctions since 2014, neither Eiger Shipping DMCC nor its Dubai-based owner Litasco Middle East DMCC, is a sanctions-hit entity. Dubai-based companies are also not required to comply with the west’s restrictions if they do not use G7 financing or services.

However, individuals and companies that have helped to assemble and operate the shadow fleet are increasingly in the crosshairs of western governments. At least seven of the 25 vessels originally acquired by the British accountant have since been hit with sanctions by the UK or EU, as have two companies that previously managed many of the ships.

In a call to action in July, 44 European leaders, including UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, pledged to target the shadow fleet’s “ships and facilitators” and called for the support of the maritime industry, including ship brokers.

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Shoppers blast M&S over price rise of popular meal deal after celebrity chef endorsement



Shoppers blast M&S over price rise of popular meal deal after celebrity chef endorsement

M&S customers have blasted the retailer for hiking its popular Gastropub dine-in deal by 25%.

The revamped offer now includes creations by celebrity chef Tom Kerridge – but shoppers are still furious that the cost has risen from £12 to £15.

Celebrity chef Tom Kerridge has partnered with M&S on the deal


Celebrity chef Tom Kerridge has partnered with M&S on the dealCredit: M&S

The deal for two – which includes a main, side and a starter or desert – is among the priciest of M&S’ dine-in offers.


There’s also a pasta bundle for £7, an Indian meal for £15 and a slow-cooked one for £12.

But the Gastropub offer has hit shoppers radars in recent weeks after it was revamped at the end of September.

One fan complained to the retailer: “So food inflation is flattening or in some instances reversing. So you have put your dine-in meal deal price up 25%? (£12 to £15).”

Another added: “I have no doubts about the quality and having awesome chefs endorsing it adds a nice touch, but I’d prefer you kept the pricing reasonable.


“Gastro dine in from £12 to £15 is a noticeable hike.”

A third said: “I expect prices to rise every now and again but a 25% increase in the Gastropub meal deal in a week is just a little beyond the pale.”

Others complained that the deal previously offered fish and chips together as a main dish, but now the dish is only haddock and the chips must be bought separately as a side.

One said: “Extremely disappointing to see that the Gastropub dine-in deal has not only increased a whopping 25% to £15, but the chips have also been removed from the haddock and chips box.


“Bad deal, I didn’t bother buying.”

M&S – which has highlighted “British Beef Cheeks” and Kerridge’s Treacle Tart as top picks of the range – said the offer was intended to “bring the flavours of your favourite restaurant home”.

Analysis by The Sun has revealed that many of the dishes present in the relaunched offer were included in M&S’ old Gastropub deal, including lamb moussaka, cottage pie, chicken forestiere and lasagne.

Meanwhile triple cooked chips, greens, emperor carrots and dauphinoise potatoes remain as sides, as well as runny scotch eggs and prawn cocktail for starter options and tarte au citron and sticky toffee pudding for dessert.


But the retailer said 95% of the dishes are new or had been improved and all now only use selected M&S Foodhall ingredients or specific ingredients from its Gastropub larder list.

Tom Kerridge has also brought in various new dishes into the deal, including a pork and bacon pâté, British beef cheeks, treacle tart and molten cookie dough.

How to save money on your food shop

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save hundreds of pounds a year:

Odd boxes – plenty of retailers offer slightly misshapen fruit and veg or surplus food at a discounted price.


Lidl sells five kilos of fruit and veg for just £1.50 through its Waste Not scheme while Aldi shoppers can get Too Good to Go bags which contain £10 worth of all kinds of products for £3.30.

Sainsbury’s also sells £2 “Taste Me, Don’t Waste Me” fruit and veg boxes to help shoppers reduced food waste and save cash.

Food waste apps – food waste apps work by helping shops, cafes, restaurants and other businesses shift stock that is due to go out of date and passing it on to members of the public.

Some of the most notable ones include Too Good to Go and Olio.


Too Good to Go’s app is free to sign up to and is used by millions of people across the UK, letting users buy food at a discount.

Olio works similarly, except users can collect both food and other household items for free from neighbours and businesses.

Yellow sticker bargains – yellow sticker bargains, sometimes orange and red in certain supermarkets, are a great way of getting food on the cheap.

But what time to head out to get the best deals varies depending on the retailer. You can see the best times for each supermarket here.


Super cheap bargains – sign up to bargain hunter Facebook groups like Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK where shoppers regularly post hauls they’ve found on the cheap, including food finds.

“Downshift” – you will almost always save money going for a supermarket’s own-brand economy lines rather than premium brands.

The move to lower-tier ranges, also known as “downshifting” and hailed by consumer expert Martin Lewis, could save you hundreds of pounds a year on your food shop.

Some have praised the overhaul, with one fan enthusing on X: “This new Tom Kerridge Gastropub range from @marksandspencer is absolutely banging, btw.”


Expert Amir Mousavi, a food consultant at the Good Food Studio in London, suspects rising costs were behind the hike.

He said: “Supermarket meal deals, traditionally, run as low-margin permanent promotions.

“Retailers often make 5% to 10% less margin on these offers compared to full-priced products, and their white label producers also sacrifice 5% to 10% margin.

Fans have been quick to criticise the fish and chips


Fans have been quick to criticise the fish and chipsCredit: M&S

“With rising costs of goods over the last few years, margins have naturally shrunk for both retailers and suppliers.

“Meal deals are not as commercially viable as they once were, necessitating a price restructure to maintain profitability.”

M&S said: “As part of our exciting recent relaunch of our Gastropub range we’ve improved the quality of our dishes to ensure our customers get restaurant- and pub-quality food at home.

“As part of this we have improved 95% of our dishes and also incorporated what we call the Gastropub larder – where all our dishes use ONLY ingredients from this select list.”


“So, for example, rather than any butter being used, the only butter in these dishes are M&S Salted/Unsalted British Butter, M&S West Country Butter Sweet Cream Butter, or M&S West Country Brue Valley Butter.

“All of these are found in our Foodhalls and ensure that the quality and taste is the same across every dish.

“We have also included the exciting new Tom Kerridge range within the Dine In deal, meaning you can get Michelin star-inspired food in the comfort of your own home and at a just a fraction of the price compared to a restaurant.”

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DNA analysis sheds light on lost Arctic expedition’s grisly end



DNA analysis sheds light on lost Arctic expedition’s grisly end

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Archaeologists have identified the cannibalized remains of a senior officer who perished during an ill-fated 19th century Arctic expedition, offering insight into its lost crew’s tragic and grisly final days.

By comparing DNA from the bones with a sample from a living relative, the new research revealed the skeletal remains belonged to James Fitzjames, captain of the HMS Erebus. The Royal Navy vessel and its sister ship, the HMS Terror, had been under the command of Sir John Franklin, who led the voyage to explore unnavigated areas of the Northwest Passage. The treacherous shortcut across the top of North America meanders through the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

In April 1848, exactly three years after the vessels departed England, the expedition crew abandoned the ice-trapped ships following the death of Franklin and 23 other men. Fitzjames helped lead 105 survivors on a long retreat; the men pulled boats on sledges overland in the hope of finding safety. However, the men all lost their lives during the arduous journey although the exact circumstances of their deaths remain a mystery.


“It went horribly wrong, horribly quickly,” said archaeologist Doug Stenton, an adjunct professor of anthropology at University of Waterloo in Canada, who led the research.

A different team of researchers in 1993 found 451 bones thought to belong to at least 13 of Franklin’s sailors at a site on King William Island in Canada’s Nunavut territory. The remains identified as Fitzjames’ in the new study, published September 24 in the Journal of Archaeological Science, were among them.

Two views of the jawbone that DNA analysis linked to James Fitzjames. Arrows illustrate cut marks consistent with cannibalism. - Anne Keenleyside

Two views of the jawbone that DNA analysis linked to James Fitzjames. Arrows illustrate cut marks consistent with cannibalism. – Anne Keenleyside

Accounts gathered from local Inuit people in the 1850s suggested that some of the crew members resorted to cannibalism. While these reports were initially met with disbelief in England, subsequent investigations conducted over the past four decades found a significant number of bones had cut marks that offered silent evidence of the expedition’s catastrophic end.

Identifying Fitzjames’ remains makes a tragedy that has long gripped the collective British and Canadian psyche more personal and gave some closure to the families involved, said anthropologist and historian Claire Warrior, a senior content curator at the National Maritime Museum in London, which houses many items from the expedition. “This is a person who had a life and family and whose words we have, … (and he was) vivacious, enthusiastic and a joker,” said Warrior, who was not involved in the new study.

The remains of James Fitzjames, a senior officer who took part in Sir John Franklin's lost expedition to the Northwest Passage, showed<strong> </strong>signs of having been cannibalized, a new study said. - Alamy Stock Photo

The remains of James Fitzjames, a senior officer who took part in Sir John Franklin’s lost expedition to the Northwest Passage, showed signs of having been cannibalized, a new study said. – Alamy Stock Photo

DNA analysis and a direct descendant

Researchers unearthed Fitzjames’ remains in an area now known as Erebus Bay, located 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Victory Point, where the crew came ashore seeking refuge and escape. The circumstances suggest Fitzjames died a matter of weeks after his departure from Victory Point and he was possibly already in poor health, according to the study.

The bones excavated at the site were returned to King William Island in 1994 and interred in a memorial cairn. However, in 2013, Stenton was part of a team that went to the island to take samples of the remains for DNA analysis. The researchers focused primarily on teeth, which is where fragile DNA is most likely to be preserved.

“We have about 42 or so archaeological DNA profiles,” said Stenton, who is a retired director of heritage for the Nunavut Department of Culture and Heritage. “As new descendant DNA becomes available, we compare it with the archaeological DNA profiles.”

In early 2024, Stenton’s team reached out to Nigel Gambier, who had been identified by a biographer of Fitzjames as a direct descendant.


“I was delighted to help. The effort that has gone in by so many different people to try and uncover what happened. I find it really intriguing, and I have a personal stake in what happened,” Gambier, who lives in eastern England, told CNN.

Gambier had long been aware of his distant cousin Fitzjames, who was an accomplished Royal Navy officer before joining Franklin’s expedition. After Gambier sent a swab to Stenton’s coauthor Stephen Fratpietro, who is technical manager at the Paleo-DNA Laboratory at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, the team analyzed DNA from Gambier’s Y chromosome, which tracks the male line. The scientists found the genetic information matched that of the archaeological sample.

James Fitzjames, captain of the HMS Erebus, made one of the handwritten notes on this document left in a stone cairn near Victory Point on King Willam Island, where the crew came ashore after deserting the ice-trapped ships. According to the new study, it reads: "H.M. Ships Terror and Erebus were deserted on the 22nd April, 5 leagues NNW of this, (hav)ing been beset since 12 Septr. 1846. […] Sir John Franklin died on the 11th June 1847 and the total loss by deaths in the Expedition has been to this date 9 Officers and 15 Men." - National Maritime Museum

Fitzjames is the second expedition member to be identified from descendant DNA. The first was Erebus’ chief engineer John Gregory, whose remains were found at the same site. Stenton and his team linked Gregory’s DNA to a living relative in 2021, the study noted. However, unlike Fitzjames’ remains, Gregory’s bones did not display any cut marks suggestive of cannibalism.

At Erebus Bay, in addition to Fitzjames, at least three other men of the 13 dead crew members documented at the site showed telltale signs of having been cannibalized.


“It makes me realize just how desperate those poor people must have been to have to go and eat one of their own,” Gambier said. “How would you know how you’d behave yourself? If you’re faced with starvation, then you might be driven to it.”

More clues left to unravel

The discovery of Fitzjames, a high-ranking officer, as the first identified expedition member who had been cannibalized showed how status fell away in the struggle for survival during the expedition’s end days, Stenton said.

Warrior of the National Maritime Museum agreed: “So we now know that it was an officer because of cut marks on his jawbone. I think that bears testimony to the fact that these were desperate circumstances because the Navy’s a really hierarchical beast.”

Further identification of remains via DNA could shed some light on the mystery of exactly what unfolded, according to Warrior. For example, she said, it would be interesting to know whether the remains found belonged to older or younger men or came from HMS Erebus rather than HMS Terror.


“Can we surmise anything that tells us how they might have died?” she said.

Canada’s national parks service and the Inuit communities found the final resting place of the HMS Erebus in 2014 and the HMS Terror in 2016. The fate of Franklin’s lost expedition is likely to remain a source of fascination, but piecing together the details of what happened will require a lot more information, including from the two shipwrecks.

The doomed expedition has inspired books and dramas such as “The Terror,” a 2018 television series based on Dan Simmons’ 2007 novel of the same name.

“It lives in the imagination, as much as it does in reality,” Warrior said. “Polar regions are extreme and dangerous places to be, where nature can still make us feel small.”


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Sainsbury’s shares drop after Qatari group cuts stake



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Shares in J Sainsbury fell more than 5 per cent on Friday after the largest shareholder in the UK’s second-biggest supermarket chain sold nearly a third of its shares.

The Qatar Investment Authority sold about a third of its 14.2 per cent stake in the grocer in a private placing, according to messages sent by Goldman Sachs and seen by the Financial Times.


The transaction, made late on Thursday, leaves the QIA with a stake of about 9.5 per cent, just behind the 10.1 per cent held by the investment vehicle of Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský. The messages showed that the QIA sold the shares at 280p, a price that would raise £306mn.

Neither Sainsbury’s nor the QIA immediately responded to requests for comment on the sale. Goldman Sachs declined to comment.

Sainsbury’s shares were down 16p — or 5.6 per cent — at noon in London, at 272p.

A person familiar with the QIA’s thinking described the sale as part of its “regular portfolio management” and said the authority was fully supportive of the supermarket group’s strategy and action plan.


Sainsbury’s in February said it planned to cut annual costs by £1bn, launch a £200mn share buyback and embark on a “progressive dividend policy”.

Including Friday’s fall, Sainsbury’s shares are down 9 per cent so far this year amid concerns about the company’s ability to compete in an aggressively competitive UK retail environment. Sainsbury’s also owns the Tu clothing and Argos brands.

The QIA first bought a stake in Sainsbury’s in 2007, quickly building up to a 25 per cent holding. But it has been reducing this since 2021 when it sold a nearly 7 per cent stake in the grocer to Křetínský.

In a note to investors, analysts at JPMorgan said that “given the strategic nature” of the QIA’s stake, they did not expect the sale to be related to forthcoming UK events such as chancellor Rachel Reeve’s first Budget statement later this month.


Křetínský is best known in the UK for his successful bid for International Distribution Services, parent of the Royal Mail postal service, agreed earlier this year.

Additional reporting by Laura Onita and Ivan Levingston

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Weekend Essay: Beware, the cyber hackers are coming



Weekend Essay: The art of putting things right

A few weeks ago I had an absolute nightmare of a day when my work email account got hacked.

The hacker sent out a message to around 500 of my email contacts saying: “Good morning, I hope this email finds you well. Please see attached for your records. Alternatively, you can also access by copying the highlighted link and pasting in browser: [with a link that I’m obviously not going to post here]. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review at your earliest opportunity. Many thanks, Lois”.

They even used my email signature, and I found out from a few people who had replied to “me” that the hacker had replied to them assuring them that the email was definitely from me and the link was fine to click.

They also created an Outlook “rule”, which meant that all emails with an @ sign in the address would be immediately deleted. This meant I did not receive any emails from about 11am when the attack happened, until the wonderful IT team retrieved all of my lost emails. It also meant I assumed I’d lost access to my emails.


I felt pretty helpless. All I could do was post on LinkedIn telling people to delete the email and not click the link and hope the majority would see it.

Most people, thankfully, realised it was a scam. Anyone who knows me knows I do not use ‘email language’ like “I hope this finds you well”. And I certainly never request things at another person’s “earliest opportunity”. But I know some people clicked the link and I have no idea what the hacker was after. Money, I presume.

Our company IT team sorted it all out pretty quickly and got me back access to my email account. But there was a big chunk taken out of my working day where I didn’t have access even to my laptop while they investigated and changed my passwords.

I’m still not sure how this happened. I’m generally pretty good at sniffing out a scam, so I don’t think it was due to anything I clicked on.


I have noticed a marked increase in phishing emails coming into my inbox recently, and they often trick even my email spam filter.

They are easy to avoid if you’re cynical and paying attention, but I fear for older people or anyone in vulnerable circumstances, who are much more likely to fall for these kinds of scams.

And things are getting worse. An article by the International Monetary Fund back in April noted that cyber-attacks have more than doubled since the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is largely because hackers are constantly evolving. A report by security software company Egress – published in 2021 – pointed out that cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to bypass traditional anti-phishing technologies.


In fact, it said, 98% of all phishing cases rely on social engineering, where victims are manipulated into supplying confidential information to a supposedly legitimate sender.

Financial advice firms may be wondering what all of this has to do with them.

Fraser Jack, founder of Australian firm The Cyber Collective, used to run a financial planning practice before he became a consultant. He says that, back then, he thought cybercrime was a “vague concept” that was not relevant to him or his business. But a 2019 report by Boston Consulting Group found that financial services organisations are 300 times more likely to be the victim of a cyber-attack than other types of companies.

And, in September last year, international law firm RPC revealed that UK financial services firms had reported a more than a threefold increase in the number of cyber-security breaches to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) in 2023 compared to the previous year.


It said that during the year to June 2023, 640 cyber security breaches were reported to the ICO, up from the 187 from the year to June 2022. The pensions sector saw the biggest rise, from six in 2021/22 to 246 in 2022/23.

The IMF article said attacks on financial firms account for nearly one-fifth of the total. Banks are the most exposed but advice firms, which hold a huge amount of client data, are certainly not immune.

“In the wild west of cybercrime, someone trying to steal your client data is less of a case of ‘if’ and more of a case of ‘when’,” Fraser Jack wrote, in an article on The Cyber Collective’s website.

It makes sense. I know if I were a cybercriminal I’d target financial advice businesses, with all their minted clients. If you have no morals, why wouldn’t you go for them?


We know it goes on. Back in February last year, Aviva-owned Succession Wealth, which has around 200 advisers and 20,000 clients, suffered a cyber-attack, off the back of which it said it had launched an investigation and “notified the appropriate authorities”. It also introduced “further security measures”.

At the time the company would not elaborate on the nature of the attack, or give details about the security measures it had brought in.

This was a high-profile attack that was widely reported on in the media. But it is by no means the only attack of this nature on a financial advice firm.

Compliance consultancy B-Compliant said in December last year that an advice firm had contacted it to report that it had been targeted by a phishing email purporting to be from the Financial Conduct Authority. The recipient had noticed a spelling mistake and reached out to see if it was genuine. It was not.


This, B-Compliant warned, goes to show that hackers aren’t just targeting big firms. Everyone within the sector is fair game and SMEs in particular can be seen as low-hanging fruit, as they are thought to have less infrastructure and controls in place.

Cybersecurity is a key priority for the Bank of England and the financial regulators.

Late last year, the BoE insisted that all financial firms should be testing their resilience to cyber-attacks through CBEST – a targeted assessment that allows regulators and firms to better understand weaknesses and vulnerabilities and take “remedial actions”.

“True and meaningful cyber resilience cannot be delivered or achieved without a whole-organisational, continuous effort,” it said.


“We strongly encourage firms/FMIs to build and reinforce resilience through a strong foundation of cyber hygiene practices.”

As technology becomes more advanced and the world becomes more connected, cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated. Financial advice firms of all sizes must be ready.

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